Linux Unit1
Linux Unit1
Linux Unit1
An operating system (O.S.) is a resource manager. It takes the form of a set of software routines that
allows users and application programs to access system resources (e.g. the CPU, memory disks,
modems, printers network card, etc.) in a safe, efficient and abstract way.
For e.g. an OS ensure safe access to send data directly to the printer at any one time. An OS
encourages efficient use of the CPU by suspending programs that are waiting for I/O operations to
complete to make way for program that can use the CPU more productively.
This figure represents the architecture of a typical O.S. and show how an O.S. succeeds in presenting
users and application programs with a uniform interface without regard to the details of the
underlying hardware. We see that:
The O.S. Kernel is in direct control of the underlying hardware. The Kernel provides low-
level device, memory and processor management functions (e.g. dealing with interrupts from
hardware devices, sharing the processor among multiple programs, allocating memory for
programs, etc).
Basic hardware independent kernel services are exposed to higher-level programs through a
library of system calls (e.g. services to create a file being execution of a program or open a
logical network connection to another computer).
Unix has been a popular O.S. for more than two decades because of its multi-user, multi-tasking
environment, stability, portability and powerful networking capabilities.
In the late 1960’s, researchers from General Electric M.I.T. & Bell Labs launched at a joint project to
develop an ambitious multi-user, multi-tasking O.S. for mainframe computers known as MULTICS
(Multiplexed Information and Computing System).
Ken Thompson then teamed up with Dennis Ritchie, the author of the first C Compiler in 1973. They
rewrote the UNIX Kernel in C.
It is a free open source Unix O.S. for pc that was originally developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a
finish undergraduate student. Linux is neither pure SYSV or pure BSD. To maximise code
portability, it typically supports SYSV, BSD and POSIX System calls (e.g. Poll, Select, memset,
As Linux has become more popular, several different development streams or distributed have
emerged. E.g. Redhat, Slackware, Mandrake, Debian & Caldera, Mandriva, Ubuntu.
Redhat is the most popular distribution because it has been ported to a large no. of hardware
platforms (including Intel, Alpha & Sparc).
1. Kernel: – The Linux Kernel includes device drivers support for a large no. of PC hardware
device (graphics cards, network card, hard disks, etc), advanced processor and memory
management features and support for many different types of file systems.
The kernel (in raw binary form that loaded directly into the memory at system start up time) is
typically found in the file /boot/vmlinuz, while the source files can usually be found in usr/src/linux.
2. Shell and GUI: – Linux supports two forms of command input: through textual command
line shell similar to those found on most Unix Systems. (e.g. sh – The Bourne Shell, bash –
The Bourne Against Shell and csh The C Shell) and through graphical interfaces (GUIs) such
as the KDE and GNOME window managers.
3. System Utilities: – Virtually every system utility that you would expect to find on standard
implementations of Unix (including every system utility described in the POSIX
specification) has been ported to Linux. This includes commands such as ls, cp, grep, awk,
sed, bc, wc, more and so on.
Application Program: – Linux distributions typically come with several useful applications programs
as standard e.g. include the emac editor, XV (an image viewer), gcc (a C Compiler), g++ (a c++
compiler), xfig (a drawing package), latex (a powerful type setting language) and Soffice (Star
office, which is an MS-Office style clone that can read and write word, excel.
1. A multiuser system
2. Multitasking system
3. Repository of Applications
4. Building Block (a complex task can be broken into finite no. of simple ones)
5. Pattern matching
6. Programming facility
7. Documentation (the online help facility – man commands)
Unix O.S. used to manages the resources of a computer (such as CPU, memory, I/O devices,
network, etc). The memory resident portion of Unix system is Kernel. File System and Process
Control System are two major components of Unix Kernel. There are many features are available of
Unix O.S. Kernel such as: –
The kernel also provided some other basic services such as interrupt and trap handling system calls,
scheduling & timer & clock handling, file descriptor management.
