Blackbook Cpe
Blackbook Cpe
Blackbook Cpe
1. To provide quality technical education and create awareness about the latest
technological trends through continuous Industry Institute Interaction.
2. To provide adequate technical ambience for the overall development of the
students and the faculties.
(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute)
Thakur Complex, Next to W.E. Highway, Kandivli (E), Mumbai – 400 101.
● Abhinav Pandey
Jayesh Sharma
Krishna Verma
Jithes Singh
a) Team work
b) Follow safety Practices
c) Handle Solid Works software carefully
d) Demonstrate working as a team member
e) Maintain software tools and equipment
f) Follow ethical practices
a. Team work
b. Follow safety Practices
c. Handle Solid Works software carefully
d. Demonstrate working as a team member
e. Maintain software tools and equipment
f. Follow ethical practices
a) Team work
b) Follow safety Practices
c) Handle Solid Works software carefully
d) Demonstrate working as a team member
e) Maintain software tools and equipment
f) Follow ethical practices
a) Team work
b) Follow safety Practices
c) Handle Solid Works software carefully
d) Demonstrate working as a team member
e) Maintain software tools and equipment
f) Follow ethical practices
We are thankful to a number of individuals who have contributed towards our final year project
and without whose help it would not have been possible. We would like to express our deep
sense of gratitude to our Principal, Dr. S.M. Ganechari for his valuable guidance in this
endeavor. We are also highly grateful to our Head of Department, Mrs. Nehal Muchhala for
her thought provoking comments, valuable suggestions, constant motivation, encouragement
and support.
We offer our sincere thanks to our Project guide, Mrs. Nehal Muchhala for her constant support
and timely help and guidance throughout our preparation. Her involvement right from
conceptualization of the study through its execution and meticulous perusal of the manuscript
ensured its timely completion.
We wish to take this opportunity to render thanks towards all the Mechanical Engineering
faculty at Thakur Polytechnic for their help and encouragement towards making this project
successful. Heartfelt thanks to our family for their unconditional support and last but not the
least our friends and colleagues for their help and co-operation.
Abhinav Pandey
Jayesh Sharma
Krishna Verma
Jithes singh
The project deals with construction and working of Mobile controlled beach cleaner it is the same
technique used with the current vehicle. The technique used to have ease in proper treatment of garbage
on the coastal side. The main objective of this innovation is to eliminate the operating task by huge
manpower needed and make ease in operating the vehicle.
The coastal area beaches are main attraction for tourism, so in attracting tourist the beach must be kept
clean. For the purpose of cleaning the beach, some cleaning machine must be used so we have
manufactured a cleaning machine which is helpful in cleaning the beaches. Due to the difficulties
faced in keeping the beach clean manually, we have come up with equipment which not only collects
the waste (sticks, on degradable waste) but also separates, which is easy for waste disposal. The
machine mainly consists of a DC motor which drives the entire process. The waste is collected through
conveyor blade along with the sand which falls of through the perforations on the conveyor back to the
sand bed; separation of waste material takes place through principle of Density difference. It consists
of two hoppers where the different waste gets collected which facilitates easy disposal of waste. The
motor is responsible for driving mechanism of conveyor. The strainer attached to the conveyor will
collect the wastages from the surroundings and transferred to storage bucket through chain conveyor.
1. 6
2. 7
5. 10
6. 11
8. 12
1 Introduction of Project
Sand cleaning machine/ beach cleaner is a vehicle that drags a raking or sifting device over beach sand
to remove rubbish and other foreign matter. They are manually self-pulled vehicles on tracks or
wheels or pulled by quad-bike or tractor. Seaside cities use beach cleaning machines to combat the
problems of litter left by beach patrons and other pollution washed up on their shores.
The world population is on the rise and people have started living and residing along the coasts.
Tourism has expanded over the years and people are vacationing everywhere including the
beautiful beaches on this planet. But ill human practices is generating huge amount of wastes most
of which is plastic and it is being disposed carelessly.
Plastic and other non-biodegradable substances possess a serious threat to the global oceans as well as
beaches. Tons of garbage and debris are polluting the coasts and beaches possessing a threat to
the marine life and the growth of biology.
In cities like Mumbai, many shores and beaches are extremely polluted to the extent that they are no
longer seen as beaches but dumping areas for all types of hazardous wastes including chemicals
illegally dumped by industries.
Beach sand pollution is not seen as a serious issue but the problem is on the rise and can have
damaging effects on the environment and marine biodiversity.
Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
in Germany have for the first time compiled 1,237
scientific studies on marine litter into a single, comprehensive database called Litter base.
Litter base establishes a global map identifying several such locations in the world with the maximum
marine plastic pollution. Garbage, mainly plastic, has for decades choked our rivers and streams
that ultimately flow into the ocean.
