Biotechnology - Quarter 1
Biotechnology - Quarter 1
Biotechnology - Quarter 1
Historical Perspective
Biotechnology as a science is very new (about 200 years old) but as a technology it is very old.
The word biotechnology, first used in 1917, refers to a large-scale fermentation process for the
production of various types of industrial chemicals. But the roots of biotechnology can be traced
back to pre-historical civilizations, such as Egyptian and Indus valley civilizations, when man
learned to practice agriculture and animal domestication. Even before knowing about the
existence of microorganisms, they had learned to practice biotechnology.
The production of monoclonal antibodies for diagnostics was carried out in 1982, and the first
recombinant human therapeutic protein, insulin (humulin), was produced in 1982. In 1976, the
U.S. company Genentech became the first biotech company to develop technologies to
rearrange DNA. Commercial uses of recombinant-DNA-assisted biotechnology include the
development of interferon, insulin, and a number of genetically-modified crop plants such as the
high-solids-processing tomato that has 20% less water. Transgenic animals have been created
such as the unfortunate onco-mouse designed to develop cancer ten months after birth to study
Importance of Biotechnology
Biotechnology plays vital role in human welfare and has revolutionized mankind since its
existence. It contributes much towards the human’s welfare and their health needs.
Few of them are listed below:
Biotechnology In Agriculture
The application of biotechnology in agriculture field helps in improving food quality, quantity, and
processing. Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides are eco-friendly sources for agriculture, which
contains the living microorganisms that help in promoting growth by increasing the supply or
availability of primary nutrients. Farmers choose biotech crops to increase the yield and in lower
production costs.
Biotechnology in Medicine
In the field of medicines, Biotechnology is widely used in the development of several innovative
techniques for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases. It helps in providing effective
treatments and prevention measures for different disease by its inventions of novel drugs and
recombinant vaccines. The Therapeutic proteins have a greater effect against a variety of non-
communicable diseases, which was responsible for over 50-60% of deaths in developing
countries. With the help of modern biotechnology, many diagnostic tools have been introduced
for the detection of diseases in a quick and accurate manner.
Productions of genetically engineered plants with highly desirable characteristics have been
very effective. These crops result from the alteration in the genetic makeup of the crops and this
modification leads to a number of potential advantages including the production of crops, quality
of crops, increased nutritional qualities of food crops, improved taste, texture or appearance of
food, reduced dependence on fertilizers, pesticides and other agrochemicals and lot more.
Biotechnology has a wide application in animal husbandry. Several transgenic animals were
produced to transfer the growth hormones, improve the efficiency of egg, meat and milk
Biotechnology in Environment
Biotechnology is also involved in controlling the environmental pollution through biodegradation
of potential pollutants, recycling of wastes and other waste treatment technologies.
Biotechnology plays a major role in monitoring and controlling the environmental pollutions
through the biological applications including bioremediation, biomonitoring, biotreatment and
biodegradation of all the solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. Apart from these, there are many
other biotechnological treatments applied to monitor the different components of the