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D2276-06 (Reapproved 2014)

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Designation: D2276 − 06 (Reapproved 2014) An American National Standard

Designation: 216/97

Standard Test Method for

Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Fuel by Line Sampling1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2276; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This test method covers the determination of particulate 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
contaminant in aviation turbine fuel using a field monitor. D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
1.2 There are two test methods described. The basic test D1535 Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System
method is used to evaluate the level of contamination gravi- D1655 Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
metrically. The second test method, presented in Appendix X1, D2244 Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and
describes a color rating technique that is used for rapid Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color
qualitative assessment of changes in contamination level with- Coordinates
out the time delay required for the gravimetric determinations D4865 Guide for Generation and Dissipation of Static Elec-
by stringent laboratory procedures. tricity in Petroleum Fuel Systems
D5452 Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Avia-
1.3 There are two Annexes and two Appendixes in this test tion Fuels by Laboratory Filtration
method. D6615 Specification for Jet B Wide-Cut Aviation Turbine
1.3.1 Annex A1 provides some precautionary information Fuel
regarding the use of the required reagents.
1.3.2 Annex A2 describes a standard practice for obtaining 3. Terminology
a sample of the particulates present in a flowing stream of 3.1 Definitions:
aviation turbine fuel. 3.1.1 membrane color, n—a visual rating of particulate on a
1.3.3 Appendix X1 describes a test method for rating the filter membrane against ASTM Color Standards.
particulate level in an aviation turbine fuel on the basis of the
color of a filter membrane after sampling the fuel in the field. 3.1.2 membrane filter, n—a porous article of closely con-
1.3.4 Appendix X2 provides some safety precautions to trolled pore size through which a liquid is passed to separate
avoid static discharge resulting from the accumulation of matter in suspension.
electrical charges in the fuel and on the equipment while Discussion—RR:D02-10123 contains information
following the procedures. on membrane filters that meet the requirements therein.
3.1.3 monitor, n—something that reminds or warns.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the Discussion—A plastic holder for a membrane filter
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
held in a field sampling apparatus.
3.1.4 particulate, adj—of or relating to minute separate
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Discussion—Solids generally composed of oxides,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
silicates, and fuel insoluble salts.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Subcommittee D02.J0.05 on Fuel Cleanliness. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
This test method has been approved by the sponsoring committees and accepted the ASTM website.
by the Cooperating Societies in accordance with established procedures. Supporting data (and a list of suppliers who have provided data indicating their
Current edition approved June 1, 2014. Published July 2014. Originally approved membranes, field monitors, and field monitor castings) have been filed at ASTM
in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D2276–06. DOI: 10.1520/ International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report
D2276-06R14. RR:D02-1012.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D2276 − 06 (2014)
3.2.1 volatile fuels, n—relatively wide boiling range volatile
distillate. Discussion—These are identified as Jet B in Speci-
fication D6615 or the military grade known as JP-4.

