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Dobie Clay Fills in RSS PIT-XIV HATTI ID - 2011

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Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment, Yogyakarta, 10-11 February 2011

Practical use of clay fills in reinforced soil structures

Michael Dobie
Asia Pacific Regional Manager, Tensar International Limited, Indonesia
E-mail: tensar@attglobal.net

ABSTRACT: Clay fills have been used successfully to build reinforced soil structures in many countries and climates. For de-
sign purposes it is commonly assumed that the pore water pressure within the fill is zero, whereas in reality the actual long
term equilibrium pore pressure in a clay fill above the phreatic line is likely to be negative (suction). In addition, during
placement and compaction of clay fill to typical earthworks specifications, pore pressures generated in the short term under
undrained conditions are also likely to be negative. This may be seen in numerous case studies of clay fills, either in laborato-
ry tests or in actual structures where instruments have been installed to measure pore water suction. There is a popular mis-
conception that compaction of clay fill always generates positive pore pressures, however pore water pressures only become
positive towards the base of clay fills if the fills are very high, or at lower heights if the fill was purposely placed on the wet
side of optimum with low undrained shear strength. The suction present in a well compacted clay fill provides an additional
safety margin which is generally not taken into account during design. Design details for reinforced soil structures normally
include internal drainage measures, intended to ensure that design water pressure conditions are achieved during the life of the
structure. In the case of well compacted clay fill which is in a state of suction, it is important that drainage features are de-
signed to prevent the compacted soil mass coming into prolonged contact with free water, which will tend to soften the fill re-
sulting in swelling and reduction in undrained shear strength. In simple terms it must be appreciated that drainage features de-
signed to let water drain out of a structure may, if incorrectly configured, let water into the structure. In extreme cases this
could result in failure.

Keywords: reinforced soil, clay fill, suction, drainage measures.

1 INTRODUCTION are carried out using u = 0 in the fills, so that effective

stress equals total stress. In coarse granular fills (sands
1.1 Use of clay fills in reinforced soil structures
and gravels), this assumption is well justified, but in
Clay fills have been used successfully to build rein- clay fills it is very unlikely that pore water pressure in
forced soil structures in many countries and climates the fill will be zero, and in a well compacted clay fill,
Although generally less preferable than granular fills, they are far more likely to be negative (suction), alt-
clay fills often provide significant cost savings and in hough this is generally ignored and the u = 0 condition
some locations may be the only fill available, especial- is normally assumed for design.
ly in many regions of Indonesia. Provided that the re-
quirements and limitations of their use are understood
1.2 Outline of paper
then reinforced clay fill structures may be built suc-
cessfully, and provide adequate performance after con- The aim of this paper is to examine the pore water
struction. It must always be appreciated that clay fills pressure distribution likely to exist in compacted clay
have the ability to change their volume after comple- fill, both in the long term, as well as during and after
tion (increase or decrease) to a significantly greater ex- construction in the short term undrained condition.
tent than granular fills, so if structures are highly sensi- Based on basic soil mechanics principles a general re-
tive to post-construction movement, then clay fills may lationship is developed between the total vertical stress
not be usable. Engineering assessment of these aspects in a compacted clay fill and the resulting pore pressure,
of a structure is an important part of the design process. assuming typical compaction specifications based on
As with the design of any soil structure it is vital achieving a target undrained shear strength. This rela-
that the properties of the soil fill are well understood. tionship is compared to data measured both in laborato-
The principle soil parameters required for design are ry tests as well as from instrumented structures. The
generally the soil shear strength in terms of effective results are then used to examine the issue of drainage
stress (c and ) and unit weight. It is also necessary provisions to be used in conjunction with clay fills, and
to establish the likely pore water pressure in the fill. examine two failures where drainage provisions may
For reinforced soil structures which are not submerged, have contributed to the observed behaviour. The dis-
it is commonly assumed that internal drainage cussion is restricted to true clays, which have very low
measures placed at the base and back of the fill will en- permeability (k < 5  10-10 m/s) and PI > 20 or so, and
sure that pore water pressures (u) within the reinforced once compacted, become effectively impermeable.
fill and backfill are zero. Therefore design calculations
Practical use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

