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Deep Learning Tutorial Complete (v3)

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Deep Learning Tutorial

Hung-yi Lee
Deep learning
attracts lots of attention.
• Google Trends

Deep learning obtains many exciting results.

The talks in this afternoon
This talk will focus on the technical part.

2007 2009 2011 2013 2015


Part I: Introduction of Deep Learning

Part II: Why Deep?

Part III: Tips for Training Deep Neural Network

Part IV: Neural Network with Memory

Part I:
Introduction of
Deep Learning

What people already knew in 1980s

Example Application
• Handwriting Digit Recognition

Machine “2”
Handwriting Digit Recognition

Input Output

0.1 is 1
x2 y2
0.7 is 2
The image
is “2”


x256 y10
0.2 is 0
16 x 16 = 256
Ink → 1 Each dimension represents
No ink → 0 the confidence of a digit.
Example Application
• Handwriting Digit Recognition

x1 y1
Machine “2”

x256 y10
𝑓: 𝑅256 → 𝑅10
In deep learning, the function 𝑓 is
represented by neural network
Element of Neural Network
Neuron 𝑓: 𝑅𝐾 → 𝑅

a1 w1 z  a1w1  a2 w2    aK wK  b

a2 w2
z  z 
 a

aK Activation
weights function
Neural Network
Input Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer L Output
x1 …… y1
x2 …… y2




xN …… yM
Input Output
Layer Hidden Layers Layer

Deep means many hidden layers

Example of Neural Network
1 4 0.98
-1 -2 0.12
Sigmoid Function  z 

 z  
1 e z
Example of Neural Network
1 4 0.98 2 0.86 3 0.62
-2 -1 -1
1 0 -2
-1 -2 0.12 -2 0.11 -1 0.83
1 -1 4
0 0 2
Example of Neural Network
1 0.73 2 0.72 3 0.51
-2 -1 -1
1 0 -2
-1 0.5 -2 0.12 -1 0.85
1 -1 4
0 0 2

𝑓: 𝑅2 → 𝑅2 1 0.62 0 0.51
𝑓 = 𝑓 =
−1 0.83 0 0.85
Different parameters define different function
Matrix Operation
1 4 0.98
1 y1
-1 -2 0.12
-1 y2

1 −2 1 1 0.98
𝜎 + =
−1 1 −1 0 0.12
Neural Network
x1 …… y1
x2 W1 W2 ……
WL y2
b1 b2 bL




xN x a1 ……
a2 y yM

𝜎 W1 x + b1
𝜎 W2 a1 + b2
𝜎 WL aL-1 + bL
Neural Network
x1 …… y1
x2 W1 W2 ……
WL y2
b1 b2 bL




xN x a1 ……
a2 y yM

Using parallel computing techniques

y =𝑓 x
to speed up matrix operation

=𝜎 WL …𝜎 W2 𝜎 W1 x + b1 + b2 … + bL
• Softmax layer as the output layer

Ordinary Layer

z1   
y1   z1
In general, the output of
z2   
y2   z 2
network can be any value.

May not be easy to interpret

z3   
y3   z 3
• Softmax layer as the output layer  1 > 𝑦𝑖 > 0
 𝑖 𝑦𝑖 = 1
Softmax Layer

3 0.88 3

z1 e e z1
 y1  e z1 zj

j 1

1 0.12 3
z2 e e z 2 2.7
 y2  e z2

j 1
0.05 ≈0
z3 -3
e e z3
 y3  e z3

3 j 1

 e zj

j 1
How to set network parameters
𝜃 = 𝑊 1 , 𝑏1 , 𝑊 2 , 𝑏 2 , ⋯ 𝑊 𝐿 , 𝑏 𝐿
x1 …… y1
0.1 is 1

x2 …… y2
0.7 is 2


x256 …… y10
0.2 is 0
16 x 16 = 256
Ink → 1 Set the network parameters 𝜃 such that ……
No ink → 0
Input: How to let thethe
y1 has neural
maximum value
network achieve this
Input: y2 has the maximum value
Training Data
• Preparing training data: images and their labels

