Yolov 7
Yolov 7
Yolov 7
YOLOv7 surpasses all known object detectors in both
speed and accuracy in the range from 5 FPS to 160 FPS
and has the highest accuracy 56.8% AP among all known
real-time object detectors with 30 FPS or higher on GPU
V100. YOLOv7-E6 object detector (56 FPS V100, 55.9%
AP) outperforms both transformer-based detector SWIN-
L Cascade-Mask R-CNN (9.2 FPS A100, 53.9% AP) by
509% in speed and 2% in accuracy, and convolutional-
based detector ConvNeXt-XL Cascade-Mask R-CNN (8.6
FPS A100, 55.2% AP) by 551% in speed and 0.7% AP
in accuracy, as well as YOLOv7 outperforms: YOLOR,
YOLOX, Scaled-YOLOv4, YOLOv5, DETR, Deformable
DETR, DINO-5scale-R50, ViT-Adapter-B and many other
object detectors in speed and accuracy. Moreover, we train Figure 1: Comparison with other real-time object detectors, our
YOLOv7 only on MS COCO dataset from scratch without proposed methods achieve state-of-the-arts performance.
using any other datasets or pre-trained weights. Source
code is released in https:// github.com/ WongKinYiu/ yolov7.
opment of MCUNet [49, 48] and NanoDet [54] focused on
producing low-power single-chip and improving the infer-
1. Introduction ence speed on edge CPU. As for methods such as YOLOX
Real-time object detection is a very important topic in [21] and YOLOR [81], they focus on improving the infer-
computer vision, as it is often a necessary component in ence speed of various GPUs. More recently, the develop-
computer vision systems. For example, multi-object track- ment of real-time object detector has focused on the de-
ing [94, 93], autonomous driving [40, 18], robotics [35, 58], sign of efficient architecture. As for real-time object de-
medical image analysis [34, 46], etc. The computing de- tectors that can be used on CPU [54, 88, 84, 83], their de-
vices that execute real-time object detection is usually some sign is mostly based on MobileNet [28, 66, 27], ShuffleNet
mobile CPU or GPU, as well as various neural processing [92, 55], or GhostNet [25]. Another mainstream real-time
units (NPU) developed by major manufacturers. For exam- object detectors are developed for GPU [81, 21, 97], they
ple, the Apple neural engine (Apple), the neural compute mostly use ResNet [26], DarkNet [63], or DLA [87], and
stick (Intel), Jetson AI edge devices (Nvidia), the edge TPU then use the CSPNet [80] strategy to optimize the architec-
(Google), the neural processing engine (Qualcomm), the AI ture. The development direction of the proposed methods in
processing unit (MediaTek), and the AI SoCs (Kneron), are this paper are different from that of the current mainstream
all NPUs. Some of the above mentioned edge devices focus real-time object detectors. In addition to architecture op-
on speeding up different operations such as vanilla convolu- timization, our proposed methods will focus on the opti-
tion, depth-wise convolution, or MLP operations. In this pa- mization of the training process. Our focus will be on some
per, the real-time object detector we proposed mainly hopes optimized modules and optimization methods which may
that it can support both mobile GPU and GPU devices from strengthen the training cost for improving the accuracy of
the edge to the cloud. object detection, but without increasing the inference cost.
In recent years, the real-time object detector is still de- We call the proposed modules and optimization methods
veloped for different edge device. For example, the devel- trainable bag-of-freebies.
Recently, model re-parameterization [13, 12, 29] and dy- 2.2. Model re-parameterization
namic label assignment [20, 17, 42] have become important
Model re-parametrization techniques [71, 31, 75, 19, 33,
topics in network training and object detection. Mainly af-
11, 4, 24, 13, 12, 10, 29, 14, 78] merge multiple compu-
ter the above new concepts are proposed, the training of
tational modules into one at inference stage. The model
object detector evolves many new issues. In this paper, we
re-parameterization technique can be regarded as an en-
will present some of the new issues we have discovered and
semble technique, and we can divide it into two cate-
devise effective methods to address them. For model re-
gories, i.e., module-level ensemble and model-level ensem-
parameterization, we analyze the model re-parameterization
ble. There are two common practices for model-level re-
strategies applicable to layers in different networks with the
parameterization to obtain the final inference model. One
concept of gradient propagation path, and propose planned
is to train multiple identical models with different train-
re-parameterized model. In addition, when we discover that
ing data, and then average the weights of multiple trained
with dynamic label assignment technology, the training of
models. The other is to perform a weighted average of the
model with multiple output layers will generate new issues.
