Simoun - Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise, presumed dead at the end of Noli Me Tangere. Ibarra has returned as the
wealthy jeweler Simoun. His appearance is described as being tanned, having a sparse beard, long white hair, and
large blue-tinted glasses. He was sometimes crude and confrontational. He was derisively described by Custodio
and Ben-Zayb as an American mulatto or a British Indian. While presenting as the arrogant elitist on the outside,
he secretly plans a violent revolution in order to avenge himself for his misfortunes as Crisostomo Ibarra, as well
Basilio - son of Sisa and another character from Noli Me Tangere. In the events of El fili, he is an aspiring and
so far successful physician on his last year at university and was waiting for his license to be released upon his
graduation. After his mother's death in the Noli, he applied as a servant in Capitán Tiago's household in exchange
for food, lodging, and being allowed to study. Eventually he took up medicine, and with Tiago having retired
from society, he also became the manager of Tiago's vast estate. He is a quiet, contemplative man who is more
aware of his immediate duties as a servant, doctor, and member of the student association than he is of politics or
patriotic endeavors. His sweetheart is Jull, the daughter of Kabesang Tales whose family took him in when he
was a young boy fleeing the Guardia Civil and his deranged mother.
Isagani-Basilio's friend. He is described as a poet, taller and more robust than Basilio although younger. He is
the nephew of Padre Florentino, but is also rumored to be Florentino's son with his old sweetheart before he was
ordained as a priest. During the events of the novel, Isagani is finishing his studies at the Ateneo Municipal and
is planning to take medicine. A member of the student association, Isagani is proud and naive, and tends to put
himself on the spot when his ideals are affronted. His unrestrained idealism and poeticism clash with the more
practical and mundane concerns of his girlfriend, Paulita Gómez. When Isagani allows himself to be arrested after
their association is outlawed, Paulita leaves him for Juanito Peláez. In his final mention in the novel, he was
bidding goodbye to his landlords, the Orenda family, to stay with Florentino permanently.
Father Florentino-Isagani's uncle and a retired priest. Florentino was the son of a wealthy and influential Manila
family. He entered the priesthood at the insistence of his mother. As a result he had to break an affair with a
woman he loved, and in despair devoted himself instead to his parish. When the 1872 Cavite mutiny broke out,
he promptly resigned from the priesthood, fearful of drawing unwanted attention. An indio (nativett, Florentino
belonged to the secular clergy (unaffiliated with the Catholic religious orderstt, yet his parish drew in huge income.
He retired to his family's large estate along the shores of the Pacific. He is described as white haired, with a quiet,
serene personality and a strong build. He did not smoke or drink. He was well respected by his peers, even by
Isagani to a dialogue, not so much as a teacher with his student but as a friar with a Filipino. Although they failed
to resolve their differences, they each promised to approach their colleagues with the opposing views from the
other party- although both feared that given the animosity that existed between their sides, their own compatriots
Capitan Tiago - Don Santiago de los Santos. María Clara's father. Having several landholdings in Pampanga,
Binondo, and Laguna, as well as taking ownership of the Ibarras' vast estate, Tiago still fell into depression
following Maria's entry into the convent. He alleviated this by smoking opium, which quickly became an
uncontrolled vice, exacerbated by his association with Padre irene who regularly supplied him with the substance.
Tiago hired Basilio as a capista, a servant who given the opportunity to study as part of his wages; Basilio
eventually pursued medicine and became his caregiver and the manager of his estate. Tiago died of shock upon
hearing of Basilio's arrest and Padre Irene's embellished stories of violent revolt.
Captain-General-the highest-ranking official in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. The Captain-
General in the novel is Simoun's friend and confidant, and is described as having an insatiable lust for gold.
Simoun met him when he was still a major during the Ten Years' War in Cuba. He secured the major's friendship
and promotion to Captain-General through bribes. When he was posted in the Philippines, Simoun used him as a
pawn in his own power plays to drive the country into revolution. The Captain-General was shamed into not
extending his tenure after being rebuked by a high official in the aftermath of Basilio's imprisonment. This
Father Bernardo Salvi-the former parish priest of San Diego in Noli Me Tangere, and now the director and
chaplain of the Santa Clara convent. The epilogue of the Noli implies that Salvi regularly rapes Maria Clara when
he is present at the convent. In El fili, he is described as her confessor. In spite of reports of Ibarra's death, Salvi
believes that he is still alive and lives in constant fear of his revenge.
