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Field CSI Checklist

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Field CSI Checklist Contractor: Month: Week:


Is proper work permit obtained before work is started
in accordance with GI 2.100, Work Permit System, GI
2.709, Gas Testing Procedure, and the Saudi Aramco
Safety Handbook?
1.1 Work Permit
Note: All required work permits such as CSE Permit,
Cold Work & Hot Work and other related permitting
system will be covered by this category.
Is joint site inspection conducted (i.e., by the Work
1.2 Permit Issuer and Receiver) before issuing a work Work Permit
1. Work Permit System

Has "Work Description” of the work permit form been

1.3 Work permits clearly specify date and duration of the Work Permit
work, work location, work to be performed, and
equipment to be used at the job site.
Have hazard identification and control section of the
work permit been completed?
Work permits clearly identify the types of energy,
isolation method(s), potential exposures, required
protective equipment, fire protection methods,
1.4 additional safety precautions and actions to be taken Work Permit
in the event of an emergency.

Note: General statements, such as “work safely” or

“wear PPE,” are inadequate and shall not be written
on the permit.
Does the work permit receiver remain at the job site
to monitor the work and make sure all work permit
1.5 Work Permit
conditions and applicable SA safety and health
requirements are being met?
Are all boom truck, side boom tractor, and crane
operators properly licensed and certified as per GI
7.025 to operate a specific make and model they are
using? Work Permit
Traffic Safety
Note: Critical lift requirement (GI 7.028) and
certified riggers are not required when using side
boom tractors to conduct pipe laying operations only.
Is Rigger-I physically present to supervise all lifts that
2.2 Work Permit
require a Rigger-I?
Is the Critical Lift Plan (SA 9644) completed and
2.3 approved per GI 7.024 and/or GI 7.028, and made Work Permit
available on-site prior to any critical crane lift?
Do all cranes have a valid crane inspection sticker
issued by SA or by a SA-approved third-party inspection
2. Cranes & Heavy Lifting

2.4 Work Permit
Note: Boom trucks are considered as articulating
boom cranes (GI 7.030, sec. 7.3.1)
Do the crane cabs have maximum visibility (e.g.,
curtains/cardboard shall not obstruct the operator’s
view during operation)?
Traffic Safety
Note: Cabs shall be kept clean and clear of items such Safe Location
as rubbish and loose tools. Windows shall be kept
clean at all times and shall be replaced if the glass
becomes pitted, cracked, or broken.
Are crane lifts performed in wind speed not exceeding
Work Permit
2.6 32 km/h (20 mph) (17.4 knots) (9 m/sec), unless
Safe Location
otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer?
Are the crane lift areas barricaded, secured and with
warning signs placed at barricaded perimeters?
Work Permit
Safe Location
Note: Only authorized personnel shall be permitted
inside the barricaded/lifting area.
2.8 Are the crane's outriggers fully extended and lowered Safe Location
to raise the wheels completely off the ground, and
outrigger mats used under outrigger float pads during
crane lifts?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Note: Outrigger mats shall be designed to support the
total weight of the crane and load to be lifted and
shall not be permanently secured to the outrigger
Is the pre-operational safety inspection of the crane
performed by the crane operator using Crane Operator
Daily Inspection Checklist (per GI 7.028), and condition Safe location
of safety latch on the hook physically checked to Work Permit
ensure preventing a slack sling becoming loose during
crane lifts?
Is the crane operator staying on the operator's cab at
2.10 Safe Location
all times while a load is attached?
Is designated signalman assigned when a crane,
concrete pumping equipment or boom truck is
operating near an energized power line to ensure the
following minimum distances are maintained?


2.11 Safe Location
Voltage Absolute Limit of
Up to 50,000 volts 3.1 meters/10 feet
50,000 to 200,000 volts 4.6 meters/15 feet
200,000 to 350,000 volts 6.1 meters/20 feet
Over 350,000 volts 7.6 meters/25 feet
Is the Offshore barge or boat crane approved and
certified by the classification society under which the
vessel is registered?

2.12 Note: Where no classification society is available, the Work Permit

API Spec 2C (Specification for Offshore Cranes), the
ASME B30.8 (Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks), or
the ASME B30.22 (Articulating Boom Cranes) standards
shall apply.
Are the hull structural drawings for connecting
foundations of pedestal cranes approved by the
appropriate classification society under which the
vessel is registered?

