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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 10593-10613

Mathematics Performance Of Senior High School Students In

Blended Learning Amidst The Covid-19 Pandemic

Gabriel M. Pagaran 1 , Marife L. Loremas 2 , Jenevieb D. Gultiano 3 , Jonathan O.

Etcuban 4

1Department of Education, Lapu-Lapu City Division, Philippines

2SaintFrancis Academy, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines
3Department of Education, Bohol Province Division, Philippines
4Research and Publication Office, Cebu Technological University, Philippines


This research discusses the correlation between attitude towards Mathematics and blended
learning during the Covid 19 pandemic. Difficulty in retaining a particular lesson and poor
performance during the pandemic in line with mathematics that the students experienced in
acquiring knowledge through an online learning modality. Attitude towards Mathematics in
terms of perceived confidence in learning mathematics and usefulness of mathematics and
blended learning correlates with mathematics performance in senior high school students and is
investigated in this study. The analysis employed the descriptive correlational research design
using a survey questionnaire to gather data regarding the profile, attitudes towards blended
learning and, mathematics performance of the 948 senior high school students enrolled in senior
high schools. The results of this study all point to the fact that Covid-19 somehow contributed to
certain effects on the mathematics performance of the senior high school students in the three
identified schools. The researchers strongly recommend that the action plans be implemented,
monitored, and evaluated to improve the mathematics performance of Grade 11 students in
blended learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Teaching Mathematics, performance, attitude, blended learning, COVID-19 pandemic

I. INTRODUCTION Sintema’s (2020) study reveals that

the worldwide crisis of the Covid-19
Mathematics proficiency is the students’ pandemic has spread globally, making a vast
capacity to define, utilize, and decipher difference in almost all countries and
mathematics in various settings. It territories. Lockdowns and stay-at-home are
incorporates thinking scientifically and plans of action which were put in place as the
using mathematical concepts, methods, need arises. This is to flatten the curve and
truths, and instruments to portray, clarify, control the disease’s transmission.
and foresee phenomena—numerous school Restriction policy for people or communities
enhancement plans centered on a current to stay where they are and social distancing
guideline on the methodology of the measures have led to closures of schools,
educational programs. However, bringing all training institutes, and college education
students to a higher accomplishment level is establishments. However, there was a
more complicated than that, which includes paradigm shift in delivering the education
setting up the proper culture to support the system through various distance learning
students’ minds and improve the inclusion platforms. During the Covid-19 outbreak, the
and advancement of schools, mainly in time closure of academic ventures left
of the pandemic Covid-19. unprecedented impacts on education
(teaching-learning process). Teachers are
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10594

urged to use online learning platforms university kids, families, and educators.
during the lockdown, citing the need to Along with psychological state and wellness
adopt new technologies to maintain the concerns, significant comprehension loss is
teaching-learning process. Students anticipated. The implementation of distance
struggled to adopt the latest teaching learning was uneven. The general public said
method known as “e-learning.” that online education has less exposure to
The Covid-19 disease’s dramatic real-time performance. Since the Philippines
start has sparked a digital rebellion in the is a developing country, its information
new higher education system, with online technology infrastructure is not as good as
lectures, teleconferencing, digital open texts, developed countries. More significantly, in
online exams, and participation on virtual rural and remote areas, people facing
meeting platforms. Distance education has scarcity of resources are the hurdle for
been managed very well without any theory adopting online education in the current
and commented on over 39 years ago. Today, scenario. Poor internet connectivity,
the same can be said about e-learning and students’ learning estimation, and lack of
Information Communication Technology concentration during online classes are the
(ICT) based learning. major problems the teachers and students
In the last decades, online learning face.
practice has achieved momentum, and it will The lack of basic mathematics skills
be the primary tool for future education. at the secondary level has been recognized
WhatsApp also played an influential role in as an issue known as a “Mathematics
higher education as a platform for sharing Problem.” Even in poorer countries, it has
information about learning. The main issue become a critical concern. Many students
in shifting to e-learning from conventional struggle to pass mathematics subjects,
understanding is a barrier to adoption, so especially those in line with studying
selecting an e-learning process using quantitative engineering, science,
different technologies for education and commerce, and even education. The detailed
daily routine activities is vital to boost the research is in progress and approved for
learners’ knowledge. action; we expect that the retention
The online mode of the teaching- performance level of all grade school
learning process is usually prejudiced learners will upgrade. Suppose not 100
against poor and disadvantaged students. percent but will eventually make them
The closing of schools hampered the globally competitive, particularly in
education system and the teaching-learning Mathematics. Students are expected to learn
process. Understanding the teaching- any idea presented from simple to complex
learning process during this crisis is as they construct new ideas based on their
imperative to design effective interventions previously known knowledge.
for teaching and learning smoothly. Online This study focuses on students with
education has become the panacea for lower retention levels in holding a lesson
teaching-learning within the present during the pandemic caused by the Covid-19.
situation. With these backdrops, the current Moreover, this led teachers to carefully
study aims to spot the impacts of e-learning arrange and plan their lessons to empower
compared with conventional learning during students to handle the essence, take an
this lockdown amidst the Covid-19 interest, and be guided to the organized
pandemic. program they will learn. It is within the belief
In the Philippines, the unexpected that the researchers conducted a study to
and rapid application of distance learning— discover the students’ commitment to
along with the strain and isolation caused by mathematical thinking and performance of
the pandemic, increased profitable hardship, the Grade 11 senior high school students
and a sharp rise in racial tension—have all during this pandemic period of Covid-19.
concerted to make a natural home or
environment for an animal, plant, or another
organism rife with stress and worry for
10595 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Etcuban and Pantinople (2017)