Father Hernando de la Sibyla - a Dominican introduced in Noli Me Tangere who now serves as the director
Father Millon-a Dominican who serves as a physics professor in the University of Santo Tomás.
Quiroga - a Chinese businessman who aspired to be a consul for China in the Philippines. Simoun coerced
Quiroga into hiding weapons inside the latter's warehouses in preparation for the revolution.
Don Custodio - Custodio de Salazar y Sánchez de Monteredondo, a famous "contractor" who was tasked by the
Captain-General to develop the students association's proposal for an academy for the teaching of Spanish, but
was then also under pressure from the priests not to compromise their prerogatives as monopolizers of instruction.
Some of the novel's most scathing criticism is reserved for Custodio, who is portrayed as an opportunist who
married his way into high society, who regularly criticized favored ideas that did not come from him, but was
and is an anagram of Ybáñez, an alternate spelling of his last name Ibáñez. His first name is not mentioned. Ben-
Zayb is said to have the looks of a friar, and believes that in Manila they think because he thinks. He is deeply
patriotic, sometimes to the point of jingoism. As a journalist, he had no qualms embellishing a story, conflating
and butchering details, turning phrases over and over, making a mundane story sound better than it actually was.
Father Camorra - the parish priest of Tiani. Ben-Zayb's regular foil, he is said to look like an artilleryman in
counterpoint to Ben-Zayb's friar looks. He stops at nothing to mock and humiliate Ben-Zayb's liberal pretensions.
In his own parish, Camorra has a reputation for unrestrained lustfulness. He drives Juli into suicide after
attempting to rape her inside the convent. For his misbehavior he was "detained" in a luxurious riverside villa just
outside Manila.
Father Irene - Capitan Tiago's spiritual adviser. Along with Don Custodio, Irene is severely criticized as a
representative of priests who allied themselves with temporal authority for the sake of power and monetary gain.
Known to many as the final authority who Custodio consults, the student association sought his support and gifted
him with two chestnut-colored horses, yet he betrayed the students by counseling Custodio into making them fee
collectors in their own school, which was then to be administered by the Dominicans instead of being a secular
and privately managed institution as the students envisioned. Irene secretly but regularly supplies Capitan Tiago
with opium while exhorting Basilio to do his duty. frene embellished stories of panic following the outlawing of
the student association Basilio was part of, hastening Capitan Tiago's death. With Basilio in prison, he then
removed Basilio out of Tiago's last will and testament, ensuring he inherited nothing.
Placido Penitente - a student of the University of Santo Tomas who had a distaste for study and would have left
school if it were not for his mother's pleas for him to stay. He clashes with his physics professor, who then accuses
him of being a member of the student association, whom the friars despise. Following the confrontation, he meets
Simoun at the Quiapo Fair. Seeing potential in Placido, Simoun takes him along to survey his preparations for the
upcoming revolution. The following morning Placido has become one of Simoun's committed followers. He is
later seen with the former schoolmaster of San Diego, who was now Simoun's bomb-maker.
Paulita Gómez-the girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of Doña Victorina, the old Indio who passes herself off as
a Peninsular, who is the wife of the quack doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña. In the end, she and Isagani part ways,
Paulita believing she will have no future if she marries him. She eventually marries Juanito Peláez.
Kabesang Tales - Telesforo Juan de Dios, a former cabeza de barangay of Barrio Sagpang in Tiani. He was a
sugarcane planter who cleared lands he thought belonged to no one, losing his wife and eldest daughter in the
endeavor. When the Dominicans took over his farm, he fought to his last money to have it retained in his
possession. While his suit against the Dominicans was ongoing, he was kidnapped by bandits while he was out
patrolling his fields. Having no money to pay his captors, his daughter Juli was forced to become a maid in
exchange for her mistress paying his ransom. When his son Tano was conscripted into the Guardia Civil, again
Tales had no money to pay for Tano's exclusion from the draft. When in spite of all Tales lost the case, he not
only lost his farm but was also dealt with a heavy fine. He later joined the bandits and became one of their fiercest
commanders. Tandang Selo, his father, would later on join his band after the death of Juli.
