User Guide Winter 2023 Course Registration Consent Form
User Guide Winter 2023 Course Registration Consent Form
User Guide Winter 2023 Course Registration Consent Form
1. Winter 2023 Course Registration Consent form can be found under NAVIGATION tab > REQUESTS
FORMS on the MYUCW portal. Refer to the screenshot below:
3. Next step, please fill-out all the questions in SECTION A: STUDENT INFORMATION that are
applicable to you.
Domestic Formal Online Student - Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada enrolled into
UCW Formal Online Program (100% online program - distance learning). Please select the option 'Not
Applicable' in Study Permit/Student Visa related question.
Domestic On-Campus Student - Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada enrolled into UCW
On-Campus Program. Please select the option 'Not Applicable' in Study Permit/Student Visa related
International Formal Online Student - International Student enrolled into UCW Formal Online Program
(100% online program - distance learning) who are NOT required to obtain a Canadian Study
Permit/Student Visa. Please select the option 'Not Applicable' in Study Permit/Student Visa related
International On-Campus Student - International Student enrolled into UCW On-Campus Program.
5. Go to next questions:
For Domestic Formal Online Student, Domestic On-Campus Student, or International Formal Online
• Please select the option ‘Not Applicable’ in Question 2 as indicated in the screenshot below
since you are NOT required to obtain a Canadian Study Permit/Student Visa.
• You must have a Canadian Study Permit/Student Visa approval at the time of submission of
consent form AND you should select ‘Yes’ in Question 2.
• Next, please select the Study Permit/Student Visa approval document that you are holding
at the time of submission of consent form in Question 3. (Mandatory to answer this
question for all International On-Campus Students)
You must have one of the following Study Permit/Student Visa approval documents for course
registration in Winter 2023 Term:
• Next, you should upload the Study Permit/Student Visa approval document that you are
holding at the time of submission of consent form in Question 4. (Mandatory to upload your
document in this field for all International On-Campus Students)
6. Next step, please go to SECTION B: STUDENT'S CONSENT and check all the options (mandatory) to
submit your consent form.
7. After completing all required information, please click on ‘CONTINUE’ button at the end of this
form. You will be taken to the next page to review your form. Then, please click on ‘CONFIRM
REQUEST’ button to submit the consent form.
9. If you are eligible to commence Winter 2023 Term and your consent form is approved, Registrar’s
Office will automatically register you in the courses for Winter 2023 Term and you will be notified
with further information upon course registration on your MYUCW portal.
Thank You!