weights of models at different iteration number. Module-
That is: “How to assign dynamic targets for the outputs of
level re-parameterization is a more popular research issue
different branches?” For this problem, we propose a new
recently. This type of method splits a module into multi-
label assignment method called coarse-to-fine lead guided
ple identical or different module branches during training
label assignment.
and integrates multiple branched modules into a completely
The contributions of this paper are summarized as fol- equivalent module during inference. However, not all pro-
lows: (1) we design several trainable bag-of-freebies meth- posed re-parameterized module can be perfectly applied to
ods, so that real-time object detection can greatly improve different architectures. With this in mind, we have devel-
the detection accuracy without increasing the inference oped new re-parameterization module and designed related
cost; (2) for the evolution of object detection methods, we application strategies for various architectures.
found two new issues, namely how re-parameterized mod-
ule replaces original module, and how dynamic label as- 2.3. Model scaling
signment strategy deals with assignment to different output
Model scaling [72, 60, 74, 73, 15, 16, 2, 51] is a way
layers. In addition, we also propose methods to address the
to scale up or down an already designed model and make
difficulties arising from these issues; (3) we propose “ex-
it fit in different computing devices. The model scaling
tend” and “compound scaling” methods for the real-time
method usually uses different scaling factors, such as reso-
object detector that can effectively utilize parameters and
lution (size of input image), depth (number of layer), width
computation; and (4) the method we proposed can effec-
(number of channel), and stage (number of feature pyra-
tively reduce about 40% parameters and 50% computation
mid), so as to achieve a good trade-off for the amount of
of state-of-the-art real-time object detector, and has faster
network parameters, computation, inference speed, and ac-
inference speed and higher detection accuracy.
curacy. Network architecture search (NAS) is one of the
commonly used model scaling methods. NAS can automat-
2. Related work ically search for suitable scaling factors from search space
2.1. Real-time object detectors without defining too complicated rules. The disadvantage
of NAS is that it requires very expensive computation to
Currently state-of-the-art real-time object detectors are complete the search for model scaling factors. In [15], the
mainly based on YOLO [61, 62, 63] and FCOS [76, 77], researcher analyzes the relationship between scaling factors
which are [3, 79, 81, 21, 54, 85, 23]. Being able to become and the amount of parameters and operations, trying to di-
a state-of-the-art real-time object detector usually requires rectly estimate some rules, and thereby obtain the scaling
the following characteristics: (1) a faster and stronger net- factors required by model scaling. Checking the literature,
work architecture; (2) a more effective feature integration we found that almost all model scaling methods analyze in-
method [22, 97, 37, 74, 59, 30, 9, 45]; (3) a more accurate dividual scaling factor independently, and even the methods
detection method [76, 77, 69]; (4) a more robust loss func- in the compound scaling category also optimized scaling
tion [96, 64, 6, 56, 95, 57]; (5) a more efficient label assign- factor independently. The reason for this is because most
ment method [99, 20, 17, 82, 42]; and (6) a more efficient popular NAS architectures deal with scaling factors that are
training method. In this paper, we do not intend to explore not very correlated. We observed that all concatenation-
self-supervised learning or knowledge distillation methods based models, such as DenseNet [32] or VoVNet [39], will
that require additional data or large model. Instead, we will change the input width of some layers when the depth of
design new trainable bag-of-freebies method for the issues such models is scaled. Since the proposed architecture is
derived from the state-of-the-art methods associated with concatenation-based, we have to design a new compound
(4), (5), and (6) mentioned above. scaling method for this model.
Figure 2: Extended efficient layer aggregation networks. The proposed extended ELAN (E-ELAN) does not change the gradient transmis-
sion path of the original architecture at all, but use group convolution to increase the cardinality of the added features, and combine the
features of different groups in a shuffle and merge cardinality manner. This way of operation can enhance the features learned by different
feature maps and improve the use of parameters and calculations.
Figure 3: Model scaling for concatenation-based models. From (a) to (b), we observe that when depth scaling is performed on
concatenation-based models, the output width of a computational block also increases. This phenomenon will cause the input width
of the subsequent transmission layer to increase. Therefore, we propose (c), that is, when performing model scaling on concatenation-
based models, only the depth in a computational block needs to be scaled, and the remaining of transmission layer is performed with
corresponding width scaling.