“5” “0” “4” “1”

“9” “2” “1” “3”

Using the training data to find

the network parameters.
Given a set of network parameters 𝜃,
Cost each example has a cost value.


x1 …… y0.2
1 1
x2 …… y2
0.3 0



x256 …… y0.5 𝐿(𝜃) 0

Cost can be Euclidean distance or cross
entropy of the network output and target
Total Cost
For all training data … Total Cost:
x1 NN y1 𝑦1 𝐶 𝜃 = 𝐿𝑟 𝜃
𝐿1 𝜃
x2 NN y2 𝑦2
𝐿2 𝜃 How bad the network
parameters 𝜃 is on
x3 NN y3 𝑦3 this task
𝐿3 𝜃


Find the network

parameters 𝜃 ∗ that
xR NN yR 𝑦𝑅 minimize this value
𝐿𝑅 𝜃
Assume there are only two
parameters w1 and w2 in a
Gradient Descent network.
Error Surface 𝜃 = 𝑤1 , 𝑤2

The colors represent the value of C. Randomly pick a

starting point 𝜃 0
Compute the
negative gradient
𝑤2 𝜃∗ at 𝜃 0
−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0 −𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
−𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
Times the
𝜕𝐶 𝜃 0 /𝜕𝑤1 learning rate 𝜂
𝜃0 𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0 =
𝜕𝐶 𝜃 0 /𝜕𝑤2 −𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
Gradient Descent
Eventually, we would
Randomly pick a
reach a minima …..
starting point 𝜃 0
Compute the
2−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃2 negative gradient
−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃𝜃
𝑤2 2 at 𝜃 0
−𝛻𝐶 𝜃 1 𝜃
𝜃1 −𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
Times the
learning rate 𝜂
−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
Local Minima
• Gradient descent never guarantee global minima
Different initial
point 𝜃 0

𝐶 Reach different minima,

so different results
Who is Afraid of Non-Convex
Loss Functions?
𝑤1 𝑤2 http://videolectures.net/eml07
Besides local minima ……
Very slow at the
Stuck at saddle point

Stuck at local minima

𝛻𝐶 𝜃 𝛻𝐶 𝜃 𝛻𝐶 𝜃
≈0 =0 =0
parameter space
In physical world ……
• Momentum

How about put this phenomenon

in gradient descent?
Still not guarantee reaching
Momentum global minima, but give some
hope ……
Movement =
Negative of Gradient + Momentum
Negative of Gradient
Real Movement

Gradient = 0
 Randomly initialize 𝜃 0
x1 NN y1 𝑦 1  Pick the 1st batch

𝐿1 𝐶 = 𝐿1 + 𝐿31 + ⋯
x31 NN y31 𝑦 31 𝜃 1 ← 𝜃 0 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
𝐿31  Pick the 2nd batch

𝐶 = 𝐿2 + 𝐿16 + ⋯
𝜃 2 ← 𝜃 1 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 1
x2 NN y2 𝑦2

C is different each time
x16 NN y16 𝑦 when we update
𝐿16 parameters!
Original Gradient Descent With Mini-batch


The colors represent the total C on all training data.

Mini-batch Faster Better!
 Randomly initialize 𝜃 0
x1 NN y1 𝑦 1  Pick the 1st batch

𝐶1 𝐶 = 𝐶 1 + 𝐶 31 + ⋯
x31 NN y31 𝑦 31 𝜃 1 ← 𝜃 0 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0
𝐶 31  Pick the 2nd batch

𝐶 = 𝐶 2 + 𝐶 16 + ⋯
𝜃 2 ← 𝜃 1 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 1
x2 NN y2 𝑦2

