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is more than just a floor; it is real wood flooring that adds a distinctive sense of

warmth, comfort, richness and tradition to any home. Most often wide plank flooring is
made from reclaimed flooring, planks, boards or even unused old barns.

The appearance of reclaimed flooring or unfinished hardwood flooring is the natural
effect of centuries of weathering and symbolizes the skill of traditional craftsmen. It
provides unique and genuinely rustic personality to any living or working space. No
other flooring has the history, lasting beauty and value of real wood flooring. Whether
you are aiming to create new standards or restore an existing home to its former
splendor; real wood flooring will exceed your requirements.
Installing Wide Plank Flooring
You've just found the best source for quality and value in finely crafted long, wide floorboards & trim.

TimberKnee delivers wide plank floors and custom millwork to your home or job site in the full range of
hardwood & softwood grades. Our work far surpasses any flooring or moldings you might find in a store,
big box store or lumber yard.

The reason is simple: quality material, quality milling and personal service.

Hardwood flooring and millwork has been produced in Royalton, Vermont for over two centuries.
Working with the beautiful hardwoods and softwoods from the surrounding wood lots is ingrained in
the spirit of the workers who live in this part of northern New England. TimberKnee is a unique custom
mill specializing in hand crafted wide plank floors, custom mouldings and trim. We ship our hand-crafted
floors throughout the US and overseas.


"Our new cherry floor is absolutely beautifulcThe flooring from Timberknee is first rate. We are now
saving up to do the bedrooms. We would be happy to serve as a reference - you have excellent products
and service. - RR - Stockbridge, VT - Select Cherry"
Using a custom mill for your Wide Plank Floor means that you get the longest lengths available. Whether
your are adding a Family room to your home with hard Wide Hickory Flooring, remodelling your kitchen
in Wide Plank Cherry, or building a new log cabin in our Wide Plank Pine... Timberknee has the quality
and the service to meet your needs.
Bamboo flooring

Silkroad Toronto manufactures a line of bamboo flooring offering different colors and grain pattern.

What is sustainable about this product?
Contributes to a Safe, Healthy Built Environment:
Silkroad bamboo flooring is certified by the Environmental Choice
program (EcoLog) for the low VOC glue used during the manufacturing

Conserves Natural Resources:
As one of the fastest growing plants on earth, bamboo is a highly
renewable resource. Bamboo is also an important component of erosion
control in Asia due to its extensive root system. During the
manufacturing process almost 100% of the bamboo is utilized. Of the
material that is too small for the flooring production, paper,
chopsticks and toothpicks are produced maximizing the use of this
important resource.

aaGreen Wall Panels are safe to install on almost any structure. We offer a wide range of plants, in several varieties and colors for almost any
vertical application. Even native species to your local area can be used, however, we rigorously test every plant species before we install it to
ensure its health, longevity and beauty.

