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Book (Speaking For Formal Interaction)

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Buku Ajar

Speaking for formal Communication

Oleh :
Wahyu Taufiq
Dian Novita

Diterbitkan oleh
Jl. Mojopahit 666 B Sidoarjo
ISBN: 978-623-6292-32-7
All rights reserved

Buku Ajar
Speaking for formal Communication

Penulis :
Wahyu Taufiq
Dian Novita


Editor :
M. Tanzil Multazam,.SH,.M.Kn
Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana,.S.Pd,.M.Pd

Copy Editor :
Wiwit Wahyu Wijayanti

Design Sampul dan Tata Letak :

Wiwit Wahyu Wijayanti

Penerbit :
Anggota IKAPI No. 218/Anggota Luar Biasa/JTI/2019
Anggota APPTI No. 002 018 1 09 2017

Redaksi :
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Jl. Mojopahit No 666B
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Cetakan pertama, Agustus 2021

© Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dengan suatu apapun
tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit.


The demands to master English as a foreign language in Indonesia are based on many
reasons. Those are like to get more friends, to get a better job, or to get more knowledge by
getting more sources in English. Whichever it is, all of those reasons are based on a common
understanding that mastering foreign language, particularly English, is one of the important
skills to have for oneself and others.
Moreover, there are always questions for tips and tricks to master English easily and
quickly and many people who are serious curious about these questions are trying to find the
answers themselves. Experimenting with how to take courses here and there, by looking for
various references from books, buying, borrowing or just downloading e-books from internet,
until trying to take paid online classes. The writers propose that there are at least two important
intentions to start with, namely the clear purposes and the right mindset.
The clear purpose about what learning the foreign language for is the first intention to
have. By knowing the goal, the learners know what to achieve, know what to do, what to
accomplish and when to finish. It is this intention that will give the English learners the limits
of what to complete and the process that must be taken. A student, for example, may have a
purpose to learn about interview for a job. This purpose will lead him to goal to learn the initial
intention of what interview in the real life and what to learn.
The right mindset is the second starting point which needs to be clarified. One of the
basic problems of foreign language learners is to believe that English is a difficult language, a
high-level language, or a language that is not friendly to him. If the learners can solve this
problem, they can be more confident foreign language users.
This book acts as one of many learning sources to learn English. Hopefully, with the
right intention and mindset, this book may lead to the right choice and the process that learners
want to take and the goal they can to achieve.


Kata Pengantar

Di Indonesia, ada berbagai kebutuhan sebagai alasan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa asing. Beberapa diantaranya yaitu untuk menambah pertemanan, mendapatkan
pekerjaan yang lebih baik, atau untuk bisa belajar dari berbagai sumber berbahasa Inggris.
Semua didasarkan pada pemahaman bahwa menguasai bahasa asing, khususnya bahasa Inggris,
adalah salah satu keterampilan penting yang harus dimiliki untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain.
Ada juga pertanyaan mengenai tips dan trik agar menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan mudah dan
cepat dan sudah banyak orang yang berusaha mencari jawabannya sendiri. Ada yang mencoba
mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris dari berbagai tempat, atau dengan mencari berbagai referensi
dari buku, membeli, meminjam atau sekedar mendownload e-book dari internet, hingga
mencoba mengikuti kelas online berbayar. Kami selaku penulis buku ini mengusulkan bahwa
setidaknya ada dua hal penting untuk memulai belajar bahasa Inggris, yaitu tujuan yang jelas
dan pola pikir yang benar.
Memiliki tujuan yang jelas dalam belajar bahasa asing adalah niat pertama yang harus dimiliki.
Dengan mengetahui tujuan, peserta didik tahu apa yang harus dicapai, tahu apa yang harus
dilakukan, apa yang harus dicapai dan kapan harus menyelesaikannya. Niat inilah yang akan
memberi pelajar bahasa Inggris batasan apa yang harus diselesaikan dan proses yang harus
ditempuh. Seorang siswa, misalnya, memiliki tujuan untuk belajar tentang wawancara untuk
suatu pekerjaan. Tujuan ini akan mendorong siswa untuk belajar wawancara dalam kehidupan
nyata dan apa yang harus dipelajari.
Pola pikir yang benar adalah titik awal kedua yang perlu dibenahi. Salah satu masalah mendasar
pembelajar bahasa asing adalah percaya bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang sulit, bahasa
tingkat tinggi, atau bahasa yang tidak bersahabat dengannya. Jika pembelajar dapat
menyelesaikan masalah ini, mereka akan menjadi pengguna bahasa asing yang lebih percaya
diri nantinya.
Buku ini ditawarkan untuk menjadi salah satu sumber belajar bahasa Inggris. Semoga dengan
niat dan pola pikir yang benar di atas, buku ini dapat mengantarkan pada pilihan yang tepat dan
proses yang ingin ditempuh oleh pembelajar serta tujuan yang dapat mereka capai.


Table of Content

Preface ............................................................................ ................................... iii

1. Informal and formal language .................................... ................................... 1
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 9
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 10
Task 3 .............................................................................. ................................... 11
Task 4 .............................................................................. ................................... 11
2. Expressing opinion ........................................................ ................................... 13
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 16
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 17
3. Describing objects ........................................................ ................................... 19
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 24
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 25
4. Expressing want/ desire ................................................ ................................... 28
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 32
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 33
5. Expressing happiness and unhappiness ...................... ................................... 36
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 41
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 42
6. Expressing regret and sympathy ................................. ................................... 44
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 48
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 49
7. Expressing opinion on immediate environments........ ................................... 54
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 57
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 58
Task 3 .............................................................................. ................................... 60
Task 4 .............................................................................. ................................... 62
8. Expressing satisfaction, dissatisfaction ...................... ................................... 65
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 70
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 72
9. Expression of obligation ............................................... ................................... 75
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 79
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 80
10. Interviews ...................................................................... ................................... 82
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 88
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 89
11. Short presentations. ..................................................... ................................... 92
Task 1 .............................................................................. ................................... 98
Task 2 .............................................................................. ................................... 98
About the Authors. ................................................................... ................................... 101
References ................................................................................. ................................... 102

List of tables

Table 1. formal and informal........................................... ................................... 3

Table 2. Informal words / phrases .................................. ................................... 3
Table 3. formal words / phrases ..................................... ................................... 4
Table 4. words explanation ............................................ ................................... 6
Table 5. advice and suggestion ...................................... ................................... 57
Table 6. Agreeing and disagreeing .................................. ................................... 59

List of Pictures

Picture 1 …................................................................................................. 2
Picture 2 …................................................................................................. 5
Picture 3 …................................................................................................. 7
Picture 4 …................................................................................................. 7
Picture 5 …................................................................................................. 7
Picture 6 ….................................................................................................. 14
Picture 7 ….................................................................................................. 15
Picture 8 ….................................................................................................. 20
Picture 9 ….................................................................................................. 29
Picture 10 ….................................................................................................. 30
Picture 11 ….................................................................................................. 31
Picture 12 ….................................................................................................. 37
Picture 13 ….................................................................................................. 39
Picture 14 ….................................................................................................. 40
Picture 15 ….................................................................................................. 45
Picture 16 ….................................................................................................. 46
Picture 17 ….................................................................................................. 47
Picture 18 ….................................................................................................. 55
Picture 19 ….................................................................................................. 56
Picture 20 ….................................................................................................. 66
Picture 21 ….................................................................................................. 76
Picture 22 ….................................................................................................. 77
Picture 23 ….................................................................................................. 84
Picture 24 ….................................................................................................. 87
Picture 25 ….................................................................................................. 93
Picture 26 ….................................................................................................. 94
Picture 27 ….................................................................................................. 96


The demands to master English as a foreign language in Indonesia are based on many reasons. Those are
like to get more friends, to get a better job, or to get more knowledge by getting more sources in
English. Whichever it is, all of those reasons are based on a common understanding that mastering
foreign language, particularly English, is one of the important skills to have for oneself and others.

Moreover, there are always questions for tips and tricks to master English easily and quickly and many
people who are serious curious about these questions are trying to find the answers themselves.
Experimenting with how to take courses here and there, by looking for various references from books,
buying, borrowing or just downloading e-books from internet, until trying to take paid online classes.
The writers propose that there are at least two important intentions to start with, namely the clear
purposes and the right mindset.

The clear purpose about what learning the foreign language for is the first intention to have. By knowing
the goal, the learners know what to achieve, know what to do, what to accomplish and when to finish. It
is this intention that will give the English learners the limits of what to complete and the process that
must be taken. A student, for example, may have a purpose to learn about interview for a job. This
purpose will lead him to goal to learn the initial intention of what interview in the real life and what to

The right mindset is the second starting point which needs to be clarified. One of the basic problems of
foreign language learners is to believe that English is a difficult language, a high-level language, or a
language that is not friendly to him. If the learners can solve this problem, they can be more confident
foreign language users.

This book acts as one of many learning sources to learn English. Hopefully, with the right intention and
mindset, this book may lead to the right choice and the process that learners want to take and the goal
they can to achieve.