2.13 -Pedestal cranes installed on offshore barges or boats Work Permit
shall be designed to comply with the requirements of
the appropriate classification society or API Spec. 2C.
-Trim-and-stability books (in the English language)
shall be used to install and operate pedestal cranes
installed on offshore barges or boats. They shall
comply with the requirements of IMO.
Are all riggers conducting rigging activity (including
loading/unloading of loads on transport trucks and
boom trucks, with no exceptions) certified per GI
7.025 and 7.028?

a. Slingers: Can rig loads up to 5 tons and all pre-
rigged/slung loads that are included in a rigs pre-
3. Slings and Rigging Hardware

prepared Safe Work Instruction (SWI) except loads

that require a Rigger-I.
3.1 Work Permit
b. Riggers III: Can rig loads up to 10 tons except loads
that require a Rigger-I.
c. Riggers II: Can rig loads up to 40 tons, originate
Critical Lift Plans, & rig/supervise crane suspended
personnel platform (man basket) operations.
d. Rigger I: Can rig all loads and approve Critical Lift
Plans for critical lifts.

Refer to GI 7.028 for specific limitations for Riggers

and Slingers depending on their certification level.
Does the rigging hardware in good condition and in
accordance with GI 7.029, ASME B30.9 or equivalent?

a. Identification tag of equipment (e.g., slings,

3.2 Work Permit
shackles, come-a-longs, eyebolts, hooks, coupling
pins, etc.)
b. Properly fitted and working self-closing safety latch
on the hooks

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

c. Job-site log of sling inspection (using SA Form 9657
to record sling inspections).
d. Availability of sling proof-load test certificate upon
e. Proper storage of rigging hardware when not in
immediate use as per GI 7.029, sec. 5.10

Note: Job-site log shall contain the following

information: sling ID number, description, date placed
in service, safe working load as stated in proof load
certificate and full details of periodic inspections &
the manufacturer’s safe working load (SWL) and serial
number shall be clearly marked on each sling.
Are loads rigged from load-bearing structural members
(not from process piping)?
3.3 Safe Location
Note: Rigging from process piping is prohibited. Loads
shall be rigged from load-bearing structural members
only after prior approval is obtained from the SAPO.
Are fold back eyes and aluminum ferrules not used for
wire rope slings?
Are spreader beams permanently identified with the
manufacturer’s name, ID/serial number, gross weight,
3.5 Work Permit
SWL (rated capacity) and have a valid SA-approved 3rd
party inspection sticker affixed?
Are wire rope clips (clamps) installed properly and not
used to make slings for lifting purposes?

3.6 Note: Wire rope clips shall be installed with the  

bridge (flat) of the clip bearing against the live (long)
end of the wire rope and with the U-section pressing
against the dead (short) end of the rope.
Does storage of flammable, combustible liquid & gas
comply with following requirements?
A) Flammable liquids shall be stored in clearly marked,
capped metal containers or steel drums.
B) Volatile liquids shall be kept in strong metal lockers
located in well-ventilated, noncombustible huts or
C) Flammables shall not be stored in direct sunlight.
They may be stored in an open shelter with a roof &
walls; that does not confine heat/smoke, or restrict
D) Flammable storage areas shall be secured and
located at least 15 m (50 ft.) away from the nearest
storage area for other combustibles.
E) Appropriate warning signs shall be posted at
flammable storage areas
Are all containers of flammable and combustible
liquids properly labeled?
4. Fire Prevention

Note: This includes posting of complete and current
SDSs/CHBs for each chemical or hazardous substance
Are gasoline- and diesel-powered equipment refueled
4.3 Safe Location
in well-ventilated areas with their engines stopped?
Are fire protection systems and equipment, whether
temporary or permanent inspected and maintained in
accordance with GI 1781.001?
A. Fire Extinguisher
B. Fire Detection, Alarm and Smoke Control System
C. Water Based Fire Protection Systems
D. Special Hazards Fire Suppression Systems
4.4 E. Any other related equipment as per GI 1781.001  

1. Firefighting equipment shall be protected from
harsh environment conditions as needed (e.g., cover
wheeled fire extinguishers)
2. Fire protection systems and equipment inspections
shall be recorded.
Are the precautions necessary to prevent ignition of
materials, lubricants, fuels used in the job itself, etc.,

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

being implemented? including:
A) Temporary wiring shall be installed according to the
provisions of NFPA 70
B) Electrical equipment shall be regularly checked for
C) Residual current devices (RCDs) or ground fault
circuit interrupters (GFCIs) shall be provided.
D) Open flames or hot surfaces shall be segregated
from flammable and combustible materials
E) Portable generator equipment shall be located 23 m
(75 ft) away from flammable and combustible material
storage areas
Are the users of portable power tools appropriately
5.1 trained for the type of power tools they are using with Work Permit
their training records made available upon request?
Are tools used at site constructed of good quality
materials and in good condition?
A. Use of “homemade/job made” tools is prohibited.
B. Excessively worn, defective or deformed tools shall
not be used and are tagged for disposal or repair,
including worn-out grinding/cutting disc.
Does contractor use properly insulated or
5.3 nonconductive tools when performing work on or near Work Permit
electrical equipment?
Are portable electric power tools double insulated (if
casing is made of non-conductive material) or properly
grounded with a manufacturer installed three-prong
Note: This marking consists of the double insulation
symbol (a square within a square) and the words
"double insulation" of the equivalent words "double-
5. Hand & Power Tools