Tandang Selo-father of Kabesang Tales and grandfather of Tano and Juli. A deer hunter and later a broom-maker,
he and Tales took in the young, sick Basilio who was then fleeing from the Guardia Civil. On Christmas Day,
when Juli left to be with her mistress, Selo suffered some form of stroke that impaired his ability to speak. After
Juli's suicide, Selo left town permanently, taking with him his hunting spear. He was later seen with the bandits
and was killed in an encounter with the Guardia Civil - ironically by the gun of the troops sharpshooter Tano, his
Juli-Juliana de Dios, the girlfriend of Basilio and the youngest daughter of Kabesang Tales. When Tales was
captured by bandits, Juli petitioned Hermana Penchang to pay for his ransom. In exchange, she had to work as
Penchang's maid. Basilio ransomed her and bought a house for her family. When Basilio was sent to prison, Juli
approached Tiani's curate, Padre Camorra, for help. When Camorra tried to rape her, Juli jumped to her death
Tano - Kabesang Tales's son, second to Lucia who died in childhood. He was nicknamed "Carolino" after
returning from Guardia Civil training in the Carolines. His squad was escorting prisoners through a road that
skirted a mountain when they were ambushed by bandits. In the ensuing battle, Tano, the squad's sharpshooter,
killed a surrendering bandit from a distance, not knowing it was his own grandfather Selo.
Hermana Penchang-the one among the "rich folks" of Tiani who lent Juli money to ransom Kabesang Tales
from the bandits. In return, Juli will serve as her maid until the money was paid off. Penchang is described as a
pious woman who speaks Spanish; however, her piety was clouded over by the virtues taught by the friars. While
Juli was in her service, she made her work constantly, refusing to give her time off so she can take care of her
grandfather Selo. Nevertheless, when the rich folks of Tiani shunned Juli because to support her family in any
way might earn some form of retribution from the friars, Penchang was the only one who took pity upon her.
Hermana Bali - Juli's mother-figure and counselor. She accompanied Juli in her efforts to secure Kabesang Tales'
ransom and later on Basilio's release. Báll was a panguinguera-a gambler who once performed religious services
in a Manila convent. When Tales was captured by bandits, it was Báli who suggested to Juli the idea to borrow
money from Tiani's wealthy citizens, payable when Tales' legal dispute over his farm was won.
own several houses, and that he is lending one to serve as the schoolhouse for their planned Spanish language
academy. After the outlawing of the group, he was the first to post bail. He then left the country after his release.
Sandoval - a Peninsular who had come to Manila as a government employee and was finishing his studies, and
who had completely identified himself with the cause of the Filipino students. After the outlawing of the group,
Pecson - described as chubby, pessimistic, and having an annoying grin. He is Sandoval's regular foil when
Sandoval launches into any kind of patriotic, optimistic speech. After they receive disappointing news about their
Spanish language academy project, it was Pecson who suggested a torch-lit dinner at the Panciteria Macanista de
Buen Gusto, just a block away from the Binondo Church and Convent, served by naked Chinese waiters. From
Tadeo-a truant and charlatan who regularly dreamed of an eternal "holiday" from school, but was all the same
beloved by professors and passed courses. A longtime Manila resident, he is seen having fun by telling outrageous
stories about himself to a newcomer student from his home province. After the outlawing of the group, he alone
seemed to welcome imprisonment as it meant not going to school. His holiday realized at last, he "celebrated" by
Juanito Peláez-Isagani's rival for Paulita Gomez's affection. He was the son of a Timoteo Peláez, a metalworks
trader. He was a favorite of his professors. A regular prankster, he was said to have developed a hump by playing
some trick and then hunching behind his classmates. He paid his dues to the student association, but broke away
just as easily when the association was outlawed. Following Isagani's arrest, Paulita breaks off from Isagani to
marry Juanito.
As with Noli Me Tangere, Rizal seeks to expose the current situation in the Philippines in El Filibusterismo.
Similar issues are raised: the need for reform in education, superstition masquerading as religion, the abuses of
the friars, the corruption of officials, and the pretensions of social-climbing natives and Spaniards. As in Noli,
Rizal uses satire and caricature, but there is less humour, more bitterness in his treatment of situations.
