Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
It used
is used 1. This is the woman _ _ _ _ _ husband works for Bill Gates.
It is to toreferrefer
to to
people. and animals 2. The girl _ _ _ _ _works in that shop is Maria’s daughter.
considered as pets.
Example: 3. Tomorrow is the day _ _ _ _ _ I do my driving test.
The The
man man
whowho is there
is there is myis my 4. Do you know the boy _ _ _ _ _ is talking to your father?
father. 5. The bag _ _ _ _ _ is on the table belongs to Peter.
6. That man has got a dog _ _ _ _ _ is very dangerous.
7. The zoo _ _ _ _ _ we visited last week is closed now.
8. The woman _ _ _ _ _ you met at the party is my sister.
It is used to refer to
9. This is the city _ _ _ _ _ my parents got married 20 years ago.
things or people.
10. August is the month _ _ _ _ _ many people go on holiday.
The car that she bought is
very cheap.
Match 1-10 with A-J and link them with a relative pronoun in the list . Then
2 decide if the relative pronouns can be omitted.
Example: Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun. Omit the relative
That is the man whose son pronoun where possible.
is an important politician. 3
Match 1-10 with A-J and link them with a relative pronoun in the list. Then decide if the relative pronouns can be
1. My dad bought me a car which cost 5000 euros. -E
2. A newsagent’s is a shop (where) you can buy newspapers. -G
3. A French is a person who lives in France. -F
4. This is the book (that) Karen wrote last year. -J
5. Do you know the man who is smoking outside? -B
6. They ate the cake (which) their mother made. -A
7. Shoes are things (which) you wear on your feet. -I
8. This is the house (where) I was born. -H
9. Sylvia is a girl who is always smiling. -C
10. That’s the teacher who taught me Italian. -D
Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun. Omit the relative pronoun where possible.