Css QB
Css QB
Css QB
2 marks
a) Describe all the tokens of the following statements :
i. document.bgColor
ii. document.write()
b) Differentiate between prompt() and alert() methods.
c) State use of getters and setters
d) State and explain any two properties of array object
e) Write a JavaScript that displays first 20 even numbers on the document window.
4 marks
a) Write a program to print sum of even numbers between 1 to 100 using for loop.
b) Write a JavaScript function to insert a string within a string at a particular position
c) Generate college Admission form using html form tag
d) State the use of following methods. i. charCodeAt()
ii. fromCharCode()
Sample Q. Paper
2 marks
a) State the use of dot syntax in JavaScript with the help of suitable example.
b) List and explain Logical operators in JavaScript.
d) Write a JavaScript that initializes an array called “Fruits” with names of five fruits.
The script then displays the array in a message box.
e) Give syntax of and explain the use of
“with” statement/clause in JavaScript using suitable example.
f) Enlist and explain the use of any two Intrinsic JavaScript functions.
4 marks
a) Write syntax of and explain prompt method in JavaScript with the help of suitable
b) Write a JavaScript program which compute, the average marks of the following
students Then, this average is used to determine the corresponding grade.
Student Name Marks
d) Develop JavaScript to convert the given character to Unicode and vice versa.
a) Write HTML Script that displays textboxes for accepting Name, middlename, Surname of the user and a
Submit button. Write proper JavaScript such that when the
user clicks on submit button
i) all texboxes must get disabled and
change the color to “RED”. and with respective labels.
ii) Constructs the mailID as <name>.<surname>@msbte.com and displays mail
Iii) Constructs the mailID as <name>.<surname>@msbte.com and displays mail
ID as message. (Ex. If user enters Rajni as name and Pathak as surname
mailID will be constructed as rajni.pathak@msbte.com).
MSBTE Q. Paper
2 marks
(a) List any four features of Java script.
(b) List the comparison operators in Java script.
(d) Write a Java script that initializes an
array called flowers with the names of 3
flowers. The script then displays array elements.
(e) Write Java script to call function from HTML.
(f) Write a Java script to design a form to accept values for user ID & password.
4 marks
(a) Explain getter and setter properties in Java script with suitable example.
(d) Write the use of CharAt() and indexof() with syntax and example.
(c) Write a Java script code to display 5 elements of array in sorted order.