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What I need to know
Society consists of social structure and social institutions that are
governed by norms and values. Each individual in a society has specific roles
and functions that are meant to achieve equilibrium. For society to continue
to exist and develop, state and non-state institutions co-exist. The practice of
human rights is considered a privilege of every individual in human society,
and is ideally and believed to be distributed equally.
The creation of state and non-state institutions became more relevant
in the advent of globalization and urbanization, as these two institutions
presented the capacity to create diverse impact ranging from social, cultural,
economic, and up to the political.
At the end of this module, you shall be able:
➢ Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions
What I know
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write your answer in your notebook.
I. Enumeration
List the items asked in each number.
1. 4 examples of non-state institutions
2. 2 example of state institutions
3. 3 kinds of financial institutions
4. 3 roles of trade unions
5. 2 categories of NGO’s
6. 2 elements of national security
What’s in
Have you heard of your parents talking about going to the bank to save,
withdraw or loan some amount of money? How do you think does this bank
affect you as an individual or your family?
What’s new
Do you think state and non-state institutions affect the lives of people
in the society?
What is it
How can you differentiate state and non-state institutions? What are
their functions in human society? Weber defines state as “a human
community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force
within a given territory” (Shandra, 2007). This definition reflects the inevitable
existence of the government, civil service, and police in every society. State
Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy Chapter 9, defined state
institutions as independent subject only to the Constitution and the law, and
they must be impartial and must exercise their powers and perform their
functions without fear, favour or prejudice. These institutions are accountable
to the National Assembly and must report on their activities and the
performance of their functions to the Assembly. No person or organ of state
may interfere with the functioning of these institutions. Other branches of
state, through legislative and other measures, must assist and protect these
institutions to ensure the independence, impartiality, dignity and
effectiveness of these institutions. Examples of state institutions are
government hospitals, public schools, the Supreme Court and other
government funded institutions. On the other hand, non-state institutions are
not related to the components of the state. Although states possess the official
political power in a given territory, the capacity of nonstate institutions to
affect the political and economic trajectory of a society cannot be discounted.
These nonstate institutions include the following: banks and
corporations, cooperatives and trade unions, transnational advocacy groups,
and development agencies and international l organizations. These nonstate
institutions are equally capable of influencing policy formation and
Banks and Corporation
are the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. They have been
providing financial aid to the Philippine government and various non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) to facilitate their developmental
A corporation is a company or group of people authorized to act as a
single entity (legally as a person) and recognized as such in law. Early
incorporated entities were established by charter (i.e. by an ad hoc act granted
by monarch or passes by a parliament or legislature). Corporation is a legal
entity created under state law and is designed to generate a jurisdiction where
they are chartered into two kinds:
1) Whether or not they can issue stock
2) Whether or not they are for profit
Trade unions
Trade unions and cooperatives have the primary role of promoting labor
welfare and good industrial relations.
Trade unions and cooperatives are organizations comprising workers
and laborers with common goals, purposes, and interests. They mostly
concern employment relations, decency, and welfare.
Trade unions is an organization whose membership consists of
workers and union leaders, united to protect and promote their common
interests. A trade union may be:
a) A company union that represents interests of only one company and
may not have a connection with other unions. Also called house
union, a company union is often a bogus one and is generally illegal.
b) A general union that represents workers from several companies in
the same industry, also called an industrial union.
c) A craft union that represents skilled workers in a particular field
such as carpentry or welding.
Cooperatives are dedicated to the values of openness, social
responsibility and caring for others. Such legal entities have a range of social
characteristics. Membership is open. Economic benefits are distributed
equally to members level of participation in the capital invested. Cooperatives
may be classified as either worker, consumer, producer, purchasing or
housing cooperatives.
foundations, media, religious organizations, scholars, international agencies,
and regional intergovernmental organizations (Keck and Sikkink,1998).
What do you think are the issues being catered by TAGs? Human rights,
consumers’ rights, women’s rights, international peace, and environmental
issues are mostly the concerns of these groups. Transnational networks can be
very influential because of their broad scope and wide connections. These
networks have specific roles to partake that can be achieved through effective
measures, case-specific methods, and activities. The very essence of
transitional groups is the formation and development of their advocacies and
campaigns that represent certain principled causes, ideas, values and beliefs.
TAGs serve as international catalysts for change, aiming to achieve
international changes toward policies and practices.
Development Agencies
International Organizations
An international organization is an organization with an international
membership, scope, or presence. Coppee (2011) stated that “one of the
important roles of international organizations is to translate agreed-upon
values into rights and obligations.” The central role of international
organizations is essentially to provide support assistance through organized
framework to international cooperation. This cooperation aims to be
developed across several institutions over time. The United Nations (UN) is a
premier example for this as it aims to
Nongovernment Organizations
beneficiaries’ conditions. Este (1992) defined NGOs as “those non-profit, often
voluntary, organizations that carry a broad range of social development
functions with and on behalf of people. The vast majority of these
organizations exists outside of government and, thus, their programs emanate
more from the expressed needs of people rather than from governments.”
Most NGOs aim to promote the practice of democracy among societies. These
organizations are independent, and they encourage participation from the
public. NGOs also aim to promote social change through their initiatives and
organizational methods.
Sometimes, NGOs seek partnership from some other institutions and
organizations to fund their projects and programs. Many NGOs have targeted
their efforts toward population groups that tend to be underserved by
governmental programs, including women, the aged, physically and mentally
disabled persons, the poor, and various social groups that have been
marginalized by virtue of race, religion, ethnicity, caste, and social class.
