Field CSI Checklist
Field CSI Checklist
Field CSI Checklist
2.4 Work Permit
Note: Boom trucks are considered as articulating
boom cranes (GI 7.030, sec. 7.3.1)
Do the crane cabs have maximum visibility (e.g.,
curtains/cardboard shall not obstruct the operator’s
view during operation)?
Traffic Safety
Note: Cabs shall be kept clean and clear of items such Safe Location
as rubbish and loose tools. Windows shall be kept
clean at all times and shall be replaced if the glass
becomes pitted, cracked, or broken.
Are crane lifts performed in wind speed not exceeding
Work Permit
2.6 32 km/h (20 mph) (17.4 knots) (9 m/sec), unless
Safe Location
otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer?
Are the crane lift areas barricaded, secured and with
warning signs placed at barricaded perimeters?
Work Permit
Safe Location
Note: Only authorized personnel shall be permitted
inside the barricaded/lifting area.
2.8 Are the crane's outriggers fully extended and lowered Safe Location
to raise the wheels completely off the ground, and
outrigger mats used under outrigger float pads during
crane lifts?
2.13 -Pedestal cranes installed on offshore barges or boats Work Permit
shall be designed to comply with the requirements of
the appropriate classification society or API Spec. 2C.
-Trim-and-stability books (in the English language)
shall be used to install and operate pedestal cranes
installed on offshore barges or boats. They shall
comply with the requirements of IMO.
Are all riggers conducting rigging activity (including
loading/unloading of loads on transport trucks and
boom trucks, with no exceptions) certified per GI
7.025 and 7.028?
a. Slingers: Can rig loads up to 5 tons and all pre-
rigged/slung loads that are included in a rigs pre-
3. Slings and Rigging Hardware
Note: This includes posting of complete and current
SDSs/CHBs for each chemical or hazardous substance
Are gasoline- and diesel-powered equipment refueled
4.3 Safe Location
in well-ventilated areas with their engines stopped?
Are fire protection systems and equipment, whether
temporary or permanent inspected and maintained in
accordance with GI 1781.001?
A. Fire Extinguisher
B. Fire Detection, Alarm and Smoke Control System
C. Water Based Fire Protection Systems
D. Special Hazards Fire Suppression Systems
4.4 E. Any other related equipment as per GI 1781.001
1. Firefighting equipment shall be protected from
harsh environment conditions as needed (e.g., cover
wheeled fire extinguishers)
2. Fire protection systems and equipment inspections
shall be recorded.
Are the precautions necessary to prevent ignition of
materials, lubricants, fuels used in the job itself, etc.,
8. Ladder & Stepladders
-Boxes, blocks, barrels and temporary platforms (e.g.,
8.6 Fall Protection
scaffolds) shall not be used as a means of support.
-Securing the base of the ladder, using side guys,
stationing personnel at the base are other measures
to be taken when secure fixing at the top of the
ladder is impractical.
Are work locations provided with safe means of entry
9. Temporary Walking &
and exit?
Working Surfaces
Note: Use of common drinking cups/dippers is
Does the contractor provide designated shaded and
cool areas for periodic “cool down” breaks and
11.2 recovery from minor heat-related illness?
Note: Where possible, these areas are to be
Are designated shaded break/rest areas provided at a
distance not greater than 100 m (330 ft) from
11.3 Safe Location
personnel working in direct sunlight for extended
periods of time?
12.5 Work Pemit
-Air compressors supplying breathing air shall be
tested quarterly by an independent SA approved
third-party testing facility.
-Systems shall contain an oil filter, CO sensor/alarm
-see GI 1780.001 for additional information
Is silica sand not used for abrasive blasting operations
at construction sites?
Note: Safer alternative blasting agents are available
and shall be used (e.g., aluminum oxide grit, fruit
kernels, or synthetic abrasives).
Are signs conspicuously posted at the work site with
the current (updated)emergency telephone numbers?
Are reporting instructions posted that includes
directing personnel to provide the following
A) Location
13.2 B) Nature of the emergency
C) Emergency services required.
D) Number of injured personnel.
E) Telephone number you are calling from
F) Caller’s name and badge number.
13. Emergency Response
Work Permit
Does the isolation plan include a blind list if blinds
were used?
Is each lock on a piece of equipment or on a multiple
14.3 Isolation
lockout clip identified with a subsequent hold tag?
14.4 Is each lock keyed separately, with no duplicate key? Isolation
Is a “group lockout” procedure implemented during
14.5 maintenance and construction activities involving large Isolation
numbers of personnel?
Is positive isolation (blinding or disconnecting)
implemented when equipment or a piping containing a
14.6 Confined Space
hazardous material were to be opened for hot work
Work Permit
activities or confined space entry?
Are confined space warning signs and barricades
posted outside the confined space to notify personnel
that a confined space entry is in progress and to
prohibit entry by unauthorized personnel?
15.1 Confined Space
Note: Potential confined spaces such as open pipes,
man ways shall have physical guards e.g., pipe caps,
rigid cover, etc.
Does every confined space entry have a designated
trained confined space entry supervisor (CSES)?
Confined Space
Note: Work Permit
Excavation with a depth of at least 1.2m shall be
considered as a confined space as per CSM II-1.4.5.
Do all entry points have a designated standby man
continuously monitoring entry?
Work Permit
Note: Confined Space
Personnel entering/exiting a confined space shall sign
a log in/out sheet.
Do all standby men have adequate means of
15.4 Confined Space
communication (e.g., two-way radio)?
Is a dry chemical fire extinguisher (30 lb.) provided
near each entry point if the space is within process
15.5 Confined Space
equipment or where combustible or flammable
15. Confined spaces
17.7 Note: Except by scaffold craftsmen for the purpose of Safe Location
erecting, dismantling, altering, or correcting scaffold
Do all utilized scaffolds have valid inspection tags and
Safe location
17.8 signed by appropriate scaffold inspector and/or
Work Permit
Were scaffold plans reviewed by LPD and CSD (where
required) prior to erection of special scaffold & 12.2 m
&above, and is it erected in accordance with the
approved scaffold plan for that scaffold? Work Permit
Fall Protection
Note: Formwork shoring constructed of scaffolding
materials supporting elevated concrete slabs/deck is
considered as special scaffold
Are all scaffold inspectors and supervisors certified?
17.10 Work Permit
Note: SA Certified or an approved international
institution as per Supplement 8.001-4
Are scaffold craftsmen (scaffolders) trained and
qualified to perform scaffolding work and are they
17.11 Work Permit
supervised by the certified scaffold supervisor during
erection dismantling or modification of scaffold?
Work Permit
19.1 Note:
Traffic Safety
In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall
have a valid inspection sticker issued by SA or a SA-
approved third-party inspection agency.
Is human-machine interface (HMI) hazard mitigation
plan developed and implemented?
Traffic Safety
Safe Location
- Conducting equipment pre-use inspection, and
23.1 Note: Personnel shall not be permitted to work above Safe Location
vertically protruding reinforcing steel, unless it has
been bent over or provided with a protective cover
(e.g., capped).
Is limited access zone established whenever a masonry
23.2 Safe Location
wall is being constructed?
Are all manually guided, powered and rotating-type
concrete troweling machines equipped with an
automatic control switch (“dead man” switch)?
Note: The rotating blades shall be guarded at the top
and outer perimeter
Are trained grounds men or flagmen assigned where
24. Roadwork
- Guards shall be constructed so that no part of the
26.1 Safe Location
26. Mechanical Equipment