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Oracle Reports Tutorial

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Oracle Reports Tutorial

Report Builder Features

   A query builder with a visual representation of the specification of SQL statements to

obtain report data

 Wizards that guide you through the report design process

  Default report templates and layouts that can be customized to meet your reporting needs

 The ability to generate code to customize how reports will run

  A Live Pre-viewer that allows you to edit report layouts in WYSIWYG mode

  An integrated chart builder that helps you to graphically represent report data

 Web publishing tools that dynamically generate web pages based on your data

 Other standard report output formats like HTML, PDF, PCL, Postscript, and ASCII

Starting Report Builder

1. Make sure PC Xware is running

2. Telnet Pegasus by typing telnet pegasus.rutgers.edu or connect to pegasus from the
SSH client (make sure X11 Tunneling is enabled in SSH preferences)
3. start oracle Report Builder by typing rwbld60

Using Wizards

Report Builder has a Report Wizard, Data Wizard, and Web Wizard to automate the creation of
reports. Most often, you can create a report by starting with one of the wizards, and then refining
the report that the wizard creates using the data model view and the layout view.

To create a report using report wizard 

1. If the Welcome dialog box appears (the following screen), click Use the Report Wizard
and click OK. 
If the Welcome dialog box does not appear, choose File->New->Report. Click Use the Report
Wizard and click OK.

2. You will receive the following screen unless you selected not to display it in the future
previously. Click next
3. Select Report type; this will affect report layout. you can see the different layouts by
clicking their corresponding buttons and looking at the sample layout on the left. After
you select the type you want click next
4. The data presented in the report is the result of a query. If you are not connected, you
need to connect as shown in the following screen.You can create that query by one of
three methods: (1) writing a SELECT statement (2) Building the query using the Query
By Example (QBE) interface, (3) importing the query.

5. Select the fields you would like to display in the report in the order you want as shown in
the next screen. Then click next
6. Apply aggregate functions to the fields  if you want by selecting the field then the
aggregate function. Then click next
7. Change Field names and their width as shown in the next screen then click next
8. Select a template then click next
9. On the last page of the Report Wizard, click Finish.
10. A report is created and appears in the Live Previewer.
11. From the Live Previewer, you can edit the report as desired. Note that the Live Previewer
is one of several report views that are available in the Report Editor. Using the View
menu or the toolbar, you can switch to other report views to

Report Editor
In the Report Editor, you can view information about a report in four different ways. You can
switch between these views using the View menu or the toolbar icons. You will work in each of
the following Report Editor views as you create the sample reports in this tutorial:

  Live Previewer

  Data Model view

  Layout Model view

  Parameter Form view

Live Previewer

This view displays your report as the end user will see it. If you are using existing data, the Live
Previewer will update the report as data changes. Any modifications that you make to the report
in the Live Previewer are reflected immediately. To display your report in the Live Previewer,
select View menu then Live Previewer. 

Data Model view

This view displays your report data as data model objects so that you can see the relationships
between queries, groups, columns, parameters, and links. To display your report in the Data
Model view, select View menu then select Data Model.

Layout Model view

This view displays the attributes of your report as objects so that you can see the attribute types
and relationships. You can edit layout objects, such as frames, repeating frames, fields,
boilerplates, anchors, and graphics in this view in order to change the appearance of the report.
To display your report in the Layout Model view, select View menu then select Layout Model.

Parameter Form view

This view lets you create a Runtime Parameter Form for your report. When a user runs your
report, the user enters values for parameters in this form to determine how the report will
execute. Otherwise, the user may accepts the defaults. If you do not define a Runtime Parameter
Form in the Parameter Form view, Report Builder displays a default Parameter Form at runtime.
You can select which system and user parameters to use for your form using the Parameter Form
Builder, or you can create your own from scratch. To display the Parameter Form view, select
View menu then select parameter form.

