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EPAS-9 Q2 W1 Mod1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St., Ermita, Manila

(Electronics Products Assembly and Servicing)





Learning Competency 3: Maintain Measuring Instruments

3.1 - Proper maintaining of Multitester

3.2 - 6’s Housekeeping



Maintenance of hand tools and instruments are priority of in all electronics laboratory. The
Multitester or known as Volt Ohm Milliammeter is one of the important instrument in electronics and
proper way of maintaining of this instrument very needed to produce an accurate and quality output.

Here the ways in proper ways in maintaining the Multitester.

As safety precautions in the maintenance of this instrument, the following should be

 Read the manual of instruction on how to operate the multitester.
 Calibrate the multitester at frequent intervals.
 Protect the instrument from dust, fumes, moisture and heat.
 Renew ohmmeter batteries.
 When checking the resistance of the circuit, make sure the switch off the power to the
 Start with the highest range of measurement and move down successively prevent
overloading of the water.
 Ensure the polarity of the circuit before connecting.
 Make all resistance readings in the uncrowded portion on the scale.
 Choose the voltmeter range such that the total resistance of the voltmeter should be at least
100 times the resistance of the circuit under test.
 Select the range such that the deflection falls in the upper half of the scale. It will give high
 Do not play with this instrument by holding both test leads or connecting them in any part
of your body trying to measure your resistance.
 Rest the function switch at 1000 VAC or OFF when not in use.
 Place this instrument in a dry cool place, In free from any vibrations
 When making current and voltage measurements, be sure you are in the correct settings of
function switch. If the current or voltage being measured is much greater than the value
indicated in the function switch, the VOM will be damaged.
 Avoid touching any metallic part of the test lead when measuring current or voltage.

INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENT: Observe the given picture and identify the proper way of
maintaining the multitester and explain it.





Not only the hands tools are needed to be maintain also the instruments specially the
multitester which is one of the important instrument in electronics. By following and applying
the proper ways in maintaining multitester help us to produce an accurate, quality output and
make the instrument last long to use.


INSTRUCTION: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if wrong.

1. Read the manual of instruction on how to operate the multitester.

2. Renew ohmmeter batteries.
3. When checking the resistance of the circuit, make sure the switch ON the power to the
4. Start with the highest range of measurement and move down successively prevent
overloading of the water.
5. Ensure the polarity of the circuit before connecting.



Good housekeeping not only results in a cleaner workplace, but makes it safer as well. Good
housekeeping reduces illnesses and injuries and promotes positive behaviors, habits, and attitudes.
5S are Japanese words that start with letter S. But in the Philippines, some
thought of 5 English words that all begin with letter S which is equivalent to these Japanese words;
it is therefore necessary to remember the Japanese’ 5Ss. What is important aside from retaining
this into our minds is to make it part of our daily habit.

Below are the 5Ss and their English equivalent:

Japanese English Brief Explanation

SEIRI Sort an Action to identify and eliminate all
unnecessary items from your workplace.
SEITON Set in Order an ACTION to put every necessary items in
good order.
SEISO Sweep an ACTION to clean your workplace thoroughly
SEIKETSU Standardize/Systematize is a CONDITION where high standard of good
housekeeping is maintained so that there is no
dust and rust anywhere.
SHITSU Self-discipline is a CONDITION where all members
practice accordingly. It is a CULTURE.

How do we practice 5S?

Methods of implementing and benefits of each of the 5S are given below:


