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Room 206 JPD Building 1955 CM Recto Avenue, Manila

Telephone Number: (02) 516 7559 E-Mail: megareview_2008 @yahoo.com

1. An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health c. occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioner
Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof, d. occupational safety and health (OSH) standards
a. R.A. No. 11055 b. R.A. No. 11056
c. R.A. No. 11057 d. R.A. No. 11058 16. Refers to a qualified Safety Officer 4 or its equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to
perform and/or render consultative services on occupational safety and health in
2. Refers to any person trained and duly certified to administer first aid by the least two (2) fields of specialization as determined by DOLE.
Philippine Red Cross or any organization authorized by the Secretary of Labor and a. occupational health (OH) personnel
Employment cetified-first aider b. occupational safety and health (OSH) consultant
a. employer b. competency standards c. occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioner
c. covered workplaces c. equipment d. occupational safety and health (OSH) standards

3. Refer to industry – determined specifications of proficiency required for effective 17. Refers to a qualified Safety Officer 3 or its equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to
work performance. render occupational safety and health services in a defined and specific scope or
a. employer b. competency standards core competency.
c. covered workplaces c. equipment a. occupational health (OH) personnel
b. occupational safety and health (OSH) consultant
4. Refer to establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being c. occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioner
undertaken wherein the number of employees, nature of operations, and risk or d. occupational safety and health (OSH) standards
hazards involved in the business, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, require compliance with the provisions of this Rules. 18. Refers to a set of rules issued by DOLE which mandates the adoption and use
a. employer b. competency standards of appropriate practices, means, methods, operations or processes, and working
c. covered workplaces c. equipment conditions reasonably necessary to ensure safe and healthful employment.
a. occupational health (OH) personnel
5. Refer to any person, natural or juridical, including the principal employer, b. occupational safety and health (OSH) consultant
contractor or subcontractor, if any, who directly or indirectly benefits from the c. occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioner
services of the employee. d. occupational safety and health (OSH) standards
a. employer b. competency standards
c. covered workplaces c. equipment 19. Refers to a specialized clothing or equipment designed to protect workers
against safety and health hazards that may cause serious workplace injuries and
6. Refers to any machine with engine or electric motor as prime mover. illness.
a. employer b. competency standards a. safety and health audit b. safety and health committee
c. covered workplaces c. equipment c. safety and health program d. personal protective equipment (PPE)

7. Refer to those which have been granted accreditation by DOLE pursuant to D.O. 20. Refers to a regular and critical examination of project sites, safety programs,
No. 16, Series of 2001 and its subsequent regulations. records, and management performance on program standards on safety and health
a. employer b. DOLE – Accredited Training Organizations conducted by the safety officer.
c. covered workplaces c. General safety and health inspection a. safety and health audit b. safety and health committee
c. safety and health program d. personal protective equipment (PPE)
8. Refers to an examination of the work environment, including the location and
operation of machinery other than those covered by technical safety audits, 21. Refers to a body created within the workplace tasked with the authority to plan,
adequacy of work space, ventilation, lighting, conditions of work environment, develop and implement OSH policies and programs, monitor and evaluate the OSH
handling, storage or work procedures, protection facilities and other possible program, and inspect and investigate all aspects of the works pertaining to the
sources of safety and health hazards in the workplace. safety and health of workers.
a. employer b. DOLE – Accredited Training Organizations a. safety and health audit b. safety and health committee
c. covered workplaces c. General safety and health inspection c. safety and health program d. personal protective equipment (PPE)

9. refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard within 22. Refers to a set of detailed rules to govern company policies, processes and
the company may affect the safety and/or health of workers not only within but also practices in all economic activities to conform with OSH standards, including the
persons outside the premises of the workplace. personnel responsible, and penalties for any violation thereof.
a. high risk establishment b. DOLE – Accredited Training Organizations a. safety and health audit b. safety and health committee
c. covered workplaces c. General safety and health inspection c. safety and health program d. personal protective equipment (PPE)

