016B - PCP - Rev-4 04.07.2020 R-4
016B - PCP - Rev-4 04.07.2020 R-4
016B - PCP - Rev-4 04.07.2020 R-4
: 4
Edition : 1
M S/05/E9/016B
DELHI 110 0992
1.1 This specification defines the requirements of survey, design, engineering, supply of
equipment/ materials, Quality assurance & Quality control (QA & QC), inspection at
manufacturer works, installation, testing and commissioning of a permanent impressed
current Cathodic Protection System for protection of external surface of underground cross-
country pipelines for 35 year design life including supplementing of corrosion survey, close
interval potential logging survey, investigations for interaction / interference problems (AC &
DC) and mitigation of the same.
This specification provides the basic parameters to develop a suitable permanent impressed
current cathodic protection (ICCP) system for the pipeline/ structures requiring protection. All
data required in this context shall be taken into consideration to develop an acceptable
design and for proper engineering of the system.
1.2 Unless otherwise specified in job specifications for contracts involving survey, complete
system design, supply of material / equipment, system installation and commissioning,
integration of the permanent impressed current CP system with the temporary CP system
(whether provided by a different contractor or included along with permanent CP system)
shall be the responsibility of the permanent CP contractor whose scope shall include
disconnection of sacrificial anodes wherever required.
This specification includes certain activities which are common with the temporary cathodic
protection facilities. In cases where temporary and permanent cathodic protection works are
being executed by the same agency, the common activities would be completed as part of
temporary cathodic protection system. In cases where temporary and permanent cathodic
protection works are being executed by different agencies, the contractual scope of work/
Particular Job specification shall be referred for further details.
1.3 All work to be performed and supplies to be effected as a part of contract shall require
specific approval of owner or his authorised representative. Major activities requiring
approval shall include but not be limited to the following :-
Corrosion survey data interpretation report and design basis for CP system.
CP system design package
Purchase requisitions for major equipment and vendor approval
Detailed engineering package
ITP & Quality Assurance for Factory test and site work
Installation, Pre-Commissioning Procedure with record formats
Field testing and commissioning procedure
Procedures for interference testing and mitigation
CIPL survey and system monitoring procedures
Post Commissioning Reports,
As Built Documentations
2.1 The system design, performance and materials to be supplied shall, unless otherwise
specified, conform to the requirements of the following latest relevant applicable
xiii) IEEE 80 standard (latest revision), “Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding”.
2.2 In case of imported equipments standards of the country of origin shall be applicable if these
standards are equivalent or stringent than the applicable Indian standards.
2.3 The equipment shall also confirm to the provisions of Indian Electricity rules and other
statutory regulations currently in force in the country.
2.4 In case of any contradiction between various referred standards/ specifications/ data sheet
and statutory regulations the following order of priority shall govern.
- Statutory regulations.
- SOR/Schedule of rates
- Data sheets.
- Scope of Work/ Job specification.
- Design Basis.
- This specification.
- Codes and standards.
All work to be performed and supplies to be effected as a part of contract shall require
specific approval of owner or his authorised representative. Major activities requiring
approval as per design basis but not limited to the following:
h) Detailed design of Anode ground bed, typical lay out drawings for Anode bed
connection & installation.
i) QA/QC Plan.
j) Procedure for field testing, pre-commissioning & commissioning.
k) Procedure for AC & DC interference detection & mitigation.
l) Procedure for post commissioning surveys.
m) Monitoring formats for PCP.
n) CPL survey procedure.
o) O&M Manuals.
p) As built documentation.
4.1 General
4.1.1 The details of corrosion survey including soil resistivity, collection of additional data along the
right of way and other data required for CP design, if available with owner, shall be included
as part of project specification. However, verification of its veracity and adequacy shall be
the entire responsibility of the contractor. In addition contractor shall have to generate /
collect additional data as specified elsewhere required for completeness of the job.
4.1.2 Soil resistivity measurement shall be carried out by CP contractor at anode ground bed
locations using Wenner’s 4-pin method by calibrated instruments. Survey instruments shall
have maximum AC and DC ground current rejection feature.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the resistivity observations are not influenced by the
presence of foreign pipelines/ structures, and earth currents in the vicinity of EHV/HV lines
and installations using earth return in their power system etc.
4.2 Soil resistivity survey at impressed current anode ground bed plot
4.2.1 Each selected anode bed plot shall be sub-divided into sub-plots. Sizes of sub-plots shall
depend upon the expected depth for soil resistivity investigations. Each of these sub-plots
shall be investigated for resistivity data individually. Sufficient observations shall be taken at
each of these sub-plots as required and desired by Owner/ Owner’s representative to obtain
sufficient information about sub- soil stratification and, wherever possible, to establish the
depth of water table/ basement. The number of subplots at each ground bed plot may very
from six to ten. The exact number of sub-plots etc shall be decided at site in consultation
with OWNER/ OWNER’s representative.
4.2.2 Number, location, demarcation and size of sub-plots and number of sets of resistivity
observations required for each sub-plot shall be individually decided for each ground bed
plot location.
4.2.3 Two or more ground bed plots may be required to be selected for soil resistivity survey at
proposed anodebed location.
For Deepwell anode bed-10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 100…Meter as per depth of
anode ground bed.
Cathodic protection stations consisting of anode ground bed, CP power supply equipment
etc. alongwith all associated cabling upto pipeline and any other related equipment and
accessories for CP stations shall be demarcated on the ground. Ground plots so demarcated
shall be surveyed for all other topographical and cadastral features and topo-sheets shall be
developed by the CONTRACTOR which should be suitable for use in land acquisition etc.
