99 170435-2014-Valencerina - v. - People20210902-11-10o6f3l
99 170435-2014-Valencerina - v. - People20210902-11-10o6f3l
99 170435-2014-Valencerina - v. - People20210902-11-10o6f3l
This appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court 1 assails the
October 11, 2012 Decision 2 and the March 1, 2013 Resolution 3 of the
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 27474, finding petitioner Alex M.
Valencerina ( Valencerina), together with Amalio A. Mallari (Mallari), guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of violating Section 3 (e) of Republic Act (R.A.) No.
3019, which provides as follows:
Sec. 3. Corrupt practices of public officers . — In addition to
acts or omissions of public officers already penalized by existing law,
the following shall constitute corrupt practices of any public officer and
are hereby declared to be unlawful:
xxx xxx xxx
30 March 1998
Cc: SVP J. Navarette
6) Issuance of the said Surety bond without prior approval from the
Central Bank being a foreign-denominated bond;
All of those charged pleaded not guilty, except for Boright, who since
then, had remained at large. Eventually, the case against Campaña was
dismissed in the Sandiganbayan Resolution, dated August 3, 2003.
After the trial, the Sandiganbayan rendered the assailed decision, finding
Valencerina and Mallari guilty beyond reasonable doubt and sentencing them
to suffer the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1)
month as minimum, up to ten (10) years as maximum, with perpetual
disqualification from holding public office. Bernardo and Edralin were acquitted
for failure of the prosecution to prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Then, a warrant of arrest for accused Boright was issued.
Considering that the act or omission from which the civil liability
might arise did not exist, no civil liability may be assessed against
accused Bernardo and Edralin.
Let the hold-departure order against accused Bernardo and
Edralin by reason of this case be lifted and set aside, and their bonds
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released, subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedure.
Let a warrant for the arrest of accused Josephine Edralin Boright
be issued. Pending her arrest, let this case be archived.
1. The Sandiganbayan (First Division) has decided
questions of substance not heretofore determined by
the Supreme Court; or has decided in a way probably
not in accord with law or with applicable decisions of
the Supreme Court; or has so far departed from the
accepted and usual course of judicial proceedings
(Rules of Court, Rule 45, Section 6 ), as shown by the
grounds invoked and discussed hereunder,
2. The conclusions, findings and judgment of the
Sandiganbayan (First Division) are speculative,
surmises or conjectures; or based on misapprehension
of facts; or the inferences made are manifestly
mistaken, absurd or impossible and rendered in grave
abuse of discretion or are beyond the issues of the
case at bench (Office of the President, et al. vs.
Calixto R. Cataquiz, G.R. No. 183445, Sept. 14, 2011),
n ATHCac
(2) the act was done in the discharge of the public officer's official,
administrative or judicial functions;
(3) the act was done through manifest partiality, evident bad faith,
or gross inexcusable negligence; and
(4) the public officer caused any undue injury to any party,
including the Government, or gave any unwarranted
benefits, advantage or preference.
Being the Vice-President for Marketing and Support Services of GSIS,
Valencerina was no doubt a public officer, and the alleged acts complained of
were done while he was in office.
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The Court also believes that the third and last constitutive elements were
established. The Sandiganbayan correctly relied on the testimonies of the
witnesses, which were based primarily on the January 27, 1998 Memorandum,
and the Certifications, dated March 30, 1998 and January 14, 1999, issued by
Valencerina himself. These documents purportedly showed his resignation to
favor Ecobel in the issuance of the subject bond as well as his alleged
participation in the negotiation of the loan sought to be guaranteed under the
bond, thus, making him guilty of the offense charged.
The third element of the crime of violation of Section 3 (e) of R.A. No.
3019 may be committed in three ways, that is, through manifest partiality,
evident bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence. Proof of any of these three in
connection with the prohibited acts mentioned in Section 3 (e) of R.A. No. 3019
is enough to convict. 17 The Court expounds:
[As defined], "[p]artiality" is synonymous with "bias" which
"excites a disposition to see and report matters as they are wished for
rather than as they are." "Bad faith does not simply connote bad
judgment or negligence; it imputes a dishonest purpose or some moral
obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong; a breach of sworn duty
through some motive or intent or ill will; it partakes of the nature of
fraud." "Gross negligence has been so defined as negligence
characterized by the want of even slight care, acting or omitting to act
in a situation where there is a duty to act, not inadvertently but wilfully
and intentionally with a conscious indifference to consequences in so
far as other persons may be affected. It is the omission of that care
which even inattentive and thoughtless men never fail to take on their
own property." 18
In this case, Valencerina clearly extended, with evident bad faith, undue
advantage to Ecobel in the process of issuing and negotiating the subject bond.