Are portable power tools equipped with properly

5.5 functioning constant pressure switches (i.e., a “dead  
man” switch) with no trigger locks?
Are compressed air hose joints (twist lock fittings)
secured with proper couplers and safety wires or pins
to prevent the tool and/or hoses from being
inadvertently disconnected?
5.6 Safe Location
Note: Whip checks will be installed at all those
connections. Screw-type (“Jubilee”) hose clamps shall
not be used.
Are grinding tools not used unless the maximum
5.7 permissible speed is clearly marked on the wheel and  
Does the running speed marked on the grinding tool
5.8 not exceeding the maximum permissible speed  
displayed on the grinding wheel?
Are protective shields/guards supplied with the tools
5.9 including second/side handles (per design) not  
Are residual current devices (RCDs), including ground
fault circuit breakers (GFCIs) and earth leak current
breakers (ELCBs), used for all 110/220 V portable
electric power tools and temporary wiring with a
5.10 maximum rated tripping current of 10 mA?  

Note: RCDs should be installed as close to the power

source as practicable (e.g., at distribution
Are minimum required PPEs in good condition (hard
hats, safety glasses and safety shoes) worn on SA
project work sites?
6.1 PPE
Note: Hard hat and safety glasses shall meet ANSI
6. PPE

Z89.1 and ANSI Z87.1 respectively.

6.2 Are safety glasses/goggles and face shields in good PPE
condition that meet ANSI Z87.1 worn as needed to
protect the worker's eye, face and neck from flying

Note: Wearing of mentioned PPEs shall be required for

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

users of portable grinders, masonry saw operators and
other activities where there is a potential exposure to
flying particles to the eyes, face and neck.
Are additional PPEs in good condition, selected and
used based upon the results of a documented risk-
6.3 based PPE needs analysis, which considers the PPE
exposure hazards, materials handled, and activities
performed by personnel?
Do drivers abide by all SAG traffic regulations and SA
traffic requirements at all times?
7. Vehicular Safety

7.1 Traffic Safety

Note: It excludes seat belt violation as it is already
mentioned in Q 7.2
Does driver wear seat belts at all times and ensure
7.2 Traffic Safety
that all passengers wear their seat belts?
Are buses/coaster emergency exits accessible and
Traffic Safety
7.3 operable (not blocked or locked) and equipped with
Safe Location
fire extinguisher(s)?
Are metal ladders or ladders with metal reinforced or
8.1 conductive side rails not used near electrical Safe Location
Are ladders used properly?
A. Ladders shall not be used in a horizontal position as
platforms, walkways or scaffolds.
Fall Protection
8.2 B. Personnel face the ladder and maintain three points
Safe Location
of contact with the ladder at all times.
C. Hands free of materials while climbing or
descending a ladder.
Are stepladders not used in the partially closed/open
position or as an upright or straight ladder?
Fall Protection
Safe Location
Note: “Flip-up” types of stepladders shall not be used
and are prohibited.
Are Job made ladders structurally sound (e.g. graded)
and not used on scaffolds?

8. Ladder & Stepladders

-Nominal 2x4 lumber (or larger) shall be used for side

8.4 Fall Protection
rails of single-rung ladders.
-Wood rungs shall have the minimum dimensions
shown in CSM II-3.9.6, Table 3.1 and shall be made of
wood that meets ANSI A14.4 requirements for job-
made ladders.
Are portable ladders and stepladders meet applicable
ANSI or European (EN) standards, including proper
labeling and marking and maintained in good condition
at all times?

8.5 Note: Fall Protection

-Portable ladders and stepladders shall be inspected
before each use.
-"AMERICAN STANDARD" is not a proper label and may
indicate a substandard ladder. See Figure 3.1 CSM II-3
"Ladders and Stepladders".
Are ladders secured on the top and with stable footing
on a level surface?

-Boxes, blocks, barrels and temporary platforms (e.g.,
8.6 Fall Protection
scaffolds) shall not be used as a means of support.
-Securing the base of the ladder, using side guys,
stationing personnel at the base are other measures
to be taken when secure fixing at the top of the
ladder is impractical.
Are work locations provided with safe means of entry
9. Temporary Walking &

and exit?
Working Surfaces

9.1 Safe Location

Note: Good housekeeping shall be maintained at the
work locations to help prevent slips, trips and fall
9.2 Are work areas provided with adequate and properly Safe Location
maintained lighting?

