P.sivamanikandan and S.ahmed John
P.sivamanikandan and S.ahmed John
P.sivamanikandan and S.ahmed John
*Corresponding author
Keywords Water is a natural resource for the survival of all existing organisms. The
Mullaiperiyar River is one of the exceptional rivers of South India. The present
Mullaiperiyar study was mainly focused to investigate the physical and chemical analysis of
River, Theni Mullaiperiyar river water in Theni district, Tamilnadu, India. Water samples were
district, Total collected from the upstream area (Near the Dam-Lower camp,
hardness, BOD, Kullapagoundanpatty, Karunakkamuthan Patty), urban stretch area (Surlipatti,
Dissolved Uthamapalayam, Chinnamanur and Veerapandi) and downstream area (Theni-
oxygen, APHA, Aranmanaipudur, Vaigai Dam) during the period of during the period of six months
sanitation from January to June 2015 for the analysis. The Physico-chemical parameters were
analyzed by using APHA and WHO standard procedure. The observed values of
Article Info different physical and chemical parameters like Temperature, pH, Total dissolved
solids (TDS), Total hardness (TH), Total Alkalinity (TA), Calcium Hardness,
Accepted: Magnesium Hardness, Chloride, Nitrate, Nitrites, Dissolved oxygen (DO),
13 January 2016 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was also
Available Online: performed. The present study alerts the inhabitant’s sanitation, health activities and
10, February 2016 environmental hygiene. A regularly observed and ensured the river water quality
from additional unhygienic.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 173-180
for home sanitation, drinking, and cooking oxygen, excess of carbon dioxides and
purposes (WHO, 2004). During the recent organic biomass. The Physico-chemical
several decades, the Indian rivers water factors were indicated that the river water
quality has been deteriorating due to and significantly the beneficial microflora
incessant discharge of domestic sewage, has been reduced by xenobiotic compounds
agricultural and industrial wastes. may direct to the existence of these complex
(Kadarshahib Roshine begam and Sundaraj by anthropogenic activities (Venkateshraju
Selvakumar, 2014). The present study et al, 2010). The unreliable physico-
focuses on the effect of physical and chemical assets of the river water leads to
chemical factor of Mullaiperiyar river water the accumulation of microbial load.
and an attempt has been made to determine Randomly the dumping of sewage and
the quality of Mullaiperiyar river water in effluent wastes into river changes the
Theni district. physicochemical properties of water
production is not fitting for human
The Mullaiperiyar river is situated within utilization (Islam et al., 2012). The good
Latitudes 9°31’43 North and Longitudes quality of river water is an assurance in
77°8’39’ East beside with the rivers flowing human health and the protection of the
west throughout Kerala State and ecosystems and sustainable improvement
accordingly the name is Mullaiperiyar river. (Rajini et al., 2010). At present, Siva and
The Mullaiperiyar River was mostly useful Ramakrishnan et al researcher have carried
to Theni district people. Theni town is out studies on the Mullaiperiyar Periyar
located in the southwestern central part of River is greatly polluted with industrial and
Tamilnadu (9.39’N and 10’30 north agricultural wastes. These findings
latitude and 77.00’and 78’30 of east demonstrated the non potability of
longitude). The Theni district had a Mullaiperiyar river water and in the
population of 1,246 million as per 2011 direction of augment alertness to the people
censes of India Figure 1. Generally, the and maintain the Mullaiperiyar river water
Mullaiperiyar river water is the major source in hygiene stage. Hence, the present study is
for drinking, agriculture, washing, bathing examined about the physical and chemical
and religious purposes in both urban and analysis in Mullaiperiyar river water in
rural areas. The Mullaiperiyar River receives various areas from the month of January
large amount of wastes such as domestic, 2015 to June 2015.
industrial and agricultural effluents is
directly receiving from townships like Materials and Methods
Guddalur, Surlipatti, Cumbum,
Uthamapalayam, Veerapandi, Theni, Study Area
Kunnur and Vaigai dam (Sivamanikandan
and Ahmed john, 2015). The deterioration of The study area was divided into nine
river water quality is mainly exaggerated by sampling stations Figure 2. River water
human being behaviors such as discharge of samples were collected from nine sampling
sewage, industrial wastes and agricultural stations from upstream area as Lower camp
runoff which causes systematic ecological (S1), KullapaGoundanpatty (S2),
damage and health hazards (Meitei et al., KarunakkaMuthan Patti (S3); middle of
2004; Shrivastav et al., 2013). The major urban stretch area as Surlipatti (S4),
problems are related with river water are Uthamapalayam (S5), Chinnamanur (S6)
solid suspensions, turbidity and lack of Veerapandi (S7) and downstream area as
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 173-180
Theni Aranmanaipudur (S8) and Vaigai dam Mullaiperiyar river water samples were
(S9).(Sivamanikandan and Ahmed john, analysed in the nine areas during the period
2015). of January 2015 to June 2015. The physical
and chemical parameters were higher than
Collection of Water Sample their acceptable limits like WHO (2004) and
APHA (2005). The mean value of physico-
The Mullaiperiyar river water samples were chemical parameters of Mullaiperiyar River
collected during January to June 2015 from was presented in the Table 1.