4. Summary of Test Method

4.1 A known volume of fuel is filtered through a preweighed
test membrane filter in a field monitor and the increase in
membrane filter mass determined after washing and drying.
The change in mass of a control membrane filter located
immediately below the test membrane filter is also determined.
The objective of using a control membrane is to assess whether
the fuel itself influences the weight of a membrane. The
particulate contaminant is determined from the increase in
mass of the test membrane filter relative to the control
membrane filter.
4.2 This test method employs a field monitor to filter a
sample of fuel that is taken in the field by the sampling
procedure detailed in Annex A2.
4.3 For situations where it is not possible to take a field
monitor sample, procedures are given in Test Method D5452
FIG. 1 Apparatus for Filtering and Dispensing Flushing Fluid
for the determination of particulate contaminant in a fuel
sample by laboratory filtration.
4.4 Appendix X1 describes a method for color-rating used
filter membranes. 6.7 Control Membrane Filters, 3,4 37-mm diameter, nominal
pore size 0.8 µm. (Gridded control membrane filters may be
5. Significance and Use used for purpose of identification.)
5.1 This test method provides a gravimetric measurement of NOTE 1—Matched weight membrane filters,4 37-mm diameter, nominal
pore size 0.8 µm, may be used as test and control membrane filters if so
the particulate matter present in a sample of aviation turbine desired. Use of matched-weight membrane filters precludes the necessity
fuel by line sampling. The objective is to minimize these for carrying out subsequently the procedures detailed in Section 8.
contaminants to avoid filter plugging and other operational
6.8 Dispenser for Flushing Fluid, 0.45-µm membrane filters
problems. Although tolerable levels of particulate contami-
to be provided in the delivery line (see Fig. 1). Alternatively,
nants have not yet been established for all points in fuel
flushing fluid that has been pre-filtered through a 0.45 µm
distribution systems, the total contaminant measurement is
membrane before delivery to the dispenser flask is acceptable.
normally of most interest. The Appendix X1 color rating
method is useful for fuel system monitoring purposes. No 6.9 Field Monitors, complete with protective plugs and
quantitative relationship exists between gravimetric and color 34-mm support pads.
rating test results. 6.10 Air Ionizer, for the balance case (see Note 2 and Note
6. Apparatus
NOTE 2—When using a solid-pan balance, the air ionizer may be
6.1 Analytical Balance, single- or double-pan, the precision omitted provided that, when weighing a membrane filter, it is placed on
standard deviation of which must be 0.07 mg or better. the pan so that no part protrudes over the edge of the pan.
NOTE 3—Air ionizers should be replaced within 1 year of manufacture.
6.2 Oven, of the static type (without fan-assisted air
circulation), controllable to 90 6 5°C. 6.11 Multimeter/VOM, used for determining whether elec-
trical continuity is 10 Ω or less between 2 points.
6.3 Petri Dishes, approximately 125 mm in diameter with
removable glass supports for membrane filters. 6.12 Field Monitor Flushing Apparatus, of the type shown
in Fig. 2. It consists of a receiving flask large enough to contain
6.4 Forceps, flat-bladed with unserrated, non-pointed tips. the flushing fluid and shall be equipped with a side arm to
6.5 Vacuum System. connect to the vacuum system. Reagent resistant tubing shall
6.6 Test Membrane Filters, 3,4 plain, 37-mm diameter, be arranged to allow passage of a grounding wire. An assembly
nominal pore size 0.8 µm (see Note 1). of reagent grade resistant tubing and bung fitted with a glass
tube shall be assembled as shown in Fig. 2 to attach to a field
6.13 Ground/Bond Wire, Nos. 10 through 19, (0.912 to
All available membrane filters are not suitable for this application. Apparatus
considered for this application shall be checked by the user for suitability in 2.59 mm) bare stranded flexible stainless steel or copper
accordance with the requirements of RR:D02-1012, 1994 revision. installed in the flask and grounded as shown in Fig. 2.

