Tutorial (Solution)
Tutorial (Solution)
Tutorial (Solution)
(BENC 4473)
1. Describe and differentiate between a combinational and a sequential logic circuit, in terms
of their characteristics.
Characteristics of combinational circuits are;
• Output depends only to current input
• No feedback from output of the system
• Unable to remember past values
• Continuous assignment
• Data type wire
• Logic gates – AND, OR, XOR, NOT
2. Explain briefly, what is meant the following terms, as used in digital system design.
a) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
b) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), and
a) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
• FPGA is an IC designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after
• The FPGA configuration is generally specified using a hardware description
language (HDL), similar to that used for an application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC).
• FPGAs can be used to implement any logical function that an ASIC could
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i) HDLs provide a means to describe large digital systems without the need for
schematics, which can become impractical in very large designs.
ii) HDLs have evolved to support logic simulation at different levels of abstraction. This
provides designers the ability to begin designing and verifying functionality of large
systems at a high level of abstraction and postpone the details of the circuit
implementation until later in the design cycle. This enables a top-down design
approach that is scalable across different logic families.
iii) HDLs have also evolved to support automated synthesis, which allows the CAD tools
to take a functional description of a system (e.g., a truth table) and automatically
create the gate-level circuitry to be implemented in real hardware.
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• system level -At this level, behavior of a system is described by stating a set of broad
• algorithmic level -At this level, the specifications begin to be broken down into
subsystems, each with an associated behavior that will accomplish a part of the
primary task.
• register transfer level (RTL)- At this level, the details of how data is moved between
and within subsystems are described in addition to how the data is manipulated based
on system inputs.
• gate level -At this level, the design is described using basic gates and registers (or
storage elements).
• circuit level -The circuit level describes the operation of the basic gates and registers
using transistors, wires, and other electrical components such as resistors and
• material level - This level describes how different materials are combined and shaped
in order to implement the transistors, devices, and wires from the circuit level.
6. Computer Aided Design (CAD) tool are intended to support all phases of digital design.
Draw the design cycle that supported by this CAD module. With aid of diagram, explain
each steps in the design cycle.
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7. There are few terms in the design tool flow for a HDL-based design process that targets
to an FPGA implementation. Explain clearly what are meant by the terms:
a) Design partition,
b) design entry,
b) synthesis and technology mapping
a) Design Partition
§ large circuits are break up into smaller and simpler functional units/blocks/modules.
• Each unit/block/module is described by a behavioural model of its functionality.
This is called Top-down design' or 'hierarchical design'
b) Design entry
• Once the specification and behaviour of the system are completely understood, a model
that specifies its structure and functionality can be developed.
• This model is described at RT level and the corresponding HDL source code can be
entered into the CAD system for compilation and logic synthesis.
• Behavioural modeling describes the functionality of a design, not how to build it in
hardware. Specifies the input-output model of a logic circuit and suppresses details
about the physical, gate-level implementation
• HDL allows mixed levels of design abstractions such as some modules/units/blocks
are described structurally while some are at behavioural descriptions
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8. State THREE (3) styles of ASIC design and explain each of them.
i) Full-Custom ASICs
• Some (possibly all) logic cells are customized and all mask layers are customized.
• ASIC is so specialized that some circuits must be custom designed.
9. Describe briefly the TWO (2) approaches of a Hierarchical Modular Design Technique.
i) Top-down approach,
• decomposes the system into subsystems that themselves are decomposed into simpler
subsystems, until a level is reached at which the subsystems can be realized directly
with available modules.
ii) Bottom-up approach,
• Connects available modules to form subsystems, and these subsystems are connected
to other sub-systems until the required functional specification is fulfilled.
10. State and explain briefly the THREE (3) models of a Verilog HDL.
11. Convert the decimal value to binary, hexadecimal and octal values using the least number
of bits in Verilog format.
a) 47510
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b) 21610
a) 47510
Binary – 9’b111011011
Hexadecimal – 9’h1DB
Octal – 9’o733
b) 21610
Binary – 8’b11011000
Hexadecimal – 8’hD8
Octal – 8’o330
12. Derive the Boolean equation generated by the synthesis of the Verilog code fragment
// mux4to1:
always @ (a or b or c or d or S)
if (S == 0) X = a;
else if (S == 1) X = b;
else if (S == 2) X = c;
else X = d;
𝑋 = 𝑆$! 𝑆
%%%" 𝑎 + 𝑆$! 𝑆" 𝑏 + 𝑆! 𝑆
%%%" 𝑐 + 𝑆! 𝑆" 𝑑
13. Referring to the following Verilog program (which is a mix of behavioral and dataflow
coding style),
a) Complete the missing lines in the IO declaration part,
b) Draw the functional block diagram (fbd) of this module.
c) Derive the Boolean equation for the output f (no need to minimize), and
d) Write the Verilog code to implement the derived f, in dataflow modelling style.
// Verilog-1995
module logic2 (a, b, c, d, f) ;
……. // IO declaration part
wire [0:1] y;
always @ (a or b or c or d)
if (d==1) f=y1;
else f=y0;
assign y1 = ~b | (a & b) ;
assign y0 = (a & b & ~c) | (~a & b);
a) Complete the missing lines in the IO declaration part,
// Verilog-1995
module logic2 (a, b, c, d, f) ;
input a, b, c, d;
output [1:0] f;
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reg [1:0] f;
wire [0:1] y;
always @ (a or b or c or d)
if (d==1) f=y1;
else f=y0;
assign y1 = ~b | (a & b) ;
assign y0 = (a & b & ~c) | (~a & b);
c) Derive the Boolean equation for the output f (no need to minimize)
𝑓 = 𝑑$𝑏& + (𝑎𝑏)+ + 𝑑̅ [𝑎𝑏𝑐̅ + 𝑎&𝑏]
d) Write the Verilog code to implement the derived f, in dataflow modelling style.
