Digest 3
Digest 3
Digest 3
and Jorge Ramirez. Furthermore, one third of the free legatees to respect the contracts entered into with
portion is charged with the widow’s usufruct and the Wong. However, Justina appeared to have a change of
remaining two thirds (2/3) with a usufruct in favor of heart, and claimed that the contracts were made
Wanda Wrobleski. through machinations and inducements practiced by
Wong. Thus, Justina directed her executor to secure the
Jorge and Roberto Ramirez opposed the project of annulment of the contracts.
partition, as well as the substitutions provided by the
testator as to the usufructs of the widow and of Wanda. In November 1959, a complaint was then filed before
Nonetheless, the lower court approved the project of the Court of First Instance of Manila on the said
partition in its order dated May 1967. Jorge and Roberto grounds, and asked the court to direct the Register of
appealed before the Supreme Court. Deeds of Manila to cancel the registration of the
contracts. Wong denied having taken advantage of the
ISSUE trust and confidence given to him by Justina. The CFI
Whether or not the usufruct over real property in favor rendered its decision annulling all the contracts, except
of Wanda violates the Constitutional prohibition against the lease contract, and condemned Wong to pay Justina
ownership of lands by alien. the unpaid rentals.
The true extent of the Parity Amendment, as understood
Whether or not under or by virtue of the so-called Parity by its proponents in the Philippine Congress, was clearly
Amendment to the Philippine Constitution respondent expressed by one of its advocates, Senator Lorenzo
Quasha could validly acquire ownership of the private Sumulong:
residential land in Forbes Park, Makati, Rizal, which is
'It is a misconception to believe that under this
concededly classified private agricultural land.
amendment Americans will be able to acquire all kinds of
natural resources of this country, and even after the
expiration of 28 years their acquired rights cannot be
divested from them. If we read carefully the language of natural resources of the Philippines; and (2) the
thisamendment which is taken verbatim from the operation of public utilities. That and nothing else.
provisions of the Bell Act, and, which in turn, is taken
also verbatim from certain sections of theConstitution,
you will find out that the equality of rights granted Under the "Parity Amendment" to our Constitution,
under this amendment refers only to two subjects. citizens of the United States and corporations and
Firstly, it refers to exploitation of natural resources, and business enterprises owned or controlled by them can
secondly, it refers to the operation of public utilities . not acquire and own, save in cases of hereditary
Now, when it comes to exploitation of natural resources, succession, private agricultural lands in the Philippines
it must be pointed out here that under our Constitution and that all other rights acquired by them under said
and under this amendment, only public agricultural land Amendment will expire on 3 July 1974.
may be acquired, may be bought, so that on the
supposition that we give way to this amendment and on
the further supposition that it is approved by our people,
Krivenko vs. The Register of Deeds, City of Manila
let not the mistaken belief be entertained that all kinds
of natural resources may be acquired by Americans G.R. No. L-360 November 15, 1947
because under our Constitution forest lands cannot be
bought, mineral lands cannot be bought, because by
explicit provision of the Constitution they belong to the ALEXANDER A. KRIVENKO, petitioner-appelant,
State, they belong to our Government, they belong to vs. THE REGISTER OF DEEDS, CITY OF MANILA,
our people. That is why we call them rightly the respondent and appellee.
patrimony of our race. Even if the Americans should so
desire, they can have no further privilege than to ask for
a lease of concession of forest lands and mineral lands
because it is so commanded in the Constitution. And
under the Constitution, such a concession is given only
for a limited period. It can be extended only for 25 Alexander Krivenko, an alien, bought a residential lot in
years, renewable for another 25. So that with respect to December of 1941. The registration was interrupted by
mineral or forest lands, all they can do is to lease it for war. In 1945, he sought to accomplish the registration
25 years, and after the expiration of the original 25years but was denied by the register of deed on ground that,
they will have to extend it, and I believe it can be being an alien, he cannot acquire land within the
extended provided that it does not exceed 28 years jurisdiction. Krivenko appealed to the Court.
because this agreement is to be effected only as an
ordinance and for the express period of 28 years . So ISSUES:
that it is my humble belief that there is nothing to worry
about insofar as our forest and mineral lands are 1. Whether or not an alien under our Constitution may
concerned. acquire residential land?