D2276 − 06 (2014)
containers. Glassware used in preparation of membrane filters
shall be cleaned as described in Section 10.
8.1.1 Using forceps, place the test and control membrane
filters side by side in a clean petri dish. To facilitate handling
the membrane filters should rest on clean glass support rods in
the petri dish.
8.1.2 Place the petri dish with its lid slightly ajar, in an oven
at 90 6 5°C and leave it for 30 min.
8.1.3 Remove the petri dish from the oven and place it near
the balance. The petri dish cover should be ajar but still
protecting the membrane filters from contamination from the
atmosphere. Allow 30 min for the membrane filters to come to
equilibrium with the ambient air temperature and humidity.
8.1.4 Remove the control membrane filter from the petri
dish with forceps, handling by the edge only, and place it
centrally on the weighing pan. Weigh it and return it to the petri
FIG. 2 Field Monitor Flushing Apparatus dish.
8.1.5 Repeat 8.1.4 for the test membrane filter. Record the
membrane filter masses.
7. Reagents
8.1.6 Take a clean field monitor, mark for identification,
7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be rinse with filtered flushing fluid, and insert a clean support pad.
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that 8.1.7 Using clean forceps, place the weighed control mem-
all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit- brane filter centrally on the support pad in the field monitor and
tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, place the weighed test membrane filter on top of the control
where such specifications are available.5 Other grades may be membrane filter. Assemble the two parts of the field monitor,
used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of ensuring that the membrane filters are firmly clamped inside
sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the and the protective plugs are in position.
accuracy of the determination. 8.1.8 Record the monitor identification.
7.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated references
to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined 9. Sampling and Testing Procedure
by Type III of Specification D1193. 9.1 When possible, 3.785 L (1 gal) to 5 L (1.321 gal) of fuel
7.3 Isopropyl Alcohol, reagent grade. (Warning— should be passed through the monitor during field sampling.
Flammable. See A1.1.) The sample volume actually employed shall be reported.
(Warning—Jet A, combustible. Vapor harmful. See A1.3.)
7.4 Liquid Detergent, water-soluble.
(Warning—Jet B, extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled.
7.5 Flushing Fluids: Vapors may cause flash fire. See A1.4.)
7.5.1 Petroleum Spirit (also known as petroleum ether or IP
9.2 See Annex A2 for specific details of sampling practices
Petroleum Spirit 40/60) (Warning—Extremely flammable.
that shall be followed.
Harmful if inhaled. Vapors are easily ignited by electrostatic
discharges, causing flash fire. See A1.2.), having boiling range
10. Preparation of Flushing Apparatus
from 35 to 60°C.
10.1 Fig. 2 shows the recommended configuration of the
8. Preparation of Test and Control Membrane Filters flushing apparatus. Alternative apparatus may be used, pro-
and Field Monitors Prior to Sampling vided that it achieves the same end.
8.1 Two 37-mm membrane filters of nominal pore size 0.8 10.1.1 Wash the petri dishes and supports with warm water
µm are required: a test and a control membrane filter. Matched- containing detergent. Then rinse with warm water and finally
weight membrane filters may be used if so desired (see Note 1). with distilled water.
If matched-weight membrane filters are used, it is unnecessary 10.1.2 Rinse thoroughly with filtered isopropyl alcohol.
to carry out the procedures detailed in this section because they 10.1.3 Rinse thoroughly with filtered flushing fluid.
have been carried out previously by the membrane filter 10.1.4 Drain for a few seconds, and then air or oven dry.
supplier. The two membrane filters used for each individual 10.2 Ensure that all glass and plastic tubing attached to the
test should be identified by marking the petri dishes used as solvent filtering dispenser is clean by flushing thoroughly with
filtered flushing fluid.
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not 11. Flushing and Weighing Procedure
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
11.1 Upon receipt of the field monitor in the laboratory,
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, assemble the apparatus shown in Fig. 2 with the field monitor
MD. in place on the stopper of the vacuum flask.

D2276 − 06 (2014)
NOTE 4—Take care to ensure that monitors are tightly closed and TABLE 1 Statistical Information for Particulate Contaminant
preferably clamped. Spring paper clips have been found suitable for this Average Result,
purpose. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0
Repeatability 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.19 0.25 0.33 0.42
11.2 Place the tip of the delivery spout of the solvent Reproducibility 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.31 0.40 0.49 0.62 0.84 1.07
filtering dispenser in direct contact with the monitor inlet hole.
Introduce filtered flushing fluid.
11.3 Apply vacuum to the flask and allow approximately
250 mL of filtered flushing fluid to pass from the flushing fluid
dispenser through the monitor and into the vacuum flask. 13.2 These precision data have been obtained by statistical
11.4 Remove the flushing fluid dispenser and slowly release examination of test results using 5-L samples and were first
the vacuum. published in 1966.
11.5 Remove the monitor from the stopper of the vacuum 13.3 Repeatability— The difference between successive re-
flask and carefully dismantle it in an upright position. sults obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
11.6 Carefully remove the test and control membrane filters, under constant operating conditions on identical test material
and place side by side on clean glass supports in a clean, would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
covered petri dish. the test method, exceed the following values in only one case
NOTE 5—The test and control membrane filters can be removed from
in twenty:
the monitor by pushing upwards against the support pad through the outlet Range Repeatability
orifice with a thin dowel. 0.0 to 2.0 mg/L 0.175x + 0.070

