Ағылшын 2 тоқсан 4 сынып Smiles 1636112367
Ағылшын 2 тоқсан 4 сынып Smiles 1636112367
Ағылшын 2 тоқсан 4 сынып Smiles 1636112367
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Treasure and numbers1
Learning objectives(s) that recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general range of general and some curricular
this lesson is contributing to: topics; plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questions about what they
can see in the pictures.
Most learners will be able to: use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questions about what they
can see in the pictures; make a new dialogue.
Some learners will be able to: use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questions about what they
can see in the pictures ; act out the story
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss make a circle and tell At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. compliments to each other using to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day of the week. adjectives without repeating. “You method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work “You are so….” method helps to start the lesson with telling are so(beautiful,cool,intelligent)” phrases like:
3 min. compliment words to each other “Good job!
The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly Well done!”
Efficiency: By telling the compliments they show their
appreciations .
Pre-learning (An activity to revise the language of the previous Ss come to the board and write Descriptor: Whiteboard
«Brainstorming lesson.) the respective ordinal numbers - understand the teacher's letters
» method T asks a pupil to come to the board and say a cardinal next to the cardinals using letters instructions
Individual work number (1-1,000) on the board. - can write ordinal numbers
5 min. Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how - know materials of previous lesson.
much do they understand ordinal numbers.
Total: 3 points
Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme.
Middle of the Presentation and practice Ss answer to the T’s questions. Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson (Activities to develop the pupils` listening and reading - recognise basic opinions in short Pupils Book
Presentation part. skills.) -answer the questions Flashcards
Listen and read. My day video
Team work. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene
7 min. Total: 2 points
by asking the pupils questions about what they can see
in the pictures.
e.g. Teacher: (pointing to picture 1) Where are the
Class: They are at a park
Teacher: (pointing to Lilly in picture 3) What`s wrong
with Lilly
Class: She got sunburnt! etc
Read the story and answer the question Ss open book on p 40, do exercise T praise active Ss with phrases such Whiteboard
T explains the activity and allows the pupils some time 8. Write on their copybooks. as: “Good job! Pupils Book
to read the story again silently and answer the Well done!” “One more time, Poster
questions. Checks their answers. Asks the pupils to tell please”
where they found the answers in the dialogue.
Answer key
1.To find ten leaves and name the trees.
2.A classmate, Drake.
3.Because her arms are sore.
5.Jake’s team
Pair work . Thinking: In pairs, answer the questions. Ss. read the questions and Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min. T explains the activity and asks pairs to report back to discuss the answers with their -cooperate as a pair Pupils Book
the class. (accept all reasonable answers.) partner -can make decision and report to Poster
Suggested answer key
Total: 2 points
1.They all stayed together and helped each other. They
worked as a team.
2.Yes, because Drake left his team behind. He didn’t
care about his team. He only cared about winning.
Aim: to develop critical thinking skills
Ss can make a plan and find the answers
Team work Act out the story. Ss practice together an act out and Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. •For stronger classes: T assigns roles to the pupils. come to the front and act out the -can work together as a team Pupils Book
Allows them enough time to rehearse their roles in story. -can act out the story Poster
groups. •For weaker classes: Select a short exchange
from the story for the pupils to act out in pairs. Total: 2points
Aim: to develop speaking skills
Ss can act out the story
Differentiation: «Role play» is used to develop their
speaking and acting skills
Work in pairs. Talking point. Listen and read. Make a new Ss listen and follow along. and Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min dialogue with your friend. in pairs act out similar dialogues -perceive information by listening Pupils Book
T refers the pupils to the picture and the dialogue. Play -act out dialogues Poster.
Listening the CD. Pause the CD for the pupils to repeat, chorally Total:2 points
and/or individually.. T goes around the classroom
providing necessary help.
A: So, what’s today’s expedition?
B: We must… .
A: This should be easy. Let’s do it!
Suggested answer key
A: So, what’s today’s expedition?
B: We must find these ten wild flowers, name them
and draw them in our notebooks.
A: This should be easy. Let’s do it!
End of the lesson. T asks to write three things they remember from the Write three things that they
Feedback story. remember
Individual work: Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson
2 min. Efficiency:
Ss can write and report back to school
Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the
Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Treasure and numbers2
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics;
this lesson is contributing to: pronounce an increasing range of words, short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly; begin to use joined-up handwriting in a limited range of written work; use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of to ask questions
on growing range of familiar topics
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what
kind of to ask questions
Most learners will be able to: use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what
kind of to ask questions
Some learners will be able to: use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what
kind of to ask questions
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Middle of the PRESENTATION AND PRACTICE Ss repeat, chorally and/or Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson (Activities to present and activate the new individually. Point to each -can pronounce increasing Pupils Book
Presentation part. language.) natural feature in random order range of words Flashcards
POSTER -can make up sentences
Individual work Our Planet’s Treasure 1
8 min.
14Listen, point and repeat. Then match.