Daftar Isi

PRAKATA ......................................................................................................................................................................................... I
DAFTAR ISI.....................................................................................................................................................................................II
CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
INFORMAL AND FORMAL LANGUAGE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Informal and Formal Language 1
CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
EXPRESSING OPINION ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Initiate to Express Opinion 9
CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................................13
DESCRIBING OBJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Describe Something 13
CHAPTER 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................................19
EXPRESSING WANT/ DESIRE ................................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Use The Expression of Want / Desire 19
CHAPTER 5 ....................................................................................................................................................................................19
EXPRESSING HAPPINESS AND UNHAPPINESS..............................................................................................................19
5.1 Use The Expression of Happiness and Unhappiness 19
CHAPTER 6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................25
EXPRESSING REGRET AND SYMPATHY .........................................................................................................................25
6.1 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 25
CHAPTER 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................................31
EXPRESSING OPINION ON IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENTS.....................................................................................31
7.1 Use The Expression of Opinion in Immediate Environments 31
CHAPTER 8 ....................................................................................................................................................................................37
EXPRESSING SATISFACTION, DISSATISFACTION......................................................................................................37
8.1 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 37
CAHPTER 9 ...................................................................................................................................................................................45
EXPRESSION OF OBLIGATION ............................................................................................................................................45
9.1 Express Obligation 45
CHAPTER 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................................45
INTERVIEWS ................................................................................................................................................................................45

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language iii

10.1 Use the Interview 45

11.1 Use The Short Presentations 51

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 1

Chapter 1

Informal and Formal Language

1.1 Informal and Formal Language
In English, you may already know that there is informal and formal language. Actually, what is the
difference between the two? These informal and formal English are used for different purposes and
contexts. The following descriptions explain the differences between the informal and formal English.
(Taufiq and Mandarani 2017)

Figure 1.1: “Theory is knowledge that doesn't work. Practice is when everything works and you don't
know why.”

Informal English is used in everyday conversations and in personal letters. Informal English is used to
talk to close friends of the same age. According to Cambridge dictionary, “informal language is more
commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well.” It is more often
used in speaking. However, it is also common where writing can be very informal, for example, when
someone writes letters, emails, text messages to his friends or write comment on social media.(Press.

Formal English, on the other hand, is used in situations that are serious or sometimes that involve people
we don’t know well. According to Cambridge dictionary, formal English is usually used at writing, for
example, writing a book, emailing to apply for jobs. In speaking, however, English can be very formal,
for example, in a speech, a lecture, job interviews, or talks to people of important positions, such as
lecturers, regional heads, heads of state, used in official events such as opening speeches for
organizational meetings, and so forth. (Press. n.d.)

Between the two types of language, there is neutral English. Neutral language is neither as stiff as
formal English, nor as relaxed as informal language. This language is quite safe to use in certain formal

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 2

occasions because it is neutral from all forms of emotion. It is mostly used, that is neither formal nor
informal. This neutral English is mostly applied in this book.

Table 1.1: Formal And Informal (Compare)

Formal Informal
She has decided to accept the She’s decided to accept the offer. It is used a
offer. contraction “She’s”
We went to Lombok last week. Went to Lombok last week. Lots to tell you.
We have a lot of stories to tell This situation is more likely to be written or
you. texted than spoken.
Two boys whom I met in Two boys I met in Lombok was interested in
Lombok were interested in working in Australia. It is omitted the relative
working in Australia. pronoun “whom.”

Formal language and informal language are mostly associated with certain choices of words/phrases and
grammar. Here are some of the examples. (Taufiq and Mandarani 2017)

Table 1.2: Informal Words / Phrases

Words / phrases Meaning

Words / phrases meaning

Informal greeting term between men, meaning
"guy" or "man”
used to express assent or as a noncommittal
response to a question or remark
nope Informal variant of no
to puke To vomit
trashy Poor quality
grownup suitable for or characteristic of an adult
awesome extremely impressive or daunting
to chill out To calm down; relax
stuff Something, drink or drugs
hard-up short of money
to tick somebody off make someone annoyed or angry
happening or doing something in a very extreme,
to sell like crazy
noticeable, or fast way
used to emphasize or express annoyance with
someone or something
Find out Discover

Table 1.3: formal Words / Phrases

Words / phrases Meaning

nevertheless in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.

to disclose To make (secret or new information) known.
to constitute To be (a part) of a whole.
to undertake To promise to do a particular thing

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 3

seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation;

impervious not allowing fluid to pass through
anew once more; again
used to emphasize emotional sincerity or
comfort or consolation in a time of distress or
to enchant To fill (someone) with great delight; charm
in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other
sizeable fairly large.
to clutch To grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly.
the period of a person's or thing's greatest success,
popularity, or vigor.
an upward surge in the strength or quantity of
something; an increase.
It is also suggested to use certain modal verbs to be more formal and polite, for example:

a. May I suggest you to buy this bike? (more formal)

b. Might I suggest you to buy this bike? (very formal)
c. Can I suggest you to buy this bike? (neutral)

Examples in short talks

This is a dialogue between two Australians. Try to read along by also trying to understand when to
pause and stop.

Figure 1.2: Two Australian Friends

Heny asked, "How ya goin Denis, I haven’t seen you in ages."

Denis replied, "Not too bad, tired though as I was just back from vacation.

“How’s your vacation?” Heny Asked.

“It was heaps good.” Denis said. "I went fishing and caught a big fish."

“Crikey! What size?” Heny Asked.

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 4

“It was three-meter-long.” Denis affirmed.

"Are you fair dinkum?" Heny asked.

"I certainly am, look, I posted some pictures of it on my Instagram." Deny replied.

Check the explanation below:

Tabel 1.4: Words Explanation

Phrases Meaning
How ya goin This simply means, “How are you?”

It is common in informal speaking that speakers skip some letters

at the ends of words.

For example the world “what” becomes “wha?” going, meeting

and trying change to goin, meetin and tryin.

“Ya” means “you” and goin means “going” which simply refer to
how you are. the person is actually asking how you’re feeling.

Are you sad, good, angry or excited? “Going” means the act of
being alive or existing in this context.

I haven’t seen you in ages It is often over exaggerated in English. Even literally, it means
that the speaker has not seen only a few months or a long time.
It was heaps good In some English countries like Australia, the youngers like to
replace the word “very” with “heaps.” So, this phrase It was
heaps good literally means “very good” which explains that
something that the speaker has done or achieved is very good.
Crikey! How is the size? “Crikey” is one example of a interjection. It becomes popular
again after being used in some movies like the Crocodile Hunter
and Steve Irwin. An interjection may also be called as an
exclamation. It may have no correlation with grammar to a
sentence which is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark

The word “Crikey!” can also mean “wow!.”

It is used as an exclamation of surprise or bewilderment.

Are you fair dinkum? The world “Dinkum” originally came from a Chinese dialect
which means “true gold” or “good gold.” Historically in
Australia in the 1800s, there were many Chinese people who
were searching for gold.

The phrase “fair dinkum” it said when a speaker wants to state a

fact or truth. For example:

“Fair dinkum! That is a lot of gold.”

Here are some examples of formal famous speeches.

Read along by also trying to understand when to pause and stop.

First speech

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 5

Figure 1.3: Winston Churchill in 1940

Second speech

Figure 1.4: Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814

Third Speech

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 6

Figure 1.5: Martin Luther King in 1963

Those speeches are good examples of formal speaking. They all use good grammar and formal as well
as polite phrases and modals.(Sutikno 2009)


1.1.1 Task 1
In partner, read out loud the informal dialogue we have discussed above. Give a slash signal ( / ) to
indicate when to pause or stop the reading. The first line has been done for you as example.

A: How ya goin (your friend’s name) / I haven’t seen you in ages /

B: Not too bad tired though as I was just back from vacation.

A: How’s your vacation

B: It was heaps good I went fishing and caught a big fish

A: Crikey What size

B: It was three-meter-long

A: Are you fair dinkum

B: I certainly am look I posted some pictures of it on my Instagram

A: Cool you must enjoy your vacation then

B: you bet

1.1.2 Task 2
Individually, read out loud the formal speeches we have discussed above. Give a slash signal ( / ) to
indicate when to pause or stop the reading. The first line has been done for you as example.

1. Winston Churchill

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 7

2. Napoleon Bonaparte

3. Martin Luther King

1.1.3 Task 3
Work in pairs, try to change these informal sentences / phrases into formal expressions. The first
sentence has been done for you

1. I’ve made less mistakes.

-> formal: I have made fewer mistakes.

2. She’s liking it.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

3. I feel real tired.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

4. You did good.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

5. Lemme go!,

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 8

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

6. I’m doin’ fine,

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

7. Whassup?

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

8. Whatcha gonna do?

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

9. You got a second?

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

10. Hi, I want to book a room.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

11. Any ideas?

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

12. Sorry I couldn't come.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

13. I can't read.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

14. Please write back a.s.a.p.

-> formal: ………………………………………………………………………..