2 LONG TERM PORE PRESSURE IN CLAY FILL pressure against depth in relation to the embankment
and supporting subsoil, with the phreatic line at a depth
A simple cross section of a clay embankment resting of 2m below original ground level. Below 2m depth, it
on a clay foundation is shown on Figure 1. This shows can be assumed that the pore pressure profile is hydro-
the long term condition when any excess pore pres- static, which would be the case for any soil. Above 2m
sures in the foundation have dissipated, and the pore depth, for design purposes, it would be common to as-
water pressure distribution has reached long term hy- sume that the pore pressure value is zero. This would
drostatic conditions. The embankment is 4m high and be the case for coarse granular soils like gravels and
the phreatic line is 2m below the original ground level. coarse sand which become unsaturated such that the
voids above the 2m depth become mainly air filled.
But clay soils are able to remain saturated (or close to
4m saturated) for significant heights above the phreatic
line. In the case of no flow (hydrostatic) the pore pres-
2m sure profile must continue upwards at the same slope as
Phreatic line the lower hydrostatic line. This is an essential re-
quirement of assuming that no flow occurs, and implies
that the pore water pressure above the phreatic line
must be negative, as shown on Figure 2.
However in reality, the actual condition is unlikely
to be perfectly hydrostatic, and pore pressure may fluc-
tuate between “wetting conditions” when rainfall wets
the embankment resulting in zero pore pressure at the
Figure 1 Clay embankment over clay subsoil embankment surface accompanied by downward flow
and “drying conditions” when evaporation from the
Pore pressure, u (kPa) surface creates even greater suction resulting in upward
-120 -80 -40 0 40 80 flow. However, whichever case prevails, the long term
-4 pore water pressure distribution within the majority of
Embankment the embankment is always negative.
Hydrostatic 2 3.1 Establishing a theoretical relationship
Depth, z (m)

4 According to the principle of effective stress, the shear
Wetting strength of a soil is related to the effective stress on the
conditions 6 failure plane. However when a standard UU undrained
triaxial shear test is carried out on a specimen of clay,
8 only the total stresses are known, presented on Figure 3
as the larger Mohr’s circle labeled as “failure condi-
10 tion” and defined by 3f and 1f which are the principal
Figure 2 Pore pressure profile in clay embankment over total stresses at failure. The radius of this circle is the
clay subsoil undrained shear strength, su. In the presentation of
standard UU triaxial test data, su is apparently not re-
Figure 2 shows the likely distribution of pore water lated to the effective stress, but of course it is, and the

' Failure condition


Initial condition

su su
c' n
0 '3f K0 p' p' '1f 3 3f 1 1f
Figure 3 Relating drained and undrained shear strength in terms of total stress and effective stress

Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment

real failure criterion is given by the effective stress cir- c cos   p sin 
su  or
cle on the left coming into contact with the Mohr Cou- (1  (2A f  1) sin )
lomb failure criterion defined by c and . The dis- (2)
 1  c
tance between the two circles is defined by the pore p  s u   (2A f  1) 
water pressure at failure, uf.  sin   tan 
Figure 3 indicates that there must be a relationship The second expression above is very useful, be-
between the undrained shear strength su and the effec- cause it predicts the effective stress in a soil specimen
tive stress parameters by c and . Indeed there is, and of known c,  and Af necessary to give a particular
to be truly helpful, this relationship needs to be defined value of undrained shear strength. For a soil specimen
from the initial stress conditions in the soil element resting on the laboratory bench, total stress is zero, so
given by 1, 3 and the initial pore pressure u (as that p = -u, or namely the soil suction.
shown on Figure 3, u = 1 - p). In order to create this In order to make use of this expression the value of
relationship, it is necessary to make use of the follow- Af is required. This may be found by carrying out con-
ing basic soil mechanics principles: solidated undrained triaxial tests, and typical values
    u (definition of effective stress) are:
s  c   tan  (Mohr Coulomb failure criterion) Soft clay, Af  1.0
Elastic conditions, Af = 1/3
h  K o v (definition of earth pressure at rest)
Very stiff dilatant soils, Af may be 0 or –ve
u  B3  A1  3 
The final expression defines the increase in pore Suction in sample (-ve pwp) (kPa) 300
water pressure in relation to an increase in total stress Af = 1
under undrained conditons using Skempton’s pore 250
pressure parameters A and B, and in the case of satu- 0.33
rated soil, B = 1.0. 200 0
Using the geometry of the Mohr diagram in Figure
3 and some algebraic manipulation we can derive the 150
following expression:
c cos   pK o  A f (1  K o )sin 
su  (1) 100
Likely range for
(1  (2A f  1) sin )
typical fill soils
Equation 1 gives a general relationship between un- 50
drained shear strength and c and , taking into ac- c' = 5 kPa, phi' = 26 deg
count the initial effective overburden pressure, p, Ko 0
and Af, which is Skempton’s A parameter at failure. 0 50 100 150 200
In the case of a soil specimen resting on the labora- Undrained shear strength s u (kPa)
tory bench or an excavated lump of soil waiting to be
compacted into a fill, we know that Ko = 1.0. In this Figure 4 Relationship between suction and undrained
case Equation 1 may be re-arranged as follows: shear strength of clay sample

