PP Unit 2
PP Unit 2
PP Unit 2
(An Autonomous College)
BELA (Ropar) Punjab
Program : B. Pharmacy
Name of Unit : Drug Distribution, Hospital Formulary, Therapeutic Drug
Monitoring, Medication Adherence
Subject /Course name : Pharmacy Practice
Subject/Course ID : BP 703T
Class: B.Pharm. Semester : VII
Module : II
Course coordinator : Ms. Amanpreet Kaur
Mobile No. : 9056661610
Email id : pharmaceutics23@gmail.com
LO2 Students will learn about the need of therapeutic drug monitoring. BP703.3
LO3 Students learn about community pharmacy management. BP703.2
LO4 Students will understand the importance of patient medication BP703.4
No. Topic
1 Drug distribution system in a hospital:- Dispensing of drugs to inpatients, types of
drug distribution systems, charging policy and labeling, Dispensing of drugs to
ambulatory patients, and dispensing of controlled drugs.
2 Hospital formulary :- Defination, contents of hospital formulary, Differentiation of
hospital formulary and Drug list, preparation and revision and addition and deletion
of drug from hospital formulary.
3 Therapeutic drug monitoring:- Need for TDM, factors to be considered during TDM,
Indian scenario for TDM.
4 Medication adherence:- Causes of medication non- adherence, pharmacist role in the
medication adherence, and monitoring of patient medication adherence.
5 Patient medication history interview:- Need for the patient medication history,
medication interview forms
6. Community pharmacy management:- Financial, material, staff and infrastructure
Outpatient decides the image of the hospital as per the services received by them. Thus, it is
essential to look into the following aspects while designing the hospital care service.
1. Separate waiting room with appropriate seating facilities.
2. Sufficient number of service windows and separate facility for women.
3. Provision for adequate light and ventilation.
Social aspect must be considered to carry out dispensing services.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is generally defined as the clinical laboratory measurement
of a chemical parameter that, with appropriate medical interpretation, will directly influence drug
prescribing procedures.
It involves the use of drug concentration measurements in body fluids as an aid to the
management of drug therapy for the cure, alleviation or prevention of disease.
TDM enables the assessment of the efficacy and safety of a particular medication in a variety of
clinical settings. The goal of this process is to individualize therapeutic regimens for optimal
patient benefit.
TDM is based on the principle that for some drugs there is a close relationship between the
plasma level of the drug and its clinical effect.
If such a relationship does not exit TDM is of little value.
The clinical value of plasma level monitoring depends on how precisely the treatment
outcome can be defined.
When a precise therapeutic end point is difficult to define, monitoring of drug levels may be
of considerable therapeutic assistance.
The therapeutic range/ therapeutic window is the concentration range of drug in plasma where
the drug has been shown to be efficacious without causing toxic effects in most people.
Renal disease: Alter the relationship between dose & the plasma concentration. Important in
case of digoxin, lithium & aminoglycoside antibiotics.
Drug interactions: When another drug alters the relationship between dose & plasma
concentration e.g. plasma concentration of lithium is increased by thiazide.
Drug with large individual variability at steady state PDC in any given dose.
For diagnosis of suspected toxicity & determining drug abuse.
To evaluate compliance of patient.
Guiding withdrawal of therapy: Antiepileptics, Cyclosporine.
Protein Binding
TDM assays typically require serum or plasma and usually measure both the bound and
unbound drug, even though it is the unbound drug that reacts with the receptor to produce a
This is seldom an issue – unless the patient’s binding capacity is altered due to disease-state,
drug interaction, or non-linear binding. In such cases, the effect of the protein binding needs
to be taken into consideration when interpreting results.
Active Metabolites: Many therapeutic drug metabolites, though not measured, contribute to a
drug’s therapeutic response. For example, primidone treatment is monitored by measuring
phenobarbitone, an active metabolite, but primidone itself and other metabolites are also active.
Steady State: Unless a loading dose or i.v. infusion is used initially, steady state must be reached
before meaningful TDM is possible for those drugs that are given long-term.