Total: 2points
Pupils’ books closed. T puts up the Our planet’s
treasure poster on the board. Points to the
natural features, one at a time, and say the
corresponding words... Ask individual pupils to
name them. Ask the pupils to look at the poster,
choose an item and make a sentences e.g. Pupil
1 : (pointing to the island ) I’m going to go to an
island this summer. etc
Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils Ss listen, point to the words and T praise active Ss with phrases Whiteboard
listen, point to the words and repeat.. Check repeat. Ss repeat, chorally and/or such as: “Good job! Pupils Book
their answers. individually and look at the Well done!” “One more time, Poster
Answer key pictures and match them to the please”
2G 4A 6F 8H words
3E 5C 7B
Individual work Read and choose. Then say. 1.Ss complete the sentences, decide Descriptor: Whiteboard
6 min. 1.T explains the activity if the sentences true or false and -can pronounce simple Pupils Book
Answer key correct false statements sentences intelligibly Cap
1A 2B 3B 4B 5A 6A -can complete sentences
e.g. Malta is an island ., The Pacific is an -can identify false statements
ocean . etc and correct them
Total: 3 points
2. T asks students to decide if the sentences
True or False
Aim: to develop pupils critical thinking and
geographical knowledge
Efficiency: students can make decision
Differentiation: «Thinking cap» method is used
to do the activity much more interesting.
Individual work STUDY SPOT Ss read and choose articles exercise Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. (Activities to present and practice the articles.) 16,p 43 circle the correct option. -can choose correct articles Pupils Book
T explains new grammar materials (a, an. the) Says -understand teacher`s Poster
and write on the board: instruction
This is a desert. This is an island.
Total: 2 points
Underlines the words in bold. Explains to the
pupils that we use a before nouns that begin
with a consonant sound and we use an before
nouns that begin with a vowel sound. Say and
write on the board:
This is a desert. This is the Sahara Desert.
Underlines the words in bold. Explains to the
pupils, in L1 if necessary, that we use the
indefinite article a when we refer to something
general, and the definite article the when we
refer to something specific. Then says and
writes on the board: This is an island. This is
Malta. Explain to the pupils that we use the
definite article the only before names of deserts,
lakes and oceans, but we don’t use it before
names of mountains, lakes, islands and
Answer key
2B 3C 4A 5C 6A
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our planet’s treasure 1
Learning objectives(s) that understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics;
this lesson is contributing to: give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and
some curricular topics; recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general range of general and some curricular
topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:to read and write an email about their last holidays using Past Simple with prompts;
Most learners will be able to:to read and write an email about your last holidays using Past Simple without prompts;
Some learners will be able to:to read and write an email about your last holidays using Past Simple without prompts and
tell about their trip to their classmates;
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Pre-learning T asks a pupil to came to the board. Asks to take Ss take cards and say a word from Descriptor: Whiteboard
Pair work Bee cards Say a word Ask the rest of the class the previous lesson (e.g. lake), - learned by heart new words
5 min. for verification. Repeat the activity with other spell and write it. - can spell and write Cards
Total: 2point Pupils Book
Middle of the Read and circle. Then listen and check. Ss listen and follow the text in Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson T refers the pupils to the picture and asks them their books. Check their -can listen and understand the Pupils Book
Presentation part. to guess where Pat went on holiday and what answers. meaning Flashcards
she did. Allows the pupils some time to read the -can read and chose right
Individual work version
text silently and complete the activity. Play the
8 min.
Answer key
Total: 2points
1 the Pacific Ocean 3 rainforest
2 mornings 4 waterfalls
Then individual pupils read out the text.
T explains the activity. Checks their answers. Ss read and answer the questions T praise active Ss with phrases Whiteboard
Suggested answer key orally first, then in writing such as: “Good job! Pupils Book
1 I went to Lake Balkhash. Well done!” “One more time, Poster
2 I went with my family. please”
3 I went swimming, sailing and fishing.
4 I saw many birds.
Aim:to develop students listening and critical
thinking skills
Efficiency: describe past events
Pair work Portfolio: T 1.Ss talk with their friends. Write Descriptor: Whiteboard
6 min. T asks the pupils, in pairs to talk about their an email to their friend about -can write an email Pupils Book
holidays. For homework, tell the pupils to write their last holidays. -can follow the steps in
an email to their friend and to use the text in Ex. writing
18 as a model.
Suggested answer key
Hi Gulnara,
How are you? I`m writing to tell you about my
holiday in Lake Balkhash. It was great!
I went there with my family. I swam in the lake
every day. We saw many birds there. Mum and
dad took me sailing and fishing, too. It was a
wonderful holiday!
Write and tell me all about your holiday.
Take care,
Aim:to develop writing skills
Efficiency: to write an email about their last holidays
Individual work Paint to the picture and say: We`re going to go Ss repeat, chorally and/or Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. on holiday and have a lot of fun!. Follows the individually and listen and -can listen, understand and Pupils Book
same procedure and present the rest of the song. follow along in their book sing a song Poster
Play the CD. T divides the class into three -can complete out words
groups and assigns a verse to each group. Play
the song again and asks each group to sign their Total: 2 points
corresponding verse. Time permitting, play the
song again for the pupils to sing together as a
Aim to develop listening skills
Efficiency to repeat grammar and vocabulary
through a song
Team work Thinking time Ss draw and present Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min Asks the pupils to draw some images -can use new vocabulary. Pupils Book
connected to holidays. Ask them to present -can make sentences following
their drawings the structure.
Aim: develop critical thinking skills and speaking
Efficiency:draw and present using new
Differentiation: «Masterpiece» game is used to
develop their speaking skills.
End of the lesson. An activity. Ss answer the questions
Team work Demonstrates the following dialogue with a
Feedback pupil:
e.g. Teacher: Where are you going to go on
5 min. holiday?
