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Manual TimeWaver Frequency

applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Frequency Important notes on the usage of TimeWaver Frequency

The TimeWaver Frequency system is a registered medical product class IIa according to regulation 93/42/EWG, valid
in Germany and Europe. The TimeWaver Frequency is a medical device intended for the application with the diseases
listed in the instructions for use. The treatment of further diseases is not part of the medically intended use. Accord-
ing to law, only healthcare professionals are permitted to treat diseases with the TimeWaver Frequency.

Frequency therapy and its variations e.g. microcurrent stimulation (MST), cranial electro stimulation (CES), transcranial
stimulation (TCS) and galvanic current therapy (GCT) are not accepted by orthodox medicine. The systemic therapy
by Nuno Nina is likewise not accepted by contemporary orthodox medicine. This form of treatment has its origin in
the area of alternative healing and can be understood as a bioenergetic balancing. The basis of Nuno Ninas systemic
therapy approach such as information field medicine, as well as frequency therapy, energy- and meridian therapy on
the basis of TCM and ayurveda are widely not accepted by orthodox medicine. Whether these applications have any
physiological relevance for a patient whatsoever has to be estimated by a therapist under his therapeutical supervi-
sion. The medical professional therapist may not reject or leave out medically necessary steps to treat a patient.

The herein mentioned applications are not accepted my orthodox medicine where doubleblind randomized placebo
controlled case studies are the standard, whereas the herein mentioned applications are based on single cases only
and are only to be understood as therapeutical options. The analysis on the information field level for the systemic
therapy within TimeWaver Frequency are not to be understood, passed on, or procedured as a medical diagnosis.
Due to the inherent nature of information fields according to our understanding and due to the underlying analysing
method they are not accepted by contemporary science and orthodox medicine.

Treatment of a person is by law restricted to medical professionals. All functions apart from the fix programs with
TimeWaver Frequency that are e.g. part of the systemic therapy, vertebra treatment, or the automatisations are to be
understood as bioenergetic balancing methods in the field of alternative medicine. It is the decision of the supervising
therapist whether the TimeWaver Frequency system and/or the above mentioned therapeutical methods and ap-
plications as well as the systemic therapy of Nuno Nina are to be used as a therapeutical option or have any physi-
ological relevance for a patient.

Version 16.10.2015

Editors, Layout: Marcus Schmieke, Shabnam Kasraei, Jahnavi Seydlitz

© 2015 TimeWaver Home GmbH

All rights reserved. Reprint and digital reproduction, even extracts, only after prior consent of TimeWaver Home GmbH.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation ©.

TimeWaver is a registered trademark of the TimeWaver Home GmbH

Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Table of Contents
1. TimeWaver Frequency - Introduction 6

2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency 10

2.1. The elements of the therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina 10
2.2. Information level 10
2.2.1. Performing the information field analysis 12
2.2.2 Vibrating the information-list 13

2.3. Realtime 14
2.3.1. Alternative procedure 15

2.4. Resonance 15
2.4.1. Setting individual parameters 18
2.4.2. Practical work with the resonance level 18

2.5. Indications 19
2.5.1. Analyze Frequencies 20
2.5.2. Select Frequencies 22
2.5.3. Enter Frequencies 23
2.5.4. How to create a frequency list with fixed frequencies 24
2.5.5. Working with the five elements 26
2.5.6. The elements and the liver 27
2.5.7. Special frequencies for kidney, heart and liver 28

2.6. Matrix 28
2.7. Automation 28
2.7.1 Creating a frequency list automation 32

3. Protocol to the use the TimeWaver Frequency according to Nuno Nina 36

3.1 Summary of the therapy protocol 36
3.2 The four treatment phases at a glance 37
3.3 Detailed step sequence of Nuno Nina´s protocol 37
3.4 Summary of the simple therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina 38
3.5 Summary of the sophisticated therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina 38

4. Practical notes on the TimeWaver Frequency Therapy 39

4.1 Therapy initiation 39
4.2 Therapy details 39
4.3 Behavior during therapy 39
4.4 Does the therapist stay in the room? 40
4.5 Acute and chronic diseases 40
4.6 Meaning of waveforms 40
4.7 Duration of the therapy 42
4.8 Completion of the therapy 42
4.9 Electrode placement 42

4 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical a.o.
or other
and the
5. Applications 43
5.1. Integration of isolated systems in complex systems 43
5.1.1. Therapy Protocol Anxiety reduction 45
5.1.2. Therapy Protocol for Acne 45
5.1.3. Therapy Protocol for Arthritis 46
5.1.4. Therapy Protocol for Eye problems 46
5.1.5. Therapy Protocol for Addiction 46
5.1.6. Alternative Detox Therapy Protocol 46
5.1.7. Bringing structure to the water of the body with TimeWaver Frequency 47

5.2. A Tip for using TimeWaver Frequency 47

5.3. Effects of tidal forces on people 48
5.3.1. Planetary frequencies 48

5.4. NN Electrode Points 50

5.4.1. Abscesses 51
5.4.2. Appendicitis 55
5.4.3. Athlete’s Foot 58
5.4.4. Asthma 62
5.4.5. Diarrhea, Dysentery 66
5.4.6. Cancer, Breast 70
5.4.7. Diabetes 76

5.5. Using Polarities in Therapy 80

5.5.1. What really affects our bodies? 80
5.5.2. The Earth’s Magnetic Field and Human body 81
5.5.3. Finding Balance through the Polarities 83

5.6. Nogier frequencies 92

5.7. Balance for therapist and patient 94
5.7.1. Balanced Stress 94
5.7.2. Thought Clarity 95
5.7.3. Osteitis for vitalizing 95
5.7.4. Chakra frequencies: A set of 7 frequencies for 7 chakras 96
5.7.5. Relaxed patient 98

5.8. Example: patient with eye pain 98

5.9. Treatment of emotional problems 98
5.10. Treatment of specific diseases 101
5.11. Programming the TimeWaver Home 103
5.12. Deep Cycle automation programs by Jan Poleszynski 107
5.12.1. About Deep Cycle programs 107
5.12.2. Usage of the deep cycle programs 108
5.12.3. Startup programs 109
5.12.4. Deep Cycle programs 109

6. Standard programs: Spinal treatment 112

6.1 Simultaneous, local treatment on two channels 112
6.2 Handling of the Spinal Treatment module for selecting databases 112
6.3 Example Applications 116

7. On the possible cause of diseases 117

7.1 Cell electricity 117
7.2 Mutation behind and Electrolyte level 117

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 5
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

1. TimeWaver Frequency - Introduction

The TimeWaver Frequency is the result of my encounter with the Portuguese academic, Nuno Nina who has
successfully applied his new therapy method to more than 40,000 patients in several clinics managed by
him in the last 15 years. It was our goal to make Nuno Nina´s treatment protocol available to other thera-
pists in a compact treatment system. The TimeWaver Frequency not only implements Nuno Nina´s con-
cept for success in detail, but has expanded the therapeutic options through combination with the proven
TimeWaver information field technology. Since Nuno Nina works with the TimeWaver Frequency in his clin-
ics, he can apply his therapy method more successfully and particularly more efficiently.

Since his early childhood Nuno Nina has the gift to communicate directly with the information field. He
can inform the patient accurately and reliably on the deeper causes of his or her disease by a mere look,
through simply connecting with his or her information field. The details coming to light in this way, prove
true in each case concerning the personal history of the patient. Nuno Nina´s information is partially through
detailed descriptions of traumatic events in the lives of his patients, which underlie the respective disease
process. This skill of Nuno Nina is particularly important to find the backgrounds of diseases in emotional,
mental and even deeper lying areas and to resolve them there. In this, I immediately recognized the work
that we have been trying to do with the TimeWaver Med System for years, without the necessity that our
therapists must be talented with these exceptional skills.

Nuno Nina uses the same skills for his physical therapy. In order that the body, its organs and cells can ef-
fectively communicate with the information field, one must find a language that is spoken and understood
by both parties. The words of this language are electrical frequencies. They act directly on the biophysical
processes of cells and lead them according to the organization pattern of the information field. If you mas-
ter the individual cell language of electrical frequencies, you can re-organize cellular processes. However,
this language can not be completely standardized. Indeed each organ has its own spectrum of resonance
frequencies, but which frequency achieves the desired result in the individually specific case, must be de-
termined in the current moment. For this purpose, one must have direct access to the information field. A
dynamic sequence of frequencies, which must be constantly updated due to the reaction of the body and its
field, is also often necessary.

By coming into contact with the TimeWaver information field technology, Nuno Nina now saw the chance
to make his therapy method available to other therapists in his own clinics and beyond. The Timewaver
analysis technique is able to determine the frequencies in the information field, which the organ’s cells need
to rebuild their performance and get back to a coherent collaboration, at any moment. Even during my first
encounter with Nuno Nina it was the common plan to combine his therapy expertise and his extensive
compiled frequency libraries with the information field diagnosis and therapy of the TimeWaver and thus
develop a completely new and highly-efficient therapy system - TimeWaver Frequency.

It is of particular importance that Nuno Nina is not only one of the best and most successful healers who
helped ten thousands of people with exactly this method, but he was willing unreservedly to share his
knowledge and experience with other therapists to enable them to have the same success as he himself.
I have never before become acquainted with such a combination of skills and the willingness to let others
share in it. Now every therapist is able to apply Nuno Nina´s therapy protocol on the basis of 130,000 gold
frequencies and to be trained directly by Nuno Nina or his trainers.

It took almost two years to put the plan into practice and to develop and produce a device that meets ap-
proval as a medical device and satisfies this requirement. Since October 2011, hundreds of these devices
are now in use. The experience gained since then shows that Nuno Nina´s therapy protocol can be success-
fully applied with the Timewaver Frequency by every therapist. The concept is reproducible, learnable, and

6 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
1. Introduction

delegable. What is the recipe for success of the TimeWaver Frequency Therapy? Behind this is a simple and
startling hypothesis about the origin of diseases. According to Nuno Nina, all diseases have, reduced to the
essentials, exactly two factors which in turn are closely interrelated:

Each disease goes back to a mental or emotional trauma. The real reasons may lie even deeper, but
manifest almost always in such a trauma. An information field analysis and balancing is meant to help
find and treat disbalances in the information field. There are countless cases in the TimeWaver practice
showing that the symptoms disappear by themselves when the information field is appropriately influenced.
Whether the influence on the information fields has any clinical medical relevance for the patient has to be
estimated by a therapist under his therapeutical supervision. However the physical body can become inde-
pendent, it happens in many disease processes. Even in these cases it is necessary and helpful to find and
treat possible correlations in the information field, but this does not automatically resolve the manifested
disease symptoms. In these cases it is necessary to deal with an additional second cause of diseases.

Every chronic and most acute diseases have their direct cause at the cellular level, in a decreased cell en-
ergy, which manifest itself so that the so-called cell membrane potential is decreased. The cell membrane
potential of a healthy and young cell is between -70 and -100 mV and assures that the cell membrane trans-
port, energy production of the mitochondria, and the protein synthesis of the cells run smoothly.

With increasing age, and in the course of a disease, this potential decreases to -40 or -50 mV for the aging
cell, so that even pain and inflammations occur and subsequently up to -15mV, the threshold at which the
cell can mutate into a cancer cell. At -15mV the
energy of the cell is reduced so much that due
to its pure survival instinct it starts to uncontrol-
lably reproduce itself. All diseases of civilization
are at this time line of degradation of the cell
membrane potential. The therapist’s task now is
to reverse this process and to give the cell back
a healthy potential of ideally more than -70 mV
(See picture 1.1.). To do so, it is necessary to
electrically balance the environment of the cell
and the extracellular space. If the cell is acidic,
it has too few negative charge carriers and thus
weakens the negative potential of the cell. The
cell potential decreases. The process can only be
reversed if the extracellular space has sufficient
negative charge carriers.

However, this is impossible to achieve through a

healthy alkaline diet alone, as there is a deeper
reason for the acidic environment of the matrix
Picture 1.1: Potential inside a cell (extracellular space).

A Russian professor, which Nuno Nina and I visited, expressed this aptly: “Theoretically you can eat what
you want, you can drink what you want, and you can smoke as much as you want – you won´t get the
extracellular space that acidic. Mainly the psyche is able to do so. “This closes the circle and the two men-
tioned causes of disease become one. The emotional trauma and the even deeper cause of the disease in
the information field are a constant influence, which makes the extracellular environment acidic and thus
suppresses the cell membrane potential. This influence of the information field and the psyche of the people
must be counteracted. The cause must be resolved. For this purpose, the communication between the
intact information field and the cells have to be restored through the level of the cell electricity. The elec-

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 7
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

tromagnetic fields are the key to cell communication and the language of cell communication are electrical
frequencies. With the appropriate frequencies, currents, and waveforms, the cell membrane potential can
be restored, ATP production of the cells increased by up to 500%, protein synthesis increased, and the cell
membrane transport increased by up to 250%. Scientific studies have proven this.

Marcus Schmieke

This therapy, which was developed by Nuno Nina and practiced successfully for more than 15 years, is
systematically implemented in the TimeWaver Frequency. First, the causes of the disease are analyzed and
balanced in the information field, then the balance of cell electricity is restored by the information field con-
trolled frequency therapy. There isn’t a more effective and more consistent method. Here, the system uses
two methods. At the core of the system are the 130,000 gold frequencies Nuno Nina has compiled over the
last 15 years in a library.

They arose from the practical application in Nuno Nina´s clinics, tested thousands of times, and assigned to
a total of 1,500 indications. So the therapist can select a disease or indication and the system automatically
finds the appropriate frequencies. The second method is that, without any preselected frequency settings
or base library, TimeWaver Frequency finds the exact frequency from the totality of all possible frequencies
what the body or the psyche needs in that moment. This completely non-dogmatic approach provides the
information field with the entire vocabulary of frequencies up to 10 MHz, so that it can communicate freely
with the cells on the electromagnetic level.

If all this is done consistently, it is an intensive systemic therapy that stimulates the entire body with all its
cells. In this case, one organ must produce a maximum output: the kidney. The kidney has three main func-
tions, one of them is to preserve or to produce the electrolyte balance. There is virtually no chronically ill
person, whose kidney is not severely weakened. Therefore, the kidney needs support on the organic level
during the described form of therapy. For this purpose, Nuno Nina has developed herbal supplements during
his long-standing practice which support, among other things, the kidney in this process. Nuno Nina has al-
ways achieved success in thousands of cases with the combination of information field controlled frequency
therapy and these herbal remedies. He has never approved a therapy without these strengthening reme-
dies. They are an indispensable part of this therapy. In addition to the kidneys, the liver is highly challenged
in the detoxification process of the body, so that Nuno Nina has also developed a strengthening remedy to
assist it. Thirdly, the purification of the blood needs support due to the interaction of liver and kidney.

The result is a highly effective and integrative therapy which recognizes and treats the human being on all
his or her levels. By means of the TimeWaver Med the deeper causes of diseases are analyzed and resolved
in the information field. The Timewaver Frequency restores the cell membrane potential by means of elec-
trically transferred frequencies while the strengthening remedies support this therapy process on the purely
organic level. In this triple combination, the therapy is unbeatable and all-encompassing.

With the TimeWaver Frequency, the frequencies are transferred by means of hand electrodes, adhesive
electrodes, or sponge electrodes to the patient´s body in the form of low intensity currents. In this, there
are two therapy options. The systemic therapy is always done by hand electrodes, since the most important
meridians of the body run over the hands. Nuno Nina performs nearly all of his therapies over the hands.
However, with the TimeWaver Frequency one can apply the same frequencies locally on the affected parts
of the body, over acupuncture points or on the spine to achieve very fast and specific results. Besides the
systemic therapies according to Nuno Nina, the TimeWaver Frequency contains more than 100 defined
programs at this level, which are applied locally by adhesive electrodes on different parts of the body. Many
of these programs are clinically validated, this means their effectiveness is proven by scientific studies. They

8 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
1. Introduction

are the basis for the approval as a medical device of the Timewaver Frequency, so that these diseases or
symptoms can be treated officially with the TimeWaver Frequency.

The individual therapy modules are assigned to two areas. In the area of the standard therapy, there are
three modules: defined programs, Spinal treatment, and automation. These modules have in common that
the particular treatment program is selected according to the underlying indications or affected organs. Due
to this, they are easy to operate, and are more or less carried out automatically. Therefore, they are easy to
learn, even for beginners. The defined programs are described in detail in the ZFT teaching material. You will
find the two other modules later in this manual.

The second group of modules consists of the information level, realtime, resonance, indications, and matrix
which all together form the systemic therapy according to Nuno Nina. The handling of this area requires
more training and is described in detail in this manual. The systemic therapy aims at the deeper causes of
the disease and less at the manifested symptoms.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 9
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

2.1. The elements of the therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina
Information level – real time – resonance – indications

Nuno Nina´s therapy protocol, proven on tens of thousands of patients over the years, consists of four ele-
ments which can be combined in different orders. However, they usually follow a fixed order. In each case
one starts to analyze and balance the causes of a disease on the information level. Only then, the treatment
cycle with the three modes, namely real time, resonance, and indications, starts.

The real time module prepares the patient´s body for the therapy on the lowest frequency level (1Hz to 1
kHz) and completes it on the higher frequency level (15 kHz to 2 MHz) in the emotional area. In the reso-
nance module the current resonance frequencies are treated in three frequency ranges starting with the
organic frequencies (1 Hz to 1 kHz) until they are not longer needed by the body. In the indications module
one can analyze and apply specifically the frequencies that are associated with the patient´s actual problem.
For this purpose, one analyzes in Nuno Nina´s database of gold frequencies

The standard simple protocol follows the following rhythm:

•• Information level

•• Realtime (1 Hz - 1 kHz)

•• Indications (related to the cause of the problem)

•• Realtime (15 kHz - 2 MHz)

Or alternatively as follows:

•• Information level

•• Realtime (1 Hz - 1 kHz)

•• Resonance (1 Hz - 1 kHz)

•• Indications (related to the cause of the problem)

•• Realtime (15 kHz - 2 MHz)

•• Resonance (15 kHz - 2 MHz)

2.2. Information level

In the patient´s information field the oscillation patterns, which are needed to support the frequency ther-
apy optimally, are determined on the information level. Conversely, the information obtained this way, can
be used Ex Juvantibus to draw conclusions from the cause of the disease in the information field. Due to
this, this level constitutes an effective information field diagnostic means. It is important not to equate these
analysis results with medical diagnoses. They indicate pathogenic oscillation patterns in the information
field and not directly in the patient´s physical body, and due to the quantum physical nature of the mea-
surements, they are not necessarily reproducible. However, there is an astonishing correlation between the
results of an information field analysis and a medical diagnosis.

The information field analysis is based on an extensive database of oscillation patterns which was devel-

10 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

oped by Nuno Nina. It contains 2,923 entries and is divided into 23 categories.

Picture 2.2.1: Information level databases

You can look at these entries in detail, if you open the folder “information level” under the main menu item
“databases” (See picture 2.2.1). To perform an analysis in the analysis window of the information level, you
can first define a focus and enter this in the appropriate focus-field. Such a focus defines the aim of the
subsequent balancing in the information field. At this point, the therapy success to be achieved should be
defined in positive terms, enter e.g. healing knee pain or better (because defined more positively), strong
movable knee joint (See picture 2.2.2).

Picture 2.2.2: Information level

applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 11
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Furthermore one can decide whether to activate the analysis of potencies and intensities. If you do so, a
homeopathic potency and intensity are determined additional to each analysis result in the information field.
It is useful to activate this feature, because due to this we obtain additional accuracy in the information field

At this point, the main difference to the TimeWaver Med is that the TimeWaver Frequency contains only in-
formation databases by Nuno Nina. This is completely sufficient for the preparation of the intended therapy.
However one has the possibility of creating one’s own databases. You can find the description in the operat-
ing instructions.

The analysis and the balancing on the information level is done for two reasons before the actual frequency
therapy. This way, the client is prepared for the treatment with electrical frequencies and one can read on
the information level in which areas the biggest stresses are. You can now tackle them specifically with
selected frequencies in the further course of the therapy. Therefore the analysis with Nuno Nina´s informa-
tion databases are especially helpful for the selection of indications on the information level. If there is, for
example, an indication on renal function in the information field analysis, one might later select the data-
bases for kidney balancing in the indications folder.

2.2.1. Performing the information field analysis

Next, you should click on the databases in which the analysis is to be performed. In general, you select all
databases here by setting a check mark in the information level folder. This setting is made by default. Now
click on the Analyze. You then have the option between pre-analysis and main analysis. If you select main
analysis, the analysis is carried out in all selected databases. However, if you select pre-analysis, it first ana-
lyzes which sub-databases are most relevant to continue with a main analysis.

The result of the pre-analysis is presented as follows (See picture

Picture Pre-analysis result

At first, you must choose if you want to see the negative values or not. If you set the relevant check mark
in the lower right angle, both the negative and the positive relevances, that exceed a certain threshold, will
be displayed. We also consider the negative relevances in the Nuno Nina protocol as these are often the

12 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical a.o. importance and the
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

cause behind the positive values. Now select three topics in which you want to perform the main analysis.
In most cases, these are two or three issues with the highest relevances. You can do this by means of the
check marks or by moving the slider, Then click on OK and again on Analyze. Now select the main analysis

In the list of the results, you can now select by means of the check marks and the slider which entries you
want to vibrate. In general, entries with a relevance of more than 95% are important and can be included
in the balancing. Now you can store the result in the lists below or directly click on Vibrate (See picture If you select the “Vibrate in the background” check box, the whole window is placed in the upper
right corner of the screen. In general, one selects a vibration duration of 26 minutes. Now you can start the
optimization and let it run in the background, and due to this, one can immediately start the parallel fre-
quency therapy.