II. FRAMEWORK explained that when starting the work, the
This study is anchored by Ausubel's role of teachers and teacher education
Subsumption Theory, Mathematical programs in the essential aspects of defining
Learning Theory by R.C. Atkinson, and Lev students with mathematical learning
Vygotsky's Social Learning Theory. Figure 1 difficulties and effective teaching programs
illustrates the Conceptual Framework of the and concepts of what effective teacher
study showing the relationship among the means came into the focus.
theories, legal bases, independent and The study by Eysenck and Keane
dependent variables of the study and ending (2020) explained that the capacity of
with an action plan. The following legal bases children's memory improves with age seems
also support them, namely the Department to be a straightforward interpretation for the
of Education (DepEd) Order No. 8, series age-related improvement in memory
2015 [Policy Guidelines on Classroom performance. One can compare the mind to a
Evaluation for the K-12 Basic Education computer with a given number of slots for
Program], and the DepEd Order No. 55, short-term memory. This view has
series 2016 [Code Standards on the National modifications, but this is the most concrete
Evaluation of the Student Learning for the K- analogy. Memory development refers to the
12 Basic Education Program]. change of performance with age in
David Ausubels' theory concerns individuals storing and retrieving
how anyone learns much meaningful information, such as recalling a sequence of
information from verbal/textual digits replicating life encounters and events
presentations in a school setting (in contrast at a birthday party. Alternatively, such as
to the approaches developed within remembering to carry out a chore such as
laboratory experiments). According to what to buy at a grocery store.
Ausubel, representational and Albert (2017) explained that
combinational processes occur during the aggression is generally defined as decorum
acceptance of information. The primary resulting in personal injury and physical
procedure in learning is subsumption, in destruction. Not all harmful and destructive
which new material is interpreted as acts are judged aggressive, however.
essential ideas in the prevailing mental Whether dangerous behavior will be
framework on a substantive, non-verbatim perceived as hostile depends on subjective
basis. The study by Briggs (2019) suggests judgments of intentions and causality. The
that cognitive schemas represent the greater the ascribing of a work of personal
remains of all learning memories while responsibility and inflicting harm on
forgetting occurrences in the past because someone, the more likely the behavior will
precise details get integrated and lose their be pronounced as aggressive.
identity. The study of Malatjie and Machaba
Ausubel expressed that anyone (2019) suggests that the concept map
could learn much more achievement of a strategy can play a role in developing
deep understanding of complex ideas learning. It also shows that a learner could
through all kinds of superordinate, create a comprehension of mathematical
representational, and combinatorial concepts, operations, and relations of any
processes that occur during the reception of topics in mathematics if the learner builds
information. In contrast to rote memory, a new knowledge from the current. For
visual organization practice organizer is a learning to occur in mathematics, there must
tool or cognitive learning aid that helps be a connection between previous
pupils integrate new information with mathematical ideas and new concepts.
current knowledge, resulting in "meaningful
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10596

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

Concept mapping is an applicable learning region that perform well on international

technique that can facilitate learners to evaluation reinforces the message that solid
retrieve, organize, and relate concepts. implementation processes are required at
However, many types of research have the central and local levels.
shown that concept mapping could enhance According to Vygotsky, the child is
learning performance. They are primarily entirely dependent on other people during
based on the paper-and-pencil approach. the early stages. The sociocultural
Concept mapping is a valuable instructional environment presents the child with various
strategy that facilitates meaningful learning. tasks and demands, engaging the child in his
Concept mapping is considered an world. This stage is referred to as both
applicable learning technique that can scientific concepts and activity, which occur
encourage learners to retrieve, organize, and on two planes where child knowledge
relate concepts. Concept mapping is a through contacts and interactions with
valuable instructional strategy that people. Vygotsky felt social learning
facilitates meaningful learning. Chiou et al. precedes development. According to Patang
(2017) also commented that a critical and Machmoed (2020), this study aims to
arbitrating element of meaningful provide a benchmark of information on how
understanding is the foundation of related instructors learn as they engage in
concepts or propositions that an individual collaborative inquiry in which their
gains knowledge of based on Ausubel's classrooms become an object of their
theory. learning.
Harris and Jones (2017) suggested Polly et al. (2017) suggested that the
that the success or failure of any education sociocultural theory has become
intervention depends upon the nature, increasingly persuasive in instructional
quality, and sustainability of design. There are three subject matter that is
implementation. The evidence from a range correlated with Vygotsky's ideas of
of networks of schools in a given populated sociocultural learning: (1) physical,
10597 Journal of Positive School Psychology