1.1.4 Task 4
Find your own informal sentences or phrases from Tv programs, articles or movies. Try to discuss it to
be any possible alternative formal expressions. Present your finding in class.

Chapter 2

Expressing Opinion
2.1 Initiate to Express Opinion
Discussion with other people is something that is often done by Indonesian people to make joint
decisions. To have different opinion is a natural and normal thing that happens to everyone. From there,
humans learn to be able to deliberation to reach consensus.(Taufiq 2016)

Figure 2.1: “Just because you’re right, does not mean the others are wrong. You just haven’t seen life
from the other people’s side”

People may have their own point of view in judging something since differences of opinion are normal.
To express opinions, people can share their thoughts or ideas. Then, how to express opinions correctly,
especially using English? Although we are free to think according to what is in our minds, there is
nothing wrong with learning to use the right way to express it.

Learn to give complete responses, especially when talking to strangers or older people. For example, say
"I think it's great, too" instead of "same". Or, say "Well, I guess it is..." (Well I guess...) instead of just
responding "maybe". And instead of saying "I don't know", it's a good idea to take the time to think
about simple answers. Say "Well, I've never thought of that but I guess..." or "I don't really know, but let
me think..." but let me think first…) before pausing for a moment to determine the answer we will

So, here are some points you need to understand before expressing your opinions.

1. Express your opinion in a polite way

When you want to express your opinion, convey it in polite and polite words. Not with harsh words
accompanied by insults that will hurt others.

2. Know your knowledge capacity

Before expressing your opinion, make sure you know the capacity and sufficient understanding of the
theme of the opinion to be conveyed. This is to avoid the occurrence of debates that are not in
accordance with the topic and cause conflict.

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 10

3. Have a strong and clear argument base

It's a good idea to have a solid and clear basis for your argument when expressing your opinion. It is
even better if you also have some data and facts to support your opinion.

4. Don't interrupt the other person's conversation

Do not interrupt the conversation of the other person when you are about to express your opinion. Allow
the other person to express his opinion until it is complete and clear, then respond to his opinion after
being invited to speak.

5. Do not attack the person you are talking to personally

It is better not to attack the person you are talking to personally if you do not agree with the opinion of
others. Especially if it is not related to the topic of discussion. This of course becomes one thing that can
trigger conflict when done in a discussion.

Those are the five etiquette and etiquette that you must follow when expressing your opinion to others,
which is a reflection of upholding freedom of expression.

Examples in short talks

Knowing how to express opinion in English is highly demanded whether it is in speaking or writing. In
today’s program we will learn how to share your point of view.

Figure 2.2: Two close friends are discussing about the best low-risk investments in 2021

One friend says, “I think the high-yield online savings account is the best low-risk investment today. It
pays you interest on your cash balance. There’s no question about it.”

Another friend says, “I disagree! Have you forgotten about Certificates of deposit? They are issued by
banks and generally offer a higher interest rate than savings accounts.”

The first one responds with, “Actually, Certificates of Deposit do carry reinvestment risk that when
interest rates fall, investors will earn less when they reinvest principal and interest with lower rates.”


Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 11

2.1.1 Task 1
In partner, read out loud the dialogue below, add more expression using your own ideas in the
blank spaces available.

First dialogue

Fira: Learning English has made a big difference in my life, I think.

Alif: I agree with you. To be specific, I prefer to learn English by watching English movies with English
subtitles. It is fun and practices my listening skills as well.

Fira: Well, that’s good, but I don’t think that it works for me.

Alif: Why not?

Fira: Since I spend my day by working. By the time I get home, I’m too tired to do anything else. So I
prefer to read some English


Alif: I understand. In my opinion, …………………………………… (add using your own idea)

Second Dialogue

Aziz: Hi, are you doing your assignment?

Dwiki: Yes. But it’s too hard and so boring. I want to go to school again.

Aziz: Let’s pray that this pandemic will end soon.

Dwiki: Is the Corona virus really dangerous?

Aziz: Absolutely. According to WHO, it becomes a global pandemic.

Dwiki: Really? Is that why we’d be better to stay at home?

Aziz: Yup, we must stay at home and avoid direct contact with people outside.

Dwiki: Okay. My mom said that it is better for me to exercise and eat healthy foods. What other good
thing we should do?

Aziz: . …………………………………… (add using your own idea)

2.1.2 Task 2
“So, what’s your opinion about this topic?”

Give your best brief response about these topics. Use the clues to help you developing your responses.

1. What is the best technology needed now?

a. I think, the best technology needed now is ……………………..

Bab 2 Informal and Formal Language 12

b. Because ………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………………………
2. What is the best exercise to do nowadays?
a. Well, I suggest ………………………………………
b. I have some supporting evidences saying this. Those are ……………………………
c. ………………………………………………………………..

Chapter 3

Describing Objects
3.1 Describe Something
Have you ever tried to describe a person, thing, or place but you did not know how to put it in English?
When you see a soccer ball, what do you think about and how do you re-explain about the ball to a
toddler? We already know that toddlers must be introduced to the objects around them. These toddlers
are in the phase of getting to know something because they don't know it yet. So that the toddler knows
about the ball in question even though he doesn't use image or photo media.(Taufiq 2015)

Figure 3.1: “Give me the ball, I born to kick the ball”

You will explain about the shape, size, color or use. How do you explain something in a short sentence?
How do you make one sentence represent a picture / description of an object (noun)? And how do you
make sentences that are easily understood by readers/listeners?


To describe a person, thing, or place, you can use an adjective. Adjectives are used to describe nouns or
pronouns. We will learn adjectives used to describe objects.

Adjective is the most popular descriptor in the English language because Adjective can modify nouns
and pronouns.

The best way to develop our knowledge about adjectives is to read more book or watch more movies. In
the meantime, let's prime the pump with this list of adjectives:

The procedure in the adjective series is below:

Bab 3 Describing Objects 14


Determiner is an adjective in the form of the article "a, an, the, my, some, any, several, one and others"


• An apple

• Some books

Observation / opinion

Observation/opinion is an adjective that refers to our sense of sight or opinion about its value.


• This is an expensive car

• A handsome boy greets me


Size is an adjective that describes the size of an object by inferring what the sense of sight gets.


• A small stone

• The tiniest cat has died


Age is an adjective that describes the age of an object (noun) can be in the form of young (young), old
(old), ancients (rare), new (new) and others.


• There is a tall slim young lady

• Jonas is a cute funny old man


Size is an adjective that describes the shape of an object, in math lessons you must know the types and
forms of space or flat shapes.


• The round table

• The square field


Bab 3 Describing Objects 15

Color is an adjective that describes the color of an object such as yellow (yellow), black (black) and


• Black hat

• Blue car

Materials / ingredients

Material is an adjective that describes the basic ingredients of an object, such as: wood d (wood), beef
(beef) and others.


• Chicken fried rice

• Wooden home


Origin is an adjective that describes the origin of an item


• Japanese food

• Italian wine


Purpose/aim/qualifier is an adjective that is originally a verb (verb) which is given the ending –ing
which describes the use of an object.


• A drawing pencil

• Two running shoes


Nouns are nouns, the objects in question can be inanimate objects, living things, countable nouns or
uncountable nouns.


• Sand

• Mountain

In describing an object, you must follow the order above, if one category is missing/mentioned then
proceed to another category.

Bab 3 Describing Objects 16

Here are examples of adjectives along with examples of adjective sentences that you can use to describe
a person, thing, or place.

a kind hearted person

homeless people

Three colorful tiny yellow birds

Some old single ladies

A mysterious high mountain

My grandmother is a kind hearted person. She loves helping people especially homeless people.


While adjectives give description for nouns, adverbs add on to verbs. Adverb is a very important part of

Adverbs are words that explain: how, where, when, how many times and so on, a job is done or an event

Examples in short talks

Bima; Hi Joko, I have a question. If you get the answer right, I'll give you a present. Interesting?

Joko; Are you serious?

Bima; of course, I am serious.

Joko; Okay what is it?

Bimat; I'll give you some pointers. This is one of the valuable things, communication becomes easier,
flexible and cheaper. What is that?

Joko; uh, letter

Bima; No, that's not it. It takes time to send and send letters to your friends.

Here's another hint

The stuff I'm talking about has a slim design, camera, speaker, microphone, fewer buttons, you can put it
in your pocket or bag.

Joko; I know that, a memory card, right?

Bima; Hahaha, how could a memory card be able to send information? Another hint, if you can't stay
connected with a friend, it means you'll need to top up their credit.

Joko; Hahaha, a smartphone, I guess. Correct me if I'm wrong

Bima; Genius! You are right.

Bab 3 Describing Objects 17


3.1.1 Task 1
In partner, read out loud the dialogue about describing something below. Add more details in the blank
spaces available.

Andi: Did you just get a new watch?

Bowo: I did. And I think I like it better than the old one.

Andi: what does it look like?

Bowo: It has a big screen which is 2 inches wide that fits my hand perfectly, and it’s really thin. It’s one
of the lightest watches I’ve ever had. (add more information)


` .................................................................................................................................................................