Picture Vibrating the information list

2.2.2 Vibrating the information-list

The information list can be given to the patient in various ways; though hand electrodes, through no-con-
tact information transfer (analogous to the TimeWaver Med), and by vibrating the information onto a carrier
such as a gemstone for the patient to take with them. In actuality no physical contact is really needed.

To use the hand electrodes connect the hand electrodes with the cables to channel A. During the transfer of
information, the client should hold the hand electrodes in their hands to receive the optimization oscillations.

The patient is now optimally prepared for the three-step therapy according to Nuno Nina, which starts with
the next menu item, “Realtime”.

applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

2.3. Realtime
In the Realtime mode, the client´s bioelectrical body is prepared for the subsequent treatment with indi-
cation-specific frequencies by information field controlled frequencies. First select the frequency range in
which one wants to operate. In general, one starts with the range of 1-1000 Hz. This mode is generally car-
ried out over channel A with hand electrodes. As an alternative, one can attach large adhesive electrodes to
the palms (See picture 2.3.1).

Picture 2.3.1: Realtime

•• 1 – 1000 Hz: Frequencies associated with the body and its organs

•• 15 kHz – 2 MHz: Frequencies associated with the relationship between organs and emotions

•• 2 – 10 MHz: Frequencies which do not have physical counterparts, but act in the electromagnetic
field of the person. They relate mainly to the fields beyond body and emotions.

Prior to the therapy the technical parameters should be checked and adjusted:

Waveform: In most cases the default “rectangular” works fine, but it can be adjusted here.

Amplitude: The default is 5 V, but can be higher for people with calluses or strong skin on the hands. At this
point, one can define both the current and the voltage for the subsequent therapy. The real time mode is
usually carried out in the voltage mode, whereby one should select a voltage for the patient that is pleasant
and noticeable. For very sensitive persons (often women) one should start with 3 V. Here, the mode “cali-
bration values” should be selected categorically, so that every patient gets intensities individually adjusted
to him or her. The calibration is described in the Operating Instructions.

Sweeping: In general, we use linear sweeping of 5Hz. This means that the range of +/-5 Hz in the default 10
seconds is passed by the relevant frequency. For this purpose, select the option, Fixed value > 5 Hz.

Offset: By using this feature, a DC component of -10 V and +10 V can be added to the frequency. In general,
the Offset is set to 0 V, i.e. the therapy is carried out without a DC component. If there is set a voltage-
offset, adhesive electrodes should not be used, since otherwise there could be the risk of burns on the

14 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

patient´s skin.

Noise: With this parameter, you can add a percentage noise-factor to the generated signal. For this purpose,
the noise signal of the left Kozyrev-diode is recorded and set to the frequency signal. If you work in the
voltage mode, 100% corresponds to the maximum voltage of 10V, while 100% corresponds to 1 mA in the
current mode. This parameter is set to 0% for most applications. One can use the noise to transfer informa-
tion on the patient or to make a harmonic signal more bearable for the body by fading away (stochastic

Duration per frequency: Here, the duration of the individual frequencies is set by default to 10 seconds

Pause: In general, we work in the real time mode without inserting a pause between the frequencies.

Total duration: In general, the total duration is determined by 3 minutes, so that one makes three cycles of 3
minutes each. Instead of this, a cycle of 9 minutes can be carried out.

If all these parameters are set correctly, you start the real time mode by clicking on Start. The system ana-
lyzes the first frequency immediately by means of the Kozyrev-diodes and applies it for 10 seconds.

Notice: Now adjust the intensity until the client feels a pleasant tingling sensation in his hands.

If one follows Nuno Nina´s therapy protocol, one carries out this real time mode initially for 3 minutes 3
times in the range of 1-1000 Hz and switches then to the resonance mode. During the therapy, the thera-
pist should be preferably absent from the patient´s field. It is best to leave the room. This is because of the
interplay of the patient and the information field, which is transferred by the device

2.3.1. Alternative procedure

Alternatively, another real time cycle can be selected to resolve blockages in the patient:

1. Real time: 1Hz-1KHz for at least 3 min by default setting of the rectangular waveform

2. Real time: 1Hz-1KHz for at least 6 min with waveform by analysis

2.4. Resonance
The resonance mode is very similar to the real time mode. Here, however, all relevant frequencies are
determined initially by an information field analysis and are then played. During playing it is permanently
determined by means of an information field analysis in the background how big is the patient´s progress at
the relevant frequency. It is the aim to sequentially bring all frequencies up to 100% and thus be able to ac-
tivate them. For the sake of simplicity, one can work with the feature that deactivates all entries automati-
cally after they reach 100% progress (deactivate threshold automatically). During the analysis of frequencies
the therapist should be at a little distance from the patient to remove himself from the field.

Here too, one of the three frequency ranges, which we already know from the real time mode, is selected.
In general, one starts with the range of 1-1000 Hz. At the beginning of the analysis, the focus should be on
trying to resolve all diseases lying in the physical area. While the therapist lets the patient and the system
interact automatically, he directs his attention to the resolution of the existing problems during analysis in
the resonance mode. It is the aim of the resonance mode to complete the treatment that was started in real
time. This completion is reached in each case by the fact that the determined resonance frequencies reach
a progress of 100%. For this purpose, the total duration is set to 30 min, so that there is sufficient time. In

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 15
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

general, this takes 10-20 minutes for 2-4 frequencies. The therapist´s intention focuses on this aim. During
the treatment the therapist´s attention should focus on something else. The main focus lies on the intention
in the analysis of frequencies.

The signal parameters are selected equally in the real time mode. The amplitude can be increased from
the ranges of 15 kHz-2MHz and 2-10MHz up to 7 or 9 Volts, since the patient does not perceive the higher
frequencies that much.

There are further settings under post-analysis in the resonance mode. Perform post-analysis should be ac-
tivated in principle; the option only absolute changes should not be activated. The option deactivate auto-
matically should be activated by setting a check mark. The threshold should be set by default to 95%

Deactivate automatically means that the system automatically deactivates frequencies that have reached
100% in the progress analysis. Basically, this should be done by the therapist, if he has time. If he is absent,
one can activate the automatism. The threshold specifies the percentage, above which the system sets the
progress automatically to 100%. This threshold can be fixed higher or lower.

With Starting analysis one activates the analysis of the necessary resonance frequencies. Now all frequen-
cies, having a relevance above the set threshold, are displayed on the right. This threshold can be changed
by using the slider in the middle at the bottom. (See picture 2.4.1)

Picture 2.4.1: Resonance

The threshold is set automatically and specifically for the individual ranges:

•• 1-1000 Hz: 90%

•• 15 kHz – 2 MHz: 90 %

•• 2 Mhz – 10 MHz: 90 %

The system automatically selects these values. If no frequencies are displayed in this setting, you can adjust
the threshold until the highest-rated frequencies are displayed.

16 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

In Nuno Nina´s protocol one mostly selects the 1-4 frequencies of the highest relevance. In most cases it is
preferable to work with less frequencies and to bring these up to 100%. Now, you can integrate the se-
lected frequencies by clicking Accept into a frequency program. Now, the playlist is displayed. (See picture

You can still make subsequent changes in the signal settings of the individual frequencies by double-clicking
a frequency. It then opens a window for editing the signal settings of the selected frequency. (See picture

Picture 2.4.2: Playlist

2.4.3) Please note that generally there is no need to do this step.

Your changes are applied to all frequencies of the list when you activate the corresponding option in the left
lower area of the window, Assign signal settings for all entries.

Picture 2.4.3: Edit frequency

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

By using this function, you can clear the entire list to create a new one. This should be done after you have
played one range and move to the next. Before this, the entire list should be deleted each time . With the
additional features, you can save this list, delete individual entries, or clear the entire list. If you click Back,
you will return to the analysis result. If you click Play, the application of the frequency program to the pa-
tient starts.

Saving and loading: By using these two features, you can save resonance lists and load them again.
In general, this is not necessary, since a new analysis is made in each therapy session.

Previous to this, make sure that the patient holds the hand-electrodes firmly in his hands. After clicking Play,
the hardware for progress analysis is first calibrated. Then you first need to adjust the amplitude by means
of the intensity slider, as in real time, so high that the client feels a pleasant tingling sensation in the hands.
Again, it is important to use the calibration values mode for the amplitude, in order not to frighten the pa-

Progress analysis: The progress is determined after each frequency. This progress may have a minus-sign,
which is a good indication. This means that the selected frequency is actually relevant. After applying this
frequency, the patient needs it even more. It is the aim to bring all frequencies up to + 100%. Then the indi-
vidual frequency will be automatically deactivated by selecting ‘Yes’ from the small box in front of it. Such
a program will run until all frequencies reached 100%. At this, the total duration is set to 30 minutes. When
these are over and not all frequencies reached 100%, you can, nevertheless, switch to the other range.
Particularly persistent frequencies, which get stuck in the negative range, one can note down and search for
their correlation and meaning by using the search function in the databases.

If some frequencies get stuck persistently in the negative range or all frequencies do not show a significant
progress, the therapy may be interrupted on this level to again insert 3 minutes of Realtime 1-1000 Hz. This
way, the blockage can be resolved. If the 1-1000 Hz resonance mode has been completed successfully, you
can switch directly to indications to initially treat the kidneys and then the further noticeable indications.

Only after completion of the indications mode one generally goes back to the Realtime mode to complete
the treatment here at the level of 15 kHz-2 Mhz. This level serves to embed the changes achieved on the
physical level of 1-1000 Hz to the even higher levels which connects the body with emotions. Additionally,
one can connect the resonance mode 15 kHz-2MHz.

2.4.1. Setting individual parameters

After selecting the appropriate frequencies according to relevance and symptoms, one takes the individual
settings of the frequency parameters, whereby, in particular, both the voltage and the duration of the
individual frequencies and the waveform can be adjusted to create a complex oscillation pattern similar to
a piece of music. Here, higher frequencies can be provided with higher voltages. Nuno Nina likes to use 9
Volts. Frequencies associated with chronic issues can get a longer duration.

One gets to these settings by a double-click on the individual frequency in the list. If one increases the du-
ration of a frequency and increases its voltage, the stimulus will be longer and stronger. In any case, three
cycles of the same duration should be carried out.

2.4.2. Practical work with the resonance level

The resonance therapy in the frequency range of 1Hz-1kHz forms the electromagnetic field of the body and
changes the patient in this way. The next step after the indications is to maintain this effect. For this pur-

18 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

pose, we work in the frequency range of 15 kHz-2 Mhz by first performing the analysis and then selecting
high amplitudes up to 10 Volts.

Here too, you apply the entries with the highest relevance. In general, the two entries with the highest
relevance, or the entries having a relevance significantly different from the subsequent entries, are

•• If the first frequencies have the same relevances, one follows the symptoms. At this frequency level,
one can take more entries, since these frequencies act rather mentally.

•• If there is sufficient time, one can select more entries and treat for a longer time.

•• Nuno Nina himself prefers to take more time for the indications during the therapy, since he ob-
serves and understands at this point what the patient´s problem is. However, resonance is the faster
and easier way.

•• The frequency range resonance 2-10 Mhz is only applied for balancing stable people.

•• If no progress can be achieved, one can go back to real time in the short run and waken the cells;
either with very low frequencies from 1 Hz to 10 Hz or with very high frequencies. Under real time,
one selects the free frequency range for the low frequencies and enters 1Hz up to 10 Hz. In this
case, one disables the sweeping or reduces it to 1 Hz.

•• It is the same if there has been no progress in the indications for a long time.

•• Then it is also recommendable to give the patient alkaline water to drink.

2.5. Indications
The indications module primarily contains, besides extensive frequency databases, gold frequencies. These
are 130,000 frequencies that are associated with about 1,500 indications by Nuno Nina. The specific search-
ing for appropriate therapy frequencies can be accomplished in this database. Here, one can add frequen-
cies to a list of frequencies in three different ways. (See picture 2.5.1)

Picture 2.5.1: Indications

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

2.5.1. Analyze Frequencies

Here, the system itself analyzes on the information level for which frequencies the client needs. By a click
on this option, a window opens that is similar to the analysis feature of the pure information level. (See pic-
ture But this analysis is carried out for the selection of frequencies on the information level.

Picture Analyze Frequencies

Principally, this analysis window is controlled similarly as in the information field analysis. However, it is sig-
nificantly kept more simple. In any case, a focus should be entered to specify the aim of the analysis or the
therapy. Furthermore you should specify the signal parameters on the right, as in real time and resonance.

Next, the selection of the databases to be analyzed is carried out. Here, you can either go back to the da-
tabases created by us or to Nuno Nina´s gold frequencies. Nuno Nina´s gold frequencies are ordered alpha-
betically. Here too, one can easily get to the wanted databases by using the alphabetic input window. At this
point, one can use the comfortable search feature by entering the desired term into the upper right search
box and then click on Search. One does not need to enter the complete term, the initial letters are sufficient.
If you then click on Search, a window with all matching terms of all frequency databases will open, so that
not only the gold frequencies are taken into account. (See picture

If you work with Nuno Nina´s gold frequencies, you can select the categories to be analyzed in three differ-
ent ways:

I) Select according to the medical findings and the symptoms of the client. If he or she has e.g. prob-
lems with his knees, select knee problems. You can select multiple symptoms or indications.

II) In addition, select according to your medical background knowledge. The kidney, for example, is af-
fected in almost all chronic diseases, so that you can select the category Kidney additionally. The
same applies to the liver and other important organs.

20 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

III) Additionally, you can go back to the information field analysis, carried out in Nuno Nina´s databases at
the beginning. If there, e.g. Pancreas was selected, you can also add this category here.

Picture search result

In any case it is important to first treat the kidneys. The success of all further therapy procedures is de-
pendent on the strength of the kidneys. It is best to treat only one indication and then switch to the next
to being able to work purposefully. One should not exaggerate the treatment on this level. In nearly every
chronic diseases, the two databases Mutation Behind and Electrolyte Levels are added. Here, 3-4 frequen-
cies are selected and brought to a progress of 100%.

•• Bring all entries to a success of 100%, if possible.

•• However, the patient should not be overwhelmed and still have time and patience.

•• A therapy can not be performed for too long. However, the limit is the patients´ time and patience.
Usually, a therapy takes one hour, or 2-2 ½ hours for patients with degenerative processes.

•• If the progress does not go in the direction of 100% with a particular or multiple frequencies, one
can search new frequencies and repeat the whole process, both in indications and in resonance.

•• If frequencies block on the indications or resonance level, one can go back to the real time level.
Additionally, you can give the patient alkaline water to drink.

Once you have made your selection, you can click on Analyze, so that the system automatically performs
the analysis in the information field to determine the appropriate frequencies from the selected categories.
In the result, you can select by using the slider and by setting or removing the check marks the desired
frequencies again. In a future version of the software the correct threshold frequency is set automatically
at this point. Here one needs to work intuitively. In most cases 2-4 frequencies are sufficient. Select the
frequencies with a relevance difference from the others.

Confirm your selection by clicking Accept and then you will get to a play list. Here you can add further en-
tries by using the two other features Select Frequencies and Enter Frequencies or you can directly click on
Play after you have checked the signal parameters again. (See picture In practice, however, a total
duration of 20 minutes and Automatic Deactivation is mostly used.

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Picture Playlist

2.5.2. Select Frequencies

This way, one can select manually frequencies from the extensive databases and add to the list.

Picture Selecting frequencies manually

First, one selects the database in which the desired frequency is presumed and selects subsequently the
desired frequency by setting the check mark. At the same time, one should specify the signal parameters
on the right and then apply the selected frequencies to the list by clicking Add. One has to click on Results
to see the list. One can create a playlist from the list of results just by a click on Apply. By clicking Load, one
can load an already existing frequency list into a frequency list. By a click on Attach, one attaches an exist-
ing list to the currently created list.

22 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

You can easily get to the databases by using the alphabetic input field. If you click here on one of the letters,
the database of gold frequencies will open exactly at the point where the indications begin with that letter.

2.5.3. Enter Frequencies

By using this feature, individual frequencies can be integrated manually and numerically into the list. You
can use this feature, if you have detailed information what frequencies will help the patient. (See picture the option Perform post-analysis should also be deactivated in order to analyze the progress of the
individual frequencies.

By using the feature Advanced Input, one can add a number of frequencies to the list very fast.

Picture Entering individual frequencies

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2.5.4. How to create a frequency list with fixed frequencies

1) To create a frequency list with manually entered frequencies, go to „Indications“ and „Enter frequency“
(See picture

Picture Enter frequency

2) Then click „Advanced Entry“. (See picture

Picture Entry of frequencies

3) Then the frequency should be given (Hz or MHz). If necessary, adjust the „Amplitude“ to „Calibration
values“ if they are to be adopted. (See picture

Picture Advanced entry of frequencies

24 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

4) Press “+” to open a new line and enter the next frequency, etc. At the end hit „OK“ to confirm.
(See picture

Picture Advanced input

5) The frequency list appears. If you want to save a frequency, click the „Save“ button and give it a name.
Confirm with „OK“. (See picture

Picture Saving frequency list

6) To load the list again, click on „Load“. If needed, select „Show all client lists“. Select list and confirm with
„Load“. (See picture

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

7) The list is loaded and can be played normally. The relevance of the frequencies is set to 100%, since the
frequencies were selected manually. (See picture

Picture Loading a frequency list

2.5.5. Working with the five elements

In order to work specifically in the menu item indications, there are three different approaches for the selec-
tion of the appropriate databases:

Picture Loaded frequency list

26 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

•• You can go directly to the symptom.

•• You can follow your intuition.

•• You can work with the knowledge of the five elements.

2.5.6. The elements and the liver
In traditional Chinese medicine, each element is associated with organs. In this, the liver associated with the
element wood plays an important role. (See picture

This diagram shows, on the basis of TCM, the interac-

tion of the five elements and their associated organs
and functions. In this, the liver plays a central role.
If the liver is disturbed, it affects primarily the elements
fire and earth. The consequences thereof are heart
problems, diseases of the small intestine and disorders
of the autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, the
stomach, the spleen and the whole digestive process
are affected. Behind the disease of the liver in turn
there is a weakness or disease of the kidney, lung and
colon. On the emotional level, a liver weakness af-
fects the area of relationships and love. It also impairs a
person´s satisfaction, stability and care, as well as his or
her empathy.

Picture Five elements

•• Liver problems result in mental problems and problems with the joints

•• If the element wood (liver) is disturbed, it affects the element fire (heart/pericardium) and earth
(stomach/ spleen). Due to this, these organs are the “victims” of liver disorder.

•• In order to treat such a disorder, the approach must be the preceding (causing) elements metal
(lung/large intestine) and water (kidney/bladder).

•• Therefore, one first treats the kidneys, the heart, the stomach and the spleen.

•• Since these are usually long-term chronic problems, the treatment time should be increased (up to
20 minutes per cycle), as well as the duration of the individual frequencies (1-3 minutes).

•• The kidneys can remove the strong acids.

•• The lungs remove the weak acids (carbonic acid).

•• The first step for the treatment of the liver is to lead the patient to the righteous path and emotional

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2.5.7. Special frequencies for kidney, heart and liver

The three main organs are associated with three frequencies of particular importance:

•• Kidney 625

•• Heart 696

•• Liver 751

Here, the kidney is associated with the lowest frequency. This means that the kidney is also important for
the treatment of the two other organs. If there are kidney problems, it is sufficient to treat with the frequen-
cies for the kidneys. If there are heart problems, we have to treat the kidney and the heart; if there are liver
problems, we have to first treat kidney and heart and then the liver.

The liver has a strong electromagnetic field. Due to this, liver cells grow again if a portion of the liver has
been removed! The same applies to the tail of the salamander. The phantom pain also derives from the
electromagnetic field which comprises the no longer existing organs. The liver is a very quiet organ which
does not make itself felt when it is damaged.

2.6. Matrix
By using this module the categories of Nuno Nina´s gold frequencies can be determined through an infor-
mation field analysis which have possibly been overlooked in the indications. Here, surprising results can
become apparent. This module does not have to be used by default, but can be selected according to needs
or intuition. It is not part of Nuno Nina´s standard protocol.

After you have again checked the signal parameters here, you click Start Analysis. The post-analysis should
be activated with a threshold of 95%. Now the system analyzes on the information level in which of the
900 categories of the gold frequency database could be more important frequencies for the client. The
analysis can take several minutes. Among the results, you can select again by using the slider and selecting
or deselecting the check marks. The threshold value is generally 97%.

Now click Next so that the system searches in the selected categories for the appropriate frequencies. The
result is displayed as usual, and you can determine the number of frequencies using the slider. Check the
signal parameters again and click Play Again, a total duration of 15 minutes can be set, in the course of this,
the progress is determined constantly. Activate here again the frequencies that have reached 100%.

In Chapter 3.4 the main steps of the therapy according to Nuno Nina are summarized.

2.7. Automation
The therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina can be carried out in two ways. The therapist can use the
system manually and make, this way, new and current settings when the previous step of the treatment has
been finished.