cognitive, and psychosocial development significantly to the students' learning

and learning originate in social, historical, process. It helps them better comprehend
and cultural interactions, (2) use of the study material, elevate their motivation,
psychological tools, particularly language, and ultimately upgrade their achievements
mediate the development of higher cognitive in math.
functions, and (3) assimilating occurs within Gonda et al. (2021) suggest that
the Zone of Proximal Development. Adam statistical analysis of the data showed that
(2017) also commented that constructivism students had a statistically remarkable
believes in the personal construction of reduction in hesitating behavior. The
meaning by the learner through experience movement of educational participation to
and that meaning is influenced by the the online environment within blended
interaction of prior knowledge and new learning increases the risk of growing
events. The role of the teacher is an initiator student procrastination because of the
who furnishes information and coordinates Covid-19 pandemic. Great emphasis in the
activities for learners to discover their flipped classroom was placed on supporting
learning. students outside the classroom. In this part
Nasri (2019) presumed that higher of blended learning, procrastination is a
education focuses on active learning rather frequent cause of students' failure, not just in
than a passive learning approach. It requires mathematics. The efficiency of our proposed
higher education educators to adopt inverted class design has been
different roles and responsibilities. This experimentally verified.
study showed that not all research In the study by Soesanto and
participants have accepted their role as Dirgantoro (2021), they suggested that the
facilitators of learning as they were hesitant Covid-19 pandemic opens the door for
to abandon the authority and position. researchers to contribute more to online
According to Attard and Holmes mathematics learning. During the pandemic,
(2020) that the effect of the Covid-19 the various impact and casualties affect
pandemic has positively and negatively students' performance in learning
affected learners and instructors. Most of the mathematics. Studies on the affective
opinions disclosed the disadvantages of domains need to be enriched to provide
education in the pandemic period. During insights to students, educators, or
the Covid-19 pandemic, all schools in institutions on various practical
Thailand have reinforced their efforts to understandings of mathematics education.
enhance online interactions and motivate Low-preparation strategies are
students to participate in online learning. those instructional techniques that require
Transitioning from classroom to blended minimal changes to the classroom structure
instruction demands adjusting to the "new and routine but can significantly impact
normal." learning experiences. They require minimal
According to the study by Wilson preparation from the teacher but allow the
(2018), it is well established that classroom teacher to modify curriculum and
assessment can substantially impact instruction in response to learners' needs.
students' educational success. In contrast, Wan (2017) expresses that proactively
the effects of large-scale assessment are adjusting teaching and learning incorporates
harder to prove. various classroom organizational,
Fouze and Amit (2017) express that instructional, and assessment approaches
teachers are responsible for learning. These and principles.
include the growth of curricula and learning The self-regulated study contains a
strategies based on integrating cultural constructive outcome on academic results.
elements and values and ethnos The conclusions drawn from self-reflection
mathematical games in math instruction. have control over the learner's self-concept.
The use of games from the students' culture Dignath and Büttner (2018) showed that
and cultural values from previous outcomes of this self-evaluation influence
knowledge in this endeavor may contribute the subsequent anticipation phase, resulting
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10598

in the cyclical character of the model. Many concerns have been raised in
Rodrigues et al. (2019) said that electronic the Philippines' early assumption of the K-12
learning (e-learning) could be a broader educational system regarding its
approach to learning that brings new implementation, mainly the mismatch
chances for learning and teaching in many between coursework offered in Philippine K-
fields of education removed from the typical 12 educational institutions with industry
classroom environment. demands. With such outcomes, it is essential
According to Patron (2021), to determine the status of the K-12
teachers' instructional approaches impact educational system in the Philippines.
students' mathematics performance; as a Almerino et al. (2020) said the outcomes
result, the Learning Continuity Plan is would help shed light on the formulation of
designed to successfully serve the strategies needed to justify the students'
requirements of all learners using a variety competencies toward the expected
of innovative strategies. Modular Distance outcomes of the K-12 program.
Learning is one of the learning modes used Andrada and Marasigan (2020) said
by the school, in which students use self- that the SHS students' persistence factors
learning modules in print or electronic form, are self-efficacy and social support based on
with tutors monitoring their progress. In the results gathered. Adu et al. (2017)
contrast, in online distance learning, explained that senior high schools had a
learners use various technologies accessed high-level functional readiness to administer
through the internet. Determine the impact the SHS program. Perez (2018) concludes
of modular distance learning and online that DepEd must focus on providing these
distance learning on mathematics resources to schools to enhance the
performance, the level of mathematics operational preparedness of the SHS
performance of students, and the link program.
between these challenges and problems in Valdez and Dominado (2020)
using blended learning methods in teaching suggested that DepEd Order No. 8, series
mathematics and the mathematics 2015, Enhanced Basic Education Act of
capabilities of students in his study. 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533), DepEd
The study of Capuno et al. (2019) embraces the enclosed Policy Guidelines on
revealed that the students had a positive Classroom Evaluation for the K to 12 Basic
attitude towards mathematics. At the same Education Program. Classroom Assessment
time, they had unbiased behavior regarding is an integral part of the learning
their self-reliance, happiness, and development of the school and the
enthusiasm for mathematics. classroom.
Tanujaya et al. (2017), Higher order Classroom assessment informs the
thinking skills (HOTS) are essential aspects learners and their parents and guardians of
of education. A person's thinking can affect their progress (Suurtamm et al., 2016).
learning ability, speed, and effectiveness. According to Reyes and David (2020), DepEd
Wherefore, reasoning skills are merged with adopts the attached guidelines on the
the learning process—learners who are National Assessment of Student Learning for
taught to think and exhibit a beneficial effect the K to 12 Basic Education Program based
on their education. Subia et al. (2020) on DepEd Order No. 55, series 2016.
express that improvement is vital since the Balagtas et al. (2019) express that
students need HOTS to hurdle higher-level the national evaluation of student learning is
tertiary mathematics courses, which, integral to DepEd's assessment framework.
achieving reliable development is essential Opening active, interactive communication
for boosting gainful performance and channels enhances the learning process.
economic development in contemporary Learning is assessed based not only on
societies. Popescu et al.’s (2017) study results but also on function and self-
reveals that measuring competitiveness evaluation. This learning process should be
differs depending on the concept used, using as efficient as feasible using a mobile device
specific economic indicators. or smartphone. Blended learning is the
10599 Journal of Positive School Psychology