Pupil 1: I`m going to go to Mexico.
Teacher: Have a nice holiday!
Pupil 1: Thank you!
Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson
Efficiency: develop speaking skills
sed to
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our planet’s treasure 2
Learning objectives(s) that understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics;
this lesson is contributing to: take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges; express basic likes and dislikes, recount short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular
topics; understand the main points of short simple texts on a growing range general and some curricular topics by using contextual
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:talk about seven natural wonders of the world with support
Most learners will be able to:talk about seven natural wonders of the world with support; express basic likes and dislikes
Some learners will be able to:talk about seven natural wonders of the world with support; express basic likes and dislikes;
present their presentation work to the class
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Pre-learning Play the song from the previous lesson and ask Ss , in pairs, talk to each other. Descriptor: Whiteboard
Pair work the pupils to sing along. report back to the class. - can work in pair
5 min. T writes the words island, river, lake, - can make up sentences using Cards
rainforest, waterfall, mountain, desert, ocean construction: to be going to
on the board. Tells the pupils to take a plane Pupils Book
Total: 2point
imagine that they are flying and going to visit
one of these places this weekend. Ask them to
think of what they are going to do there.
Suggested answer key
Pupil: I'm going to visit the Amazon rainforest
this weekend. I'm going to see a lot of plants
and animals there.
Middle of the PRESENTATION AND PRACTICE Ss. repeat, chorally and/or Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson (Activities to present and activate the new individually. The pupils listen -can choose right answers Pupils Book
Presentation part. language.) and match. Check their answers. -can answer the questions Flashcards
Answer the questions
Individual work 22 Listen and match. Then talk with your
10 min. Total: 2points
T says and writes on the board: natural
wonders.. Explains/ Elicits what natural
wonders are. Have a brief class discussion, in LI
if necessary, about natural wonders in their
country and how important they are to the
planet. Refers the pupils to the pictures and the
title and have a class discussion about these
seven natural wonders. Elicits anything the
pupils might know about them. Reads aloud the
countries/regions and ask the pupils if they
know or if they can guess where these natural
wonders are. Explains the activity and play the
Answer key
2D 3C 4 F 5 A 6G 7E
Note: Tcan explain to the pupils that the
Northern Lights can be seen in other countries
like, for example, Iceland.
Refers the pupils to the picture and the dialogue.
First, reads out the dialogue and then act out a
similar dialogue with one of the pupils. Asks the
pupils to act out, in pairs, similar dialogues.
Goes around the classroom providing any
necessary help. Asks some pairs to come to the
front of the classroom and act out the dialogue.
Suggested answer key
Akbota: Which natural wonder would you like
to see? Nurzhan: Mount Everest.
Akbota: Where can you see it?
Nurzhan: In Tibet and Nepal.
Aim:to raise pupil`s enviromental awareness
Efficiency: to talk about natural wonders
Individual work Read and choose. Ss listen and follow in their Descriptor: Whiteboard
7 min. books and read the text silently -can read and choose the Pupils Book
T refers the pupils to the picture and have a brief and choose the correct answer. answer
picture discussion. Reads aloud the text or asks Check their answers. Total 1 point
some of the pupils to read it. Explains the
activity. Refers the pupils to the questions.
Answer key
Then individual pupils read out the text.
Aim:to delop pupil`s reading skills
Efficiency: discuss the text and tell opinions
Team work Find information about another natural Ss use the Internet to find Descriptor: Whiteboard
10 min. wonder. Make a project or PowerPoint® information about another -can use and find information Pupils Book
natural wonder and present it to from the internet Poster
presentation. Present it to the class.
the class -can prepare a project
T brainstorms the names of various natural following the requirements
wonders from around the world and write them
on the board. Have a class discussion, in LI if Total: 2 points
necessary, about the problems they face.
Explains the activity..Tells them to use the text
in Ex. 23 as a model, Alternatively, assign the
project for homework. Then T helps them file
their projects in their Language Portfolios.
Suggested answer key
The Amazon Rainforest in South America is
one of the world's natural wonders. It is the
largest rainforest in the world and is home to
many kinds of animals. But the Amazon is
getting smaller and smaller. This is because
people throw rubbish into the river and cut
down the trees, Let's hope we can look after this
amazing wonder so people can still see it
hundreds of years from now!
Aim: develop critical thinking skills and speaking
Efficiency:make a project implementing the
solution and fixing issues
Differentiation: «Waterfall» project making
method is used to develop collecting and analyzing
End of the lesson. T allow the pupils some time to read the text Ss answer the questions
Team work again and then close their books. Ask them to
Feedback try and remember two things from the text.
Check their answers.
5 min. Suggested answer key
The Great Barrier Reef is in Australia. You can
see i1 from spaceAim: to consolidate the
language of the lesson
Efficiency: develop speaking skills
sed to
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Revision
(Our world – Checkpoint 3)
Learning objectives(s) that express basic likes and dislikes, recount short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular
this lesson is contributing to: topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:revise talking about natural features andnatural wonders, express basic likes and dislikes
Most learners will be able to: revise talking about natural features andnatural wonders, express basic likes and dislikes
Some learners will be able to: revise talking about natural features andnatural wonders, express basic likes and dislikes
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Pre-learning (An activity to revise the language of the previous Ss present projects Descriptor: Whiteboard
Pair work lesson.) - prepared a project
5 min. Ask the pupils to present their projects from the - present it to class Cards
previous lesson
Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how Total: 2point Pupils Book
much do they remember.
