CS20110SolvedMidtermPApersin1File PDF
CS20110SolvedMidtermPApersin1File PDF
CS20110SolvedMidtermPApersin1File PDF
Fall 2008
CS201- Introduction to Programming (Session - 2)
Time: 60 min
Marks: 38
(a) 3, 4
(b) 4, 4
(c) 3, 3
(d) 4, 3
(a) strlength()
(b) stringlen()
(c) strlen()
(d) strLength()
(a) True
(b) False
It mean
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
5^6 = 0011
If both input is same then the output is 0 and if different then output is 1
(a) string.h
(b) stdlib.h
(c) ctype.h
(d) sconvert.h
7 elements
7 elements
In structures, we have different data members and all of these have their own memory
space. In union, the memory location is same while the first data member is one name for
that memory location. However, the 2nd data member is another name for the same
location and so on. Consider the above union (i.e. intOrChar) that contains an integer and
a character as data members. What will be the size of this union? The answer is the very
simple. The union will be allocated the memory equal to that of the largest size data
member. If the int occupies four bytes on our system and char occupies one byte, the
union intOrChar will occupy four bytes
void function(void);
void function(void)
int n[5];
for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
cout <<"Enter Element = ";
cin >>n[i];
cout <<"\nODD Inputs are = \n";
for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
cout <<n[i]<<endl;
cout <<"\nEVEN Inputs are = \n";
for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
cout <<n[i]<<endl;
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
Word processor is
(a) Operating system
(b) Application software
(c) Device driver
(d) Utility software
For which values of the integer _value will the following code becomes an infinite
int number=1;
while (true) {
cout << number;
if (number == 3) break;
number += integer_value; }
What is the correct syntax to declare an array of size 10 of int data type?
(a) int [10] name ;
(b) name[10] int ;
(c) int name[10] ;
(d) int name[] ;
Consider the following code segment. What will the following code segment display?
int main(){
int age[10] = {0};
cout << age ;
What will be the correct syntax to initialize all elements of two-dimensional array to
value 0?
(a) int arr[2][3] = {0,0} ;
(b) int arr[2][3] = {{0},{0}} ;
(c) int arr[2][3] = {0},{0} ;
(d) int arr[2][3] = {0} ;
How many bytes will the pointer intPtr of type int move in the following statement?
intPtr += 3 ;
(a) 3 bytes
(b) 6 bytes
(c) 12 bytes
(d) 24 bytes
(a) n elements
(b) n+1) elements
(c) 2(n+1) elements
(d) 2(n+1) elements
Which of the following operator is used to access the value of variable pointed to by a
(a) * operator
(b) -> operator
(c) && operator
(d) & operator
(a) switch
(b) continue
(c) goto
(d) break
(a) Last
(b) Middle
(c) Post Design
(d) First
Give the syntax of opening file ‘myFile.txt’ with ‘app’ mode using ofstream variable
ofstream outfile;
outfile.open ("myFile.txt "); // Open the file
Identify the errors in the following code segment and give the reason of errors.
int x = 10
const int *ptr = &x ;
*ptr = 5 ;
int x = 10;
const int *ptr = &x ;
cout <<ptr;
If int array[10]; is an integer array then write the statements which will store values at
Fifth and Ninth location of this array,
When the if statement consists more than one statement then enclosing these statement in
curly braces is,
(a) Not required
(b) Good programming
(c) Relevant
(d) Must
The while loop becomes infinite,
(a) When the condition is always false
(b) . When the condition is less than zero
(c) When the condition is always true
(d) When the condition contains a logical operator
Which of the following function(s) is/are included in stdlib.h header file?
If we want to store a string “abc” in an array str then the size of this array must be at
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
No executable code will be generated if error is found during translation of the program
using interpreter.
(a) True
(b) False
Word processor is
(a) Operating system
(b) Application software
(c) Device driver
(d) Utility software
Which of the following is the correct syntax to print multiple values or variables in a
single command using cout?
(a) cout << "Hello" + x + "\n";
(b) cout << "H" << x << "\n";
(c) cout << "H", x, "\n";
(d) cout << ("H" & x & "\n");
Which of the following is correct way to initialize a variable x of int type with value 10?
(a) int x ; x = 10 ;
(b) int x = 10 ;
(c) int x, x = 10;
(d) x = 10 ;
If there is more than one statement in the block of a for loop, which of the following must
be placed at the beginning and the ending of the loop block?
(a) parentheses ( )
(b) braces { }
(c) brackets [ ]
(d) arrows < >
Name of an array is a constant pointer.
(a) True
(b) False
How many bytes will the pointer intPtr of type int move in the following statement?
intPtr += 3 ;
(a) 3 bytes
(b) 6 bytes
(c) 12 bytes
(d) 24 bytes
What will be the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ after executing the following statements?
a = 3;
b = a++;
(a) 3, 4
(b) 4, 4
(c) 3, 3
(d) 4, 3
Loader loads the executable code from hard disk to main memory.
(a) True
(b) False
Which of the following is used with bit manipulation?
Which of the follwoing values C++ use to represent true and false?
(a) 1 and 0
(b) 1 and -1
(c) 11 and 00
(d) Any numerical value
The argument of the isdigit() function is ___________________
(a) a character,
(b) a C-string,
(c) a C++ string class variable
(d) None of the given options.
Which data type should be used to store the value 50.7 ?
Why should goto statement be avoided in C/C++?
When structured programming was started, it was urged not to use the goto
statement. Though goto is there in C language but we will not use it in our
programs. It will adopt the structured approach. All of our programs will consist of
sequences, decisions and loop. Because loop provide best platform to manipulate the
What operator do you use to assign a pointer the address of another variable or constant?