The following data shall be collected to generate design data for evaluation of interaction /
interference possibilities due to presence of other services in ROW/ vicinity. Client shall
provide assistance for liaison work to the extent possible.
i) Route and types of foreign services / pipeline in and around or crossing the right of way
(including those existing and those which are likely to come up during contract execution).
ii) Diameter, wall thickness, pressure, soil cover, and coating scheme used in case of pipelines.
iii) Details of the existing cathodic protection system protecting the services i.e. location, type of
protection, anode beds, test station locations and their connection scheme. Present output of
current and voltage readings of CP power supply units.
iv) Remedial measures existing on foreign pipeline/ services to prevent interaction.
v) Voltage rating, phases and sheathing details of cables running parallel or crossing the ROU.
vi) Graphical representation of existing structure/ pipe-to-soil potential records, T/R unit current /
voltage readings.
vii) Possibility of integration / isolation of CP systems which may involve negotiations with
owners of other services.
viii) Information on existing and proposed DC/AC power sources and system using earth return
path in the vicinity of the entire pipeline route such as HVDC/ earthing stations/ substations,
fabrication yards with electric welding etc.
ix) Crossing and parallel running of electrified and non-electrified traction (alongwith information
regarding operating voltage, AC/DC type etc.) as well as abandoned tracks near ROW
having electrical continuity with the tracks in use and the track to soil potential measurement
using Cu to CuSo4 half cell after tracks in use.
x) Crossing or parallel running of any existing or proposed EHV/HV AC/DC overhead power lines
along with details of voltage, AC/DC type etc.
xi) Voltage rating, phases, sheathing details of underground power cables along ROW or in its
xii) Any other relevant information that may be needed in designing and implementation proper
protection scheme for the proposed pipeline.
Unless otherwise mentioned, contractor shall conduct necessary potential gradient surveys
for any existing anode ground beds that may interfere with the CP system of the pipelines
covered under this project.
4.5 Report
After completion of all field work, a report incorporating all the results generated from site
surveys and details of additional data collected shall be submitted to the MECON/CLIENT
for necessary approval. The report shall also contain detailed interpretation of survey results
and resistivity data, probable interference prone areas etc to form a design basis for the PCP
system. This report shall also include various drawings prepared in connection with the
above work. The soil resistivity values shall be plotted on semi log graph sheets.
(*) Actual current density to be adopted shall be decided based upon soil and other
environmental conditions, proximity of foreign pipelines and structures affecting interference.
Where considered necessary for satisfactory protection of pipeline the current density shall
be suitably increased by contractor. Where operating temperatures of U/G pipeline is above
30 deg. C, such as CP Stations located near Compressor stations, protection Current
Density shall be increased in minimum by 25% for every 10 °C rise in temperature over 30
°C up to a temperature of 60 deg.C.
For all pipeline sections which are having intermediate HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
crossings, the nearby CP TRU units should have adequate provision of D.C. output current to
cater to the extra protection current demand at the HDD crossings.
5.6 Anode Consumption Rate 0.2 kg/Amp (Max) Year for HiSiCrFe
5.11 Shape of Anode for deep well anode : String Anode or Individual anode as
bed per Scope of work/PJS
5.13 Anode Utilisation Factor (UF) : 0.8 for centrally connected HiSiCrFe
anode / MMO Titanium Anode
0.6 for end connected HiSiCrFe anode
0.5 for ribbon anode
a) The pipe to soil potential measurements shall be between (-) 850 mV (Off) polarized potentials
with respect to a copper/ copper sulphate reference electrode.
b) In rare circumstances a minimum polarisation shift of (-) 100 millivolts of cathodic polarization
between the structure surface & a stable reference electrode shall indicate adequate levels of
cathodic protection for the pipeline. The formation or decay of this polarisation can be
measured to satisfy this criterion.
Discretion to use any of the criteria listed above shall solely rest with the owner/ owner’s
c) A positive potential swing of 50 mill volts and above shall be considered as sufficient to
indicate the presence of an interaction situation (i.e. Interference on the pipeline) requiring
investigation and incorporation of mitigation measures by the CONTRACTOR.
d) As such there is no limit for maximum "ON" negative potential; however, in general, it should
not be more negative than -2500 mV (Cu/CuSO4). If any special circumstances exist where
an “ON” potential of more than -2500 mV (Cu/CuSO4) is required to be applied, then it shall
be brought forward for Owner/Consultant approval with proper justification supported by the
pipeline coating Manufacturer's recommendations.
The system shall include the following major equipment / sub-system unless otherwise
specified in project specifications but not limited to following:
- CP stations
- TR units/ cathodic protection power supply modules (CPPSM).
- Anode ground beds and anodes.
- Anode lead junction box.
- Test stations.
- Permanent reference cells. (Pure Zn/Cu-CuSO4)
- Electrical resistance probes.
The detailed specification of each system and equipment shall be furnished by the
CONTRACTOR. However, certain minimum requirements for the major equipment are
highlighted in this document.
All equipment shall be new and procured from approved reputed manufacturers. Equipment
offered shall be filed proven. Equipment requiring specialised maintenance or operation shall
be avoided as far as possible. Prototype equipment shall not be accepted. Make and
construction of all materials shall be subject to owner’s approval.
As far as possible, equipment including test stations, anode lead junction boxes etc. shall be
located in safe non-hazardous areas. However, equipments to be installed in hazardous
areas shall be of flameproof type confirming to IS:2148, IS:5572, IEC:79 & API 500C and
suitable for gas groups IIA & IIB and temperature class – T3 (200˚C).
All imported equipments/materials for hazardous area shall be tested and certified by an
independent agency of country of equipment/material origin and shall be approved by the
concerned statutory authority in India.
The number and exact locations of CP stations shall be worked out based on the corrosion
survey data collected. In addition, the following guidelines shall be followed for selecting the
i) Number of CP stations and their selected location shall ensure that these remain
valid and are adequate for the full design life of the system after considering all
foreseeable factors.
ii) As far as possible, the availability of near by low resistivity areas for location of
associated ground beds must be ensured while selecting the locations of CP
iii) As far as possible, locations of intermediate CP stations shall coincide with the
locations of SV stations.
The proposed locations of CP stations are detailed in project specifications (PJS). The same
shall be verified for adequacy by the contractor and any additional requirements shall be
clearly brought out at the bidding stage itself.
7.2.1 Cathodic protection transformer rectifier unit (T/R Unit) working on controlled rectification
principle shall supply power for cathodic protection system. The T/R unit shall be provided at
CP stations where reliable AC power supply is available and specified in project
The T/R unit shall be field proven. The design, internal component quality, ratings and layout
of components shall ensure high MTBF and low MTTR.
The T/R unit shall conform to MECON’s specification no MEC/TS/05/E9/082A and T/R unit
data sheet.
7.2.2 Cathodic Protection Power supply Module (CPPSM) for supply of power to Cathodic
Protection System shall work on DC input power supply & control the output DC supply
using power switch mode principle. The CPPSM unit shall be provided at CP stations where
reliable DC power supply is available and specified in project Specification.
The CPPSM shall be field proven. The design, internal components, quality, rating & layout
of components shall ensure high MTBF & low MTTR.