The main theme focused on by El Filibusterismo is the ideal means of achieving social reform. A number of
chapters have long dialogues that seem like debates, pitting Rizal's fading hopes for reform against his long-held
aversion to revolution. The latter still seems to win out, as the novel ends with Simoun's failure at revolution and
Some scholars argue, however, that Rizal's aversion was mainly towards a disorganized revolution of an
uneducated people, since it could have little chance of success and only lead to "useless spilling of blood." Rizal's
comment that a noble, patriotic and self-sacrificing man such as Elias in Noll would be a good revolutionary
leader would seem to support the idea that Rizal supported the idea of armed revolution in certain conditions,
despite his preference for achieving reforms bloodlessly. In any case, the lengthy discussions of the possible
means of achieving social reform indicate that Rizal had given the different possibilities much serious
The novel begins with the steamship Tabo sailing on the Pasig River on its way to Laguna While the passengers
on the upper deck discuss subjects regarding the lake and the slow pace of ship travel, readers are gradually
introduced to some characters of the novel such as the jeweler Simoun, Doña Victorina, Ben Zayb, Don Custodio,
On the lower deck of the steamship Tabo, Basilio and Isagani converse with Don Basilio. The two students tell
the Don the plan of the students to establish a Spanish academy. Although the two students are hopeful that the
academy would be approved by the Governor General, Don Basilio expresses his pessimism.
Chapter 3: Legends
The wealthy passengers of the steamship amuse themselves by telling stories and legends of interesting places
and spots along the river. Padre Florentino recounts the legend of Doña Jeronima, while Padre Salvi narrates the
story of a Chinese infidel who was saved from the caymans by asking St. Nicholas for help. Ben Zayb then asks
the captain the exact spot where a man named Ibarra was killed. While pointing to the exact spot, Ben Zayb
Cabesang Tales with his family and father cultivate a piece of land. From the hardship the experience and sickness
they experience, Tales's wife and eldest daughter die. When he is about to harvest his crops, a religious order lays
claim to the land and demands an annual rent. Tales eventually agrees to the arrangement, but every year the rent
keeps going up until he has had enough. He goes to the courts and demands that the religious order present some
proof of their ownership of the land. After a long and expensive litigation, Tales loses the case. He is unfortunately
abducted by bandits demanding ransom. Not enough money is raised for the ransom, so Jull, the daughter of
Cabesang Tales, borrows money from Hermana Penchang. To pay the debt. Juli agrees to work for the Hermana
as a servant.
On the way to the town of San Diego, a cochero endures abuser and maltreatment from the Guardia Civil. He is
hit with a rifle butt when he tells them he has forgotten to bring his cedula with him. He is detained and beaten
up again when the light of his carromata goes out. Basilio arrives at San Diego and, after making his way to
Capitan Tiago's house, he receives the news that Cabesang Tales has been abducted by bandits.
At Christmas Eve, Basilio enters the forest previously owned by the Ibarra family but has been sold to Capitan
Tiago. In the middle of the forest stands a Balete tree, where he visits the grave of his mother Sisa and a stranger
(Elias). He remembers that thirteen years ago, a second stranger (barra) had helped him cremate and bury his
mother and the stranger. Through Capitan Tiago's help, he is now studying to be a doctor and plans to marry his
sweetheart, Juli.
Chapter 7: Simoun
Basilio is about to leave the forest when he sees someone approach and starts digging near the Balete tree. He
announces his presence and is surprised that the man turns out to be Simoun the jeweler, who is none other than
Crisostomo Ibarra. Simoun convinces Basilio to cooperate in his plans of avenging the death of his mother (Sisa)
and his younger brother (Crispin) but Basilio remains steadfast saying that revenge would never bring back his
It is Christmas day and Juli wakes up early to pack her things to go to Hermana Penchang. She forgets to greet
his grandfather Tata Selo a Merry Christmas. After Juli leaves, Tata Selo is preoccupied with thoughts of his
pretty granddaughter with her delicate hands working as a servant, of his son Cabesang Tales still held by bandits,
and of being alone on Christmas Day. Dwelling on all these misfortunes, he discovers that he has become dumb.