Marks: 2
& sige
int i;
int * ptri;
ptri = &i;
If there are 2n elements in an array then what would be the number of iterations required
to search a number using binary search and linear search? Marks: 3
Convert the following switch statement into if statements. Marks: 5
switch (operator) {
case '+':
result = op1 + op2;
case '-':
result = op1 - op2;
case 'x':
case '*':
result = op1 * op2;
case '/':
result = operand1 / operand2;
cout << "Unknown operator" ;
if(operator==’ +’)
result = op1 + op2;
if(operator==’ -’)
result = op1 - op2;
if (operator==’ *’)
result = op1 * op2;
if (operator==’ /’)
result = op1 / op2;
cout << "Unknown operator" ;
Write a recursive function that takes character array and starting subscript as arguments.
In each recursive call, the function should display the string from subscript to the end of
string. The starting subscript in first call should be 0. In each successive call, the
subscript should increse by one and function should print the array from subscript to the
end of string. The function should stop processing and return when null character
Suppose the char string passed to the function is,
"SampleString", then the function will print output as follows,
so on....
Marks: 10
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
► Statement
► Program
► Utility
► Routine
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The Compiler of C language is written in
► Java Language
► FORTRON Language
► C Language
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Must
► Necessary
► Good Programming
► None of the given options
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Preprocessor program perform its function before ______ phase takes place.
► Editing
► Linking
► Compiling
► Loading
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► for
► while
► do-while
► all looping processes require that the iterations be known
Which character is inserted at the end of string to indicate the end of string?
► new line
► tab
► null
► carriage return
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Sum = 21
Write a C++ program that will determine if a departmental store customer has exceeded
the credit limit on a charge account.
Program should input the following facts in five variables
1. Account number
2. Balance at the beginning of month (Beginning balance)
3. total of all items charged by customer this month (charges)
4. total of all credits (credits)
5. allowed credit limit
In C/C++ the string constant is enclosed
(a) In curly braces
(b) In small braces
(c) In single quotes
(d) In double quotes
In flow chart, the symbol used for decision making is,
a) Rectangle
b) Circle
c) Arrow
d) Diamond
The data type before a function name represents its,
(a) Return Type
(b) Function data
(c) Function arguments
(d) Function name
The operator used to take the address of a variable is,
(a) &&
(b) ++
(c) –
(d) &
The header file which is used for input and output is
(a) maths.h
(b) string.h
(c) iostream.h
(d) ctype.h
When we are using command line argument(s), the default argument in C/C++ is/are
____________ .
a) argc
b) argd
c) argv
d) argc and argv
In C++, Integer calculation occurs in _____ bytes.
a) 1 byte
b) 2 bytes
c) 4 bytes
d) 8 bytes
a) i = 5, j = 5
b) i = 5, j = 8
c) i = 4, j = 8
d) i = 5, j = 9
Syntax of union is identical to ______
a) Structure
b) Class
c) Function
d) None of the given options
Let suppose
Union intorDouble{
Int ival;
Double charvar;
intorDouble VAZ;
int size ;
size = sizeof(VAZ);
What will be the value of variable "size", if int occupies 4 bytes and double occupies 8
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 12
To Which category of the software “Compiler and Interpreter” belongs? (1)
System software
Give the general syntax of definition of structure. (1)
struct Name
// body of the structure
Write the General syntax for the definition of a user defined function. (2)
return data type Function Name (parameter list with data type)
// definition body
What will be the output of following code segment? (3)
int x[5] = {2, 4, 5, 7, 1} ;
int *ptr =&x[2];
cout << (*ptr)++ <<” ” ;
cout << *ptr++ ;
Detect and correct compile time error(s) in the following code.
Hints: The following code pass a value to a function by Reference and print the
value before and after pass. (5)
int test (int &x)
*x = *x + 200;
return x;
int x = 100;
return 0;
The following function pass a reference to the function but in the main body the call
mechanism is wrong. The * sign is not used with it .
X = 100 after the function completion x = 300;
Write a C/C++ program which calculates the aggregate of a student.
The aggregate can be calculated by the formula: (10)
If the aggregate of a student is less than 150 then the program should display message
“You can not be admitted to VU” otherwise display the message “Congratulation!
You admitted in VU “
int m,f;
float a;
a = ((m*2) + (f*4))/24;
if(a < 150)
cout <<"You can not be admitted to VU";
cout <<"Congratulation! You admitted in VU ";
//Aggregate = (Matrix_marks*2 + Fsc_marks*4) / 24
What is function of cout ?
(a) To send data to printer
(b) To read data from keyboard
(c) To display message
(d) To display output on the screen
In Flow chart process is represented by
(a) Rectangle
(b) Arrow symbol
(c) Oval
(d) Circle
&& is -------------------- operator.
(a) An arithmetic
(b) Logical
(c) Relational
(d) Unary
An over Flow condition occurs when we try to assign a value to a variable which is,
(a) Less than its maximum size
(b) Greater than its maximum size
(c) With in its range
(d) Equal to its size
For dereferencing an array element using pointer, we use the operator
(a) &
(b) *
(c) /
(d) +
In the declaration of two dimensional array,
(a) First index represents row and second represents column
(b) First index represents column and second represents row
(c) Both indexes represent rows
(d) Both indexes represent column
Which of the following data type(s) can operate on modulus operator ‘%’?
(a) float, int
(b) float, double
(c) int
(d) char
Which of the following is the correct way to declare a variable x of integer type?
(a) x int ;
(b) integer x ;
(c) int x;
(d) x integer
Which of the following can not be a variable name?
(a) area
(b) _area
(c) 10area
(d) area2
Which of the function call is call by value for the following function prototype?
float area (int);
(a) area(&num) ;
(b) area(num) ;
(c) area(int num) ;
(d) area(*num) ;
Recursive functions are used when there is a repetitive pattern.
(a) True
(b) False
What will be the range of numbers generated by function rand () % 9?
(a) 0 to 9
(b) 1 to 9
(c) 0 to 8
(d) 1 to 8
What will be the correct syntax to declare two-dimensional array of float data type?