The CPPSM shall conform to MECON Standard Specification No. MEC/TS/05/E9/082 and
CPPSM Data Sheet.
i) Each CP station shall have an independent anode ground bed which may be of shallow or
deep well construction depending upon the corrosion data collected by the contractor. Deep
well ground beds may also be used in the congested locations where availability of suitable
land for spread out ground beds is restricted.
ii) Ground bed shall be located electrically remote from the pipeline. Nearest part of the anode
bed shall at least be 100 metres away from the pipeline and foreign pipelines/ structures.
The anodes installed in the ground shall be located in perennially moist strata, wherever
possible. Horizontal ground beds shall be at right angles to the pipeline, as far as possible.
The location of ground bed shall be checked and ensured for remoteness from the pipeline
and other buried foreign pipelines/ structures, building foundations, switchyards, electrical
earthing systems etc.
iii) Anodes shall be of MMO coated titanium anode or HiSiCrFe anode alongwith tail cable
(Factory jointed) of sufficient length for termination upto the junction box without any joint.
MMO coated titanium anodes shall conform to ASTM A518M-86, Gr-III & composition shall
be as below:-
MMO coated titanium anodes shall be of pure Ti substrate. The MMO anodes shall be centre
The GTP (Guaranteed Technical Particulars) of MMO anodes i.e. Current density,
consumption rate (max. specified), rated current output, shape, dimension, physical &
mechanical property, thickness of coating of noble meta shall be as per manufacturer’s
specification/data sheet & CONTRACTOR shall submit routine & type test report for the
Anode shall conform to ASTM A518M-86, Gr-III & composition shall be as below:-
iv) The anode shall be hollow type centrally connected or solid type end connected, cable to
anode joint shall be reliable and adequate for design life of anode.
v) Sheet steel anode canisters of adequate size shall be provided for each anode of shallow
bed type. Anode canisters shall be filled with petroleum coke breeze with a chemical
composition as given below:-
Contractor shall furnished Test Certificate including the following for review/Approval:
vi) String anode/ Individual anode shall be used for deepwell ground bed. In case of deep well
ground beds calcined fluid petroleum coke breeze with chemical composition as given below
shall be provided in the well surrounding the anodes.
vii) Each shallow anode bed shall contain anodes with canisters positioned horizontal or vertical
in the soil with suitable backfill at minimum depth of 2 meter with respect to horizontal or
vertical configuration.
viii) Layout of anode installation in anode bed shall be detailed out in drawings showing anode
installation details, anode grouping, anode wiring, anode cable routing etc.
ix) The deepwell anode ground bed details shall include the details of anodes, deepwell casing,
anode positioning, anode cable supporting, deepwell gas venting, active, passive portions of
ground bed etc.
x) Anodes shall be supplied complete with tail cables which shall be long enough for
termination on their associated junction boxes without intermediate joints. Exact lengths and
termination details shall be indicated in construction drawings by Contractor.
xi) Anode bed separation from pipeline shall be tested for interference.
xii) Potential gradient around the anode bed shall be within safety requirements and its effective
boundary shall be defined and secured.
xiii) In case two parallel pipelines running in the same ROW. The anode ground beds of
respective pipelines shall be located on the respective sides of the pipelines.
xiv) The depth of deepwell anode ground bed shall be sufficient enough to reduce anode
influence on incidental structures within proposed location.
i) Depending on the size and configuration of anode ground beds, one or more anode junction
boxes shall be provided at each ground bed.
All cable tails from individual anodes shall be terminated to these anode junction boxes
which shall be further connected to anode cable coming from CP station power source.
ii) Junction boxes shall have sheet steel enclosure of minimum 3 mm thickness and hinged
lockable shutters. They shall be weatherproof with degree of protection IP-55. Junction
boxes shall have Tined plated Cu anode bus and terminal plate with adequate number of
anti-loosening type of identified terminals. Provision shall be made for measurement and
control of individual anode current by providing suitable shunt and resistors. Anode
disconnecting link shall be provided for each anode circuit. 30% spare terminals shall be
provided in each junction box. Anode junction boxes shall be epoxy coated (Both inside &
outside surface).
Anodised Al (Aluminium) name plate shall be provided inside the AJB with black background
with white letters with following information-
iii) In case of sectionalized ground beds, an additional common anode disconnecting link for
each section of ground bed shall be provided for disconnection of any section of ground bed.
a) Output Circuit Config.: Anode Bus output distributed into circuit in line with the
number of anodes for current measuring shunt and resistor.
b) Shunt Type: Manganin Alloy
c) Shunt & Resistor Rating: 5A/75mV & 1ohm, 100W
d) Terminal Board Material: Phenolic Bakelite Sheet
e) Insulation Level in between terminals & body: 1.5 KV for 1 minute at 50Hz
f) Busbar: Tinned Copper Bus Bar 25mm x 5mm minimum
g) Input & Output Terminals: Stainless Steel Stud with double nut and washer
h) Enclosure: Completely enclosed, Outdoor type, pole mounted, Natural Air Cooled,
IP-55, The enclosure is provided with two terminals for earthing.
i) The enclosure is made of sheet steel with min 3 mm sheet thickness provided with
Neoprene sealing gasket. The shutter and external fitted nut / bolts are SS
j) Cable entries: Cable entries are sealed through proper visco-elastic sealent to
prevent entry of moisture.
k) Painting: Two coats of Epoxy Paint / Powder Coating
One cathode junction box shall be provided at each CP Station for Permanent Pipe to soil
potential measurement circuit & cathode connection. Junction boxes shall have sheet steel
enclosure of minimum 3 mm thickness and hinged lockable shutters & Allen key locks. They
shall be weatherproof with degree of protection IP-55. Junction boxes shall have cathode
bus and terminal plate with adequate number of anti-loosening type of identified terminals.
Cathode junction boxes shall be epoxy coated (Both inside & outside surface).
The negative of the CP power supply source shall be connected to the incoming circuit of the
cathode junction box. The junction box shall have separate out going circuit one for each
pipeline to collect the negative drainage currents from each of the parallel pipelines.
The incoming circuit shall have a current measurement facility. Each out going circuits shall
have provision for measurement and control of current.