However, the whole treatment process can be automated by the determination of a precise protocol prior to
the treatment. The manual method is preferred to the automated method in any case. However, the auto-
mated method is more practical and offers the therapist the possibility to treat more patients at the same
time. Besides that in order to transfer your desired program for the patient to the TimeWaver Home device,
you need to create an Automation first.

In the Automation module, one can immediately create and save a large number of different therapy proto-

28 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

cols which are then collocated in the folders provided for this purpose. First, one compiles a folder, e.g. with
the name Nuno Nina. For this purpose, one clicks on the left box, so that a menu bar with the terms New
Folder and New Protocol is displayed above. In this example, we created a protocol with the name Kidney 45
min. (See picture 2.7.1)

Picture 2.7.1: Automation

Before playing an automation, one can determine individually which entries should be played by setting or
removing of the individual check marks.

When setting the program parameters, the voltage does not have to be selected because the defaults of
the calibration are used in each case. However, if you want to set a current control, this is possible indepen-

Picture 2.7.2: Realtime

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

When a protocol is selected, you can click the big box on the right and then a new menu bar appears above,
with which you can create and edit new entries. If you click on “Create new entry”, the following window
opens. (See picture 2.7.2)

In this input field, one can now determine the parameters of the respective therapy sequence. In most
cases a therapy cycle starts with 3x 3 minutes or 1x 9 minutes real time in the frequency range of 1Hz to
1kHz. In this, one should pay special attention to the initial determination of the voltage that is tolerable for
the respective patient.

Picture 2.7.3: Resonance

In addition to Realtime cycles, one can also add Resonance (See picture 2.7.3) and Indications cycles here.
For the input field of the Resonance cycle, additional inputs are required: Here you can determine addition-
ally how many resonance frequencies should be considered in the therapy. You can also define a minimum
number and additionally specify at
what percentage frequencies shall
be applied. (See picture 2.7.4)

So as not to apply too many fre-

quencies, it is generally recom-
mended to work with three fre-
quencies and to set the minimum
percentage to 100%.

Picture 2.7.4: Indications

30 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

If you want to add an Indications

cycle, the following advanced input
box is displayed (See picture 2.7.5):

Picture 2.7.5: Selecting databases

On the right, you will additionally find another box for selecting frequency databases which can be applied
for the analysis. If you click Add, the following drop-down menu opens:

Here you can select one or more frequency databases as usual, such as the databases for kidney stimula-
tion which should be the beginning of each treatment. You can select the databases using the alphabetic
arrangement or the search function. Now you can see the selected parameters by clicking and opening the
individual therapy cycles.

Picture 2.7.6: View and edit an automation

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 31
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Furthermore, one can edit the individual cycles by clicking on Edit in the top bar (See picture 2.7.6). The but-
ton to Execute the therapy program is also in the top bar.

Now the following window appears. (See picture 2.7.7) This can be relocated using the mouse and the pro-
gram can be interrupted (Pause) or stopped and closed (Stop) in this window. Here, the current step of the
relevant automation program is always displayed.

Picture 2.7.7: Execution of an automation

2.7.1 Creating a frequency list automation
Under „Automation“ and „User“, create a new folder if necessary.

Picture Creating a new folder

32 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

Give a name for the created automation. (See picture

Picture Giving a name

Select the folder and click the white box on the right. Then click „New Log“. Name the protocol. (See picture

Picture New protocol

Select the protocol and click the white area on the right. By doing that, the menu bar at the top changes
itself. Click on the „New Entry“ button. Select the type of entry, such as „Real time“, select the total time and
the frequency range and then press “OK”. (See picture

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Picture New enrty- Realtime

Click again on „New Entry“. Select „Indications“. Enter the total time, for example 6m for 6 minutes (or 1h
for 1 hour). Select the „Lists“ modus. Click „Add“ then select the list (possibly check „Show lists of all cli-
ents„). Confirm with OK. (See picture

Picture New entry- Indications

34 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
2. Systemic work with the TimeWaver Frequency

Finished automation (See picture

Picture Finished automation

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3. Protocol to the use the TimeWaver Frequency

according to Nuno Nina

The therapy with the Timewaver Frequency takes place on the cellular level. On this level, the bioelectri-
cal processes of the cells are balanced with the appropriate frequencies. The appropriate frequencies are
determined by the direct query of the information field. For this purpose, inter alia Nuno Nina´s database
of gold frequencies, containing 130,000 frequencies arranged according to symptoms, is used. The therapy
on the cellular level should be supported by the analysis and the resolution of causes and the intake of four
selected biological remedies.

The supporting remedies are:

WavePure: At least three bottles are taken by the patient in succession. In the morning 15 ml are added
to 1.5 l water and taken throughout the day between the meals. After that, the therapist
decides about the further intake. For detoxification, this should be done by a healthy person at
least twice a year. This also applies to the following two remedies.

WaveRenal: Mix 20 ml with a cup of water 2x daily; 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

WaveHepar: Should be taken by every patient from the beginning. Three bottles should be used up. Then
make a pause of one week and continue as needed.

WaveBeing: Is taken daily as a dietary supplement to support TimeWaver Frequency therapies that are
applied for emotional, psychological or neural diseases.

The therapy according to Nuno Nina should be complemented by the intake of these remedies. The stan-
dard package for the patient consists of 3 bottles of WavePure, WaveRenal and WaveHepar each. If some-
body can not tolerate the remedies WaveRenal, WaveHepar, and WavePure, they should be applied gradu-
ally. In the first week, one starts with 5 ml or even only with 2 ml and then increases the dose by 5 ml
each, week by week until the recommended daily intake. If somebody does not tolerate the remedies in
the beginning, it may be the consequence of his disease. Then it is a therapy success to make the remedies
tolerable for the patient. Usually, there are no incompatibilities to be expected. Nuno Nina advises all of his
patients to take the three supplements, WavePure, WaveRenal, and WaveHepar for at least three months.
Some patients need to take WaveBeing as well.

3.1 Summary of the therapy protocol

The therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina always comprises four phases. In the first phase, an analysis
of the causes and a balancing in preparation for the therapy is carried out in the information field. This is
performed simultaneously with the frequency therapy. In the second phase, the body is prepared through a
real time and resonance balancing cycle each in the range of 1Hz to 1000Hz on the organic level. In the third
phase, the central therapy is carried out by specific selection of appropriate indications. The fourth phase
represents the completion of the therapy by embedding the achieved therapy success in the range of 15kHz
to 2 Mhz into the patient´s emotional body.

36 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical a.o. importance and the
3. TimeWaver Frequency work protocol according to Nuno Nina

3.2 The four treatment phases at a glance

Phase 1: Information field analysis and balancing of causes

Phase 2: Preparation of the body in the organic range from 1 Hz to 1000 Hz in the real time mode and the
resonance mode

Phase 3: Central phase of the therapy by selection and analysis of appropriate indications

Phase 4: Completion of the therapy by real time-and resonance balancing in the frequency range from 15
kHz to 2 Mhz for the emotional embedding of the success.

3.3 Detailed step sequence of Nuno Nina´s protocol

Step 1: Analysis and balancing in the information field; first pre-analysis, then selection of the main issues
with more than 80% under consideration of negative values, followed by the main analysis; vibra-
ting of healing information for 30 minutes in the background while beginning with step 2.

Step 2: Preparation of the patient´s organic body with 3 times Realtime from 1-1000 Hz for 3 minutes
(settings: square wave, calibration values; Fixed value for Sweeping 5Hz lin; no Offset; 3 minutes;
no pause; duration 10 sec)

Step 3: Balancing of Resonance frequencies 15 min resonance 1-1000 Hz; apply all frequencies of above
95%; threshold for progress analysis 95%; at this, the therapist´s intentional focus should be the
balancing of the physical imbalances. (Settings: square wave; calibration values; defined value
Sweeping 5 Hz lin; no Offset; 3 min; no pause; duration 10 sec). Play all frequencies until a progress
of 100% has been achieved and then reset them manually by removing the check mark.

Step 4: Indications
a) Selection of databases for the stimulation of renal function with subsequent therapy
b) Selection of further relevant issues for the subsequent therapy

Select the relevant symptoms at indications and then perform an analysis with the corresponding
focus. Depending on how many database entries were selected, a different threshold must be

with 30 entries: ca. 50%

with 150 entries: ca. 80%
with 500 entries: ca. 90%

Kidney and liver are to be treated in nearly every disease. Otherwise, according to the results
of the information field analysis and the known symptoms. In most cases, 2-4 frequencies
are treated. Frequencies above 90% are of particular importance. The analyzed frequencies should
be also applied for 15 minutes, but only until the individual frequency has reached 100%.

step 5: Realtime 15 kHz – 2 MHz; 3 x 3 minutes

step 6: Resonance 15 kHz – 2 MHz: focus on the connection of physical and emotional issues; 15 minutes

applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 37
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

3.4 Summary of the simple therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina

1. Analysis and balancing in the Information field 30 minutes

2. Realtime 1-1000 Hz; 3 x 3 minutes

3. Indications: a) focus on kidneys

b) focus on familiar issues; 27 minutes until all values have reached 100%
(subject to sufficient time).

5. Realtime 15 kHz – 2 MHz; 3 x 3 minutes (If there is sufficient time, then 15 min)

3.5 Summary of the sophisticated therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina

1. Analysis and balancing in the Information field 30 minutes

2. Realtime 1-1000 Hz; 3 x 3 minutes

3. Indications: a) focus on kidneys

b) focus on familiar issues; 27 minutes until all values have reached 100%
(subject to sufficient time).

4. Realtime 15 kHz – 2 MHz; 3 minutes (If there is sufficient time, then 15 min)

5. Resonance 15 kHz – 2 MHz: focus on the connection between physical and emotional issues; 6 to 15
minutes (Depending on sufficient time)

This therapy cycle is the ideal case, if there is sufficient time. In practice, the therapist mostly decides be-
tween point 3 Resonance and point 4 Indications.

38 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
3. TimeWaver Frequency work protocol according to Nuno Nina

4. Practical notes on the TimeWaver Frequency Therapy

4.1 Therapy initiation
There are two different ways to start a TimeWaver Frequency Therapy:

1. Perform an information field analysis and start with real time.

2. Prepare the body using real time and change it this way, then perform an information field analysis.

Both ways are good. If you know nothing about the patient and he or she has not much to tell, you can
safely choose the first option and get a first impression by an analysis in the information field. If the patient
is already well acquainted with his or her problem or one has very clear and detailed findings, it is sensible
to first prepare the body by real time balancing and then to perform an analysis and balancing in the infor-
mation field. This way the patient´s field is rearranged in order to obtain a current state for the balancing of
the information field. During the interview, the patient´s questions are more important than his answers.
One should pay attention to the patient´s sitting posture and how she or he holds the electrodes and so on.

4.2 Therapy details

•• Hold the hand electrodes that way that the cables are directed upwards

•• At the beginning, one should select a low intensity. Sensitivities can change in the course of the
therapy. In general, patients become more sensitive. It is not important to feel the current, this will
happen anyway. Patients with degenerative processes often feel nothing. If someone’s body is very
alkaline, he or she won´t feel anything or much too.

4.3 Behavior during therapy

•• While treating with low frequencies, one can talk to the patient, since these frequencies mainly act
in the patient´s physical body.

•• During the treatment with higher frequencies, the patient should sleep or rest with music and pref-
erably not talk, since the energy and information field will be restructured during this phase.

•• One can compile a selection of music as a database and then analyze which music is good for the

•• While treating children, their patience can be enhanced by a movie.

•• If the therapist gets a little tired during the treatments, he should ensure that he is grounded during
the therapy. This can be done by means of grounded shoes or bracelets that are connected with the
grounding of the electricity grid.

•• During the therapy, the therapist should not constantly look at the computer to observe the treat-
ment process. In this way, he puts the patient under pressure in a subtle way and involves himself
too much into the therapy process. During the therapy, he can for example work with the computer
or do email related tasks. However, in any case this should be done on a second computer, not
on the therapy computer. Since the computer components consist of silicon and have a chemical
structure similar to the carbon compounds in our body, computers are very sensitive for emotions,
thoughts, and vibrations of our body.

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4.4 Does the therapist stay in the room?

If the therapist is mentally and emotionally strong and present then it is useful to remain with the patient
in the therapy room. It is not necessary to think about the patient during the therapy or to be emotionally
involved in his problems or his person. Quite the contrary, this is a hindrance for the therapy because the
therapy may be influenced by one´s presence and expectations. An unconscious connection with the patient
is stronger than a conscious or a spatial one. However, if one is connected with the patient on another level,
one has to release this connection in order not to get ill oneself.

4.5 Acute and chronic diseases

In the therapy with the TimeWaver Frequency, the therapist generates a musical symphony of frequen-
cies with the system, in order to change the patient´s field into a harmonious state. This harmonious state
is characterized by a harmonious ratio of positive and negative ions in the tissue, in the cells, and in the
extracellular space. For this reason, it is of particular importance to generate cycles and rhythms during the
therapy that are in resonance with the patient and his situation.

Acute diseases generally require short cycles and fast rhythms. In this case, one uses short frequency
intervals (standard of 10 seconds) and a short cycle time of three minutes, that is generally repeated three
times. In long term chronic diseases, or diseases with delayed symptoms, one operates with longer cycles
and slower rhythms. Due to this, one can set the frequency time to one to three minutes and increase the
total duration of a cycle up to 20 minutes. The total duration and the frequency time should be increased in
the same ratio. In any case, three cycle should be performed, if possible. However, the generated music is
not suitable for our ears.

Example of a chronic disease: dialysis

· 3 cycles of 20 minutes each; time per frequency to 1,3 minutes (all multiplied with factor 7)

4.6 Meaning of waveforms

The three standard waveforms of the TimeWaver Frequency are square wave, triangle, and sinus. They are
applied for different purposes.

40 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
4. Practical notes on the TimeWaver Frequency Therapy

The Square wave is very invasive and simply pro-

motes its matters. Due to this, it is very suitable for
strong therapies. There are two further variants of
square wave oscillation, asymmetrical biphasic (See
picture 4.6.1.) and asymmetrical monophasic (See
picture 4.6.2.), which also act invasively.

They are mainly used for frequencies lower than 50

Hz, especially in current control. Due to the short
impulse duration, it acts more selectively and more
intensive than the square wave oscillation. It is mainly
applied in the defined programs, e.g. in pain therapy.
Picture 4.6.1: Asymmetrical biphasic square wave In most cases, the biphasic oscillation form is se-
lected as it does not generate a galvanic polarity. The
polarity of the anode and cathode must be taken into
account for the monophasic waveform.

Picture 4.6.2: Asymmetrical monophasic square wave

The Sinus wave (See picture 4.6.3.) is soft and clings

to the patient´s field. This oscillation is also used to
prepare the patient for the more intensive therapy
with square wave oscillation. In Sinus wave the
patient´s acute issues often come to light. The symp-
toms that occur especially often in this waveform are
particularly characteristic for the current state of the
patient. This applies to Realtime analyses, Resonance,
and Indications, if one selects the option “Determine
multiple values by analysis” when setting the wave-
Picture 4.6.3: Sinus wave

The triangular oscillations (See picture 4.6.4.) go also

more in resonance with the body than the square
wave oscillations and show, due to this, the issues of
the body.

Picture 4.6.4: Triangular wave

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

4.7 Duration of the therapy

There should be a maximum duration of 10 to 12 days between two treatments since the effect of the cur-
rent treatment abates within such an interval. It is the aim to build on the therapy effect of the previous
treatment and to preserve and strengthen it this way.

•• In degenerative processes and other severe diseases, there should be a treatment every two days.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays would be a good cycle. For example:

•• Mondays: normal program for one hour according to the standard therapy protocol •

•• Wednesdays: Realtime and then indications with the databases Electrolyte level and Mutation be-
hind for 1 ½ to 2 hours to deacidify the tissue and to increase the cell membrane potential.

•• Fridays: normal program for one hour according to the standard therapy protocol

•• In the case of a chemotherapy, the programs for liver and kidney should be applied in any case (fre-
quencies and strengthening supplements).

4.8 Completion of the therapy

If you have treated a patient with real time, resonance and indications, you have to complete the therapy in
an orderly manner. Ideally, one finishes a therapy session by completing three cycles in the frequency range
from 15kHz to 2 Mhz on the resonance level and reaching 100% for all frequencies. If this is not possible due
to time constraints, one can perform a 3 minutes real time session in the frequency range from 15kHz to 2

•• If one has not reached 100% for all frequencies, then perform subsequently 1 x 3 minutes of
Realtime in the same frequency range.

•• As a rule, one finishes with 3 x 3 cycles of resonance, thus 15 minutes on 15 kHz to 2 Mhz.

•• If this does not work due to a lack of time, 1 x 3 minutes 15 KHz to 2 Mhz of Realtime

•• If one has not reached 100% for all frequencies at the end of resonance, then perform subsequently
1 x 3 minutes of Realtime in the same frequency range.

4.9 Electrode placement

Generally, hand-electrodes or large adhesive electrodes should be placed on the palm. The hand electrodes
should be plugged into channel A of the device. The second channel can be used to apply more local elec-
trodes. In the therapy protocol according to Nuno Nina, hand electrodes are used exclusively. In the applica-
tion of defined programs, the main electrodes must be plugged into channel A.

42 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
4. Practical notes on the TimeWaver Frequency Therapy

5. Applications
5.1. Integration of isolated systems in complex systems
Characteristic of the scientific development in the Third Millennium Isolated systems integrate themselves
in complex systems but are not enough to cure a disease. Generally therein lies the clue, not an isolated
theme as we might think.

We create these isolated themes by the way we think. So as soon as we’ve got a patient who has pain in
his legs, we immediately start to search for some way to remove their pain. We start to search for some
frequencies which are for the legs but the root cause of this problem lies elsewhere.

Which abilities do our bodies have?

Our body has the ability to:

•• Recognize a foreign agent in the body

•• Trigger mechanisms to eliminate them

•• Acquire immunity against future attacks

Why is it so?

This is because we have:

•• A defense system that is constantly alert and can be activated at any time.  

•• System memory, designed to recognize the foreign agent if it is present again.  

•• Through senses we receive all kinds of information. These information is being reciprocated in
the form of memory. As it’s known, ultimately the only things which can affect us are emotions.
Naturally, the only reason emotions happen and affect us is due to the MEMORY.

How do our bodies protect themselves?

•• We have immunological memory against future attacks, but our immune system is not fully autono-
mous. It is also controlled by the central nervous system!  

•• The central nervous system communicates with the organs of the immune system through nerve
endings that release chemicals which are called: neurotransmitters.

•• Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell
across a synapse.

The study of those relations between such systems defines a field knowledge called neuroimmunology. This
is the language which enables us to communicate with central nervous system.

Neuroimmunology is a field combining neuroscience, the study of the nervous system, and immunology, the
study of the immune system. Neuroimmunologists seek to better understand the interactions of these two
complex systems during development, homeostasis, and response to injuries. A long-term goal of this rapid-
ly developing research area is to further develop our understanding of the pathology of certain neurological
diseases, some of which have no clear etiology. In doing so, neuroimmunology contributes to development
of new pharmacological treatments for several neurological conditions. Many types of interactions involve
both the nervous and immune systems including but not limited to the physiological functioning of the two

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 43
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

systems in both health and disease, malfunction of either and or both systems that leads to disorders, and
the physical, chemical, and environmental stressors that affect the two systems on a daily basis.

The endocrine system also has important relationships with the immune system: cortisol (the adrenal hor-
mone released during stress) In other words neuroimunoendocrinology

The endocrine system is the system of glands, each of which secretes different types of hormones directly
into the bloodstream (some of which are transported along nerve tracts [citation needed]) to maintain
homeostasis. The endocrine system is in contrast to the exocrine system, which secretes its chemicals us-
ing ducts. The word endocrine derives from the Greek words “endo” meaning inside, within, and “crinis” for
secrete. The endocrine system is an information signal system like the nervous system, yet its effects and
mechanism are classifiably different.

The endocrine system’s effects are slow to initiate, and prolonged in their response, lasting from a few
hours up to weeks. The nervous system sends information very quickly, and responses are generally short
lived. Hormones are substances (chemical mediators) released from endocrine tissue into the bloodstream
where they travel to target tissue and generate a response. Hormones regulate various human functions,
including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, and mood.

As we know, when we are suffering from a severe infection or immunological changes (Immunization pro-
cedures), we become depressed. The chronic depression is characterized by an elevation of cortisol, which is


Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology is the term describing the unity of mental, neurological, hormonal

and immune functions with its many potential applications. PNIE addresses the influence of the cognitive
images of the mind (whatever its elusive definition) on the central nervous system and consequent inter-
actions with the endocrine and immune systems. It encompasses several arenas, including but not limited
to biofeedback and voluntary controls, the impacts of thought and belief on physiology, past and present
effects of stress on mental, emotional, and physical functions, placebo effects, cumulative effects of social
relationships on health and disease, and contiguous and remote impacts of “energy medicine” on one’s own
function and that of others.

Isolated systems integrate themselves in complex systems

What is the solution?

•• To change the internal terrain of our body, so that no disease can develop inside

How to change our inner terrain?

Before answering this question, let us look at a simple fact. In the nature, heat energy causes all matter to
expand. In other words, substances expand or get bigger when they are heated up and cold causes shrink-
age in them.

But water is different from all these other substances around us; these facts do not apply to water.

As we all know, depending on the age, humans comprise 70 to 90% of water. And our brain consists of 85%

No Water, No Life!

