Thermal Constants Analyser
TPS 2500 S
Top of the line Thermal Constants Analyser
The TPS 2500 S is the flagship instrument in the system portfolio of Hot Disk AB.
This general-purpose R&D instrument is designed for precision analysis of thermal conductivity,
thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity of most material types, and meets ISO Standard 22007-2.
The operative simplicity of the TPS 2500 S and the performance achieved when using Hot Disk
sensors, makes this system an ideal, trustworthy tool for tests of solids, liquids, powders, pastes
and foams. The instrument can directly test the anisotropy of most specimens, e.g. laminates,
polymers, batteries, fibrous materials and layered structures. The trademark accuracy and
precision makes the instrument suitable for QC testing, either online or near-line, controlled
via TPC/IP.
Each TPS 2500 S is tailored according to application specifications, temperature range etc.
Recurrent software up-grades ensure low maintenance costs and an up-to-date instrument.
Currently nine software modules are available for the TPS 2500 S, including: Isotropic Standard,
One-Dimensional, Anisotropic, Slab, Thin Film, Specific Heat Capacity, Structural Probe,
Low-Density/Highly-Insulating and Automatization modules.
TPS 2500 S