Team work Project: A natural wonder in Kazakhstan. Ss use the Internet to find Descriptor: Whiteboard
10 min. T aska the pupils to think of natural wonders in information about another -can use and find information Pupils Book
Kazakhstan and write a small paragraph about it natural wonder and present from the internet Poster
using the texts in Ex. 25 as models. Display their it to the class -can prepare a project
following the requirements
work in the classroom.
Suggested answer key
Total: 2 points
Torysh is a valley with rock formations that look like
balls. The name Torysh actually means the Valley of
Balls! The rocks are spread in the middle of the
desert and have different sizes. Some are 3-4 metres
in diameter!
Aim: develop critical thinking skills and speaking
Efficiency:make a project implementing the solution
and fixing issues
Differentiation: «Waterfall» project making method is
used to develop collecting and analyzing skills.
CHECKPOINT 3 Ss do the tasks -can complete sentences and
1 Read and complete. Then match. match them
The pupils put the letters in the correct order to form -can complete with coorect
words and complete the sentences.Then they look at ordinal numbers
Total 2 points
the pictures and match the sentences with the
Answer key
1 rainforest - F 4 ocean - D
2 island - E 5 river - C
3 mountain – В
Unit:4 Lesson 1
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Body language
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of classroom instructions;
this lesson is contributing to: make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a growing range of language at text level; begin to use joined-up handwriting in a limited range of written work; use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to
name, describe and label things; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object pronouns in short statements, questions and responses
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: talk about ways of communicationusing demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object
pronouns in short statements, questions and responses
Most learners will be able to: talk about ways of communication use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object
pronouns in short statements, questions and responses. Describe the picture.
Some learners will be able to: talk about ways of communication use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object
pronouns in short statements, questions and responses. Describe the picture and say why they use the gadgets.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss repeat and learn toungue At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. twisters to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day of the week. method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work phrases like:
3 min. Betty Botter bought some butter “Good job!
She sells seashells by the seashore Well done!”
“Tongue twisters.” To improve accents
The aim: To develop pronunciation and fluency
Efficiency: Say tongue twisters as quickly as they can .
Pre-learning T prepares questions and asks about amazing places Studens find answers to the Descriptor: Whiteboard
Speaking time that they would like to visit questions and make a project - can answer questions letters
Individual work Aim: Revise the previous lessons material - can tell about amazing places
5 min. - make a project
Efficiency: Improves speaking.
Total: 3 points
After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.
Middle of the
lesson PRESENTATION AND PRACTICE Ss open books and answers the Descriptor: Whiteboard
Presentation part. questions - recognise basic opinions in short Pupils Book
(Activities to present and activate the new language.) -answer the questions Flashcards
Team work. 1 Look at the picture. What are the children doing? My day video
7 min. Have you got any of these gadgets? If yes, what do
you use them for? Total: 2 points
Team work . Let's Play Ss reads aloud the phrases and Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. listen and repeat chorally and/or -can work together as a team Pupils Book
Pupils' books closed. T writes on the board: It's OK. -can mime and guess phrases Poster
Good luck! Signs OK without speaking. Asks the pupils
which of the two sentences is correct. Then writes Total: 2points
phrases on the board and explain to the pupils, in LI if
necessary, what body language is.
Pupils' books open. Refers the pupils to the pictures,
one at a time,
Divide the class into two teams One pupil mimes one
of the phrases other tries to guess .Each correct answer
wins a point.
Work in pairs. Look, read and choose the correct answer. Ss reads and writes to their Descriptor: Whiteboard
7 min copybook -read and choose correct answer Pupils Book
Read aloud the sentences, one at a time, and ask the -can work as a pair Poster.
Listening pupils to choose the correct word. The pupils look at Total:2 points
the pictures and complete the activity orally first, then
in writing.
Answer key1 kiss 2 shake 3 hug
Aim: develop critical thinking and writing skills.
Ss use new vocabulary and practice it with groupmates.
End of the lesson. An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.) Ss respond using body language
Feedback T asks a pupil to come to the front of the classroom. and the correct phrase if possible
Individual work: Says a sentence and ask the. Repeat with the other
8min. pupils.
Suggested answer key
Teacher: I got an A at the test.
Pupil: (miming and saying) Give me a high five!
Teacher: Your favourite football team won the match.
Pupil: (miming and saying) Hurray! etc.
Unit:4 Lesson 2
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Communicating around the world
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of classroom instructions;
this lesson is contributing to: understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise words similar to words in student native language; make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a growing range of language at text level; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names, places and short sentences when writing independently
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: talk about communicating around the world
Most learners will be able to: talk about communicating around the world using the degrees of comparisons.
Some learners will be able to: talk about communicating around the world using the degrees of comparisons and give their own
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss answer for the quetions At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work phrases like:
of the week.
3 min. “Good job!
Who am I? Well done!”
In this game, the T
prepares cards with
famous people's names on
them. The leader tapes
one card on the back of
each member. Then
everyone pretends they
are at a party and asks
each other questions to
find out their own
identities. When someone
guesses their own name
correctly, the name-tag
gets taped to their front
and they continue to chat
with the party guests until
everyone is wearing the
nametag on the front.