As fill height increases pore
Failure envelope
pressure at base becomes +ve
given by c' and '
( '1 -  '3)/2 (kPa)

0 First placed on site

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(' 1 + '3 )/2 & (1 + 3 )/2 (kPa)
Before excavation
Ko > 1.0

Figure 5 Total and effective stress paths during excavation, placement and compaction of clay fill

Practical use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

Equation 2 may be plotted as shown in Figure 4 Using the stress paths on Figure 5, it is possible to
above, in this case for c = 5 kPa and  = 26. This derive a relationship between total vertical stress (total
shows the relationship between suction in a soil sample overburden pressure, p) in the clay fill and pore water
and undrained shear strength for various values of Af pressure, u. This is shown in Figure 6, by the solid
for the case of saturated soil. Bearing in mind that Af black symbols. This relationship is correct for a satu-
tends to become higher as undrained shear strength be- rated fill, and is mainly sensitive to the target un-
comes lower, then the likely range for typical fill soils drained shear strength (su) of the compacted fill. In re-
is shown by the oval area, so that suction in a laborato- ality compacted clay fills in this situation are likely to
ry specimen (or lump of soil ready to be compacted on be partially saturated on placement. This will have a
a clay fill embankment) is relatively insensitive to the tendency to reduce the suction on placement, but
undrained shear strength and is likely to be in the order slightly flatten the path of the relationship as p increas-
of 150 to 200 kPa. es. This has been assessed qualitatively on Figure 6,
Based on the results given in Figure 4, a stress path and is shown as the thick curved line. When p has
may be developed for the case of a clay fill excavated reached a sufficiently high value, the increase in pore
from a borrow pit, then placed at the base of an em- water pressure will cause any free air to go into solu-
bankment, followed by compaction and further fill tion, and the direction of the relationship above this
placement. In order to develop this stress path, it is as- point will be similar to the saturated case.
sumed that fill su = 150 kPa and Af = 0. The stress path The relationship shown on Figure 6 is very useful
because it predicts the likely pore pressure in a well
is shown on Figure 5. Before excavation from the bor-
compacted clay fill, depending on the depth below the
row pit, at about 3 to 4m depth but above the phreatic
fill surface. In the following section this relationship is
line, the likely starting stresses are shown as “before
compared to measured data.
excavation” on Figure 5, which requires that K0 > 1.0
and u is negative. On excavation, the total stresses
both reduce to zero, and the effective stresses follow a 3.2 Comparing the theoretical relationship with
path at 1:1 as shown, because Af = 0 (referred to as measured pore pressures in compacted clay fill
TSP and ESP on Figure 5). This indicates a suction of
There are many published papers providing infor-
180 kPa when the clay fill is first placed, based on Fig-
mation about actual pore pressures measured in clay
ure 4. As further fill is placed the total stress increases
fill embankments. An excellent source of information
rapidly, but the effective stress path continues to follow
is still the ICE Conference on Clay Fills held in 1978,
the 1:1 path. Assuming that total vertical stress is
and a number of the cases cited here are taken from the
slightly higher than total horizontal stress, then the TSP
proceedings of this conference.
direction is slightly upwards. When the TSP crosses
Penman (1978) summarises pore pressure data
the ESP, then pore water pressure becomes zero (u =
measured in compacted clay fill used to construct the
0), and on further increase of fill height, positive pore
Chelmarsh dam in UK. Clay properties and su are not
pressure is generated, in this case when p = p = 200
reported, but the clay was placed on the dry side of op-
kPa, or about 10m of fill. The argument and values
timum and appeared “strong” on rolling. This clay fill
given above assume that the fill remains saturated.
was used in the shoulders of the dam, so the required su
200 is likely to have been high. The measured pore pres-
Relationship for saturated sure versus overburden pressure is shown in Figure 9.
fill derived from Figure 5 Farrar (1978) presents pore pressure data from a
highway embankment constructed using compacted
100 London Clay. A simple section is shown on Figure 7.
pore pressure u (kPa)

