Classification of Shares
Classification of Shares
Classification of Shares
Another one is the Theory of Corporate Enterprise or Economic Unit wherein the
corporation is not merely an artificial being, but more of an aggregation of persons doing
business, or an underlying business unit (Aquino, 2014).
PAGES 128 - 129
There are three (3) steps in the creation of a private corporation are (1) promotion; (2)
incorporation; and (3) formal organization and commencement of business operations. (De
Leon, 2005).
Promotion of Corporations
Promoters are persons who bring about or cause to bring about the formation and
organization of a corporation by bringing together the incorporators or persons interested in
the business, procuring subscriptions or capital for the corporation which leads to the
incorporation of the private corporation itself. (De Leon, 2005)
The next step according to De Leon (2005) is incorporation which includes the following
(1) Drafting and execution of the articles of incorporation by the incorporators. In this
connection, the person chosen as temporary treasurer pending incorporation must also
execute an affidavit regarding the capital subscribed and paid up;
(2) Filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the articles of
incorporation together with the other documentary requirements;
(3) Payment of fees; and
(4) The issuance by the SEC of the Certificate of Incorporation after verification and