Now, coming to the operation of public utilities, as every 2. Whether or not the prohibitions of the rights to
member of the Congress knows, it is also for a limited acquire residential lot that was already of private
period, under our Constitution, for a period not ownership prior to the approval of this Constitutions is
exceeding 50 years. And since this amendment is applicable at the case at bar?
intended to endure only for 28 years, it is my humble
opinion that when Americans try to operate public
utilities they cannot take advantage of the maximum
provided in the Constitution but only the 28 years which
is expressly provided to be the life of this amendment. 1. NO. Under the Article XIII, Section 1, of the
Constitution states that: All agricultural, timber, and
There remains for us to consider the case of our public
mineral lands of the public domain, water, minerals,
agricultural lands. To be sure, they may be bought, and
coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of
if we pass this amendment, Americans may buy our
potential energy, and other natural resources of the
public agricultural lands, but the very same Constitution
Philippines belong to the State, and their disposition,
applying even to Filipinos, provides that the sale of
exploitation, development, or utilization shall be limited
public agricultural lands to a corporation can never
to citizens of the Philippines, or to corporations or
exceed one thousand and twenty-four hectares. That is
associations at least sixty per centum of the capital of
to say, if an American corporation, and American
which is owned by such citizens, subject to any existing
enterprise, should decide to invest its money in public
right, grant, lease, or concession at the time of the
agricultural lands, it will be limited to the amount of
inauguration of the Government established under this
1,024 hectares, no more than 1,024 hectares' (Italics
Constitution. This means to say that, under the
provisions of the Constitutions, aliens are not allowed to
acquire the ownership of urban or residential lands in
the Philippines and, as consequence, all acquisitions
Thus, whether from the Philippine or the American side, made in contravention of the prohibitions since the
the intention was to secure parity for United States fundamental law became effective are null and void per
citizens only in two matters: (1) exploitation, se and ab initio.
development and utilization of public lands, and other
2. Prior to the Constitution, there were in the Public SEC. 2. Such religious institutions, if not incorporated,
Land Act No. 2874 sections 120 and 121 which granted shall hold the land in the name of three Trustees for the
aliens the right to acquire private only by way of use of such associations; . . .. (Printed Rec. App. p. 5.)
reciprocity. It is to be observed that the pharase "no
and (2) that the refusal of the Register of Deeds violates
land" used in this section refers to all private lands,
the freedom of religion clause of our Constitution [Art.
whether strictly agricultural, residential or otherwise,
III, Sec. 1(7)].
there being practically no private land which had not
been acquired by any of the means provided in said two ISSUE: whether a deed of donation of a parcel of land
sections. Therefore, the prohibition contained in these executed in favor of a religious organization whose
two provisions was, in effect, that no private land could founder, trustees and administrator are Chinese citizens
be transferred to aliens except "upon express should be registered or not.
authorization by the Philippine Legislature, to citizens of
Philippine Islands the same right to acquire, hold, lease, HELD:
encumber, dispose of, or alienate land." In other words,
The provisions of Act No. 271 of the old Philippine
aliens were granted the right to acquire private land
Commission must be deemed repealed since the
merely by way of reciprocity.
