Mental Status Examination
Mental Status Examination
Mental Status Examination
Based on patient’s attitude during the interview process, it is noticeable that there is a blunted
affect on his case as he displayed lack of emotion and energy. He barely mentions the facts of his
past experiences as an infantry man and does not go into detail on how he felt.
The patient was noted to be in dysphoric mood and restless all throughout the interview process.
Thought Process
The patient had a linear, logical, and coherent thought as he never provided multiple,
unnecessary details nor he shifted from the focused questions. However, he provided limited
responses. He was able to report his symptoms – difficulty sleeping, nightmares, hypervigilance,
lack of interest, feeling of isolation, and intrusive thoughts, as well as he endorsed experiencing
traumatic events during his second tour as an infantry man but refuse to disclose specific details.
His speech pattern and tone, on the other hand, seemed to be dull and limited.
Thought Content
The patient is displaying signs of persecutory delusions as evidenced by being easily startled by
noise and motion and spending excessive time searching for threats that are never confirmed
both on duty and at home. It was noted that he experiences intrusive memories on a daily basis as
well as nightmares when falling into a deeper sleep. He also reported that he has significant
difficulty in sleeping, that he “sleeps with one eye open”. Furthermore, his thought content
revealed feeling of detachment of others as he avoids seeing his friends from his Reserve unit
because seeing them reminds him of experiences he does not want to recall and also he spends
much of his time alone because he feels annoyed and does not want to burst out at people. There
is feeling of isolation but never had suicidal ideations or self-destructive thoughts.
Cognitive Evaluation
During the interview process, the patient was correctively aware of time, place and people
however his responses to questions were hesitant. Also, he refuses to provide specific details and
share precise information but when he does, it is limited. It shows that he has a reduction of
concentration due to the intrusive thoughts that he experiences on a daily basis. He can recall
experiences from past to recent scenarios and experiences hence it can be concluded that he has
intact memory.
The patient's inability to make a definite response stems from his desire to suppress his intrusive
and traumatic experiences. The insight of the patient was moderately impaired since he
recognized the triggering factors but was unaware of his condition until his fiancé addressed his
behavioral changes that have negatively affected their relationship and urged him to seek
medical assistance.
Despite the reluctance of the patient to disclose precise details about his past events, he has
displayed his intention in improving his current situation and providing important information to
allow healthcare practitioners to understand him better. When it comes to dealing with his
feelings, the patient will require further counseling and examination.