correct alternative and explication in the instruction. Awofala et al. (2020) explained
current Covid-19 pandemic. The approach is that an extensive literature review aligned
to combine traditional learning patterns with this study's findings of the positive
with online multimedia-based information influence teachers' higher technology use
technology. Constraints and obstacles that had on students' motivation, attitudes, and
exist in the learning environment deserve achievement.
attention. In addition to technical factors Without the required prerequisites,
related to technological mastery and access such as resources, adequate teacher
constraints, the preparation of problem- competencies, and favorable legislation, the
based materials equipped with cases and spiral progression technique causes more
problem-solving guides, coupled with active, harm than good. The spiral is cut due to
interactive communication media channels, widespread student promotion, which the
is believed to improve student learning authorities impose indirectly. Promoting
activities. pupils without the necessary remedial
The study of Padillo et al. (2021) lessons to catch up and grasp the topic
revealed that professional development undermines the Spiral Progression
programs for teachers had accomplished Approach's promise. Making restorative
mastery in educational planning, sessions for slow learners more appealing to
instructional delivery, knowledge of the both teachers and students may help pupils
topic, bond with students, and classroom master critical concepts for the next level.
management. In contrast, professional
development activities were known to have III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
little help for the teachers. It was also This study determined the mathematics
learned that there is no significant performance, attitude toward Mathematics
relationship between the learning and blended learning of Grade 11 senior high
competencies and professional development school students' during the Covid-19
activities. pandemic as the basis for the action plans.
Arulmoly and Branavan (2017) Specifically, it determined the: 1) profile of
study revealed that highly motivated the respondents in terms of age and gender,
students perform better academically than track and strand enrolled, final grade in
lowly motivated students. A better transfer Grade 10 mathematics, and type of school
of learning of mathematics proficiency on graduated; 2) mathematics performance of
the part of the teacher, combined with the respondents in functions and relations,
students' interest in the subject and the exponential functions, and simple and
show of positive behavior as earlier pointed compound interests; 3) level of the attitude
out. They are suitable motivating of the respondents in terms of perceived
components that, when combined, are confidence in learning mathematics, and
assumed to result in better mathematics usefulness of mathematics; 4) respondents'
accomplishment. attitudes towards blended learning; 5)
Arends et al. (2017) suggest that how significance of the relationship between
teachers interact with learners features a their level of attitude towards mathematics
significant difference in their performance. and blended learning and the mathematics
The facilitation of student interaction by the performance; and the 6) significance of the
teacher is equally essential. The influence of difference in the level of attitude towards
teacher collaboration and its effects on mathematics, and blended learning when
learner performance is instructive. The grouped by the profile of the respondents.
proper support and implementation could
lead to better learner performance in IV. METHODOLOGY
Mathematics. The study utilized the descriptive
Ejoh (2020) study revealed a correlational-comparative research design
positive influence on mathematics students' using a survey questionnaire. Also, it
motivation, attitude, and achievement when gathered data regarding the respondents'
technology is embedded in classroom profile in terms of age and gender, track and
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10600

strand enrolled, final grade in Grade 10 corresponding choices by placing a

mathematics, type of school graduated, checkmark on the boxes corresponding to
mathematics performance, attitude towards their responses.
mathematics and blended learning of the The last questionnaire, the
senior high school students. Mathematical Test Performance, is
The study was conducted at Mactan composed only of one part answerable in
National High School (700, 73.84%), one hour. The respondents selected the
Lapulapu City, Philippines, Ponciano L. Padin letter of the correct answer to each question
National High School (66, 6.96%), Bohol, implied by encircling the letter of the correct
Philippines, and Saint Francis Academy answer in the choices provided (with the
(182, 19.20%), Balamban, Cebu, Philippines. permission to use from the owner to copy
The respondents are selected based on and revise some content of the tool.) The
stratified sampling, where the sample is data gathering procedures are based on the
drawn from the stratified, mainly the correlation-comparative method. In
student in Grade 11. The researchers addition, the researchers used descriptive
selected them as respondents of this study and inferential statistical treatments.
since; they are the students with excessive For the mathematics questionnaire,
absences, children who are primarily the instrument sought the level of
repeaters, children with records usually performance of the respondents in terms of
below the MPS set by DepEd, who need three different selected topics in General
attention below the community even in the Mathematics namely, functions and
school. relations, exponential functions, and simple
The researchers adopted two types and compound interests.
of questionnaires: survey questionnaires For the profiling of the respondents,
and Mathematics performance exam on the instruments expressly sought the
selected topics in General Mathematics. The demographic profile of the respondents for
survey questionnaire has three parts. The the study, including age, gender, track,
initial part is the profile of the participants. strand, final grade in Grade 10 Mathematics,
At the same time, the second part is the level and type of school graduated. The age of the
of attitudes toward math taken from the respondents is one of the essential
Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes characteristics in understanding their views
Scales. The third part, attitudes towards about the specific problems, and
blended learning, is taken from the Journal of considerable age indicates the level of
Education and Human Development-Six maturity of individuals of the same age
Subscales of Blended Learning Survey. becomes more critical in examining the
In the profile of the respondents, the response. The respondents answered by
questionnaire was answered by placing a checking the corresponding blocks. As they
checkmark on the circle provided. The read the following sentences, the researcher
attitudes towards the Mathematics Scale, will know whether they agreed or disagreed.
which consists of two parts, B.1 and B.2, was The respondents answered twelve items in
answered by checking the indicators learning mathematics by checking the
provided, namely Strongly Disagree, appropriate box corresponding to the four
Disagree, Agree, and Strongly Agree. The options. The same goes in answering the
third questionnaire, which is the students' perceived usefulness of mathematics. The
attitude towards blended learning respondents answered the 12-item
consisting of one part only, was answered by questions by also checking the appropriate
putting a checkmark on the indicators box.
provided on the right side, namely: Strongly During the research administration,
Disagree, Disagree, Agree, and Strongly the researchers prioritized seeking parents'
Agree. The researchers gathered data in line consent and consent from minors. Also,
with the level of attitudes towards those who belonged to the legal age were
mathematics; the respondents answered a informed about the details of the said study.
33-item questionnaire with four The researchers have adequately discussed
10601 Journal of Positive School Psychology