Note: Adequate and properly maintained lighting shall

be provided at work locations where illumination is

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

required regardless of the timing (e.g., working inside
buildings or enclosed areas).
Is complete guardrail system provided when personnel
are working on, over or near water?

Note: Wherever a guardrail system is impractical, or Fall Protection

when personnel are outside the protection of these PPE
safeguards, a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) shall
be worn and likewise with approved personal
floatation devices as per approved risk assessment

Are protective screens securely installed at least

between the toe board, midtrial and top rail where
there is danger of personnel being struck by falling Fall Protection
objects from elevated work areas (e.g., tools, Safe Location
materials or equipment stacked higher than the top
edge of the toe board)?

Are open manholes and openings on floor gratings at

elevated levels properly
barricaded (hard barricades)?

Note: Fall Protection

-Hard barricades and warning signs shall be installed Safe Location
around any floor opening, and prior to removing a
manhole cover or grating.
-Manhole and grating shall be immediately put back in
place upon completion of the work activity.
Are temporary (rigid or wire rope) guardrails or use of
personal fall arrest systems used for work within 1.8 m
(6 ft) from the edge of a roof (flat or sloped), near Fall Protection
roof openings (e.g., skylights) or for work at roof Safe Location
locations with slopes of 1:4 (vertical: horizontal) or
Are fully planked/decked floors or safety nets
maintained within two (2) floors or 9.1 m (30 ft.), Fall Protection
directly under workers performing steel erection work Safe Location
for multi-story structures?
Are metal decking and grating tightly installed and Fall Protection
10. Steel Erection

immediately secured (i.e., fastened) upon placement? Safe Location

Are covers for roof and floor openings capable of
supporting, without failure, twice the weight of
personnel, equipment and materials that may be on
the cover at any given time?
Fall Protection
10.3 Note:
Safe Location
-Covers shall be marked with the words “WARNING:
-Where required, design calculation for the covers of
roof and floor openings should be requested for
Drinking Water:
A) Are drinking water stations (e.g., coolers with
chilled or ice water) and ample supplies of cool
drinking water located within 100 m (330 ft) walking
distance of each worker and in all designated
break/rest areas?
B) Are disposable cups provided at the drinking water
11. Heat Stress

Note: Use of common drinking cups/dippers is
Does the contractor provide designated shaded and
cool areas for periodic “cool down” breaks and
11.2 recovery from minor heat-related illness?  
Note: Where possible, these areas are to be
Are designated shaded break/rest areas provided at a
distance not greater than 100 m (330 ft) from
11.3 Safe Location
personnel working in direct sunlight for extended
periods of time?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Does abrasive blasting breathing air equipment include
a high-efficiency breathing air filter and water/oil
traps before the filter in the breathing air delivery
12.1 system? Work Permit
Note: Continuous inline carbon monoxide (CO)
monitoring with an audible alarm shall be provided for
oil lubricating breathing air compressors.
Does the abrasive blasting operators wearing an air-
supplied hood, type “CE” supplied-air respirator,
approved for abrasive blasting operations by the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) or the Mine Safety and Health Administration
12.2 PPE
Note: Abrasive blasting operators shall wear other
needed personal protective equipment (PPE),
including leather or neoprene gloves, leather or
12. Abrasive Blasting

neoprene apron, hearing protection, safety glasses,

safety shoes, and coveralls
Are the fittings on hoses and nozzle securely fixed to
12.3 prevent unplanned disengagement during abrasive Safe Location
blasting operations (Safety pins or whip checks)?
Is the abrasive blasting equipment equipped with a
12.4 properly functioning constant pressure handle or Work Permit
control switch (i.e. "dead-man" switch)?
Does Breathing air quality meet Compressed Gas
Association (CGA) Grade “D‟ requirements (see GI

12.5 Work Pemit
-Air compressors supplying breathing air shall be
tested quarterly by an independent SA approved
third-party testing facility.
-Systems shall contain an oil filter, CO sensor/alarm
-see GI 1780.001 for additional information
Is silica sand not used for abrasive blasting operations
at construction sites?
Note: Safer alternative blasting agents are available
and shall be used (e.g., aluminum oxide grit, fruit
kernels, or synthetic abrasives).
Are signs conspicuously posted at the work site with
the current (updated)emergency telephone numbers?
Are reporting instructions posted that includes
directing personnel to provide the following
A) Location
13.2 B) Nature of the emergency  
C) Emergency services required.
D) Number of injured personnel.
E) Telephone number you are calling from
F) Caller’s name and badge number.
13. Emergency Response

Are contractor personnel familiar with the following?

A. Specific facility emergency response plan.
B. Specific roles/responsibilities (e.g., for supervisors—
to provide head counts).
C. Locations where resources are available.
D. Facility’s audio and visual alarms.
E. Evacuation routes and procedures.
F. Assembly areas and shelters.
Is a four-wheel drive vehicle equipped with a well-
stocked first aid kit for each crew available for
personnel performing pipeline or power-line work, or
who are working in remote areas?