Constitution was enacted, in so far as incompatible
therewith. In providing that, —
Issue: It has been shown before that: (1) the corporation sole,
unlike the ordinary corporations which are formed by no
Whether or not the Universal Roman Catholic Apostolic
less than 5 incorporators, is composed of only one
Church in the Philippines, or better still, the corporation persons, usually the head or bishop of the diocese, a
sole named the Roman Catholic Apostolic Administrator
unit which is not subject to expansion for the purpose of
of Davao, Inc., is qualified to acquire private agricultural determining any percentage whatsoever; (2) the
lands in the Philippines pursuant to the provisions of
corporation sole is only the administrator and not the
Article XIII of the Constitution. owner of the temporalities located in the territory
Ruling: comprised by said corporation sole; (3) such
temporalities are administered for and on behalf of the
RCADI is qualified. faithful residing in the diocese or territory of the
corporation sole; and (4) the latter, as such, has no
While it is true and We have to concede that in the
nationality and the citizenship of the incumbent Ordinary
profession of their faith, the Roman Pontiff is the
has nothing to do with the operation, management or
supreme head; that in the religious matters, in the
administration of the corporation sole, nor effects the
exercise of their belief, the Catholic congregation of the
citizenship of the faithful connected with their respective
faithful throughout the world seeks the guidance and
dioceses or corporation sole.
direction of their Spiritual Father in the Vatican, yet it
cannot be said that there is a merger of personalities In view of these peculiarities of the corporation sole, it
resultant therein. Neither can it be said that the political would seem obvious that when the specific provision of
and civil rights of the faithful, inherent or acquired under the Constitution invoked by respondent Commissioner
the laws of their country, are affected by that (section 1, Art. XIII), was under consideration, the
relationship with the Pope. The fact that the Roman framers of the same did not have in mind or overlooked
Catholic Church in almost every country springs from this particular form of corporation. If this were so, as the
that society that saw its beginning in Europe and the facts and circumstances already indicated tend to prove
fact that the clergy of this faith derive their authorities it to be so, then the inescapable conclusion would be
and receive orders from the Holy See do not give or that this requirement of at least 60 per cent of Filipino
bestow the citizenship of the Pope upon these branches. capital was never intended to apply to corporations sole,
Citizenship is a political right which cannot be acquired and the existence or not a vested right becomes
by a sort of “radiation”. We have to realize that although unquestionably immaterial.
there is a fraternity among all the catholic countries and
the dioceses therein all over the globe, the universality
that the word “catholic” implies, merely characterize
their faith, a uniformity in the practice and the
interpretation of their dogma and in the exercise of their
belief, but certainly they are separate and independent
from one another in jurisdiction, governed by different
laws under which they are incorporated, and entirely
independent on the others in the management and vs
ownership of their temporalities. To allow theory that
the Roman Catholic Churches all over the world follow VICTORIANO T. CUENCO,G.R. No. L-33048. Ap!"
the citizenship of their Supreme Head, the Pontifical #$, #%8&FACTS'
Father, would lead to the absurdity of finding the
citizens of a country who embrace the Catholic faith and
become members of that religious society, likewise The lot in controversy is a one-half portion (onthe
citizens of the Vatican or of Italy. And this is more so if northern side) of two adjoining parcels
We consider that the Pope himself may be an Italian or of coconut land located at Barrio Mancapagao,Sagay, Ca
national of any other country of the world. The same miguin, Misamis riental (nowCamiguin province)!
thing be said with regard to the nationality or citizenship
of the corporation sole created under the laws of the •
Philippines, which is not altered by the change of The entire land was owned previously "y acertain
citizenship of the incumbent bishops or head of said #eocadia Balisado, who had sold it to thespouses
corporation sole. $atricio Barso"ia (now deceased) and%pifania Sarsosa,
We must therefore, declare that although a branch of who were &ilipino citi'ens!
the Universal Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, every •
Roman Catholic Church in different countries, if it
exercises its mission and is lawfully incorporated in %pifania who was then a widow, sold the land
accordance with the laws of the country where it is incontroversy to a Chinese,
located, is considered an entity or person with all the ng ing $o wholater too actual possession and enjo
rights and privileges granted to such artificial being yed thefruits of the property!
ng ing $o later litigated the property to*ictoriano Cu
enco, a naturali'ed &ilipino whoimmediately too
possession of the property!
Cuenco then filed a case for &orci"le %ntryagainst
%pifania "efore the MTC which was
later dismissed since the +uestion of possessioncould
not "e properly determined without firstsettling the issue
on ownership!
/ho is the rightful owner of the property0