Figure 5: Coarse for auxiliary and fine for lead head label assigner. Compare with normal model (a), the schema in (b) has auxiliary head.
Different from the usual independent label assigner (c), we propose (d) lead head guided label assigner and (e) coarse-to-fine lead head
guided label assigner. The proposed label assigner is optimized by lead head prediction and the ground truth to get the labels of training
lead head and auxiliary head at the same time. The detailed coarse-to-fine implementation method and constraint design details will be
elaborated in Apendix.
4.2. Coarse for auxiliary and fine for lead loss to execute label assignment. The method proposed in this
paper is a new label assignment method that guides both
Deep supervision [38] is a technique that is often used auxiliary head and lead head by the lead head prediction.
in training deep networks. Its main concept is to add In other words, we use lead head prediction as guidance to
extra auxiliary head in the middle layers of the network, generate coarse-to-fine hierarchical labels, which are used
and the shallow network weights with assistant loss as the for auxiliary head and lead head learning, respectively. The
guide. Even for architectures such as ResNet [26] and two proposed deep supervision label assignment strategies
DenseNet [32] which usually converge well, deep supervi- are shown in Figure 5 (d) and (e), respectively.
sion [70, 98, 67, 47, 82, 65, 86, 50] can still significantly
improve the performance of the model on many tasks. Fig- Lead head guided label assigner is mainly calculated
ure 5 (a) and (b) show, respectively, the object detector ar- based on the prediction result of the lead head and the
chitecture “without” and “with” deep supervision. In this ground truth, and generate soft label through the optimiza-
paper, we call the head responsible for the final output as tion process. This set of soft labels will be used as the tar-
the lead head, and the head used to assist training is called get training model for both auxiliary head and lead head.
auxiliary head. The reason to do this is because lead head has a relatively
Next we want to discuss the issue of label assignment. In strong learning capability, so the soft label generated from it
the past, in the training of deep network, label assignment should be more representative of the distribution and corre-
usually refers directly to the ground truth and generate hard lation between the source data and the target. Furthermore,
label according to the given rules. However, in recent years, we can view such learning as a kind of generalized residual
if we take object detection as an example, researchers often learning. By letting the shallower auxiliary head directly
use the quality and distribution of prediction output by the learn the information that lead head has learned, lead head
network, and then consider together with the ground truth to will be more able to focus on learning residual information
use some calculation and optimization methods to generate that has not yet been learned.
a reliable soft label [61, 8, 36, 99, 91, 44, 43, 90, 20, 17, 42]. Coarse-to-fine lead head guided label assigner also
For example, YOLO [61] use IoU of prediction of bounding used the predicted result of the lead head and the ground
box regression and ground truth as the soft label of object- truth to generate soft label. However, in the process we gen-
ness. In this paper, we call the mechanism that considers erate two different sets of soft label, i.e., coarse label and
the network prediction results together with the ground truth fine label, where fine label is the same as the soft label gen-
and then assigns soft labels as “label assigner.” erated by lead head guided label assigner, and coarse label
Deep supervision needs to be trained on the target ob- is generated by allowing more grids to be treated as posi-
jectives regardless of the circumstances of auxiliary head or tive target by relaxing the constraints of the positive sample
lead head. During the development of soft label assigner re- assignment process. The reason for this is that the learning
lated techniques, we accidentally discovered a new deriva- ability of an auxiliary head is not as strong as that of a lead
tive issue, i.e., “How to assign soft label to auxiliary head head, and in order to avoid losing the information that needs
and lead head ?” To the best of our knowledge, the relevant to be learned, we will focus on optimizing the recall of aux-
literature has not explored this issue so far. The results of iliary head in the object detection task. As for the output
the most popular method at present is as shown in Figure 5 of lead head, we can filter the high precision results from
(c), which is to separate auxiliary head and lead head, and the high recall results as the final output. However, we must
then use their own prediction results and the ground truth note that if the additional weight of coarse label is close to
Table 1: Comparison of baseline object detectors.