(a) float arr{2}{2} ;
(b) float arr[2][2] ;
(c) float arr[2,2] ;
(d) float[2][2] arr ;
When a function finishes its execution then,
(a) The control return to its Prototype
(b) The control returns to its definition
(c) Control returns to statement following function call
(d) The compiler stop execution of whole program
Consider the following statements to initialize a two-dimensional array.
i. int arr[2][3] = {4, 8, 9, 2, 1, 6} ;
ii. int arr[3][2] = {4, 8, 9, 2, 1, 6} ;
iii. int arr[][2] = {{4,8},{9, 2},{1, 6}} ;
Q23 (10)
Write a recursive function that takes three arguments (an integer array, starting subscript ‘s’ and
ending subscript ‘e’ ).
In first recursive call, the function should display the array from subscript ‘s’ (s = 0) to ‘e’ (e =
size of array). In each successive call, the function should print the array from index s+1 to e. The
function should stop processing and return when starting subscript becomes equal to ending
For example, if user enters values for array 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 then the recursive function must display
the following output.
void recursive(int [],int,int);
void main()
int array[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
cout<<"\nEnter the "<<i<<" Index number :";
recursive(array,0,4); //0 is the starting index and 4 is the ending subscript
void recursive(int arr[],int s,int e)
for(int i=s;i<=e;i++)
recursive(arr,s,e); //Recursive call
What is function of cout ?
(a) To send data to printer
(b) To read data from keyboard
(c) To display message
(d) To display output on the screen
< , <= , > , >= are called --------------------------- operators.
(a) Logical
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Relational
(d) Conational
In while loop the loop counter must be initialized,
(a) With in the loop
(b) Before entering the loop
(c) At the end of the loop
(d) None of the given options
Data Size of the file is always _________ the actual size of the file.
(a) Greater than
(b) Equal to
(c) Less than or equal to
(d) None of the above
The precedence of * is higher than dot operator (.)operator
(a) True
(b) False
Let ptr1 and ptr2 are pointer variables that points to integer data type then which one of
the following arithmetic is allowed,
(a) ptr1 + ptr2
(b) ptr1 - ptr2
(c) ptr1 * ptr2
(d) ptr1 / ptr2
Word processor is
(a) Operating system
(b) Application software
(c) Device driver
(d) Utility software
What will be the range of numbers generated by function rand () % 9?
(a) 0 to 9
(b) 1 to 9
(c) 0 to 8
(d) 1 to 8
How many bytes will the pointer intPtr of type int move in the following statement?
intPtr += 3 ;
(a) 3 bytes
(b) 6 bytes
(c) 12 bytes
(d) 24 bytes
What will be the correct syntax to assign an array named arr of 5 elements to a pointer
(a) *ptr = arr ;
(b) ptr = arr ;
(c) *ptr = arr[5] ;
(d) ptr = arr[5] ;
What will be the output of the following code segment?
char *x = ”programming” ;
cout << *(x+2) << *(x+3) << *(x+5) << *(x+8) ;
(a) prgm
(b) rorm
(c) ogai
(d) ramg
There is a pointer variable named ptr of type int then address of which type of variable
the ptr will store in it?
(a) variable of type char
(b) variable of type short
(c) variable of type int
(d) variable of type double
Flow charts explain the working of a program in pictorial format.
(a) True
(b) False
The object _______________may be used both for file input and file output
(a) fstream,
(b) ifstream,
(c) ofstream,
(d) none of the given options.
Most efficient method of dealing with structure variables is to define the structure
(a) True
(b) False
If a variable is passed by value to a function and the function makes some changes to that
variable then it
(a) does not affect the original variable
(b) affects the original variable
(c) causes syntax error
(d) None of the given options
How does elements of two-dimensional array store into memory? (1)
Two dimensional arrays are also stored in liner order. As like one dimensional array.
What is a structure? (1)
In structure, we introduce a new data type. “A structure is a collection of variables
under a single name. These variables can different types, and each has a name that
is used to select it from the structure”
Q19 (2)
When a pointer is incremented then how many bytes will it move to change its address?
If an integer occupies four bytes in the memory, then the yptr++; will increment its
value by four.
What happens when we increment a pointer? (3)
What are the advantages of random access file over sequential access file? (5)
Write a C/C++ program which calculates the aggregate of a student.
The aggregate can be calculated by the formula: (10)
If the aggregate of a student is less than 150 then the program should display message
“You can not be admitted to VU” otherwise display the message “Congratulation!
You admitted in VU “
int m,f;
float a;
a = ((m*2) + (f*4))/24;
if(a < 150)
cout <<"You can not be admitted to VU";
cout <<"Congratulation! You admitted in VU ";
//Aggregate = (Matrix_marks*2 + Fsc_marks*4) / 24
In C/C++ language the header file which is used to perform useful task and manipulation
of character data is
(a) cplext.h
(b) ctype.h
(c) stdio.h
(d) delay.h
The header file which is used for input and output is
(a) maths.h
(b) string.h
(c) iostream.h
(d) ctype.h
Suppose int multi[5][10]; when we are using **multi , it means,
(a) Single dereferencing
(b) Single referencing
(c) Double referencing
(d) Double dereferencing
To access the data members of structure _______ is used.
(a) dot operator (.)
(b) * operator
(c) operator
(d) None of given.
The precedence of * is higher than dot operator (.)operator
(a) True
(b) False
Which of the following is the starting index of an array in C++?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) -1
(d) any number
When a call to function statement is encountered,
(a) The control transfers to its Prototype
(b) The control transfers to its definition
(c) Control returns to statement following function call
(d) The compiler stops execution of whole program
A function must always return value.
(a) True
(b) False
If an array has 100 elements, what is allowable range of subscripts?
(a) 0 – 99
(b) 1 – 99
(c) 0 – 100
(d) 1 – 100
If a pointer appears on left hand side of an assignment operator then right side of that
assignment operator must be,
(a) Variable name
(b) Address of variable
(c) Variable value
(d) Constant
Editors are used to compile the code.
(a) True
(b) False
Which bitwise operator returns false if both bits are 1?
(a) AND
(b) XOR
(c) NOT
(d) OR
What does !(7) evaluate to in decimal where ! is a NOT operator?
