MYP ATL Skills + I Can Posters
MYP ATL Skills + I Can Posters
MYP ATL Skills + I Can Posters
About this poster packet
ATL skills posters: This set contains 10 posters, one each for the 10 ATL skill
clusters. Each poster provides a brief description of the skill cluster and calls
out the skill indicators students should be able to demostrate.
ATL “I can” statement posters: This set contains 8 posters, one each for all the
MYP subject groups. Each subject-specific poster maps different skill
indicators to the relevant subject objectives in the form of student-facing “I
can” statements.
These visually stimulating posters can thus be used as dynamic teaching and
learning aids for your classroom walls or as handouts. They are designed to
provide students with a signposts to identify and track skill progress, and set
personalised goals for themselves.
Disclaimer - This resource has been produced independently of and not endorsed by the IB. Toddle’s resources seek to encourage sharing of perspectives and innovative ideas
for classroom teaching & learning. They are not intended to be replacements for official IB guides and publications. Views and opinions expressed by the authors of these
resources are personal and should not be construed as official guidance by the IB. Please seek assistance from your school’s IB coordinator and/or refer to official IB documents
before implementing ideas and strategies shared within these resources in your classroom.
Communication skills
Exchanging thoughts, messages
and information effectively
through interaction
Give and receive Use a variety of media to communicate Negotiate ideas and knowledge with
meaningful feedback with a range of audiences peers and teachers
Interpret and use effectively modes Use appropriate forms of writing for Participate in, and contribute to, digital
of nonverbal communication different purposes and audiences social media networks
Use intercultural understanding to Use a variety of speaking techniques to Collaborate with peers and experts
interpret communication communicate with a variety of audiences using a variety of digital environments
and media
Share ideas with multiple audiences
using a variety of digital environments
and media
C ommunication skills
Make inferences and Use a variety of organizers for Read critically and
draw conclusions academic writing tasks for comprehension
Find information for disciplinary Take effective notes in class Write for different purposes
and interdisciplinary inquiries,using
a variety of media
Self-Management skills
Managing time and
tasks effectively
Bring necessary equipment and Keep and use a weekly planner Set goals that are challenging
Use appropriate strategies for Plan short and long-term Use appropriate strategies for
Understand and use sensory learning Select and use technology Keep an organized and logistical
Collect, record and verify data Process data and report results Understand and use technology systems
Identify primary and Understand and implement intellectual Make connections between various
Use memory techniques to develop Access information to be informed and Collect and analyze data to identify
Present information in a variety of Use critical-literacy skills to analyze and Evaluate and select information sources
formats and platforms interpret media communications and digital tools based on their
appropriateness to specific tasks
Create references and citations, Understand the benefits and
use footnotes/endnotes and limitations of personal sensory
construct a bibliography according learning preferences when accessing,
to recognized conventions processing and recalling information
Research skills
Compare, contrast and draw connection Make informed choices about Seek a range of perspectives from
among (multi)media resources personal viewing experiences
multiple and varied sources
Understand the impact of Demonstrate awareness of media Communicate information and ideas
media representations and interpretations of events and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
modes of presentation (including digital social media) variety of media and formats
(R )e considering the process
of learning: choosing and
u sing ATL skills
Consider personal learning strategies Consider ATL skill development Consider content
What can I do to become a more What can I already do? What did I learn about today?
efficient and effective learner?
How can I share my skills to help What don’t I yet understand?
How can I become more flexible in peers who need more practice?
my choice of learning strategies? What questions do I have now?
What will I work on next?
What factors are important for
Develop new skills, techniques and
helping me learn well? Consider ethical, cultural and
strategies for effective learning
environmental implications
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Keep a journal to record reflections
of personal learning strategies Focus on the process of creating by
(self-assessment) imitating the works of others
Try new ATL skills and evaluate
their effectiveness
Demonstrate flexibility in the selection
and use of learning strategies
Self-Management skills
Managing state of mind
Perseverance Self-motivation
Working effectively
with others
Negotiate effectively Make fair and equitable decisions Encourage others to contribute
Using skills and knowledge
in multiple contexts
How can students transfer skills and knowledge across disciplines and subject groups?