𝐶2  Until all mini-batches
have been picked
x16 NN y16 𝑦16
𝐶 16 one epoch

Repeat the above process

• A network can have millions of parameters.
• Backpropagation is the way to compute the gradients
efficiently (not today)
• Ref:
• Many toolkits can compute the gradients automatically

Part II:
Why Deep?
Deeper is Better?
Word Error Word Error
Layer X Size Layer X Size
Rate (%) Rate (%)
1 X 2k 24.2
2 X 2k 20.4 Not surprised, more
3 X 2k 18.4 parameters, better
4 X 2k 17.8 performance
5 X 2k 17.2 1 X 3772 22.5
7 X 2k 17.1 1 X 4634 22.6
1 X 16k 22.1
Seide, Frank, Gang Li, and Dong Yu. "Conversational Speech Transcription
Using Context-Dependent Deep Neural Networks." Interspeech. 2011.
Universality Theorem
Any continuous function f

f : R N  RM
Can be realized by a network
with one hidden layer
Reference for the reason:
(given enough hidden http://neuralnetworksandde
neurons) eplearning.com/chap4.html

Why “Deep” neural network not “Fat” neural network?

Fat + Short v.s. Thin + Tall
The same number
of parameters

Which one is better?


x1 x2 …… xN x1 x2 …… xN

Shallow Deep
Fat + Short v.s. Thin + Tall
Word Error Word Error
Layer X Size Layer X Size
Rate (%) Rate (%)
1 X 2k 24.2
2 X 2k 20.4
3 X 2k 18.4
4 X 2k 17.8
5 X 2k 17.2 1 X 3772 22.5
7 X 2k 17.1 1 X 4634 22.6
1 X 16k 22.1
Seide, Frank, Gang Li, and Dong Yu. "Conversational Speech Transcription
Using Context-Dependent Deep Neural Networks." Interspeech. 2011.
Why Deep?
• Deep → Modularization
Classifier Girls with 長髮 長髮
1 long hair 女 女長髮長髮
Classifier Boys with 長髮
2 weak long hair 男 examples
Classifier Girls with 短髮短髮
3 short hair 女 女短髮短髮
Classifier Boys with 短髮短髮
4 short hair 男 男短髮短髮
Why Deep? Each basic classifier can have
sufficient training examples.

• Deep → Modularization
長髮 長髮
長髮長髮 男
短髮 女
短髮 女 長髮
Boy or Girl? 女 女短髮 女 v.s. 短髮短髮
短髮 女 男 男短髮
女女 短髮
Basic 男男
長髮長髮 短髮短髮
Long or
女 女長髮長髮 女 女短髮短髮
short? 女女 v.s. 女女
長髮 短髮短髮
Classifiers for the
男 男 男短髮短髮
attributes 男男
Why Deep?
can be trained by little data

• Deep → Modularization
Classifier Girls with
1 long hair
Boy or Girl? Classifier Boys with
2 fine long Little
hair data
Image Basic
Classifier Classifier Girls with
Long or 3 short hair
Classifier Boys with
Sharing by the 4 short hair
following classifiers
as module
Deep Learning also works
Why Deep? on small data set like TIMIT.

• Deep → Modularization → Less training data?

x1 ……
x2 The modularization is ……
automatically learned from data.


xN ……

The most basic Use 1st layer as module Use 2nd layer as
classifiers to build classifiers module ……
kernel function

Apply simple
Source of image: http://www.gipsa-lab.grenoble-
Deep Learning
Learnable kernel
𝜙 𝑥 classifier

x1 …… y1
𝑥 …… y2

xN …… yM
Hard to get the power of Deep …

Before 2006, deeper usually does not imply better.