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10
Structures cannot be passed as Function Parameters
(a) True
(b) False
When break statement is encountered in a loop body it,
(a) Transfers the control outside from current loop
(b) Transfers the control outside from current program
(c) Enforces the next iteration of loop
(d) Generates compile time error.
A union is a user-defined data type that contains only _______from its list of members at
a time.
Which bitwise operator returns true if both bits are different and returns false if both bits
are same? (1)
1. !=
2. ==
Why we close a file after use? (2)
To save our data stored on file. Also this process makes our program fast and
Can you use an assignment operator to assign the value of one C-string to another? (3)
Yes we can assign value c-string to another i.e
char a={‘I Love Pakistan’};
char b={‘I Love Pakistan’};
The statement int Name [2][2]; define a 2x2 array, Write the code which read data from
keyboard for this array. (5)
Write a program which reads a text file “PlayersInfo.txt” residing in the current
directory. Open the file PlayersInfo.txt in read mode and assign these values to the struct
Player; assume order of the data in the file to be exactly the same as the order of struct
attributes. The struct Player has following attributes
i) Name
ii) Height
iii) Age
iv) Score
v) Game
After reading the file and assigning values to the struct, in the end close the file
PlayersInfo.txt. (10)
The size of int data type is
(a) 1 bytes
(b) 2 bytes
(c) 3 bytes
(d) 4 bytes
When the logical operator AND (&&) combine two expressions exp1 and exp2 then the
result will be true only,
(a) When both exp1 and exp2 are true
(b) When both exp1 and exp2 are false
(c) When exp1 is true and exp2 is false
(d) When exp1 is false and exp2 is true
The correct syntax of do-while loop is,
(a) (condition ) while; do { statements; };
(b) { statements; } do-while ();
(c) while(condition); do { statements; };
(d) do { statements; } while (condition);
_______________ provide communication channels between files and program.
(a) Streams
(b) Language like C++
(c) Function seekg()
(d) None of the above
All elements of an array must be of,
(a) different data type
(b) float data only
(c) character data only
(d) same data type
Function seekg() takes ____________ parameter(s).
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Structures help to define program-specific ___________ .
(a) functions
(b) datatypes
(c) Arithmetic operations
(d) None of the given options.
In the declaration of two dimensional array,
(a) First index represents row and second represents column
(b) First index represents column and second represents row
(c) Both indexes represent rows
(d) Both indexes represent column
What will be the result of arithmetic expression 6+27/3*3?
(a) 33
(b) 45
(c) 9
(d) 30
Which of the function call is call by value for the following function prototype?
What will be the value of x after the execution of the following code segment? (1)
int x =10;
int y =30;
int *xptr = &x;
x = *xptr + 10;
Q19 (2)
What is the output of the code given below?
void main()
int a=10,b=20;
char x=1,y=0;
cout << "EXAM";
What is Overflow condition? (3)
When we try to store larger information in a variable, than a data type can store, overflow
condition occurs.
Write code which read a string not greater than 20 characters from keyboard stored it in
an array Name and display it on the screen. (5)
char string[19];
cout<<”Enter a string”;
cin >> string;
Q22 (10)
Write a C++ program which contains a user-define function named convertHeight which
takes height of person in centimeter as an argument. This function converts the height in
centimeter into feet and inches and displays them on the screen.
Program should prompt the user to enter height in centimeter and pass it to function
convertHeight as an argument which displays height in feet and inches.
1 foot = 12 inches
1 inch = 2.5 cm
int i,c;
i = f*12;
c = i*2.5;
cout <<"high in Feet = "<<f<<endl;
cout <<"high in inches = "<<i<<endl;
cout <<"high in CM = "<<c<<endl;
The data type of size one byte is
(a) char
(b) int
(c) long
(d) double
If Num is an integer variable then Num*= 4; means,
(a) Multiply Num 4 times
(b) Multiply 4 with Num and display
(c) Multiply 4 with Num and assign the result to Num
(d) Add 4 with Num
Member function tellg() returns the current location of the _____________ pointer.
(a) tellptr()
(b) write()
(c) seekg()
(d) get()
If we want to store a string “abc” in an array str then the size of this array must be at
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Pointer is a variable which store,
(a) Values
(b) Data
(c) Memory Address
(d) Data Type
C is widely known as development language of _______ operating system.
(a) Linux
(b) Windows
(c) Unix
(d) Mac OS
C++ is a case-sensitive language
(a) True
(b) False
Q8What is the output of the following code?
for (int a = 1; a <= 1; a++) cout << a++; cout << a;
(a) 22
(b) 12
(c) 23
(d) 13
A continue statement causes execution to skip to
(a)the return 0; statement
(b) the first statement after the loop
(c) the statements following the continue statement
(d) the next iteration of the loop
If there is more than one statement in the block of a for loop, which of the following must
be placed at the beginning and the ending of the loop block?
(a) parentheses ( )
(b) braces { }
(c) brackets [ ]
(d) arrows < >
What will be the correct syntax for the following function call?
Write a piece of code that outputs three values of type int, long and float to a stream. (1)
int a;
long b;
float c;
a = 10;
b= 124568979;
c = 6.57;
cout <<a<<"\t"<<b<<"\t"<<c;
Which bit of the number is used as a sign bit? (2)
The most significant bit is used as a sign bit.
What is difference between single-dimensional and multi-dimensional array?
Single dimentional array used to stored lists and muli dimestional arrays used to
stored value as tabler formate i.e matrix.
Write down the C++ program that calculates the Zakat on the amount entered by the user
What is meant by scope of identifiers? Differentiate between different scope of identifiers and
explain them with examples? (10)
Now this variable ‘i’ can be used in any statement inside the function func1(). But
consider this variable being used in a different function like:
void func2()
int k = i + 4; //Compilation error
The variable ‘i’ belongs to func1() and is not visible outside that. In other words, ‘is
local to func1().
What is function of cout ?
(a) To send data to printer
(b) To read data from keyboard
(c) To display message
(d) To display output on the screen
For one byte there are _____ combinations of values that can be stored in computer.