Use effective learning strategies in Apply skills and knowledge in Transfer current knowledge to
Make connections between subject Change the context of an inquiry Compare conceptual
Make guesses, as ‘what if’ questions Create novel solutions to Practice visible thinking strategies and
Design improvements to existing Design new machines, media Create original works and ideas; use
machines,media and technologies and technologies existing works and ideas in new ways
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams Apply existing knowledge to generate Practice flexible thinking – develop
to generate new ideas and inquiries new ideas, products or processes multiple opposing, contradictory and
complementary arguments
Thinking skills
skills Using skills and knowledge
in multiple contexts
Practice observing carefully in Use models and simulations to Draw reasonable conclusions
order to recognize problems explore complex systems and issues and generalizations
I can ....
Criterion A Criterion C
I can use different media or formats to show I can describe how my artwork is inspired by others.
Criterion D
Criterion B I can use knowledge, understanding and skills from
another subject or from outside of school, to
I can record reflections on my art in my contribute to my artwork.
process journal.
As a
I can
Criterion A
.... Criterion C
I can use empathy to understand the needs of I can use backward planning to design a plan and make my product.
clients/target audiences.
I can identify the information that I need to I can work safely and follow best practice.
different methods.
I can explain why I made the changes that I did throughout the
process of creating my product.
Criterion B
I can consider feedback throughout my design process.
Criterion D
I can consider time, budget, skill, resources and
other constraints in my specifications.
I can consider which feedback is most meaningful
and should be incorporated.
I can
Criterion A
.... Criterion C
I can explain scientific knowledge logically in a
way that is easily understood by others.
I can present my data in a variety of ways,
including a table, charts and infographics.
I can explain how new scientific knowledge I can reflect on my scientific investigations.
I can identify questions or problems that have been solved by I can describe how science contributes to causing/
scientists or through existing experiments.
solving national issues.
As a Literature
I can . . . .
Criterion A Criterion C
I can analyse how different techniques can I can produce text using someone else’s voice.
listening to speeches.
I can write persuasively for different audiences
As an
I can
Criterion A
I can draw reasonable conclusions from texts.
Criterion C
I can use tone, emotion and language to help
me understand a text.
I can use resources such as a dictionary and thesaurus to
help me with my speeches/presentations.
by an author.
Criterion D
Criterion B
I can use resources such as a dictionary and
thesaurus to help me with writing.
and conclusions.
I can identify the conventions that an author uses to I can organise my writing appropriately for a task.
I can . . . .
Criterion C
Criterion A I can produce text for multiple audiences and purposes.
I can use correct geographical and I can use in-text citations or footnotes.
historical vocabulary.
I can cite different resources, including images, videos, articles and books.
Criterion B Criterion D
I can write research questions, including factual, I can evaluate data, looking at bias and manipulation.
assigned tasks.
I can use a range of research methods, including both I can use data as a tool to show my understanding.
I can critically analyse my research results, including I can analyse how historians, geographers and other subject
identifying bias and manipulation.
experts use data and information in their work.
I can describe limitations in my research. I can use OPCVL to analyse information and sources.
As a
I can .... Criterion C
I can describe why I chose the techniques I can understand graphs, charts, infographics
that I used to solve a problem.
and other visual representations of data.
I can show how my skills and knowledge I can create graphs, charts, infographics and
can be used for different purposes in the other visual representations of data.
wider world.
I can identify and communicate ideas related
to mathematics, including patterns.
Criterion D
I can show how mathematical rules work I can use examples to show when mathematics
in real life.
has been used and applied in real-life situations.
I can use examples to prove, verify and I can use examples to justify my use of
justify rules. mathematics to solve problems.
Phyical Health
As an and Education
I can
Criterion A
I can use PHE terms and symbols to explain
what is happening in videos and images.
Criterion C
I can improve my practice by examining
and annotating images and videos.
I can use a variety of techniques as a
coach, including encouragement,
I can design exercises, games, sports
persuasion and motivation.
I can create training plans, instructions and I can reflect on how emotions/
rules for new games, exercises and activities.
wellbeing impacts my performance.
Criterion D
I can design videos or other resources using
correct PHE terminology to help someone
improve their technique.
I can use different techniques to resolve conflicts
when working in groups.