Turnaround Time: Turnaround time is important to ensure that the physician has time to
evaluate the result before the patient is scheduled to receive the next dose.
• For most drugs this is not an issue, as assays for the most commonly tested analytes are
available on several fully automated analyzers.
• However, for drugs without commercially available assays, highly specialized chromatographic
and ultra-filtration assays are used. These methods require specially trained staff and are most
often performed in a limited number of sites. Therefore, results tend to take longer to receive.
Correct sample timing should also take into account absorption and distribution, eg digoxin
samples are collected after 6 hours of administration. Drawing the trough level at the time the
dose is given is usually sufficiently accurate.
b) Carbamazepine: Its half life may be as long as 48 h following a single dose. A trough
concentration taken just after a dose together with a peak level 3 hours later is ideal.
c) Digoxin: The measurement must be made atleast 6 hours after a dose to avoid
inappropriate high levels.
d) Theophylline: This drug has a narrow therapeutic index and timing of sampling is not
critical if the patient is receiving one of the slow release formulations, wherein trough levels
should be taken.
• Monitoring should take into account:
1) the blood level of cyclosporine and the therapeutic interval (different for renal, liver and
heart transplantation) the correlation that exists between therapeutic interval and acute graft
rejection and nephrotoxicity.
• Frequency of cyclosporine blood levels determination should be at 2-3 days (in the first 4
weeks post-transplant), then monthly after 3 months.
• Because cyclosporine binds significantly to red blood cells, whole blood is a better biological
matrix forassessing cyclosporine concentration than plasma.
• Instead, both nephrotoxicity and acute rejection are better correlated with the area under the
concentration-time curve measured between 0 - 4 h or 0-12 h (AUC0-4, AUC 0-12).
• These values can be better estimated using the value of C2 (blood level 2 h post-dose) than the
residual concentration (C0). {greatest variability occurred in the absorption phase in the initial 4-
6hr after the CsA dose}
• GC/MS: Gas chromatography is a separation method using very high temperatures to cause
sample vaporization. In mass spectrophotometry the vaporized fractions are passed through an
electrical field. The molecules can be separated on the basis of molecular weight. The pattern of
separation is unique to each drug and therefore establishes a “fingerprint” for identification.
GC/MS is the gold standard methodfor the identification of drugs of abuse.
EIA: Enzyme immunoassay. EIA uses a non-radioactive enzyme label. Most of the drug testing
today is performed using homogeneous EIA techniques. This refers to the fact that the assays are
performed in a single step, i.e. only one antibody is used in the procedure. Therefore, the
turnaround time for testing is reduced.
• RIA: Use radioactivity to detect the presence of the analyte. In RIA, the sample is incubated
with an antibody and a radio-labeled drug. The amount of radioactivity measured is compared to
the radioactivitypresent in known standards which are included in each run. Results are
• Chemiluminescence: This is a chemical reaction that emits energy in the form of light. When
used in combination with immunoassay technology, the light produced by the reaction indicates
the amount of analyte in a sample. The most common chemiluminescent assay methods are
either enzyme-amplified or direct chemiluminescent measurements.
1. Maximizes efficacy.
2. Avoids toxicity.
4. Facilitates adjustment of dosage New dose = Old dose X Desired Css/Old Css.
Ward.............................................Ordered by .........................................Phone
Dose.......................... Freq..................................
...Date.......................... Technologist................................. Time............................…………..
Our TDM service began in a small way in 1988 with a single high performance liquid
chromatograph (HPLC.) and one research assistant in a tiny laboratory tucked away in a corner
of an 1800 bed teaching public hospital. In 1992 we reported our experiences in the management
of epilepsy in a developing country . Over the last 10 years the laboratory has grown and is now
part of a fully fledged department of Clinical Pharmacology with a total staff of 30, three HPLC,
and an automated immunoassay laboratory.