(B) 27
(C) 28
(D) 24
_______________ provide communication channels between files and program.
(a) Streams
(b) Language like C++
(c) Function seekg()
(d) None of the above
The data type before a function name represents its,
(a) Return Type
(b) Function data
(c) Function arguments
(d) Function name
In C/C++ language when an array is passed to a function then by default its passing
mechanism is,
(a) Call by value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) It depends on type of array
(d) It depends on the return type of function.
Array is a data structure which store
(a) Memory addresses
(b) Variables
(c) Data Type
(d) Data
If there is more than one statement in the block of a for loop, which of the following must
be placed at the beginning and the ending of the loop block?
(a) parentheses ( )
(b) braces { }
(c) brackets [ ]
(d) arrows < >
Array is passed by value to a function by default.
(a) True
(b) False
Which of the following is the correct function call having array named student of 10
elements as a parameter.
(a) addRecord(student[]) ;
(b) addRecord(student) ;
(c) addRecord(student[10]) ;
(d) addRecord(*student) ;
What will be the correct syntax for initialization of pointer ptr of type int with variable x?
(a) int ptr = &x ;
(b) int ptr = x ;
(c) int *ptr = &x ;
(d) int ptr* = &x ;
What will be the correct syntax for initialization of pointer ptr with string
(a) char ptr = ’programming’ ;
(b) char *ptr = “programming” ;
(c) char *ptr = ‘programming’ ;
(d) *ptr = “programming” ;
The condition in while loop may contain logical expression but not relational expression.
(a) True
(b) False
We want to access array in random order which approach is better?
(a) Pointers
(b) Array index
(c) Both pointers and array index are better
(d) None of the given options.
Single line comments explaining code would be preceded like in the following example.
(a) /*
(b) //
(c) /
(d) //*
Function write() takes ________________________ as parameter(s).
(a) String of pointer type
(b) String and no. of bytes to be written
(c) Pointer array of characters and delimiter
(d) String of variable lengths, no. of bytes to be read and flags
Structure is a collection of ______________ under a single name.
(a) Only Functions
(b) Only Variables
(c) Both Functions and Variables
(d) None of the given options
What will be the correct syntax to initialize a pointer ‘ptr’ with two-dimensional array
‘m’? (1)
int m[2][2];
int * ptr;
ptr = *m;
Which one of the loop (while or do-while) must be used if it is necessary to execute a
loop at least once? (1)
do-while loop
Identify each of the following function as string conversion function or string
manipulation function. (2)
double atof(const char *nptr)
char *strcpy ( char *s1, const char *s2)
int atoi(const char *nptr)
1. Converts the string nPtr to double.
double atof(const char *nptr) ---
2. Copies string s2 into character
char *strcpy ( char *s1, const char *s2) -
array s1. The value of is returned.
3. int atoi(const char *nptr)-- Converts the string nPtr to int.
What is difference between single-dimensional and multi-dimensional array? (3)
Single dimentional array used to stored lists and muli dimestional arrays used to
stored value as tabler formate i.e matrix.
What will be the output of following code segment? (5)
int num[10] = {2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20} ;
int *ptr = num ;
for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2){
cout << *(ptr+i) << “, ”;
2, 5, 9, 12, 19,
Write a C++ program which contains a user-define function named convertHeight which
takes height of person in centimeter as an argument. This function converts the height in
centimeter into feet and inches and displays them on the screen. (10)
Program should prompt the user to enter height in centimeter and pass it to function
convertHeight as an argument which displays height in feet and inches.
1 foot = 12 inches
1 inch = 2.5 cm
int i,c;
i = f*12;
c = i*2.5;
cout <<"high in Feet = "<<f<<endl;
cout <<"high in inches = "<<i<<endl;
cout <<"high in CM = "<<c<<endl;
Compiler is a
(a) System software
(b) Application Software
(c) Driver
(d) Editor
In while loop the loop counter must be initialized,
(a) With in the loop
(b) Before entering the loop
(c) At the end of the loop
(d) None of the given options
If Num is an integer variable then Num*= 4; means,
(a) Multiply Num 4 times
(b) Multiply 4 with Num and display
(c) Multiply 4 with Num and assign the result to Num
(d) Add 4 with Num
In C/C++ ,the arguments are passed by _______ to a function by default .
(a) reference
(b) value
(c) data
(d) type
Disks is divided into ____________ with power of__________.
Chunks, 2n
(b) Blocks, n2
(c) Blocks, 2n
(d) Chunks, n2
int func(int) ;
int num = 10 ;
int main(){
int num ;
num = 5 ;
cout << num ;
cout << func(num) ;
int func(int x){
return num ;
(a) 5, 5
(b) 10, 5
(c) 5, 10
(d) 10, 10
Name of an array is a constant pointer.
(a) True
(b) False
What will be the correct syntax to assign an array named arr of 5 elements to a pointer
(a) *ptr = arr ;
(b) ptr = arr ;
(c) *ptr = arr[5] ;
(d) ptr = arr[5] ;
If there are 2(n+1) elements in an array then what would be the number of iterations
required to search a number using binary search algorithm?
(a) n elements
(b) (n+1) elements
(c) 2(n+1) elements
(d) 2(n+1) elements
In C/C++, null character is represented as
(a) \n
(b) \0
(c) \t
(d) \r
How many nested loop would be required to manipulate n-dimensional array?
(a) 2n
(b) n
(c) n +1
(d) n -1
What will be the correct syntax to access the value of fourth element of an array using
pointer ptr?
(a) ptr[3]
(b) (ptr+3)
(c) *(ptr+3)
(d) Both 1and 3
Single line comments explaining code would be preceded like in the following example.
(a) /*
(b) //
(c) /
(d) //*
If a variable is passed by value to a function and the function makes some changes to that
variable then it
(a) does not affect the original variable
(b) affects the original variable
(c) causes syntax error
(d) None of the given options
What is meant by *num and &num? [1]
* num is a pointer and &num is a reference to that pointer.