Model #Param. FLOPs Size APval APval
50 APval
75 APval
S APval
M APval
YOLOv4 [3] 64.4M 142.8G 640 49.7% 68.2% 54.3% 32.9% 54.8% 63.7%
YOLOR-u5 (r6.1) [81] 46.5M 109.1G 640 50.2% 68.7% 54.6% 33.2% 55.5% 63.7%
YOLOv4-CSP [79] 52.9M 120.4G 640 50.3% 68.6% 54.9% 34.2% 55.6% 65.1%
YOLOR-CSP [81] 52.9M 120.4G 640 50.8% 69.5% 55.3% 33.7% 56.0% 65.4%
YOLOv7 36.9M 104.7G 640 51.2% 69.7% 55.5% 35.2% 56.0% 66.7%
improvement -43% -15% - +0.4 +0.2 +0.2 +1.5 = +1.3
YOLOR-CSP-X [81] 96.9M 226.8G 640 52.7% 71.3% 57.4% 36.3% 57.5% 68.3%
YOLOv7-X 71.3M 189.9G 640 52.9% 71.1% 57.5% 36.9% 57.7% 68.6%
improvement -36% -19% - +0.2 -0.2 +0.1 +0.6 +0.2 +0.3
YOLOv4-tiny [79] 6.1 6.9 416 24.9% 42.1% 25.7% 8.7% 28.4% 39.2%
YOLOv7-tiny 6.2 5.8 416 35.2% 52.8% 37.3% 15.7% 38.0% 53.4%
improvement +2% -19% - +10.3 +10.7 +11.6 +7.0 +9.6 +14.2
YOLOv4-tiny-3l [79] 8.7 5.2 320 30.8% 47.3% 32.2% 10.9% 31.9% 51.5%
YOLOv7-tiny 6.2 3.5 320 30.8% 47.3% 32.2% 10.0% 31.9% 52.2%
improvement -39% -49% - = = = -0.9 = +0.7
YOLOR-E6 [81] 115.8M 683.2G 1280 55.7% 73.2% 60.7% 40.1% 60.4% 69.2%
YOLOv7-E6 97.2M 515.2G 1280 55.9% 73.5% 61.1% 40.6% 60.3% 70.0%
improvement -19% -33% - +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +0.5 -0.1 +0.8
YOLOR-D6 [81] 151.7M 935.6G 1280 56.1% 73.9% 61.2% 42.4% 60.5% 69.9%
YOLOv7-D6 154.7M 806.8G 1280 56.3% 73.8% 61.4% 41.3% 60.6% 70.1%
YOLOv7-E6E 151.7M 843.2G 1280 56.8% 74.4% 62.1% 40.8% 62.1% 70.6%
improvement = -11% - +0.7 +0.5 +0.9 -1.6 +1.6 +0.7
that of fine label, it may produce bad prior at final predic- 5. Experiments
tion. Therefore, in order to make those extra coarse positive
grids have less impact, we put restrictions in the decoder, 5.1. Experimental setup
so that the extra coarse positive grids cannot produce soft We use Microsoft COCO dataset to conduct experiments
label perfectly. The mechanism mentioned above allows and validate our object detection method. All our experi-
the importance of fine label and coarse label to be dynam- ments did not use pre-trained models. That is, all models
ically adjusted during the learning process, and makes the were trained from scratch. During the development pro-
optimizable upper bound of fine label always higher than cess, we used train 2017 set for training, and then used val
coarse label. 2017 set for verification and choosing hyperparameters. Fi-
nally, we show the performance of object detection on the
4.3. Other trainable bag-of-freebies test 2017 set and compare it with the state-of-the-art object
detection algorithms. Detailed training parameter settings
In this section we will list some trainable bag-of- are described in Appendix.
freebies. These freebies are some of the tricks we used We designed basic model for edge GPU, normal GPU,
in training, but the original concepts were not proposed and cloud GPU, and they are respectively called YOLOv7-
by us. The training details of these freebies will be elab- tiny, YOLOv7, and YOLOv7-W6. At the same time, we
orated in the Appendix, including (1) Batch normalization also use basic model for model scaling for different ser-
in conv-bn-activation topology: This part mainly connects vice requirements and get different types of models. For
batch normalization layer directly to convolutional layer. YOLOv7, we do stack scaling on neck, and use the pro-
The purpose of this is to integrate the mean and variance posed compound scaling method to perform scaling-up of
of batch normalization into the bias and weight of convolu- the depth and width of the entire model, and use this to ob-
tional layer at the inference stage. (2) Implicit knowledge tain YOLOv7-X. As for YOLOv7-W6, we use the newly
in YOLOR [81] combined with convolution feature map in proposed compound scaling method to obtain YOLOv7-E6
addition and multiplication manner: Implicit knowledge in and YOLOv7-D6. In addition, we use the proposed E-
YOLOR can be simplified to a vector by pre-computing at ELAN for YOLOv7-E6, and thereby complete YOLOv7-
the inference stage. This vector can be combined with the E6E. Since YOLOv7-tiny is an edge GPU-oriented archi-
bias and weight of the previous or subsequent convolutional tecture, it will use leaky ReLU as activation function. As
layer. (3) EMA model: EMA is a technique used in mean for other models we use SiLU as activation function. We
teacher [75], and in our system we use EMA model purely will describe the scaling factor of each model in detail in
as the final inference model. Appendix.