Medication adherence is the one of the most important factors that determines the therapeutic
out comes, especially in a patient suffering from chronic illness/diseases. Whatever the
efficiency of the drug, it can’t act unless the patient takes it.
Low medication adherence has consumed importance as it seriously undermines the benefits
of current medical care and imposes a significant financial burden on individual patient and
health care system as a whole.
The word ‘compliance’ can imply an authoritarian attitude on the part of health care
professionals andmay suggest yielding and submission by the patient.
‘Non-compliance’ is failure or refusal to comply with advice and can imply disobedience on
the part of patient.
Adherence to treat/treatment is the key link between treatment and outcome in medical care.
Many variables which may influence adherence have been studied, but none of them
have been shown to consistently predict adherence.
Research into medication adherence has been piecemeal, and as there is no gold
standard formeasuring adherence, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the studies which
have been done.
Further research is needed in this complex field, especially taking into account the various
factors that can be controlled to improve adherence.
Medication adherence richly deserves attention and much impetus is needed to develop new
ideas andtheories to improve it.
Replacement therapy: For example, thyroxine and insulin are essential for maintaining the
body metabolism and must be used regularly as prescribed.
Maintenance of pharmacological action: For example, anti hypersensitive and
hypoglycemic action control of blood pressure throughout the body and maintaining blood
sugar levels within normal range are necessary to obtain optimal treatment benefit.
Maintenance of serum drug concentration to control particular disorder: For example
anticonvulsant, sub-therapeutic level of anticonvulsant may increase the risk of convulsions
in epileptic patients.
Some disease of public health: It is important where non adherence is a major obstacle to
achieving control. For example, tuberculosis, human immune deficiency virus and hepatic
infections preventive strategies such as immunization programs.
In chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension: where adherence is important to
prevent short and long term complications such as diabetes.
Patients demonstrate medication non-adherence in many different situations. These have been
categorized based on whether the prescription was honored the medication was underused or
overused or whether nonprescription medicines were used.
1. Social/economic factors
2. Provider-patient/health care system factors
3. Condition-related factors
4. Therapy-related factors
5. Patient-related factors
Limited English language proficiency
Low health literacy
Lack of family or social support network
Unstable living conditions; homelessness Burdensome schedule
Limited access to health care facilities
Lack of health care insurance
Inability or difficulty accessing pharmacy
Medication cost
Cultural and lay beliefs about illness and treatment
Elder abuse
Provider-patient relationship
Provider communication skills (contributing to lack of patient knowledge or
understanding of thetreatment regimen)
Psychological/Behavioral Factors:
•Through the patient interviews the pharmacist can assist the patient knowledge of their drug
therapy and usual medication habits.
Example: Dose of patient has a set routine and his family support available to supervise the
medication use. The pharmacist has any specific problem with the medication such as
swallowing ofa large tablets, difficulty of opening child proof containers.
At the end of process the pharmacist should be able to determine the patient’s own assessment of
their adherence to medication and make a professional assessment of the ways in which this can
be improved.
For example, this may involve counseling for any specific problems with medication and
preparation of individualized medication information sheets.
There are several ways to measure medication adherence.
1 .Medication event monitoring systems (MEMS):- These are the most accurate method of
measuring adherence because they record the date and time the medication bottle was opened
through microprocessor technology embedded in the cap.
Advantages with microprocessor:-
1. Very expensive & different devices are needed for each medication.
2. Therefore it is an impractical way to determine adherence in clinical practice.
2. Patient self-reports: it is easiest method when adherence is being assessed, open-ended
questions should be asked. Instead of asking, “Are you taking your medications?” the HCP
should phrase the question along the lines of, “How many times in the past week (month) have
you skipped your medications?”
3. Pill counts
4. Pharmacy databases or refill rates.
5. Blood levels which also are employed in research, are more feasible options for clinical
Since patients tend to give their HCPs positive answers to please them, the questions in
Morisky’s study were phrased to avoid this bias. Each question measures a specific medication
taking behavior rather than adherence or compliance behavior.