44 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

It is in the water that the memory information resides. We can also change the information of the water
through our consciousness. In old cultures people used to pray before eating and bless the food, in this way
memory information of water would change.

When we submit the water to impulses of electric fields, we can change all information.

It is important to have the correct “settings” of these impulses of electric fields.

5.1.1. Therapy Protocol Anxiety reduction

What to do for a patient who is full of anxiety?
After decreasing anxiety in a patient, you can change a lot in the patient.

1) Realtime in low range of frequencies 3 x 3 minutes

2) Indication from Gold Frequencies Database:

depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness 1 or 2 frequencies should be chosen and brought to 100%

3) then for 34 minutes Nuno Nina’s frequencies as follows:

•• Use for 6 min

0,07Hz; 30,13Hz

•• Use for 12 min

0,34Hz; 136 Hz; 0,02Hz; 2,743MHz; 0,39Hz; 156,6Hz; 0,02 Hz; 2,146MHz

•• Use for 6 min

0,24 Hz; 769,8MHz; 4,73 Hz; 38,33Mhz

•• Use for 5 min

1,23Hz ; 200,9Mhz0,24 Hz; 769,8MHz; 4,73 Hz; 38,33Mhz

•• Use for 5 min

1,23Hz ; 200,9Mhz

4) To finish: Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes then 4 minutes.

Please note that these 34 minutes of above mentioned frequencies and the also in finalizing state, it is im-
portant to use Realtime for 3 minutes and then 4 minutes.

5.1.2. Therapy Protocol for Acne

A disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles; specifically: a form found
chiefly in adolescents and marked by pimples especially on the face.

1) Realtime in low range for 3 x 3 min

2) Indications from Gold Frequencies:

Acne 1 or 2 frequencies should be chosen and brought to 100%

3) Then Nuno Nina’s following frequencies should be used for 12 minutes:

28,01 Hz; 11,3 Mhz; 1,4Hz; 227,5MHz

4) To finish: Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes then 4 minutes.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 45
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5.1.3. Therapy Protocol for Arthritis

The main difference between bacteria and mycoplasmas is that the bacteria have a cell wall, solid and there-
fore a defined shape which facilitates their identification, whereas mycoplasmas have only a flexible mem-
brane, which is more difficult to identify.

1) Realtime in low range for 3 x 3 min

2) Indications from Gold Frequencies databases, the following should be chosen and analysed:
“Streptococcus, Pneumonia”, “Mycoplasma pneumonia”, “Pneumonia, General” and “Mycoplasma general”

From the results 3 or 4 frequencies can be chosen and brought to 100%

3) Indications from Gold Frequencies databases, “Arthritis, general”

Repeat step II. But this time only one frequency should be chosen. (If in the result, couple of 99% appeared,
then two frequencies should be chosen.)

4) To finish: Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes then 4 minutes.

5.1.4. Therapy Protocol for Eye problems

1) Realtime in low range of frequencies 3 x 3 minutes (Hand-electrodes in both hands.)

2) Indication from Gold Frequencies database: Eye frequencies.

One hand electrode with one hand and with the other hand-electrode very gently circulate around
the affected eye.

3) Indication from Gold Frequencies database: “Mutation behind”, 1 one or 2 frequencies should be chosen
and brought to 100% (Hand-electrodes in both hands.)

4) To finish: Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes and then
4 minutes. (Hand-electrodes in both hands.)

5.1.5. Therapy Protocol for Addiction

1) Realtime in low range of frequencies 3 x 3 minutes

2) Indications from Gold Frequencies: “drug addiction” chose 2 or 3 frequencies, bring it to 100%

3) Then 10,000Hz for 12 minutes

4) To finish: Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes and then 4 minutes.

5.1.6. Alternative Detox Therapy Protocol

1) Realtime in low range of frequencies 3 x 3 minutes

2) Indications from Gold frequencies:

Each of the following topics should be analysed separately but all the selected frequencies should
be added together and brought to 100%.

•• Circulation (all 4 databases should be selected and analysed. Apply 2 to 3 entries.)

46 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Lymph (all databases should be selected and analysed. Apply 2 to 3 entries.)

•• Vitality (all databases should be selected and analysed. Apply 2 to 3 entries.)

•• Detox (all databases should be selected and analysed. Apply 2 to 3 entries.)

3) Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes and then then 4 minutes.

5.1.7. Bringing structure to the water of the body with TimeWaver Frequency
Cleansing the memory of water is good for relieving pain of cancer patients (who have to much acid) and is
also helpful for eye problems (which are very sensitive to acid in the body), e.g.

1) Realtime in low range of frequencies 3 x 3 minutes.

2) Indications from Gold frequencies:

Each of the following topics should be analyzed separately but all the selected frequencies should
be added together and brought to 100%.

•• Circulation (all 4 databases should be selected and analyzed. Apply 1 to 3 entries.)

•• Lymph (all databases should be selected and analyzed. Apply 1 to 3 entries.)

•• Lungs General database (should be selected and analyzed. Apply 1 to 3 entries.)

•• Mutation behind database (should be selected and analyzed. Apply 1 to 3 entries.)

3) Realtime the high range of frequencies should be chosen for 3 minutes and then 4 minutes.

If homocysteine is too high, the body cannot detoxify well. No matter what we do, we release acid.
That’s the problem. The body needs to excrete the acid because it is not suitable for the body to
work with acid.

If lung or kidneys do not work properly, there are problems (such as back pain, white patches in the
teeth, etc. which all indicate acid problems.

Weak, volatile acids are excreted through the lungs. The other via the kidneys. Therefore it’s
important to first normalize kidney and lung functions for the patients who have acid problems in
their bodies.

Wave Renal, Wave Pure Hepar helps the body to excrete the acid and detox.

5.2. A Tip for using TimeWaver Frequency

•• Helpful to have a picture of the situation of the patient

•• Search from Indications, Gold Frequencies “Normalize”

•• Select all the databases in connection with Normalization and Analyze

•• You will see a high relevancy. If couple of entries have the same relevancy, then you should choose
what is needed for your patient. The first entry should not necessarily be selected. Generally after
the normalization, the patient feels very tired.

•• These Normalization Frequencies can be used in combination with other indications.

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5.3. Effects of tidal forces on people

We know that the Moon is in the charge of tides and in this way controls waters. So if the moon influences
the tides, so it is natural that it also affects humans, given that a large percentage of our body is water.

5.3.1. Planetary frequencies

There are different cycles in the nature, such as day and night, seasons, etc. In the same way, we also have
cycles in our lives with certain frequencies. We took birth on the earth because we were in resonance with
the frequency of the earth otherwise we would take birth in some other planet. The earth has a frequency
which is called “Earth day”. An earth day is between 00:00 o’clock and 24:00 o’clock. There is a frequency
to remove blockages and come into harmony with oneself and nature. Its database is called “Planetary
Frequencies Earth Day”.

Earth Day:

The tone ‘G’ with 194.18 Hz is the 24th octaves of one earth day. That means the tuning fork oscillates 194.18
times per second back and forth.

If you duplicate these vibrations at 24 octave lower, the tuning fork would need exactly one day to oscillate
back and forth. To move to a lower octave is to halve the frequency, to more up an octave is to double the

An octave is the fundamental musical interval in the general teaching of harmony. The sequence of the
tones as well as the names of the tones is repeated from octave to octave.

Out of all intervals the octave causes the strongest resonance at an equal level of energy.

Thus the tone G with 194,18 Hz is, according to the classical musical definition, the ‘day-tone’.

This particular property of the octave is the reason its laws are applied not only to the band of audible oscil-
lations but also to all periodical phenomena, for example the earth’s rotation or the orbits of the planets.

The knowledge about the magical effect of the octave is an ancient one. One of the mysterious inscriptions
on the steeples of the abbey church of Cluny in France says:

“Octavus Sanctos Omnes Decet Esse Beatos”

“The octave teaches the saints bliss.”

Also nature conforms to the law of the octave.

Thus the electromagnetic impulses in the earth’s atmosphere are mostly exact octave frequencies to the
earth’s rotation. Because of the existing frequencies it is possible to tell if the weather will change in 1 1/2 to
2 days or not, whether a cold front will arrive etc..

It has been proved that protein molecules are influenced by certain frequencies of spherics. This is of great
importance for medicine.

If you are tuned to the day-tone (194.18 Hz), you are tuned to the weather determining spheric frequency,
as well as to the micro-biological molecular area of proteins. Being tuned to that sound brings you in many
respects into harmony with nature and yourself. Just think of how many different proteins we are made of
and how essential they are for us!

48 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Earth Year:

The frequency of the year is the best oscillation for everyday stress relief, to regain inner peace, open
blocked energy pathway and restore balance. Its database is called: “Planetary Frequencies Earth Year”.


Both the “Planetary Frequencies Earth day” and “Planetary Frequencies Earth Year” databases which you
have received, are ONLY meant for the therapists. It is suggested that the therapists use these frequencies
before starting their therapies in the morning. Also they could be used at any other time during the day.
These frequencies are to be used as indication; one chooses one Frequency with the highest relevancy and
brings it to 100%. There is no need to do Realtime and resonance, since the therapists themselves can’t do
that for themselves. These unique Databases are exceptions which the therapists can use them for them-

Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not accept the existence of information fields, their medical or any
other relevance and the TimeWaver systems with their applications due to a lack of scientific evidence as
defined by medical standards. This seminar is only meant for professional TimeWaver users. The statements
herein - also possible mentioning of indications or other medical terminology - only express their personal
views and experiences. The statements are not accepted by academic medicine due to the lack of scientific
and medical evidence. Whether these statements have any relevant physiological relevance or impact on a
person has to be determined by a professional therapist under his sovereignty. Whether any mentioned or
any other treatment successes can be ascribed to the usage of any of the TimeWaver systems and methods
or to any other treatment method (e.g. academic medical approaches or placebo effect) cannot be proven.
Any treatment success therefore only expresses the personal view of the therapist.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 49
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5.4. NN Electrode Points

NN Points are generally used in combination with hand –
electrodes. (See picture: 5.4.1. and 5.4.2.)

Once the electrodes are placed on the proper place,

the therapy starts with Realtime, Resonance,

For NN-Points there is no need to create galvanic flows.

Note: if the NN-Point is located on the left side of the body,

then the hand-electrode should be placed on the right hand.
In the same way, if the NN-Point is located on the right side
of the body, the hand-electrode should be placed on the left

Picture 5.4.1: NN points

50 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Picture 5.4.2: NN points

5.4.1. Abscesses
An abscess is a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue, which can occur anywhere in the
body, including on the skin and inside organs and tissues. When an abscess forms around a hair follicle, it is
known as a boil. The abscess is called a carbuncle when the skin is red, painful, swollen, and warm, and it
forms an elevated lump.

People with a compromised immune system, such as those with HIV/AIDS or diabetes, are more susceptible
to a serious infection.

Each of the following symptoms can appear on the face, the chest, or the back.
•• Red spots, bumps, or white/yellow pustules, often inflamed and painful
•• Swollen, red, and hot area around the lesion Fever

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Root Causes
•• Impaired immune system
•• Trauma
•• Digestive mal-absorption and toxicity
•• Improper drainage of tissues
•• Bacterial invasion, poor nutrition
•• Clothing rubbing against the skin
•• Puncture wounds or cuts

The following tests will help to assess possible reasons for chronic abscess or boil formation:
•• Immune system imbalance or disease—blood
•• Intestinal permeability—urine
•• Detoxification profile—urine
•• Vitamin and mineral analysis (especially vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, iron)—blood, urine
•• Digestive function and microbe/parasite/fungal testing—stool analysis
•• Anaemia—blood test (CBC, iron, ferritin, % saturation)
•• Food and environmental allergies/sensitivities—blood, electrodermal
•• Blood-sugar balance—blood

Recommended Food

✓✓ Dark-green or orange vegetables are especially helpful because they contain carotenoids, which
help maintain and repair the skin. Eat them raw or lightly cooked to retain their nutrients and fiber.

✓✓ A quarter of a cup of ground flaxseeds provides helpful essential fatty acids and plenty of fiber for
proper elimination. Take with at least 8 ounces of clean, quality water.

✓✓ Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, are good sources of skin-healthy
vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

✓✓ Quality protein sources are beans, peas, lentils,

✓✓ Meat products should be hormone and antibiotic-free and very limited.

✓✓ Drink a glass of clean, quality water every two waking hours to flush toxins out of the body and
maintain good general health.

✓✓ Fresh vegetable juices reduce toxins and aid in skin healing. Drink 12 ounces or more daily.

Food to Avoid
✓✓ Eliminate processed grains, colas, sugar, and candy. These products suppress immune function.

✓✓ Food allergies or sensitivities, such as an allergy to cow’s milk, can be a root cause.

✓✓ Avoid saturated and hydrogenated fats, which worsen skin inflammation. Stay away from fried

52 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

foods and solid fats, such as margarine, lard, and vegetable shortening.

✓✓ Coffee and other caffeinated products may aggravate skin conditions. If they cause problems, cut
them out and drink herbal teas instead.

✓✓ People with carbohydrate sensitivity may notice skin improvement by reducing their carbohydrate
intake and increasing their protein sources. This is because elevated levels of the blood sugar-regu-
lating hormone insulin increase skin inflammation.

Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal only, for 3 days, then add Wave Hepar.

This combination should be maintained for up to 3 months.

Wave Pure
•• Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.
•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.

•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal
•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
•• Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Hepar
•• Depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, cleansing and hepato-protective action of the blood.
•• Take 25 drops at the end of the three main meals, in half a glass of water. 3.75ml daily.

Wave Oxy
•• Acts in a synergistic action providing better health and quality of life to those who take it.
•• Take one ampoule daily on an empty stomach, in half a glass of water. 10ml or 1 ampoule daily.

Electrodes Points
•• NN-46: On the back, the top of the hip bone towards the tip. Same line as the top of the sacrum.
Fortifies the immune system, rejuvenates the internal organs, and relieves pain associated with
lower back problems. (Yaogen)
•• NN-83: On the back of the hand, the indentation between your thumb and forefinger. Eliminates
pain, clears the channels, delivers power to the lungs. A famous decongestant and anti-inflammato-
ry point; it relieves arthritic pain and strengthens the immune system. (Hegu)

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Abscesses:

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 53
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Abscesses
•• Staphylococcus aureus
•• Listeriose
•• Inflammation, general
•• Immune system stabilization
•• Immune system stimulation
•• Immune, stimulate, normalize function
•• Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz

54 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square

•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

5.4.2. Appendicitis
Appendicitis is swelling (inflammation) of the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch attached to the be-
ginning of the large intestine.

•• The symptoms of appendicitis can vary. It can be hard to diagnose appendicitis in young children,
the elderly, and women of childbearing age.
•• The first symptom is often pain around the belly button. The pain may be minor at first, but it be-
comes more sharp and severe. Appetite will be reduced, and there may be an onset of nausea, vom-
iting, and a low fever.
•• As the swelling in the appendix increases, the pain tends to move into the right lower abdomen. It
focuses right above the appendix at a place called McBurney’s point. This most often occurs 12 to 24
hours after the illness starts.
•• If the appendix breaks open (ruptures), the patient may have less pain and feel better for a short
time. However, once the lining of the abdominal cavity becomes swollen and infected (a condition
called peritonitis), the pain gets worse and the patient becomes sicker.

Later symptoms include:

•• Chills
•• Constipation
•• Diarrhea
•• Fever
•• Nausea
•• Shaking
•• Vomiting

Root Causes
Appendicitis is one of the most common causes of emergency abdominal surgery in the United States. It
usually occurs when the appendix becomes blocked by faeces, a foreign object, or rarely, a tumor.

A rectal exam may find tenderness on the right side of the rectum.

In some cases, other tests may be needed, including:

•• Abdominal CT scan

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

•• Abdominal ultrasound

✓✓ Diet should include coarse cereals, fruits, and vegetables; and most importantly, soluble fiber to
promote healthy bowel movements. Once the toxic waste matter in the caecum has moved into the
colon, the irritation and inflammation in the appendix may subside on its own.
✓✓ Additionally, moong (whole green gram) water is an excellent remedy for acute appendicitis. It can
be take in small quantities (½-1 cup) two to three times a day. Consuming fenugreek seeds, soaked
and boiled in half a litre of water, may be helpful in preventing excess deposition of mucus and in-
testinal wastes. Vegetable juices can also be of immense value in appendicitis.
✓✓ A combination of beetroot and cucumber juice or a blend of carrot and spinach can be taken twice
to relieve symptoms. Consuming one litre of buttermilk can also be beneficial in the management of
chronic appendicitis.

Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal only, for 3 days, then add Liver detox. This combination shall be maintained
for up to 3 months.

Wave Pure

Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.

•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.

•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal

•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Hepar
•• Depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, cleansing and hepato-protective action of the blood.
•• Take between 25 drops at the end of the three main meals, in half a glass of water. 3.75ml daily.

•• Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) – Antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic of the urinary tract
and used to treat prostate issues.
•• Narrow-leaved purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia) – Immuno-stimulator, anti-inflammatory,
antibiotic, antiviral.
•• Woundwort (Solidago virgaurea) – Diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory.

56 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical a.o. importance and the
5. Applications

•• Uva-ursi (Uva-ursi) – Urinary antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

•• Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita pepo) – Antiandrogenic, antimitotic, urinary anti-inflammatory.

Electrodes Points
•• NN-32: Beneath NN-33, towards the sides. Point of small intestine reflex, irregular menstruation, uri-
nary retention. (Jingzh ong)

•• Fluxes: 1, 3, 8, 11

•• NN-77: On the inner face of the arm, just above the articulation in the centre of the bone. Intestinal
problems, bronchitis, heat exhaustion, pain in the elbow and arm. (Quze)
Fluxes: 4

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Appendicitis

Important – Seek medical help! If micro-perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drink-
ing any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal.

Real Time
Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled;
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled;
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled;
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s

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TimeWaver Frequency Manual

•• Pause: Disabled;
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.

•• Appendicitis

Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

•• Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled;
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled;
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

5.4.3. Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a persistent and annoying fungal infection of the foot. It com-
monly occurs between the toes and the toenails but can also occur on other areas of the foot. The skin
between the toes can appear red, cracked, and scaly. Sores and blisters can form on the soles of the feet
and between the toes. The infected areas may burn or itch.

Moisture and warmth provide an environment for this fungus to thrive. Public or private showers, locker
rooms, gym floors, and hotel bathrooms are common places for a person to contract this fungus. People
with sweaty feet are more susceptible to getting athlete’s foot. Some have a natural resistance to athlete’s
foot, while others must be more careful with hygiene. Changing into clean socks reduces the risk of reinfec-

58 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Burning, itching, and cracking between the toes and on other places of the foot
•• Patches of dry skin
•• Yellowish-brown toenails

Root Causes
•• Prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics or corticosteroids, leading to a depletion of good bacteria
•• Depressed immune system (e.g., diabetes)
•• A high-sugar diet that normally keep fungus alive
•• Poor hygiene (feet in a damp environment)
•• Poor digestion and elimination

The following tests assess possible metabolic reasons for candidiasis:
•• Candida levels—stool, blood (antibodies), or urine (yeast metabolites)
•• Intestinal permeability—urine test

Recommended Food
✓✓ For high-density nutrition and immune support, base meals around fresh vegetables, whole grains,
and quality sources of lean protein, such as beans, lentils, fish, and organic poultry.
✓✓ To replace friendly bacteria, eat unsweetened yogurt daily. Sauerkraut and miso are other examples
of foods that contain friendly bacteria.
✓✓ Vegetable and green drinks will improve resistance. Drink 8 glasses of clean quality water a day to
help flush out yeast toxins. Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds daily. Flaxseeds have
antifungal properties.

Food to Avoid
✓✓ Fungus feeds on sugar and yeast, so reduce or eliminate obvious sugars in the diet, such as refined
foods, which are likely to be loaded with sugars.
✓✓ Avoid or reduce the use of fruits and fruit juices during the initial phase (first month) of treatment. It
is especially important to avoid these foods between meals.

•• Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal only, for 3 days, then add Wave Hepar while maintaining Wave
Pure and Wave Renal.
•• Take also Wave Oxy.
•• This combination shall be maintained for up to 3 months.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 59
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Wave Pure
•• Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.
•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.
•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal
•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
•• Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Hepar
•• Depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, cleansing and hepato-protective action of the blood.
•• Take between 25 drops at the end of the three main meals, in half a glass of water. 3.75ml daily.

Wave Oxy
•• Acts in a synergistic action providing better health and quality of life to those who take it.
•• Take one ampoule daily on an empty stomach, in half a glass of water. 10ml or 1 ampoule daily.

•• Mediterranean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) – Venotonic, vasoconstrictor, astringent, diuretic.
•• Silver birch (Betula verrugosa) –Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, urinary antiseptic.
•• Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) – Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, depurative, febrifuge, astringent,
urinary antiseptic.
•• Woundwort (Solidago virgaurea) – Diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory.

Electrodes Points
•• Lesser Mansion: When a loose fist is made where the tip of the little finger rests between the 4th
and 5th metacarpal bones. HT Fire effecting the SI effecting the UB, heat descending to the lower
•• jiao - incontinence, difficult urination, fungal infections, genital itching. (Shao Fu)

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Athlete’s Foot

Tips! Also see Epidermophyton floccinum and Tinea frequencies. Use all for 5 minutes.