Chapter 9: Pilates
The gossip about the misfortunes of Tata Selo and his family spreads around town, and a number of people are
claiming that they are not to blame for these misfortunes. The Alferez of the Guardia Civil says that he was just
following a government order to collect all firearms in town. The friar who has taken over Cabesang Tales's
comments that if Tales had remained at home, he would never have been abducted by the bandits. Hermana
Penchang merely says that God brought down hardships on Tata Selo's family because they had not taught Juli to
pray properly.
Simoun visits Cabesang Tales's house to sell his jewelry to the rich inhabitants of San Diego and Tiani. Cabesang
Tales is convinced to sell his daughter's locket but decides to get his daughter's permission first. The following
day Simoun discovers that his revolver has been stolen by Tales. News circulates in the town that three persons
have been murdered: the friar administrator, as well as the new tenant and his wife. A piece of paper with the
word "Tales" written in blood is found near the dead tenant's wife.
On the last day of December, the Governor General and his advisers, together with some friars, are taking a rest
in Los Baños. After the game of cards, the Governor-General asks his advisers' opinion about the students'
proposal to put up a self-sufficient Spanish academy. There is a disagreement of opinions, so no decision is made.
Afterwards, the Governor General orders the release of Tata Selo, who has been arrested by the Guardia Civil in
Placido enters the class in physics conducted by Padre Millon. The class has no laboratory equipment, while the
instruments bought by the university are never used. At a class recitation, Placido argues with the professor when
he gets a bad mark even if he had been marked as being absent. From disgust and frustration, Placido Penitente
Placido enters the class in physics conducted by Padre Million. The class has no laboratory equipment, while the
instruments bought by the university are never used. At a class recitation, Placido argues with the professor when
he gets a bad mark even if he had been marked as being absent. From disgust and frustration, Placido Penitente
academy has been passed to a commission headed by Don Custodio. The students then devise schemes to
influence Don Custodio or Señor Pasta, a lawyer, to give a favorable decision, Isagani volunteers to persuade
Isagani approaches Sellor Pasta to persuade him to support and endorse the students' project. Not wishing to
provoke the friars who are against the project, Señor Pasta decides to oppose it and to convince Isagani instead to
Quiroga, a Chinese businessman, gives a dinner in his house. Friars, government officials, soldiers, and merchants
attend the dinner. Simoun asks Quiroga to store some rifles in his warehouse as exchange for the portion of the
Twelve people leave Quiroga's house to watch Mr Leeds show. Padre Camorra ogles the young women at the fair,
and gets more excited when he sees Paulita Gomez, Isagani's rich and beautiful sweetheart.
Ben Zayb, Padre Camorra, Padre Salvi, and others enter the tent of Mr. Leeds to watch his show. Mr. Leeds
presents to them a box containing some ashes that had been found in one of the pyramids of Egypt. Upon shouting
a magic word, the ashes come to life and the Sphinx named imuthis narrates his sad story. A priest, he says, was
in love with his sweetheart and in order to eliminate him, he was implicated in a rebellion. Imuthis was then
arrested but was killed in a lake while trying to escape. Seeing the parallelism between Imuthis' story and that of
Crisostomo Ibarra, Padre Salvi faints when the Sphinx starts calling him murderer, slanderer, and hypocrite.
Placido Penitente meets and joins Simoun in his trip around the city. Placido learns that Simoun is organizing a
Don Custodio studies his decision regarding the proposal of the university students. He is undecided, since he
wants to please the friars who are against the proposal while at the same time desires to give the students a chance
to study the Spanish language. Señor Pasta and Pepay the dancer have been consulted, but they they do not not
The people of Manila gather in the Teatro de Variadades to watch Les Cloches de Corneville. Camarrocido, who
is from a prominent family in Spain, is poorly dressed and is employed in putting up posters of upcoming shows
of the Teatro. While walking near the Teatro he sees some men suspiciously loitering around. He finds out that
Humorous incidents happen at the show. Juanito Pelaez pretends to understand French in order to impress Paulita
Gomez but is embarrassed when he mistranslates some French words. Padre Irene, in a disguise, watches the
show and applauds one of the French actresses. Don Custodio is also present at the show, falsely claiming that he
watching the show to judge if it is indecent or not. During the show, the students led by Makaraig learn about
Basilio reads some medical books when Simoun arrives at Capitan Tiago's house. Simoun convinces Basilio in
vain to assist in the revolution initiated by the jeweler, Simoun adds that a revolution is necessary to rescue Maria
Clara at the Sta. Clara nunnery. Basilio informs Simoun that Maria Clara is dead. Simoun leaves the house
Isagani meets Paulita at Malecon. In their conversation, Isagani is revealed to be an idealist who envisions
progress and economic development of his country. He converses with Paulita about railway expansion,
cooperation between Spaniards and Filipinos, and the imminent commercial trade. Paulita dismisses these
The students organize a banquet at a panciteria to honor Don Custodio and his decision about the Spanish academy.