Partially saturated fill 20m half width

becomes saturated

0 2:1 side slope

12m high
0 100 200 300 400
total overburden
pressure, p (kPa) Piezometers on
-100 centerline and
Likely relationship for 10m from crest
partially saturated fill
assessed qualitatively
Figure 7 Section through London Clay highway em-
Figure 6 Relationship between pore pressure and bankment after Farrar (1978)
total overburden pressure in clay fill embankment

Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment

The reported properties of the clay fill are: wP = 24, firms that a well compacted clay fill is generally in a
wL = 73, unit weight = 20 kN/m3 and water content on state of suction.
placement was 2 to 4% over optimum. Undrained
shear strength was not reported, but the clay fill is de- Penman (1978)
200 Farrar (1978)
scribed as being wetter than desired, so it might be ex- s u = 100 kPa (?) Canadian trial
pected that su would have been on the low side. The Singapore slope
fill was constructed over an 18 month period, and pore Hill Hall trial
water pressures in the fill were measured at end-of- 100

pore pressure u (kPa)

construction, after 2 years and after 4 years. A detailed 50 kPa
profile of these measurements is shown on Figure 8. s u high
This demonstrates the principles discussed in previous
sections very clearly, with suction in the upper 8m of 0
the fill, and positive pore water pressures below this 0 100 200 300 400
level. Evidence can be seen of the “wetting condition” p (kPa)
as indicated on Figure 2, yet the distribution of suction
measured over four years is sensibly constant. Howev-
er below the 8m depth, the excess pore water pressures
are seen to be dissipating, albeit slowly, presumably
towards a basal drainage layer. This data (except for -200
the upper and lower points which have been affected Figure 9 Predicted pore pressure in clay fill embankment
by drainage) are plotted on Figure 9 in terms of pore compared to field data
pressure versus total overburden pressure.

Pore pressure, u (kPa) 200 Dam shoulders

-80 -40 0 40 80 120 Dam cores
pore pressure u (kPa)

4 0
Depth, z (m)

2 yrs edge 2 yrs CL

0 100 200 300 400
4 yrs edge 4 yrs CL p (kPa)

10 -200
Figure 10 Predicted pore pressure in clay fill
12 embankment compared to field data from various dams
Figure 8 Profile of pore pressure versus depth in London Clay
highway embankment
3.3 Comparing the theoretical relationship with data
Vaughan et al (1978) summarise measured pore measured in the laboratory
pressure data for various clay dams, as shown on Fig-
ure 10. Pore water pressure was measured in dam In addition to field measurements of pore water pres-
shoulders as shown by the solid round symbols, where sure in compacted clay fill, laboratory testing may be
su would be relatively high, typically around 150 kPa, used to investigate this relationship. The ICE Clay
as well as in dam cores where su would be around 50 to Fills conference includes such data, but generally for
75 kPa. This data comes from several earth dams, all clays of alluvial or glacial origin. Wesley (2006) pre-
constructed using plastic clays, but of varying proper- sents the results of laboratory tests on compacted sam-
ties, so not surprisingly there is quite a lot of scatter. ples of residual soil, with properties wP = 31, wL = 70,
Both Figure 9 and Figure 10 demonstrate that the and wopt = 24.5%. The results are presented in terms of
theoretical relationship between pore water pressure the water content of each compacted specimen. At wopt
and overburden pressure in a compacted clay fill agrees the overburden pressure must be very high to achieve u
well with measured data, and most importantly con- = 0 in the specimen. As water content becomes higher