60 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Real Time
•• Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 7V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 2MHz to 10MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 7V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:
•• Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Athlete’s Foot
•• Epidermophyton floccinum
•• Tinea
•• Fungus and mould, V
•• Immune, stimulate, normalize function
•• Immune system stabilization
•• Immune system stimulation
•• Toxin, elimination

Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 61
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 2MHz to 10MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 7V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

5.4.4. Asthma
A condition often of allergic origin that is marked by continuous or paroxysmal laboured breathing accompa-
nied by wheezing, by a sense of constriction in the chest, and often by attacks of coughing or gasping.

Asthma is a serious respiratory disease that literally leaves its victims breathless. People with asthma usu-
ally have a combination of problems in the lungs: bronchial muscle spasms, swelling of the mucus linings,
and increased mucus production. When a susceptible person is exposed to a trigger, such as environmental
irritants, allergens, heavy exertion, or even anxiety, the passages inflame further and block air from flowing
freely, resulting in an asthma attack. In a severe attack, a person who doesn’t receive emergency medical
care can suffocate.

•• Difficulty breathing
•• Increased heart rate
•• Wheezing
•• Constriction of the muscles in the bronchial airways
•• Coughing
•• Tightness in the chest
•• Inflammation of the mucus linings
•• Loss of sleep due to coughing and blocked airways
•• Increased mucus flow

Root Causes
•• Triggers that bring on an attack vary from person to person but most often include:
•• Allergies, either environmental or food
Cold air
•• Heavy physical exertion
•• Pollution and irritants

62 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Poor digestive function

•• Infections (colds, flu, or other respiratory infections)
•• Hormone imbalance*
•• Emotional stress
•• Diagnosis

The following tests can provide an assessment of possible metabolic reasons for asthma:
•• Food allergy/sensitivity testing—blood, electrodermal testing
•• Vitamin and mineral analysis—blood
•• Fungal and flora balance—stool analysis
•• Toxic metals—hair or urine analysis
•• Intestinal permeability—urine
•• Stress hormones DHEA and Cortisol—saliva or urine
•• Omega-3 level—blood

Diet plays a role in many cases of asthma.

Recommended Food
✓✓ Eat foods that don’t promote mucus production: raw vegetables and fruits, seeds, whole grains, lean
✓✓ Carotenoids are antioxidants that have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. They are
found in dark-green leafy vegetables and deep-yellow and orange vegetables.
✓✓ Garlic and onions have anti-inflammatory properties and are a savoury addition to vegetable dishes.
✓✓ A glass of clean quality water every two waking hours will help keep the system cleansed and hy-
drated. Water is especially helpful after an asthma attack to break up mucus.
✓✓ Ground flaxseeds are an excellent source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. For children
over five years of age, use 1 to 2 teaspoons, and for adults, the dosage is 1 to 2 tablespoons daily.

Food to Avoid
✓✓ It is most important to discover whether certain foods provoke allergic reactions.
✓✓ Eliminate dairy products from the diet. They encourage the production of mucus that plugs the air-
ways. For the same reason, stay away from sugar, junk food, and fried and refined foods.
✓✓ Do not eat foods that contain additives or preservatives. This means avoiding processed foods, dried
or smoked foods, and salad bars, which are often sprayed with preservatives, such as tartrazine
(yellow dye number 5), red dye, sulphites (as found in dried fruits), benzoates, and monosodium
glutamate (MSG).

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✓✓ Never eat frozen or extremely cold foods, which can cause the airways’ muscles to tighten.
✓✓ Keep pressure off the diaphragm by eating small meals and by avoiding foods that cause gas, such
as beans and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are the most com-
mon offenders).

Take only Wave Pure and Wave Renal for 3 days, then add Wave Hepar while maintaining Wave Pure and
Wave Renal.

Take also Inspire Balance.

This combination should be maintained for up to 3 months.

Wave Pure

Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.
•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.
•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal
•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them, and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
•• Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Hepar
•• Depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, cleansing and hepato-protective action of the blood.
•• Take between 25 drops at the end of the three main meals, in half a glass of water. 3.75ml daily.

Inspire Balance

•• It acts directly on the respiratory system.

Dilute 15ml in half a glass of water, before each main meal (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner). 45ml daily.

•• Common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) – Antitussive.
•• Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) – Antiseptic, balsamic.
•• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) – Expectorant, antitussive, also contains antibiotic properties.
•• Dog rose (Rosa canina) – Immuno-stimulator. Natural source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

64 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Tolu balsam (resinous secretion of Myroxylon balsamum) – Anti-inflammatory, expectorating, spas-

•• Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) – Bactericide, expectorant and contains antibiotic properties.

Electrodes Points
•• NN-11: On the side of the nostrils. Clears the nasal passages, warm winds dispersed and facial pa-
ralysis. (Yingxiang)
•• NN-16: In the throat, depression of pharyngeal prominence. Bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, loss of
voice. (Lianquan)
•• NN-18: In a depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the CV line. Opens and
relaxes the chest - asthma, constricted breathing, cough, chest tightness. Tonify KD Deficiency lead-
ing to adrenal exhaustion - fatigue, lowered immunity. Local point for neck a/or jaw issues - pain,
tension. (Zhong Feng) Fluxes: 10
•• NN-19: In depression “V” between the clavicles. Help move the chi of the lungs, cools the throat,
clears the voice. (Tiantu)
Fluxes: 10
•• NN-21: Below the clavicle for articulation arm. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, cough,
gasp, blockages of the throat, runny nose, sweating, neck tumour. (Zongfu)
Fluxes: 4
•• NN-64: On the inside face of the leg, directly behind the ankle bone. Asthma, matter, hysteria, uri-
nary retention, heel pain. (Dazhong)
•• NN-83: On the back of the hand, the indentation between your thumb and forefinger. Eliminates
pain, clears the channels, delivers power to the lungs. A famous decongestant and anti-inflammato-
ry point; it relieves arthritic pain and strengthens the immune system. (Hegu)

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Asthma

Tips! Also see Liver support, and Parasites roundworms, and Ascaris to determine which set works best.

Real Time
Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 65
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Asthma
•• Liver, Support
•• Parasites, Roundworms
•• Ascaris
•• Coughing
•• Lung, general

Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 15s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

5.4.5. Diarrhea, Dysentery


66 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Acute diarrhea is a classic example of a poisoned, infected, or irritated digestive system. When the body is
exposed to a toxic substance, its first priority is to expel that substance, and the digestive system has two
basic strategies for performing the task. First, it secretes extra fluid to the intestines; second, it produces an
unusual number of very strong intestinal contractions. As a result, loose watery stools of increased volume
and frequency help propel the toxins out of the body.

See Also Dysentery

•• Watery, loose stools of increased volume and frequency
•• Abdominal pain and cramping
•• Gas

Root Causes
✓✓ Viral infection
✓✓ Contaminated food or water
✓✓ Food allergy or intolerance
✓✓ Bacterial, fungal, or parasite infection
✓✓ Drug toxicity
✓✓ Anxiety and stress
✓✓ Medications (such as antibiotics)
✓✓ Electrolyte imbalance and dehydration

The following tests help assess possible reasons for diarrhea:
•• Comprehensive stool analysis—bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, flora balance
•• Food allergy/sensitivity testing—blood or electro dermal
•• Celiac disease testing for chronic cases—blood testing

Although there are several important dietary strategies for diarrhea, the most critical are those to ensure
the person stays hydrated.

Recommended Food
While the attack is at its most acute, do not try to take in solid foods. Instead, focus on staying hydrated
by drinking two cups of liquid every waking hour. Try water, diluted fruit and vegetable juices, electrolyte
drinks, and broths.

Food to Avoid

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 67
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

During the most intense stages of diarrhea, the patient is expected to not feel like eating.
✓✓ As the individual feels better and regains their appetite, they should stay away from dairy products,
fats, and oils, which will only upset the stomach again.
✓✓ Avoid sugar, especially if when an infection is present, as the bacteria feed on it.

✓✓ Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which are too stimulating to the digestive tract. If the cause of the prob-
lem is not clear, determine whether the diarrhea is caused by a food allergy or an intolerance. Many
cases of diarrhea can be traced to gluten intolerance.
✓✓ As the condition improves, eat basic, simple foods that are easily absorbed. Soups, cooked fruits and
vegetables, and brown rice are all good choices. Apples, bananas, carrots, and potatoes tend to taste
especially good at this time, and for an excellent reason. They all contain an ingredient, pectin that
has a gentle binding quality.
✓✓ One study has shown that roasted carob powder reduces the duration of diarrhea. Try a few table-
spoons in some water.
✓✓ Diarrhea is the body’s method of self-detoxification. It’s generally a good idea to fast on liquids for
the first day.

•• Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal only, for 3 days, then add Wave Hepar while maintaining Wave
Pure and Wave Renal.
•• Take also Gastro Balance.
•• This combination shall be maintained for up to 3 months.

Wave Pure

Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.
•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.
•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal
•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
•• Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Hepar
•• Depurative, diuretic, detoxifying, cleansing and hepato-protective action of the blood.
•• Take between 25 drops at the end of the three main meals, in half a glass of water. 3.75ml daily.

Gastro balance
•• Contributes to the normalization of digestive functions.
•• Dilute 15ml into half a glass of water, before each main meal (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner). 45ml daily.

68 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Malva (Malva Silvestris) – Moisturizer, laxative, calming, anti-inflammatory
•• Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) – Anti-inflammatory, healing, helps digestion, antiseptic, anti-ulcer,
•• Angelica (Angelica Silvestris) – Carminative, helps digestion, spasmolytic, eupeptic
•• Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – Spasmolytic, antiseptic, sedative, galactogogue and emmenagogue.

Electrodes Points
•• NN-32: Beneath NN-33, towards the sides. Point of small intestine reflex, irregular menstruation,
urinary retention. (Jingzhong)
Fluxes: 1, 3, 8, 11
•• N-41 At the lower end of the hip bone. Constipation. (Weidao)
Fluxes: 4, 5, 9, 12
•• NN-45: On the back, in the space between the sacrum and the hip bone. Back pain, anal problems.
Fluxes: 4, 11
•• NN-68: In the inside of the foot, directly behind the metatarsal bone (big toe). Headaches and stom-
ach aches, fluid retention, dysentery, constipation. (Tai Bai)
•• NN-72: In the calf, below the NN-71 point. Regulates the Chi for Yang organs, good for haemorrhoids.
•• NN-77: On the inner face of the arm, just above the articulation in the centre of the bone. Intestinal
problems, bronchitis, heat exhaustion, pain in the elbow and arm. (Quze)
Fluxes: 4

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Diarrhea

Tips! See also Colitis, Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and IBS freqs. Also see
Parasite general set if no relief.

Real Time
Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

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The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Diarrhoea, Dysentery
•• Parasite general
•• Intestinal, inflammation
•• Intestinal, problems, general
•• Large intestine tonic

Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

•• Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

5.4.6. Cancer, Breast

There are several different types of breast cancer, which can develop in different parts of the breast. Breast

70 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

cancer is often divided into non-invasive and invasive types.

Non-invasive breast cancer

Non-invasive breast cancer is also known as cancer or carcinoma in situ, or pre-cancerous cells. This cancer
is found in the ducts of the breast and has not developed the ability to spread outside the breast. This form
of cancer rarely shows as a lump in the breast and is usually found on a mammogram. The most common
type of non-invasive cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Invasive breast cancer

Invasive cancer has the ability to spread outside the breast, although this does not mean it necessarily has
spread. The most common form of breast cancer is invasive ductal breast cancer, which develops in the cells
that line the breast ducts. Invasive ductal breast cancer accounts for about 80% of all cases of breast cancer
and is sometimes called ‘no special type’.

Other types of breast cancer

Other less common types of breast cancer include invasive lobular breast cancer, which develops in the cells
that line the milk-producing lobules, inflammatory breast cancer and Paget’s disease of the breast. It is pos-
sible for breast cancer to spread to other parts of the body, usually through the lymph nodes (small glands
that filter bacteria from the body) or the bloodstream. If this happens, it is known as secondary or meta-
static breast cancer.

In its early stages, breast cancer usually has no symptoms. As a tumour develops, the following signs may
•• A lump in the breast or underarm that persists after the menstrual cycle. This is often the first appar-
ent symptom of breast cancer. Lumps associated with breast cancer are usually painless, although
some may cause a prickly sensation. Lumps are usually visible on a mammogram long before they
can be seen or felt.
•• Swelling in the armpit.
•• Pain or tenderness in the breast. Although lumps are usually painless, pain or tenderness can be a
sign of breast cancer.
•• A noticeable flattening or indentation on the breast, which may indicate a tumour that cannot be
seen or felt.
•• Any change in the size, contour, texture, or temperature of the breast. A reddish, pitted surface like
the skin of an orange could be a sign of advanced breast cancer.
•• A change in the nipple, such as a nipple retraction, dimpling, itching, a burning sensation, or ulcer-
•• A scaly rash of the nipple is symptomatic of Paget’s disease, which may be associated with an un-
derlying breast cancer.
•• Unusual discharge from the nipple that may be clear, bloody, or another color. It’s usually caused by
benign conditions but could be due to cancer in some cases.
•• A marble-like area under the skin.
•• An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast.

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Root Causes
Although the precise causes of breast cancer are unclear, the main risk factors are known. Still, most women
considered at high risk for breast cancer do not get it, while many with no known risk factors do develop
breast cancer. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast can-
cer. Risk increases slightly for a woman who has had a benign breast lump and increases significantly for a
woman who has previously had cancer of the breast or the ovaries.

A woman whose mother, sister, or daughter has had breast cancer is two to three times more likely to
develop the disease, particularly if more than one first-degree relative has been affected. Researchers
have now identified two genes responsible for some instances of familial breast cancer. These genes are
known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. About one woman in 200 carries the genes. Having one of them predisposes a
woman to breast cancer but does not ensure that she will get it.

Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American
women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause.

A link between breast cancer and hormones is gradually becoming clearer. Researchers think that the great-
er a woman’s exposure to the hormone estrogen, the more susceptible she is to breast cancer. Estrogen
tells cells to divide; the more the cells divide, the more likely they are to be abnormal in some way, possibly
becoming cancerous.

A woman’s exposure to estrogen and progesterone rises and falls during her lifetime, influenced by the age
she starts and stops menstruating, the average length of her menstrual cycle, and her age at first childbirth.
A woman’s risk for breast cancer is increased if she starts menstruating before age 12, has her first child af-
ter 30, stops menstruating after 55, or has a menstrual cycle shorter or longer than the average 26-29 days.

The link between diet and breast cancer is debated. Obesity is a noteworthy risk factor, and drinking alcohol
regularly – more than a couple of drinks a day – may promote the disease. Many studies have shown that
women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

•• Breast Self-Exam
•• Clinical Breast Exam
•• Mammogram
•• Breast Ultrasound
•• Breast MRI
•• Breast Biopsy
•• Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy
•• Sentinel Node Biopsy
•• Ductal Lavage

Recommended food
✓✓ Flaxseed
✓✓ Brazil nuts
✓✓ Garlic
✓✓ Pomegranate

72 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

✓✓ Dark-green leafy vegetables

✓✓ Broccoli and broccoli sprouts

Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal to cleanse the body.

Take also Wave Being.

This combination shall be maintained for up to 3 months.

Wave Pure
•• Detoxification of the body to rid the organism from toxins and blood fats.
•• Dilute 15ml in 1.5l of water. Take one glass of the mixture before each main meal and during the rest
of the day. 15ml daily.
•• Take for up to 3 months at a time.

Wave Renal
•• Acts on kidney stones, eliminating them and providing a smooth functioning of the kidneys.
•• Dilute 20ml in one glass of water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and again thirty minutes after
dinner. Drink 1.5l of water per day. 40ml daily.

Wave Being
•• Helps promote production of neurotransmitters and increase the activity of the same by inhibiting its
enzymatic destruction.
•• Take 1 ampoule 30 minutes before breakfast, and 1 ampoule 30 minutes before dinner, in half a glass
of water. 2 ampoules or 20ml daily.

•• Common Grape Vine - Leaf (Vitis vinifera) – Protects veins, anti-haemorrhagic, activates periphery
•• Silver birch (Betula verrugosa) –Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, urinary antiseptic.
•• Tansy ragwort – Used for cancer, colic, wound-healing, spasms, as a laxative, to induce sweating and
menstruation, and for “cleansing and purification.”
•• Lavender (Lavendula Angustifolia) – Sedative, neuro-stabilizer
•• St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) – Anti-depressive. Inhibits monoamine oxidase action. It is a
nonspecific inhibitor of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake.
•• Topped lavender (Lavandula stoechas) – Sedating and balancing action of the vegetative and central
nervous system.

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Electrodes Points
•• NN-18: In a depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the CV line. Opens and
relaxes the chest - asthma, constricted breathing, cough, chest tightness. Tonify KD Deficiency lead-
ing to adrenal exhaustion - fatigue, lowered immunity. Local point for neck a/or jaw issues - pain,
tension. (Zhong Feng)
Fluxes: 10
•• NN-23: Slightly above and at the side of the nipple towards the arm. Pain and swelling in the arm-
pits, chest pain. (Tianchi)
Flows: 1
•• NN-46: On the back, the top of the hip bone towards the tip. Same line as the top of the sacrum.
Fortifies the immune system, rejuvenates the internal organs, and relieves pain associated with
lower back problems. (Yaogen)
•• NN-55: 9 cm below NN 57, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia. Tonify
deficient Qi a/or Blood. Tonify Wei Qi and Qi overall - low immunity, chronic illness, poor digestion,
general weakness, particularly with moxibustion, very important acupuncture point for building and
maintaining overall health. All issues involving the Stomach a/or the Spleen. (Zusanli)
Fluxes: 9

TimeWaver Frequency Therapy Protocol for Cancer, Breast

Real Time
Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value– Sine
•• Amplitude: Fixed Value – 7V
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.

•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz

•• Signal Form: Fixed Value– Sine
•• Amplitude: Fixed Value – 7V
•• Sweeping: Disabled

74 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 5s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Cancer, Breast
•• Cancer
•• Cancer, Basic Set
•• Cancer, general
•• Pain, of cancer
•• Pain
•• Pain, Acute
•• Pain, Relief
•• Sedation and pain relief
•• Toxin, elimination
•• Immune, stimulate, normalize function
•• Immune system stabilization
•• Immune system stimulation

Treat again until the treatment progress is at 100%.

Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value– Sine
•• Amplitude: Fixed Value – 7V
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 5s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

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5.4.7. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health problem that involves elevated blood sugar levels. With diabetes, two main
problems can occur. One is a deficiency of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that transports glu-
cose into cells. The second is the resistance of the cells to insulin so that blood sugar cannot enter the cells.

Diabetes is categorized into three main types. In type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile or insulin-depen-
dent diabetes, the production and the secretion of insulin by the pancreas are severely deficient. Type 1
diabetes usually develops during childhood or adolescence. Because insulin levels are absent or dramatically
low, people with type 1 need to inject themselves with insulin and monitor their blood sugar daily.

Type 2 diabetes, often called adult-onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes, is by far the more common of
the two. It strikes during adulthood, most often in the elderly or in obese people over forty. People with
type 2 can produce sufficient insulin, but the insulin and the glucose it transports cannot effectively enter
into the cells. This category of diabetes is most often linked to a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates
and low in fibre, and it can usually be treated with an effective diet, exercise, and specific nutritional supple-

The third category is known as gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that occurs during a woman’s preg-

Because these symptoms may not seem serious, many people with diabetes remain undiagnosed.
•• Frequent urination (children may wet the bed)
•• Constant weight loss
•• Fatigue
•• Strong thirst
•• Irritability
•• Excessive appetite
•• Blurred vision

Root Causes

The following tests help assess possible reasons for diabetes:

•• Hormone testing (thyroid, DHEA, Cortisol, testosterone, IGF-1, oestrogen, progesterone)—saliva,
blood, or urine
•• Intestinal permeability—urine
•• Vitamin and mineral analysis (especially magnesium, chromium, vanadium, zinc, B vitamins, and
•• Digestive function and microbe/parasite/candida testing—stool analysis
•• Food and environmental allergies/sensitivities—blood, electrodermal

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5. Applications

The most important therapy for diabetes is a healthful diet. These dietary suggestions will help regulate
sugar levels and also reduce risk of complications, such as cardiovascular disease.

Recommended Food
✓✓ Follow a diet that’s high in fibre (vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains). Water-soluble fibre, as
found in oat bran, beans, nuts, seeds, and apples, helps to balance blood sugar. Ground flaxseeds
should be consumed daily. Consume 1 tablespoon with each meal or a cup daily. Make sure to drink
plenty of clean quality water when taking flaxseeds (10 ounces per tablespoon). A daily total of 50
mg of fibre is a great goal.
✓✓ Consume vegetable protein (legumes, nuts, seeds, peas) with each meal. Protein drinks that have
low sugar levels can be consumed. Protein helps smooth out blood-sugar levels. Many people with
diabetes benefit from increasing the relative amount of protein in the diet.
✓✓ Focus on quality fats, as are nuts and seeds. Use olive and flaxseed oil with salads.
✓✓ Instead of eating three large meals, have several smaller meals throughout the day to keep insulin
and blood-sugar levels steady. Or have three main meals with healthy snacks in-between.
✓✓ Chromium deficiency has been linked to diabetes, so eat lots of brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, whole
grains, cheese, soy products, onions, and garlic. Onions and garlic will also help lower blood-sugar
levels and protect against heart disease.
✓✓ Enjoy plenty of berries, plums, and grapes, which contain phytochemicals that protect eyesight.
✓✓ Focus on foods with a low glycemic load value.