What about your new house?

Andi: This is pretty good. It's not as big as the previous one but not so spacious, but spacious enough to
keep my cars in there. It also has a small balcony where I can enjoy the view of the city in a cubic chair.
(add more information)

` .................................................................................................................................................................



Bowo: That sounds interesting.

4.1.2 Task 2
In partner, continue the dialogue below by filling the blank with some descriptive information related to
the topic being discussed. read out loud the dialogue when you have finished

A: Hi, I heard you went to the re-open mall last night.

B: I did. It was pretty fun there.

A: What did you find?

B: There was a lot of stuff right there, but my most favorite spot is the game area for kids.

(explain about the game-area-for-kids using both of your idea)

` .................................................................................................................................................................


Bab 3 Describing Objects 18





A: And what did you get for yourself?

B: Well, I didn’t by anything yet, I was planning to buy a new smartphone. But I haven’t decide which

A: Why don’t you buy one like mine?

B: How good is that?

(explain about the smartphone you are recommended using both of your idea)

` .................................................................................................................................................................





Chapter 4

Expressing Want/ Desire

4.1 Use The Expression of Want / Desire
Communication is a tool that allows you to give understanding to those around you. Communication can
be in the form of writing, giving presentations, and communication that can increase productivity.
Therefore, it is important to ensure that there are no errors between the sender and the recipient of the
message. (Taufiq 2018)

Figure 4.1: “I googled my symptoms, turns out I just need a vacation.”

You can improve your communication skills through various sources. It could be by reading knowledge
books, listening to podcasts, attending seminars, or education and training in the field of communication.

When you are about to deliver a message, you should always make sure to keep the message simpler.
Keeping the message simple is useful to avoid ambiguity in the message being conveyed.

Being polite and kind is very important when you are going to bring a positive message to others. When
you send a message politely, the recipient of the message will understand it with a positive mindset.

Here are some examples to express your needs or desires:

• I’d like to go hiking this weekend.

• My heart is telling me to go to that restaurant instead.
• What I need is a bit more space.
• I want to go to the mall today.
• I would like to share my Instagram with you.
• I need to leave early.
• My intuition is telling me to leave.
• Will you join me?
• Let’s go for a dinner!

Expressing your needs or desires is part of essential communication for living a balanced and fulfilled
life. Therefore, it is important to be able to communicate with others. On this chapter, we can deliver the
message of expressing needs or desires by using “hope” and “wish.”

Chapter 4 Expressing Want/ Desire 20

A. Hope

Figure 4.2: “I hope Manchester United will win this season league.”

To express want or desire, we can use the word “hope” to deliver a message about possible situations
that we want to happen previously in the past, now in the present or sometimes in future. By using the
word “hope” we want to say that this situation is possible to happen.


They hope it's not raining. They haven't played outside yet.

We hope you had a good time at school today.

I hope you have a great day.

I hope my mother will not be angry with me.

I hope you will not go to the market without your mask.

B. Wish

Figure 4.3: “I wish I could record what people say, so that I can let them hear when they deny it”

Wish is used to talk about a desire of a situation that we want, but the real situation is the opposite or it
is impossible to happen.

The word wish added with past-tense situation is used to talk about the current situation. The important
note is, although the simple past tense is said or used, it is not talking about the past, but it says about
present situation.


Chapter 4 Expressing Want/ Desire 21

He wishes he had four cars.

(In reality, he doesn’t have four cars now, but he wants them).

He wishes he could drive the car.

(In reality, he can't drive the car, but he wants to).

The word wish added with past-perfect-tense situation is used to talk about the past situation which is
regretted to happen in the past.


He wishes he had visited to his friend’s party, yesterday.

(In reality, he did not go to his friend’s party, yesterday and now he regrets this decision).

You wish you had tried the Mexican food.

(In reality, you didn't try the Mexican food and now you regret it.).

The word wish added with would-verb is used to express about the situations that often occur in our
lives and mostly, we don't want it to happen.


You wish my father would come back from Afghanistan.

(In reality, my father never comes back from Afghanistan and you didn't like it.)

You wish your roommates wouldn't try the Mexican food.

(In reality, your roommates try the Mexican food and you don't like this fact).

The word wish added with noun is used to express about things we want for other people. Examples:

We wish you all the best.

(It used to wish someone happiness and success.)

Wish me luck on my pencak silat competition.

(Wishing that I am lucky on my pencak silat competition event.)

The word wish added with the infinitive form of a verb has the same meaning as want in a more formal


“I wish to see our teacher soon.” It has the same meaning with “I want to see our teacher soon.”

“The Manager is not in the office right now. Do you wish to wait?” the last sentence has the same
meaning with “Do you want to wait?”

Chapter 4 Expressing Want/ Desire 22


4.1.1 Task 1
Try to express your desire by using the situation below you have now.


your situation: In class, you are bored of sitting in the class.

You say: I’d love to try doing something different, like going for a hike.

1. Your situation: ......................................................................................................................................


Your say:

2. Your situation: ......................................................................................................................................

Your say:


4.1.2 Task 2
Try to express your desire by continuing the dialogues below using hope or wish.

Dialogue 1

Andra : I am going to join an English Speech competition held in Thailand next week. Now, I am
currently applying for a passport in Surabaya.

Indri : Wow, that’s great. I am proud of you. I hope you win the competition and present the pride for
yourself, your family, and our country, of course.

Indri: I wish I .............................................................................................................................................


Chapter 4 Expressing Want/ Desire 23




Dialogue 2

Diana : Have you seen my brother, Dian? I haven’t seen him since last night. He has to get
immunization now.

Isna : Why don’t you ask his best friend, Rinto? Possibly, he is being with him now.

Diana : Maybe but I am not sure. Dian is actually afraid of being injected and always runs away if he
sees a syringe.

Isna : I hope you ........................................................................................................................................




Diana : I hope so. I wish ...........................................................................................................................




Dialogue 3:

Pratama: Are you okay? You look so pale.

Nabila : I was just out of the hospital. I am a bit sick at the moment. I had been hospitalized for two
weeks because of being infected by corona virus. ......................................................................................




Nabila : I hope so. I wish ..........................................................................................................................





Chapter 5

Expressing Happiness and Unhappiness

5.1 Use The Expression of Happiness and Unhappiness

Figure 5.1: “Everyone wants your happiness. Don't let them take it!!”

Happiness is an emotional state with the character of feeling happy, grateful, and satisfied. This
definition can indeed differ from one person to another. However, the main characteristic is satisfaction
with life or the moment that is being lived.(Taufiq 2015)

However, it is true that emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, etc. are very broad concepts.
There is also an element of subjectivity in it.

In English, this feeling of happiness can be expressed in a few sentences. So, instead of being curious,
just take a look at the following reviews.

Let’s start with the basics . . . some good, strong adjectives!

The structure here is: Subject + be + adjective

When you’re using an adjective, the word form won’t change. While the subject and the “be” verb can
vary, the adjective will always stay the same.

The following adjectives all convey feelings of happiness with slight differences.

• Ecstatic

→ Very happy or excited

She was ecstatic when she learned she was pregnant. (past simple)

• Overjoyed

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 20

→ Filled with happiness

If they offer me the promotion at work, I will be overjoyed! (future simple)

As you may know, an idiom is a group of words that, together, create a new meaning that’s different
from the meaning of each separate word.

Although they sometimes seem like nonsense, these phrases can be a fantastic way to express your
feelings specifically and accurately.

Idioms beginning with a preposition

Idioms that begin with prepositions – like on, over, or in, – can be used in basically the same way as the
adjectives described above. While the subject and the tense of the “be” verb can change, the idiom itself
will stay the same.

Their structure looks like this: subject + be + idiom

The following idioms all have more or less the same meaning, as well; they express a feeling of extreme

1. I'm glad

I'm glad is the most common English expression to express feelings of joy or pleasure. This expression
itself comes from the word 'glad' which means happy. Example:

"I'm glad to know the bus arrived safely.”

2. I'm on cloud nine

I'm on cloud nine is an idiom in English that is commonly used as an expression to express extreme
happiness. That is, this expression describes if someone feels very happy and excited to be very excited.

"She is on cloud nine because she can go to vacation.”

3. I'm over the moon

Although I'm over the moon literally means I pass the moon, this sentence can also be used as an
expression to describe feelings of happiness. For example:.

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 21

Figure 5.2: “I'm over the moon because I can go to beach with you."

4. I'm chuffed to bits

This expression is basically an expression in British English that means happy with something.
However, I'm chuffed to bits is generally used to describe feeling so excited that you can't even speak.
For example:

"I am chuffed to bits because I can meet you."

5. I'm absolutely delighted

I'm absolutely delighted is one of the expressions of happiness found in English. If translated into
Indonesian, this expression means I am very happy. Examples of use:

"I'm absolutely delighted that you can come."