Practical use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

than optimum, the relationship moves further to the left An unreinforced control section was included in the
as may be seen on Figure 11. Although negative pore trial, which experienced surface instability, mainly due
water pressures were not measured in these experi- to freeze thaw cycles. The clay fill had properties wP =
ments, the results again confirm the theoretical rela- 18, wL = 42, and wopt = 22%. The compaction curve is
tionship, in this case for a residual soil. shown on Figure 13 together with the relationship be-
tween undrained shear strength and water content.
200 Based on this information, the compaction water con-
w = 34% tent was restricted to the range 22.5 to 24% so that su
w = 27% would be in the range 30 to 80 kPa.
pore pressure u (kPa)

16 160

Dry unit weight (kN/m )

25.6% su
0 w = opt

s u (kPa)
0 100 200 300 400
p (kPa) 15 80
-100 range of s u

range of w
-200 14 0
Figure 11 Predicted pore pressure in clay fill 16 18 20 22 24 26
embankment compared to laboratory data after Wesley Water content (%)
Figure 13 Compaction characteristics of clay fill
4 PORE PRESSURE IN REINFORCED SOIL A number of piezometers were installed, and the re-
STRUCTURES BUILT USING CLAY FILL sults from one of them, installed 5m above the base on
4.1 Canadian trial embankment the centerline, are shown on Figure 14. It can be seen
that a maximum positive pore pressure of 64 kPa was
This trial reinforced soil steep slope was built in Cana- generated, but at an overburden pressure of 133 kPa.
da in the mid 1980’s and is reported by Liu et al This data point has been plotted on Figure 9, and
(1994). The structure was built specifically as a trial matches the general trend of the relationship, if the low
slope in such a way as to encourage performance ap- su is taken into account.
proaching failure. The published paper is a good ac-
count of such a trial, providing extensive information 240
about performance of a clay fill reinforced soil slope.
Aspects summarised here are only concerned with Total embankment load
compaction of the clay fill and pore water pressure 200
generated during construction. A typical section Total vertical pressure
Pressure (kPa)

through the trial embankment is shown on Figure 12. 160 at piezometer level
9m half width p = 132.8 kPa
Piezometer on
u = 63.7 kPa
centerline 5m
above base 80
1:1 side slope Piezometer
12m high 40 5m from base

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Figure 12 Section through Canadian trial embankment Time (days)
after Liu et al (1994)
Figure 14 Pore pressure in Canadian trial embankment

Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment

4.2 Singapore test slope The construction history of the slope is shown on
Figure 17 (fill height versus time). The slope was built
The test slope built at Bukit Panjang in Singapore has
up to the 4m height, then stopped for approximately 10
been reported in a number of papers, but the reference
weeks, during which heavy rainfall occurred, as shown
used here is Wei et al (2002). This slope, like the Ca-
on Figure 16, with a total of over 750mm of rain falling
nadian trial embankment, is 12m high, but unlike the
over the 10 week period. At location T1, both a tensi-
Canadian case it is part of an actual housing develop-
ometer and a total stress (p) cell were installed. The
ment, rather than a dedicated trial embankment. The
suction measured in T1 reduced very slightly during
slope is shown in section in Figure 15 which gives the
this period. Over this period the data for T3 (8m from
principal dimensions and it was heavily reinforced.
the face) is not reported. After Week 13, construction
The fill used was a residual soil, most likely derived
resumed, with little further effect on the total stress or
from the weathering of granite. The index properties
suction at T1. For T3, suction values are only reported
of the fill material are not reported, but it was most
once the slope reached full height. However despite
probably a sandy silty clay. The fill was heavily com-
the severe inundation for 10 weeks and the addition of
pacted, but su achieved is also not reported.
a further 8m of fill, T3 continued to indicate suction in
One of the main aims of the test slope was to inves-
the fill. Piezometers were also installed, but no posi-
tigate the performance and benefits of using a geocom-
tive pore water pressures were recorded. The suction
posite reinforcement, consisting of both high strength
and total stress values taken from Figure 17 are plotted
reinforcing fibres and a non-woven geotextile drainage
on Figure 9, and follow the general trend of the other
reported data.
placed as shown: 14 140
T1, T2 & T3
12 Singapore test slope 120
2:1 side slopes 10 100
each 4m high
p at T1
Fill height (m)