the rationale for answering the test performance of the respondents is also
questionnaires by giving clear instructions. presented in Table 1. The level of the attitude
To ensure uniformity in the test of the respondents in terms of perceived
administration, the researchers confidence in learning mathematics, and
administered the examination to the usefulness of mathematics are shown in
respondents one week after the third Tables 2 and 3. The respondents' attitude
grading period. The researchers retrieved towards blended learning is presented in
the survey test questionnaires, and the Table 4. Further, the significance of the
interview results. During the survey, ethical relationship between the mathematics
standards were observed. Accordingly, the performance and the level of attitude
data privacy act was respected and towards mathematics, and blended learning
practiced. are exhibited in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.
The gathered data were statistically Finally, the significance of the difference in
treated using descriptive statistics the level of attitude towards mathematics,
(frequency, mean, standard deviation, and blended learning when grouped by the
weighted mean) and inferential statistics profile of the respondents are depicted in
(Chi-square test of independence, ANOVA). Tables 7 and 8, respectively.

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Profile of the respondents

The results of the respondents' profile in The results of the respondents' profile in
terms of age and gender, track and strand terms of age and gender, track and strand
enrolled in, final grade in Grade 10 enrolled in, final grade in Grade 10
mathematics, type of school graduated are mathematics, type of school graduated are
given in Table 1. The mathematics given in Table 1.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

Age [in years]
15 1 0.11
16 - 17 700 73.84
18 - 19 213 22.47
20 and above 34 3.59
Mean: 17.29 SD: 1.07
Female 527 55.59
Male 421 44.41
Track Enrolled
Academic 691 72.89
TVL 257 27.11
ABM 162 17.09
Cookery 27 2.85
Dressmaking 24 2.53
AIM 46 4.85
SPAS 19 2.00
GAS 193 20.36
HUMMUS 136 14.35
ICT-CSS 36 3.80
STEM 203 21.41
Tourism 102 10.76
Final Grade in Grade 10 Mathematics
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10602

75 – 79 [Fairly 110 11.60

80 – 84 [Satisfactory] 225 23.73
85 – 89 [Very Satisfactory] 352 37.13
90 – 100 [Outstanding] 261 27.53
Mean: 86.05 SD: 4.87
F. Type of School
Private 191 20.15
Public 757 79.85

It is shown in Table 1 that the mean age of a lesser number of students enrolled in the
the respondents is 17.29 with a standard TVL track.
deviation of 1.07. Likewise, the modal age of Moreover, Table 1 also shows that
the respondents is between 16 to 17, which the mean final grade in mathematics is 86.05
has 700 respondents, about 73.84 percent. and interpreted as Very Satisfactory with a
The data implies that students mainly belong standard deviation of 4.87, indicating that
to a adolescent age group in the three school the grades are quite spread out. Likewise,
respondents. the modal final grade attained by the
Regarding gender, Table 1 shows respondents is between 85 to 89 (Very
that most respondents are female, which is Satisfactory), which has 352 respondents
527 respondents (55.59%), over the males (37.13%). The data implies that most
with 421 (44.41%) respondents. The data students have Very Satisfactory final grades
implies that students enrolled in the three during their Grade 10 mathematics in the
school respondents are primarily females three school respondents, while only a few
who are into blended learning modality belonged to the lowest grade attained.
during the pandemic. Traditional didactic Also, in terms of the type of school
teaching and online learning have been graduated, most of the respondents came
updated and gradually superseded by from public high schools, with 757
blended learning as the digital era has respondents (79.85%).
progressed. According to Attard and Holmes
Lin et al. (2016) discovered that male (2020) that the effect of the Covid-19
students and high-ability students were pandemic has positively and negatively
more motivated in a blended learning affected learners and instructors. Most of the
setting. After experiencing blended learning, opinions disclosed the disadvantages of
students gave excellent feedback on the education in the pandemic period.
Moodle learning platform for mathematics.
Also, Table 1 shows that most Perceived confidence in learning
respondents are enrolled in the academic Mathematics
track comprising 691 respondents (72.89%) The perceived confidence in learning
and enrolled in TVL, with 257 respondents mathematics was also determined. Weighted
(27.11%). The data implies that more means and standard deviations were
students opted to enroll in the academic computed. Table 2 shows the results of this.
track in the three school respondents while

Table 2. Perceived confidence in learning mathematics

# Indicators Mean StDev Interpretation

1. I am positive that I can learn mathematics. 3.09 0.6461 Moderately
2. Generally, I have felt confident about attempting 2.85 0.5897 Moderately
mathematics. Confident
3. Even though I study, math seems unusually hard 2.84 0.7525 Moderately
for me for other reasons. Confident
10603 Journal of Positive School Psychology