Suppose there is a pointer to structure *sPtr. How can we access the data member
‘name’ with sPtr? [1]
Structure data members using pointers Using the * operator;
Why we close a file after use? [2]
To save our data stored on file. Also this process makes our program fast and
Define Flow chart. [3]
Flow Chart
A flow chart is a pictorial representation of a program. There are labeled geometrical
symbols, together with the arrows connecting one symbol with other. A flow chart helps
in correctly designing the program by visually showing the sequence of instructions to be
Write down the function definition if we want to pass the arguments to a function by
reference without changing the values stored at that addresses. [5]
From writing to execution of the program following software are used explain for what
purpose each is used. [10]
Editors is a tool for writing the code of a program. For this purpose we used Editors in
which we write our code. We can use word processor too for this, but word processors
have many other features like bold the text, italic, coloring the text etc, so when we save a
file written in a word processor, lot of other information including the text is saved on the
disk. For programming purposes we don’t need these things we only need simple text.
Text editors are such editors which save only the text which we type. So for
programming we will be using a text editor
Compiler and Interpreter
Compilers translate the English like language (Code written in C) into a language
(Machine language) which computers can understand. The Compiler read the whole
program and translates it into machine language completely. The difference between
interpreter and compiler is that compiler will stop translating if it finds an error and there
will be no executable code generated whereas Interpreter will execute all the lines before
error and will stop at the line which contains the error. So Compiler needs syntactically
correct program to produce an executable code. We will be using compiler in our course
As we write the code in English and we know that computers can understand only 0s and
1s. So we need a translator which translates the code of our program into machine
language. There are two kinds of translators which are known as Interpreter and
Compilers. These translators translate our program which is written in C-Language into
Machine language. Interpreters translates the program line by line meaning it reads one
line of program and translates it, then it reads second line, translate it and so on. The
benefit of it is that we get the errors as we go along and it is very easy to correct the
errors. The drawback of the interpreter is that the program executes slowly as the
interpreter translates the program line by line. Another drawback is that as interpreters are
reading the program line by line so they cannot get the overall picture of the program
hence cannot optimize the program making it efficient.
Linker Most of the time our program is using different routines and functions that are
located in different files, hence it needs the executable code of those routines/functions.
Linker is a tool which performs this job, it checks our program and includes all those
routines or functions which we are using in our program to make a standalone executable
code and this process is called Linking
Loader after a executable program is linked and saved on the disk and it is ready for
execution. We need another process which loads the program into memory and then
instruct the processor to start the execution of the program from the first instruction (the
starting point of every C program is from the main function). This processor is known as
loader. Linker and loaders are the part of development environment. These are part of
system software.
There are mainly -------------------- types of software
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
< , <= , > , >= are called --------------------------- operators.
(a) Logical
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Relational
(d) Conational
In order to get 256 from the number 2568 we divide this number by 10 and take,
(a) Its remainder
(b) The number
(c) Its quotient
(d) Its divisor
If int x = 10; then the value of x/= 3; will be,
(a) 10
(b) 3
(c) 13
(d) 1
How many parameter(s) function getline() takes?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Suppose int multi[5][10]; when we are using **multi , it means,
(a) Single dereferencing
(b) Single referencing
(c) Double referencing
(d) Double dereferencing
To access the data members of structure _______ is used.
(a) dot operator (.)
(b) * operator
(c) operator
(d) None of given.
There is NO difference between bitwise AND operator (&) and Logical AND (&&)
(a) True
(b) False
Which of the following data type(s) can operate on modulus operator ‘%’?
(a) float, int
(b) float, double
(c) int
(d) char
What's wrong with this while loop?
while( (i < 10) && (i > 24))
Which strategy is used by binary search algorithm to search a number? (1)
‘divide and conquer’ strategy is applied.
Write down the general syntax of switch statement. (2)
switch ( variable/expression )
case constant1 : statementLlist1 ;
case constant2: statementLlist1 ;
default: statementLlist1 ;
What is a Linker? (3)
Linker Most of the time our program is using different routines and functions that are
located in different files, hence it needs the executable code of those routines/functions.
Linker is a tool which performs this job, it checks our program and includes all those
routines or functions which we are using in our program to make a standalone executable
code and this process is called Linking
What are similarities and differences between Structures and Unions? (5)
In structures, the data members are public by default. It means that these are visible to all
and anyone can change them. Is there any disadvantage of this? Think about the date.
struct student
char name[60];
char address[100];
float GPA;
Unions We have another construct named union. The concept of union in C/C++ is: if we
have something in the memory, is there only one way to access that memory location or
there are other ways to access it. We have been using int and char interchangeably in our
programs. We have already developed a program that prints the ACSII codes. In this
program, we have stored a char inside an integer. Is it possible to have a memory location
and use it as int or char interchangeably? For such purposes, the construct union is used.
The syntax of union is:
union intOrChar
int i;
char c;
Differentiate between C and c++. (10)
1. C was the C++ predecessor. As it's name implies, alot of C remains in
C++. Although not actually being more powerful than C.
2. C++ allows the programmer to more easily manage and operate with Objects,
using an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept
3. C++ allows the programmer to create classes, which are somewhat similar to C
structures. However, to a class can be assigned methods, functions associated to
it, of various prototypes, which can access and operate within the class, somewhat
like C functions often operate on a supplied handler pointer.
4. Although it is possible to implement anything which C++ could implement in C,
C++ aids to standardize a way in which objects are created and managed, whereas
the C programmer who implements the same system has a lot of liberty on how to
actually implement the internals, and style among programmers will vary a lot on
the design choices made
5. In C, some will prefer the handler-type, where a main function initializes a
handler, and that handler can be supplied to other functions of the library as an
object to operate on/through. Others will even want to have that handler link all
the related function pointers within it which then must be called using a
convention closer to C++.
6. C++ applications are generally slower at runtime, and are much slower to compile
than C programs. The low-level infrastructure for C++ binary execution is also
larger. For these reasons C is always commonly used even if C++ has alot of
popularity, and will probably continue to be used in projects where size and speed
are primary concerns, and portable code still required (assembly would be
unsuitable then).