1. Interactive multi used and multiuser O.S. design.
2. Design objective principle of Unix, file store organisation, text processing and programming.
3. Role of C programming language with regard to potability and reliable system software.
4. Process control – signals and fork.
5. Error logging and recovery from system failures.
6. Modifiability and Application Programmer Interface (API).
7. The user’s perspective on Unix.
Kernel Daemons user processes SHELLS: sh, csh, ksh, zsh, tcsh, bash
(fork, exec, wait, exit, and Xwindow System Interface
SIGCHLD cycle)
GNU is a Unix-like O.S. that is free software- it respects your freedom. You can install Linux-based
versions of GNU which are entirely free software. The GNU Systems provides a collection of
applications, libraries, and developer tools, plus a program to allocate resources and talk to the
hardware; known as a Kernel. Richard Stallman, founder of GNU Project.
The GNU Project is a free software, mass collaboration project, announced on 27 Sep.,1983 by
Richard Stallman at MIT. Its aim is to give computer users freedom and control in their use of their
computers and computing devices by call abortively developing and providing software that is based
on the following freedom rights: users are free to run the software, share it (copy, distributed), study
it and modify it. GNU Software guarantees these freedom-rights legally (via its license) and is
therefore free software.
The FSF (Free Software Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization founded by Richard
Stallman on 4 October 1985 to support the free software movement, which promotes the universal
freedom to create, distributed and modify computer software with the organization preference for
software being distributed under copyleft (‘share dislike”) such as with its own GNU General Public
License. The FSF was incorporated in Massachusetts, USA where it is also based.
In Linux, runlevel define how the system is started. After booting, the system starts as defined in
/etc/init tab in the line init default. Usually this is 3 or 5 (full multiuser mode with network (3) and
full multiuser mode with network and a-display).
As an alternative, the runlevel can be specified at the boot time (at the boot prompt, for instance).
Any parameters that are not directly evaluated by the Kernel itself are passed to init.
To change runlevels while the system is running, enter init and the corresponding number as an
argument. Only the system administrator is allowed to do this init 1 (or shutdown n now) causes the
system to change to single user mode, which is used for system maintenance and administration.
After finishing the work, the administrator can switch back to the normal runlevel by entering init 3,
which starts all the essential programs and allowed regular users to log in and to work with the
system init 0 (or shutdown h now) causes the system to halt. init 6 (or shutdown r now) causes it to
shutdown with a subsequent reboot.
Available Runlevels
Runlevel Description
0 System halt
4 Not used
5 Full multiuser mode with network and x-display manager (KDM, GDM, XDM)
6 System reboot
If /etc/init tab is damaged, the system might not boot properly. Therefore, be extremely careful while
editing /etc/init tab and always keep a backup of an intact version. To repair damage, try entering init
= /bin/sh after the kernel name at the boot prompt to do boot directly into a shell. After that, replace
/etc/inittab with your backup version using CP command.
The /etc/inittab file supplies the script to the init command role as a general process dispatcher. The
process that constitutes the majority of the init commands process dispatching activities in the
/etc/getty line process, which initiates individual terminal lines.
Directory Description
/bin All binaries needed for the boot process and to run the system in single user mode, including
essential commands such as cd, ls, etc.
/boot Holds files used during the boot process along with the Linux kernel itself.
/dev Contains device files for all hardware devices on the system.
/etc/rc.d Contains sub directories which contain run level specific scripts.
/etc/skel Holds example dot files used to populate a new user’s home directory.
/etc/XII Contains sub directories and configuration files for the X window system.
/usr/share Contains shared directories for man files, info files etc.
Lost + found Contains files to restores files after a system crash or partition not un-mount before a system
You can convert the ext-2 file system to ext-3 file system directly (without backup/restore).
In Linux, as it is for Unix tm, the separate file systems may use are not accessed by device identifiers
(such as a drive no. or drive name) but instead they are combined into single hierarchical tree
structure that represents the file system as one whole single entity. Linux adds each new file system
into this single file system tree as it mounted.
VFS (Virtual File System) allows Linux to support many, often very different file system, each
printing a common software so that all file systems appear identical to the rest of the Linux kernel
and to programs running into the system. Linux’s VFS layer allows you to transparently mount the
many different file systems at the same time.
Ext-2 the second extended file system was devised as an extensible and powerful file system for
Linux. It is also the most successfully file system so far in the Linux community and is the basic for
all of the currently shipping Linux distributions.