10. The ff. are workplaces commonly associated with high-risk activities: 23. Refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-
a. chemical works and chemical production plants b. construction Accredited Training Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH
c. deep sea fishing d. all of the above program, and ensure that it is in accordance with the provisions of OSH standards.
a. safety officer 3 (SO3) b. safety officer 1 (SO1)
11. Refers to a situation caused by a condition or practice in any place of c. safety officer 2 (SO2) d. safety officer
employment that could reasonably be expected to lead to death or serious physical
harm. 24. Refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory eight (8)-hour OSH
a. imminent danger b. low risk establishment orientation course as prescribed in the OSH standards and two (2)-hour trainer’s
c. medium risk establishment d. micro and small enterprises (MSEs) training.
a. safety officer 3 (SO3) b. safety officer 1 (SO1)
12. Refers to a workplace where there is low level of danger or exposure to safety c. safety officer 2 (SO2) d. safety officer
and health hazards and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, harm
or injury, or illness. 25. Refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory forty (40)-hour OSH
a. imminent danger b. low risk establishment training course applicable to the industry as prescribed in the OSH standards.
c. medium risk establishment d. micro and small enterprises (MSEs) a. safety officer 3 (SO3) b. safety officer 1 (SO1)
c. safety officer 2 (SO2) d. safety officer
13. Refers to a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and health
hazards and with probability of accident, injury or illness, if no preventive or 26. Refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory forty (40)-hour OSH
control measures are in place. training course applicable to the industry, additional forty-eight (48) hours of
a. imminent danger b. low risk establishment advanced/specialized occupational safety training course relevant to the industry,
c. medium risk establishment d. micro and small enterprises (MSEs) relevant experience in OSH for at least two (2) years, and other requirements as
prescribed in the OSH standards.
14. Refers to establishments employing less than ten (10) employees, and the a. safety officer 3 (SO3) b. safety officer 1 (SO1)
establishments employing less than one hundred (100) employees, respectively, c. safety officer 2 (SO2) d. safety officer
regardless of capitalization.
a. imminent danger b. low risk establishment 27. Refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory forty (40)-hour OSH
c. medium risk establishment d. micro and small enterprises (MSEs) training course applicable to the industry, additional eighty (80) hours of
advanced/specialized occupational safety training course relevant to the industry,
15. Refer to a qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist or physician engaged by the an aggregate of three hundred twenty (320) hours of OSH related training or
employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site experience, an actual experience as SO3 for at least four (4) years, and other
or workplace. requirements as prescribed by the OSH standards.
a. occupational health (OH) personnel a. safety officer 3 (SO3) b. safety officer 1 (SO1)
b. occupational safety and health (OSH) consultant c. safety officer 2 (SO2) d. safety officer 4 (SO4)
Room 206 JPD Building 1955 CM Recto Avenue, Manila
Telephone Number: (02) 516 7559 E-Mail: megareview_2008 @yahoo.com

28. Refers to any emergency, warning or danger signpost or safety instruction 42. An unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or event that
using the standard colors and sizes, including the standard symbols for safety causes damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or death.
instructions and warnings in the workplace, prescribed by DOLE in accordance a. near miss b. accidents
with the OSH standards. c. hazard d. risk
a. safety signage b. workplace
c. worker d. workers’ OSH Seminar 43. A disruption in the normal process which does not results to injury or
equipment damage.
29. Refers to any site or location where workers need to be present or to go to by a. near miss b. accidents
reason of their work, and which are under the direct or indirect control of the c. unsafe/unhealthy act d. unsafe/unhealthy condition
employer, including, but not limited to, work areas, employee lounges and
restrooms, conference and classroom spaces, employee cafeterias, hallways and 44. Any human action that violates a commonly accepted safe work procedure or
emergency access. standard operating procedure.
a. safety signage b. workplace a. near miss b. accidents
c. worker d. workers’ OSH Seminar c. unsafe/unhealthy act d. unsafe/unhealthy condition

30. Refers to any member of the labor force, regardless of employment status. 45. defines as the physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the
a. safety signage b. workplace environment which could possibly cause injury to people, damage to property,
c. worker d. workers’ OSH Seminar disrupt operations in a plant or office or other forms of losses. Can be guarded or
31. Refers to the mandatory eight (8)-hour module conducted by the safety officer a. near miss b. accidents
of the workplace as prescribed by the OSH standards. c. unsafe/unhealthy act d. unsafe/unhealthy condition
a. safety signage b. workplace
c. worker d. workers’ OSH Seminar 46. The process where you identify hazards, analyze or evaluate the risk associated
with that hazards, and determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the
SITUATION: hazard.
Given: a. risk assessment b. hazard assessment
DURATION (DAYS) No. of Workers c. unsafe/unhealthy act d. unsafe/unhealthy condition
1 3
2 6 47. Which of the following are considered as construction hazards?
3 5 1. open excavation 4. Dust and dirt
4 7 2. falling objects 5. Temporary wirings
5 6 3. welding operations 6. Temporary overhead electrical lines
6 4
a. 1, 2, 3 b. 4, 5, 6
c. 5 & 6 d. all of the above
If the number of lost time injury reported is 3, number of man-days lost is 2 man-
48. Which of the following are correct about standard color of signs for safety?
1. red – for fire protection
32. Compute the total number of man-hours worked.
2. green – for design safety, first aid
a. 240 b. 244 c. 248 d. 256
3. white – for designation of traffic
4. black, white, combination of black & white – for traffic designation &
33. Compute the Frequency Rate per 1 million employee-hours of exposure.
housekeeping marking.
a. 12500 b. 12296 c. 12097 d. 11719
5. yellow – for caution
6. orange – for warning
34. Compute the Severity Rate per 1 million employee-hours of exposure.
7. blue – for notice
a. 8334 b. 8197 c. 8065 d. 7813
8. purple – for radiation
35. Compute the Incidence Rate per 1000 workers.
a. 400 b. 450 c. 500 d. 550 a. 1,3,4 & 6 b. 3,4,7 & 8
c. 2,3,4 & 8 d. all of the above
36. What are the misconceptions about safety?
49. Which of the following are basic safety rules that can prevent all hazards
1. accidents cannot be prevented
involved in the use of power tools?
2. companies do not have may accidents
1. keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance.
3. safety is expensive
2. use the right tool for the job.
4. companies are insured anyway
3. examine each tool for damage before use.
4. operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
a. 1 & 2 b. 1, 2 & 4 c. 2 & 4 d. 1, 2, 3, & 4
5. provide and use the proper protective equipment.
37. What are the common types of accidents?
a. 1,3 & 5 b. 2,3 & 4
1. fall from height and fall from the same level
c. 1,4, & 5 d. all of the above
2. struck against rigid structure, sharp or rough objects
3. struck by falling objects
50. What are the safety measures in Excavation in Confined Spaces?
4. caught in, on or in between objects
1. check the atmosphere condition before entry.
5. electrocution
2. do not work alone in confined space.
6. fire
3. provide ventilation or blower before entering the confined spaces.
4. emergency rescue equipment such as breathing apparatus, safety harnesses
a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 2, 3 & 6
and line and basket stretcher shall be readily available where adverse atmospheric
c. 2, 3 & 4 d. all of the above
conditions are suspected or may develop in excavations.
38. Freedom from accidents; absence of hazardous conditions and acts.
a. 1 & 3 b. 1,2 & 4
a. safety b. health
c. hazard d. risk c. 1 & 2 d. all of the above