13.4 Note: The above-mentioned vehicle is required where Safe Location

ambulance is not available on-site and shall be
marked to
indicate it carries a first aid kit. A minimum of one
person in every remote area crew shall have a valid
first aid/BLS certificate.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

During job planning, was an isolation plan developed
Work Permit
that identified locations to be isolated, types of
isolating devices used and site/job-specific procedures
prior to commissioning & start up activities?
14. Isolation and LOTO

Work Permit
Does the isolation plan include a blind list if blinds
were used?
Is each lock on a piece of equipment or on a multiple
14.3 Isolation
lockout clip identified with a subsequent hold tag?
14.4 Is each lock keyed separately, with no duplicate key? Isolation
Is a “group lockout” procedure implemented during
14.5 maintenance and construction activities involving large Isolation
numbers of personnel?
Is positive isolation (blinding or disconnecting)
implemented when equipment or a piping containing a
14.6 Confined Space
hazardous material were to be opened for hot work
Work Permit
activities or confined space entry?
Are confined space warning signs and barricades
posted outside the confined space to notify personnel
that a confined space entry is in progress and to
prohibit entry by unauthorized personnel?
15.1 Confined Space
Note: Potential confined spaces such as open pipes,
man ways shall have physical guards e.g., pipe caps,
rigid cover, etc.
Does every confined space entry have a designated
trained confined space entry supervisor (CSES)?
Confined Space
Note: Work Permit
Excavation with a depth of at least 1.2m shall be
considered as a confined space as per CSM II-1.4.5.
Do all entry points have a designated standby man
continuously monitoring entry?
Work Permit
Note: Confined Space
Personnel entering/exiting a confined space shall sign
a log in/out sheet.
Do all standby men have adequate means of
15.4 Confined Space
communication (e.g., two-way radio)?
Is a dry chemical fire extinguisher (30 lb.) provided
near each entry point if the space is within process
15.5 Confined Space
equipment or where combustible or flammable
15. Confined spaces

material may be present?

Was a confined space entry plan developed prior to
entry into a confined space and did it meet all of the
requirements of CSM I-6.5?
Work Permit
Confined Space
Note: Adequate rescue equipment shall be readily
available whenever an entrant enters an enclosed
confined space (e.g. Tanks, piping, manhole, etc.).
Were atmospheric gas tests performed and
immediately recorded?
A) Prior to entry,
B) After breaks or other work interruptions
Work Permit
15.7 C) When conditions inside the confined space
Confined Space
potentially change
D) At periodic intervals (e.g., every 2 hours) as
necessary to determine whether acceptable
atmospheric conditions.
Is mechanical ventilation (e.g., air movers) used where
a hazardous atmosphere exists or could have
15.8 Confined Space
developed during the course of planned work
Work Permit
(painting, welding, etc.)?

Were confined spaces cleaned and decontaminated of Confined Space

hazardous materials? Work Permit
Safe Location
15.10 Were confined space entry supervisors, standby men, Work Permit
entrants, etc., trained as appropriate to their specific Confined Space

Note: Proofs of training records and competency to be

field-verified (e.g., through safety training passport,
pocket card, etc.)

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Are compressed gas cylinders not placed in confined Confined Space
spaces or adjacent to excavations? Safe Location
Is equipment designed solely for use as a fall restraint
or positioning system used?
Fall Protection
16.1 Note: Equipment labeled “ANSI Z359.3” or “EN 358”
shall not be used. Only fall arrest equipment are
allowed when fall restraint or positioning is needed.
Are rescue capabilities immediately available for Fall Protection
personnel involved in a fall? PPE
Are suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups) Fall Protection
provided with each full-body harness? PPE
Are personal fall arrest systems in compliance with
ANSI Z359.1 (or equivalent as specified in writing by Fall Protection
the SA Loss Prevention Department), and were they PPE
labeled as such?
Do anchor points for lanyards and self-retracting
lifelines meet the following criteria?
A) Be capable of supporting at least 2,268 kg (5,000
16.5 Fall Protection
lb.) per person attached.
B) Not be standpipes, vents, small diameter piping
systems, cable trays, or electrical conduit.
Do horizontal lifelines meet the following criteria?

A) Be a minimum 12 mm (1/2 inch) diameter wire rope

having a breaking strength specified by the
manufacturer of at least 9,000 kg (20,000 lb.). Other
materials, such as manila, nylon or polypropylene
rope, shall not be used.
B) Have a safety factor of at least two against failure
and be capable of supporting 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.) per
16.6 Fall Protection
person attached.
C) Not have an unloaded sag at the center of the
lifeline greater than 30 cm (12 inches) for every 10 m
(33 ft.) of lifeline length between anchor points and
16. Fall Protection

have a means of tensioning, e.g., turnbuckles.