What is sustainable about this product?
Contributes to a safe, healthy environment:
In addition to the beauty and aesthetic value that Green Roofs provides, they also have various other functions, such as...
Energy Savings, Sound Insulation, Heat Island Mitigation, etc.
G-SKY Extensive Green Roof provide all these functions and are Lightweight and Thin.
G-SKY's efficient design makes its maintenance time and costs one third that of competing systems.
slab glass
What is this product?
SLAB is decorative and architectural. Reclaimed glass is melted into blocks and custom forms up to 4" thick.
Used for partition walls, furniture, signage and countertops, SLAB is robust and unique in its light transforming
qualities. With the sturdiness and mass of cut stone, the light giving qualities of glass and the composition of a
durable industrial building material, SLAB is intended to find its way into many large scale architectural
What is sustainable about this product?
Made from renewable content:
SLAB Glass is made using industrial float glass or "window glass" that would otherwise end up in landfill sites
Cultured What is this product?
Cultured stone is a manufactured stone veneer: exact replicas of natural stones used for building, cast in flexible
molds and hand colored with iron oxide pigments. Made of lightweight aggregate materials, the veneers are
approximately one-quarter the weight of full-thickness stone and can be adhered to most wall surfaces.
What is sustainable about this product?
Incorporate up to 10% fly ash (a by-product of the coal-fired energy industry) and up to 10% reground scrap
concrete into their product.
A green wall is a wall, either free-standing or part of a building, that is partially or completely covered with
vegetation and, in some cases, soil or an inorganic growing medium. The vegetation for a green faade is
always attached on outside walls; with living walls this is also usually the case, although some living walls
can also be green walls for interior use. For living walls there are many methods including attaching to the
air return of the building to help with air filtration. They are also referred to as living walls, biowalls, or
vertical gardens.
here are two main categories of green walls: green faades and living walls. Green faades are made up
of climbing plants either growing directly on a wall or, more recently, specially designed supporting The
plant shoot system grows up the side of the building while being rooted to the ground. In a living wall the
modular panels are often made of stainless steel containers, geo textile, irrigation systems, a growing
medium and vegetation.
There are three types of Growth Mediums used in living walls, loose mediums, mat mediums and
structural mediums.
Loose medium walls tend to be "soil-on-a-shelf" or "soil-in-a-bag" type systems. Loose medium systems
have their soil packed into a shelf or bag and then are installed onto the wall. These systems require their
media to be replaced at least once a year on exteriors and approximately every two years on interiors.
Loose soil systems are not well suited for areas with any seismic activity. Reparations are only achieved
by re-stuffing soil into the holes on the wall, which is both difficult and messy. Loose-soil systems should
not be used in areas where there will be a lot of public interaction as they are quite messy and lose their
soil little by little over time as their mediums wet and dry failing out onto the floor in front if not properly
designed for. Most importantly, because these systems can easily have their medium blown away by
wind-driven rain or heavy winds, these should not be used in high applications over 8 feet high. Loose-
soil systems are best suited for the home gardener where occasional replanting is desired from season to
season or year to year.
Mat type systems tend to be either coir fibre or felt mats. Mat mediums are quite thin, even in multiple
layers, and as such cannot support vibrant root systems of mature plants for more than three to five years
before the roots overtake the mat and water is not able to adequately wick through the mats. The method
of reparation of these systems is to replace large sections of the system at a time which compromises the
root structures of the neighboring plants on the wall. These systems are best used on the interior of a
building and are a good choice in areas with seismic activity. It is important to note that mat systems are
particularly water inefficient and often require constant irrigation due to the thin nature of the medium and
it's inability to hold water and provide a buffer for the plant roots. This inefficiency requires that these
systems have a water re-circulation system put into place at additional cost. Mat mediums are better
suited for small installations no more than eight feet in height where reparations are easily achieved.
Structural mediums are growth medium "blocks" that are not loose, nor mats, but incorporate the best
features of both into a block that can be manufactured into various sizes, shapes and thicknesses. These
mediums have the advantage that they do not break down for 10 to 15 years, can be made to have a
higher or lower water holding capacity depending on the plant selection for the wall, can have their pH
and EC's customized to suit the plants, and are easily handled for maintenance and replacements. They
are the most robust option for a living wall for both exterior applications and for interior applications. They
are the only choice in areas where high-winds, seismic activity or heights need to be addressed in the
design. Structural mediums are superior to the other mediums for their longevity and high-level of
performance in a variety of circumstances. Depending on the installation, they do tend to be more
expensive to install, but lower cost to maintain.
There is some discussion also around "active" living walls. An active living wall actively pulls or forces air
through the plants leaves, roots and growth medium of the wall and then into the buildings HVAC system
to be recirculated throughout the building. A problem with these systems is that building code still requires
that all the standard air filtration equipment that would have to be installed anyway, despite the living
wall's installation. This means that active living walls do not improve air quality to the point that the
installation of other air quality filtration systems can be removed to provide a cost-savings. Therefore, the
added cost of design, planning and implementation of an active living wall is still in question. With further
research and UL standards to support the air quality data from the living wall, building code may one day
allow for our buildings to have their air filtered by plants.
[citation needed]