Anodised Al (Aluminium) name plate shall be provided inside the CJB with black background
with white letters with information same as test station (TLP) Cl. No. 7.6.(vi) except test
station no.
a) Output Circuit Config.: Cathode Bus output distributed into 2 + 1 circuits in line with
current measuring shunt. The reference electrode are terminated & further extended
b) Shunt Type: Manganin Alloy
c) Shunt & Resistor Rating: 10A/100mV
d) Terminal Board Material: Phenolic Bakelite Sheet
e) Insulation Level in between terminals & body: 1.5 KV for 1 minute at 50Hz
f) Busbar: Tinned Copper Bus Bar 25mm x 5mm
g) Input & Output Terminals: Stainless Steel Stud with double nut and washer
h) Enclosure: Completely enclosed, Outdoor type, pole mounted, Natural Air Cooled,
IP-55, The enclosure is provided with two terminals for earthing. The enclosure is
made of sheet steel with min 3 mm sheet thickness provided with Neoprene sealing
gasket. The shutter and external fitted nut / bolts are SS
i) Cable entries: Cable entries are sealed through proper visco-elastic sealent to
prevent entry of moisture.
j) Painting: Two coats of Epoxy Paint / Powder Coating
AJB & CJB shall be full welded, joint welded AJB & CJB shall not be acceptable.
Test stations shall be provided In addition to locations mentioned in the TCP specification at
following locations:-
a) At Interference prone area (AC & DC) detected during the interference study.
b) At EHT/HT AC/DC overhead line crossings selected locations where EHT/HT
overhead is in the vicinity of the pipeline.
c) At high voltage cable crossing or along routes where HV cables are running in
d) In the vicinity of DC network or grounding systems where interference problems are
e) At any other locations considered necessary by OWNER/ OWNER’S
i) Installation of TCP system may be in the scope of pipeline laying contractor (not in the scope
of PCP contractor), TLP installed during TCP shall be utilized if there is no inadequacy. New
TLP is required to be installed during PCP, if TLP installed during TCP damaged or
inadequate or existing TLP is not located at the designed location during PCP.
ii) All test stations shall be provided with shunt & resistors.
iii) Bond stations shall be provided at required locations with shunt and resistor as a means to
monitor and control current flow between the pipeline and foreign pipelines / structures /
electrified railway tracks etc that crosses and runs parallel to the pipeline in common ROW
or within 25 metre from the pipeline.
iv) All test stations shall have weatherproof enclosure, with hinged lockable shutter with two
Allen key locks and degree of protection IP-55 with epoxy coating (Inside & out side
surface). Enclosure shall be made of sheet steel of atleast 3 mm thickness and shall be
suitable for MS post mounting. The test station shall be suitable for design life of CP system.
v) Test station shall be installed with the face of the test station facing the pipeline. The
nameplate of test stations shall carry the following minimum information:
vi) Number of terminals and different schemes of wiring shall be as per the test station
connection scheme sketch. Minimum twenty percent (20%) spare terminals shall be
provided in each test station.
vii) Test station for EHT/HT line crossing shall be installed approx. 100-500 m away from the
EHT/HT line.
viii) The location of all the test station shall be marked with their connection scheme and other
relevant information on alignment sheets. A detailed test- station schedules shall be
i) High purity copper / copper sulphate reference cells with proven high reliability shall be
provided for stable pipe to soil potential measurement reference at CP stations and at
computerized test station locations along ROW.
ii) Three numbers reference electrodes shall be installed at each cathodic protection station
iii) The reference cell for high resistivity areas shall be suitable for the prevailing dry soil
conditions to give maximum service life.
v) Silver/ Silver Chloride reference cells in place of copper / copper sulphate cells shall be
provided at marshy area locations where water table is high and sub-soil water or soil shows
chlorine concentration more than 300 PPM.
vi) The cable from reference cells shall be provided upto CP power source at CP stations. The
cable shall be routed through cathode junction box near pipeline.
vii) The life of reference cell shall be minimum 10 years under installed condition.
ER Probes-
The material of the E/R probe element shall be of the same alloy as of the pipeline material.
The E/R probes shall be provided preferably at the bottom portion of pipeline. The locations
of E/R probes shall be got approved.
For Internal corrosion monitoring ER probes & Coupons shall be provided if specified in
PJS/Data sheet as per specification of CMS (Corrosion monitoring system).
Polarisation Coupons-
Owner/Owner’s representative.
The location & the number of coupons to be provided along the pipeline get approved from
Coupons shall be installed at the bottom of the pipeline. The coupons shall be same as the
pipeline material & having 100mmx100mm uncoated exposed area to the soil. Two cables
one connection for pipeline & other for potential measurement shall be provided with each
coupon. Reed-Switch shall be connected to the protection cable to measure the coupon
“OFF” potential.
AC Corrosion Coupons-
AC corrosion coupons shall be installed at the locations of HT line crossings where high
induced potential is recorded on the pipeline. The location of AC corrosion coupons shall be
decided after AC interference study.
Wherever the pipeline is either crossing or running parallel with overhead EHV/HV
transmission lines of voltage grade 33kV and above, AC interference mitigation study to be
performed and accordingly AC corrosion coupons and other equipments shall be decided.
AC Corrosion Coupons are accurately sized to provide the ability to measure maximum AC
current discharge from a pipeline in areas subject to interaction from overhead AC power
transmission systems. The value so recorded provides a vital indication as to whether AC
corrosion could be occurring on the pipeline.
The coupon consists of a steel disc with an exposed area of 1cm², fitted into thick PVC
housing to give an impression of a holiday. The purpose of the AC corrosion coupon is to
identify the corrosion current density, which will help in classifying the intensity of corrosion.
The connection between the coupon and the cable is properly encapsulated to stop the
ingress of moisture.
i) Where high voltage/ Extra High Voltage (66 KV and above) transmission line runs in parallel
or crosses the pipeline, the pipeline shall be grounded through polarisation cells & zinc
anodes of minimum 20 kg net each. Alternatively, grounding could be done directly with zinc
galvanic anodes of minimum 20 kg net each at the discretion of owner. Grounding shall be
done at regular intervals of maximum 1.0 km where EHV/HV transmission lines run parallel
within 25 meter of the pipeline to ground any surges on the pipeline that would appear in
case of transmission line faults. Type of polarisation cell (Electrolyte/Solid state) shall be as
per job specification/Data sheet/Scope of work.
ii) In case of continuous induction of voltage on the pipeline beyond safe limits is expected or
observed during commissioning due to HV Line of any rating/Underground Cables or others
equipment, the pipeline shall be grounded to the earth system of nearest HV transmission
tower of the transmission line causing the voltage induction through polarisation cell or the
pipeline shall be grounded to a separate earthing system of zinc galvanic anodes through
polarisation cell. Alternatively, the pipeline shall be directly grounded with zinc galvanic
anodes/Grounding cells of minimum 20 kg net each at the discretion of the owner. The
polarisation cell shall be installed in test station.
iii) Spark gap arrestor shall be connected across each insulating joint to protect it from high
voltage surges at the location of terminals/end of the pipeline etc.