D) Have no more than three persons attached at one
time between anchor points, unless designed by a
degreed structural engineer.
E) free of splices.
Do vertical lifelines meet the following criteria?

A) Have only one person attached at a time.

B) Be attached to an anchor point that is capable of
16.7 supporting at least 2,268 kg (5,000 lb.) dead weight. Fall Protection
C) Be made from wire rope with a minimum diameter
of 10 mm (3/8 inch).
D) Be used with rope grab devices or with connectors
designed for shock-absorbing lanyard attachments.
Are full-body harness with shock-absorbing lanyard or
self-retracting lifeline continuously worn by personnel
working at heights when exposed to a fall hazard of
1.8 m (6 ft) or greater (e.g., unprotected elevated
areas, yellow-tagged scaffolds, aerial lifts)? Fall Protection
Note: Personnel in motorized aerial lifts (e.g., scissor
lifts, aerial work platforms, JLG lifts), lanyard shall
be securely attached to an appropriate anchor point
(not the handrail of the aerial lift)
Are personnel who could fall more than 1.8 m (6 ft)
protected from falling by a fall protection system
(i.e., temporary or permanent platforms with a Fall Protection
complete guardrail system consisting of top rails, Safe Location
midrolls, toe boards provided at all open edges and
safety nets)?
Are the lanyards and snap hooks that are in use not Fall Protection
connected together? PPE
Are self-retracting lifelines (inertia reels) used when a
longer lanyard is needed?
Fall Protection
16.11 Note:
Self-retracting lifelines shall not be connected to a
lanyard, but shall be directly attached to the D-ring on
the full-body harness.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Are scaffolding materials in good condition and comply
with the CSM requirements such as?
- Scaffold tubing, fittings and planks shall be approved
- Scaffold components from different manufacturers
shall not be intermixed unless the components are
compatible (e.g., fit together without mechanical
force) and the scaffold’s structural integrity is
17.1 Fall Protection
-scaffold planks in good condition. LVL planks marked
by manufacturer.
- System scaffolding manufactured by SA approved
manufacturer. (See Loss Prevention website, Safety
References - Scaffolding)
- Tube-and-coupler scaffolding shall not be intermixed
with system scaffolding (except bracing as noted).
Are scaffold components (other than guardrail system
and toe boards as already mentioned in Fall Protection
Category) appropriately installed to maintain the
plumbness and prevent swaying and displacement of
17.2 the scaffold? Fall Protection

Note: Plumbness shall be checked using a spirit level,

plumb bob or by using vertical lines on an adjacent
building or structure.
Does the mobile scaffold comply with the following
- The uppermost platform height shall not exceed
17.3 Fall Protection
three times the scaffold’s minimum base dimension.
- The maximum height of mobile scaffolds shall not
exceed 12.2 m (40 ft).
Does the non-movable scaffold comply with the
following requirements?
- When the height is more than four times the
minimum base dimension (i.e., more than a 4:1
17. Scaffolding

height-to-width ratio) shall be restrained from tipping

by ties, outrigger frames or equivalent means.
17.4 Fall Protection
a. Vertical Ties shall be spaced every 8 m (26 ft) (4
lifts) or less.
b. Horizontal Ties shall not be exceeding 9 m (30 ft)
- For free standing stationary tower scaffolds, the
uppermost platform height shall not exceed four times
the scaffold’s minimum base dimension.
Is the base of scaffolds spaced at least 1.5 times the
depth of excavation away from the edge of the
17.5 excavation, unless adequate measures are taken to Fall Protection
prevent the collapse of the excavation and ensure the
integrity of the scaffold foundation?
Are employees on yellow tagged scaffolds wearing fall Fall Protection
protection and anchored? PPE
Are red tagged scaffolds not used by employees?