Table 2: Comparison of state-of-the-art real-time object detectors.
Model #Param. FLOPs Size FPS APtest / APval APtest
50 APtest
75 APtest
S APtest
M APtest
YOLOX-S [21] 9.0M 26.8G 640 102 40.5% / 40.5% - - - - -
YOLOX-M [21] 25.3M 73.8G 640 81 47.2% / 46.9% - - - - -
YOLOX-L [21] 54.2M 155.6G 640 69 50.1% / 49.7% - - - - -
YOLOX-X [21] 99.1M 281.9G 640 58 51.5% / 51.1% - - - - -
PPYOLOE-S [85] 7.9M 17.4G 640 208 43.1% / 42.7% 60.5% 46.6% 23.2% 46.4% 56.9%
PPYOLOE-M [85] 23.4M 49.9G 640 123 48.9% / 48.6% 66.5% 53.0% 28.6% 52.9% 63.8%
PPYOLOE-L [85] 52.2M 110.1G 640 78 51.4% / 50.9% 68.9% 55.6% 31.4% 55.3% 66.1%
PPYOLOE-X [85] 98.4M 206.6G 640 45 52.2% / 51.9% 69.9% 56.5% 33.3% 56.3% 66.4%
YOLOv5-N (r6.1) [23] 1.9M 4.5G 640 159 - / 28.0% - - - - -
YOLOv5-S (r6.1) [23] 7.2M 16.5G 640 156 - / 37.4% - - - - -
YOLOv5-M (r6.1) [23] 21.2M 49.0G 640 122 - / 45.4% - - - - -
YOLOv5-L (r6.1) [23] 46.5M 109.1G 640 99 - / 49.0% - - - - -
YOLOv5-X (r6.1) [23] 86.7M 205.7G 640 83 - / 50.7% - - - - -
YOLOR-CSP [81] 52.9M 120.4G 640 106 51.1% / 50.8% 69.6% 55.7% 31.7% 55.3% 64.7%
YOLOR-CSP-X [81] 96.9M 226.8G 640 87 53.0% / 52.7% 71.4% 57.9% 33.7% 57.1% 66.8%
YOLOv7-tiny-SiLU 6.2M 13.8G 640 286 38.7% / 38.7% 56.7% 41.7% 18.8% 42.4% 51.9%
YOLOv7 36.9M 104.7G 640 161 51.4% / 51.2% 69.7% 55.9% 31.8% 55.5% 65.0%
YOLOv7-X 71.3M 189.9G 640 114 53.1% / 52.9% 71.2% 57.8% 33.8% 57.1% 67.4%
If we compare YOLOv7 with YOLOR using the input
resolution 1280, the inference speed of YOLOv7-W6 is 8
fps faster than that of YOLOR-P6, and the detection rate is
also increased by 1% AP. As for the comparison between
YOLOv7-E6 and YOLOv5-X6 (r6.1), the former has 0.9%
AP gain than the latter, 45% less parameters and 63% less
computation, and the inference speed is increased by 47%.
YOLOv7-D6 has close inference speed to YOLOR-E6, but
improves AP by 0.8%. YOLOv7-E6E has close inference
speed to YOLOR-D6, but improves AP by 0.3%. Figure 6: Planned RepConv 3-stacked ELAN. Blue circles are the
position we replace Conv by RepConv.