In his decision, the academy must come under the supervision of the Dominican order and the students would
seditious and revolutionary posters are found at the university implicating the student organization. The
government has also issued the arrest of all its members and students who participated in the banquet at the
panciteria. Basilio then goes to the house of Makaraig to ask for a loan, but he and Makaraig are arrested by
Padre Fernandez calls Isagani to discuss his involvement at the banquet in the panciteria. Their discussion centers
on the policy of the friars in educating students. Isagani argues that the friars are deliberately teaching antiquated
education in order to inhibit the aspiration of the people to be free. He argues that people who aspire to be educated
are branded as filibusters. Padre Fernandez replies that he has done what he could and that not all friars are
backward and against the idea of educating the people. He says that education can only be bestowed to a deserving
Because of the seditious posters found in the university, the city is adrift with rumor and gossip. Gossip about
arrested students being shot and deported is circulated, while rumor exists that members of the student association
had connived with bandits and the German ships to bring down the government.
Capitan Tiago dies, and Padre Irene becomes the executor of his will. Capitan Tiago has willed his properties to
The news of Basilio's imprisonment deeply troubles Juli. The town clerk, Hermana Pochang, and Hermana Bali
convince Juli to ask Padre Camorra to intercede for Basilio. She is hesitant to approach the friar since he is known
to be frolicsome and fond of women. When news reaches Tiani that Basilio is about to be shot, Jull is compelled
High official convinces the Governor-General in vain to release Basilio who he believes is innocent. The
Governor-General insists that innocent individuals must suffer in order to restore order and to cow the people into
submission. Because of this disagreement, the high official resigns and goes back to Spain
Chapter 32: Effect of the Pasquinades
Because of the revolutionary and seditious posters, Pecson, Tadeo, and Juanito Pelaez are suspended from their
classes. Tadeo burns his books, while luanito gets engaged in his father's business. In jail, Basilio learns the sad
news of Jull's death. Simoun befriends Don Timoteo Pelaez, who is now busy preparing for the wedding of his
Basilio is released from prison and immediately approaches Simoun in order to help him initiate a revolution.
Simoun is pleased that Basilio will join his cause. He directs Basilio to meet Cabesang Tales at a designated time
to acquire the rifles that are hidden in Quiroga's warehouse. Simoun is to place at an important gathering a
Basilio walks aimlessly in the streets of Manila to wait for the agreed signal for the revolution. He passes Calle
Anleague where the wedding fiesta of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez is being held. After seeing the rich
decorations, the number of guards, and the important visitors that would be coming, he assumes that this is the
crucial gathering mentioned by Simoun. Chapter 35: The Fiesta (The Summary of "El Filibusterismo" Basilio
sees Simoun placing the lamp at the center of the house. Basilio is about to leave the place when he sees Isagani.
He tries to convince Isagani to stay away from the house and explains that the lamp from Simoun would explode
killing everybody in the house. In a rane act of love and loyalty to Paulita, he boldly rushes to the house, quickly
The Governor-General prohibits any mention of the events that have taken place at the wedding fiesta of Juanito
Pelaez and Paulita Gomez. News circulates that a band of tulisanes have attacked a friar country house. The
robbers who are caught describe a Spanish mestizo as the one who ordered them to attack the city at a designated
The events of the previous night are discussed by Isagani, Capitana Lofeng, Capitan Toringoy, Sensia, and
Chichoy. Chichoy divulges that Simoun is the mastermind behind storing the sacks of gunpowder in order to kill
all the people at the wedding feast. He also adds that the lamp was to start the fire and ignite the gunpowder.
of the Guardia Civil and the son of Cabesang Tales, bravely fight the bandits, killing with a spear the bandits'
leader and an old man. Upon approaching the dead, he recognizes that the old man that he has shot is none other