1. ^ EOS magazine, december 2008
2. ^ "Building Design and Construction". Retrieved 2008-04-13.
[dead link]

3. ^ Ong, B. (2003). Green plot ratio: an ecological measure for architecture and urban planning. Landscape
and Urban Planning, 63 (4). Retrieved June 19, 2009, from ScienceDirect database.
[edit]External links
Green Wall Panels
lsGreeWall Panels

Click here to learn
about the process.

GSkys Green Wall Panel system is the most sustainable, comprehensive and widely-used system in
the industry. The flexible, modular system can be installed on virtually any indoor or outdoor
surface or in any hot or cold climate, and is designed to resist both tropical storm level wind/rain and
earthquakes. The system consists of 5 main components:
Panels: patent-pending 1 square foot stainless steel panels can be customized to fit any design or wall
Non-Soil Structural Growth Medium: patent-pending growth material is non-eroding to ensure plant
longevity, and much lower maintenance than loose soil systems.
Plants: rigorously tested to ensure health, longevity and beauty.
Remote Irrigation/Fertilization System:computerized vertical drip irrigation system with temperature
and moisture sensors that allow for 24/7 remote monitoring- high efficiency since water is used only when
Stainless Steel Frame Wall Mounting System: can be mounted on concrete, wood frame, steel beam,
and more, and allows panel removal for inspection as needed.
Different types of Wall Finishes and its application
In our prevlous urtlcle Vurlous Types of Wull Flnlshes, we llsted vurlous Wull Flnlshes und dlscussed thelr
uppllcutlons. In thls urtlcle, we wlll contlnue wlth our study of vurlous other Wull Flnlshes.
Here is the list of the Wall Finishes for decorating the Interiors and Exteriors:
1. 6tulned Gluss Flnlsh
2. Pebbles Flnlsh
3. Flukes Flnlsh
4. Corul Flnlsh
. Cunfor Flnlsh
6. Tlle Cluddlng
7. Wood Punelllng
8. 6und Textured Flnlsh
Stained Glass Finish
It lnvolves lot of creutlve work. The gluss ls decoruted wlth ltchlng, frostlng, gluss pustlng und flnully colourlng
wlth sultuble colours uccordlng to the theme. The stulned gluss punels ure used on wulls und celllngs.

6tulned Gluss Flnlsh
Pebbles Finish
Thls u very slmple und uttructlve flnlsh obtulned by pustlng smull pebbles on the wulls wlth cement mortur us
un udheslve.
Pebbles flnlsh ls usuully preferred for exterlor fucude. It ls ulso commonly used to glve nlce flowlng effect to
the wuterfulls thut ure creuted especlully deslgned for Hotel Interlors or us u purt of Exterlor Lundscuplng.

Pebbles Flnlsh
Flakes Finish
It ls u speclul muterlul used to enhunce the elevutlon treutment of the bulldlng. It ls mu|orly used for the
exterlor fucude. It hus ulso been used for the lnterlors but to u very smull extent. Appllcutlon of flukes flnlsh ls
uvolded ln the lnterlors becuuse chlpplng off of flukes ls u trouble.
The flukes ure upplled wlth u trovel on wulls over u cout of udheslve.

Flukes Flnlsh
Coral Finish
Corul flnlsh ls slmllur to Pluster of Purls Flnlsh und Gypsum Pluster Flnlsh. Corul ls the nume of u type of
plusterlng muterlul. It glves u rough edgy flnlsh.

Corul Flnlsh
Canfor Finish
Cunfor flnlsh ls ulso known us Fuux flnlsh. Thls muterlul ls used for the lnterlors of resldences. It udds u unlque
uesthetlc uppeul to the pluce. It comes ln 6mm thlckness und ln dlfferent deslgns.
Thls flnlsh ls chosen when u fulse flnlsh ls to be glven. It glves u stone wull or brlck wull effect.