The remainder (%) operator is
(a) A logical operator
(b) An arithmetic operator
(c) A relational operator
(d) A division operator
If int sum = 10; then the value of the statement sum = sum + 3 ; is ,
(a) 7
(b) Illegal statement
(c) Garbage value
(d) 13
Which of the following function(s) is/are included in ctype.h header file?
(a) isdigit(int c)
(b) isxdigit(int c )
(c) tolower(int c)
(d) All of the above
In C/C++ which of the following header file is used for string manipulation?
(a) stdlib.h
(b) string.h
(c) strings.h
(d) stype.h
_______________ provide communication channels between files and program.
(a) Streams
(b) Language like C++
(c) Function seekg()
(d) None of the above
______ translates high level language program into machine language code
(a) Debugger
(b) Editor
(c) Compiler
(d) Linker
Which of the following data type(s) can operate on modulus operator ‘%’?
(a) float, int
(b) float, double
(c) int
(d) char
C++ is a case-sensitive language
(a) True
(b) False
To include code from the library in the program, such as iostream, a directive would be
called up using this command.
(a) #include “iostream.h”
(b) include <iostream.h>
(c) include <iostream.h>
(d) #include <iostream.h>
What will be the range of numbers generated by function rand () % 9?
(a) 0 to 9
(b) 1 to 9
(c) 0 to 8
(d) 1 to 8
An array stores the numbers into consecutive memory locations.
(a) True
(b) False
Which of the following is the correct statement for the following declaration?
const int *ptr.
(a) ptr is a constant pointer
(b) ptr is constant integer pointer
(c) ptr is a constant pointer to int
(d) ptr is a constant pointer to int
Which of the following header file defines the rand() function?
(a) iostream.h
(b) conio.h
(c) stdlib.h
(d) stdio.h
Consider the following code segment. What will be the output of following code?
What will be the size of array if we initialize an array with declaration: int arr[] = {0, 0,
0, 0};? (1)
int arr[3];
What is the difference between switch statement and if statement. (2)
In switch statement only one variable can be tested on various condition but using if we
can tested multi variables in single statement
Evaluate the following arithmetic expressions. (3)
a) X = 2 + 6 * 4– 4 * 20 / 5 +3 * 2
b) Y = (6 * 7) - (2 + 3) * (3 – 1) + 5 * (3 +1)
a) X = 2 + (6 * 4)–( (4 * 20) / 5) + (3 * 2)
b) Y =( (6 * 7) - (2 + 3) * (3 – 1) +( 5 * (3 +1)))
a) 16
b) 52
What is the difference between = in C as compared to = used in algebra. (5)
In C = sign is used to assigned the value in algebra = sign is show that the both side are
In C there must be a variable on the = sign and the right side of the = sign must be a
arithmetic expression, variable or a value.
In algebra both side of the equation may or may not be expression.
Write a program which consists of three variables Area, Per, Base, this
program should find the area of triangle using the formula, (10)
float Area, Per, Base;
// Area = (Base * Per)/2
Per = 5.0;
Base = 2.5;
Area = (Base * Per)/2;
cout <<"Area = "<<Area;
In C/C++ language the header file which is used to perform useful task and manipulation
of character data is
(e) cplext.h
(f) ctype.h
(g) stdio.h
(h) delay.h
The header file which is used for input and output is
(e) maths.h
(f) string.h
(g) iostream.h
(h) ctype.h
Suppose int multi[5][10]; when we are using **multi , it means,
(e) Single dereferencing
(f) Single referencing
(g) Double referencing
(h) Double dereferencing
To access the data members of structure _______ is used.
(e) dot operator (.)
(f) * operator
(g) operator
(h) None of given.
The precedence of * is higher than dot operator (.)operator
(c) True
(d) False
Which of the following is the starting index of an array in C++?
(e) 0
(f) 1
(g) -1
(h) any number
When a call to function statement is encountered,
(e) The control transfers to its Prototype
(f) The control transfers to its definition
(g) Control returns to statement following function call
(h) The compiler stops execution of whole program
A function must always return value.
(c) True
(d) False
If an array has 100 elements, what is allowable range of subscripts?
(e) 0 – 99
(f) 1 – 99
(g) 0 – 100
(h) 1 – 100
If a pointer appears on left hand side of an assignment operator then right side of that
assignment operator must be,
(e) Variable name
(f) Address of variable
(g) Variable value
(h) Constant
Editors are used to compile the code.
(c) True
(d) False
Which bitwise operator returns false if both bits are 1?
(e) AND
(f) XOR
(g) NOT
(h) OR
What does !(7) evaluate to in decimal where ! is a NOT operator?
(e) 7
(f) 8
(g) 9
(h) 10
Structures cannot be passed as Function Parameters
(c) True
(d) False
When break statement is encountered in a loop body it,
(e) Transfers the control outside from current loop
(f) Transfers the control outside from current program
(g) Enforces the next iteration of loop
(h) Generates compile time error.
A union is a user-defined data type that contains only _______from its list of members at
a time.
Write a program to convert upper case letter to lower case letter. (5)
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char inputString[100];
char lowerCase[100];
int i=0;
lowerCase[i] = tolower(inputString[i]);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char inputString[100];
char upperCase[100];
int i=0;
upperCase[i] = toupper(inputString[i]);
return 0;
Spring 2010
CS201- Introduction to Programming
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In C/C++ the string constant is enclosed
► In curly braces
► In small braces
► In single quotes
► In double quotes
In fact, C's only truly built-in string-handling is that it allows us to use string
constants (also called string literals) in our code. Whenever we write a string, enclosed in
double quotes, C automatically creates an array of characters for us, containing that
string, terminated by the \0character. For example, we can declare and define an array of
characters, and initialize it with a string constant:
Spring 2010
CS201- Introduction to Programming
Compiler is a
► System software
► Application Software
► Driver
► Editor
► 26
► 27
► 28
► 24
In C/C++ language the header file which is used to perform useful task and manipulation
of character data is
► cplext.h
► ctype.h
► stdio.h
► delay.h
► Must
► Optional
► syntax error
► Necessary
► 33
► 45
► 30
What is the correct syntax to declare an array of size 10 of int data type?