Modifying Report Format

To apply changes to any column, click anywhere in that column. Report Builder will select all
the rows in that column to indicate that changes will apply to all the rows. You can select
multiple columns and items by holding shift and clicking on those columns or report items.
After selecting the items you want to modify, apply the required changes by selecting the
appropriate icons from the formatting toolbar. As seen in the toolbar you can change font face,
font size, toggle between bold/unbold, etc. You can also change data alignment (left justified,
centered, right justified, full justified). For Monetary data items, yo can add dollar sign,
percentage sign, increase number zeros on the right to the decimal point, etc.
Conditional Formatting

The Conditional Formatting is a great way to apply formatting exceptions to your layout objects.
(For example, you can make a field’s value Red when it exceeds a specified maximum value). If
you are familiar with Excel, there is a similar feature there. The Conditional Formatting dialog
box alone may satisfy your requirements for creating a formatting exception without the need to
edit the corresponding trigger. However, once you directly edit a Format Trigger for an object,
you should not go back and use the Conditional Formatting dialog box to make more

To apply conditional formatting to an item:

1. select that item, then select property palate from Tools menu. Or right click that data
item and select property palate.
2. Under the general layout section, select Conditional Formatting as show in next
screen. you will get the conditional formatting dialog box.

3. Click New

4. Apply a condition by selecting an operator such as Less than or Between then put the

values for the condition. You can have a complex condition (multiple conditions
connected by AND or OR) by clicking radio button in the next line. The AND/OR will be

enabled (on the right).

5. Then Apply the format you want when that condition is met by changing the font face,

color, fill color, etc. You can also select to hide the data item.

6. when you click ok you go back to the Conditional Formatting dialog box with the Format
expression written in. Click Ok to exit.
Creating Data Model

In this section you will learn how create a multiple-query data model.  First, you will create two
queries. Then you will create a break group for the first query. Finally, you will link the two

1. In the Data Model view, click the SQL icon (on the left) then click anywhere inside the
data model screen. You will get SQL Query Statement screen as show below. Write a
query or build it by the query builder or import an SQL query from an existing SQL file.
2. You will get the a drawing representing the query as in the next screen
3. Now repeat the same steps again to build another query. Make sure to have PK / FK
relation between the two tables in the two queries. 
4. Select the link tools (two overlapping circles). Click on one of the fields in the relation
and drag to the other field in of the relation in the other table. You will get the following
5. Create a break group by dragging a field between the query name and the field list as
shown below.
6. generate a default layout by running the report wizard from the Tools menu. You will
get the first tab of the wizard (Style)

Notice that this selection is related to the way you will organize the different parts of the report.
At this point you have two tables and a breaking group. Notice that they have new names (in the
screen above). For example, employee is now G_FNAME. Select Group Above
7. In the group page select G_1 and click across, select G_DNAME and click Across, then
select G_Fname and click Down. These buttons (Across, Down, etc) indicate how the
report will be filled up. For example, Across means fill horizontally, down means
vertically, Across/Down means horizontal then vertical
1. Select the field you want to display. You may not need all field if some fields are
repeated such as DNO and SUPERSSN.
8. Select a Label and field width for every field.
9. Select a Template. You may not get the exact list of templates and hence not the same
way the report locks. Then click Finish.
11. You should get something similar to this. Notice that every department shows in a
separate page. You can see other pages by clicking the arrow in the toolbar or changing
the page number in the toolbar also.
12. Now you can change formatting to lock the way you want it.
Copyright @ Mahmoud Youssef
Oracle Reports 6i
Published on: 13th Dec 2005 | Last Updated on: 24th Feb 2011
Oracle Reports 6i
In this tutorial you will learn about Introduction to Oracle Reports Builder, Report
file storage formats, Oracle Reports Builder Tools, Report Wizard, Triggers in
Reports, Types of Triggers and Case Study - Creating a Tabular report.

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Introduction to Oracle Reports Builder
Oracle Reports Builder is a powerful enterprise reporting tool used to build reports
that dynamically retrieve data from the database, format, display and print quality
reports. Reports can be stored in File or Database (Report Builder Tables).