17.7 Note: Except by scaffold craftsmen for the purpose of Safe Location
erecting, dismantling, altering, or correcting scaffold
Do all utilized scaffolds have valid inspection tags and
Safe location
17.8 signed by appropriate scaffold inspector and/or
Work Permit
Were scaffold plans reviewed by LPD and CSD (where
required) prior to erection of special scaffold & 12.2 m
&above, and is it erected in accordance with the
approved scaffold plan for that scaffold? Work Permit
Fall Protection
Note: Formwork shoring constructed of scaffolding
materials supporting elevated concrete slabs/deck is
considered as special scaffold
Are all scaffold inspectors and supervisors certified?
17.10 Work Permit
Note: SA Certified or an approved international
institution as per Supplement 8.001-4
Are scaffold craftsmen (scaffolders) trained and
qualified to perform scaffolding work and are they
17.11 Work Permit
supervised by the certified scaffold supervisor during
erection dismantling or modification of scaffold?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Is Pre-Excavation Checklist properly completed and Work Permit
made available upon request? Excavation
Is excavation plan (e.g., shoring design calculations
and drawings) developed by a degreed civil/structural
engineer for excavations greater than 2.4 m (8 ft.)
deep in Type B or C soil, and for thrust boring
Work Permit
Note: For excavations greater than 6 m (20 ft) deep, Excavation
regardless of soil type, an excavation plan (e.g.,
shoring design calculations and drawings) shall be
developed by a degreed civil/structural engineer and
reviewed by the SA Consulting Services Department
Has the contractor marked known or suspected
underground pipes, cables, vessels, structures, etc.
that are in the area of the proposed excavation?
18.3 Excavation
Safe Location
Note: Suspected underground utilities shall be marked
before excavation activities begin.
Is mechanical excavator not used within 3 m (10 ft.) of
18.4 Excavation
underground utilities or installations?
Safe Location
Is there any Excavation Protective System (e.g.,
18. Trenching/Excavating & Shoring

shoring installed, sides benched, sloped back) for all

18.5 Excavation
excavations 1.2 m (4 ft.) deep or greater, or for soil
piles over 1.5 m (5 ft.) high?
Is there any safe means of egress (i.e. stairways,
ladders, ramps) for excavations that are 1.2 m (4 ft.)
or more in depth? Confined Space
18.6 Excavation
Note: Lateral Travel Distance for personnel shall not Safe Location
be more than 7.5 m (25 ft.) and ladder shall be
spaced at least every 15 m (50 ft.) along the Trench.
Are only excavating and backfilling equipment (track
hoes, rock breakers, backhoes, front loaders, etc.) Excavation
permitted within 2 m (6.5 ft) of the edge of an Safe Location
Are hard barricades used to keep motor vehicles,
18.8 cranes and heavy equipment away from the
Safe Location
Is an excavation inspection (Excavation Inspection
Checklist) performed by an excavation competent
- Before workers are allowed to initially enter an
Work Permit
18.9 - After a change in site conditions (e.g., rain storm,
groundwater infiltration, sidewall deterioration,
adjacent ground fissuring).
- For excavations greater than 2.4 m (8 ft) deep, daily
inspection shall be performed before workers are
allowed to enter the excavation
Is site-specific procedure for each thrust boring
operation developed and addresses the requirements
mentioned in CSM II-1.16?

Note: Appropriate emergency rescue equipment, Work Permit

including full-body harness with lifeline and a basket Excavation
stretcher shall be readily available while work is
performed inside the pit and attended by a standby
man outside
the pit.
Is heavy equipment inspected on a regular basis by a
competent heavy equipment inspector or mechanic?
19. Heavy Equipment

Work Permit
19.1 Note:
Traffic Safety
In addition, equipment covered under GI 7.030 shall
have a valid inspection sticker issued by SA or a SA-
approved third-party inspection agency.
Is human-machine interface (HMI) hazard mitigation
plan developed and implemented?
Traffic Safety
Safe Location
- Conducting equipment pre-use inspection, and

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

360°walkaround prior to each operation.
- Equipment in good condition and provided with
appropriate safety devices (e.g., roll-over protection,
reverse/backup alarms, etc.) including use of trained
spotters where required.
- Provision of warning signs and barricades where
required at the heavy equipment work area to control
and restrict entry of unauthorized personnel.

Do equipment cabs provide 360-degree visibility and

kept clear of items such as rubbish and loose tools?
19.3 Safe Location
Note: Windows shall be in good condition and kept
Do the heavy equipment operators have valid heavy Work Permit
equipment SAG license? Traffic Safety
Do the heavy equipment operators have valid SA Work Permit
certificate or third-party certificate approved by SA? Traffic Safety
Are operators of equipment not requiring SA
certification (as per GI 7.025) trained, tested, and Work Permit
issued with written authorization by their employer for Traffic Safety
the specific equipment to be operated?
Do all telescopic and/or articulating boom manlifts
19.7 equipped with an anti-entrapment device such as a Work Permit
physical barrier and/or pressure sensing device?
Is a standby man available on the ground to operate
Work Permit
19.8 the lower manlift controls in case of an emergency and
Safe Location
certified as manlift operator per GI 7.025?
20.1 Are all welders SA certified for the type of Welding? Work Permit
Are frames of all electrical arc welding machines
properly grounded?
Do the ground returns comply with following
A) Ground returns shall be securely attached by cable
lugs, clamps or bolts to the material being welded
20.3 B) Ground returns shall be connected as close as  
possible (e.g., 1 to 4 meters) to the location being
welded upon.
C) Ground returns shall not be connected to piping
containing flammable gases or liquids or conduits
containing electrical circuits.
20. Welding/Cutting/Brazing