Alternatively, zinc grounding cell may be provided across insulating joints along ROW where
the pipeline on both the sides of the insulating joint are cathodically protected and difference
of protection voltage is not more then 0.4 volts.
iv) The total system including cables, cable termination, anodes/ surge divertors shall be
suitable for the anticipated fault current at the location of installation.
v) Unless otherwise specified on data sheet, the minimum rating of grounding cells, polarisation
cells and surge diverters shall be as below:
a) Grounding Cell
vi) The grounding cell, spark gap arrester and polarisation cell system shall be adequately sized
and suitable for the design life of permanent CP system. The directly buried zinc or
magnesium anodes shall also be adequately sized for the life of the permanent CP system,
taking into consideration discharge from the anodes. The grounding system shall have
minimum resistance to earth to restrict the pipeline voltage as per NACE Criteria but shall
not exceed 2 ohms.
vii) The anodes shall be pre packed with special backfill adequately so that the performance of
the anode is not affected by the carbonates, bicarbonates, nitrates, etc. present in the soil. In
any case, the thickness of back fill shall not be less than 50mm on all the sides of the anode.
viii) Motor operated valves where located on the cathodically protected portion of the pipeline
shall be grounded by a zinc anode of 20 kg net. Magnesium anodes grounding, if any,
provided during temporary CP system shall be disconnected. The MOV power supply cable
armour shall be insulated (by cutting and taping with insulation tape) at MOV end to avoid
armour carrying CP current.
ix) The above ground cathodically unprotected pipeline at terminals, intermediate SV stations,
pigging station, etc. shall be earthed with GI earth electrodes. The resistance to earth of
grounding shall be limited to 2 ohms max.
x) HT transmission overhead lines of voltage below 66KV shall also require mitigation
measures in case of continuous voltage induction of 15.0 V AC due to presence of
transmission line in close proximity.
Where specified in the project specification/ data sheet computerized test station shall be
provided along the ROW of the pipeline for automatically monitoring and recording the pipe
to soil potential, pipe current, etc of the pipeline, casing pipeline and foreign pipelines, etc,
as required. The computer with in the test station shall measure and record these
parameters regularly at programmed intervals. The computers shall have required number of
input ports for measurement of potentials and current as applicable at the location of its
installation. Computers shall have real time clock and record the time of data measurement.
Each computer shall have an identification number incorporated in its software, which shall
be clearly indicated along with the data display/ print out.
The computers shall be programmed to collect and store all the field parameters at intervals
as specified in the project specification/ data sheet.
Data-retrieval computer of portable type suitable for use in field shall be provided as
specified in the project specification/ data sheet for programming the field computers and
retrieving the data stored by the field computers.
Computerized test station unit (CTSU) shall have the following feature:
b) Shall be able to generate +ve & -ve sign for recorded PSP values.
c) Portable Laptop readers shall be supplied with CTSU for Field downloading of Data (Qty
as per scope of work).
d) The CTSU shall provide Battery Low alarm.
7.11 Painting
The sheet steel used for fabrication shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased to remove
mill scale, rust, grease and dirt. Fabricated structures shall be pickled and then rinsed to
remove any trace of acid. The under surface shall be prepared by applying a coat of
phosphate paint and a coat of yellow zinc chromate primer. The under surface shall be free
from all imperfections before undertaking the finishing coat.
After preparation of the under surface, spray painting with two coats of final paint shall be
done. The finished panels shall be dried in ovens in dust free atmosphere. Panel finish shall
be free from imperfections like pinholes, orange peels, runoff paint etc. Bidder shall furnish
detailed painting procedure alongwith bids.
All unpainted steel parts shall be cadmium plated to prevent rust formation.
7.12 Cables
Anode tail/lead cable shall be 1Cx10 Sqmm size, annealed high conductivity tinned stranded
copper conductor (7 Strands), PVDF insulated (Thickness 0.040 Inch), HMWPE
sheathed/Jacket (Thickness 0.065 Inch), un-armoured.
Anode & Cathode Header Cable shall be 1Cx35 Sqmm size, annealed high conductivity
tinned stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, FRLS, 1.1kV Grade
armoured cable as per IS: 7098.
iv) Measurement cable & Permanent Reference cell tail cable- (Size 1Cx6 Sqmm)-
k) Measurement cable & Permanent Ref cell tail cable from Pipe/Tank/Buller/Vessel to
CJB & CJB to TR/CPPSM Unit shall be 1Cx6 Sqmm size, annealed high conductivity
tinned stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, FRLS, 1.1kV Grade
armoured, screened cable as per IS: 7098.
v) The colour of outer sheath of the cables shall be as per the PJS/Scope of work/Design Basis
and outer sheath should have marking of “CP system Cable” in each one meter interval by
black colour for identification purpose.
vi) The cables for connecting various transducers from TR unit/ CPPSM to telemetry interface
junction box shall be twisted pair with individual pair shielded and overall shielded with
aluminium backed by mylar/polyster tape, PVC sheathed, armoured, PVC over all sheathed
Adequate space shall be provided inside the panel for termination of cables. Termination
shall be performed using crimped lugs. Tags with cable numbers engraved on it shall be
attached to each cable at both ends. Cable glands shall be double compression type of
Nickel/ Chromium plated brass. The lugs shall be of tinned copper. Phases of AC power
cables shall be identified with red, yellow, blue PVC adhesive material.