The aim: To develop
Efficiency: makes up
generally questions and
develops thinking skills.
Pre-learning An activity to revise the Studens find answers t Descriptor: Whiteboard
Speaking time language of the previous - can tell what they can use gadgets letters
Individual work lesson.) - can express body language
5 min. T writes on the board the phrases
names of different gadgets
Total: 2 points
and ask the pupils to tell
you what we can use them
for (e.g. mobile phone:
send text messages).
Asks one of the pupils to
come to the front of the
classroom and use body
language to express one of
the phrases from the
previous lesson. The rest
of the class say aloud the
correct phrase. Repeat
with as many pupils as
Efficiency: to mprove
Middle of the
lesson . 5Listen and repeat. Ss repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each means Descriptor: Whiteboard
Presentation part. How do you usually of transport in random order. They talk about how they - can name transports Pupils Book
-point to each means Flashcards
travel every day? (Track usually travel every day.
Individual work. My day video
7 min. 40 CD1)
Pupils' books closed. T Total: 2 points
puts the Means of
transport poster up on the
board. Points to the means
of transport, one at a
Time, and says the
corresponding words.
Pupils' books open. Play
the CD. Then
Team work Match the opposites. Ss match the opposites Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. Then rearrange the -can match opposites Pupils Book
-rearrange the letters to complete Poster
letters to complete the
the text
T explains the activity. Total: 2points
Goes through the texts and
elicits/explains any
unknown words. Allow
the pupils some time to
complete the activity.
Check their answers.
Answer key 2
2a 3f 4e 5d 6c
2 safe 4 fast
6 noisy
3 expensive 5 cheap
7 dirty
Differentiation: «Find my
opposite» game method is
used to learn phrases.
Work in pairs. Pupils' books closed. T Ss say and write comparative adjectives Descriptor: Whiteboard
1 min says, then writes: Cars -say and write comparatives Pupils Book
are faster than
Listening Total:14 point
scooters.Underline the
words in bold.The pupils
repeat chorally and/or
individually. Elicit the
spelling rules for the
comparative. Explain the
irregular adjectives.
Pupils' books open. Go
through the Study spotse
ction briefly. Explains the
activity and allow the
pupils some time to
complete it. Check their
Answer key
2 better 4 smaller
6 noisier
3 funnier5 fatter
Aim: to explain new
grammar material
Ss use new grammar and
practice it with groupmates.
Thinking: Read and Ss make sentences -can make sentences
make sentences, as in the -can compare different means of
T reads aloud the
example and explains the
activity. Answer key
2 Cars are safer than
3 Minibuses are
slower than trams.
4 Planes are noisier
than hot-air balloons.
5 Trains are cheaper
than planes.
Aim: to develop grammar
Ss use new grammar and
make sentences
10 Let's Play Ss come to the front and chooses 2 flashcards showing means -can make sentences comparing
of transport and shows them to the second S. The second S means of transport
Divide the class into two has to make a sentence comparing the two means of transport
teams, A and B. Asks one and using the adjectives in Ex.7.Then, the second pupil
pupil from each team to chooses two flashcards and the first pupil makes a sentence
come to the front of the
classroom. One pupil.
Repeat with the remaining
pupils. Each correct
sentence wins a point. The
team with the most point
wins the game.
Aim: to develop grammar
and vocabulary
Ss use new grammar and
make sentences
End of the lesson. T divides the class into One S writes an adjective from Ex. 7 in a cell in the grid and
Feedback two teams, X and O. Draw makes a sentence with it.The other pupil writes the opposite
Individual work: a 3 X3 grid on the board. of that adjective in another cell and also makes a sentence
5min. Ask a pupil from each
team to come to the
board.. If the sentences are
correct, they get to mark
the cells accordingly, with
an X and O. Repeat with
the remaining pupils. The
winner is the team that has
three marks horizontally,
vertically or diagonally. If
you have a large class,
you may play the game in
Lesson Plan4
Unit:4 Lesson 3
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Communicating around the world
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of classroom instructions;
this lesson is contributing to: understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curriculartopics; make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a growing range of language at text level; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names, places and short sentences when writing
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:read and talk about means of transport around the world; make a new dialogue using range of
general curricular topics with support
Most learners will be able to: read and talk about means of transport around the world; make a new dialogue using range
of general curricular topics without support
Some learners will be able to: read and talk about means of transport around the world; make a new dialogue using range
of general curricular topics without support and act out it.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning Organization moment: Make a circle and say At the organization moment T tries to award CD player
of the lesson 1.Greeting. the words active Ss. «The praise» method is used to Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day of the week. evaluate Ss with phrases like:
Team work “Good job!
3 min. Well done!”
Last Letter Word Chain
Tstarts the game by suggesting a simple word like ‘house’ or
‘cat’. The next student has to say a word which starts on the
last letter of your suggestion.
The aim: To develop speaking
Efficiency: makes up generally questions and develops thinking
Pre- T writes an adjective on the board (e.g. safe) and asks Ss say comparative Descriptor: Whiteboard
learning individual pupils to say the comparative form of it. Then asks forms and make - can say comparative forms letters
Speaking the pupils make a sentence using the comparative form of the sentences - can make up sentences usiing comparative
time adjective. adjectives
work Aim: Revise the previous lessons material Total: 2 points
5 min.
Efficiency: to mprove speaking.