11.7 Dry and reweigh the membrane filters as described in where x is the average value of two results.
8.1.2 – 8.1.5, taking care not to disturb the contaminant on the
13.4 Reproducibility— The difference between two single
surface of the test membrane filter.
and independent results obtained by different operators work-
12. Calculation and Report ing in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
12.1 Subtract the initial mass of the test membrane filter, the long run, exceed the following values in only one case in
W1, from the final mass, W2. twenty:
12.2 Subtract the initial mass of the control membrane filter, Range Reproducibility
0.0 to 2.0 mg/L 0.444x + 0.178
W3, from the final mass, W4.
where x is the average value of two results.
12.3 Divide the correct mass of contaminant
(W2 − W1) − (W4 − W3) by the volume of sample filtered and 13.5 Typical values are given in Table 1.
report the result as total contaminant, expressed in milligrams
per litre. NOTE 7—Reproducibility values were determined through cooperative
testing by different operators using separate apparatus working at the same
NOTE 6—If matched-weight membrane filters have been used for the location using identical test material. This procedure was adopted as it is
test (see Note 1), then W1 = W3 and the corrected mass of contaminant in highly improbable, if not impossible, to ensure the obtaining of “identical
12.3 becomes W2 − W4. test material” when testing at different locations.
12.4 Report the result to the nearest 0.01 mg/L, and also the 13.6 Bias—The procedure given for the determination of
sample volume used in the test.
particulate contaminant in aviation turbine fuels has no bias
13. Precision and Bias6 since this property can only be defined in terms of this test
13.1 The precision of this test method is not known to have method.
been obtained in accordance with currently accepted guidelines
in Committee D02 RR:D02-1007. 14. Keywords
14.1 aviation fuel; color rating; field monitor; gravimetric
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may contaminant; membrane color; membrane filter; particulate
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1197.

D2276 − 06 (2014)

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Isopropyl Alcohol A1.2.6 Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.

A1.1.1 Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. A1.3 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet A or A-1, see Specification
A1.1.2 Keep container closed. D1655)
A1.1.3 Use with adequate ventilation. A1.3.1 Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames.

A1.1.4 Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist. A1.3.2 Keep container closed.
A1.3.3 Use with adequate ventilation.
A1.1.5 Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
A1.3.4 Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.
A1.1.6 Do not take internally.
A1.3.5 Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.
A1.2 Petroleum Ether
A1.4 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet B, see Specification D6615)
A1.2.1 Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.
A1.4.1 Keep container closed.
A1.2.2 Keep container closed. A1.4.2 Use with adequate ventilation.
A1.2.3 Use with adequate ventilation. A1.4.3 Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources
A1.2.4 Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition, especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus
of ignition, especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.
and heaters. A1.4.4 Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.
A1.2.5 Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist. A1.4.5 Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.


A2.1 Scope If a shut-off valve is desired, a stainless steel ball or plug-type

A2.1.1 This test method covers taking samples of aviation valve should be used.
turbine fuels from fuel handling systems under pressure, A2.3.2 Field Sampling Apparatus, as illustrated in Fig. A2.1
through field monitors, for the determination of particulate and consisting of the following components:
contaminant. A2.3.2.1 Sampling Valve Connection, designed to meet the
following requirements: (1) It shall be mounted in the sampling
A2.2 Summary of Test Method point and must incorporate a self-sealing quick disconnect
A2.2.1 A 3.785 to 5-L sample is taken from a flowing line valve to mate with a suitable connection leading to the selector
or pipe and passed under line pressure through a field monitor valve of the assembly. (2) It must be completely resistant to
containing a preweighed 0.8-µm test membrane filter and a fuel and be leak proof up to the maximum working pressures
preweighed 0.8-µm control membrane filter. After filtration the to be encountered. (3) It must have a minimum of internal
field monitor is returned to a laboratory for analysis. recesses which could cause the holdup of contaminant. (4) It
NOTE A2.1—Examine the monitor carefully to ensure that it is located must be provided with a dust plug.
correctly in its holder (that is, not reversed). The bottom (outlet) of the A2.3.2.2 Flexible Pressure Hose, if used, designed to meet
monitor is the side with the spiderweb and leads directly to the sample
receiver. The top (inlet) side of the monitor is the upper portion, which has the following requirements: (1) It must be completely resistant
space for fuel above the filter membrane. to fuel. (2) It should be less than 18 in. (457 mm) long.
A2.3.2.3 Selector Valve, designed to meet the following
A2.3 Apparatus requirements: (1) It must have one inlet port and two alterna-
A2.3.1 Sampling Point shall be a suitably tapped port in the tive outlet ports. (2) It may also have an OFF position but this
pipe, to accept the valved sampling quick disconnect assembly is not mandatory. (3) It must be so designed that it is free from
(see A2.3.2.1). If using an existing tapping, it may be necessary internal pockets in which contaminant may be stored and
to use reducing bushings to ensure the proper tapping size for subsequently released. (4) It may incorporate a point to which
the sampling valve. Care shall be taken in such cases to avoid a syringe can be fixed.
trapping or generating contaminant. A sampling probe project- A2.3.2.4 Field Monitor Holder, so constructed that a perfect
ing into the fuel stream aids in guarding against this situation. seal is made between its upper part and the top of the field