6. I'm on top of the world

I'm on top of the world is an expression that describes the feeling of being very happy as if you were on
top of the world. Therefore, you can use this expression if you feel very happy. Example:

"I'm on top of the world if I am with you

Unhappiness, on the other hand, is the feeling of not being happy or sadness.

Now how to express unhappiness. Here are some words along with examples expressing

She's feeling down about her grades.

Jennifer's sad about her mother.

My mother is upset about her son’s boss. She is too hard on him!

I don't feel well. I'm going to the doctor.

Jennifer is unhappy with this situation.

Dono is out of sorts today. Ask him tomorrow.

Doug doesn't feel well today.

I am sorrowful after he leaves me

She is so depressed

I am feeling blue

Example Dialogues

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 22

At work

Figure 5.3: Anton: “I am unhappy with this situation.”

Bima: I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?

Anton: Well, I'm upset about the boss. He changes everything.

Bima: I understand, it's been difficult for everyone. Sometimes management does things we don't
understand. Maybe you need some time off work.

Anton: It makes no sense! I just don't feel well about it at all.

Bima: Is there anything I can do to help?

Anton: No, just talking about it makes me feel a little better.

Bima: Feel free to talk to me anytime.

Anton: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Bima: No problem.


5.1.1 Task 1
In partner, read out loud the dialogue below, add more expression using your own ideas in the
blank spaces available.

First dialogue

Between friends

Siti: Anna, is there any problem?

Anna: Nothing. I'm good.

Siti: You seem sad. What seems to be the problem?

Anna : ......................................................................................................................................................


Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 23


Siti: Really! Are you sure about that?

Is there anything I can do?

Anna: Yes, help me.




Siti : .......................................................................................................................................................



5.1.2 Task 2
In partner, interview your friend about at least 3 (three) situations that make him/her happy and
unhappy. Report your finding below.

Situation of happiness

1. ...............................................................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................................................................................

Situation of unhappiness

1. ...............................................................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................................................................................

Chapter 6

Expressing Regret and Sympathy

6.1 Expressing Regret and Sympathy
Regrets are expressions used to show sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to
repair or an expression of distressing emotion. There are many variations of the expressions/expressions
used to regret in English. Each variation has different function and role, depending on the situation and
conditions of the conversation. (Taufiq and Mandarani 2017)

Figure 6.1: “Don’t live your regretting life yesterday, live your life tomorrow so you will not regret

If you regret something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.

The following are examples of expressions/expressions used to regret in English. By expressing regret,
at least transparency can be cultivated. Especially with the human condition that is increasingly covering
up their own mistakes.

I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since.

Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question.

Five years later she regrets having given up her home.

I regret not having arrived on time/ I regret not to have arrived on time.

If only I had done my homework, my teacher would have been angry.

I regret that I did not arrive on time.

If only I had arrived on time, my friend would have been angry.

I’m sorry to disappointed you.

I regret not having done my homework / I regret not to have done my homework.

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 26

Sympathy on the other hand is a feeling of pity or compassion. It occurs when you feel sorry for
someone else who is going through a difficult situation. The ability to empathize with others is a big part
of what makes us human, and it's what drives us to help others. So, sympathize with those who conflate
this word with empathy. In terms of meaning, they're really similar. Sympathy is when you feel sad for
someone else's predicament, even though you've never been in it. Empathy refers to the ability to
genuinely comprehend and experience what another person is going through.

Figure 6.2: “The more sympathy you give, the less you need.”

The following are some commonly used expressions of sympathy:

1. I am sorry to hear that.

Example of sentences:

I heard that one of your family members passed away yesterday. I am sorry to hear that.

2. I know what you feel.

Example of sentences:

Your friend told me that you failed in the selection test. I know what you feel, just try again next time.

3. Stay strong, everything will be fine.

Example of sentences:

Stay strong even after your broken heart. Everything will be fine.

4. I sympathize about the situation that happened.

Example of sentences:

I sympathize about the situation that happened. I hope her condition will get well soon.

5. Poor you!

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 27

Figure 6.3: “Your brother said to me if your new car was hit from behind. Poor you.”

Sympathy can also be used to express condolences to the family of the deceased
Basically, grief in English is “Condolences”. The word has synonyms that have the same meaning as
pity, condolences, and sympathy. The simplified version has two ways to express your condolences.
Formally, you can say "My condolences for your loss". Whereas informally, you can say "I'm sorry
for your loss" with the same meaning as the formal version. (Taufiq 2018)
The same expression sometimes can be delivered using cards. Here are examples of cards for

Don't forget how much

we love and care about

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 28


6.1.1 Task 1
In partner, read out loud the dialogue below.

Fairuz : May I borrow you ruler?

Nadina : Of course, here you are. By the way what will you do with it?

Fairuz : I want to continue to do my homework?

Nadina : What you have not done it? What did you do yesterday so that you have not finished it?

Fairuz : I regret because I was busy to playing my new car game. I remember after getting at class.

Nadina : I hope you will do it soon because the teacher will enter the class.

Suddenly..the ruler broken into two sides

Fairuz : Nadina,,, forgive me. I have broken your ruler when I made a line on my paper. I regret about
my carelessness

Nadina : Hmm,, ok. never mind. buy it new one

6.1.2 Task 2
In partner, read out loud the dialogue below, add more expression using your own ideas in the blank
spaces available.

A: Dono, Why didn’t you come to my invitation ceremony last night? I was looking for you.

B: I’m so sorry,

I wish I could come to ceremony, .................................................................................................




I should say it to you earlier.

A: I heard that our Kasino’s mother was sick.

B: I am so sorry to hear that.




A: We had been doing karaoke together for more than two hours when finally rain came fall down.

B: well, next week, I must visit to your house.

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 29

A: ..................................................................................................................................................



6.1.3 Task 3
In partner, read out loud the dialogue below, add more expression using your own ideas in the blank
spaces available.

Alicia : Hi, Natasha. What’s going on? You look blue.

Natasha : Yeah, I just Broke up with my boyfriend. I don’t believe this happened.

Alicia : Really? I’m sorry to hear that.




Natasha : Thanks.

Alicia : I know what you feel. Everything will get better soon

Natasha : I hope so.




6.1.4 Task 4
Make some cards about sympathy, and explain on what at what situations you are going to send them.
Write down the script on the space provided. The first card is done as example.


My friend’s favorite football club loss the

game. He is a big fan of the club since he was
Deepest Sympathy on your elementary school.
school team’s loss.

Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 30












Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 31














Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 32













Chapter 6 Expressing Regret and Sympathy 33



Chapter 7

Expressing Opinion on Immediate


7.1 Use The Expression of Opinion in Immediate Environments

As we all agree, speaking is one of the life's linguistic abilities. People prefer to communicate through
speaking since speech is more efficient than writing. In everyday life, speaking plays a vital part.

Speaking in everyday life, it is common for people to express his opinion in immediate situations. The
term "opinion" simply refers to how you feel or think about a topic. It's typically a subjective point of
view based on your personal experiences. (Taufiq 2015)

Figure 7.1: “Sir, are you living the life of your dreams?”

One thing you should understand that It shouldn't be frightening to be asked to express an opinion
because we do it all the time. We are almost always agreeing or disagreeing with someone or telling
them what we think about something when we talk.

Let's look at some real-life scenarios including things we say in our daily discussions.

I like cats more than dogs.

I really hate cats. It’s too lazy and useless.

I didn’t like the new actor of the Spiderman movies.

Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 32

Apart from being in the first person (I, me, my), what do these sentences have in common? Yes, they're
all individual viewpoints.

When speaking in formal English, there is a specific method we do things in order to seem courteous
when expressing our thoughts.(Taufiq 2015)

Figure 7.2: “I like coffee more than tea.”

It's critical to know how to communicate yourself properly and concisely so that no one misunderstands
or is upset.

First thing first, we need to learn how to ask one’s questions:

Here are some examples of asking one’s opinions:

What do you think of…..?

What do you think of the country’s condition next year?

- What’s your opinion of…?

What’s your opinion about your school?

- What do you feel about…?

What do you feel about me/your teacher?

Here are some clues to express your opinion. The answer can be varied, depends on how wide you

- In my opinion…

He likes you too much, in my opinion.

- I think…

I think the computer was the best invention. There’s no question about it.

Check this table for more complete information about asking and giving advice and suggestions.

Table 7.1: Advice and Suggestion

Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 33

Asking for Advice and Suggestions Giving Advice and Suggestions

• Do you think I ought to .........? • (I’d say that) You’d better .........

• Do you have any idea about...? • If I were you, I would .........

• What do you think I should .........? • If I were in your shoes, I would ----

• Should I try to .........? • If I were in your condition, I would .........

• If you were in my shoes, would you .........? • It would probably a good idea to .........
• If you were in my situation, how would you
• Why don’t you .........?
• Can you please give me some advice about
• How about .........?
• What / how do you suggest .........? • Maybe you should .........

• Can you recommend .........? • I advise you to .........

• Do you have any recommendations about
• My advice is to .........


7.1.1 Task 1
Try to continue these clues to make questions.

1. What can you say about ........................................................................................................... ?