Middle of
the lesson PRESENTATION AND PRACTICE Ss answer questions. Descriptor: Whiteboard
Presentation - can name transports Pupils Book
part. (Activities to develop the pupils' listening and reading skills.) -know different means of transport Flashcards
My day video
Individual 11 Listen and read.
work. Total: 2 points
7 min. Go through the pictures of the story and set the scene by
asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the
pictures, e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the minibus in picture 1)
What's this?
Class: A minibus,etc
Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the story in their
Individual Read the story and write True or False. Ss read a story and Descriptor: Whiteboard
work complete the activity -can say if the sentences true false Pupils Book
5 min. Check their answers. -can answer the questions Poster
Team work Act out the story. Ss act out in front of the Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. class -can act out Pupils Book
Activities to familiarise the pupils with the pronunciation of Ss repeat, chorally -can pronounce the words rightly
the sounds /Ь/ and M and to distinguish between them.) and/or individually.do -can write the words next to the right sound
exercise Can complete the missing letters
Listen, point and repeat. Total:3 points
T refers the pupils to the pictures. Points to blush and say: /Ь/
- blush.. Check their pronunciation. Repeat the procedure for
boat.Point sto the picture of viperand say: M- viper.Repeats
the procedure for velvet.Play the CD.The pupils listen, point
and repeat.Then points to the pictures at random and elicit the
sounds and the words.
Extension activity (Optional)
T writes the following words on the board: van, visit, but,
vacuum, better, balloon.Asks individual pupils to come to the
board, read out the words and write them next to the correct
Answer key
/b/: but, better, balloon
/v/: van, visit, vacuum
Complete. Then listen and repeat.
Refers the pupils to the picture. Elicits blush, viper, velvet
and boat. Draws the pupils' attention again to the /b/ and /v/
sounds. Allows the pupils some time to complete the missing
letters. Play the CD for the pupils to listen and check their
Answer key
The blushing viper is on the velvet boat.
Ask individual pupils to read out the sentence. Check their
pronunciation and intonation.
Aim: to develop pronunciation
Ss pronounce the words correctly
End of the Read out a few sentences from the story and ask the Ss complete the
lesson. pupils to complete them orally. sentences
e.g. Teacher: The minibus has got a flat...
Feedback Class: tyre! etc
Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
Unit:4 Lesson 4
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Communicating around the world
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of classroom instructions;
this lesson is contributing to: understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise words similar to words in student native language; make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk and match the phrases, talk about
different jobs
Most learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk and match the phrases, find one extra
word; talk about different jobs
Some learners will be able to:understand the main points of short supported talk and match the phrases, find one extra
word; talk about different jobs; tell about their job which they would like to do
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss come to th board and describe At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. pictures” to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work phrases like:
3 min. Describe the Picture. “Good job!
First, T shows the entire class a picture. Makes sure it Well done!”
has lots of little details in it, preferably one where you
could spend a good minute or so describing every last
detail to your friend. Then, takes the picture down and
tells the students to describe what they saw to their
partner. Gives them about 30 seconds.
Now, here’s the twist. Splits the class into two teams
and divide sthe blackboard in two. Chooses three
students randomly from each team to come up to the
blackboard. Places a piece of chalk in each student’s
hand and tells them they have to write down as many
things they saw in the picture as they can in 30 seconds
(or one minute)
Aim: To develop speaking
Efficiency: develops thinking skills.
In differentiation part «Describing pictures» game
method was used to describe
Pre-learning Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the Ss come to the board and act out Descriptor: Whiteboard
Interactive classroom and act out the dialogue from the previous the dialogue - understand the teacher's letters
method lesson (Ex. 5). Repeat with as many pairs as you feel instructions
Pair work necessary - can act out the dialogue
5 min.
Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how Total: 2 points
much do they understand ordinal numbers.
Total: 2 points
IB 2D 3 E 4 A 5 F
Teacher: OK, everyone. Let's talk about different jobs.
Simon, what would you like to be when you grow up?
Simon: A dentist. Miss.
Teacher: That's great, Simon. How about you, Tina? I
know that your dad is a mechanic. Would you like to
be a mechanic, too?
Tina: No, Miss. I want to be an architect. I like the idea
of designing houses.
Teacher: Good for you, Tina. Bob?
Bob: My brother wants to be a computer programmer,
but I would like to be a photographer. I love taking
Kelly: I would like to be a computer programmer,
Miss. I love computers.
Teacher: That's great, Kelly. And how about you,
Nick? Nick: A news reporter, Miss. I'd like to work at a
TV station one day
Team work Act out the story. Ss practice together an act out and Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. •For stronger classes: T assigns roles to the pupils. come to the front and act out the -can work together as a team Pupils Book
Allows them enough time to rehearse their roles in story. -can act out the story Poster
groups. •For weaker classes: Select a short exchange
from the story for the pupils to act out in pairs. Total: 2points
Aim: to develop speaking skills
Ss can act out the story
Differentiation: «Role play» is used to develop their
speaking and acting skills
Work in pairs. Look, read and complete. Ss listen and follow along. and Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min Pupils' books closed. Say, then write: Tom, Nick and in pairs act out similar dialogues -understand spelling rules for the Pupils Book
George are friends. Tom is the tallest of all. Nick is the superlatives Poster.