Food to Avoid
When overweight, it’s critical to implement a diet that promotes healthy weight loss.
✓✓ Stay away from simple sugars. Obvious no-no’s are candy, cookies, sodas, and other sweets.
✓✓ White, refined bread also spikes blood-sugar levels. Whole grain breads, cereals, and pastas are
better choices. Brown rice, barley, oats, spelt, and kamut are complex carbohydrates that are good
✓✓ Avoid cow’s milk. Some studies have found a link between cow’s milk ingestion and type 1 diabetes
in children. It appears that some children, due to genetic reasons, react to the cow’s milk protein
(caseins), which causes an autoimmune reaction with the pancreas.
✓✓ Eliminate alcohol from the diet.
✓✓ Avoid artificial sweeteners. Instead, use diabetic-safe and more healthy natural sweeteners, such as
stevia or xylitol.
✓✓ Avoid high glycemic load foods.
✓✓ Diabetics are particularly vulnerable to toxins. Exposure to pesticides, poly-chlorinated bisphenols
(PCBs), and phthalates is increasingly becoming associated with a risk for diabetes.
✓✓ Consume detoxifying super green foods, such as chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass, or a
mixture of these super green foods.
✓✓ Drink a glass of clean, quality water every two waking hours to rid the body of toxins.

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•• Take Wave Pure and Wave Renal only, for 3 days, then add Wave Hepar while maintaining detox and
Wave Renal.
•• Take also Gastro Balance.
•• This combination should be maintained for up to 3 months

Electrodes Points
•• NN-32: Beneath NN-33, towards the sides. Point of small intestine reflex, irregular menstruation,
urinary retention. (Jingzhong)
Fluxes: 1, 3, 8, 11
•• NN-77: On the inner face of the arm, just above the articulation in the centre of the bone. Intestinal
problems, bronchitis, heat exhaustion, pain in the elbow and arm. (Quze)
Fluxes: 4
•• Warning: can cause large drop in blood sugar level.
•• Use 5,000 for 15 minutes.

Real Time
Start with a Real Time, low frequency range treatment:
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

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5. Applications

Followed by a Resonance treatment:

The frequencies treated in a resonance treatment are all of those that have the highest need for treatment
(percentage value) and are grouped in similar range. If there is a significant drop in the intensity percentage
relative to the highest need for treatment set, then discard these frequencies.
•• Frequency range from: 1 to 1000Hz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled

Total Duration: Until the treatment progress reaches 100%.

Then progress to the Indications treatment:

Similar to the resonance treatment, only group the most relevant treatments to the case.
•• Diabetes
•• Pancreas
•• Pancreatic, insufficiency
•• Pancreas, stimulate, normalize function

Finnish treatment with a high frequency range:
•• Frequency range from: 15kHz to 2MHz
•• Signal Form: Fixed Value – Square
•• Amplitude: Calibration Values
•• Sweeping: Disabled
•• Offset: 0V
•• Duration per Frequency: Fixed Value – 10s
•• Pause: Disabled
•• Total Duration: Three sets of 3 minute (9 min total time)

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5.5. Using Polarities in Therapy

5.5.1. What really affects our bodies?

In normal condition there are two main factors which affect our bodies most:
•• Food
•• Emotions

Both food and emotions need to be digested, one by our digestive system and the other by our thoughts.
Emotions manifest themselves as sensations in the body.

Imagine our bodies to be a diesel engine car and fuel our emotions. Putting petrol into our diesel engine
car causes different disturbances. Ultimately one needs to have the tank drained. If any of the petrol has
reached the high-pressure injection pump, we will be in trouble.

In the same way, when very strong emotions overtake our thoughts, one feels unhappy and the body
comes out of balance. TimeWaver Frequency can help to bring the balance back.

When a patient comes to a therapists, he or she certainly has a problem. Try to find some keys in the pa-
tient’s life.
•• Why has the patient come?
•• What is the patient’s life situation? Married, single...
•• Since how long is the patient in this situation of being married or single?
•• If single, ever had a partner? When were the last two relationships?
•• Is the patient living alone? If not, living with whom?
•• Is the patient living close to the family or loved one?
•• Does the patient have siblings? How is the relationship with them?

And above all, ask the patient whether she/he is ‘Happy’ and ‘Satisfied’ in his/her life?
•• Does she/he feels they had a fulfilled life?
•• When she/he looks at the past, was life happy?

Try to make a connection with the patient. Once the connection takes place, the patients open themselves,
and they can receive the frequencies easier, and naturally the therapy is therefore more successful.

In the following therapy protocols, different diseases along with their Description, Symptoms, Diagnosis,
Diet, and Detoxification are viewed.

In many cases, it’s advised to first use indications which are connected to the root cause of the disease for
the first therapy session. Sometimes it takes a couple of sessions to prepare the patients, before focusing
on the main problem.

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5. Applications

5.5.2. The Earth’s Magnetic Field and Human body

We know that the Earth is a Magnet and that it acts like one. (See picture

Picture The earth‘s magnetic field

As the Earth planet has two main polarities, the living entities also possess polarities. The physical laws of
the human magnetism are consequently identical with those governing the actions of magnets. (See picture

The human body has two general polarities

South (Positive) North (Negative)

Acid Alkaline
Right side of body Left side of the body

· It is anti-inflammatory · It is sedative,
· Useful atrophies and stiffness · relaxes the muscles
· Regenerates tissue · Anti viral
· Helps heal wounds · Activity slows
· Promotes contraction and · Decreases muscle tone
movement · Relieves pain
· Useful in muscle weakness · Sparse
· Analgesic · It’s Relieving
· Anti-wrinkle
· Provides energy
· Increases muscle tone

Picture Human body polarities

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Robert O. Young, an American author and naturopath, claims in his book “pH Miracle”: “Human body is alka-
line by design, and acidic by function. What that means in practice is that the body needs alkaline fuel, and
that acids are created as a by-product of all human activity. (p.11-12; book edition 2010).

What is it that causes or produces acidification?

By our different activities such as moving, thinking, breathing and even sleeping, our body is producing acid
that we need to get rid of. An over-acidic body communicates this in different ways like common over-
weight or even underweight, headaches and fatigues, foggy thinking, etc.

Imbalance in diets that are highly acidifying produce an over-acidification of cells, tissues, organs and finally

This imbalance sets the stage for chaos opening the doors to all kinds of diseases and pathologies. Physical,
chronic and acute disease and discomfort are always the result of excess acid that stresses the bodies pH
imbalance and eventually cause symptoms that we know as disease.

How does acidification occur in the body?

Acidification occurs in the body in seven stages:

(1) Loss of energy and chronic fatigue

(2) Sensitivity and irritation

(3) Mucus and congestion

(4) Inflammation

(5) Lupus, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries, atheroma

(6) Ulceration

(7) Degeneration dementia (Cancer, heart disease, stroke, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, diabetes)

As a support for a more healthy condition, it’s advised to use substances which create or turn into alkaline.
This is very important for the patients to be told and explained to change their eating habits. On the next
page you can see the pH balance chart.

82 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Picture Acidic vs alkaline foods chart

5.5.3. Finding Balance through the Polarities

Living beings maintain their systems, organs and tissue in an amazing energetic equilibrium. Every second,
billions of reactions and biochemical exchanges occur in the organism allowing it to maintain its complex
network of cells and tissues in balance.

Cells need the appropriate environment to be able to live and correctly carry out their multiple functions.

Just like the healthy human organism has a temperature of between 36 and 37 degrees Celsius, its pH level,
or grade of internal acidity, should generally remain in a range of neutrality close to the value 7.

The process of pH imbalance begins at the cellular level with the exchange of ions through the membrane.
This bioelectric act occurs in all the cells of the body.

Disease or dysfunction in a part of the body is related to a distortion in the pH level. By trying to correct the
ionic alteration through the help of polarity, the problem can tend to improve. The organism can return to
the point of equilibrium and the body’s fantastic ability to regenerate can restore its own health.

The location in the organism of these biomagnetic pairs is already defined by Dr. Isaac Goiz throughout the
past twenty years.

Many organs can be treated by applying polarized electrodes to the corresponding poles.

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These polarized electrodes oppose a charge with its opposite polarity and cause the charges to cancel each
other out, restoring the natural pH balance in the affected organs.

Almost all pathologies have their own biomagnetic pairs, magnetic fields that appear with their north and
south poles in specific parts of the body.

This is a method of therapy which is suitable for acute cases to improve and help the patient with a relative-
ly fast result. It can be used for chronic diseases, but generally it does not remove the problem’s root cause.

Beside a healthy diet, the following way shows how the therapist has the opportunity to balance the pH in
some parts of the body.

The good news is that we can reverse the acidic condition by being responsible, choosing healthy lifestyles,
and avoiding acidifying foodstuffs. For support one can use TW Frequency.

A positive electrode where you find a tendency to alkalinity.

A negative electrode where you find a tendency to acidity.

Creating Galvanic flow in TimeWaver Frequency

Below you can find a description of how to create a galvanic flow for certain types of therapies.

In the galvanic therapy the polarity of the electrodes must absolutely be taken into account and only soaked
sponge electrodes in combination with silicon electrodes should be used (except for the hands), since other-
wise there is the risk of skin burns!

We highly recommend to study the manuals for “TimeWaver certified therapist for low intensity current”
or visit one of our courses for using Galvanic flow.

Anode (black connector): well-soaked sponge electrode placed with the help of elastic band
Cathodes (white connector): well-soaked sponge electrode placed with the help of elastic
Total duration – Start with 3 minutes. Duration depends on the patient and on which part of the
body has this problem. Up to 15 minutes.
Electrode placement for different indications see picture till

Open the ‘realtime’ window

In the realtime window ‘Signal form’ can be changed to ‘Sine’

Amplitude (in V or µA) – Fixed Value – 2.00 V (Please note that this value should be chosen carefully accord-
ing to the sensibility of the patient. Especially in the head area.)

Offset 4.00 V

Total duration – Start with 3 minutes. Duration depends on the patient and on which part of the body has
this problem. Up to 15 minutes.

Notice 1: By choosing any value for ‘Offset’ in the realtime window, a galvanic flow is created. (see picture

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5. Applications

Picture Warning

Notice 2: Start with a low amplitude. For the head area you may use:

Amplitude (in V or µA) – Fixed Value – 1.00 V

Offset 4.00 V
(see picture

Picture settings

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•• Concentration

Picture Cerebellum and lower back

•• Convulsion, Epilepsy

•• Tetanus Crisis

Picture Cerebellum

•• Relax

Picture Cervical lumbar

86 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Laziness

Picture Spleen and Hypothalamus

•• Insomnia

Picture Cervical plexus

_ •• Memory

Picture Cerebellum and Hypophysis

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•• Systemic arterial, Hypertension

•• Regulates blood flow obstruction

_ •• Coronary heart-lung

Picture Carotid and On top of clavicle


•• Neuroses

•• Respiratory system

•• Catarrh

Picture Eyebrow

•• Back Pain

•• Athlete’s foot

•• Vaginitis

Picture Clavicle and at the heart level

88 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Leukemia

•• Marrow

•• Anemia

•• Lungs

Picture Spleen and Duodenum

•• Hepatitis

•• Malta fever

•• Lung problems

Picture Spleen and Liver

•• Hyperhidrosis

•• Parasympathetic

•• Nervous system dysfunction

•• Irritable bowel

•• Back pain in men

•• Palpitations

•• Bad circulation

•• Sweats
Picture Cervical sacrum

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•• Otitis

•• Chronic Sinusitis

•• Asthma Fever

•• Phobias
_ •• Fears

•• Aggressiveness

•• Anger

Picture Armpit

•• Sexual libido
•• Frigidity

•• Lack of sexual excitement

Picture Atlas

•• Halitosis
•• Gingivitis

•• Caries

•• Pharyngitis

•• Laryngitis

•• Otitis

Picture Mandible

90 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

•• Allergy

Picture Pancreas and Stomach

•• Heavy metals intoxication

Picture Pancreas

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5.6. Nogier frequencies

Seven frequencies were developed experimentally by Dr. Paul Nogier in the 1970’s. These frequencies are
constantly used in routine medical practice, as they are preferentially recognized by the body. They enter
into resonance with some biological receptors and exert specific effects on the body. These frequencies are
used both for detection and for treatment.

Frequencies: Basic Concepts

Frequencies U A B C D E F G
Value (Hz) 1.14 2.28 4.56 9.125 18.25 36.5 73 146

The U frequency is the so-called “universal” frequency and the resulting 7 fundamental frequencies are
multiples of 2. These frequencies are used both for detection and for treatment.

Frequencies A B C D E F G
Value (Hz) 292 584 1168 2336 4672 73 146

The same frequencies are used for laser devices, but at a higher harmonic. They have an identical action.
Variations with respect to reference frequencies are also used. They range from -30% to +30%.

Definition of frequencies by Dr. Paul and Raphaël Nogier:

Function of the ‘A’ frequency:

The “A” frequency is associated, in the animal kingdom, with non-organized, embryonic structures. It is the
frequency of the primitive living being; it is in sympathy with the cell in the crude, undifferentiated state.
This frequency, the most archaic, can also be considered to be the most anarchic.

Function of the ‘B’ frequency:

The more elaborate “B” frequency is specific to the nutritional visceral system and is related to the primitive
gastrointestinal apparatus.

Other applications:

This frequency appears to be most effective for neuropathy, but also for circulatory and lymphatic stimula-
tion and treatment of tissue of endodermal origin, such as GI tract, liver and pancreas. In field applications,
setting B has been used in conjunction with C and G for tendon, ligament, joint and other injuries where
reaching secondary levels of tissue is needed.

Function of the ‘C’ frequency:

The “C” frequency indicates motor elements of the body. It reflects movement, the limbs, the renal system,
the genital tract.

Other applications:

For tissue of mesodermal origin, such as bones, joints, ligament, viscera and tendon. Field experience has
shown setting C to be especially good for tendon and ligament injuries when used with B and G. It also
helps in relaxing large muscle groups.

Function of the ‘D’ frequency:

92 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

The “D” frequency leads us to a higher level of organization, as it introduces the concept of symmetry, by
selectively affecting certain unpaired organs, presenting the characteristic of being solitary, but anatomically
symmetrical; for example the corpus callosum or the white commissure, two symmetrical cerebral struc-
tures, situated between the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere.

Other applications:

For chronic conditions not responsive to setting A or C. Field experience shows setting D to be a good
supplement to A when healing processes appear to reach a plateau.

Function of the ‘E’ frequency:

The “E” frequency is that of the spinal cord and central nervous system, which perceives and communicates
between functional units situated at different levels.

Other applications:

For pain control, primarily when C nerve fibres are transmitting to dorsal root ganglia and when involvement
of neurotransmitters is of physiological importance. Field experience shows E to help suppress pain and
to sedate acupuncture and trigger points and aid in diminishing excess calcification associated with chips,
spurs, and arthritic conditions.

Function of the ‘F’ frequency:

The “F” frequency represents subcortical cerebral regions. These structures are found in the brain of higher
animals, dogs for example.

Other applications:

For use when cellular activity is hypoactive, such as chronic recurring problems, non-union fractures and
chronic splints and for stimulation of osteoid. It is also helpful in activating humeral and endocrine functions.
Field work has shown setting F helpful in stimulating (tonifying) acupuncture and trigger points and increas-
ing circulation in areas being treated, such as wounds when past the acute stage.

Function of the ‘G’ frequency:

The “G” frequency resonates with the most elaborate structures of the body, those of the cerebral cortex,
the typically human part of the brain, which gives man the capacity to think, create, and imagine.

Other applications:

For tissue of ectodermal origin, such as body openings, skin and nerve. Field applications include wounds,
eye injuries, and after surgery. Setting A tends to tone tissue while minimizing the chance of hemorrhag-
ing fresh wounds or recent surgical sites. It is also good for the treatment of acupuncture and trigger points,
corneal ulcers, and ulcerated mucous membranes. This is called the universal frequency in acupuncture.

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Frequencies Therapeutic Action

“A” Action on the tissues, wounds, epithelial tumors, epidermal reactions

Gastrointestinal and metabolic problems, trophic functions, polarity,

parasympathetic, interoceptive impulses

“C” Locomotor problems, ergotropic function, sympathetic polarity

“D” Disorders of laterality
“E” Pain and nerve conduction, spinal cord diseases
“F” Brain and bone reconstruction
“G” Action on the cerebral cortex, cortical, mental disorders
The effects can be enhanced by associating various frequencies. These combinations of frequencies are
especially used in local therapy.

Treatment Combination of frequencies

Analgesic E and G
Regenerating A, B and F
Muscle Relaxing C, D and G
The relevant settings for some patients are:

A) for nerve involvement

B) to improve circulation
C) to encourage new bone growth
E) for pain (if applicable)
G) for anti-inflammatory effects

5.7. Balance for therapist and patient

It is very important that you as a therapist are relaxed and balanced to do a good job. You might have this
experience, that when you are not in a good mood, it reflects on therapy results in a way that the result are

A question may be raised how it comes about that some frequencies work very well for some patients but
with others not? It is actually rather the problem of the therapist than that of the patient.

In order to prepare therapists to do a therapy, we will review a couple of methods the therapists can use for
themselves before starting with the treatment.

5.7.1. Balanced Stress

Stress is good but if it is too strong and permanent it can do harm.

The relaxation response: Bringing your nervous system back into balance!

Stress is necessary for life. One needs stress for creativity, learning, and your very survival. Stress is only
harmful when it becomes overwhelming and interrupts the healthy state of equilibrium - your nervous sys-
tem needs to remain in balance. Unfortunately, overwhelming stress has become an increasingly common
characteristic of contemporary life. When stressors throw your nervous system out of balance, relaxation

Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
techniques can bring it back into a balanced state by producing the relaxation response, a state of deep
calmness that is the opposite of the stress response.

When stress overwhelms your nervous system your body is flooded with chemicals. While the stress re-
sponse can be lifesaving in emergency situations where you need to act quickly, it wears your body down
when constantly activated by the stresses of everyday life. The relaxation response puts the brakes on this
heightened state of readiness and brings your body and mind back into a state of equilibrium.

How to balance and relax as a therapist

What is the best relaxation technique?

There is no single relaxation technique that is best for everyone. When choosing a relaxation technique,
consider your specific needs, preferences, fitness level, and the way you tend to react to stress. The right re-
laxation technique is the one that resonates with you, fits your lifestyle, and is able to focus your mind and
interrupt your everyday thoughts in order to evoke the relaxation response. In many cases, you may find
that alternating or combining different techniques will keep you motivated and provide you with the best

How you react to stress may influence the relaxation technique that works best for you.

Everyone is different, from all the below mentioned frequencies, some frequencies might be better for
some therapists and other frequencies for other therapists.. We cannot say for certain which of these fre-
quencies are better for whom. This is individual and can be different according to time and circumstances.

5.7.2. Thought Clarity

Gold Frequency database: ----> Thought, Mental function, clarity, Stimulate

This is a set of very good frequencies for patients as well as for the therapists to prepare and clear their
thought before the therapy starts. This should be done 30 min before starting the therapy. While the thera-
pist is alone, for 7 minutes without ‘Realtime’. After this you will feel different and have more clarity.

5.7.3. Osteitis for vitalizing

Gold Frequency database: ----> Osteitis

This set of frequencies is not only for Osteitis. There are far more frequencies in that. This is working very
well for vitalizing the liver, kidneys, and rejuvenating energy and blood.

It is also prepared from herbal medicine that is effective for clearing heat, detoxifying, activating blood,
dispersing phlegm, promoting the diminishing of tumors and reducing blood clotting.

If you are tired this is a very good frequency to use.

By studying oriental philosophy, we can find many similarities with our therapy system.

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5.7.4. Chakra frequencies: A set of 7 frequencies for 7 chakras

Picture Seven Chakras

According to the need of the therapists one of the below mentioned frequencies should be chosen, like in a
menu. Apply it for 7 minutes while you are alone. For the therapists there is no need to use realtime at the
beginning or the end. Avoid reading e-mails, speaking on the phone, and so on. Listen to some favorable
music while calming down.

7th Chakra - Sahasrara - Crown Chakra

172.06 Hz
The tone of the platonic year
supports cheerfulness and clarity of spirit.

6th Chakra - Ajna - Brow Chakra

221.23 Hz
The tone of Venus balances between intellect and intuition.

5th Chakra - Vishudda - Throat Chakra

141.27 Hz
The tone of Mercury supports intelligent communication.

This is very good for the communication with the patients. For a day when you don’t have the patience or

96 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

energy to talk with the patients or for cases when the patient needs to talk a lot, but you don’t have the
energy and patience to talk.

It gives the therapist the ability to find and choose the right words in communication with the patient.

4th Chakra - Anahata - Heart Chakra

136.10 Hz The tone of the Earth’s year. Relaxing, soothing, and balancing.

In India this tone is the keynote of sitar and tambura music and is called “sadja” which also means “Father of
the others”. 136.1 Hz is the frequency used to tune the instruments for Indian temple music such as Tambura
and Sitar. Also the sacred syllable “OM” is tuned to this tone like mostly all the religious temple music. Many
bells and other instruments are tuned to this tone. Their music is tuned to the frequency of the soul.