Interviewing a patient in collecting the data medical history is called medication history
Compare medication profiles with the medication administration record and investigate the
Verify medication history taken by other staffs and provide additional information where
Document allergies and adverse reactions.
Screen for drug interactions.
Assess patient medication compliance.
Assess the rationale for drug prescribed.
Assess the evidence of drug abuse.
Appraise the drug administration techniques.
Examine the needs for medication aids.
Document patient initiated medication administration.
Patient’s understanding of strategies to deal with medication side effects and drug
interactions should be improved.
Patient becomes an informed, efficient and active participant in disease treatment and self
care management.
Drug interactions and adverse drug reactions should be prevented.
Should ensure better patient compliance.
Patient counseling consist of 3 stages
•Process content and issue regarding
Review the patient’s record.
Introduce yourself (pharmacist).
Explain purpose of counseling.
Obtain drug related information such as allergies, use of herbals etc.
Assess the patient understanding of the reasons for therapy.
Verify the patient’s understanding by feedback.
Summarize by emphasizing key points.
Counseling area: The patient should be counseled in a semiprivate, private area away from the
other people and distractions . The patient perceive the counseling area as confidential , secure
and conducive to learning .This helps ensure both parties are focused on the discussion and
minimizes interruptions and distractions . It provides an opportunity for patients to ask questions
they may be hesitant to ask in public. Give an opportunity to the patient to put forward any
(b) Quantity “Health gain” by describing the change in patients overall health status after the
intervention as defined by standard measures, both general and condition specific.
Financing is required to set up a new community pharmacy in order to maintain the medicines
stock and cover the expenses.
Purpose of Finance:
To purchase land, building, machinery and equipment.
To purchase raw materials and other materials.
To pay salaries, wages and incidental charges.
To maintain stock and supply products.
Types of finance:
1. Equity Finance/capital: Fixed/Tangible assets that are free from financial obligation or debts.
2. Burrowed Finance/capital: Assets that are taken as loan from banks or other sources.
Sources of Finance:
Owned finance: The capital is generated by owner, partner or shareholders. As long as
business runit remains and surplus is returned to the shareholders.
Loan (Burrowed) Finance: The capital is generated from bank or other financial
institutions. Interest is paid periodically at a fixed rate and then payment of loan capital. Loan
can be obtained against mortgage or pledge of the property.
Function of materials management:
1. Procurement of raw materials and other inputs required for production.
2. Maintaining stores and stock levels.
3. Receiving and issuing of the materials.
4. Transportation and material handling.
5. Disposal of scrap and surplus material.
Material Management is a basic function of the business that adds value directly to the product
itself. Material Management is the planning, directing, controlling and coordinating the activities
concerned with material and inventory requirements from the point of their inception to their
introduction into the manufacturing process.
Functions of stocking:
(a) Receiving, handling and speedy issue of material.
(b) Custodian of goods in store against damage and pilferage.
(c) To establish regular supply of materials.
(d) Physical stocking and its checking.
(e) Efficient utilization of store space.
(f) To provide service to the organization in most economic way.
(g) Proper identification and easy location of items.
Arrangements of Drugs in Drug Store The drugs may be arranged in the following manner:
According to manufacturer: The drugs are arranged in a drug store, manufacturer-wise for
example, the drug manufactured by Glaxo (India) Ltd. are place in one cup-board and so on.
According to pharmacological action: The drugs may be arranged in order of their
pharmacological action for example, all analgesics drugs are placed in one cupboard. All
multivitamin preparations are kept in another cupboard and so on.
Alphabetical order: The drugs may also be arranged alphabetically. The drugs starting with
letter “A” are placed in one row of the cupboard. Similarly with other drugs based on their
first alphabet.
As per old stock and date of expiry: Drugs are stored in such a way that the older stock
must be sold first, so that the old stock is stored in front row and the fresh stock is stored on
the backside.