Cunfor Flnlsh or Fuux Flnlsh
Tile Cladding
Dlfferent tlles, for exumple, grunlte, murble, gluzed tlles or vltrlfled tlles ure used for tlle cluddlng. Tlles ure
uvulluble ln u vurlety of colours und shupes. The selectlon of tlles depends on the pluce where lt ls to be
upplled l.e. lnterlor fucude or exterlor fucude.

Tlle Cluddlng
Wood Panelling
It ls u decorutlve treutment done wlth wooden punels on the wulls ln vurlous deslgns. The muterlul used cun be
plywood or wood covered wlth veneer or lumlnute.

Wood Punelllng
Sand Textured Finish
6und Textured flnlsh ls used to glve flne texture to the wull. Thls wull flnlsh ls not very commonly used
becuuse of lts grulns comlng out.

6und Textured Flnlsh
ICF stands for Insulating or Insulated Concrete Forms. Basically, these are stay-in-place concrete forms used to
build exterior walls of homes or buildings. The forms consist of a middle section, which many times houses metal
webs used to stabilize and strengthen the concrete that will eventually be poured into this section to fill all gaps. Each
side of the form, which will ultimately be the interior and exterior of the walls, consists of insulating material. Many
times this insulator is two to four inches of foam insulation. So, in the finished product, your exterior walls have a
concrete core wrapped with insulating foam.
n ICF is an Insulated Concrete Form. ICF blocks are made out of thick Styrofoam outer walls reinforced with either metal or
heavy duty plastic on the inside. They are stacked together like really big Lego(TM) Blocks. They either glue or lock together,
depending on the model. The blocks are further reinforced with rebar (steel rods) as the walls are built. After the walls are
completely built or "stacked" they are supported with temporary external bracing and then filled full of concrete. That could be
anywhere from 4 to 9 inches (even more for commercial applications) of solid reinforced concrete between you and the outside

The insulative properties of the ICF wall system are quite remarkable. ICF homes when coupled with complimentary building
materials, such as spray in foam insulation in the attic, can expect to see a 50% reduction in utility costs and 75% reductions are
not at all uncommon. Outside noise is also greatly reduced if not completely eliminated. Drafts are also eliminated and when
proper heating and cooling systems are utilized occupants can actually enjoy living in a clean air environment.

ICF homes are also extremely durable. The monolithic nature of the foundation/wall structure means no more uneven settling
leading to cracked walls and ceilings. ICF walls can be designed to withstand 250 mile per hour winds and 100 mile per hour
2"x4" stud projectiles. ICF wall systems, when combined with lite-deck floor and roof systems easily qualify as safe rooms and
strong rooms if you live in a hurricane or tornado prone area. They also show under testing a much higher resistance to shear
forces created by earthquakes. Not even brick can come close to this. ICF walls also come with up to a 4 hour fire rating.

ICF buildings lend themselves perfectly to green and eco-friendly and even off the grid living. Many
environmentally friendly products and techniques such as water recovery systems, spray foam insulation,
solar and wind electrical generators, wind pumps and mills, hydro-thermic wells, and radiant heating,
when combined with ICF wall systems can get you well on your way to saving electricity and money which
can greatly reduce the cost of owning a home
y Strength - ICF wall systems are rated to withstand extreme weather conditions, including tornados and
hurricanes. They can endure winds in excess of 140 miles per hour. In addition, they are rated safe for
earthquake zones (up to zone 4), as well.
y Durability - These walls will not settle, crack, warp, rot, mildew, rust of even vibrate when you slam a door.
They do not provide food for insects (like termites, for example), mold, or vermin.
y Quiet - ICF wall systems decrease the amount of sound that comes in from the outside by over half. It is the
quietest building material on the market.
y Comfortable - ICF wall systems result in an even temperature distribution throughout the house from floor to
ceiling. There is less than two degrees Fahrenheit variation in an ICF home, compared to conventional
homes that vary anywhere from five to ten degrees Fahrenheit. According to ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers) points to uneven temperature distribution as a
leading factor in people feeling uncomfortable. The "feel" of an ICF home is unsurpassed in comfort.