2. How do you feel about .............................................................................................................. ?
3. What do you feel about ............................................................................................................. ?
4. Do you think ............................................................................................................................. ?
5. What’s your opinion of ............................................................................................................. ?
6. What’s your idea ....................................................................................................................... ?

7.1.2 Task 2
Try to make one or two sentences for each clue to make opinion below.

1. In my view…




2. I believe…




Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 34

3. I guess…




4. To my mind…




5. What I have in my mind…




Here are some clues to respond’s one’s opinion. The answer can be varied, depends on how wide you

- I disagree

- I think so

- If I may say so,…

- That’s right

- It’s true

- I don’t think so

- I can’t say that

Check this table for more complete information about responding to advice and suggestions.

Tabel 7.2: Agreeing and Disagreeing

to respond to advice and suggestions

Agreeing Disagreeing
That sounds great. I understand your point, but I think ....
I think you're right. I disagree with you.
I couldn't agree more. That's a bad idea.
I think so. No, I don't think so.
That's a good idea. That's not a good idea.
That's right.
I'll take your advice.

Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 35

I agree with you.

Here are the sample of asking and giving opinion in dialogues.

Dialogue 1

Erna: What do you think of our English teacher?

Almusto: He is smart and teaches us clearly.

Erna : That’s right

Dialogue 2

Ari : What is your opinion of smoking?

Ahdi : I think Smoking is not good for our health.

Ari : I think so.

Dialogue 3

Hani : Do you think it will rain today?

Aryoso: I guess it is going to rain today because the sky is cloudy.

Hani: I don’t think so, The sun still shines.

Dialogue 4

Paul: how do you feel about the 2014 election?

Likha: I believe that there’ll be many people who don’t vote. They just don’t trust the leaders in this
country anymore. They have corrupted.

7.1.3 Task 3
Tabel 7.3: In Partner, Try to Complete This Table by Giving Responds Based on Their Group

Alternative Responds to the Suggestion

Asking for Suggestion Giving Suggestion
Accepting Suggestion Refusing Suggestion
I’ve got a bad headache. I suggest/ recommend
Yes, I’d like/ love to. I tried that, but…
What do you suggest? that you …
I have two examination
for two difficult subjects You really should/ought Thanks, but that won’t
tomorrow, what do you to .... work/ help because …
advise me to do?

Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 36

........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
I have not enough
........................................ ........................................
money to buy a new
You’d better … ........................................ ........................................
handphone, what should
........................................ ........................................
I do?
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................

My mother is mad at How about ........................................ ........................................

me, because I have some ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
bad grades. What ought ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
I to do? ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
......................................? ........................................ ........................................

I have one subect left ........................................ ........................................ I don’t feel like it.
which I need to retake ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
next semester, but I have ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
finished my thesis ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
examination and ready ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
to graduate this month if ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
I want to. I also Do you ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
have any suggestion for ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
me… ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................

........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................

........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
.........................., What ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
do i need to do? ........................................ ........................................ ........................................

7.1.4 Task 4
In partner, try to a complete dialogue about asking, giving and responding advice and suggestions.
Use this template to prepare your talk.

Chapter 7 Expressing Opinion on Immediate Environments 37

Alternative suggestions:
1. Accepting Suggestion

2. Refusing Suggestion

Chapter 8

Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction

8.1 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction

Satisfaction is a pleasant feeling that a person get when he receives something he wanted, or when he
has done something he wanted to do. When people are happy after they see a music Festival or concert
and they really feel satisfied with the Show, when they feel happy because our test results are good and
they feel very satisfied. Or get excellent service in a public service such as hospitals, banks, hotels, etc.
(Taufiq 2018)

Figure 8.1: “The art of being happy is to be satisfied with what you have”

On the other hand, dissatisfaction is lack of satisfaction. It is expressed by a speaker to show

dissatisfaction caused by many things. For example, when people do not get services or results as they
expect from a public service or someone's work and they feel disappointed.

The opposite of satisfaction is dissatisfaction, which means a lack of satisfaction.

You can use this satisfaction template to help you develop your idea.

a. be+very pleased with

b. be+satisfied with
c. be+content with
d. be+very delightedd

Look at the examples of expressing satisfaction below:

• Tanti smiled as he examined the completed paper.

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 38

• She got a lot of pleasure out of assisting others.

• Job happiness is more important to me than monetary compensation.
• She felt good about herself since she knew she'd done everything she could.
• I am satisfied with your progress.
• She is very pleased with his attitude.
• We are very delighted with the result of your placement test.

You can use this template of Formal Situations dissatisfaction to build your idea.

a. be+not+satisfied with
b. be+discontented with
c. be+displeased with
d. be+dissatisfied with
e. be+disappointed with

Look at the examples of expressing dissatisfaction below:

• It is unacceptable. I am really disappointed.

• I’m not really satisfied with your work.
• It’s not as good as I thought. It’s not very nice.
• I am discontented with the room service.
• It’s not really good. I don’t like it.
• Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory.
• Well, this is most unsatisfactory. What an awful meeting
• You haven’t done well enough. The food is so boring.
• I am disappointed with the live concert.
• I am displeased with his attitude.

Expressing Satisfaction Dialogue between Joko and Jimmy

Joko Jimmy

Figure 8.2: Expressing Satisfaction Dialogue between Joko and Jimmy

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 39

Here is another dialogue, expressing satisfaction between Yanti and Mumun.

Yanti Mumun

Expressing Dissatisfaction Dialogue between Paulina and Lita

Paulina Lita

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 40

Here is another dialogue, expressing dissatisfaction between Nunung and Sule

Nunung Sule

8.1.1 Task 1
In partner, make some dialogues using the pictures provide below. Start with asking about satisfaction
and respond it.

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 41

A: How do you like this room? Is everything satisfactory?


B: ...............................................................................................................................................................

A: How do you like this car?


B: ...............................................................................................................................................................

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 42


A: Just arrived from a business trip


B: ...............................................................................................................................................................

8.1.2 Task 2
In partner, make some dialogues using the pictures provide below. Start with asking about
dissatisfaction and respond it.

A: Do you want to complain about something? Was something not to your satisfaction?


Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 43

B: ...............................................................................................................................................................

A: Have you done with your first project? You seem dissatisfied


B: ...............................................................................................................................................................

A: I just bought a TV set from an e-commerce and it doesn’t work. I think I have to give a
negative feedback.

Chapter 8 Expressing Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction 44


B: ...............................................................................................................................................................


Cahpter 9

Expression of Obligation

9.1 Express Obligation

Figure 9.1: “It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he
takes out of it.”

In English, obligation is used to express the idea of a necessity, to talk about rules, obligations, or to
give firm advice to others or to oneself. (Taufiq 2015) This time we will learn how to express an
obligation in English. There are modal verbs and phrases that can be used to express obligation or
necessity. Some of these modal verbs and phrases include:

1. Have to

Modal verbs, or commonly called modals, can be used when talking about necessity, freedom, and
interest in doing something. The first modal that can be used to express necessity is have to.


• My teeth hurt. I have to go to the dentist.

• To travel, you have to carry a passport.
• I have to send the report today.
• I have to be there by tomorrow.
• I have to go now.
• I’ll have to pick her up from the airport.
• You are not required to wear a gown to the event. If you want to, you can wear a dress, but it's fine if
you don't.
2. Must

Chapter 9 Expression of Obligation 46

Must is a modal verb in English which one of its functions is to express an obligation. Must is generally
used to express obligations that come from the speaker. The obligation or obligation does not come from
outside or from other people.


• To travel, you must carry a passport.

• I must tell them the true.
• I must do everything I can to help you.
• My tooth is afternoon. I must go to the dentist.
• You must not drive without wearing the seat belt.
• You must not leave the class before it ends.

Figure 9.2: “I must go, my people need me”

3. Need to

Need to is another modal that can be used to express necessity. Use need to indicate that something is
important to do. It is mostly the same as have to.


• I need to go now.
• I need to send the report today.
• I need to be there by tomorrow.
• I need to pick her up from the airport.
• My teeth hurt. I need to go to the dentist.
• To travel, you need to carry a passport.

4. It is necessary that…

Next, we can use the phrase “it is necessary that…” to express necessity.


• It is necessary that is done by the official national alpine ski federation.

Chapter 9 Expression of Obligation 47

• It is necessary that every American should have an indisputable grandfather

• To preserve the status quo it is necessary that nobody wants to be them.
• We believe that an impartial third-party examination of the material is required.
• It is necessary that you follow this guideline.
• It is necessary to protect life, liberty, and property.
• It is never necessary to urge her to study.
• First, to keep pace with population growth, it is necessary that Africa's economic growth continues.
• Maybe it wasn't necessary to say anything.

5. It is obligatory that…

Another phrase that can be used to express obligation or obligation in English is “it is obligatory that…”.


• It is obligatory that we wear helmet while riding bicycle or motorcycle.

• It is obligatory that we stop at red lights.
• It is obligatory that all drivers have driving license.