Location of stores for stocking: The location of stores in an enterprise should be at a place
where handling, transportation and movement of the material is at a minimum level. If there
is only single plant or many plants situated at the same area, then it is profitable to have one
centralize store to serve all production operations.
The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of centralized storing
(a) Economy in investments.
(b) Reduction in incidental expenses.
(c) Less storage of space.
(d) Less manpower required, due to which reduction in administrative costs.
(e) More bargaining power due to buying in bulk.
(a) More materials handling operations.
(b) The chances of delay are likely to be more.
(c) More exposed to loss due to natural calamities like fire, rain, dust etc.
2. Coding or Codification
It is the process of assigning a code number or code symbol to a particular material for easy
identification. Usually manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers have large merchandise in the
stores. It is difficult to locate the items in the store unless some system is evolved to store them.
There should be place for everything and it should be place at their right place. Therefore code
numbers are allocated to various items to facilitate easy identification.
Advantages of codification
(a) It helps in easy identification of items.
(b) It helps in grouping the similar items together.
(c) The ambiguity in description of the materials can be avoided.
(d) The detailed description of the materials is minimized.
(e) It helps in avoiding duplication of items.
(f) It helps in physical counting.
(g) It helps in inspection of the materials.
(h) The coding helps in maintaining the secrecy of the items.
Methods of codification: The various methods employed for codification includes:
Alphabetical order method
Mnemonic method
Numerical method
(a) Decimal system
(b) Block system
Combination method or alphanumerical method
Location coding
(a) Fixed location
(b) Random location
(c) Zonal location
Alphabetical order method: This method is also known as “Letter Code” system. In this
system all items are on the code number alphabetically for example Code “C” represents
capsules Code “T” represents tablets.
Mnemonic method: In this method, coding letters assigned to each items so that they can be
very easily identified for example “APC” represents aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. The
main disadvantage is that the items cannot be identified without refers code index book.
Numerical method: This method is also known as ‘sequence system method’. Under this
method separate numbers are assigned to different classification of store items. The method
has the following sub-systems-
(a) Block system: In this method the numbers are reserved for specified items. Example let
the number 10-50 is allotted to various types of tablets. 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 represents
antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestants and cold remedies respectively.
(b) Decimal system: In this system, the numbers are assigned in such a way that each digit
represents the separate name under same heading. example- Let the code for tablet is 10, then
10.1 (Paracetamol- antipyretic), 10.2 (Analgin-analgesic).
Combination method: In this method both mnemonic and numerical methods are combined
to assign a code to different items of the store example Code number “CPC” is allotted from
chloramphenicol capsules. Code number “PAT 11” is allocated to paracetamol with analgin
tablets. This method is used when store items are quite large.
Locating coding: In a large organization, there are a large number of stores. The store
rooms are divided in blocks and each block is identified by lateral block letter and
longitudinal block letter. The location of items can be identified from ware-house number,
block number, row number, rack number and shelf number etc. Location of any item inside
the store rooms can also be done in the following manner-
(a) Fixed location: In this method each and every group of items is allotted a fixed place
inside thestore according to either-
(i) Supplier wise
(ii) Item wise
(iii) According to the utility of the item.
(b) Random location: This is most widely used method in almost all kinds of retail shops
but each group items are stored, in a particular shelf for its easy location.
(c) Zonal location: According to this system, available space is divided into different zones
and each zone is allotted to different kinds of items. The zones can be named as-
(i) Bulk Zone
(ii) Reserve Stock Zone
(iii) Spare part Zone
(iv) Consumable Item zone
STAFF REQUIREMENTS: Staff Management The right type of organization is selected, then it
becomes necessary to fill in the various job positions with right kind of people, who can effectively
performed their assigned activities. This is the management function of staffing.
The process of hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in various positions in the
organization. It involves the scientific and systemic procurement, allocation, utilization,
conversation and development of human resources.
The main objective of the staffing is to ensure the optimum utilization of human resources as
well as to provide personal and social satisfaction to the employees.