Part III:
Tips for Training DNN
Recipe for Learning

Recipe for Learning

Don’t forget! overfitting

Modify the Network Preventing
Better optimization Overfitting

Recipe for Learning
Modify the Network
• New activation functions, for example, ReLU
or Maxout

Better optimization Strategy

• Adaptive learning rates

Prevent Overfitting
• Dropout Only use this approach when you already
obtained good results on the training data.
Part III:
Tips for Training DNN
New Activation Function
• Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
𝜎 𝑧 1. Fast to compute
2. Biological reason
𝑎=0 3. Infinite sigmoid
with different biases
4. Vanishing gradient
[Xavier Glorot, AISTATS’11]
[Andrew L. Maas, ICML’13] problem
[Kaiming He, arXiv’15]
Vanishing Gradient Problem
x1 …… y1
In x2006,
people used RBM
……pre-training. y2
In 2015, people use ReLU.



xN …… yM

Smaller gradients Larger gradients

Learn very slow Learn very fast

Almost random Already converge

based on random!?
Vanishing Gradient Problem
Smaller gradients

x1 …… 𝑦1 𝑦1
x2 output 𝑦2
…… 𝑦2




xN …… 𝑦𝑀 𝑦𝑀
+∆𝑤 input

Intuitive way to compute the gradient …

𝜕𝐶 ∆𝐶
𝜕𝑤 ∆𝑤

x1 y1

0 y2

A Thinner linear network 𝑎=0

x1 y1

Do not have
smaller gradients
Maxout ReLU is a special cases of Maxout

• Learnable activation function [Ian J. Goodfellow, ICML’13]

+ 5 neuron + 1
Max 7 Max 2
x1 + 7 + 2

x2 + −1 + 4
Max 1 Max 4
+ 1 + 3

You can have more than 2 elements in a group.

Maxout ReLU is a special cases of Maxout

• Learnable activation function [Ian J. Goodfellow, ICML’13]

• Activation function in maxout network can be
any piecewise linear convex function
• How many pieces depending on how many
elements in a group

2 elements in a group 3 elements in a group

Part III:
Tips for Training DNN
Adaptive Learning Rate
Learning Rate Set the learning
rate η carefully

−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0 If learning rate is too large

Cost may not decrease

after each update

−𝛻𝐶 𝜃 0


Can we give different
Learning Rate Set the learning
parameters different
rate η carefully
learning rates?

If learning rate is too large

Cost may not decrease

after each update
0 If learning rate is too small
−𝛻𝐶 𝜃
−𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃0

𝜃0 Training would be too slow

Original Gradient Descent
Adagrad 𝜃 𝑡 ← 𝜃 𝑡−1 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 𝑡−1

Each parameter w are considered separately

𝜕𝐶 𝜃 𝑡
𝑤 𝑡+1 ← 𝑤 𝑡 − ߟ𝑤 𝑔𝑡 𝑔𝑡 =
Parameter dependent
learning rate

𝜂 constant
ߟ𝑤 =
𝑡 Summation of the square of
𝑖=0 𝑔𝑖 2
the previous derivatives
ߟ𝑤 =
Adagrad 𝑡
𝑖=0 𝑔𝑖 2

g0 g1 …… g0 g1 ……
𝑤1 𝑤2
0.1 0.2 …… 20.0 10.0 ……
Learning rate: Learning rate:
𝜂 𝜂 𝜂 𝜂
= =
0.12 0.1 20 2 20
𝜂 𝜂 𝜂 𝜂
= =
0.12 + 0.22 0.22 202 + 102 22
Observation: 1. Learning rate is smaller and
smaller for all parameters
2. Smaller derivatives, larger
learning rate, and vice versa

Learning Rate

Smaller Derivatives

Larger Learning Rate

2. Smaller derivatives, larger

learning rate, and vice versa
Not the whole story ……
• Adagrad [John Duchi, JMLR’11]
• RMSprop
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sxAc4hxZU

• Adadelta [Matthew D. Zeiler, arXiv’12]