The armour of the cables from pipeline to CP station (potential measurement, reference cell
& drainage cables etc.), CP station to ground bed (anode cable) and test station to pipeline
shall be earthed only at one end of the cable to avoid armour carrying CP current.
i) Cables shall be laid in accordance with approved layout drawings to be prepared by the
contractor. No straight through joint shall be permitted in a single run of cable. Cable route
shall be carefully measured and cables cut to required length. Enough slackness in cable
shall be provided near anodes, AJB, test stations, pipelines etc to account for any settling.
ii) All cables inside station/plant area shall be laid at a depth of 0.75 M. Cables outside
station/plant area shall be laid at a depth of 1.5m. Cables shall be laid in sand under brick
cover and back filled with normal soil. Outside station/plant area, the routes shall be marked
with polyethylene cable warning mats placed at a depth of 0.9 mtr. from the finished grade.
iii) In case of above ground cable installations, all un-armoured CP cables shall be laid in GI
conduits of sufficiently large size (up to accessible height for protecting against the
mechanical damage.).
iv) All underground unarmoured cables shall run through PE sleeves. Distant measurement
cables and permanent reference cell cables routed along the pipeline shall be carried at the
top of the carrier pipe by securely strapping it with adhesive tape or equivalent as required.
v) RCC or GI pipes of proper size shall be provided for all underground cables for road
vi) Cables shall be neatly arranged in trenches in such a manner that criss-crossing is avoided
and final take-off to equipment is facilitated.
vii) Cable marker & tags (at both end) shall be provided to mark the cable route. Inside plant
area cable routes shall be marked by means of cable markers located at maximum intervals
of 30M and at locations of changes in direction of cable route.
viii) Cable crossing with Underground pipeline, All cables shall be placed above underground
All cable connections to the pipeline including charged foreign pipelines shall be made by an
approved (by owner) exothermic process. A suitable water proof sealing system of the cable
connections shall be made which will be compatible with parent coating system of the
pipeline after exothermic process. The resistance of cable to pipe at pin brazing/ thermit
weld connection point shall not exceed 0.1 ohm.
For charged pipeline, pin-brazing shall be used. Eutectic solder shall not be accepted for
charged or non-charged pipeline. Pipe coating shall be repaired after connection of cable to
pipeline. The coating repair material shall be compatible with original coating and shall
prevent ingress of water along cable surface and at the interface of coating repair with
original pipe coating.
Chain link fencing shall be provided around each ground bed & AJB location as per job
All civil works as per enclosed specifications associated with the complete cathodic
protection system are included in scope of contractor. This shall include providing cable
trenches and foundations for all equipment, outdoor T/R units, anode lead junction boxes, all
test stations, polarisation cells, etc.
i) Owner/ Owner’s representative shall visit the works during manufacture of various
equipment to assess the progress of work as well as to ascertain that only quality raw
materials & fabrication technology are used. All necessary assistance shall be provided by
contractor and vendors during such inspections.
ii) The minimum testing, inspection requirements for all components/equipment shall conform
to requirement as defined in the relevant codes and standards. Detailed inspection and
testing procedures alongwith the acceptance criteria shall be prepared by contractor for
Owner’s approval.
iii) Test certificates including test records, performance curves etc. shall be furnished with
sufficient information to identify the equipment to which the certificate referes and must carry
project title, owner’s name and purchase order details etc.
iv) Owner reserves the right to ask for inspection of all or any item under the contract and
witness all tests and carryout inspection or authorise his representative to witness tests and
carryout inspection. Contractor shall notify the Owner/ Owner’s representative atleast 20
days in advance giving exact details of tests, dates and addresses of locations where the
tests would be carried out.
All equipment/material shall be protected for inland/marine, transport, carriage at site and
outdoor storage during transit and at site. All packages shall be clearly, legibly and durably
marked with uniform block letters giving the relevant equipment / material details. Each
package shall contain a packing list in a water proof envelope with one set of final drawings.
Copies of the packing list, in triplicate, shall be forwarded to owner prior to despatch. All
items of material shall be clearly marked for easy identification against the packing list.
The equipment may be stored outdoors for long periods before installation. The packing
shall be completely suitable for outdoor storage in areas with heavy rains and high ambient
temperature unless otherwise agreed.
All equipment/material shall be wrapped in polythene sheets before being placed in crates/
cases to prevent damage to finish the crates/ cases shall have skid bottoms for handling.
Special notations such as 'Fragile', 'This side up', 'Centre of gravity', 'Weight', 'Client's
particulars', 'PO no., Name, Project, contractor, supplier name' etc shall be clearly and
indelibly marked on the packages together with other details as per purchase order.
The contractor shall furnish the detailed field testing and commissioning procedures for
approval. Field tests as per these approved procedures shall be carried out on the
equipment/systems before these are put into service. Acceptance of the complete
installation shall be contingent upon inspection and test results. Field testing shall include
but not be limited to the following.
ii) Before the electrical & CP facilities are put into operation, necessary tests shall be carried
out to establish that all equipment, devices, wiring and connection have been correctly
installed, connected and are in good working condition as required for the intended
iii) Owner/ Owner’s representative may witness all tests. At least one week’s notice shall be
given before commencing the tests.
iv) All tools, equipment and instruments required for testing shall be provided by contractor.
v) Generally, the following minimum tests must be carried out and recorded in proformas given
in subsequent clauses :
a) Cables
- Cable no.
- Voltage grade.
- Conductor cross section
- Continuity check
- Voltage test
- Insulation resistance values between each core & earth, between cores.
- All cables shall be tested by 500V megger.
b) E/R Probe
c) Polarisation coupons
- Location
- Exposed area/size of coupon
- Coupon to soil “ON” & “OFF” potential
- Type of reference cell
- Magnetic reed switch rating & its operation with magnet
- Wiring, Depth and distance from pipeline of coupon and reference cell shall be as per
d) Reference Cell
- Location
- Potential reading
- Type of cell
- Installed Location
e) Insulating Joint
- Insulation resistance across the joint shall be checked before and after charging the
pipeline by means of insulating joint tester. Pipe to soil potential of both protected
and non-protected sides of the insulating joint shall be checked before and after
energisation of CP system.
measuring the pipe to soil potentials on both protected and non protected sides of the
IJs prior PCP commissioning & maintenance and monitoring of PCP system. (By
Taking ON-OFF PSP values on both side of IJ)
f) Surge Diverter
g) Polarisation Cell
- Location / Station
- Check for actual layout and compliance with drawings
- Resistance of each individual anode
- Current dissipation by each individual anode with respect to anode voltage
- Total resistance of complete anode bed
- Mutual interference
i) Grounding Cell
- Location
- Type / no. of anodes
- Ratings
A model commissioning procedure for a 3 station CP system of a pipeline is given below for
general guidance. Contractor shall develop detailed commissioning procedure as per this
guideline and get it approved before commencing CP system commissioning activities.