D2276 − 06 (2014)

NOTE 1—All metal parts and the receiver are to be electrically bonded together.
FIG. A2.1 Field Sampling Apparatus

monitor, and also between its lower part and the bottom of the NOTE A2.2—A metal receiver is preferable to one made of plastic. If a
field monitor. No fuel bypassing can be permitted. plastic receiver is employed, all metal components shall be grounded and
a grounded wire or other conductor shall be inserted in the receiver to pick
A2.3.2.5 Field Monitors, complete with protective plugs
up electrostatic charges in the fuel.
and each containing two 37-mm preweighed 0.8-µm membrane
filters backed by a 34-mm support pad, prepared as described A2.3.3 Back Pressure Connection, for sampling from pipes
in Section 8. or lines in which the pressure is too low to obtain a proper fuel
A2.3.2.6 Graduated Sample-Receiver , capable of receiving sample in a reasonable time. A suitable connection is illustrated
at least a 5-L fuel sample. The receiver shall be suitably in Fig. A2.2. By partly closing the valve, pressure at the
electrically bonded (see Note A2.2). sampling connection will be increased.

D2276 − 06 (2014)
disconnect valves and the sampling probe, as well as the inlet actuator and
the optional flexible pressure hose, to remove contaminants that may have
collected over a period of time since the last was performed.
A2.5.9 When at least 2 L of fuel are collected, operate the
selector valve to the “test” position. During normal operations
a line pressure of 35 psi (0.24 MPa) minimum is suitable to
obtain a reasonable sampling rate. Constant line pressure
should be maintained during sampling.
FIG. A2.2 Back Pressure Connection NOTE A2.5—Under some conditions of sampling, insufficient line
pressure may exist to obtain a reasonable sampling rate. In such cases line
pressure may be increased by using a connection such as illustrated in Fig.
A2.4 General Precautions A2.2. This gate valve should be adjusted to obtain constant pressure and
flow before sampling is started. The line flow rate should not be below
A2.4.1 Always handle the sampling equipment with care 50 % of the rated capacity of the equipment being checked. If this flow
and ensure that it is maintained in a scrupulously clean cannot be achieved, different contamination levels may be obtained. The
condition. pressure and flow conditions should be noted on the report form.

A2.4.2 To avoid extraneous contaminant, field monitor A2.5.10 Take a 3.785 (1-gal) to 5-L fuel sample if condi-
protective plugs must be removed only for sampling and tions permit. (Results obtained by taking other sample volumes
replaced immediately. The monitor must be opened only in a may have different precision.) When the required amount of
laboratory. fuel is collected, operate the selector valve to the OFF position.
If no OFF position is provided, disconnect the sampling
A2.4.3 Under no circumstances should thread-sealing com- apparatus from the sampling quick disconnect.
pounds be used. TFE-fluorocarbon pipe thread sealant must be
used, but if the apparatus still leaks, abandon the test. A2.5.11 On certain occasions it may be necessary to shut
down fueling during sampling. In this case, halt sampling, if
A2.4.4 All metal parts of the sampling apparatus must be possible before flow ceases. When flow is reestablished and
electrically bonded together and grounded. conditions stabilized, recommence sampling. Flushing is not
A2.5 Procedure necessary.
A2.5.1 Unscrew the two halves of the field monitor holder A2.5.12 After sampling is completed, allow 1 min to pass;
and wipe the internal surfaces clean. then disconnect the sampling unit from the sampling connec-
tion and replace dust caps. (Warning—The 1–min waiting
A2.5.2 Remove the two protective plugs from the field period is required as a precaution against electrostatic dis-
monitor and put them in a clean safe place for reuse after the charges.)
A2.5.13 Remove the field monitor from its holder and
A2.5.3 Place the field monitor in the holder with its lower attach the vacuum syringe supplied with the field sampling
half having the spider web pattern on the downstream side of apparatus to the lower opening (spiderweb side) of the monitor.
the field monitor. Pull outward on the handle to draw residual fuel from the field
A2.5.4 Reassemble the two halves of field monitor holder. monitor. If fuel remains in the monitor, disconnect the syringe
Avoid excess tightening. and expel the collected fuel. Repeat the procedure as necessary.
A2.5.5 Ensure that the flexible flushing line is connected to A2.5.14 Replace the protective plugs. Handle carefully. Do
the selector valve and that its outlet end is connected down- not open the field monitors under any circumstances before
stream of the field monitor so that flushing flow will pass to the returning them to the laboratory. If they are opened, discard the
graduated sample receiver. monitor and membrane filters. The filters cannot be used for
A2.5.6 Turn the selector valve to the off position. gravimetric analysis.
NOTE A2.3—For apparatus equipped with a selector valve without an A2.5.15 Place the field monitor in a suitable container and
OFF position, do not connect until ready to flush. Refer to Appendix X2 record the following conditions on a report form:
for safety procedures.
A2.5.15.1 Date,
A2.5.7 Remove the dust cap from the inlet actuator and the A2.5.15.2 Monitor serial number,
dust plug from the sampling quick disconnect valve and then A2.5.15.3 Sample location and volume of sample, and
insert the inlet actuator to complete the connection. A2.5.15.4 Line pressure and flow rate.
A2.5.8 When the desire fuel flow and pressure conditions A2.5.16 Drain and dismantle the sampling apparatus and
are established in the line or hose to be sampled, operate the return it to the case provided.
selector valve to the “flush” position.
A2.5.17 Forward the field monitor to the appropriate labo-
NOTE A2.4—It is extremely important to flush the sampling quick ratory for analysis as soon as possible.