• Adam [Diederik P. Kingma, ICLR’15]
• AdaSecant [Caglar Gulcehre, arXiv’14]
• “No more pesky learning rates” [Tom Schaul, arXiv’12]
Part III:
Tips for Training DNN
Pick a mini-batch
Dropout 𝜃 𝑡 ← 𝜃 𝑡−1 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 𝑡−1


 Each time before computing the gradients

 Each neuron has p% to dropout
Pick a mini-batch
Dropout 𝜃 𝑡 ← 𝜃 𝑡−1 − 𝜂𝛻𝐶 𝜃 𝑡−1



 Each time before computing the gradients

 Each neuron has p% to dropout
The structure of the network is changed.
 Using the new network for training
For each mini-batch, we resample the dropout neurons

 No dropout
 If the dropout rate at training is p%,
all the weights times (1-p)%
 Assume that the dropout rate is 50%.
If a weight w = 1 by training, set 𝑤 = 0.5 for testing.
Dropout - Intuitive Reason
我的 partner

 When teams up, if everyone expect the partner will do

the work, nothing will be done finally.
 However, if you know your partner will dropout, you
will do better.
 When testing, no one dropout actually, so obtaining
good results eventually.
Dropout - Intuitive Reason
• Why the weights should multiply (1-p)% (dropout
rate) when testing?
Training of Dropout Testing of Dropout
Assume dropout rate is 50% No dropout
Weights from training
𝑤1 0.5 × 𝑤1 𝑧 ′ ≈ 2𝑧
𝑤2 𝑧 0.5 × 𝑤2 𝑧 ′
𝑤3 0.5 × 𝑤3
𝑤4 0.5 × 𝑤4
Weights multiply (1-p)%
𝑧′ ≈ 𝑧
Dropout is a kind of ensemble.
Ensemble Set

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Network Network Network Network

1 2 3 4

Train a bunch of networks with different structures

Dropout is a kind of ensemble.
Testing data x

Network Network Network Network

1 2 3 4

y1 y2 y3 y4

Dropout is a kind of ensemble.
minibatch minibatch minibatch minibatch Training of
1 2 3 4 Dropout

M neurons

2M possible

Using one mini-batch to train one network

Some parameters in the network are shared
Dropout is a kind of ensemble.
Testing of Dropout testing data x

All the


y1 y2 y3

average ≈ y
More about dropout
• More reference for dropout [Nitish Srivastava, JMLR’14] [Pierre Baldi,
NIPS’13][Geoffrey E. Hinton, arXiv’12]
• Dropout works better with Maxout [Ian J. Goodfellow, ICML’13]
• Dropconnect [Li Wan, ICML’13]
• Dropout delete neurons
• Dropconnect deletes the connection between neurons
• Annealed dropout [S.J. Rennie, SLT’14]
• Dropout rate decreases by epochs
• Standout [J. Ba, NISP’13]
• Each neural has different dropout rate
Part IV:
Neural Network
with Memory
Neural Network needs Memory
• Name Entity Recognition
• Detecting named entities like name of people,
locations, organization, etc. in a sentence.

0.1 people
apple 0
0.1 location
0.5 organization

0 0.3 none
Neural Network needs Memory
• Name Entity Recognition
• Detecting named entities like name of people,
locations, organization, etc. in a sentence.
target ORG target NONE
y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7


x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
the president of apple eats an apple
DNN needs memory!
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
y1 y2

The output of hidden layer

are stored in the memory.

a1 a2

Memory can be considered x1 x2

as another input.

y1 y2 y3
Wo a1
copy Wo copy Wo
a2 a3
a1 a2

Wi Wh Wh
Wi Wi
x1 x2 x3

The same network is used again and again.