6. "be supposed to"

a. It is often used to tell about something that is considered true by many people or which is widely


• Tomorrow at 10 a.m., I have an appointment with Mr. Hens. So, at the very least, I'm supposed to be
in the office by 9:30 a.m.
• Spilling salt is supposed to bring bad luck.
• Milk is supposed to be beneficial to our bones.
• you are not supposed to open an umbrella indoors. It's a bad omen.
• When you're not working in the room, you are supposed to switch off the light.

b. "Be supposed to" can be interpreted "be required" or "be expected to" if the reality is not the
same as the statement.


• Miss Corrine is supposed to speak at a conference in Denpasar tomorrow, but she is now suffering
from the illness. (Miss Corrine will very likely be unable to deliver the Denpasar conference
• It's been a week since you were supposed to turn in your homework. (Your assignment was due a week
ago, but you failed to do it.)
• The test was supposed to begin at 10 a.m., but the teacher arrived late. (After 10 p.m., the test began.)

c. "Be not supposed to" is used to indicate that something is not allowed or prohibited.


Chapter 9 Expression of Obligation 48

• This is a climate-controlled chamber. You are not supposed to smoke in this space. (Smoking is
prohibited in the air-conditioned room.)
• I'm not supposed to reveal this information to you. (I'm not permitted to reveal this information.)

7. Other ways to express obligation

In addition to the sentences formed from the modal above, expressing obligation can also use the
following phrases:

• It is my responsibility to clear the table.

• It’s my duty to do it.
• I have no other choice.
• I am responsible for cleaning the table;
• I have no option but to attend the conference;
• I am unable to decline that duty.
• I can't help myself. It is my responsibility to supervise the interns.I can’t avoid it.


9.1.1 Task 1
Obligation can be asked. Here are some questions of asking whether you or others have an obligation to
do or not. In pairs, try to respond these questions. Use various modals and phrases to build your answers.

1. Are you expected to finish the job by tomorrow?

2. Must you work so hard?
3. Must I accept the request?
4. I don’t have to attend the meeting, do I?
5. Do I have to do it now?
6. Do I need to leave her a message?
7. Do you have to get to the office so early?

Chapter 9 Expression of Obligation 49

8. Is it necessary for me to go with them?
9. Was it necessary that anyone else endorsed her decisions?
10. Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?

8.1.2 Task 2
Tell your friend about your daily obligations below. Explain as many as possible obligation. Your friend
may ask /clarify your answers.

1. As a student

I must prepare my class project as least one day before it dues.




2. As a friend
3. As a brother / sister
4. As a good citizen
5. As a religious believer
6. As a taxpayer

Chapter 9 Expression of Obligation 50



Chapter 10

10.1 Use the Interview

You may have heard of someone doing an interview on television. Or maybe when you have had an
interview or interview to apply for a job. So what is an interview?

An interview is a question-and-answer activity orally to obtain information. The information collected

can be written down or captured in audio, visual, or audio-visual format. In observational studies, the
major activity is interviews. Interviews can be direct or indirect. (Taufiq and Mandarani 2017) Direct
interviews are carried out by meeting directly with people who have the information needed, while
indirect interviews are carried out by meeting other people who are deemed to be able to provide
information about the condition of the person whose data is needed. The exchange of information and
ideas through question and answer is intended to form meaning in a particular topic. Interviews are used
in research to overcome the weaknesses of the observation method in data collection. Information from
informants can be studied more deeply by providing interpretations of situations and phenomena that

Figure 10.1: “Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions? I do.”

The types of interviews can be divided into the following:

1. Free interview

Free interview is an interview activity where the questions are not prepared beforehand. This type of
interview is also known as an unstructured interview.

2. Guided interview

Chapter 10 Interviews 46

Guided interview is an interview in which the questions have been prepared beforehand. This type of
interview is known as a structured interview.

3. Individual Interview

An interview conducted by an interview with a single source.

4. Conference interview

Conference interview is an interview conducted by an interviewer with a number of respondents or an

interview conducted by a number of interviewers with a respondent.

5. Open interview

This type of interview has unlimited questions (unbound) answers. Usually questions will require
explanations and opinions.

6. Closed interview

Closed interviews are interviews that have limited questions. Usually this interview has prepared a
question sheet (questionnaire) with answers that have been prepared to be chosen. Interview Purpose

The purpose of the interview is to get data from first hand (primary), so that the data obtained will be
more accurate. Interviews are different from regular conversations. Interview is one way to carry out an
assessment that has several characteristics, those are:

a. Have clear goals and objectives.

b. The interviewer is responsible for directing the interaction and selecting the content talks.
c. There are no reciprocal questions between the interviewer and the client.
d. The interviewer's behavior is planned and regulated.
e. Usually the interviewer is required to accept the client's request for an activity
f. interview even in some situations (school, home, office). For things certain children and parents are
required to come to conduct interviews.
g. The interviewer is required to provide continuous attention during interaction occurs.
h. Interviews are formally planned in a meeting.
i. Unpleasant facts and feelings need not be avoided.

Here are some basic questions in interview and how to answer them

1. Please introduce yourself briefly

After entering the room and shaking hands, the interview will usually begin with this question. As
simple as it sounds, many people fail to prepare themselves to answer this question.

Just briefly describe yourself. No need to explain at length about all work experience let alone personal
history. Describe your current position and then describe your background and relevant previous


My name is Dono. I’ve been working as a translator at the independent translation company, Merdeka,
for 2 years. My responsibilities are translating some document like book, novel, articles, websites and
many academic documents. I also work in editing the online banners, advertisements, and brochures that

Chapter 10 Interviews 47

inform or persuade our consumers. I’ve always been interested in translation, specifically in Indonesia-
English which I studied in college.”

2. What are your strengths?

This question wants to know your positive qualities. These positive qualities have to do with what they
are looking for or need.

So, before the interview, do some research on the sorts of individuals that are suited for the position,
especially if you are a newcomer. Consider this question as a chance to promote yourself. You must
promote yourself because you are the product. It's important to note that stating a few adjectives isn't

Some examples:

Using “I'm good at…”

I'm good at operating computer.

I'm good at multitasking.

I'm good at working under pressure.

Using “I'm skilled at…”

I'm skilled at handling customers.

I'm skilled at using Photoshop.

I'm skilled at analyzing data.

Using “My strength is…”

My strength is my ability to communicate well.

My strength is my versatility.

Or using free descriptive answer like this one

As a translator, I believe it is critical to maintain objectivity. It may be quite difficult, but one of my best
assets is my ability to maintain my composure and not let the pressure get to me, which allows me to
complete all of my objectives while remaining focused..

3. What are your weaknesses?

Everyone has weaknesses, but what the interviewers here want to know is how you've worked to
improve on those weaknesses and they also want to know how well you know yourself.

The trick is to turn weaknesses into positive qualities.


Your weakness is that you spend too much time on tasks, which causes you to work more slowly. By
speaking, you may turn that flaw into a strength.

Chapter 10 Interviews 48

Because I care about doing things perfect, I am sometimes slower than others in finishing assignments.
To ensure that documents and files are accurate, I will double-check or even triple-check them.

Figure 10.2: “What is your greatest weakness?”

Another strategy is to talk about your flaws and some of the strategies you utilized to overcome them.

I've devised a time-management system that allows me to list all of my responsibilities and organize my
deadlines so that I know exactly what I need to complete.

4. Tell us about your education

They want to know all you've learnt about the work thus far. Training and additional education, for
example. You do not need to describe schooling beyond elementary school; just the essentials are

Degree: a degree obtained after 3-4 years of study at a university or high school.

Diploma: vocational education qualification (eg, 1 year) from academies/ universities/ polytechnics.

Certificate: a certificate that you participate in the course.

Remember, bring all the necessary documents as the interviewer may need evidence!

If they say, “Tell us about your scholastic record”, it means they want to know the grade you received.

5. Where/ what do you envision yourself in five years?

Through these questions, they want to know what your objectives are. Again, this is about work, not
personal life. So, if having a family is one of your ambitions, don't bring it up. Answer carefully; you
want to give the sense of ambition, but not so much ambition that the interviewer perceives you as a

You can say, for sxamples:

“By then I will have…” or “I would have liked to…”

Improved my skills

Created more of a name for myself in the industry (better known for what you do).

Become more independent in what I do and productive (do more).

Chapter 10 Interviews 49

Enhanced my knowledge

Achieved a higher position

Become a team leader


9.1.1 Task 1
Learn to answer these questions by providing each clue.

1. Tell me about yourself.

a. Name and nickname
b. School
c. Previous activities
2. What are your hobbies?
a. Names of hobbies
b. Describe:
c. How often
d. Alone/with group of people
3. Who is your idol?
a. Name of your idol
b. Profession and other identities:
c. Why you like him/her.

d. How does he/she inspire you

4. What do you want to be in the next 5 years
a. Profession / accomplishment
b. Describe
c. How

9.1.2 Task 2
In pairs, try to answer these questions.

1. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

Chapter 10 Interviews 50

o ............................................................................................................................................
o ............................................................................................................................................................
o ............................................................................................................................................................
2. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
3. Tell me about a time you failed.
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
4. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
5. What are you passionate about?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
6. What are your greatest strengths?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
8. What makes you unique?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
9. What motivates you?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
10. Why should we hire you?
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................
o ...........................................................................................................................................................