with 1.5m 8 80

Pressure (kPa)
Fill height
= 4m T3 T2 wide berms
T1 Total = 12m 6 60
p at T3
4 40
Fill height
2 Suction 20
Figure 15 Section through Singapore test slope after at T3
Wei et al (2002) 0 0
A large array of instrumentation was installed to -2 -20
measure total stress, pore pressure, deformation and re- Suction at T1
inforcement strain. Of particular interest to this study -4 -40
are tensiometers installed to measure pore water suc- 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
tion. These are shown on Figure 15: T1, T2 and T3. Time (days)
250 Figure 17 Fill height and pressure versus time
The first conclusion of the Wei et al (2002) paper
200 states that “inclusion of a geotextile with high in-plane
Rainfall (mm/wk)

drainage capability is critical for the rapid dissipation

150 of excess pore pressure in the soil. This is supported
by the reasonably high suction values in the soil de-
100 spite heavy rainfall and high ground water.” The sug-
gestion here is that the presence of the geotextile drain-
age layer is responsible for the measured suctions.
This seems to be very unlikely: the water pressure in
the geotextile will be atmospheric or higher (if water is
0 draining out) so that flow must be towards the tensi-
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ometer rather than away from it. If flow is towards the
Week instrument, then the geotextile layer cannot be respon-
sible for maintaining the suction, and in fact at the best
Figure 16 Rainfall at Singapore test slope site
it would only maintain pore pressure at zero or slightly
higher. The second part of the second conclusion to

Practical use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

the paper states that “the low permeability of residual at the time) nearby embankment was used as a trial,
soil prevents a rapid infiltration of water into the soil, built to the same specifications, but with piezometers
hence preventing drastic decrease of suction”. In the installed in the foundation, the drainage blanket and the
opinion of the author, this is the important conclusion, base of the clay fill. The results of the trial embank-
and the suction in the fill was created during placement ment are shown on Figure 19 below. This figure de-
and compaction as outlined in Section 3 of this paper. serves careful study. The records of the embankment
construction and the pore water pressures are all given
in terms of their elevation. The three small square
5 EXAMINATION OF TWO EARTHWORKS symbols indicate the elevations of the three piezome-
FAILURES ASSOCIATED WITH CLAY FILL ters (P6 in the foundation, P7 in the drainage blanket
and P8 in the base of the clay fill). The water pressure
5.1 Hill Hall embankment, United Kingdom
traces for each piezometer are also labeled P6, P7 and
The Hill Hall embankment failure occurred in 1981, P8. Therefore if the pore pressure elevation drops be-
and is reported by Finlayson et al (1984), although low the elevation of the relevant piezometer, then the
much important information is given in the discussion pore pressure is negative (suction) at the piezometer.
published in 1985. The main issues arising are very
relevant to the subject of this paper, and some of the 44
important results are summarised below. The author Embankment level
was part of the team which investigated the failure.
Plate 1 shows a general view of the failed embank- 42
ment, and Figure 18 shows a simplified cross section.
The failure occurred during construction of a London P7
Clay embankment over a London Clay foundation, 40
Elevation (m)

separated by a drainage blanket. As can be seen on

Figure 18, the failure took place along a very gently in- P6
clined failure surface (the embankment was built over 38
gently inclined sidelong ground). Conventional analy-
sis of this section would predict high factors of safety. Drainage blanket
0 20 40 60 80
Time (days)
Figure 19 Pore pressure from trial embankment

Examination of this data indicates that the base of

the clay fill is largely in a state of suction, the top of
Plate 1 Failure of the Hill Hall embankment
the foundation has relatively high excess pore water
As part of the investigation, an incomplete (4m high pressure, but the highest pore pressure of all is in the

Elevation (m)

55 Surface after failure
London Clay fill
Drainage blanket
Foundation (weathered London Clay) Likely slip surfaces
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance (m)
Figure 18 Section through Hill Hall embankment on the M25 near London, UK

Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment

drainage blanket. These results appear to be complete- ic ash deposits). The author is aware of many similar
ly the reverse of what would be expected. Investiga- retaining walls used to support other sections of the Ja-
tion of the failure established that the drainage blanket karta Outer Ring Road very successfully, but in the
was a poorly graded material with a high content of fi- case of this section, had no involvement at all. How-
ne sand and had very low permeability. The sequence ever, the structure is in a public place, and for a while
of events was as follows: could easily be inspected. Based on observation at the
 The foundation soil was a field, probably with low site, the following could be seen:
suction values near ground surface (as outlined in  The reinforced soil structure as a whole has per-
Section 2.0 of this paper) before construction started. formed as intended. Although the left-hand lane of
 A low permeability drainage blanket was placed the highway was coned off at the time this photo-
over the field, but coarse enough to become saturat- graph was taken, there was no sign of significant de-
ed by heavy rain, so pore pressure u = 0 before any formation to the road pavement, and no sign of any
fill was placed. general collapse.
 Very well compacted fill in a state of high suction  The main issue is that the facing had become de-
was placed over this drainage blanket very rapidly. tached from the fill.
 Pore water pressure in the saturated drainage blanket  Facing details: based on inspection of the site, there
rose rapidly in response to the undrained loading and was no sign of mechanical connectors being used to
acted as source of water to soften both the fill and attach the facing to the layers of geogrid which form
the foundation soils. This excess pore pressure dis- the reinforced soil structure. Therefore it appears
sipated slowly (see Figure 19), but was still over 40 that the connection was mainly frictional, namely
kPa excess after 40 days. This was due to the low with the geogrid resting between the blocks and re-
permeability of the drainage material and the long lying on the weight of the column of blocks above to
drainage path for dissipation to take place. “clamp” the ends of the geogrid and form the con-
 Sliding occurred in the base of the fill and the top of nection.
the foundation, due to the high pore water pressure  Drainage details: it could be seen clearly that the
generated within the drainage blanket causing sof- gravel drainage aggregate placed behind the facing
tening of the clay material. (which is a normal detail for MBW systems) extend-
 A geotextile had been used to separate the fill from ed up to the top of the wall, and could be seen day-
the drainage blanket. It did not contribute to insta- lighting behind the tops of the facing blocks. A
bility directly, but its installation created a relatively concrete channel drain had been installed, but of rel-
planar surface at the base of the fill helping to en- atively small dimensions. The concrete channel was
courage the planar slide which took place. resting within the top of the gravel drainage materi-
As suggested by title of the published paper, im- al, so if water overflowed, it would permeate into the
portant lessons were learned from this failure, in par- gravel drain.
ticular that drainage blankets must be genuinely free
draining and should be arranged so that they can drain
easily (ie remain empty). Another lesson is that having
free water in contact with well compacted clay (which
is in suction) can result in rapid softening at the edges
of the clay fill, reducing expected safety margins of the
earthworks. In this case the clay fill had properties wP
= 20-26, wL = 45-72, and w of the compacted fill was
normally = 17-33%. However, detailed investigation
of water content close to the drainage blanket after the
failure indicated values of 40% or higher.

5.2 Jalan Veteran, Jakarta

Photographs similar to Plate 2 appeared in the news
papers in Jakarta in March 2008. The supported road Plate 2 Jalan Veteran MBW facing failure
is the Jakarta Outer Ring Road, near Tanah Kusir, in The author had no formal connection with this pro-
Jakarta. The retaining wall visible between the sand- ject, and is not aware of any investigation which may
bags is a reinforced soil structure built using a modular have been carried out. However, the failure was highly
block facing technique (MBW). Behind the blue and visible and clearly such pictures are alarming. Making
orange sheets, the facing has fallen off the wall. The use of the ideas and information presented in this pa-
fill is almost certainly “tanah merah” (tropical red re- per, the following mechanism is suggested as one pos-
sidual clay soil derived from the weathering of volcan-
Practical use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