D2276 − 06 (2014)
TABLE X1.1 ASTM Color Standards Munsell and CIELAB Notations
Scale A Scale G Scale B
Rating Munsell CIELAB Munsell CIELAB Munsell CIELAB
Number L* a* b* L* a* b* L* a* b*
0 N 9.6 98.99 0.00 –0.01 N 9.6/ 98.99 0.00 –0.01 N 9.6/ 96.99 0.00 –0.01
1 2.5 YR 9.3/0.5 94.03 1.41 2.01 N 9.3/ 94.03 0.00 –0.01 5 Y 9.3/0.5 94.03 –0.60 4.21
2 2.5 YR 9/1 91.08 2.69 3.79 N 9/ 91.08 0.00 –0.01 3.4 Y 9/1 91.08 –0.70 8.05
3 2.5 YR 8.5/2 86.21 5.27 7.43 N 8.5/ 86.21 0.00 –0.01 1.7 Y 8.5/2 86.21 0.13 14.89
4 2.5 YR 8/3 81.35 8.90 12.37 N 8/ 81.35 0.00 –0.01 10 YR 8/3 81.35 2.78 19.60
5 2.5 YR 7/4 71.60 12.41 16.88 N 7/ 71.60 0.00 –0.01 10 YR 7/4 71.60 4.50 25.82
6 2.5 YR 6/3.4 61.70 11.07 14.37 N 6/ 61.70 0.00 –0.01 10 YR 6/3.4 61.70 4.28 21.57
7 2.5 YR 5/2.8 51.57 9.60 11.66 N 5/ 51.57 0.00 0.00 10 YR 5/2.8 51.57 4.09 17.64
8 2.5 YR 4/2.2 41.22 8.50 9.60 N 4/ 41.22 0.00 0.00 10 YR 4/2.2 41.22 3.60 14.46
9 2.5 YR 3/1.6 30.77 6.85 6.84 N 3/ 30.77 0.00 0.00 10 YR 3/1.6 30.77 2.88 9.68
10 2.5 YR 2.5/1 25.61 4.48 3.83 N 2.5/ 25.61 0.00 0.00 10 YR 2.5/1 25.61 1.96 5.76