the lower camp to Vaigai dam for the
assessment of physico-chemical factors. pH: pH are most significant physical parts
River water Samples were collected during that change the chemical and biological
the first and third week of every month in effect in the river water. The value of pH
sterile one liter polythenes bottles. The was determined by digital pH meter. The pH
closed bottles were immersed in the river at ranged from 6.8 to 7.4 among in nine
the depth of 0.5 to 0.7 m and the stopper was stations of river water was analysed. The
opened in bottom of river and was closed variation of pH value to changes in the
again to the river water. After sample photosynthetic activities of river plants and
collection, the bottles were kept in ice box increases the utilization of
and transferred immediately to the carbonates/carbon dioxide during the
laboratory for further analyses. process (Gray, 2006). The difference of pH
(Sivamanikandan and Ahmed john, 2015) is appropriate to the variation of discharges
from the domestic sewage waste (Raja et
Analysis of Water al., 2008).
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 173-180
mg/l. In the present study, large quantity of septic tank discharge throughout the river
chloride presence in the Mullaiperiyar River flow. The previous work by
is mostly used of high potash fertilizer by Sivamanikandan and Ahmed john reports
the cultivator, washing-cloths, human- the chloride content of Mullaiperiyar river
animal waste discharge and additionally the water to be 285 to 355 mg/l.
Table.1 Physical and Chemical Analysis of Mullaiperiyar River Water in Theni District
Parameters S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
pH 6.8 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.2 7.4
Temperature 26 26.50 27.10 27.75 28.50 27.50 27.10 28.50 27.50
Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm) 930 950 975 1100 1150 1190 1125 1350 1550
TDS mg/L 1320 1200 1075 985 950 975 1100 1350 1575
Dissolved Oxygen 230 225 210 180 165 140 125 220 275
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 7.5 8.0 10.5 13.5 16.0 18.5 22.0 32.5 50.5
Chemical Oxygen Demand 11.0 11.5 14.0 16.5 18.5 23.0 28.5 62.5 110
Total Alkalinity (mg/L) 280 285 290 300 325 345 420 675 920
Total Hardness (mg/L) 240 255 270 295 340 365 425 785 1100
Calcium Hardness (mg/L) 150 145 135 120 110 95.0 100.5 125 180
Magnesium Hardness (mg/L) 130 120 115 90 85 85 90 115 160
Chloride (mg/L) 265 250 225 180 165 150 170 255 320
Nitrate (mg/L) 4.50 4.65 4.85 5.20 5.55 5.75 6.20 7.25 7.65
Nitrite (mg/L) 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.45 0.42 0.45 0.52 0.55
Iron (mg/L) 6.25 6.20 5.50 4.50 3.25 3.15 2.45 4.55 5.30
Mean values of physical and chemical parameters of Mullaiperiyar river water in Lower camp to Vaigai dam (values are in
mg/L, except pH, Temperature and EC). Here,S1- Lower camp, S2- Kullapagoundan patty, S3- Karunakkamuthan Patti, S4-
Surlipatti, S5- Uthamapalayam, S6- Chinnamanur, S7- Veerapandi, S8- Theni Aranmanaipudur, S9- Vaigai dam
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 173-180
Nitrate and Nitrite: Nitrate and Nitrite is the river biota (Peuranen et al., 1994).
the most importance source of biological In conclusion, the present study was
oxidation of organic nitrogenous materials. concluded that Mullaiperiyar river water
The mean values of nitrate and nitrite in all was highly polluted due to the discharging
nine stations were observed at a range from of solid waste such as domestic and
4.50 to 7.65 mg/l and 0.50 to 5.55 mg/l.The municipal waste, mixing human and animal
increases of nitrate in river water can also be feces, industrial and agricultural waste like
recognized to agricultural waste and human pesticides, and fertilizers released into river
and animal wastes. Artificial manure waste, water. The physico chemical analysis
human and animal feces can be the most reveals the current status of river quality is
important source of river water. These most probably not fit for drinking purpose.
augmented amounts of nitrate were The quality of physico-chemical increase
originated to stimulate the aquatic plants and within the standard limits of WHO and
thereby added to the BOD level in the river APHA standards. This indicates that the
(Peavey et al., 1985; Lalitha et al., 2003). water of Theni city and its surrounding area
is not suitable for drinking purposes directly
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doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2016.502.020