► name[10] int ;
► int name[10] ;
► int name[] ;
► n dimensions
► 2n dimensions
► (n+1) dimensions
► ptr[3]
► (ptr+3)
► *(ptr+3)
► Both 1and 3
Which of the following values C++ use to represent true and false?
► 1 and 0
► 1 and -1
► 11 and 00
► True
► False
For which array, the size of the array should be one more than the number of elements in
an array?
► int
► double
► float
► char
If a variable is passed by value to a function and the function makes some changes to that
variable then it
► Header file
► Preprocessor Directive
► Statement
► Function
► Decision
► Repetition
► Sequential
► Hierarchical
Which variable will be used in inner code block if we have the same names of variable at
outer code block and inner code block?
Which standard library is included when your program reads from, or writes to, files?
Perform left shift operation on a binary number 0101 and write the result in binary and
20. }
21. getch();
22. }
Write a C/C++ program which defines an array of 15 elements and fill the array with
This program should display that how many digits and alphabets the string
"12players2teams" contains using Character handling functions.
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
►Header file
►Preprocessor Directive
When the logical operator AND (&&) combine two expressions exp1
and exp2 then the result will be true only,
Chunks, 2
Chunks, 2n
Blocks, n2
Blocks, 2n
x += 1 ;
x +=3 ;
it wil be 7 as every case will add value to x
int x = 5 ;
int x = 4 ;
cout << x ;
► 4, 4
► 4, 5
► 5, 4
First call of x read local value which is 4 and next call is to x has value of 5
►* operator
►-> operator
►&& operator
►& operator
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The also belong to the System Software category.
►a character,
►a C-string,
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
►Header file
►Preprocessor Directive
►Single referencing
►Single dereferencing
►Double dereferencing
►Double referencing
► Null character
► String
► Zero
► Full stop
►1 byte exactly
►1 bit exactly
►One Time
►Two Times
►N Times
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
+= , *= , /= , etc are called,
►Assignment operators
►Logical operator
►Unary operator
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Computer can understand only machine language code.
“Learning to design programs is like learning to play soccer. A player must learn to trap a
ball, to dribble with a ball, to pass, and to shoot a ball. Once the player knows those basic
skills, the next goals are to learn to play a position, to play certain strategies, to choose
among feasible strategies, and, on occasion, to create variations of a strategy because
none fits. “
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a program which contains a user defined f takes 3 integer arguments hours, minutes and seconds and r
ConvertInSeconds that
# include <iostream.h>
int ConvertInSeconds(int hours, int mins, int secs);
int stopit;
int hours, mins, secs = 0 ;
cout << "Please Entere the Hours : " ;
cin>> hours ;
cout << "Please Entere the Minutes : " ;
cin>> mins ;
cout << "Please Entere the seconds : " ;
cin>> secs ;
cout << "\n Total Seconds = " << ConvertInSeconds(hours, mins, secs);
cin>> stopit; //pause screen to show output
int ConvertInSeconds(int hours, int mins, int secs)
return ( (hours*60*60)+(mins*60)+(secs));
Spring 2009 CS201- Introduction to Programming
Software is categorized into two main categories
1 System Software
2 Application Software
►Header file
►Preprocessor Directive
►An arithmetic
we use logical operators ( && and || ) for AND and OR respectively with
relational operators.
►0’s or 1’s
►Linear search
►Binary search
►Quick search
►Random search
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one_______________
When a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of
memory addresses
►According to data type
►1 byte exactly
►1 bit exactly
►pass through
►any number
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one_________
Which of the following is an extension of header file?
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one__________
We want to access array in random order which approach is better?
►Array index
approach may not be better than array indexing. (from handouts courtesy )
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )__________
What is the output of the following program?
#include iostream.h
main ( ) {
int RollNo;
int rollno;
RollNo = 5;
rollno = 8;
cout << “Roll No is ” << rollno; }
Program should not compile due to missing from following statement
#include iostream.h
if we ignore this then output should be
Roll No is 8
if ( num % 2 = 0 )
cout << "The number is even" << endl;
if ( num % 2 = =0 )
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
The C language is so powerful that the compiler of C and other various operating systems
are written in C.
The C preprocessor modifies a source code file before handing it over to the compiler.
You're most likely used to using the preprocessor to include files directly into other files,
Write a C++ program that will determine if a departmental store customer has exceeded
the credit limit on a charge account.
Program should input the following facts in five variables
1. Account number
2. Balance at the beginning of month (Beginning balance)
3. total of all items charged by customer this month (charges)
4. total of all credits (credits)
5. allowed credit limit
Calculate the new balance
New balance = Beginning balance + charges – credits
Determine if new balance exceeds the allowed credit limit. For those customers whose
credit limit is exceeded. The program should display the message “Credit Limit
Spring 2009
CS201- Introduction to Programming
Identify the errors in the following code segment and give the reason of errors.
int x = 10
const int *ptr = &x ;
*ptr = 5 ;
*ptr = 5;
declaring a pointer to a constant Integer. You cannot use this pointer to change the value
being pointed to:
► write()
► seekg()
► get()
► 10
► 11
► 12
► 13
► *ptr = “programming” ;
►i = 5, j = 5
►i = 5, j = 8
►i = 4, j = 8
►i = 5, j = 9
► reference
► data type
► value
► data
Int x=10….No ending semicolon.
*ptr=5 .. Declaring a pointer to constant integer.You can not use this pointer to change
the value being pointed to.
#include <iostream.h>
union mytypes_t {
char c;
int i;
float f;
} mytypes;
int main(){
mytypes.c = 'H';
mytypes.i = 15;
mytypes.i = 15;
mytypes.c = 'H';
return 0;