5.4. Ablation study
5.4.1 Proposed compound scaling method Table 4: Ablation study on planned RepConcatenation model.
Table 3 shows the results obtained when using different Model APval APval
50 APval
75 APval
S APval
M APval
model scaling strategies for scaling up. Among them, our base (3-S ELAN) 52.26% 70.41% 56.77% 35.81% 57.00% 67.59%
proposed compound scaling method is to scale up the depth Figure 6 (a) 52.18% 70.34% 56.90% 35.71% 56.83% 67.51%
Figure 6 (b) 52.30% 70.30% 56.92% 35.76% 56.95% 67.74%
of computational block by 1.5 times and the width of tran- Figure 6 (c) 52.33% 70.56% 56.91% 35.90% 57.06% 67.50%
sition block by 1.25 times. If our method is compared with Figure 6 (d) 52.17% 70.32% 56.82% 35.33% 57.06% 68.09%
the method that only scaled up the width, our method can Figure 6 (e) 52.23% 70.20% 56.81% 35.34% 56.97% 66.88%
improve the AP by 0.5% with less parameters and amount
of computation. If our method is compared with the method
that only scales up the depth, our method only needs to in- volution block that conforms to our design strategy, we ad-
crease the number of parameters by 2.9% and the amount of ditionally design a reversed dark block for the experiment,
computation by 1.2%, which can improve the AP by 0.2%. whose architecture is shown in Figure 7. Since the CSP-
It can be seen from the results of Table 3 that our proposed Darknet with dark block and reversed dark block has exactly
compound scaling strategy can utilize parameters and com- the same amount of parameters and operations, it is fair to
putation more efficiently. compare. The experiment results illustrated in Table 5 fully
confirm that the proposed planned re-parameterized model
Table 3: Ablation study on proposed model scaling. is equally effective on residual-based model. We find that
Model #Param. FLOPs Size APval APval val the design of RepCSPResNet [85] also fit our design pat-
50 AP75
base (v7-X light) 47.0M 125.5G 640 51.7% 70.1% 56.0%
width only (1.25 w) 73.4M 195.5G 640 52.4% 70.9% 57.1%
depth only (2.0 d) 69.3M 187.6G 640 52.7% 70.8% 57.3%
compound (v7-X) 71.3M 189.9G 640 52.9% 71.1% 57.5%
improvement - - - +1.2 +1.0 +1.5
Figure 8: Objectness map predicted by different methods at auxiliary head and lead head.
5.4.3 Proposed assistant loss for auxiliary head Since the proposed YOLOv7 uses multiple pyramids to
jointly predict object detection results, we can directly con-
In the assistant loss for auxiliary head experiments, we com- nect auxiliary head to the pyramid in the middle layer for
pare the general independent label assignment for lead head training. This type of training can make up for informa-
and auxiliary head methods, and we also compare the two tion that may be lost in the next level pyramid prediction.
proposed lead guided label assignment methods. We show For the above reasons, we designed partial auxiliary head
all comparison results in Table 6. From the results listed in in the proposed E-ELAN architecture. Our approach is to
Table 6, it is clear that any model that increases assistant connect auxiliary head after one of the sets of feature map
loss can significantly improve the overall performance. In before merging cardinality, and this connection can make
addition, our proposed lead guided label assignment strat- the weight of the newly generated set of feature map not
egy receives better performance than the general indepen- directly updated by assistant loss. Our design allows each
dent label assignment strategy in AP, AP50 , and AP75 . As pyramid of lead head to still get information from objects
for our proposed coarse for assistant and fine for lead label with different sizes. Table 8 shows the results obtained us-
assignment strategy, it results in best results in all cases. In ing two different methods, i.e., coarse-to-fine lead guided
Figure 8 we show the objectness map predicted by different and partial coarse-to-fine lead guided methods. Obviously,
methods at auxiliary head and lead head. From Figure 8 we the partial coarse-to-fine lead guided method has a better
find that if auxiliary head learns lead guided soft label, it auxiliary effect.
will indeed help lead head to extract the residual informa-
Table 8: Ablation study on partial auxiliary head.
tion from the consistant targets.
Model Size APval APval
50 APval
Table 6: Ablation study on proposed auxiliary head. base (v7-E6E) 1280 56.3% 74.0% 61.5%
aux 1280 56.5% 74.0% 61.6%
Model Size APval APval
50 APval
75 partial aux 1280 56.8% 74.4% 62.1%
base (v7-E6) 1280 55.6% 73.2% 60.7% improvement - +0.5 +0.4 +0.6
independent 1280 55.8% 73.4% 60.9%
lead guided 1280 55.9% 73.5% 61.0%
coarse-to-fine lead guided 1280 55.9% 73.5% 61.1%
6. Conclusions
improvement - +0.3 +0.3 +0.4
In this paper we propose a new architecture of real-
time object detector and the corresponding model scaling
In Table 7 we further analyze the effect of the proposed method. Furthermore, we find that the evolving process
coarse-to-fine lead guided label assignment method on the of object detection methods generates new research top-
decoder of auxiliary head. That is, we compared the results ics. During the research process, we found the replace-
of with/without the introduction of upper bound constraint. ment problem of re-parameterized module and the alloca-
Judging from the numbers in the Table, the method of con- tion problem of dynamic label assignment. To solve the
straining the upper bound of objectness by the distance from problem, we propose the trainable bag-of-freebies method
the center of the object can achieve better performance. to enhance the accuracy of object detection. Based on the
above, we have developed the YOLOv7 series of object de-
Table 7: Ablation study on constrained auxiliary head. tection systems, which receives the state-of-the-art results.