OM corresponds to the “Amen” in Christian churches. Amen means nothing else than “so be it”. The “OM”
also expresses “so be it”, manifested through the everlasting tone. One can check it out for oneself by lis-
tening to original Indian meditation music

Only one who has meditated to this tone may have an idea how deep the relaxing effect of this vibration is
and how it calms the soul when one attunes oneself regularly to it.

In Medicine this tone is mainly used for sedation. For relieving stress and for treating muscle spasm this
tone is regarded as desirable. It has also proved effective for habitual headaches.

Intensive work with this tone can decrease the need for sedatives and narcotics.

3rd Chakra - Manipura - Solar Plexus

126.22 Hz The Sun-tone
Promotes the feeling of centering

This one is not so easy to use. In other words, is not so easy to get results in some cases.

2nd Chakra - Svadhisthana - Navel Chakra

210.42 Hz The tone of the synodic moon
Supports erotic communication

1st Chakra - Muladhara - Root Chakra

194.18 Hz The tone of the Earth’s day
dynamic, vitalizing

This is a very good frequency to use before therapy in order to be more dynamic and vitalized.

All above mentioned frequencies can be used before the treatment as well as at the end of the day if the
therapist feels very tired and exhausted.

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5.7.5. Relaxed patient

Why is it important for the patients to relax and sleep during the treatment?

First, the therapist needs a suitable environment to be able to do a good therapy. When the patient is active
by talking etc., it could lead to a kind of resistance against the therapy.

Although women have the ability to do several things simultaneously, still, to have a good therapy result it
is advised to keep silence and avoid talking with the patient during the therapy.

The following databases could be chosen to help the patient the be more relaxed and calm down:

Gold Frequencies database:

•• Balance, spiritual well-being, stimulate

•• Calming

•• Relaxation, to produce

•• Muscles to relax

5.8. Example: patient with eye pain

Realtime, resonance, indications (here, one can skip resonance and go directly to indications)

Select the eyes in the search box in indications, then select a database.

Apply the entries with more than 90%. 2 entries on average.

If there is no meaningful entry, pre-treat on real time.

Application of the „Mutation behind“ database together with the “Electrolyte level” database for 9 minutes
excretes the excess acids.

Apply 3-4 frequencies from them, regardless of the relevance. Use these databases in every therapy; then
drink a lot of water for the purpose of corporeal removal; apply them together in a list. Drink not more than
1.5 liters per day, otherwise it would be bad for the kidneys. The water should be taken together with 15 ml
of WavePure.

5.9. Treatment of emotional problems

Here again, one works on the pure information level and analyzes, using the databases Bach flowers 1 and
Feelings 1, which emotional problems are reflected in the information field. Now, one can determine from
the analysis results in conjunction with the patient´s symptoms which organ should be strengthened or bal-
anced, so that the patient can better deal with the causes of his or her emotional stress.

In this, it is not the aim to resolve the causes, but to enable the patient´s organic body to deal with the
causes in a better manner. If the respective organs are strengthened this way, the patient will have more
power to be confronted with the actual causes in the next step.

98 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

To associate the emotional or mental disorders with the organs to be strengthened, one can proceed ac-
cording to the following table, known from TCM: (See picture 5.8.1.)

Liver, Gall bladder:

flexibility, growth, planning, organization, vision, frustration, assertiveness, self-confidence

Heart, Pericardium, Small intestine, Vegetativum:

relationships and love, divorce and relationship issues

Stomach, Spleen, Digestive organs:

Nutrition, stability, satisfaction, satiety, adaptability, empathy, caring

Lung, Stomach, Skin:

receptiveness, purity, inner determination, self-esteem, honesty, release

Picture 5.8.1: Negative emotions creation cycle

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Kidney, Bladder, Bones, Endocrine System:

energy reserves, movement and flow, will power and courage (opposite of fear)

Example 1: By the analysis with the Emotion database at the Information level, a trauma in the early child-
hood came to light. To be able to digest such a problem, belonging to the past, the stomach/intestine
system must be strengthened. In the course of this, the gall bladder and the pancreas should be strength-
ened, too, since they are of particular importance for the digestion. Due to this, exactly these organs should
be treated one by one in indications by using the appropriate frequencies. Previously, a therapy with the
realtime and resonance levels should be performed.

Example 2: In the analysis of the database Bach Flower in Information level, the following results were
achieved: fatigue, depression. Then, an analysis by Indications with the database Emotion was carried out,
wherein a reference to the eyes became visible. There was also an indication of a trauma in the relationship
to the mother (96% relevance). In this case, it is important that the patient lets go his negative feelings. For
this purpose, the intestine, the skin and lungs have to be treated, since they are all related to the ability to
let go. The treatment of intestine and skin will help the patient to clarify and become more aware of trau-
matic feelings from the relationship with the mother.

First, the treatment on the informational level is started in the background. Then the patient’s body is pre-
pared by Realtime and Resonance therapies. The next is the therapy on the indications level, wherein the
databases Lung, general (with results of 75% and 74%) and Colon, function, stimulate, and normalize (78%
and 74%) were tested. The intestine has greater relevance here, then the lungs follow. The intestine stands
for reticence and for being concerned with oneself. It is therefore very sensitive for emotions, while the
lungs are directed more outwardly and are more open. By the treatment of the lung, we try to facilitate the
opening up to the outside. We can not possibly change the cause of the problem, but by strengthening the
organs, we can help the people to face the problem.

In addition, it is important to give the patient more courage and strength. For this purpose, the kidneys must
be treated, this can be supported by the remedy WaveRenal. The remedy WaveOxy also gives strength and
energy. The kidneys can be treated, in addition to the lung and intestine, with the help of frequencies in
indications. All this can happen on the first day of therapy. At the end of the therapy session, Realtime and
resonance from 15 kHz - 2 MHz is carried out.

Example 3: The result of the analysis in Information level of the databases Bach flowers and Emotion was
dissatisfaction with one´s own life. The patient suffered from having gotten comfortable life from her par-
ents, without having contributed anything herself. As a solution, the patient needs more flexibility. For this
purpose, the liver and the gall bladder must be strengthened with the database Liver, stimulate, normalize
function. If one wants to treat the gall bladder directly, the database Gallbladder dystonia with osteitis is
recommendable. In this, it is recommended to treat the organs one by one and not to process all organs in
one analysis.

Example 4: The analysis of the database Bach flowers revealed that fear is the origin of the problem. By
analyzing with the database Emotion, one can now get to the bottom of the emotional side of fear. Here,
it became clear that it is all about undigested problems of the past. Therefore, the stomach, the spleen and
the entire digestive process is especially to be treated. After having carried out this treatment successfully,
one get can to the actual problem in the next therapy step and find the key to the successful treatment.

After passing the stomach, the PH-value of the contents is very low. Now, the contents reach the duo-
denum, where they are enriched by secretions of the pancreas and the gall bladder, so that the stomach
contents go into an alkaline state. Therefore, it is important to treat the pancreas and the gall bladder. After
completion of the Indications point, one completes the therapy using the real time and Resonance level in

100 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

the range of 15 kHz to 2 MHZ.

Example 5: If there are no organic causes, the origin of infertility mainly lies in the emotional area, whereby
mostly women are affected. Even here, the stress must be treated. Since most men are blunted in the
emotional area, they can mostly perform their tasks. This does not apply to women. If the man has too
few healthy sperm, this can also be treated. As a phytotherapeutic support, the remedy Tribolous 680
can be taken. The result mostly ensues after three months. Parallelly, one can start the therapy with the
TimeWaver Frequency. For this one should use the databases Hormonal imbalances and Infertility.

Example 6: A woman suffered from multiple chemical sensitivity. In this case, it was a purely emotional is-
sue without organic causes. The treatment was performed with the databases Balance, spiritual well-being,
stimulate and Balance General. In addition, the remedy WaveBeing must be taken to solve the problem. This
generally applies to depression and severe emotional problems.

Example 7: A man developed cancer and was treated with chemotherapy. According to Nuno Nina chemo-
therapy acts in most cases. However, doctors rarely know when to stop the therapy. In many cases, two
or three treatments are sufficient and then one should stop. Chemotherapy damages the mitochondria and
thus a problem of cellular energy is generated. Therefore it is advisable to accompany the chemotherapy
with the Timewaver Frequency therapy.

During chemotherapy, the cell membrane potential decreases even more. The therapy with the TimeWaver
Frequency can counteract this and can strengthen the energy production of the mitochondria. For this pur-
pose, one also selects the databases Mutation behind and Electrolyte levels.

5.10. Treatment of specific diseases

•• Depressions: See also Hormonal imbalances, in addition, the colon, skin and lung databases!

•• Depression with mania: Database Depression, general

•• Pain: (Use always the Blood, flow, circulation, increased, stimulate or Blood, circulation, stimulate,
normalize database!)
1) Prepare body with Realtime
2) Select databases Blood, flow, circulation, increased, stimulate or Blood, circulation, stimulate,
normalize in indications
3) Select databases referring to pain: Pain, Pain general and Pain relief, Sedation and pain relief
which good in chronic pain (do not take the acute ones here); then after-treatment

•• Arthritis: Arthritis, arthorosis and parathyoid disturbance database (use the database Parathyroid
only with known problems of parathyroid)

•• Abscesses: Use the databases Staphylococcus, and Listeriose

•• Fibroadenoma: Reduce database Fibroadenomas mamanae significantly to 50% after 15 minutes;

2x9 minutes; 1x per week

•• Adrenal Fatigue: Database Adrenal, normalize, function

•• Hepatitis: Databases Hepatitis general, Hepatitis general secondary and others

•• Psychosis: Every morning by oneself: Database Thought, mental function, clarity, stimulate for 3

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•• Exam support: Database Mental concentration

•• Hormonal Balance: Databases Hormonal imbalances and Balance, spiritual well-being, stimulate

•• ALS: Databases Muscular dystrophy, Muscle, tonic and ALS

•• Morgellons: specific database for exactly this purpose, together with database Electrolyte levels

•• Tennis elbow: Databases Tendomyopathy, Epicondylitis tennis elbow, electrodes on triceps and UA

•• Lipoma: Database Lipoma, Cystitis, chronic

•• Increased hymocysteine level: Therapy with vitamin B12 and B6. If, despite an intake, the hymo-
cysteine level stays above 10, then enzymes from the pancreas and spleen are missing. One should
take both organs into account, especially in the frequency therapy.

The given normal value of homocysteine is 7-10, but this is not correct! 2-4 is normal. If you do
not have a problem with cholesterol, the homocysteine level is low. • methionine plus B12 and B6,
folic acid is glutathione and serotonin. If one is missing, the liver produces homocysteine instead.
This then damages the vessels, and the cholesterol attaches itself to arteries. If one has enough of
everything and yet the homocysteine level is high, then enzymes are missing and one has to treat
pancreas and spleen

•• Hypertension: Treat the kidney by all means.

Mechanism of medicines for hypertension:

They slow down the Na / K ion pump on the vessels (arteries, arterioles). Therefore, there is a static
decrease in the contraction of the vessels and thus a lowering of blood pressure. The body gets used
to it and after some time, the antihypertensives become weaker and weaker in their effect.

•• Heart: When the heart goes the way of hypernatremia, there will be a heart attack (ischaemia).
Therefore, there is no cardiac cancer. If I want to prevent cancer, I must change the conditions.

•• Ulcus Duodeni: Should be treated similar to cancer, as this is a preliminary stage of cancer.

•• Besides the emotional treatment, the kidney should always be strengthened. In addition, the patient
should also take WaveRenal and a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate after meals. In all emotional
problems, the databases Hormonal imbalances and Balance, spiritual well-being, stimulate are very

•• Circulatory disorders: The patient should drink 1.5 liters of water per day

together with WaveRenal. When the kidneys are not working properly, you might get circulatory
disorders. Even with low blood pressure, the kidneys should be treated.

•• Psoriasis: In Psoriasis, the kidneys and the liver should be treated with the TimeWaver Frequency.
Additionally, the health supplements WaveRenal and WaveHepar should be taken.

5.11. Kidney problems and energy flows

•• On the information level database: Evaluate, Energy flow, 26 minutes
If the kidney (Energy flow 3) does not appear, then start real time for 3 minutes

102 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

Then control again the information level until Energy flow Level 3 appears

•• Indications: Database Kidney, insufficiency and Renal, excretory, insufficiency for dialysis patients

•• After three treatments, one can select the database: Kidney, normal function, stimulate

The database Energy Flow on the information level includes 12 energy flows; the third is associated with the
kidney. In kidney problems, this database should be used for analysis. If the third level is not displayed, one
should again carry out Realtime on the frequency level 1Hz-1kHz for 3 minutes and then repeat the analysis
until the energy flow appears.

The energy flows have the following significance:

•• Energy flow 1 Liver, pericardium, heart
•• Energy flow 2 Tongue, jaw, eyes, head
•• Energy flow 3 Kidney
•• Energy flow 4 Pain, stress, fatigue and heaviness of the body, Lumbar, Lumbar Plexus, Vena Cava
•• Energy flow 5 Intestine, hard stomach
•• Energy flow 6 Spasms
•• Energy flow 7 Heart, Fear, Tension
•• Energy flow 8 Pain in the Chest
•• Energy flow 9 Fatigue, tired legs
•• Energy flow 10 Pain, numbness and hot flashes
•• Energy flow 11 Nerves; stiffness in the back
•• Energy flow 12 Excess of heat or cold

5.11. Programming the TimeWaver Home

TimeWaver Home is a great device which can render significant support for therapies. However, one should
also learn the art of fine tuning and programming it in order to obtain the best results.

Why are some programs not working?

TimeWaver Frequency is like a buffet where you can choose whatever you need and want at any moment.
TimeWaver Home on the other hand, is a daily menu. So the programs for the patient should be chosen
wisely and considerably.

Patients get this, take it home, and use these programs for a couple of weeks. We need to understand the
flow of the therapy.

1) Identify and understand what the problem is

2) Try to find a way to touch the problem
3) At the end, do the treatment for the problem

Example from the Workshop:

A Lady who has hypertension and tried to use TimeWaver Home. But anytime she uses it, the blood pres-
sure goes up.

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Since the patient has high blood pressure in connection with kidney problems, it could also be in connection
with stenosis, but in that case, although it is connected with the kidneys, the way to approach it, would be

What should we program for in this case?

Step 3, for this case would be to program for hypertension.

Why did we not make a program for hypertension in the 1st or 2nd step?

Because in that case the main problem would not be touched. There is even a chance that after a couple of
therapies in that stage, the main problem will be solved. This should be checked and proven.

The problem started in the kidneys. Since the kidneys are not strong enough, they can’t send sufficient
energy to the liver and pancreas. It influences the metabolic process and brings it down.

So now when this person uses TW Home, the kidneys try to make the machine work which causes the
blood pressure to go up.
•• Prepare the Liver
•• Prepare the Pancreas
•• Gallbladder
•• Our wellbeing is produced in liver.
•• Start to treat the kidneys very slowly and smoothly.

What would the therapy protocol be for this patient?

(Make sure that the check box, ‘Gold frequencies only’ is checked, while searching for indications)

1st Automation: Circulation

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Indications:
Duration: 6 min,
Search for ‘Circulation’ and choose all 4 appearing databases.
Then search for ‘Hypoxia’ and add the database to the list.
Inherit frequencies: From: 108%, Or the best: 3

•• Note: Since our goal is to get only the three best frequencies, by entering an invalid value, which is
above 100%, one can skip this option.

•• Resonance: 3 min
Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz
From: 108%, Or the best: 1

Start with WavePure but only 5ml in 1.5 liter. Maybe the patient feels worse at the beginning. If that is fine
for the patient keep it; otherwise lessen the amount to 2 or 3 ml.

Circulation program should be used by the patient every 5 days for three to four weeks.

Depending on how the patient progresses, the period in which the programs should be used can change.

It is more secure to do something for the digestive system.

104 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

2nd Automation program: Digestive

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Resonance:
Duration: 1 min
Range: 1 Hz to 1.00 KHz
From: 108%, Or the best: 1

•• Indications:
Duration: 6 min,
Search for ‘Gastro’ and choose all 4 appearing databases.
Inherit frequencies: From: 108% or the best: 3

•• Add a new indication then search for ‘Dyspepsia’ and choose ‘Dyspepsia indigestion’
Duration: 3 min,
Inherit frequencies:
From: 108%
Or the best: 1

•• Realtime: 3 min
Range: 1 Hz to 1.00 KHz

The patient should start with the second program, Digestive, after four weeks. This program can be used
daily. After three or four months, while the liver and pancreas are prepared, one can start with the treat-
ment for blood pressure.

3rd Automation program: Liver

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Indications:
Duration: 20 min, Search for ‘Liver’ and choose all appearing databases.
Inherit frequencies: From: 108%, Or the best: 12

•• Real time: 9 min

Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz

4th Automation program: Kidney 1

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Indications:
Duration: 6 min,
Search for ‘Renal’ and choose both appearing databases.
Inherit frequencies: From: 108%, Or the best: 3

•• Realtime: 3 min
Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz

•• Resonance: 6 min
Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz
From: 108%, Or the best: 3

This one should start with the kidneys.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 105
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With the circulation we are trying to change the water. The patient should keep doing the circulation pro-
gram all the time. It should be applied in combination with other programs.

The patient can do the digestive in the morning and circulation in the afternoon.

By starting with the kidneys, the patient can do three treatments a day. Circulation and digestive in the
morning, and then kidney in the afternoon, which is the best time for treating the kidney to prepare them
for the night to work well.

5th Automation program: Kidney 2

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Indications:
Duration: 12 min, Search for ‘Kidney’ and choose all five appearing databases.
Inherit frequencies: From: 108%, Or the best: 8

•• Add a new indication

Search for ‘Lungs and choose all ‘Lung, General’ appearing databases.
Duration: 6 min
Inherit frequencies: From: 108%, Or the best: 3

•• Resonance: 12 min
Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz
From: 108%, Or the best: 3

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz

At the moment this patient cannot start with the Kidney 2 program. If the patient is feeling better after
couple of weeks, the amount of Wave Pure and Wave Renal can be increased.

6th Automation program: Hypertension

•• Realtime: 3 min

•• Indications:
Duration: 12 min,
Search for ‘Kidney’ and choose all five appearing databases.
Inherit frequencies:
From: 108%
Or the best: 6

•• Add a new indication

Search for ‘Hypertension ‘ and choose all 3 appearing databases.
Duration: 6 min
Inherit frequencies:
From: 108%
Or the best: 3

•• Realtime 9 min
Range: 15 KHz to 2MHz

106 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

5.12. Deep Cycle automation programs by Jan Poleszynski

(Only available in a special edition)

5.12.1. About Deep Cycle programs

Deep Cycle extensive automation programs are made for usage with both TimeWaver Home and TimeWaver
Frequency. The programs are in daily use in Uno Vita`s Klinikk for integrated medicine in Oslo and with many
of its clients on TimeWaver Home with success. Deep Cycle is a good next step and variation for the excel-
lent Nuno Nina Gold Cycle and could well be combined with it.

The development of deep cycles are the result of experience with micro current frequency therapy since
2009 and are closely connected to the integrative thinking of Nuno Nina and his Gold Frequency sets. The
deep cycle programs have their own information field and are more comprehensive than the Gold Cycle in
general. They also have good programs for fatigue, chronic fatigue (CFS), and related symptoms that affect
many body systems (hormone, circulative, cell and energy production) like Pure Energy.

In Klinikk for integrated medicine in Oslo, we have several clients with serious chronic fatigue or energy
production defects (on cellular level) that use Pure Energy daily at home. By using it several times a day
they get better energy and feel the good help, and our experience is that “they cannot use TWH enough”.
Clients with chronic health problems often combine one or two other protocols like Clean All and a function
program like Digest all if they still have non stress related digestive issues after long periods of treatments
(then Pure Calm would be a good combination).

The Deep Cycle frequencies are comprehensive and should not be used in the first treatments to avoid
detox reactions and to enable the client to adjust to the power of frequency treatment gradually. We always
included basic supplementation for detoxification along with the treatment.

A good source of clean vitamin C is recommended (3-15 grams pr. day), vitamin D3 (4000 IU), Zeobent MED®
(Germany medical approved Zeolite and Bentonite), and Bulletproof Coconut Charcoal to be taken outside
of meals and supplements and drinking a minimum of 2-3 liters of clean, alkaline and mineral water per
day (you may add some unprocessed sea salt to avoid loosing of electrolytes and energy). This regime will
remove toxins effectively and we often combine with the excellent products WavePure and WaveHepar to
support an ongoing and continued detoxification.

Preparing the client for Deep Cycle programs

There are three programs you can use for startup and perpetration of a Deep Cycle treatment. First treat-
ment, second treatment, and third treatment. The intention of the first treatment is to carefully touch the
biofield of the client, give a soft stimulation to kidneys and lungs, reduce pain, and induce relaxation and
balance. The treatment also includes frequencies to reduce sensitivity to electromagnetic stimuli and chemi-

Most clients will experience a sense of calmness, balance, less pain, and get only minimal reactions from
the from first treatment and will be positive for the next treatment. If there is some unpleasant detox
reactions keep doing the first treatment until it is gone. If you succeed in creating the “good feeling” after
a treatment, the clients normally always comes back and you can help them. Then continue to the second
treatment which will actually consist of mostly the same protocol, but longer and with more power. If it is
well tolerated then you can try the third treatment.