Importance of staffing:
(i) Staffing helps to build up a healthy organization in which the job performance and
satisfaction ofevery employee can be high.
(ii) Staffing injects life into the organization by providing right person for every job. The
effectiveness of directing and control functions also depends upon staffing.
(iii) Employees in the organization are the most valuable asset of an organization. The
quality of human assets largely determines the success and growth of the organization.
Space Layout: Plant layout is a method of allocating machines and equipments, various
production processes and other necessary services involved in transformation process of a
product with the available space of the factory, so as to perform.
Various operations in the most efficient and convenient manner providing output of high quality
and minimum cost. Planning the layout of a plant is a continuous process as there are always
chances of making improvements over the existing arrangements.
(i) Better machine utilization.
(ii) Greater flexibility.
(iii) Better supervision which ultimately leads to better production.
(iv) Less number of machines is needed involving reduced capital.
Functional Layout type may not be possible in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries,
because a number of unit operations should be performed in sequence.
Product layout: It is also called as straight line layout and according to the product
manufactured. This set up of product layout is standardized in beginning. The product can be
manufactured in large quantity by repetitive operation.
(i) Less space requirements for the same volume of production.
(ii) Less in-process inventory.
(iii) Smooth and continuous work flow.
(iv) Processing of work is quick and smooth.
Importance of plant location or site: The selection of appropriate location is important due
to the following reasons:
1. Location of plant partially determines operating and capital cost. It determines the nature
of investment costs to be incurred and also the levels of many operating costs.
2. Location fixes some of the physical factors of the overall plant design example heating
and ventilation requirements, storage capacity of raw material taking into consideration their
local availability.
3. Each prospective location implies a new allocation of capacity to respective market area.
Government some-times play an important role in the choice of the location keeping in view the
national benefits.
Plant Location-Factors Influencing
The selection of a location for the construction of a pharmaceutical plant is a vital decision to be
taken, because it determines the balancing of investment and profit. Hence the location of the
plant has a strong influence on the success of an industrial venture. Primarily the plant should be
located where the minimum cost of production and distribution can be achieved. But other
factors such as room for expansion and general living conditions are also important.These factors
may be described as follows:
1. Fundamental (Primary) Factors
2. Derived (Secondary factors)
Combination layout: A combination of process and product layout combines the advantages of
both types of layout. The layout should be efficient by keeping material handling at a minimum
level. Suitable layout planning is required to keep the cost of product minimum.
Selection of Site: A plant is a place where men, materials and equipment are brought together for
manufacturing procedures
1. Define hospital formulary.
2. Significance of hospital formulary.
3. Define OPD.
4. Explain activity chart for OPD.
5. Define TDM.
6. What is therapeutic window?
7. What is need of TDM?
8. Define medication adherence.
9. What is medication non-adherence?
10. Write the importance of adherence.
11. What are the causes of medication adherence?
12. What are the dosing cards?
13. Define medication history.
14. What are the goals of medication history?
15. Write the importance of drug history.
16. What is community pharmacy?
17. Write the function of community pharmacy.
18. Define Coding.
19. Define Stocking.
1. Write a note on:
a) Distribution of formulary
b) Revision of formulary
2. Differentiate between hospital formulary and drug list.
3. Write a note on addition and deletion of hospital formulary.
4. Write a short note on dispensing of drugs to ambulatory patients.
5. Draw the layout plan for OPD.
6. Explain the different techniques for therapeutic drug monitoring.
7. How we measures the medication adherence?
1. Discuss in detail “contents of formulary”.
2. Write guiding principles of hospital formulary.
3. Discuss in detail unit dose dispensing system.
4. Explain types drug distribution system for in-patient department.
5. Give a detail note on charging policy for drug distribution system.
6. Write a note on therapeutic drug monitoring.
7. Write the principles of TDM.
8. Explain role of pharmacist in medication adherence.
9. Explain the different methods used for monitoring the patient medication adherence.
10. Detail note on medication history form.
11. Discuss in detail about the infrastructure management.
12. Write a note on material management.