Principles of Marketing Bba New Course
Principles of Marketing Bba New Course
Principles of Marketing Bba New Course
Course Objectives
This is the foundation course on marketing. It aims to build students' understanding of the
marketing process and principles. Through this course, students also acquire skills to design
marketing strategies of SMEs.
Course Description
This course focuses on operation of the marketing function in a dynamic and competitive
environment. It deals comprehensively on issues of emerging marketing practices and
challenges, the dynamics of the marketplace, and designing of marketing mix. The course
includes topics that help students to understand marketing process and environment, information
systems and buyer behavior, segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies, and strategies
related to marketing mix variables.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
describe the tasks of marketing management in the modern organizations;
understand the development of the marketing philosophies and their relevance in the
contemporary business world;
identify the challenges faced by marketers in the 21st century;
identify the micro and macro environmental forces that determine the success of
marketing efforts;
examine the role of marketing information system in designing marketing strategies;
understand the buying process and influencing factors related to individual consumer and
design basic strategies related to market segmentation, targeting, and product positioning;
analyze the strategies related to marketing mix variables.
Course Contents
Marketing in the Contemporary World: Marketing challenges of the 21st century and firms'
responses to the challenges; Concept, relevance and practices of relationship marketing, green
marketing, e-marketing, pyramid (C2C) marketing and rural marketing.
Marketing Mix: Components of the marketing mix for products and services.
Marketing Environment: Meaning and scope of marketing environment; Micro environment
variables, and Macro environment variables; Reactive and proactive marketing. Marketing
environment in Nepal.
Buyer Behavior: Organizational buyer behavior – Buying process and influencing factors.
Consumer behavior – buying process and influencing factors. Consumer movement and
consumer protection.
Pricing: Concept of price and pricing; Importance of pricing; Internal and external price factors;
Pricing approaches – cost-based, demand-based, value-based and competition-based approaches;
New product pricing; price lining, price adjustments, initiating and responding to price changes.
Distribution: Concept and objectives; Channel functions; Channel designs for consumer and
industrial products; Channel selection factors; Channel conflicts and their resolution. Marketing
logistics: Concept, nature and objectives; major logistics functions – transportation,
warehousing, inventory management, order processing, and customer services decisions.
Koirala, K.D. Principles of Marketing: Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Publications.
Kamarulzaman, Yusniza and Nor Khalidah Abu. Principles of Marketing: New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.