4. I can get good grades in mathematics. 2.80 0.6408 Moderately

5. I am not the kind of student to do well in math. 2.72 0.7355 Moderately
6. Most subjects I can handle o.k., but I have a 2.70 0.7733 Moderately
knack for flubbing up math. Confident
7. I do not think I could perform advanced 2.66 0.7285 Moderately
mathematics. Confident
8. I am no good at math. 2.62 0.7680 Moderately
9. I am confident I could do advanced work in 2.56 0.7060 Moderately
mathematics. Confident
10. I think I could handle more challenging 2.46 0.7350 Confident
11. Math has been my worst subject. 2.39 0.9252
12. I have a lot of confidence in mathematics. 2.38 0.7895
Aggregate Mean: 2.67 Moderately
Mean Range: 1.00-1.74 Not Confident; 1.75-2.49 Confident; 2.50-3.24 Moderately Confident;
3.25-4.00 Very Confident

Table 2 shows the respondents were response, the educational system has done
Moderately Confident in learning possible measurements to provide quality
Mathematics with an aggregate mean of education for the students. On top of those
2.67. Specifically, the indicator “I am positive innovations is the implementation of online
that I can learn mathematics” got the highest instructions as a teaching and learning
mean of 3.09 (Moderately Confident) with a modality; however, technology and the
standard deviation of 0.6461. While the internet are concerned in the country's
indicator, I have a lot of confidence in reality. Different stakeholders face different
mathematics, got the lowest mean of 2.38 issues and challenges, like the teachers and
(Confident) with a standard deviation of the students (Assunção Flores & Gago,
0.7895. The table implies that the students 2020). Thus, it is appropriate to know and
have positive attitudes towards learning understand their readiness and attitude as
mathematics. This can be achieved by significant references in creating relevant
providing the students with the quality of policies in continuing education.
teaching by the subject teacher in as much as
providing them with plenty of example Perceived usefulness of Mathematics
problems solved with a variety of topics. The perceived usefulness of mathematics
COVID-19 pandemic has caused was also determined. Table 3 shows the
severe and sudden changes in learning results of the perceived usefulness of
(Heng & Sol, 2021; Wang & Zhao, 2020). In mathematics to the respondents.

Table 3. Perceived usefulness of mathematics of the respondents

# Indicators Mean StDev Interpretation

1. Understanding mathematics will help me earn a 3.26 0.6461 Very Useful
2. I will need mathematics for my future work. 3.20 0.5897 Moderately Useful
3. I study mathematics because I know how 3.20 0.7060 Moderately Useful
beneficial it is.
4. Mathematics is a worthwhile and necessary 3.06 0.7350 Moderately Useful
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10604

5. I will utilize mathematics in many ways as an 3.03 0.7895 Moderately Useful

6. I will need a firm understanding of 2.84 0.6408 Moderately Useful
mathematics for my future work.
7. I hope to have little use for mathematics when I 2.55 0.9252 Moderately Useful
get out of school.
8. As an adult, I perceive mathematics as a topic 2.53 0.7355 Moderately Useful
that I will rarely utilize.
9. Mathematics is not essential to my life. 2.16 0.7680 Useful
10. I do not have to do well in mathematics in high 2.13 0.7733 Useful
school in my adult life.
11. Mathematics will not be necessary to me in my 2.12 0.7285 Useful
life's work.
12. Taking mathematics is a waste of time. 1.90 0.7525 Useful
Aggregate Mean: 2.67 Moderately
Mean range: 1.00-1.74 Not Useful; 1.75-2.49 Useful; 2.50-3.24 Moderately Useful; 3.25-4.00 Very

The results revealed in Table 3 shows the and Tan (2018) discovered that students'
senior high school students perceived attitudes about mathematics significantly
Mathematics as Moderately Useful, impact their math performance. This means
obtaining an aggregate mean of 2.67. that the better one's attitude toward
Specifically, the indicator, “Understanding mathematics, the better one's mathematical
mathematics will help me earn a living”, got performance. The study of Capuno et al.
the highest mean of 3.26 (Very Useful) with (2019) revealed that the students had a
a standard deviation of 0.6461. While the positive attitude towards mathematics. At
indicator, “Taking mathematics is a waste of the same time, they had unbiased behavior
time”, got the lowest mean of 1.90 (Useful) regarding their self-reliance, happiness, and
with a standard deviation of 0.7525. The enthusiasm for mathematics.
result implies that the students have
confidence in learning mathematics and that Level of attitude of the respondents
knowing the subject will help them earn a towards blended learning
living. Salingay and Tan (2018) confirm this This research also determined the attitude of
finding by stating that students exhibit good the respondents towards blended learning.
attitudes toward mathematics and recognize The results are given in Table 4.
its importance in their daily lives. Andamon

Table 4. Respondents’ attitudes towards blended learning

# Indicators Mean StDev Interpretation

1. Face-to-face learning, in my opinion, is more
3.28 0.8271 Strongly agree
effective than internet learning.
2. I respect opinions and information provided by
3.05 0.7242 Agree
others in online communities.
3. Completing exercises online is difficult. 2.86 0.6244 Agree
4. I would like unlimited access to lecture materials. 2.84 0.7678 Agree
5. Technology must be utilized in the classroom, in my
2.79 0.7616 Agree
6. I find it very difficult to study online. 2.79 0.8301 Agree
7. I would love lecture time in the classroom to be
2.73 0.7989 Agree
10605 Journal of Positive School Psychology