The third treatment is a full power protocol and integrates all that has been done so far, and starts the next
level of treatments. It will also stimulate more intensively detoxification and informational integration of the

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 107
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heart (the heart and blood system often needs some support after a series of treatments has been given
and changes have to be effectuated in the body). Now is the time to be more specific and target the key
sources of the clients problems and work on the main sources and the pH buffersystem (kidney/lungs) with
regular treatments daily using TimeWaver Home, or 2-3 times per week using TimeWaver Frequency in a

Deep Cycle is great for the next level treatments after you have given your initial 3-9 foundation treatments
(kidney, lung, detox, relaxation, and acceptance for frequency treatments). Then a next level could be to
start using Kidney all (or other, see description below) which will go deeper and also treat the related organs
and issues related to the kidneys and the sexual organs for both male and females (Kidney all female and
Kidney all male) if the client is a “Kidney person”. That is, there is a weakness in the kidney system that is
more dominant than other organ systems (lungs, etc.). If it is a lung person (including breast issues), you
would choose Breath of life.

5.12.2. Usage of the deep cycle programs

We use Deep Cycle in the clinic and for TimeWaver home users and find it useful for both platforms. For
clinical usage with TimeWaver Frequency there can be times when you are very busy; there are several
clients at the same time, or you have a client the really requires your presence and vocal communication. It
can be that you or the therapist is not in the best balance one day or feel out of ideas. Then therapist can
then start the selected program and focus on the client and just let it run or use some time to breathe and
meditate (find peace and calm down) to create a good flow in the room. Once the program has started to
find indications you can expand the view and see what it is working on (the top priority), sometimes this
gives a good feedback for future treatments and can trigger your intuition. You can also press stop and jump
out of the program, go back to indications make a manual search and adjust the list and continue the treat-
ment in manual if you feel inspired.

Therefore the deep cycle programs can be fully automatic, semi-manual (you pause and check out frequen-
cies you do not want to save time) or manual. With manual, we mean that you have started the program
and then stopped it to do a manual search after the initial Realtime has been done. The therapist can also
press “pause” and then check out the less relevant frequencies if there is limited time to run a full pro-
gram, then “next” and it will continue. All programs are designed to create a balance in the client’s field.
Remember that your active participation and good intentions will make any program more powerful and
effective, simply because our mind influences “matter” and will also easily influence the frequencies sent to
the client. This is the big difference between using a fully automatic program and a manual or semi-auto-
matic program.

General about Deep Cycle programs

Below there is a short descriptions of the programs. Do not limit your selves by the words in the text, the
programs do much more, but you should participate and let your intuition and energy guide the programs
and the choice of programs. Your intuition is always right if you do not use mental energy. Our experience
is that all clients go through cycles during your treatment period. They have cycles per day, week, month
and they have classical treatment cycles like detoxification, supporting key organ systems, and working with
root cause (cure state).

Therefore we find it useful to see if we find the clients cycles and thereby the need for the different pro-
grams. Sometimes a client has come far, there is stress or a traumatic situation (small or larger, physical or
otherwise) in his or her life and you need to do some work on the basic level again (like kidney/lung). After
a few treatments you can continue at the level you had reached before the “one step back” experience.

108 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

5.12.3. Startup programs

•• First treatment
When: First visit, generate a good connection and good feeling for the frequency.
The Body: Kidney and lungs are touched, sensitivity reduced, pain reduced and balance induced.
Affirmation and Intention: Improve, feel better, and feel touched

•• Second treatment
When: Next visit unless the first treatment was too powerful.
The Body: Kidney and lungs are touched, sensitivity reduced, pain reduced and balance induced in a
deeper more powerful way
Affirmation and Intention: My journey has begun

•• Third treatment
When: When the client is ready for a more powerful treatment.
The Body: Kidney, lungs, heart, and accelerated detoxification.
Affirmation and Intention: Powerful waves of change are coming to me

5.12.4. Deep Cycle programs

•• Breath of life
When: There are issues related to lungs and its organs, including breast and surrounding tissue.
Feeling of weakness and depression.
The Body: Lungs and all “dis eases” in the lung area including bronchitis, pneumonia and breast,
fibrocystic breast disease and related.
Affirmation and Intention: My breath is a reflection of the breath of the universe

•• Clean All
When: Good to use to follow up a detoxification process and all detoxification pathways. Always
wise to include in a cycle of programs, since any release on any level of the clients system often
cause a need for detoxification. Release old toxins of the body and mind.
The Body: Complete detoxification system, kidneys, lungs, liver, digestive system, lymph and circula-
tion system
Affirmation and Intention: Your house is clean, good to be there

•• Digest All
When: Good to use once there are digestive issues that block progress (after stress is reduced and
the kidneys are good and if they still have stomach issues could be a good time for this program).
Good place to place electrodes is on the feet in the area of the acupuncture point of ST42 below the
ankle on front side foot as a variation to holding the electrodes in hands.
The Body: Intestine, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder
Affirmation and Intention: Accept and digest your evolution

•• Energy Work*
Energy Work is a special protocol designed to run until the TWH batteries are empty. Therefore
always start with fully charged batteries. It can be applied when sleeping and we advise to set the
intensity of the current to be low but keeping the green lights on the device. To high intensity may
make muscles sore if it runs for a long time with electrodes placed at the same place.

•• When: Main purpose to increase the electric potential of the cell membranes. The energy work

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 109
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protocol is designed to charge the body, and electric organ system and the cells with electromagnetic
energy (increased negative potential in mV). This is useful for people who have resistance to treat-
ments, chronic low energy, or chronic problems that requires extraordinary effort. Can be used for
anyone who wants to charge their batteries. We advise that this protocol is not used before the client
has had minimum of 10 regular treatments with TimeWaver Frequency/Home.
Affirmation and Intention: Your batteries are being charged

Placement of electrodes for Energy Work protocol in particular

The text is a compressed and not complete explanation from any perspective, consider it examples
only. Read the book Healing is Voltage: Acupuncture Muscle Batteries by Dr. Jerry Tennant for a
deeper understanding of charging of the electric body system in a modern perspective. More details
in: Healing is Voltage: The Handbook, 3rd Edition. You can use large rectangular electrodes on both
sides of the body for each point in parallel (the acupuncture points are not exact but estimates). It is
also possible to focus on traumatic events that may have generated an electromagnetic disturbed
field in the give body system. The protocol may remove this pattern when the electrodes are places
in the correct body system.
Body system suggestions Acupuncture points Emotion
Lungs, heart and related area UB 36 (back) Grief, joy, sorrow
Stomach, spleen, liver, adrenal, gallbladder SP 16 (font) Worry, anger, stress
Sexual organs, lower back, urinary system, intestine SP 12 (front) Fear, anxiety, sex

•• Treatment of causes
When: In remission and the healing process is established. Most body systems and physical aspects
are working normally. The causes in the mind, emotional patterns, and deeper levels of the bio
chemistry are treated. Could be the last treatments you do for this client.
Affirmation and Intention: Nourish your roots and grow a beautiful tree

•• Free Flow
When: Improved circulation and oxygen distribution is needed. Irregular and unstable heart rhythm
can be treated with this protocol. Good to do after a period of basic treatments of kidneys/lungs as
well as for general stiffness and blocks in the circulative system. Supports the heart and all circula-
tory systems, helps muscles relax.

•• Affirmation and Intention: Movement, flow, circulation is restored

•• Kidney all female and Kidney all male

In Herring’s law of cures, he shares a wise saying on the healing of chronic health problems: “From
above downwards. From within outwards. From a more important organ to a less important one. In
the reverse order of their coming.”
When: There is time to continue to work to make the kidney’s and kidney energy strong and good,
and regulate it functions (electrolytes, pH, blood pressure and more) or any disease that manifest
from the “more important organ” in the “less important one” like the bladder, incontinence, urinary
system or ovaries, vagina, menstrual problems and related for female and prostate and impotence
for men. This protocol will keep its most important task and that is to feed the kidney energy system
as well as the sexual energy system for both man and women.
A good place to place electrodes is on the feet in the area of the acupuncture points of K5-6 (below
the ankle on the inside of the foot for several of these conditions) and as a variation to holding the
electrodes in the hand.
K5-K6 (and also SP6) is also close to the tibial nerve and can be indirectly stimulated here. Good for
incontinence (use high intensity current, can use Energy Work protocol for this), urinary dysfunction,

110 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
5. Applications

overactive bladder, etc.

The Body: Kidney, Adrenals, Bladder, Urinary system, Ovaries, Genitals, Prostate and related prob-
lems (pain in testicles etc.). Do not use SP6 or K-5/6 if you are pregnant in the first three months or if
there is a bleeding (like menstruation)
Affirmation and Intention: My energy flows in beautiful ways

•• Pure Calm
When: You need peace of mind, emotions and spiritual balance.
The body: Relaxing of muscles, stiffness and reduction of pain. The rest are indications for the non-
physical aspects of life.
Affirmation and Intention: You are never alone

•• Pure Energy
When: When there is fatigue, CFS, ME, and tendency of burn out or you just need a refill of energy
The body: Basically stimulating and normalizing all essential organs (endocrine system, hearth,
lungs, kidney, adrenal, and thyroid). Relaxing muscles and the main parts are focused on energy,
emotions, spiritual balance, and well-being
Affirmation and Intention: Energy is everywhere

•• Natural treatment
When: When there has been or are injuries, operations, and pain, and the client needs to regenerate
as quickly as possible. Reduces pain, increases bone growth and wound healing. Many good uses
including sports.
The body: Bones, skin, ligaments, capillaries, nerves, muscles and DNA
Affirmation and Intention: All will heal, pain is temporary

•• Sensitive
When: Good for sensitive people, including electrosensitity and people who get strong reactions to
the first treatments.
Indications: Asthma, chemical and electro sensitivity, allergies in general, stress and isolation
the body: General balancing of all main body systems if the system chooses so (informational field
evaluation) or it will be more cause oriented directed to the mind and emotions.
Affirmation and Intention: I am one with the environment

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6. Standard programs: Spinal treatment

Note: The existence of information fields and the applications listed in chapter 6 are not recognized by
conventional medicine due to lack of evidence for the purposes of traditional medicine. See also “Important
notes for using the TimeWaver Frequency Systems“ on page. 2

6.1 Simultaneous, local treatment on two channels

As a standard, hand electrodes are always used in the therapy according to Nuno Nina. These can be
replaced by large adhesive electrodes on the inner palms. For special problems, however, this therapy can
be supplemented by placing adhesive electrodes locally near the spine and other corresponding points.
The electrodes of channel A are attached right and left of the spine in a small distance of about 3 cm to the
vertebral segment which is associated with the respective problem.

The electrodes of channel B are attached where the problems occur. This therapy option follows the as-
signment of the Spinal to the individual organs and body regions. For this purpose, generally both channels
A and B are used. Depending on the symptoms, the databases for the therapy should now be selected in
indications. This treatment is performed for 9-12 minutes without any cycles.

Thereafter, the treatment is repeated with the same frequencies by means of hand electrodes for 9 - 12
minutes. It is described below how the module Spinal treatment may be used to determine the appropriate
databases for the application.

6.2 Handling of the Spinal Treatment module for selecting databases

If one opens the surface of the Spinal Treatment module, one has various options to determine the appro-
priate therapy parameters

One has the option to go to the Spinal display with the mouse click and in this way see the associated body
regions and corresponding symptoms on the right. Similarly, the associated databases of Nuno Nina´s gold
frequencies are displayed. In this way, one can select the body region to focus on during therapy.

If one selects a vertebra and thus, a body region, it will be displayed on the top bar on the left. One can
even use this drop-down menu to select a body region specifically.

If one has selected a region in this way, one can select the relevant symptom on the right of the top bar.
The symptoms, associated with the intended vertebra, are displayed individually. These must not necessar-
ily refer to the selected body region, since the assignment of symptoms and body regions to the vertebrae
does not correspond one to one.

However, one has the option to select all symptoms or none, so that the following treatment relates either
to all symptoms or only to the selected body region. This information is very crucial, since the automatic
selection of the frequency databases for the therapy arises as a result thereof. On the right, it is displayed
which databases are selected by the individual current setting.

A further option is to select All in the upper left drop-down box in body regions.(***) In this case, all symp-
toms for selecting are displayed in the upper right drop-down box, so that one can focus on a specific symp-
tom, independently from the body region.

After selection, click Next, so that one automatically switches to the therapy mode. If you have not selected

112 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
6. Standard programs: vertebrae treatment

any symptoms, the Realtime window will open and a 12 minute Realtime treatment in the range from 1 Hz
to 1 kHz will start. Please pay attention to adjust the amplitude individually.

If you have selected one or more symptoms, the therapy field of indications including the predefined data-
bases will open.

Even here, one should first check the set parameters, especially the amplitude. Only then, start with the
therapy. Using the Back button at the top left, you will switch back to the Spinal treatment module.

You can perform this therapy with one or two channels. Attach the small adhesive electrodes with one
channel on the left and right of the corresponding vertebra. The distance between the electrodes should be
at least 8 cm. In the second run, perform the same treatment again using the hand electrodes.

By using the first channel for the vertebrae and using the second channel locally by means of adhesive
electrodes at the corresponding body regions, you can also work with two channels.

Cervical vertebra 1 (C1) Atlas

Areas and parts of the body: blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the face, brain, inner
and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system.

Possible symptoms: headache, nervousness, insomnia, colds, hypertension, migraine headaches, nervous
breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness, dizziness.

Cervical vertebra 2 (C2) - Axis

Areas and parts of the body: eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, mastoid bones, tongue, forehead.

Possible symptoms: sinus problems, allergies, strabismus, deafness, eye problems, ear pain, fainting in cer-
tain cases of blindness.

Cervical vertebra 3 (C3)

Areas and parts of the body: cheeks, outer ear, face bones, teeth, trigeminal nerve.

Possible symptom: neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema.

Cervical vertebra 4 (C4)

Areas and parts of the body: nose, lips, mouth, ear trumpet.

Possible symptoms: hay fever, catarrh, hearing loss, polyps

Cervical vertebra 5 (C5)

Areas and parts of the body: vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx.

Possible symptoms: Laryngitis, hoarseness, conditions such as sore throat or tonsillitis.

Cervical vertebra 6 (C6)

Areas and parts of the body: neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 113
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Possible symptoms: stiff neck, pain in upper arm, tonsils, chronic cough, croup.

Cervical vertebra 7 (C7)

Areas and parts of the body: thyroid gland, bursa in the shoulders, elbows

Possible symptoms: bursitis, colds, thyroid diseases.

Thoracic vertebra 1 (T1)

Areas and parts of the body: arms from the elbows down, including hands, wrists, esophagus and trachea.

Possible symptoms: asthma, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, pain in lower arms and hands

Thoracic vertebra 2 (T2)

Areas and parts of the body: heart, including the valves and covering, coronary arteries.

Possible symptoms: functional heart complaints and certain EHEST conditions.

Thoracic vertebra 3 (T3)

Areas and parts of the body: lungs, bronchi, pleura, chest, breast.

Possible symptoms: bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, influenza

Thoracic vertebra 4 (T4)

Areas and parts of the body: gallbladder, common bile duct.

Possible symptoms: Gall bladder diseases, jaundice, shingles.

Thoracic vertebra 5 (T5)

Areas and parts of the body: stomach

Possible symptoms: stomach problems including, nervous stomach, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia.

Thoracic vertebra 6 (T6)

Areas and parts of the body: pancreas, duodenum.

Possible symptoms: ulcers, gastritis.

Thoracic vertebra 7 (T7)

Areas and parts of the body: spleen

Possible symptoms: lowered resistance.

114 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
6. Standard programs: vertebrae treatment

Thoracic vertebra 8 (T8)

Areas and parts of the body: liver, solar plexus.

Possible symptoms: liver disorders, fever, blood pressure problems, anemia, poor circulation, arthritis.

Thoracic vertebra 9 (T9)

Areas and parts of the body: adrenal glands.

Possible symptoms: allergies, hives.

Thoracic vertebra 10 (T10)

Areas and parts of the body: small intestine, lymph circulation

Possible symptoms: rheumatism, flatulence, certain types of sterility

Thoracic vertebra 11 (T11)

Areas and parts of the body: kidney

Possible symptoms: kidney problems, hardening of the arteries, chronic tiredness, nephritis, pyelitis.

Thoracic vertebra 12 (T12)

Areas and parts of the body: kidneys, ureters.

Possible symptoms: skin diseases, acne, pimples, eczema, boils

Lumbar vertebrae 1 (L1)

Areas and parts of the body: appendix, abdomen, thighs

Possible symptoms: cramps, difficulty breathing, varicose veins.

Lumbar vertebrae 2 (L2)

Areas and parts of the body: colon, groins

Possible symptoms: constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, some fractions of hernias

Lumbar vertebrae 3 (L3)

Areas and parts of the body: sex organs, uterus, bladder, knees.

Possible symptoms: bladder problems, menstrual problems such as painful or irregular periods, miscarriag-
es, bed wetting, impotency, a lot of knee pain.

Lumbar vertebrae 4 (L4)

Areas and parts of the body: lower leg, ankle, feet.

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 115
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

Possible symptoms: poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches, cold feet, weak-
ness in the legs, cramps in the legs.

Lumbar vertebrae 5 (L5)

Areas and parts of the body: prostate, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve.

Possible symptoms: Sciatica, lumbago, difficult, painful, or frequent urination, back pain.


Areas and parts of the body: hip, buttocks.

Possible symptoms: Sacroiliac problems, hunchback.

6.3 Example Applications

Cold feet: The electrodes of channel A are attached left and right of the spine at a small distance of approxi-
mately 1 cm, namely to the vertebral segment that is associated with the feet (Lumbar region). The elec-
trodes of channel B are attached under the feet or to the ankles.

Here,the therapy is also carried out for 9 to 12 minutes. The treatment is then repeated using hand elec-
trodes with the same settings for 9 to 12 minutes.

Stiff neck/shoulder muscles: Two electrodes next to the C6 vertebra and two electrodes front at the lateral
clavicle; 20 minutes paravertebrally each

These are just some examples of the application of this therapy mode. The table on pages 45-47 shows
other relationships between the vertebrae and their corresponding areas of the body and disease symp-
toms. With this information, you can work analogously to the listed examples.

At this, attach two electrodes each on the left and right of the corresponding vertebra and attach the other
two electrodes in accordance with the individual symptom.

Then, in Indications, the database that corresponds to the symptom will automatically be selected.

116 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
7. The cause of diseases

7. On the possible cause of diseases

7.1 Cell electricity

The cause of a disease always lies in emotional problems. These act on the energy field of the human be-
ing and due to this, the electrical balance of the body gets confused. The consequence thereof, is the over
acidification in the extracellular space and the interior of the cell is damaged because the electrical potential

The cell membrane is particularly important here, as it decides what gets into the cell and what leaves it
again. For this purpose, it needs an electrical potential from -70 to -100 mV.

During stress, the cell must react stronger and, above all, faster. For this purpose, more H+ ions are produced
in the extracellular space. However, the environment influences the interior of the cells permanently. Thus,
the intracellular potential assimilates to the extracellular potential, if the exterior potential is permanently
positive and therefore acidic. The cell membrane potential can decrease to -20 mV or -12 mV.

The cause of chronic diseases is the persistently acidic environment of the cell, i.e. the increased accumula-
tion of H+ ions in the intercellular space.

With increasing acidity, mainly due to chronic poisoning, stress and/or emotional stress, the membrane po-
tential of the cell becomes lower and lower and thus the energy supply of the cell through the mitochondrial
activity is getting worse.

There will be, among other things, a deterioration in the efficiency of the Na/K pump on the cell mem-
branes, and due to this an increase in the Na + concentration in the cell (for example, from 12mM to 150 mM
Na +), an increase in K + concentration outside the cell, resulting from a further increase in the H + concen-
tration and thus a bad energy supply of the cell, and again a further disturbance of the Na + / K-pump.

7.2 Mutation behind and Electrolyte level

In this worsening situation, the cell and thus the organ tissue goes through different stages:
•• -70 mV healthy cell
•• from -50 mV aging cell
•• from -40 mV pain, inflammation, edema
•• from -12 mV massive stimulation of cell division (mitosis).The cell sometime becomes a cancer cell.
•• -0,0 mV cell death

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 117
TimeWaver Frequency Manual

To break this cycle of chronic symptoms/diseases, Nuno Nina uses mostly two important databases:
•• Mutation behind and
•• Electrolyte level

These two frequency databases can be summarized in an analysis to eliminate the acidic environment in the
extracellular space and thus restore the cell membrane potential to a healthy range.

In this way, the kidney is supported, as the maintenance of a healthy electrical environment is one of the
three main tasks of the kidney. The kidneys continue to support the formation of red blood cells and purify
the blood.

The lung is responsible for the deacidification of weak acids (carbonic acid) and for the strong acids of the
kidney. For example, deacidification runs through the kidneys and lungs using the Electrolyte level and
Mutation behind database.

Electrolytes make tissues alkaline!

For this purpose, 3-4 frequencies each are used in most cases if their relevance is above 90%.

•• Iron deficiency is a frequently mentioned problem of the kidneys due to the fact that iron is not
properly transported.

•• The morning urine should have a pH value of 5 and thus should be acidic.

118 Note: Science and orthodox medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields, their medical or other importance and
7. The cause of diseases

the applications of TimeWaver systems, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. 119
TimeWaver Home GmbH
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16818 Kraenzlin · Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 33 91-400 22 11
Fax +49 (0) 33 91-400 22 99

E-Mail: info@timewaver.de


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