51. What are the hazards associated with demolition?

39. Freedom from illness; state of wellness, not just absence of disease.
1. falls 6. manual demolition
a. safety b. health
2. lift shafts 7. Hazardous substance
c. hazard d. risk
3. being hit/trapped/crushed by objects 8. Dangerous goods
4. use of equipment (crane lifting loads) 9. Noise & vibrations
40. The potential of an act or condition that can lead to an accident.
5. manual handling 10. Electric shocks
a. safety b. health
c. hazard d. risk
41. The chance of physical or personal loss.
a. safety b. health
c. hazard d. risk
Room 206 JPD Building 1955 CM Recto Avenue, Manila
Telephone Number: (02) 516 7559 E-Mail: megareview_2008 @yahoo.com

52. What are the fall protection system categories.
1. surface protection (non-slip flooring)
2. fixed barriers (handrails, guardrails)
3. surface opening protection (removable covers, guardrails)
4. travel restraint systems (safety line and belt)
5. fall arrest systems (safety line and harness)
6. fall containment systems (safety nets)

a. 2,4 & 6 b. 1,2,3 & 5

c. 1,3 & 4 d. all of the above

53. What are the hazards present in heavy equipment operation

1. moving parts of the equipment
2. uneven terrain
3. energized electrical lines
4. fall
5. dust
6. overloaded equipment
7. noise
8. vibration
9. unsecured loads
10. improvised attachments
11. blind spots

a. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 10 b. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 11

c. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 9 d. all of the above

54. Which of the following are hazard prevention and controls in heavy equipment
1. perimeter fencing, enclosures, signs.
2. spotters provided for in-the-blind, backing machines and/or equipment
3. poor planning forces workers to commit unsafe acts! (office trailers, change
trailers, haul roads, parking areas)
4. be alert; stay clear; hear warnings
5. temporary barricades around hazards

a. 1,3 & 5 b. 1,3,4 & 5

c. 1 & 2 d. all of the above

55. What are the hazards in the use of scaffolding?

1. fall of person from height
2. fall of materials and objects from height
3. collapse of scaffold
4. overloading of the scaffold
5. safe access not provided
6. electrocution

a. 1,2,3,4 & 5 b. 1,2,3 & 4

c. 1,2,3 & 6 d. all of the above

56. The three (3) general environmental control measures that are useful in the
workplace are:
1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Engineering Controls
4. Administrative Controls
5. PPE

a. 1,2 & 5 b. 3 & 4

c. 3,4 & 5 d. all of the above

57. What are the main types of health hazards?

a. Physical, Chemical, Biological, Ergonomic, Psychological
b. Noise, Vibration, Heat Stress, Cold Stress, Illumination, Pressure
c. Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Parasites, Insects, Plants
d. all of the above

58. This is a short meeting usually held to discuss safety and health conditions in
the workplace.
a. BOSH meeting b. COSH meeting
c. Tool Box meeting d. Management meeting

59. A real safety & health inspection. It is deliberate, thorough, and systematic by
a. Unplanned inspection b. continuous inspection
c. on-going inspection d. planned inspection

60. It is a collective effort that focuses both on the different jobs in a company, and
a group of people tasked to identify them.
a. accident investigation b. job hazard analysis
c. safety and health program d. none of the above

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