Listening youngest in the class. Underline the words in bold.The Can complete the activity
Total:2 points
pupils repeat chorally and/or individually. Elicit the
spelling rules for the superlative. Explain the irregular
Pupils' books open.T goes through the Study spot
section briefly. Explains the activity. Goes through the
texts and elicits/explains any unknown words. Allows
the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check
their answers.
Answer key
2 the slowest 4 the tastiest
3 the kindest 5 the biggest
Aim: develop grammar
Can use new grammar structure
Individual work Make own “My Neighbours” project Ss write and present to class Descriptor: Whiteboard
5min T gives direction -can draw and attach pictures of
Aim: to develop speaking and writing skills their neighbors
Efficiency: -present project to class
Ss can write and act outt
Differentiation: «Project» method is used to make a Total: 2points
End of the lesson. T divides the class into two teams, A and B. T whispers Ss come to the board, tries -can act out the words
Feedback one of the jobs without letting the class hear it. Each guess the word. He/She c The -can guess the words
Individual work: correct answer wins a point. The team with the most pupil tries to get his/her team to
2 min. points wins. guess the word. He/She can act
Aims to repeat vocabulary it out, give definitions or write
Efficiency:improve student`s attention, listening and example sentences, but he/she
speaking mustn't say or write the word. an
act it out, give definitions or
write example sentences, but
he/she mustn't say or write the
Unit:4 Lesson 5
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Technology
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information;
this lesson is contributing to: give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and
some curricular topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things,
use simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make
comparisons; use has got/have got there is/are statement, negative, question forms including short and full answers and contractions
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: revise jobs; to talk about community helpers; to write about a community helper
Most learners will be able to: revise jobs; to talk and write about their favourite community helper; tell which of the jobs
in the text they need to
Some learners will be able to: revise jobs; to talk and write about their favourite community helper; tell which of the jobs
in the text they need to; act out the dialogue
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Pre-learning Write an adjective on the board (e.g. good) and Ss act out the diologue Descriptor: Whiteboard
Pair work ask individual pupils to say the comparative and - can say comparative and
5 min. superlative forms Cards
superlative form of it.
- can write missing letters
Write some jobs on the board, but with a few Pupils Book
letters missing. Ask individual pupils to come to Total: 2point
the board and complete the missing letters
Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out
how much do they remember.
Middle of the READING AND WRITING Ss listen and follow the text in Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson their books. Then they answer -can answer the questions Pupils Book
Presentation part. (Activities to develop the pupils' reading and the questions -can choose correct words Flashcards
writing skills.)
Individual work
8 min. 22 Listen and read. Then answer. Total: 2points
Play the CD.. Check their answers.
Suggested answer key
1 She's a school bus driver.
2 She gets up very early to clean the
school bus and check the tyres.
3 Her favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
4 She's a DJ at the local radio station.
Then individual pupils read out the text.
23Read and choose.
Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time
to read the sentences and choose the correct
words. Check their answers.
Answer key
1 us 2 it 3 them 4 it 5 her
to revice jobs and talk about community helpers
Efficiency improve listening and reading
Individual work Answer key Ss read and choose articles exercise Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. 16,p 43 circle the correct option. -can choose correct articles Pupils Book
2B 3C 4A 5C 6A -understand teacher`s Poster
End of the lesson. An activity to consolidate the language of the Ss make a map and display the
Team work lesson. work to the class
Feedback Divide the class into groups. Ask the pupils to
make a map of their community and mark the
5 min. places that have community helpers, e.g. police
officer, doctor, firefighter, etc. Display their
work in the classroom.
Unit: 4 Lesson 6
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Technology
Learning objectives(s) that understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information;
this lesson is contributing to: give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and
some curricular topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things,
use simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal
information;give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences with prompts;use
adjectives, including possessive adjectives
Most learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal
information;give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences;use adjectives, including
possessive adjectives
Some learners will be able to: understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal
information;give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences;use adjectives, including
possessive adjectives
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss read a poem and learn by heart At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day of the week. method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work MY NATIVE LAND phrases like:
5 min. My Motherland - “Good job!
You are dear to me like a mother. Well done!”
Ready for me to scream
What life can I give for you!
The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly
Efficiency: improve speaking and pronunciation.
Pre-learning Play the song from the previous lesson and ask the Ss sing a song and repeat, Descriptor: Whiteboard
Team work pupils to sing along. chorally and/or individually - understand the teacher's letters
5 min. (An activity to introduce the theme of the lesson.) instructions
- can sing a song
POSTER - know materials of previous lesson.
Middle of the Listen and repeat. Find the countries on the map. Ss answer to the T’s questions. Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson Play the CD. The pupils listen, point and repeat the - recognise basic opinions in short Pupils Book
Presentation part. names of the countries. Play the CD again pausing after -answer the questions Flashcards
each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or My day video
Team work. individually.
10 min. Total: 2 points
Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to find
the countries on the map and match them in their
notebooks. Check their answers.
Answer key
Id 3f 5g 7b
2h 4c 6e 8a
Listen and read. Make a new dialogue with your Ss listen and follow along .The T praise active Ss with phrases such Whiteboard
friend Ss, in pairs, act out similar as: “Good job! Pupils Book
Refer the pupils to the picture and the dialogue. Play dialogues about themselves Well done!” “One more time, Poster
the CD.. Pause the CD for the pupils to repeat, chorally please”
and/or individually. The pupils, in pairs, act out similar
dialogues about themselves. Go around the classroom
providing any necessary help. Ask some pairs to come
to the front of the classroom and act out the dialogue. If
you wish, write the following on the board so the
pupils can refer to it while they are completing the
A: Hello, I'm ... . I'm from .... Where are you from?