Another complete set of PSP observations (ON-OFF) shall be taken after lines have stayed
on charge for 48 hours. If there are appreciable differences in these observations as
compared to those of earlier set, a third set of observations (ON-OFF) shall be taken after 72
hrs. Maximum drainage point protective potentials shall not be allowed to go beyond the
maximum PSP values as specified, in any case.
The output of all CP stations shall then be so adjusted that the sites of occurrence of least
negative protective potentials are not less negative than (-) 0.85V “OFF” or not more
negative than (-) 1.20V “OFF”. A full set of observations shall again be taken 72 hrs after the
adjustment of potentials and the protection system shall be left in this state of operation.
xvii) Care shall be exercised to ensure that power supply remains uninterrupted during the period
of commissioning. In case of an interruption, the test in progress shall be repeated after
allowing time for polarization. More sets of observations may be advised to be taken by the
Owner/ Owner's representative in any of the above-mentioned steps.
xviii) PSP values at each of the test stations of the existing pipelines shall be measured and
plotted where existing pipelines run in parallel to the new pipeline and mutual interference
situations between the pipelines shall be identified and necessary mitigation shall be carried
out. Interference situations shall also be identified and mitigated by comparing different sets
of readings taken at same test stations at different intervals of time under identical conditions
where positive potential swing exceed 50 mV.
xix) The zinc anodes for grounding of MOVs at the locations of MOVs on cathodically protected
portion of the pipeline shall be reconnected to the MOVs.
xx) At cased crossings where casing is protected, sacrificial anodes provided for the casing shall
be connected to the casing pipe. The casing to soil potential and anode out put current shall
be measured and recorded. Where casing pipe protection is inadequate or the out put
current of the anode is more than the designed current, then additional anodes shall be
provided as required.
xxi) Current readings at all the current measuring test stations shall be measured and recorded.
xxii) Where computerized test stations are provided the computer shall be initialized/ started to
collect and store the field data of potentials, current readings, etc as programmed.
xxiii) After one month of starting the computer to collect the field data, the data stored by the
computers at all the computerized test stations shall be retrieved/ down loaded using the
field data-retrieving computer. The data shall be analysed with the help of a station main
xxiv) At the locations of the Electrical resistance probe installations the resistance readings of the
probes shall be measured using probe reader.
xxv) Final records of testing and commissioning including graphical representation of final
structure to electrolyte potential readings shall be compiled with interpretation in consultation
with owner/ owner's representative and submitted.
xxvi) As a result of these tests, if any deficiencies are found in the system, the same shall be
rectified by the contractor at no extra cost or time effect, to the complete satisfaction of
Owner/ Owner's representative. Such deficiencies shall include mitigation of interference
problems that may be found existing in the course of testing and commissioning. A set of
PSP observations shall also be taken during the peak of the first dry season after
commissioning the system into regular operation. Any deficiency found in the protection of
the pipeline shall have to be rectified by the contractor at his own cost.
xxvii) If it is found during commissioning that the sites of occurrence of least negative protective
potentials are less negative than (-) 0.95 V off & more negative than (-) 1.20 V off even after
72 hrs of operation, then the drainage point potentials shall be adjusted depending upon
anode ground bed currents in consolation with Owner/ Owner's representative In any case,
the drainage point protective 'ON' & 'OFF' potential shall not exceed the PSP values
specified in Cl.No. 6.0 & 7.0 of this document, at any location of pipeline.
xxviii) The reference cell shall be calibrated minimum once in 24 hours during the commissioning.
xxix) The current dissipated by individual anodes shall be measured from the anode lead junction
box and corrected for equal dissipation to the extent possible keeping the total ground bed
current same.
xxx) After connecting all anode gorundbeds to pipeline PSP shall be taken at each test station
locations to ensure the protection criteria.
i) Investigation shall be made for stray current electrolysis of the pipeline, mutual interference
between the pipeline and foreign pipelines / structures, interference on foreign pipelines /
structures due to the CP of the pipeline and ground bed, interference on metallic structures
which lie in between pipeline and ground bed or near to ground bed, AC induction on
pipeline due to overhead EHV/HV power lines, interference due to high voltage DC lines,
electric traction, HV earthing system/Substation earthing system etc.
ii) Measurements including pipe to soil potentials and pipe currents etc. on the pipeline /
structure being CP protected and on foreign pipelines / structures, and ground potential
gradient etc. shall be made to investigate the current discharge and pickup locations. In case
of fluctuating stray currents, investigations shall be made continuously over a period of time
and if required simultaneously at different locations to find out the stray current source (s).
Recorders shall be preferably be used for long time measurements.
iv) Mitigative measures shall be provided depending upon the type of interference. These shall
include installation of bond with variable resistor and diodes, installation of galvanic anodes
for auxiliary drainage of current, adjustment/ relocation (if possible) of offending interference
source, provision of electrical shield etc. depending on the type of interference.
v) Bonding with foreign pipelines / structures as a mitigation measure shall be provided where
the owners of the foreign pipelines / structures have no objection. Otherwise alternative
mitigation measures shall be provided. Wherever bonding is provided for mitigation, the
bonding resistor shall be adjusted for optimum value for minimum / no interference. Galvanic
anodes installed as a mitigation measure shall be adequately sized for the design life
specified for permanent CP system.
vi) Where high voltage (66 KV and above) transmission lines run in parallel or cross the
pipeline, the pipeline shall be grounded through polarisation cells at regular intervals (1km)
through zinc anode/Zn ribbon anodes to ground any surge on the pipeline that would appear
in case of transmission line faults. Grounding shall be done at regular intervals of maximum
1 km where transmission lines run parallel within 1km of the pipeline (both side) and have
separation distance of 100 mtr on both side of the pipeline.
vii) A.C. voltage measurements shall also be made on the pipeline to find out continuous
induction of voltage beyond safe limits. In such a case, the pipeline shall be grounded to the
earth of nearest transmission tower causing voltage induction through polarization cell or to
a separate earthing system of zinc anodes through polarization cell.
Max. pipe to soil induced voltage must be less than 15V AC RMS for steady state condition
of power line. Under fault condition, the permissible touch & step voltages must be limited to
the levels efined in IEEE-80 latest revision for human safety.
Total coating stress voltage (inductiv e & conductive) within 3kV AC for 3LPE coating, to
prevent coating damages.
AC current density measured over a period of 24hrs should be less than 30A/m2. If the
current density is more than 30A/m2 but less than 75A/m2, then ratio between AC current
density (I ac) and DC current density (I dc) shall be less than 5 over period of 24 hrs. In no
case, AC current density above 75A/m2 shall be permissible in the pipeline.