His act of endorsing Ecobel's application to the PGM despite his knowledge that
the obligee of the loan was not PVB but a foreign lender, clearly shows his
disregard for the policy of GSIS requiring the existence of governmental interest
in the transaction. In the observation of the GSIS audit team, as it appeared in a
report before the Sandiganbayan, PVB was merely used to show that GSIS has
an insurable interest in the loan. The truth, however, is that BSIL was the
funder and obligee of the credit sought to be guaranteed by the bond.
Q You are also alleged to have knowledge even at that time that the
Ecobel who applied for payment guarantee bond would have
foreign funder, do you confirm that?
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A Yes, sir, I was informed by Mr. Mallari about it, sir.
Q You know for a fact that an official of the GSIS, one requirement in
the issuance of surety bond, you would see to it that there is a
government interest in the transaction, do you remember that?
Q And yet in spite of your knowledge that eventually this bond would
have a foreign funder, you made the endorsement to the
President and General manager of the GSIS?
This is to advise that the above-captioned surety bond may be
redeemed following a default by the Bond Principal under the
procedures set out below (the "DRAWING CONDITIONS"):
14 January 1999
To Whom It May Concern:
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This is to advise that the captioned surety bond is genuine, authentic,
valid and binding obligation of GSIS, and may be transferred to Bear,
Sterns (sic) International Ltd. and any of its assignees and Aon
Financial Products, Inc. and any of its assignees within the period
commencing at the date above. GSIS has no counterclaim, defense or
right of set-off with respect to the surety bond provided that
DRAWING CONDITIONS have been satisfied.
It appears now that without these letters, BSIL would not have approved
and granted the loan to Ecobel. It was even affirmed therein the validity of the
obligation of GSIS under the subject bond, despite Valencerina knowing at that
time that the bond had not been secured by adequate collaterals, and that the
premium payment for reinsurance had not been paid. Records show that the
said premium was paid only on February 26, 1999, or almost a year after the
issuance of the bond. This would necessarily render the bond void because an
insurance policy is valid only if the actual premium is paid. 20
Valencerina cannot now say that the certifications were not properly
authenticated and their existence not properly proved because the records
would show that, during the trial, he himself adopted their contents and
admitted that he indeed issued the same certifications. For instance, he
testified as follows:
Q The prosecution offered a document purportedly a Certification by
one Alex Valencerina dated March 30, 1998 which the
prosecution marked as Exhibit D-14 which I am now showing you.
Could you please go over this document and inform the
Honorable Court if you are aware of such a document?
Q And what are the facts and procedures that you are referring to
which you mentioned in this particular memorandum?
A These are actually referring to the drawing conditions which actually
refer to the event in which case there is a default in the bond. So
are the documents that must be presented by the obligee.
Q Again, this is addressed only "To whom it may concern" and not to
anybody in particular. Why did you address it only to "To whom it
may concern"? ADHCSE
Besides, the Court gives credence to the report and findings of the audit
investigation team, affirmed by the Sandiganbayan, that Ecobel failed to pay
the loan from BSIL, which then gave rise to a notice making known the decision
of the assignee under the loan to collect on the surety bond subject of this
case. This by itself cemented the fact that, indeed, Ecobel received benefit by
reason of the unjustified actions committed by no less than the high-ranking
officers of GSIS.
Finally, Valencerina's act of cancelling the bond upon information that the
collateral submitted was spurious does not negate the fact that at the time that
the bond was issued as well as during the process of negotiating for the loan
using the same bond, the act of giving undue preference to Ecobel already
existed. Indeed, the cancellation was merely an afterthought as he did the
same only when the irregularities had become too apparent that they could no
longer be overlooked.
Carpio, Velasco, Jr., * Villarama, Jr. ** and Leonen, JJ., concur.
4. Id. at 100.
5. Id. at 101.
8. Rollo , pp. 17-18, 20-22, 28, 34-38, 40, 44-45, 47, 50, 52, 56. (Emphasis in the
9. Id. at 256-306.
13. People v. Caliso , G.R. No. 183830, October 19, 2011, 659 SCRA 666, 677.
14. People v. Maraorao , G.R. No. 174369, June 20, 2012, 674 SCRA 151, 160.
18. Fonacier v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 50691, December 5, 1994, 238 SCRA 655,
687-688. (Internal citations omitted)
20. UCPB General Insurance, Co., Inc. v. Masagana Telemart, Inc., 408 Phil. 423,
433 (2001).
21. Section 5, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court states:
22. Santos v. Court of Appeals, 420 Phil. 110, 120 (2001), citing Francisco,
Evidence: Rules of Court in the Philippines (3rd ed., 1996), Rules 128-134.
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23. De Vera v. Aguilar, G.R. No. 83377, February 9, 1993, 218 SCRA 602, 606.
24. Sandiganbayan Records, TSN, March 21, 2011, pp. 23-26.
n Note from the Publisher: Written as "Office of the President, et al. vs. Calimxto R.
Cataquiz, G.R. No. 183445, Sept. 14, 2011" in the original document.