Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
Balauro 2011 E41 Bs CpE Seminar 1: Intellectual Property Rights Reaction Paper
The seminar is about the intellectual property rights. It was held last July 20 , 2011. The speaker of the seminar is mrs. Arroyo. The speaker discussed about different types of intellectual property rights which are industrial property and copyright. In industrial property consist of patent, trademark and so on. Intellectual properties are claimed by the owner,
inventor, researcher, or / and creator in which he has the right to claim the property and will sues who use the property without his notice. Without the consent of using his property, it is illegal so he could file a case like piracy and counterfeiting. The speaker also taught us how to know if the copyright or trademark is registered or not. It is registered if the property have passed thorugh US federation. It is by looking the symbol after the name of the property. The speaker done the seminar well but I think she lacks preparation and the seminar runs 1 hour and 30 minutes. Coordinators of the seminar really done their job well by making it successful.