sible reason for the failure taking place (and is depicted tures, with special reference to the use of clay fills.
on Figure 20): This is not intended to be a specification, but it gives
 The exposed height of the wall at the point of failure the main aims and features that need to be considered
was about 6m. A 6m thickness of well compacted as part of the design of a reinforced soil structure, with
tanah merah would be in a state of suction (see Sec- reference to Figure 21:
tion 3 of this paper).  Internal drainage: should be designed to intercept in-
 Rainfall running off the road pavement (the failure ternal ground water flows (in this case there is con-
occurred during the rainy season) would run into the siderable difference between back-to-back highway
side drains, but due to the arrangement of the gravel embankment structures where the only likely source
drain, much of this water would tend to enter the of water is run-off and structures built up against an
gravel drain and run down between the compacted existing hillside, where ground water flows may ex-
clay fill and the back of the facing blocks. ist within the retained soil mass).
 The high suction in the tanah merah fill would result  Internal drains (including back-of-facing drains)
in flow into the fill from the water within the drain. should not daylight at the upper surface of the struc-
This flow would result in softening of the clay. The ture, which would then permit ingress of run-off into
softening would be accompanied by an increase in the fill. This is a common mistake, but is undesira-
volume, causing deformation both outwards and ble.
upwards.  Internal drainage: should be installed and maintained
 This deformation would tend to reduce the down- as free-draining and arranged so that water can drain
ward force in the column of facing blocks (thereby out easily and the drain can stay essentially “dry”. It
reducing the frictional connection strength), and the is important that internal drains should not remain
outward force would push the blocks forwards, in full of water for prolonged periods, which might be
this case sufficiently to cause the facing to collapse. in contact with clay fill resulting in softening. Con-
 Based on visual inspection at the site, it was clear sideration may be given to outlet pipes.
that the front of the tanah merah backfill was very  In relation to the previous point, in cases where the
wet. embankment may settle, then settlement at the toe
Run-off enters gravel drain may well be less than under the centre of the em-
Road pavement bankment, so that an initial cross-fall running out-
Swelling tends wards could later reverse itself and run back into the
to cause up- fill.
ward and out-
Internal drains should not allow inflow of surface
ward defor-
run-off and should be arranged to remain empty
mation of clay
fill Adequate surface
water drains to
Vertical wall collect run-off
6m high
Ground Adequate in-
water flow ternal drains
to intercept
Figure 20 Suggested mechanism for facing failure at ground water
Jalan Veteran flow
Reinforced soil structures with clay backfill are
used widely in Indonesia, so it is vital that lessons
learned from such a failure are taken into account in fu-
Figure 21 Section through reinforced soil slope indicat-
ture designs. In this case, one issue is connection type
ing important drainage features
and strength between the geosynthetic reinforcement
and the facing, which is outside the scope of this paper.  Surface water drainage: should be adequate to inter-
Issues (and lessons learned) relating to drainage details cept and remove surface water run-off. Cross falls
are outlined in the next section. and gradients should be adequate and areas of pond-
ing avoided. Leakage from damaged pipes or tanks
should be considered in maintenance procedures.

The aim of the final section of this paper is to outline This paper summarises a considerable amount of data
important drainage features for reinforced soil struc- about the performance of clay fill earthworks and
Development of Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Works and Geo-Environment

structures, in particular the pore water pressures likely situations, a geosynthetic reinforcement of this type
to exist in such fills after placement. Economy and fill is better avoided.
availability are often likely to dictate that such fills are
considered for use in both general earthworks and rein-
forced soil structures. Based on the information pre- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sented, the following should be taken into account
when designing earthworks using clay fill. I would like to acknowledge the influence of two peo-
 Clay fill compacted to a normal earthworks specifi- ple in preparing this paper: firstly the late Professor A
cation is likely to be in a state of suction (negative W Bishop, whose excellent lectures on soil properties
pore water pressure) up to considerable heights. Pore during my soil mechanics course at Imperial College
pressures are only likely to become positive at the provided the background to Section 3.1; and secondly
base of very high fills (in excess of 10 to 15m), or at Dr Laurie Wesley who is well known to many Indone-
lower heights if the clay was on the wet side and sian engineers and with whom I have held many fruit-
therefore soft during placement. ful discussions about soil mechanics and in particular
 The suction in the clay fill is generally ignored in clays and clay fills. I am also very grateful to Dr Wes-
design, and provides an additional margin against ley for reviewing the paper.
failure or poor performance of the structure. How-
ever it is highly desirable to maintain this suction in
the long term, and to avoid or minimise situations or REFERENCES
conditions which would result in loss of these suc-
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 Therefore once established, it is desirable that the N.E. 1984. Lessons to be learnt from an embankment
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 The final point relates to the advisability of using geosynthetics reinforced steep slope in residual soil. In
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otextile drainage layer in clay fill (see Section 4.2). ings 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 325-
This idea has been promoted widely, and has even 328, Nice, France, 22-27 September 2002.
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cases where very wet fills may be used to construct
earthworks, and in this case having a regular pattern
of thin drainage layers may well be of great benefit.
However in the more common case of a clay fill
compacted to normal earthworks specifications,
where the pore water is likely to be in a state of suc-
tion, then a regular pattern of fine drainage layers
may well provide ready access for external water to
penetrate well into the fill and exacerbate any swell-
ing and softening which might take place. In these

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