SEIRI  First decide what is necessary and what is • Your useful floor is saved.
unnecessary. To find out unnecessary items • Your searching time of
you should not only check the floor but also tools, materials, and papers
shelves, lockers, store house, Stairs, roofs, is reduced.
notice boards, etc. • You have better flow of
• Put a red tag on unnecessary items and keep work.
them in a separate area. • Your inventory cost of
• Discard or throw those items which have not unnecessary items is
been used in the past one year. reduced.
• Things used once in 6 to 12 months’ maybe
stored at a distance from work station and
Things used more than once a month
should be available at a central point in the
• Things used hourly/everyday/once a week
should be near the work station or may be worn
by or kept in the pocket of your worker there.
SEITON • If necessary, reassign spaces, racks, cabinets, • You take things out and
etc. keep things back easily.
• Decide the right places for everything. • You make lesser mistakes.
• Put all materials and equipment at a place • You reduce searching
allocated to them with proper label or time.
signalization. Use alerts or indications for out • Your work environment
of stock situations. becomes safe
• Use floor paint marking to define working
area, path, entrance/exit, safety equipment,
cart/ trolley locations, etc.
• Use standard color coding for pipelines for
steam, water, gas, drainage, etc.
• Use display cautions, messages, instructions at
proper place at proper height and written
SEISO • Divide the total area in zones and allocate • Your work place becomes
responsibility for cleaning for each zone free of dirt and stains
• Decide on cleaning points, order of cleaning, which is the starting point
type of cleaning, cleaning aid required, etc. for quality.
• Display cleaning schedule. • Your equipment lifespan
• During cleaning look for defective conditions will be prolonged and
(loose bolts, vibrations, excessive sound, high breakdowns will be less.
temperature, fallen tools, etc.) and solve the • Creates a pleasant
problem. environment. Prevents
• Allocate space for storage of cleaning aids and accidents.
consumables for cleaning.
SEIKETSU • Document procedures and guidelines for • Your activities will be
sorting, set in order and shine. simplified. You will have
• Make a checklist for each section and train your consistency in the work
people in using them practices.
• Carry out periodic evaluation by using the • You will avoid mistakes.
above check list. • With better visual and
• Use visual management to act quickly, for transparency management
example putting/using: work efficiency will
− Open and shut directional labels on improve.
switches, etc.
− Temperature and safety labels − Zone
labels on measuring meters (normal zone,
danger zone, etc.)
− OK or hold marks on product.
− Put transparency control
− Make transparent covers of drawers.
− Put inspection windows in the metal
− Use location maps with emergency exits,
firefighting equipment, etc.
SHITSUKE • Create awareness and publicize the system. For • Promotes habit for
example, develop 5S News, 5S Posters, 5S complying with workplace
Slogans, 5S Day, etc. rules and procedures.
• Create a structure of how and when 5S • Creates healthy
activities will be implemented. atmosphere and a good
• Formulate guidelines for audit/evaluation of 5S work place.
implementation. • Helps you to develop team
• Provide management support by providing work.
resources and leadership. • Provides you with data for
• Reward and recognize best performers improving 5S.

What is management’s role in implementing 5S?

It is important to note that the implementation of 5S concerns and benefits everyone in the
organization. Like any other initiative, management has the important role to facilitate and support
the process by:
• Acknowledging the importance of 5S for the organization;
• Allowing employees time for 5S;
• Providing resources and infrastructure for 5S implementation;
• Personal involvement in implementation of 5S;
• Creating tangible and intangible rewards and recognition for improvements; and
• Promoting ongoing 5S efforts
Now we add 1 the “Safety” or…..
6S (otherwise known as 5S + Safety)
is a system that aims to promote and sustain a high level of productivity and safety
throughout a workspace. a modification of the 5S principle of Sort, set in order, Shine, Standardize,
and Self Discipline, the 6S method adds the concept of Safety. 6S not only helps organizations
promote efficient working environments but also establishes a sustainable culture of safety.
Function of Safety to the 6S modification of 5S principle
Safety - a vital foundation for all of the other steps! We develop and maintain workplaces
that are safe for ourselves, our customers and anyone else who may be affected by our workplace.

Why Safety in 6S?

Safety should always be the topmost priority in every workplace. A safe working
environment positively affects productivity and quality. A safe workplace creates a stress-free and
healthy atmosphere where all workers feel safe and secure. A clean and organized workplace can
also make it easy to recognize and control potential hazards.
The first step to safety is identifying existing hazards and those which are likely to be
present in the workplace. All employees must be aware of the different types of workplace hazards
and evaluate these hazards through risk assessments or a Job Safety Analysis (JSA). These
prerequisite methods carry out standard safety procedures and necessary controls to reduce or
eliminate these hazards.
Workers should also wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as an
additional protection to hazards which are difficult to control or cannot be eliminated. PPE includes
hard hats, safety goggles, face masks, insulated gloves, slip-resistant boots, and a lot more. The
use of PPE must be checked and other safety protocols must be disseminated to all workers through
training and toolbox meetings.