Report file storage formats

.rdf Report
• Binary File Full report definition (includes source code and comments)
• Modifiable through Builder. Binary, executable Portable if transferred as binary.
• PL/SQL recompiles on Open/Run

.rep Report
• Binary Run-Only File
• No source code or comments. Not modifiable binary, executable.
• Report Executables

RWBLD60 Report Builder

RWRUN60 Report Runtime
RWCON60 Report Converter/Compiler [File => Administration => Compile (rdf to

Oracle Reports Builder Tools

Oracle Reports Builder comes with the following components
• Object Navigator
• Property Palette
• Data Model Editor
• Layout Model Editor
• Parameter Form Editor

Object Navigator
The Object Navigator shows a hierarchical view of objects in the report. Each item
listed is called a node and represents an object or type of object the report can
contain or reference.

Property Palette
A Property Palette is a window that displays the settings for defining an Oracle
reports object.
Data Model Editor
To specify data for a report, a data model should be defined. A data model is
composed of some or all of the following data definition objects.

Queries are SQL Select statements that fetch data from the oracle database. These
statements are fired each time the report is run.

Groups determine the hierarchy of data appearing in the report and are primarily
used to group columns selected in the query. Oracle report automatically creates a
group for each query.

Data Columns
Data columns contain the data values for a report. Default data columns,
corresponding to the table columns included in each query’s SELECT list are
automatically created by oracle reports. Each column is placed in the group
associated with the query that selected the column.

Formula Columns
Formulas can be entered in formula columns to create computed columns. Formulas
can be written using PL/SQL syntax. Formula columns are generally preceded by
CF_ to distinguish from other columns.

Summary Columns
Summary columns are used for calculating summary information like sum, average
etc. This column uses a set of predefined oracle aggregate functions. Summary
columns are generally preceded by CS_ to distinguish them from other columns.

Data Links
Data links are used to establish parent-child relationships between queries and
groups via column matching.

Layout Model Editor

A report layout editor contains the following layout objects

Frames surround other layout objects, enabling control of multiple objects

Repeating Frames
Repeating frames acts as placeholders for groups (I.e repeating values) and
present rows of data retrieved from the database. Repeating frames repeat as often
as the number of rows retrieved.
Fields acts as placeholders for columns values. They define the formatting
attributes for all columns displayed in the report.

Boilerplate consists of text (label of the column) and graphics that appear in a
report each time it is run.

Parameter Form Editor

Parameter form is a runtime form used to accept inputs from the user.

Parameters are variables for a report that accept input from the user at runtime.
These parameter values can then be used in the SQL select statements to retrieve
data conditionally. Oracle reports creates a set of system parameters at runtime
namely report destination type, number of copies etc.

Report Wizard
• When we create a default Tabular Report using report wizard, the wizard will
take you through the below mentioned pages
• Report Style Tabular, Form-Like, Mailing Label, Form Letter, Group Left, Group
Above, Matrix, Matrix with Group
• Query Type Choose whether to build a SQL query or an Express query.
• Data Enter a SELECT statement to retrieve the report data
• Displayed Fields Select the fields that you want to display in the output.
• Fields to Total Select the fields that you want to summarize.
• Labels for Fields Alter the labels that appear for each field and the width of each
• Template Select the template that you want to use for this report. A template
contains standard information such as company logo, date, and so on.

Note: The above steps are different for each report style.

Group Left & Have an additional page: ‘Groups’

Group Above styles
Matrix Reports styles Have 3 additional pages: ‘Matrix Rows’ ‘Columns’ ‘Cells’

Mailing Label & Have 4 pages: ‘Report Style’ ‘Data’

Form Letter styles ‘Text’ ‘Template’

The difference between Mailing Labels and Form Letters is, Mailing Label shows
multiple records on one page while Form Letter shows one record on each page.

Triggers in Reports
Types of Triggers
Formula Triggers: Formula triggers are PL/SQL functions that populate columns of
type Formula.
Format Triggers: Format triggers are PL/SQL functions executed before the object
is formatted. These triggers are used to dynamically change the formatting
attributes and used to conditionally print and not to print a report column value.
These triggers return Boolean values TRUE or FALSE. If the return value of the
format trigger is FALSE, the value is not displayed.