8. Understanding the instructions of online exercises

2.69 0.7506 Agree
is easy.
9. In an online environment, I am more prone to miss
2.69 0.7745 Agree
assignment deadlines.
10. I can express myself online through my writing. 2.62 0.8326 Agree
11. I'd like to communicate with my lecturer via the
2.61 0.7792 Agree
12. In order to complete assignments, I can work well
2.61 0.8205 Agree
with a virtual team.
13. I am assured of my ability to use Web technologies
2.61 0.7932 Agree
to share information with others.
14. I do not oppose having my lessons online. 2.59 0.7423 Agree
15. I can communicate effectively with others using
online technologies (e.g., email, chat, discussion 2.53 0.8336 Agree
16. Online learning helps me be more responsible for
2.49 0.8748 Disagree
my studies.
17. I love online learning as it provides richer
2.41 0.6905 Disagree
instructional content.
18. Online learning encourages me to prepare well for
2.39 0.8123 Disagree
my studies.
19. When I study online, I am more organized. 2.38 0.7977 Disagree
20. I would love to have my classes online rather than
2.10 0.8202 Disagree
in the classroom.
Aggregate Mean : 2.65 Agree
Mean Range: 1.00-1.74 Strongly disagree; 1.75-2.49 Disagree; 2.50-3.24 Agree; 3.25-4.00
Strongly agree

Table 4 shows that the indicator, “Face-to- and achievement when technology is
face learning, in my opinion, is more effective embedded in classroom instruction. Awofala
than internet learning”, got the highest mean et al. (2020) explained that an extensive
of 3.28 (Strongly Agree) with a standard literature review aligned with this study's
deviation of 0.8271. While the indicator, “I findings of the positive influence teachers'
would love to have my classes online rather higher technology use had on students'
than in the classroom”, got the lowest mean motivation, attitudes, and achievement.
of 2.10 (Disagree) with a standard deviation
of 0.8202. The result shows that the students Significance of the relationship between
prefer face-to-face classes to blended mathematics performance and level of
learning, which DepEd mandated for all attitude towards mathematics
public national high schools as a learning
modality to handle classes amidst the Covid- In order to determine the significance of the
19 pandemic. The study of Mali and Lim relationship between the level of attitude
(2021) revealed that students prefer face-to- towards mathematics and the mathematics
face classes despite some limitations in the performance of the students, the Chi-square
learning modality. Ejoh (2020) study test of independence was used at an α = 0.05
revealed a positive influence on level of significance. Table 5 exemplifies the
mathematics students' motivation, attitude, results of the test.

Table 5. Significance of the relationship between the level of attitude towards mathematics and
mathematics performance
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10606

Computed Critical
Variables df Decision Significance
Chi-square Value
Functions and Relations
Confidence in Learning 14.796 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Mathematics significant
Usefulness of Mathematics 22.470 12 21.026 Ho rejected Significant
Overall Mathematics Attitude 12.204 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not

Exponential Functions
Confidence in Learning 17.579 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Mathematics significant
Usefulness of Mathematics 34.559 12 21.026 Ho rejected Significant
Overall Mathematics Attitude 24.906 12 21.026 Ho rejected Significant

Simple and Compound

Confidence in Learning 13.760 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Mathematics significant
7.889 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Usefulness of Mathematics
Overall Mathematics Attitude 8.323 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not

Overall Mathematics
Confidence in Learning 9.982 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Mathematics significant
15.781 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Usefulness of Mathematics
Overall Mathematics Attitude 15.498 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not

The data in Table 5 reveals a In the study by Soesanto and

significant relationship between perceived Dirgantoro (2021), they suggested that the
usefulness of mathematics and mathematics Covid-19 pandemic opens the door for
performance in functions and relations; that researchers to contribute more to online
is, the computed Chi-square value of 22.470 mathematics learning. During the pandemic,
is significantly greater than the critical value the various impact and casualties affect
of 21.026 at a df of 12. Also, Table 5 reveals a students' performance in learning
significant relationship between the mathematics.
perceived usefulness of mathematics and the
mathematics performance in exponential Significance of the relationship between
functions and relations with a computed Chi- level of attitude towards blended
square of 34.559 which is greater than the learning and mathematics performance
critical value of 21.026. Finally, the overall The study hypothesized that the
mathematics attitude had a significant profile of the respondents has no significant
relationship to the mathematics relationships with the level of attitude
performance in exponential functions with a towards blended learning. The Chi-square
computed Chi-square value of 24.906 which was used to test this hypothesis α = 0.05
is greater than the critical value of 21.026 level of significance. Table 6 presents the
with a df = 12 and at an α = 0.05. results.
10607 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Table 6. Significance of the relationship between attitudes towards blended learning and
mathematics performance

Computed Critical
Paired Variables df Decision Significance
Chi-square Value
Attitudes Towards Blended
Learning and mathematics
performance in
Functions and Relations 23.860 12 21.026 Ho rejected Significant
Exponential Functions 27.330 12 21.026 Ho rejected Significant
Simple and Compound Interests 17.621 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Overall Mathematics 7.801 12 21.026 Ho accepted Not
Performance significant

