Guided Reading The Very Smelly Princess
Guided Reading The Very Smelly Princess
Guided Reading The Very Smelly Princess
● 2.1.2.PGD. 2: Develop an awareness of healthy habits (e.g., wash hands, cough in arm, brush
Objective: Students will be able to listen, make predictions, and connect the reading to real
life situations by completing a 5 question worksheet using key concepts from the text at a 90%
Develop discussion relating to hygiene and encourage students to share their experiences and
routines for showering, oral hygiene, hand washing etc. Discuss the importance of having
efficient hygiene and why it is not healthy to not shower. Discuss how student hygiene might
affect the friends and family around them. Allow students to share experiences where they may
have not displayed proper hygiene. Some examples may be not taking a shower after the pool,
forgetting to brush their teeth, or even not washing their hands after using the bathroom. The
importance of using students' prior knowledge may help them relate to a time where they gave
their parents a hard time about a hygiene routine . In the story the Princess refuses to take a
bath but once she does she reveals all the good that comes with being clean.
C. Teach Vocabulary
As students discuss during the picture walk and observe the pictures, listen for vocab words that
students will find in the reading. Ensure that the words used are within the context of the story
being discussed, then elaborate on these words and their true definition. Provide a page and
point to a tier 2 vocab word then allow the student to explain the definition. Some example
words: wash, bath, naughty
V. Apply –
Engage students in the task of exploring our next science unit about plant growth that involves a
class garden and getting messy. This is why the hygiene unit was taught first, there could be a
big mess when the students take on the gardening. Engage students by expressing how we are
going to “be princess grace for the day”. The same way that Princess Grace Played in the mud,
the class is going to play in the soil. Require students to choose a different flower and begin
digging, planting, and watering a seed. The students will need to measure the growth of the
stem with a ruler every week after planting. The students will use addition and subtraction to
estimate the weekly growth of the flower. After every gardening trip the class will wash their
hands with guided instruction to incorporate the hygiene unit, eventually the students will
know how to/how long to wash their hands. Encourage students to practice at home with
showers, bath, hand washing, and brushing teeth. Address the students' experiences
throughout the week through class discussion while in the garden.