Are welding cables (welding leads) for a minimum

distance of 3 m (10 ft) from the end to which the
electrode holder is connected free from damage?
Splices are not allowed anywhere in welding cables.
Are Flashback Arrestors installed on all oxygen/fuel
cylinder regulators?
Are hose connections made by compression clips or
Use of jubilee clips/worm-drive hose clamps is
Are noncombustible or flameproof welding screens
used to protect nearby personnel and equipment? Safe Location
Is a qualified fire watch assigned to any cutting,
welding or burning operation? The fire watch shall
remain in the work area during these activities and for
no less than 30 minutes after the hot work has
20.8 Work Permit

Note: Fire extinguisher(s) shall be readily available

near the hot work area
Is installation of temporary electrical equipment
21. Electrical

21.1 performed by, or under the direction of, an  

authorized/certified electrician?
21.2 Do personnel wear proper PPE, (e.g., flame resistant PPE
clothing (FRC), Arc flash suite, and rubber gloves with
leather protectors) when working on or near electrical

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Do extension cords (job-made or non-job-made) meet
CSM requirements?

-Repaired/fabricated by a certified electrician

-Be of three-wire conductor type.
-Be #12-gauge (AWG) minimum if less than 30 m (100
ft) long and #10 gauge minimum if 30 m (100 ft) long
or longer.
-Be certified by an independent testing and
certification service such as UL, FM or KEMA-KEUR
Are personnel working within arm’s length of
energized electrical equipment not wearing rings,
21.4 Safe Location
wristwatches, jewelry, or other similar metallic
Are defective electrical equipment and tools not used
and immediately removed from the jobsite?
Are Compressed Gas Cylinders (CGCs) stored
accordingly as follows?

A) segregated according to classes, other materials

and preferably stored under an open, well-ventilated
sun shade, not directly in contact with the ground.
B) Secured with chain or in a cylinder racks where
22.1 possible and valve caps put back in place where no  
22.Compressed Gasses

longer in use (when regulators are removed)

C) full cylinders stored separately with empty
cylinders plainly marked to avoid confusion.
D) Oxidizers (e.g., Oxygen) shall be stored separately
at least 6.1m (20ft) from flammable CGCs.
E) "No Smoking" signs prominently displayed in the CGC
storage area.
Are Compressed Gas Cylinders plainly marked or
22.2 labeled, including their contents, with lettering in  
Arabic and English?
Are Compressed Gas Cylinders in good condition and
have a current hydrotest date prior to each use?
Note: regulators, gauges and hoses connected to the
compressed gas cylinders shall likewise be in good
Are all protruding reinforcing steel onto which
employees could fall guarded?
23. Concrete Formwork

23.1 Note: Personnel shall not be permitted to work above Safe Location
vertically protruding reinforcing steel, unless it has
been bent over or provided with a protective cover
(e.g., capped).
Is limited access zone established whenever a masonry
23.2 Safe Location
wall is being constructed?
Are all manually guided, powered and rotating-type
concrete troweling machines equipped with an
automatic control switch (“dead man” switch)?
Note: The rotating blades shall be guarded at the top
and outer perimeter
Are trained grounds men or flagmen assigned where
24. Roadwork

human traffic is present (e.g., entrance, exit, heavy

24.1 equipment works areas), equipped with high-visibility Safe Location
(e.g., reflective) vests, reflective “stop” and “go” Traffic Safety
signs or flags?
Traffic Safety
24.2 Are roadwork areas illuminated at night?
Safe Location
Are checklists for Pressure Testing Safely (see GI
25.Pressure Testing

25.1 Work Permit

2.102) completed before, during, and after the test?
Are gauges calibrated within 30 days, and is the
25.2 Work Permit
testing of test manifold & relief valves valid?
Are restraints installed to restrict movement of the
piping and joints during testing? Safe Location
Are personnel involved with the pressure test only
25.4 Safe Location
allowed near the system at any time during the test?

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Are moving machinery parts guarded if located 2.5 m
(8.2 ft.) or less above the floor or working surface that
includes flywheels, shafts, pulleys and belt/chain

- Guards shall be constructed so that no part of the
26.1 Safe Location
26. Mechanical Equipment

body can contact the moving surface. Guards shall

have openings no larger than 1.3 cm (0.5 inches).
- Shafting under bench machines shall be enclosed by
stationary casing at sides and top, or sides and
- Guards shall be fastened to the equipment in a
manner not easily removed by the operator.
Are mechanical equipment inspected on a regular basis
by a competent inspector?

Note: mechanical equipment that falls under this

requirement are internal combustion engines such as
26.2 Work Permit
but not limited to portable air compressors, portable
electrical generators, mechanical welding machines,
tower lights, etc.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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