Action Triggers: Action triggers are used to perform user-defined action. These
triggers do not return any value.

Validation Triggers: Validation triggers are PL/SQL functions that are executed
when a parameter value is entered and the cursor moves to the next parameter.
These triggers return Boolean value TRUE / FALSE.

Report Triggers: Report triggers enable execution of PL/SQL functions at specific

time during execution and formatting of report.

Before Parameter Form

Fires before the Runtime Parameter Form are displayed. Can access the PL/SQL
global variables, report level columns and manipulate accordingly.

After Parameter Form

Fires after the Runtime Parameter form are displayed. Used to validate the
parameter values.

Before Report
Fires before the report is executed but after the queries is parsed and date is

Between Pages
Fires before each page of the report are formatted, except the very first page. This
page is used to customize page formatting.

After Report
Fires after the report previewer are exited, or after report output is sent to a
specified destination.

Case Study - Create a Tabular report

After invoking the report builder and connecting to the database invoke Report

Click on Tools… Report Wizard… to start the report wizard for a new report.
Report wizard shows the following tab pages to enter information required for
Style Totals Data
Labels Fields Template

In the Style tab select ‘Tabular’ as the report style and Click Next

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The Data tab allows creation of an SQL statement using Query Builder or to enter
the SQL statement in the multi line edit box provided in the Data tab.
Click Next

This will take you to the next tab if your SQL statement syntax is correct.

Fields tab is used to specify the fields that must be displayed in tabular format.
Select all fields by clicking on >> icon.
Click Next

The Totals tab is displayed that allows creation of Summary columns using
aggregate functions.
This report does not include totals for the selected fields and thus Click Next.

The Labels tab is displayed that enable us to change the labels of the columns.
Click Next

The Templates tab is displayed that enable us to create report from templates.
There are number of pre-determined templates available in Oracle Reports Builder.
Select Corporate 1 as the template. Click Finish

Click on File. Save to save the report, specify the report name and click OK.

Run the report!!


Oracle Applications 11i Technical Training Launch

Published on: 2nd May 2005 | Last Updated on: 24th Feb 2009
We are proud to announce that we have started Oracle Applications 11i-
(Technical) learning series. Below given are the proposed topics to be covered in
this course. After successful completion of this course one can acquire required
skills for an Oracle Application (Technical) Consultant. First set of tutorials will be
published shortly. Let us know if you would like to add any other topics which
should be covered.

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Oracle Apps- Technical:
Introduction to ERP covers

 Definition
 Overview of Popular ERPs
 Comparison of Oracle Apps with other ERP

Oracle application concepts

 Internet Computing Architecture

 Internationalization Support
 File System
 Installation-System Requirements
 Using Rapid Install
 Single-node and Multi Node Installation Part 1
 Single-node and Multi Node Installation Part 2

 Oracle Apps Application Framework

 Oracle Apps Table Registration API

 Oracle Apps Concurrent Processing

 Oracle Apps Concurrent Library Window

 Oracle Apps Message Dictionary

 Oracle Apps Flex fields

 Oracle Apps Implementing Key Flex field and Descriptive Flex field

 Oracle Apps Template Form

 Special Triggers in the Template Form in Oracle Apps 11i
 Creating New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i
 Creation of Master Detail Block in Oracle Apps 11i
 Registering New Forms in Oracle Apps 11i

 Oracle Apps 11i: Setting up Chart Of Accounts (COA)

 Oracle Apps Sys Admin - Users and Responsibilities
 Oracle Apps 11i : Creating Journals through Oracle GL
 Oracle Apps 11i : Suppliers

 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Asset Book Positioning

 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Asset Books Regions
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Manual and Quick Additions
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Mass Additions
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Asset Adjustments
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Mass Transfers
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Depreciation
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Retirements
 Oracle Apps 11i : Asset Management - Journal Entries

 Oracle Reports 6i

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