Output yi depends on x1, x2, …… xi

RNN How to train?
𝑦1 target 𝑦 2 target 𝑦 3 target
L1 L2 L3
y1 y2 y3
Wo Wo Wo
Wh Wh

Wi Wi Wi
x1 x2 x3

Find the network parameters to minimize the total cost:

Backpropagation through time (BPTT)
Of course it can be deep …
yt yt+1 yt+2

…… ……


…… ……

…… ……

xt xt+1 xt+2
Bidirectional RNN
xt xt+1 xt+2

…… ……

yt yt+1 yt+2

…… ……

xt xt+1 xt+2
Many to Many (Output is shorter)
• Both input and output are both sequences, but the output
is shorter.
• E.g. Speech Recognition

Output: “好棒” (character sequence)

Why can’t it be 好好好棒棒棒棒棒
Many to Many (Output is shorter)
• Both input and output are both sequences, but the output
is shorter.
• Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) [Alex Graves,
ICML’06][Alex Graves, ICML’14][Haşim Sak, Interspeech’15][Jie Li,
Interspeech’15][Andrew Senior, ASRU’15]

“好棒” Add an extra symbol “φ” “好棒棒”

representing “null”

好 φ φ 棒 φ φ φ φ 好 φ φ 棒 φ 棒 φ φ
Many to Many (No Limitation)
• Both input and output are both sequences with different
lengths. → Sequence to sequence learning
• E.g. Machine Translation (machine learning→機器學習)


Containing all
information about
input sequence
Many to Many (No Limitation)
• Both input and output are both sequences with different
lengths. → Sequence to sequence learning
• E.g. Machine Translation (machine learning→機器學習)

機 器 學 習 慣 性 ……



Don’t know when to stop

Many to Many (No Limitation)

推 tlkagk: =========斷==========
E6%8E%A8%E6%96%87 (鄉民百科)
Many to Many (No Limitation)
• Both input and output are both sequences with different
lengths. → Sequence to sequence learning
• E.g. Machine Translation (machine learning→機器學習)

機 器 學 習


Add a symbol “===“ (斷)

[Ilya Sutskever, NIPS’14][Dzmitry Bahdanau, arXiv’15]
感謝 曾柏翔 同學提供實驗結果

Unfortunately ……
• RNN-based network is not always easy to learn
Real experiments on Language modeling


The error surface is rough.
The error surface is either
very flat or very steep.



w1 [Razvan Pascanu, ICML’13]

𝑤=1 𝑦1000 = 1 Large Small
𝑤 = 1.01 𝑦1000 ≈ 20000 gradient Learning rate?
𝑤 = 0.99 𝑦1000 ≈ 0 small Large
𝑤 = 0.01 𝑦1000 ≈ 0 gradient Learning rate?
y1 y2 y3 y1000
Toy Example
1 1 1 1
w w w
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
Helpful Techniques
• Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient (NAG):
• Advance momentum method
• RMS Prop
• Advanced approach to give each parameter
different learning rates
• Considering the change of Second derivatives
• Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
• Can deal with gradient vanishing (not gradient
Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
Other part of the network
Special Neuron:
Signal control
Output Gate
4 inputs,
the output gate 1 output
(Other part of
the network)
Memory Forget Signal control
Cell Gate the forget gate
(Other part of
the network)
Signal control
Input Gate LSTM
the input gate
(Other part of
the network)
Other part of the network
𝑎 = ℎ 𝑐 ′ 𝑓 𝑧𝑜

𝑧𝑜 multiply
Activation function f is
𝑓 𝑧𝑜 ℎ 𝑐′ usually a sigmoid function
Between 0 and 1
Mimic open and close gate
𝑐 𝑓 𝑧𝑓
𝑐c′ 𝑧𝑓
𝑐𝑓 𝑧𝑓
𝑔 𝑧 𝑓 𝑧𝑖
𝑐 ′ = 𝑔 𝑧 𝑓 𝑧𝑖 + 𝑐𝑓 𝑧𝑓
𝑓 𝑧𝑖
𝑔 𝑧