The World Bank (1989) provides a classic categorization of NGOs. See Table
Category Description
Community Represent voices of people from different
associations communities, and act as bridge between members of
the communities and government
Policy advocacy Have local, national, and international levels of
groups participation; serve as catalysts for collective action
among poor persons in societies unaccustomed to
such behaviour
Service provider Have national and international levels of participation;
intermediaries serve remote areas and communities especially those
who fail to receive government programs; seek fund
through income generating activities which are mostly
Contractors Involved in sponsored projects as consultants to
government agencies or to international financial
institutions that gain to profit at all
Cooperatives Protect and provide economic benefits to the needy;
are formed when a task cannot be done on the
individual level, such as obtaining credit (Cernea,
1988:13 – 4 Estes, 1992).
Personal interest must be the least concern of the bureaucracy to ensure good
will and avoid societal dysfunction. Failure to perform bureaucratic functions
will lead to different forms of conflict among societies.
How does the government relate to nonstate institutions? Governments
are faced with varying demands from its constituents. When governments are
unable to address such demands and their related issues, nonstate
institutions create responses to facilitate government intervention through
policy campaigns or even actual delivery of demanded services and products.
Presently, nonstate institutions have been empowered, allowing them to have
greater and wider participation in different societies. This paved the way to a
broader relationship with government institutions.
The ideal relationship of government and nonstate institutions is one
that is on equal footing in addressing social issues. Given the roles that these
institutions take, will these two institutions really equal? Government rules
society according to existing norms and values in the form of laws, rights, and
policies. This reflects how powerful a government institution can be.
Accordingly, if nonstate institutions interfere with the governing body, two
possible things can happen. First, integration among these two institutions
may take place to achieve precise solution towards development. Second,
conflict and tension may also arise because one could exceed the other in
terms of societal control and influences.
➢ Economic Alliance
3. What are the different types of non-governmental organizations?
➢ National security
Element Description
1. Sociopolitical ➢ Regardless of social differences, societal harmony
stability must be achieved and maintained through the
effort of the government, public, and other
2. Territorial ➢ This refers to the permanent inviolability of our
integrity national territory and its effective control by the
government and the state.
➢ Protection from illegal incursions and resource
exploitation must be maintained.
3. Economic ➢ Economic equality must prevail considering
solidarity public interest, dignity, and labor’s welfare.
4. Ecological ➢ This refers to the conservation of the environment
balance through initiatives and sustainable development.
5. Cultural ➢ This refers to the common set of norms and
cohesiveness values rooted from cultural ethics.
6. Moral-spiritual ➢ There should be national cooperation guided by
consensus common deeds, goals, and objectives
7. External peace ➢ Society must be free from threat, violence, war,
and hostility.
➢ Social Development
Social development is one of the goals of every society. Any society that
undergoes social development is expected to move upward or attain progress.
Social development entails productivity, better efficiency, accomplishment,
and innovations (Cleveland and Jacobs, 1999).
The pursuit of public health equity, or equal access to health systems,
is one of the primary foci of international organizations as the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and World Health Organization. Human
rights and social justice are the focus of organizations such as Amnesty
International, Save the Children, and International Justice Mission. All of
these examples highlight the clamor for social development.
On one hand, the government continues to search for different ways to
achieve social development. On the other hand, nonstate institutions also
participate in promoting social development through their various initiatives
and advocacies relating to social welfare. Social development is a very long
process that requires proper strategic planning and operational planning.
This is not possible without the union of public, government, and other
institutions including non-state institutions that perform a great role not only
in social development but also in terms of social empowerment.
Content – Expresses knowledge of the topic (8 points)
Organization – Concept is logically presented (8 points)
Presentation – Ideas/concepts are well presented and legible (8points)
What I can do
Directions: Read and do the activity in the box below. Write you answer in
your notebook. (24 points)
In a 500-word essay, evaluate the working relationship between the
Philippine state and the non-state institutions that helped during the
aftermath of Yolanda (Haiyan). Use concrete examples from news bulletins
and other reports to support your arguments. The main question that you
need to address is this: How effective was the collaboration of Philippine
government and non-state institutions in responding to the needs of the
survivors of Typhoon Yolanda?
Criteria Rating Score
Content – Expresses knowledge of 2 4 6 8
the topic
Organization – Concept is logically 2 4 6 8
Presentation – Ideas/concepts are 2 4 6 8
well presented and legible
A. Knowledge
Directions: Identify the concept referred to by each item. Write your answer
in your notebook.
1. Defined by Weber as “a human community that claims the monopoly of
the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory”
2. A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally
as a person) and recognized as such in law
3. They provide business, individual, and personal loans, enabling
commercial banks to earn interest
4. It is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members
5. These institutions are accountable to the National Assembly, and must
report on their activities and the performance of their functions to the
6. These are organizations with specific aims and goals with development as
the common goal
B. Enumeration
Directions: List the items asked in each number below.
7. Give 3 types of non-state institutions
8. Give the 3 interrelationships between the government and the non-state
C. Essay
Directions: Explain the following. Write your answer in your notebook. (4
points each)
9. Differentiate state and non-state institutions.
10. Choose two non-state institutions and differentiate their functions in
the society.
11. Explain the interrelationship of the government and non-state
institutions in attaining progress for the society.
12. Cite an example of an NGO that you know. How did this NGO help
your community?
1. State
2. Corporation
3. commercial banks
4. cooperative
5. State institutions
6. Development agencies
7. cooperatives, trade unions, banks, transnational advocacy groups,
development agencies, international organizations non-government
8. economic alliance, disaster mitigation and risk reduction, social
Alejandria-Gonzalez, Maria Carinnes P., Understanding Culture Society and
Politics, Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems Inc, 2016
Baleña, Ederlina D., Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta, Understanding
Culture Society and Politics, Edcuational Resources Corporation, 2016
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