Model Size APval APval APval
50 75 7. Acknowledgements
base (v7-E6) 1280 55.6% 73.2% 60.7%
aux without constraint 1280 55.9% 73.5% 61.0% The authors wish to thank National Center for High-
aux with constraint 1280 55.9% 73.5% 61.1% performance Computing (NCHC) for providing computa-
improvement - +0.3 +0.3 +0.4
tional and storage resources.
Table 9: More comparison (batch=1, no-TRT, without extra object detection training data)
Model #Param. FLOPs Size FPSV 100 APtest / APval APtest
50 APtest
Figure 9: Comparison with other object detectors.
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A. Appendix For E-ELAN architecture, since our edge device do not
support group convolution and shuffle operation, we are
A.1. Implementation details forced to implement it as an equivalence architecture, which
A.1.1 Architectures is shown in Figure A3.
A.1.2 Hyper-parameters A.2. More results
We have three different training hyper-parameters set-
tings. One is for YOLOv7-tiny, one is for YOLOv7 and
YOLOv7x, and the last one is for YOLOv7-W6, YOLOv7-
E6, YOLOv7-D6, and YOLOv7-E6E. The hyper-parameter
setting are follow updated YOLOR code, which is
described in https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolor#yolor.
These three hyper-parameter settings can be found
at https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov7/tree/main/data,
and they are respectively named by “hyp.scratch.tiny.yaml”,
“hyp.scratch.p5.yaml”, and “hyp.scratch.p6.yaml”.
An additional training hyper-parameter is top k of
simOTA. To train 640 × 640 models, we follow YOLOX Figure A8: Architectures of YOLOv7-mask and YOLOv7-pose.
to use k = 10. For 1280 × 1280 models, as described in
previous section, 3-NN candidate postive grids are used in A.2.1 YOLOv7-mask
our training. That is to say, when input resolution grows,
the candidate positive grids will grow along two directions, We integrate YOLOv7 with BlendMask [1] to do instance
not four directions. Therefore, we set k = 20 on simOTA segmentation. We simply fine-tune YOLOv7 object detec-
to train 1280 × 1280 models. tion model on MS COCO instance segmentation dataset and
trained for 30 epochs. It achieves state-of-the-art real-time
instance segmentation result. The architecture of YOLOv7-
A.1.3 Re-parameterization mask and the corresponding results are shown in Figure A8
Merging Convolution-BatchNorm-Activation into (a) and Figure A9, respectively.
Convolution-Activation at inference time is a well-
known technique, and its cprresponding formulas are
shown in Figure A6. RepConv has become a popular
re-parameterization method in recent years. Here we show
how the YOLOR implicit knowledge can be merged into
convolutional layer when addition or multiplication is used
Figure A9: Sample results after applying YOLOv7-mask.
to combine implicit knowledge and representation. Figure
A7 shows the formula to re-parameterize the implicit A.2.2 YOLOv7-pose
knowledge of YOLOR and the convolutional layer.
We integrate YOLOv7 with YOLO-Pose [2] to do keypoint
detection. We follow the same setting as [2] to fine-tune
YOLOv7-W6 people detection model on MS COCO key-
point detection dataset. YOLOv7-W6-pose achieves state-
of-the-art real-time pose estimation result. The architecture
and sample results are shown in Figure A8 (b) and Figure
A10, respectively.
Figure A6: Batch normalization as trainable BoF.
[1] Chen et al. BlendMask: Top-down meets bottom-up for
instance segmentation. CVPR, 2020. 17
[2] Maji et al. YOLO-Pose: Enhancing YOLO for Multi
Person Pose Estimation Using Object Keypoint Similarity
Figure A7: YOLOR implicit knowledge as trainable BoF. Loss. CVPRW, 2022. 17