Original Network:
Simply replace the neurons with LSTM


𝑎1 𝑎2

𝑧1 𝑧2

x1 x2 Input
𝑎1 𝑎2

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

4 times of parameters x1 x2 Input

Extension: “peephole”
yt yt+1

ct-1 ct ct+1

× + × × + ×

× ×

zf zi z zo zf zi z zo

ct-1 ht-1 xt ct ht xt+1

Other Simpler Alternatives
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Structurally Constrained
Recurrent Network (SCRN)

[Tomas Mikolov,
[Cho, EMNLP’14] ICLR’15]

Vanilla RNN Initialized with Identity matrix + ReLU activation

function [Quoc V. Le, arXiv’15]
 Outperform or be comparable with LSTM in 4 different tasks
What is the next wave?
Internal memory or
• Attention-based Model information from output

…… ……
Reading Head Writing Head

Reading Head Writing Head

Controller Controller

Input x DNN/LSTM output y

Already applied on speech recognition, caption
generation, QA, visual QA
What is the next wave?
• Attention-based Model
• End-To-End Memory Networks. S. Sukhbaatar, A. Szlam, J. Weston, R. Fergus.
arXiv Pre-Print, 2015.
• Neural Turing Machines. Alex Graves, Greg Wayne, Ivo Danihelka. arXiv Pre-Print,
• Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing.
Kumar et al. arXiv Pre-Print, 2015
• Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate. D.
Bahdanau, K. Cho, Y. Bengio; International Conference on Representation
Learning 2015.
• Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual
Attention. Kelvin Xu et. al.. arXiv Pre-Print, 2015.
• Attention-Based Models for Speech Recognition. Jan Chorowski, Dzmitry
Bahdanau, Dmitriy Serdyuk, Kyunghyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio. arXiv Pre-Print,
• Recurrent models of visual attention. V. Mnih, N. Hees, A. Graves and K.
Kavukcuoglu. In NIPS, 2014.
• A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Sentence Summarization. A. M. Rush,
S. Chopra and J. Weston. EMNLP 2015.
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
• Introduction of deep learning
• Discussing some reasons using deep learning
• New techniques for deep learning
• ReLU, Maxout
• Giving all the parameters different learning rates
• Dropout
• Network with memory
• Recurrent neural network
• Long short-term memory (LSTM)
Reading Materials
• “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”
• written by Michael Nielsen
• http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/
• “Deep Learning” (not finished yet)
• Written by Yoshua Bengio, Ian J. Goodfellow and
Aaron Courville
• http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioy/dlbook/
Thank you
for your attention!
• 感謝 Ryan Sun 來信指出投影片上的錯字
Matrix Operation
1 4 0.98
x1 y1
1 -2
-1 -2 0.12
x2 y2

1 W−2 1 1 0.98
𝜎 x + b = a
−1 1 −1 0 0.12
Why Deep? – Logic Circuits
• A two levels of basic logic gates can represent any
Boolean function.
• However, no one uses two levels of logic gates to
build computers
• Using multiple layers of logic gates to build some
functions are much simpler (less gates needed).
Boosting Weak classifier

Input Weak classifier


Weak classifier
Deep Learning
Weak Boosted weak Boosted Boosted
classifier classifier weak classifier

x1 ……
x2 ……

xN ……
Maxout ReLU is a special cases of Maxout

𝑧 + 𝑧1
Input 𝑤 ReLU 𝑎 Input 𝑤 Max 𝑎
x x 0 + 𝑧2 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑧1 , 𝑧2
1 1

𝑎 𝑎
𝑧 = 𝑤𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑧1 = 𝑤𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑥 𝑥
𝑧2 =0
Maxout ReLU is a special cases of Maxout

𝑧 + 𝑧1
Input 𝑤 ReLU 𝑎 Input 𝑤 Max 𝑎
x x + 𝑧2 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑧1 , 𝑧2
1 𝑏′
1 Learnable Activation
𝑎 𝑎
𝑧 = 𝑤𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑧1 = 𝑤𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑥 𝑥

𝑧2 = 𝑤 ′ 𝑥 + 𝑏 ′

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