In shearing or cutting operation as or blade descends upon the metal, the
pressure exerted by the blade first cause the plastic deformation of the metal.
Since the clearance between the two blades is very small, the plastic
deformation takes place in a localized area and the metal adjacent to the
cutting edges of the blade edges becomes highly stressed, which causes the
fracture to start on both sides of the sheet as the deformation progresses and
the sheet is sheared.
1) Pneumatically operated
4) Spring operated
1) Pneumatically operated:
Here the advancement of the header is carried out in the upward and the
downward direction using the pneumatic double acting piston and cylinder
unit arrangement along with the foot operated direction control valve. In this
type of machine high pressure air is used as the working fluid for the transfer
of power and the motion.
2) Hydraulically operated:
Here the lowering and raising of the header is carried over using the hydraulic
piston and cylinder arrangement. To actuate the piston and cylinder, the oil is
allowed to enter the cylinder from front or the back side of the piston. But the
oil is comparatively costlier and its leakage may cause so many problems.
3) Rack and pinion operated:
Here the lowering and the raising of the header are carried out manually using
the rack and pinion arrangement. In this case the required pressure is applied
manually using direct hand pressure on the rack using pinion and lever
arrangement. Since the machine is robust and requires large pressure, hence
it is not suitable.
4) Spring operated:
The working of spring operated machine is similar to the rack and pinion
operated machine but differs from it in construction. Here the lowering and
the raising of the heating handle are carried. out manually and it requires too
much pressure for its operation. and also there is possibility of having damage
to the work piece if not handled carefully.
Pneumatics, from the Greek (pneumatikos, coming from the wind) is the use
of pressurized gases to do work in science and technology. Pneumatics was
first documented by Hero of Alexandria in 60 A.D., but the concept had
existed before then. Pneumatic products represent a multi-billion dollar
industry today.
In dentistry applications, pneumatic drills are lighter, faster and simpler than
an electric drill of the same power rating, because the prime mover, the
compressor, is separate from the drill and pumped air is capable of rotating
the drill bit at extremely high rpm. Pneumatic transfer systems are employed
in many industries to move powders and pellets..
Pneumatic devices are also used where electric motors cannot be used for
safety reasons, such as mining applications where rock drills are powered by
air motors to preclude the need for electric motors deep in the mine where
explosive gases may be present.
5. Connecting link.
6. Blade link.
4. Bolts & nuts.
1. Cutting Machine.
6. Table Grinder.
7. Hand Grinder.
Initially the air-compressor is started and allowed the receiver
tank air pressure to reach up to 8 bar. The supply air is then
passed to the manifold through FRL unit to condition the air and
eligible to industrial use.
case of large pieces; the small cut pieces are removed and the
The frame is made up of mild steel The shearing blade is made material. Because, mild
• high toughness. Mild steel has carbon this content ranging from
can be achieved by using high speed steel as a blade material. High speed steel offers reliable toughness and it retains.
5.1 Total Cost
Estimation Table 5.1 Total Cost
moter 1 ₹1000
scwerdriver 1 ₹25
pana 1 ₹60
tap 2 ₹50
spray 2 ₹500
botter 1 ₹25
charger12v 1 ₹450
Total Cost ₹ 2220
Total ₹2220
• Merits
1. Hydraulics present certain advantages over pneumatics, but in a given application, pneumatic powered
equipment is more suitable, particularly in industries where the factory units are plumbed for compressed air.
added so that friction effects can be reduced. Compressed air is used in most of the machines and in some cases
compressed carbon dioxide, whereas cutting process is 3.
become easy.
• Demerits
Sheet more than 2 mm thickness cannot cut easily. Compressed air is must.. 2.
Since old age man is always trying to gain more and more luxurious. Man is always trying to develop more and
more modified technique with increasing the aesthetic look and economic consideration. Hence there is always
more and more scope. But being the Diploma Engineers and having the ability to think and plan. But due to some
time constraints, and also due to lack of funds, we only have thought and put in the report the following future
1. It can be made hydraulically power operated by installing the gear oil pump at the place of air compressor and
pneumatic cylinder arrangement.
2. It can be made rack and pinion operated or spring and lever operated, by replacing the pneumatic circuit by
rack and the pinion arrangement by the square threaded screw and nut arrangement.
3. The place where there is scarcity of the electricity the electric motor operate compressor is replaced by an I.C.
Engine installed compressor.
Thus in future there are so many modifications, which we can make to survive the huge global world of
Now we know that Pneumatic Shearing machine is very cheap as compared to hydraulic shearing machine. The
range of the cutting thickness can be increased by arranging a high pressure compressor and installing more
hardened blades. This machine is advantageous to small sheet metal cutting industries as they cannot afford the
expensive hydraulic shearing machine.
1. Machine Design by R.S. Khurmi. 2. Manufacturing Process by O. P. Khanna and Lal..
by S.R.
7. Internet sites