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope X1.3.2 The sample size must be reported with the color
rating because smaller samples reduce the sensitivity and the
X1.1.1 This practice provides a standard language for the
color developed is not necessarily proportional to sample
purpose of communicating filter membrane colors when sam- volume.
pling aviation turbine fuels in the field through field monitors.
Membrane color may be used for qualitative assessment of NOTE X1.2—Wet color ratings or smaller than recommended sample
size, or both, may be of value to a trained observer familiar with local
contaminant level in fuels or of changes in other visual
X1.1.1.1 The color rating can be made in the field and does X1.4 Apparatus
not require stringent laboratory procedures. No quantitative X1.4.1 The apparatus required to filter a sample of fuel
relationship exists between the gravimetric results obtained by through a field monitor is described in Annex A2, except that
Test Method D2276 and color ratings obtained by this practice. the monitor requires only a single, white, plain, unweighed
NOTE X1.1—If a field monitor is opened for color rating in the field, it
0.8-µm membrane.
cannot also be used for gravimetric results by Test Method D2276.
X1.5 Color Standards7,8
X1.1.1.2 This practice is not a substitute for gravimetric X1.5.1 The ASTM color standards consist of three
procedures to determine particulate contaminant. stepwise-graded scales intended to bracket in hue the color
ordinarily encountered on jet fuel filter membranes. There are
X1.2 Summary of Practice two color strips and one gray strip, each divided into eleven
X1.2.1 A sample of fuel is taken from a flowing line or pipe steps and assigned rating numbers from 0 to 10. The Munsell
and passed under line pressure through a field monitor con- system notations for the individual colors are listed in Table
taining a 0.8-µm test filter membrane. The color on the filter X1.1. The Munsell system notation values are those used
membrane is compared with the ASTM color standards and historically for preparation of these color standards and are the
assigned a rating letter and number. referee values; however, this notation system is obsolete. The
color standards shall meet the requirements of RR:D02-1145.8
X1.3 Significance and Use NOTE X1.3—Test Method D2244 and Practice D1535 describe this test
method of color designation.
X1.3.1 The filter membrane color rating provides a simple
means of detecting changes in the fuel. Changes in membrane X1.5.1.1 Charts in use should be checked periodically
against a reference set of color standards to eliminate the
color may be indicative of changes in fuel contaminant level,
possibility that sunlight or soiling due to handling may have
contaminant type, the fuel handling system, or refinery process
appreciably changed the colors. The reference set is a set of
conditions. Membranes may be rated in a dry or wet condition.
However, the advantage of rating in the dry condition is that
the membrane will not change color in the dry state. Differ- 7
Booklets conforming to this specification are available from Gammon Techni-
ences between dry and wet may be as great as five numbers; cal Products, Inc., 2300 Highway 34., Manasquan, NJ 08736.
therefore, comparison based on mixed wet and dry ratings Supporting data (including an approved “Specification for Color Rating
Booklet” incorporating the ASTM Color Standards) have been filed at ASTM
should not be made. Only dry color ratings should be reported International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report
when color ratings are employed as a communications tool. RR:D02-1145.