Ext-2 Inode
In ext-2 file system, the inode is the basic building blocks, every file and directory in the file system
is described by one and only one inode. The ext-2 inodes for each block group are kept in the inode
table together with a bit map that allows the system to keep track of allocated and unallocated inodes
shows the following fields:-
Mode: – this holds two pieces of information, what this inode describes and the permissions that
users have to use it. For ext-2 an inode can describe one of file directory symbolic links, block
device, character device.
Owner information: – the user and group identifiers of the owners of this file or directory.
Size: – the size of the file in bytes.
Time stamps: – the time that the inode was created and the last time that it was modified.
Data block: – pointers to the blocks that contains the data that this inode is describing. The first
eleven are pointers to the physical blocks containing the data described by this inode and the last
three pointers contain more and more levels of information.
1. HELP COMMAND: – display information about builtin commands. It provides the facility to
show the help about the command and Linux & Unix.
help echo
2.MAN COMMAND: – On Linux and other Unix-like operating system man is the interface used to
view the system’s reference manuals.
SYNTAX: – man [-c file] [-d] [-D] [–warnings [=warnings]]
man [-hv]
man is the system’s manual viewer; it can be used to display manual pages, scroll up and down,
search for occurrence of specific text, and other useful functions.
Each argument given to man is normally the name of a program, utility or function.
-c file, –config file=file Use configuration file file rather than the default of ~/.manpath
-D, –default This option, when used, is normally specified as the first option.
–warnings[=warnings] Enable warnings from the groff text formatter. This may be used to perform
sanity check on the source text of manual pages. The warnings is a comma-
separated lists of warning name.
man man: – view the manual page for the man command.
man — nh –nj man : – view the manual page for man, with no hyphenated words or justified lines.
3. WHATIS COMMAND: – whatis displays short manual page descriptions. Whatis searches the
manual page names and displays the manual page description of any name matched.
Name may contain wildcards (-w) or be a regular expression (-r). Using these options, it may be
necessary to quote the name or escape (\) the special characters to stop the shell from interpreting
SYNTAX: – whatis [-dlhvV] [-r] [-w] [-s list] [-m system[,—-]] [-m path] [-l locale] [-c file] name…
-w, — wildcard Interpret each name as a pattern containing shell style wild cards
-c,– config file Use this user configuration file rather than the default of ~/.manpath
whatis whatis : – display a description of what whatis is.
4. INFO COMMAND: – info reads documentation in the info format. Info is similar to man, with a
more robust structure for linking pages together. Info pages are made using the texinfo tools, and can
link with other pages, creates menus and ease navigation in general.
info emacs: – start at emacs node from top-level dir.
info –show -options emacs :- start at node with emacs command lines options.
info –f ./ :- show file ./, not searching dir.
5. DATE COMMAND: – The date command is used to print or sets the system’s time and date
SYNTAX: – date [options]… [+ format]
%d Day of month
date: – running date with no options will output the system date and time
date –s: – “11/20/2003 12:48:00”: – set the system date and time to Nov. 20,2003,12:48 PM.
6. WHOAMI COMMAND: – the whoami command writes the user name (i.e. login name) of the
owner of the current login session to standard output.
whoami particularly useful when using shells such as ash and sh that do not show the name of the
current user in the command prompt. It is also useful for confirming the current owner of a session
after using the su command.
SYNTAX: – whoami [option]
whoami: – displays the name of the user who runs the command.
7. WHO COMMAND: – Display who is logged on to the system. It is used to display time of last
system boot, list of users logged in, current run level, etc.
$who –b
$who -l
$who -m
$who -r
$who -u
$who -q
$who –a
8. W COMMAND: – the w command shows who is logged into the system and what they are doing.
A login, logging in or logging on is the entering of identifier information into a system by a user in
order to access that system. It generally requires the user to enter two pieces of information, first a
user name and then a pwd.
SYNTAX: – w [options] [username1, username2, …]
w: – running the w command with no arguments will show a list of logged on users and their
9. CAL COMMAND: – cal originally appeared in version 6 of AT&T Unix. Cal displays the current
month at the command line. It is a quick and convenient way to glance at the dates of the month and
can be useful as part of a login script.
SYNTAX: – cal [option] [[day] [month] [year]]
cal 12 2001: – display the calendar for December of the year 2001.
10. BC COMMAND: – arithmetic operations are the most common in any kind of programming
language. Unix or Linux provide a bc command and expr command for doing arithmetic calculations.