// Verilog-1995
module logic2 (a, b, c, d, f) ;
input a, b, c, d;
output [1:0] f;
wire [0:1] y;
assign y1= ~b | (a & b) ;
assign y0 = (a & b & ~c) | (~a & b);
assign f = (d & y1) | (~d & y0);
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Figure 1
a) Dataflow modeling style.
module comb_cct(a,z);
input [3:0] a;
output z;
wire [1:6] y;
assign y1 = ~a[1];
assign y2 = ~a[0];
assign y3 = y1 & a[2];
assign y4 = y2 ^ a[1];
assign y5= y3 | a[0];
assign y6 = y4 | a[3];
assign z = y5 ^ y6;
15. Design the 4-bit ripple carry adders (Addr_4), two 4-bit ripple-carry adders (Addr_8) and
four 4-bit ripple-carry adders (Addr_16) as shown in Figures 2 to 4 by using the structural
modelling style. Then, write separate testbench files to check the functionality of each of
the modules.
Figure 2
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Figure 3
Figure 4
ANSWER Q15-Figure 2:
module Adder_4 (a, b, c_in, c_out,sum) ;
input [3:0] a,b;
input c_in;
output c_out;
output [3:0] sum;
`timescale 10ns/1us
module t;
// input as reg
// output as wires
reg [3:0] a,b; // 4-bit inputs
reg c_in, clk;
wire c_out;
wire [3:0] sum;
// instantiate top module to test
Adder_4 m(a, b, c_in, c_out,sum);
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ANSWER Q15-Figure 3:
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module t;
// input as reg
// output as wires
reg [7:0] a,b;
reg c_in, clk;
wire c_out;
wire [7:0] sum;
// instantiate top module to test
Adder_8 m(a, b, c_in, c_out,sum);
// initialize inputs & set simulation end time
initial begin
clk=1’b1; a=8’h00; b=16’h00; c_in=1’b0;
#100 $finish; end
parameter clk_high=1;
// clock generator
always #clk_high clk=~clk;
//input signal generation
reg [16:0]cnt; // 17-bit counter
initial cnt=0;
always @(posedege clk)
begin a<=cnt[8:1]; b=cnt[16:9]; c_in<=cnt[0]; cnt<=cnt+1;
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ANSWER Q15-Figure 4:
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module t;
// input as reg
// output as wires
reg [15:0] a,b;
reg c_in, clk;
wire c_out;
wire [15:0] sum;
// instantiate top module to test
Adder_16 m(a, b, c_in, c_out,sum);
// initialize inputs & set simulation end time
initial begin
clk=1’b1; a=16’h0000; b=16’h0000; c_in=1’b0;
#200 $finish; end
parameter clk_high=1;
// clock generator
always #clk_high clk=~clk;
//input signal generation
reg [32:0]cnt; // 33-bit counter
initial cnt=0;
always @(posedege clk)
begin a<=cnt[16:1]; b<=cnt[32:17]; c_in<=cnt[0]; cnt<=cnt+1;
16. Obtain the fbd of the module Array_Adder described by the Verilog code below.
module FA (Cin, x, y, S, Cout) ;
input Cin, x, y;
output S, Cout ;
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assign S = ( x ^ y ^ Cin ) ;
assign Cout = (x & y) | (Cin & x) | (Cin & y);
17. Figure 5 shows the schematic diagram of a 4-to-1 line multiplexer. Design the circuit using
structural coding and develop a testbench for an exhaustive test in Verilog to verify this
Figure 5
module comparator_cct(A,B,A_gt_B,A_lt_B,A_eq_B);
input [1:0] A,B;
output A_gt_b,A_lt_B,A_eq_B;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9,w10;
and M1(w6,B1,w1);
and M2(w6,w7,B0,w2);
and M3(w7,B1,B0,w3);
xnor M4(B1,A1,w4);
xnor M5(A0,B0,w5);
nor M6(w10,A_eq_B,A_gt_B);
and M7(w4,w5,A_eq_B);
or M8(w1,w2,w3,w10);
not M9(A1,w6);
not M10(A0,w7);
not M11(A_gt_B,w8);
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not M12(w8,w9,A_lt_B);
not M13(A_eq_B,w9);
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module t;
// input as reg
// output as wires
reg [1:0] A,B;
reg clk;
wire A_gt_b,A_lt_B,A_eq_B;
18. Figure 6 shows the schematic diagram of a 4-to-1 line multiplexer. Design the circuit using
structural coding and develop a testbench for an exhaustive test in Verilog to verify this
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Figure 6
module MUX_4X1(A,B,C,D,S0,S1,Y);
input A,B,C,D,S0,S1;
output Y;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6;
and M0(w6,w5,A,w1);
and M1(w6,S0,B,w2);
and M2(w5,C,S1,w3);
and M3(D,S1,S0,w4);
or M4(w1,w2,w3,w4,Y);
not M5(S0,w5);
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module t;
// input as reg
// output as wires
reg A,B,C,D,S0,S1;
reg clk;
wire Y;
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