D2276 − 06 (2014)
color standards obtained new, stored in dry dark conditions, X1.7 Color Rating Procedure
and is only used for the purpose of checking the standards in X1.7.1 To rate the membrane dry, proceed as follows:
day-to-day use. Remove the membrane from the monitor with forceps. Dry the
X1.5.2 A production batch of color rating books shall be membrane by placing it carefully on an absorbent paper on a
considered acceptable for continued use until any color chip in low-level heat source free of ignition sources for flammable
the 0 to 5 range of scales A, B, or G has changed in lightness vapors, or air dry (typically, 3 h) in a dust-free location.
(value) as much as one rating number as indicated by the value Dryness can be estimated by comparing the white color of the
(lightness) of the next lighter or darker color. For example, B1 outer edge of the test membrane with a new membrane.
has a Munsell value notation of 9.3. If it becomes as dark as the X1.7.2 An alternative drying procedure is as follows. Using
value notation of B2, which is 9, that production lot of rating forceps, place the membrane in a clean petri dish. To facilitate
books would be invalid because a specimen that is as dark as handling, the membrane filters should rest on clean glass rods
B2 could be rated B1. in the petri dish. Place the petri dish with its lid slightly ajar in
X1.5.2.1 If the colors are measured using an instrument an oven at 90 6 5°C, and leave it for 30 min. (Warning—
having a CIELAB data readout, the CIELAB L* data are Exercise caution in locating the drying membrane away from
related to the Munsell value notation in Table X1.1. Thus in the ignition sources of the evaporating fuel.)
example above, B1 has an L* of 98.99 and B2 has an L* of
94.03. If the color designated B1 measures to an L* of 94.03, X1.7.3 To rate the membrane wet, proceed as follows: Open
or less, that lot of books would be invalid. the monitor and remove the membrane, preferably with
X1.5.2.2 The series of complete color specifications in forceps, and then immediately compare the membrane with the
Table X1.1 and represented visually by the three color scales ASTM color standards.
represents a sampling of the color space of all specimens that X1.7.4 In a location shielded from direct sunlight, compare
can result from this test method, as determined by the original the surface of the membrane with the ASTM Color Standards.
research. Thus, as the colors of membranes become darker, Select the color or gray chip that most closely matches the
they also become more saturated, due to increased deposit of sample.
contaminant on the filter membranes. The path of color change X1.7.5 In matching, be careful that the viewing angle is
due to aging of the color scales is necessarily different. nearly perpendicular, and that shadows are not cast unevenly
X1.5.3 It shall be the responsibility of the supplier of color on the surfaces being compared.
rating books to notify ASTM when any production lot has
reached an invalid status based on the above parameters. Color X1.8 Report
rating books dated 1981 and earlier exceed these limits and are X1.8.1 Report the nearest match number by scale letter and
invalid. rating number. If the sample is distinctly between two rating
numbers, report the lower number.
X1.6 Sampling Procedure
X1.8.2 If the membrane color does not conform to any of
X1.6.1 Observe the general precautions and follow the the standard color scales, establish the color density to the
sampling procedure given in Annex A2, except that a larger nearest rating number and report the color.
sample size (preferably 10 L) may be designated to increase
sensitivity. See RR:D02-14379 for further information about X1.8.3 Report the sample volume used.
the effect of sample size. X1.8.4 If the sample was not taken under rated flow
conditions, report this fact and the sampling pressure.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may X1.8.5 Report only dry ratings when employing color
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1437. ratings as a communication tool.


X2.1 In Guide D4865 it is noted that micro-filters are X2.2 Charges in flowing fuel result in a rise in voltage. The
prolific generators of electrostatic charge. This is particularly rate at which these charges recombine depends upon the
true in the case of membrane filters used in particulate conductivity of the fuel. Relaxation time could be of the order
contaminant testing. of 10 to 100 s with low conductivity fuel. In membrane
X2.1.1 The flow of fuel through the membrane in perform- filtration, very little time is available for charge recombination
ing this type of test causes charges to separate due to the due to high velocities through the membrane. As a conse-
presence of ionic impurities or additives in fuel. Charges of one quence even high conductivity fuels may cause charges to
polarity are carried with moving fuel while the opposite accumulate in the membrane holder and receiver and develop
charges accumulate within the membrane and apparatus hold- significant voltage difference between fuel and apparatus.
ing the filter. These surface charges seek a path to ground. Using a metal receiver and placing a grounding wire in the

D2276 − 06 (2014)
receiver will minimize the development of voltage in the fuel. X2.5.1 If a plastic graduated receiver is used, a grounded
wire should be inserted into the bottom of the container. Metal
X2.3 Although grounding the apparatus will not prevent
handles must be grounded.
charge separation or accumulation of charges in fuel, it is
necessary to bond all parts of the filtration apparatus together X2.5.2 Annex A2 requires that a 1 min waiting period be
and provide a grounding wire. It is essential that no unbonded employed to dissipate charges created in the plastic monitor
metal components are present during filtration since they before opening the sampling apparatus.
concentrate charge and develop voltage sufficient to cause
static discharge within the apparatus. X2.5.3 Fig. A2.1 specifies that all metal parts and the
receiver must be electrically bonded together. If the brand of
X2.4 To verify that bonding of all parts of the filtration field sampling apparatus being used has a drain line with a
apparatus is complete, it is recommended that an electrical grounding wire inside, be sure to attach one end of the wire
continuity test be conducted using a multimeter. with an alligator clip to the fuel pipe or a known ground. The
X2.5 Although the field sampling apparatus described in other end of the wire should be attached to the fuel sample
Annex A2 requires that all metal parts be electrically bonded receiver. If no bonding or grounding means are provided, as a
and grounded to the metal sampling pipe, the use of a plastic minimum, attach a separate bonding cable to the field monitor
monitor or a plastic receiver creates difficulties in dissipating holder and the fuel pipe being sampled; also lay a loop of the
fuel charges. same wire in the bottom of the receiver.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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