BC command support following features: –
1. Arithmetic operator
2. Increment and decrement operator
3. Assignment operator
4. Comparison relational operator
5. Logical and Boolean operator
SYNTAX: – bc [options]
-c Compile only. The output is bc command that are send to the standard output.
-l Define the math functions and initialize scale to 20, instead of the default zero.
$ echo “2+5” | bc
$ echo “10-4” | bc
$ echo “var=5; ++var” |bc
11. HOSTNAME COMMAND: – hostname is used to display the system’s DNS name and to
display or set its hostname or NIS (Network Information Services) domain name.
When called without any arguments, hostname will display the name of the system as returned by
gethostname function.
When called with one argument or with the –file option, hostname will set the system hostname
using sethostname function.
SYNTAX: – hostname[-v] [-a] [-d] [-f]
$ hostname
$hostname Priya-system
$cat /home/root/hostname.txt
$hostname -F /home/root/hostname.txt
12. UNAME COMMAND: – sometimes it is required to quickly determine details like kernel
name, version, hostname then we use the uname command.
SYNTAX: – uname [option]
$uname -s
-s: – print the name of O.S.
$uname -n
$uname -r
$uname -a
13. ALIAS COMMAND: – it can be useful if you want to create a shortcut to a command.
SYNTAX: – alias name = ’command’ / alias [name [ =value]] > alias home =
This will create an alias called home which will put you in the /home/dave/public_html directory.
Whenever you type home at the command prompt.
alias instructs the shell to replace one string with another when executing commands. It is used to
customize the shell session interface.
alias ls = ‘ls –color = auto’
add color coding to the file and directory listings of ls.
alias copy = ‘cp’
alias copy “cp”
This alias means that when the command copy is read in the shell, it will be replaced with cp and that
command will be executed instead.
14. CD COMMAND: – cd command is used to change the current directory (i.e. the directory in
which the user is currently working). In Linux and other Unix like O.S., it is similar to the CD and
CHDIR command in MS-DOS.
SYNTAX: – cd [option] [directory]
15. MV COMMAND: – mv is a command that we are going to use to move files around or to
rename them. mv sort of has a split personality because it serves these two functions at the same
time. The mv command is used to move or rename files.
SYNTAX: – mv [option] source destination
-b Backup but does not accept an argument, the default method is used.
mv myfile.txt destination-directory: – move the file myfile.txt to the directory destination directory.
mv computer\hope.txt computer\hope2.txt: – removes the file “computer hope.txt to computer
16. COPY/CP COMMAND: – to copy files and directory use the cp command under Linux, Unix
BSD like O.S.. cp is the command entered in a Unix/Linux shell to copy a file from one place to
another, possibly on a different file system. The original files remain unchanged and new file may
have the same or a different name.
SYNTAX: – cp source destination
cp source directory
cp soure1 source2 source3 source n directory
cp [option] source destination
-P To copy a file to a new file and preserve the modification date, time and access control list
associated with a source file
-R To copy a directory, including all its files and subdirectories to another directory, enter (copy
directories recursively)
$cp file.doc newfile.doc
$cp filename/tmp
Copy a file in your current directory into another directory, enter
$cp -p filename/path/to/new/location/myfile
$cp* /home/tom/backup
$cp -R* /home/tom/backup
17. RM COMMAND: – rm removes each specified file. It does not remove directories. If a file is
unwritable, the standard input is a tty and -f or force option is not given. rm prompts the user for
whether to remove the file. If the response does not begin with ‘y’ or ‘Y’, the file is skipped.
-d, –directory Unlike file, even if it is a non-empty directory (super-user only; this works only if your
system supports ‘unlink’ for non-empty directories).
rm ./-foo
rm abc.txt
18. CAT COMMAND: – the cat command is considered one of the most frequently used command
on Linux or Unix like operating system. It can be used for the following purpose under Unix or
Linux: –
19. LESS COMMAND: – the less command is used to view files (instead of opening the file to view
in an editor). less is similar to more command, but less allow both forward and backward
SYNTAX: – less <filename>/<textfile>
less textfile: – to read the contents of a file named text file in the current directory.
ls -la | less: – the less utility is often used for reading the output of other commands. For ex. To read
the output of the ls command on screen at a time.