Cycle of 6’s Housekeeping


INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENT: In your home, perform and apply the 6’s housekeeping.
Follow the in order procedure of it. Make a video presentation for at least less than 3 minutes. Save
it in Flash drive USB and submit your work together with other worksheets of this module or send
your mp4 format file on Facebook messenger if internet connection is available at home.

You will be graded based on the following performance rubrics:

Criteria 100 90 85 75
Use of Technology Video and -Video is -Video is -Video is
Video and sound sound are clear. moderately moderately pixilated
Quality clear clear and shaky -Sound is
-Sound is clear distorted
-Sound is clear
Sequence of the All the 6’s Only the 5’s Only the 3’s Only the 2’s
performance housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping
seen in the video seen in the seen in the seen in the
presentation video video video
presentation presentation presentation
Time The presentation The activity is Activity is
performed presentation performed 5 performed 6
within the time performed 4 minutes minutes
allotment minutes beyond the beyond allotted
beyond the allotted time time.
time allotment


6S or the 5S + Safety is the modification of the 5S housekeeping which promotes more

productivity of maintaining the health and safety standard in a workplace. You can also apply
this housekeeping at home which make our daily chores easier.
INSTRUCTION: Direction: Identification Read carefully and Choose t3he correct answer in the
1. Avital foundation for all of the other steps.
2. an Action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from your workplace.
3. To put every necessary items in good order.
4. To clean your workplace thoroughly
5. Where high standard of good housekeeping is maintained so that there is no dust and
rust anywhere.

Sort Seiton Safety Seiso Seiketsu


MULTIPLE CHOICE DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle your
answer on your worksheet.

1. Who introduced the 5Ss principle?

A. English C. Japan
B. Filipinos D. Japanese
2. If you are first time to use the multitester what are you going to do?
A. Disassemble all parts of the multitester
B. Do the trial and error procedure
C. Drop it on the floor
D. Read the manual on how it is use
3. It refers to the cleaning of workshop.
A. Seiketsu C. Seiri
B. Seiso D. Seiton
4. Where is the function switch rested if an off position is not available In the VOM?
A. 10V AC C. 1000 VAC
B. 50 V AC D. 1000 VDC
5. It is the condition where high standard of good housekeeping is maintained so that there is no
dust and rust anywhere.
A. Sort C. Systematize
B. Sweep D. Self-discipline
6. Which is practiced when your colleagues decide with you which things to put where taking
into account the flow of your work?
A. Sort C. Systematize
B. Sweep D. Self-discipline
7. The proper place to store Multitester is in _______
A. Dry area C. Hanging area
B. Dump area D. Wet area
8. Which of the following are the 5Ss?
A. Seiri, Seiton, Sweep, Seiketsu Shitsuke
B. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Self-dicipline, Shitsuke
C. Sort, Seiton, Sweep, Seiketsu, Shitsuke
D. Seiri, Systematize, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke
9. Where do we protect the instruments?
A. Dust C. Heat
B. Fumes D. All of the above
10. What part of multimeter needed to avoid to touch when measuring current and resistance?
A. Insulator of Test Probe
B. Knob of the Selector Switch
C. Metal Part of Test Probe
D. Zero Ohm Adjustment Knob


1. C 1. C
2. A 2. D
3. B 3. B
4. B 4. C
5. C 5. C
6. A 6. C
7. C 7. A
8. D 8. A
9. C 9. D
10. D 10. C

Post-test passing score: 8 and above, failed score: 7 and below.
 If you got failed score on post-test, please review again the module.
 If your score on the post-test is greater than your pre-test score and got a
passing score, then congratulation! You can now proceed to the next module.

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