Necessary mitigation measures shall be provided to reduce the AC discharge densities.
Contractor shall carry out field survey for collecting data from various sources
likeClient/Consultant/Power Authorities/ Foreign facility Owners/Pipeline alignment sheets
for thefollowing information:
Existing or proposed (33 kV & above) EHV/HV AC/ DC overhead power lines along with
detailsof voltage, AC/DC type etc, crossing or parallel to the pipeline, phase configuration,
numberof circuits and other line parameters.
Voltage rating, phases, sheathing details of underground power cables along ROW or in
Tower footing, earthing distance from tentative ROU to be recorded for ascertaining
Fault current rating of each HT line,Designed load current ,operating load currentLocation of
grounding of tower and substation location etc. to be obtained from powercompanies.
Multi-layer soil resistivity near the area of AC tower parallel or crossing.
Induced voltages on pipeline under steady state operating condition of the transmission line
Induced voltages on pipeline under fault conditions
Ground Potential (GPR) during fault conditions
AC current density/soil resistivity measurement
Coating stress voltage under fault conditions
Detailed Bill of Material
Post mitigation verifying the induced voltage/ current density
Recommendation shall be for both operating load and design load of the pipeline. AC/DC
Specialist agency shall also verify the induced voltage/ current density after the mitigation
are taken care & installed at the site.
Where specified, contractor shall carry out a close internal potential survey over the entire
length of pipeline by computerised potential logging method and identify suspected holiday
spots on the pipeline coating, under protected/overprotected areas after the back filling has
been consolidated sufficiently and CP system has stabilized. Contractor shall identify the
necessary pipe coating required to be repaired. Detailed procedures for running this survey
shall be submitted for approval. During survey the reference cell shall be calibrated minimum
once in 24 hours.
Post commissioning of the CP System, after 30 days of line polarization, CPL Survey will be
conducted for evaluation of coating condition to serve as future benchmark for comparative
evaluation. Based on the report of CPL survey, DCVG survey is required to be carried out at
the locations identified in the CPL report or on full length of the pipeline (as defined in scope
of work).
Only Good & Proven survey equipment and trained, experienced manpower to be used. The
scope includes identification of defects and rectification of coating defects and testing of
coating permanents (TS, Boding of coating with pipe, coating physical verification) at defect
The basic objective of CAT survey is to make comparative analysis of electrical insulation
properties of one segment of the pipeline coating with another. If pipeline coating is
electrically consistent along its length, then the rate of current attenuation shall be uniform.
An increase in rate of current attenuation indicated leakage of impressed current signal
/current through coating indicating a coating fault.
The concept of current attenuation test is to measure the impressed signal leakage from the
buried pipeline. The signal leakage will depend directly on the health of the Coating.
14.1 General
i) Within three weeks from the date of issue of Purchase Order, Contractor shall submit four
copies of the list of all drawings / data/ manuals / procedures for approval, identifying each
document by a number and descriptive title and schedule date. This list shall be revised and
extended, as necessary, during the progress of work.
ii) All drawings and documents shall be in English and shall follow metric system. Number of
copies for each submission shall be as follows unless specified otherwise :
As a part of the contract, drawings and documents to be furnished by the contractor shall
include but are not limited to the following :
ii) Basis of system design and design calculations, equipment selection criteria and sizing
a) Separate layout drawings for each CP station showing anode- ground bed location, anode-
ground bed installation details, CP station location, cable laying, ROW location. Drainage
connection location, permanent reference cell locations and topographic details of the entire
b) Equipment layout, cable layout and schedules.
c) GTP of MMO or Hi-Cr cast iron anodes.
d) Marker drawings for cable route, anode-ground bed, drainage connection point, permanent
reference cell, E/R probe, polarisation cell, pipeline grounding anodes, grounding cells, etc.
e) Fabrication details of High Silicon Cast Iron/MMO canistered anode with tail cable.
f) Fabrication, connection and installation drawing for anode-junction box.
g) Anode- ground bed construction and installation details for horizontal anode-ground bed and
deep well ground bed.
h) Fabrication, installation and connection scheme drawing for different types of test-stations.
i) Fabrication and installation details of Copper/ Copper Sulphate type, Silver/ Silver Chloride
type and Zinc type permanent reference cells, E/R probes, grounding cells, surge divertor,
j) Fabrication and installation details of polarisation cell and its enclosure/ housing.
k) Cable to pipe joint details for charged and non-charged pipelines.
l) Incorporation of corrosion survey data, CP stations, test stations, anode beds, polarisation
cells, grounding cells, grounding anodes, surge diverters etc. and other relevant features of
CP system in pipeline alignment sheets and other related drawings.
m) Identification of sections of pipeline affected by interference, sources of interference, details
of interference mitigation arrangements provided. Various measurement data at all relevant
test stations with and without mitigation measures provided.
n) Detailed commissioning report including various measurement data at all test stations.
o) Vendor drawings and catalogues, test certificates.
p) Contractor shall hand over the complete CP system to CLIENT/MECON, with all
documents pertaining to land [for PCP anode bed location] and right to lay cable &
subsequent use for O&M purposes, from anode bed to power source.
i) Contractor shall provide a list of all instruments, tools and tackles necessary for proper
operation and maintenance of complete cathodic protection system and associated
equipment alongwith prices.
ii) Contractor shall provide a list of spares and consumables required alongwith prices for
proper operation and maintenance of complete cathodic protection system and associated
equipment for two years’ operation of the system.
Bidders are advised in their own interest to provide the following information alongwith the
bid offer without which the bids are liable for summary rejection:
a) Basis and calculations for preliminary system design of permanent cathodic protection
b) List of formula to the used for detailed system design calculations, with brief explanations.
c) Basis of system design, design calculations, equipment selection criteria, sizing calculations
alongwith characteristic curves for various equipments.
d) Preliminary bill of material for major equipment.
e) Details of the equipment/ material offered along with technical leaflets / related literature /
catalogues, make, rating, type test certificates etc.
f) Dimensions, weight and general arrangement drawings for each offered equipment.
g) List of instruments, tools, tackles offered for maintenance and operation.
h) List of recommended maintenance / operation spares.
i) Clause wise deviations, if any, to the specifications alongwith justifications.
j) Project schedule & manpower chart to be deployed at site.