B: Hi, I'm ... . I'm from ... .
A: Welcome to ...,... I B: Thanks!
Suggested answer key
Mario: Hello, I'm Mario. I'm from Italy. Where are you
Dana: Hi, I'm Dana. I'm from Kazakhstan.
Mario: Welcome to Italy, Dana!
Dana: Thanks!
Aim: to develop speaking skills
Ss can act out the story
Differentiation: «Role play» is used to develop their
speaking and acting skills
Pair work Thinking: Rewrite Mario and Korkem's Ss. read the tasks and find secret Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min. text messages. words -can rewrite text messages Pupils Book
Pupils' books closed. T write on the board the -can make decision and find answer Poster
following prompts. to the questions
C U I8r
Total: 2 points
Asks the pupils if they know what they mean (C U I8r
= See you later, LOL = Laughing Out Loud, Plz =
Please, Thx = Thanks). Elicits their meaning and
explain how we write text messages.
Pupils' books open. Refer the pupils to the text
messages and explain the activity. Allow sthe pupils
some time to complete it. Checks their answers.
Answer key
Where r u? = Where are you?
I'm w8ting 4 u @ the park. = I'm waiting for you at the
OK. cu! = OK. See you!
End of the lesson. T putsup the Communicating around the world poster Ss say the names of countries
Feedback on the board. Say the name of a country and ask a pupil and show countries on the poster
Individual work: to show the country on the poster. Repeat with other
5 min. pupils.
Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson
Ss can talk about countries
Lesson Plan4
Unit:4 lesson 7
Teacher’s name:
Grade:4 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Treasure and numbers1
Learning objectives(s) that use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to
this lesson is contributing to: name, describe and label things; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object pronouns in short statements, questions and responses
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and uncountable
nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those and object
pronouns in short statements, questions and responses
Most learners will be able to: use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and
uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those
and object pronouns in short statements, questions and responses; compare high-tech buildings in London and
Some learners will be able to: use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and
uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those
and object pronouns in short statements, questions and responses; find information and present it to their classmates.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: Ss learn by heart tongue twister At the organization moment T tries CD player
lesson 1.Greeting. to award active Ss. «The praise» Microphone
Warming-up Asking the date and day of the week. method is used to evaluate Ss with
Team work Teacher asks -Are you in a good mood or in a bad mood? phrases like:
3 min. - We are in good mood. “Good job!
It`s too good to be in a good mood. (tongue twister) Well done!”
The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly
Efficiency: Improve pronunciation.
Pre-learning (An activity to revise the language of the previous lesson.) Ss come to the board and act out Descriptor: Whiteboard
«Brainstorming Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the classroom and - can make up dialogue letters
» method act out the dialogue from the previous lesson (Ex. 27). -can act out it.
Individual work Repeat with as many pairs as you feel necessary
5 min. Total: 2 points
Aim: Revise the previous lessons material. Find out how
much do they understand ordinal numbers.
Middle of the Listen and read Ss answer to the T’s questions. Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson - can read out texts Pupils Book
Presentation part. T asks the pupils to look at the pictures. Have a picture - can answer the questions Flashcards
discussion. My day video
Team work.
7 min. e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the Gherkin) What is this? Total: 2 points
Pupil: It's a skyscraper.
Teacher: Correct. It's the Gherkin. Where is it? Pupil:
It's in the UK. Etc
Ask the pupils to tell you what they know about these
places. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the
texts in their books.
Read and choose. Ss open book on p 62 do exercise T praise active Ss with phrases such Whiteboard
Explains the activity. Ask pupils: Which building 29. Write on their copybooks. as: “Good job! Pupils Book
would you like to visit? Why? Allow the pupils some Well done!” “One more time, Poster
time to write their answers in their notebooks. Ask please”
individual pupils to report back to the class.Then
individual pupils read out the texts.
Answer key
2. 1, 037 3. Egg 4. Fast
Pair work Project: A high-tech building in Kazakhstan. Ss. can draw or look for pictures Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min. Ask the pupils to think of a high-tech building in on the Internet and attach them. -cooperate as a pair Pupils Book
Kazakhstan and write a small paragraph about it using Alternatively, assign the project -can make decision and present the Poster
the texts in Ex. 30 as models. their work in the for homework. The pupils then project.
classroom. present their projects to the
Total: 2 points
Suggested answer key class.
Khan Shatyr is an entertainment centre in Astana. It
looks like a tent! It opened in 2006 and it is 150 metres
tall. It is one of the tallest building in the city. There
are a lot of shops and restaurants in Khan Shatyr.There
is also a water park and a beach! It is fantastic!
Aim: to develop critical thinking skills
Ss can make a plan and project
In differentiation part «Project» method was used to
develop pupils speaking.
1. architect 5 mechanic
2. photographer6 electrician
3. news reporter 7 waitress
4. dentist 8 computer programmer
End of the lesson. To fill progress report card Answer the questions
Feedback well ok bad
Individual work: talk about how they communicate
2 min. with their family
talk about means of transport
compare means of transport
talk about jobs
talk about countries around the world
Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson
Ss improve writing listening reading comprehensions
Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the
Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives