Essay 1
Essay 1
Essay 1
Firstly, by only focusing on competition, people will fail to enjoy the process. It
is always important to cherish whatever we do. By having a sense of cooperation,
one will tend to view the other people with them, as companions rather than rivals.
For instance, in a particular school, students are thought in such a way to
colloborate with others and help each other, instead of being the first one to
answer the teacher's question. This will definitely create an impression in young
minds that it is always better to help one another than just compete with
them.These qualities are required when they grow and become leaders of tomorrow.
Secondly, people learn better when they cooperate and study with others instead of
looking at it as a competition between who does better. For example, a student from
a a school where teaching is done in an interactive method tends to have more
qualities of leadership compared to a student from a school where, exams are the
main priority rather than the teaching. Research studies have shown that students
learn much better and retain much of the information when they are taught in an
interactive way as opposed to just plain teaching. This helps students to cultivate
a behaviour where they always listen to others. One of the qualities of a good
leader is to listen to people, whether it be heeding to a colleague's advice or a
listening to the problems of the public.
Some people might think that healthy competition is necessary to grow and succeed.
However, learning is always more important than competing. By learning one can
enhance his or knowledge which may or may not happen during a competition. Thus, by
instilling a sense of cooperatiion rather than competition in the young minds of
today will give birth to leaders in the future.