Homeowner Benefits

y Comfortable and quiet
y Hurricane resistant
y Minimized flood damage
y Clean air living
y Environmentally friendly
y Quick build time
y Mold resistant
y Termite resistant
y Superior energy efficiency

Cement thrmo wall
Eco friendly property construction using Thermocellit blocks. Save money, save time and save energy!!

ThermoCellit honeycombed clay blocks are made from fired clay and have a honeycomb cross-section. The
external walls of your property can be built rapidly with this single skin eco friendly build system which
replaces conventional cavity walls. These thermocellit honeycombed clay blocks combine rapid build time
with moisture protection, noise and thermal insulation all in one.

The large block size, coupled with the fact that cavity wall construction is no longer required to satisfy the
Building Regulations, means that buildings can be much more rapidly built.

The blocks are laid with a horizontal mortar joint 8-12mm thick using a special light weight mortar.

Vertical joints are tongue and grooved and need no mortar. The ThermoCellit range includes special blocks
for windows and corners, and lintels.

Internal walls can also be built with Cellit blocks.

The main and obvious advantages gained by using Thermocellit build blocks are rapid build times and more
importantly the eco friendliness of the system along with the following:

Easy to plan wall layout

Easy to use

Blocks can be cut

No mortar is needed in the vertical joints due to a tongue and grooved edge, reducing mortar use by up to

Very little thermal movement results in less cracking and better building resale values

Surface fixings compare favourably with conventional masonry construction

The blocks are very strong and have a high impact resistance

The large block size, which allows rapid construction coupled with excellent thermal properties, makes this a
very eco friendly build system and is becoming very popular. We are already in the process of building 5
properties with this system. See our web site: www.1st2spain.com. There are several great external and
internal finishes available. We use Mona Capa which is the best suited for Spanish climate in our opinion.

ThermoCellit block

Height 240 mm Length 260 mm Thickness 300 / 365 mm Weight 162 / 197 kg/m respectively

Vapour diffusion resistance, ? 4 U-value with external render and internal plaster

0.36/0.30 W/mK respectively Crushing strength of Thermocellit wall 4 N/mm

Sound reduction (with render + plaster finishes) 48 / 51 dB respectively

Cellit block

Height 240 mm Length 400 mm Thickness 100 / 125 / 150 mm Weight 74 / 90 / 108 kg/m

Crushing strength of Cellit wall 4 N/mm

Sound reduction (plaster both sides) 47 dB (125 block)

Mortar 30 kg bag (mixed with 10 litres water makes 30 litres wet

mortar). Sufficient for 1.00 m of 300 mm wall and 0.80 m of 365 mm wall at 8-12 mm mortar joint


No maintenance required.

Humidity and condensation

High protection against dampness penetration and the formation of condensation.

Acoustic Insulation

Good results are easily achieved.

Quality of living environment

Healthier living environment is assured by the lack of dampness, the good insulation values and the
resistance against biological growth.

Air quality

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/real-estate-articles/eco-friendly-thermocellit-block-build-system-
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
rainwater collect wall
The Symbiotic Green Wall is the project of two designers: Kooho Jung and Hayeon Kelly Choi. The
concept represents a double-layered wall system that gathers, filters and then allocates rainwater
and wastewater.
Two layers of the wall serve as heat and noise absorbers. At the same time they also help store
water, which is used to decrease the amount of construction dust and grow grass in pods attached to
the wall.
Due to the fact that the grass grows almost on the wall, the eco-friendly construction also acts
as air cleaner system that makes use of fully natural processes.
In addition, the Symbiotic Green Wall provides relaxation areas that are used by construction workers.
The structure also has spaces for birds, plus it features indicators that show the level of noise,
vibration and air pollution at and near the construction site. Taking advantage of a number of natural
systems, the wall has the goal of making construction sites sustainable and dirt free.