Table 6 reveals a significant Significance of the difference between

relationship between the attitudes towards level of attitude towards mathematics
blended learning and the mathematics and profile
performance in Functions and Relations and In order to test the significance of the
Exponential Functions. The computed Chi- difference between the level of attitude
square values of these variables are towards mathematics and the profile
significantly higher than the critical values at variables namely age, gender, track, strand,
a df of 12. The data imply that the attitudes final grade in mathematics and type of
towards blended learning correlate with the school, the Analysis of Variance was used.
students' mathematics performance. Table 7 shows the results and reveals that
Aldalalah et al. (2019) found out that when grouped by its gender, track and
Mathematics learning facilitated blended strand, final grade in Grade 10 mathematics,
learning improves cognitive and and type of school [public or private], the
metacognitive skills of high students. perceived level of attitudes towards the
Valdez and Dominado (2020) mathematics of the Grade 11 senior high
suggested that DepEd Order No. 8, series school students differ from each other for
2015, Enhanced Basic Education Act of the following all profile variables except age.
2013 (Republic Act No. 10533), DepEd Gender, track, strand, final grade in Grade 10
embraces the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Math and type of school significantly differed
Classroom Evaluation for the K to 12 Basic in the level of attitude towards Mathematics
Education Program. Classroom Assessment since the computed p-values are lesser than
is an integral part of the learning p = 0.05. The data imply that the students'
development of the school and the attitudes towards mathematics vary when
classroom. grouped by these variables: gender, track,
and strand, final grade in Grade 10
mathematics, type of schools.

Table 7. Significance of the difference in the level of attitude toward mathematics when grouped
by its profile

Computed P-
Paired Variables Decision Significance
F-Value Value
Level of Attitude Towards
Mathematics and Profile Variables
Age 0.83 0.593 Ho accepted Not
Gender 4.02 0.045 Ho rejected Significant
Track 8.66 0.003 Ho rejected Significant
Gabriel M. Pagaran 10608

Strand 5.78 0.000 Ho rejected Significant

Final Grade in Grade 10 Math 3.38 0.000 Ho rejected Significant
Type of Schools 104.21 0.000 Ho rejected Significant

Several studies have been done on The Analysis of Variance was used in
the learning environment, and the findings order to test the significance of the
have shown a consistent relationship difference between the level of attitude
between the classroom environment and towards blended learning and the profile
students' cognitive and affective outcomes variables namely age, gender, track, strand,
(Radovan & Makovec, 2015; Yerdelen, 2013; final grade in mathematics and type of
Maat & Zakaria, 2010). school. Table 8 shows the results and reveals
The teacher's factor plays a vital role that when grouped by its gender, track and
in affecting students' attitudes towards strand, final grade in Grade 10 mathematics,
mathematics. The students seek teachers' and type of school [public or private], the
understanding of their capability in learning perceived level of attitudes towards the
mathematics (Bishara, 2021; Todd Brown, mathematics of the Grade 11 senior high
2005). Good mathematics teachers should school students differ from each other since
have the criteria, including engaging the computed p-values are lesser than 0.05.
students in learning mathematics and having The data imply that the students' attitudes
profound mathematical understanding. towards mathematics vary when grouped by
these variables: gender, track, and strand,
Significance of the difference between final grade in Grade 10 mathematics, type of
level of attitude towards blended schools.
learning and profile

Table 8. Significance of the difference in the level of attitude toward blended learning when
grouped by its profile

Computed P- Significance
Paired Variables Decision
F-Value Value
Level of Attitude Towards
Blended Learning and Profile
Age 2.49 0.008 Ho Significant
Gender 1.59 0.207 Ho Not
accepted significant
Track 1.23 0.267 Ho Not
accepted significant
Strand 15.01 0.000 Ho Significant
Final Grade in Grade 10 4.10 0.000 Ho Significant
Math rejected
Type of Schools 186.49 0.000 Ho Significant

Table 8 reveals that when grouped Math and type of school. Gender and track
by age, strand, final grade in Grade 10 enrolled in by the students did not have a
mathematics, and type of schools [public or significant difference in the level of attitude
private], the perceived attitudes towards toward blended learning. This means that
blended learning of Grade 11 senior high both male and female have the same level of
school students significantly differ for the attitude toward blended learning. The same
variables age, strand, final grade in Grade 10 goes for the track the student enrolled in as
10609 Journal of Positive School Psychology

well as. Research shows that students' Technological University for sharing their
attitude toward blended learning has brilliant ideas regarding the implementation
significant differences when grouped by age, of blended learning in mathematics amidst
strand enrolled, final grade in Grade 10 the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the
mathematics, and the type of schools the researchers are grateful to the Philippines'
students graduated in the senior high school Department of Education for allowing them
(Aksan, 2021; Salayo et al., 2020). to pursue this study despite community
lockdowns. They express their gratitude to
VI. CONCLUSION three anonymous reviewers for their
This study concludes that COVID-19 affected insightful remarks on an earlier version of
the mathematics performance of the Grade this manuscript.
11 senior high school students in the three
identified senior high schools. This expected Sources of Funding
trend is generally affected by the loss of This research was conducted solely to
contact of the Grade 11 students with their examine the potential contributions of
teachers, and they prefer to have a face-to- blended learning to teaching and learning
face interaction with them. Thus, engaging mathematics to senior high school students.
students in blended learning somehow hurts The authors and their contributions to this
students' learning in mathematics, and manuscript are dependent on their personal
preparing them for examinations will funds.
possibly affect their performance in general.
The mathematics performance reveals that Financial and Non-Financial Interests
most struggle to pass the three topics The authors declared no potential conflicts
examination. The results also emphasize of interest, including financial and non-
that when grouped by their profile, the financial conflicts. All authors declare no
students have positive attitudes towards conflict of interest.
blended learning and differ only in the type
of schools the students are enrolled in during REFERENCES
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