Moveable wall
TrendWall Modular Walls are an economical, flexible alternative to permanent walls. The
Trendway movable wall system is designed to meet your unique specifications and allow you
to react quickly as your office changes. TrendWall integrates easily with existing
architectural wall structure and office furniture. Relocating to another building? Just take
your TrendWall movable walls with you.
The benefits of a Trendway Modular Wall System:
Excellent value and return on investment
TrendWall systems costs much less over time in comparison to the cost of installing and
moving traditional drywall. Modular walls can be reused and reconfigured to meet the
changing needs of your facility. Your return on investment will increase over the years of
using these movable interior walls.
Quick and easy to install and reconfigure
TrendWall prefabricated wall systems are shipped ready to install, involve fewer trades, and
eliminate the mess and expense of drywall construction. Your office renovation projects will
go faster and get your office up and running again quickly, saving you time and money.
High acoustical rating
The acoustic rating of the TrendWall sound packing option leads to all-around productivity.
It allows you to isolate private work spaces or public areas from surrounding noisy or dusty
areas, such as industrial or high traffic spaces.
The Trendway wall system is eco-friendly
TrendWall can be used again and again as your office grows and changes. No demolition is
needed and the panels are nearly 100% recyclable. More recycled content and recyclability
reduces waste and contribute to environmental sustainability.
TrendWall installs with minimum impact on exisiting
floors, ceilings and other architectural elements. Because it is reuseable it is as easy on the
environment as it is on your ability to make fast changes.


EB 220
Length 240mm X Width 220mm X Height 115mm

EB 140
Length 240mm X Width 140mm X Height 115mm

EB 220 Conduit
Length 240mm X Width 220mm X Height 115mm
The standard ECO BRICK measures between 220 and 240 mm long X 220mm wide X 115 mm deep, and has
beveled / champhered edges. BRICK length is controlled by soil and moisture content. 37-38 Bricks of 230 mm length
are required per sq. m of 9" walling and 165 - 170 Bricks may be required per cu.m of 9" walling.

ECO Conduit BRICK also measures same as Standard ECO BRICK with provision for conduit and horizontal
reinforcement applications in Earth Quake resistant construction applications.

ECO220 mm Bricks for above ground level superstructures are usually manufactured to an approximate compressive
strength of a 4 MPa with a 1:5 cement: soil mix ratio. Adding higher cement ratio makes higher compressive strength
Bricks of +7Mpa.

Eco Brick walls are stronger than walls made out of cement blocks or ordinary burnt bricks.

Eco Brick is made primarily from clay-based sub-soils and water. Only 5%- 10% of the end mix is cement. This is
used as a stabilizer and compressed with a massive force of 60-80 Tons. (That is 50 - 100 kg / cm2 or 100 - 200
Bars). This process, which is a fully automated mechanical one, creates an extremely high quality and solid product.
The strength of the product is further fortified by its special interlocking shape, which makes it even more resistant
and high in load bearing.

Building with Eco Brick is Cost Effective

Walls constructed with burnt bricks or cement blocks, contribute approximately 40% to the total construction cost of a

When building with Eco Brick, you effectively reduce these costs. Its unique interlocking and beveled-edged features
leave no requirement for additional plastering. This will significantly bring down the cost of labour, cement, sand and
lime. Even in the rare applications that need plastering, Eco Brick reduces the cost of plastering effectively by more
than 50%.

Its accepted world wide

Cement Stabilized Compressed Soil Brick technology, such as what is used to produce Eco Brick, is a well accepted
method of manufacturing building materials. It is now a commonly used method in countries such as the USA,
Australia, India, and many other European, Middle East and African countries.

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