Bagaiamna ini

Chapter 11
Short Presentations

11.1 Use The Short Presentations

Presentation in English is an important thing to master. Here's everything you need to know about
proper presentation.

In the world of work, business, lectures, and so on, sometimes it requires us to make presentations in
English. Whether it is a test or exam, or when meeting a foreign client who doesn't speak Bahasa
Indonesia. Inevitably, we have to present our products in English, because as we know, English is an
international language used by almost all nations in the world. The question is, have you prepared
yourself for a presentation in English?

Here, we are going to learn how to make some short presentations. There are some tips before making
presentation in English. The most important thing before a presentation is preparation. What needs to be

The first is the presentation material. Like before going to war, we must first prepare ammunition and
weapons. What material will you present? Make sure the material is well prepared. If you are going to
deliver material on how to grow hydroponics, then collect material about hydroponics, master the
material and make the word webbing.

Word webbing is a method of teaching students how to think creatively with a chart and improve the
growth of their drafts and ideas. It's frequently used to arrange such thoughts and facts about a subject.
Word webbing is a concept in which students write on a piece of chart paper at the same time, sketching
core concepts, supporting elements, and bridges that illustrate the relationship between ideas in a notion.
(Taufiq 2016; Taufiq and Mandarani 2017)

Chapter 11 Short presentations 52

Figure 11.1: This is the picture of how making the word webbing

Students use the word webbing technique to make a circle in the centre of a piece of paper and put the
book's title in it. Because students must first organize their major concepts, the word webbing approach
is superior to others. By putting the paragraph title in the centre and then having the key concepts sprout
off the circle in the middle, the word webbing approach may also be utilized to break down a textbook
chapter. Its goal is to make it easier for us to recall the content of the presentation.

The second preparation, namely practice. Especially if you are presenting in English. There is a vocab
that you must master related to presentation material. For example, you are going to make a presentation
about shipping. Then the vocabulary about ships, seas, and so on should already be in your head. In
addition, good and formal grammar is also needed in presentations. Practicing before a presentation can
also increase self-confidence or self-confidence.

Figure 11.2: “Practice makes perfect.”

The third preparation is the appearance before the presentation. Make sure you give your best
appearance during the presentation. Sleep and eat enough so that the body looks fit, and prepare the best

Chapter 11 Short presentations 53

clothes for the presentation so that we look attractive and the audience does not get bored when they see
us perform.

During the Presentation

During the presentation, what should you do? Do the best you can. But before that, have you created a
presentation structure? If not, let's make a list of rundowns a good presentation. At the very least, these
points should be in your presentation:

1. Greet the audience

Making self to audience will help you build a relationship with your audience right away. This doesn't
have to be long or detailed. Introduce yourself to the audience and explain who you are and what your
relevant expertise is, before you begin your presentation. It enables you to succinctly describe your area
of expertise and why you should be heard. This will assist the audience trust you and believe you are
credible by establishing your ethos.

It is customary to begin with a cordial greeting and an introduction. Everyone in the crowd will be
curious about your identity. Your name and work title, or why you are an expert on your field, should be
included in your introduction. The greater the audience's faith in you, the more they will pay attention.

Look at these examples:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon. I'd want to take a moment to introduce myself. I am
[name] from [company or position].

I'd like to greet you now on behalf of [business name]. My name is [name], and I work at [job title or
background] for those of you who are unfamiliar with me.

2. Introduction of the presentation

In the introduction, you must define the topic and objective of your presentation while simultaneously
gaining the audience's attention and trust. It's sometimes helpful to think of your introduction as funnel-
shaped to help narrow down your topic.

Here, you must make your core topic or purpose obvious to your audience. Do you want your audience
to behave following your presentation? Is it a topic that everyone is interested in (or should be interested

Look at these examples:

• Today I want to share with you about…

• I’d like to discuss…
• My goal today is to help you understand…
• I will present my findings on…
• I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about…

Chapter 11 Short presentations 54

Figure 11.3: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

3. Capture Audiences’ Attention

There are at least three ways to open a presentation, those are by:

a. asking a question

Asking a question in opening a presentation can be used to attract audience.


• Since we are in a very important meeting, if I may ask you a question. Do you have a handphone in
your pocket? Is it on? Or is it silent mode? The technology really influence our live…..
• How many times do you check your screen in a day, an hour or maybe a minute?

b. telling a fact

Telling a fact can be varied from something that familiar to audience or the one that not many people
know about it. It may attract the audience to know more.


• You know, the number of Hungry People Worldwide is 3 times the total Population of Indonesia.
• Since 1912, Muhammadiyah has more than 10,000 schools ranging from pre-school to high school,
104 hospitals, when at the same time the Indonesian government has only 48 vertical hospitals. These
assets and all others are worth more than 300 trillion rupiah. Indeed, this amount is enough to pay the
cost of moving the Indonesian capital city.

c. telling a story

Connect with the Stories, the same way to start a story to a child, an adult version of Once upon a time.
The same like you meet someone new in a meeting or presentation.


• A few weeks ago, as some of you might heard, Ust. Abdul Shomad, one of popular Islamic scholars in
Indonesia, had a chance to give a speech in University of Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. He said how he
really admires kh. Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, who did not build his own legacy,
instead made the tracks and trains where many locomotives run up to now.

Chapter 11 Short presentations 55

• I have several young men recently, and I admit that it is kind of challenging, to start an argument about
how important to preserve the forests and nature in Indonesia especially for today’s generation.

4. The main body of your talk

This is the core of your presentation, while the other sessions are the support for the success of this core
session. So, make sure a few things when conveying the content of the material, namely: convey
convincingly, don't speak in a hurry, catch your breath and adjust the tone of speech, you can also
improvise if an audience is sleepy, make eye contact with the audience, and you can prepare small notes.
if necessary.

Depending on the nature of your presentation, the majority of your presentation needs to follow through
on the promises you made at the start. Clearly separate the many topics you'll be covering and then go
over them one by one. Everything must be organized rationally so that the viewer can grasp everything.

There are several methods to organize your major ideas, such by priority, subject, chronological order,
and so on.

• Use transitions: First, I will explain to you about ….. Then, I will explain why …… is so important for
us. Finally, you will know how to ……
• Use words that show reason, contrast, or result: because ….., since ……, but, however, although, in
addition, therefore, accordingly.
• Use examples: the examples are ….., the only example of this species is ….., We will see how many
examples we will show you but look at the pictures first.

5. Conclusion

Your presentation will usually have a specific objective in mind, such as converting a certain number of
audience members into customers, generating a certain number of enquiries, teaching people on specific
key issues, or inspiring them toward a shared goal. Therefore, the end of most presentations is
underdeveloped and meaningless, which is sad because it is the best place to emphasize your arguments.

Whatever your objective, make sure to summarize your major arguments and their consequences. This
emphasizes your reason for being there and defines the general objective of your lecture.

• In conclusion….
• In short….
• In summary….
• So the points are….
• To conclude….
• To sum up….

And closing

• Thank you for your attention.

• Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be beneficial for all of us.


Task 1

Chapter 11 Short presentations 56

Make a short presentation using one of these topics.

1. Cognitive skills improvement with video games.

2. Free Internet access in the world.
3. Health care system improvements.
4. Internet safety insurance for kids.
5. The most important Hindu Gods.
6. The top modern female world leaders.
7. The ways to fight poverty in the world.

Task 2.

Give feedback to your friends’ presentation based on:

1. Topic:

2. The way they make introduction


3. How they capture the attention


4. Delivering the main body of the speech


5. Making the conclusion


Chapter 11 Short presentations 57

Press., Cambridge University. n.d. “Dictionary "Upcycling:” Cambridge University Press. Retrieved

Sutikno, M. S. 2009. Belajar Dan Pembelajaran “Upaya Kreatif Dalam Mewujudkan Pembelajaran
Yang Berhasil.” Bandung: Prospect.

Taufiq, W. 2015. “Teaching English Using Social Media for the First Year of University Students.” in
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, UMSIDA. Sidoarjo.

Taufiq, W. 2016. “A Case Study of An ESL Student Learning English in an English.” Speaking
Country, Jurnal Pedagogia Issn 5(2):2089–3833.

Taufiq, W. 2018. Advanced English Grammar for EFL Learners. Sidoarjo: UMSIDA PRESS.

Taufiq, W., and V. Mandarani. 2017. Let’s Learn English Progressively. Sidoarjo: UMSIDA PRESS.

Chapter 11 Short presentations 58

About the Authors:

ahyu Taufiq is an English Teacher at English Education Study Program

of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. He received master Degrees in
TESOL and Education in Information Technology in Education and
training from University of Wollongong Australia. Since 2012, he has
been teaching various subjects related to English subjects at the Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Sidoarjo. Instead of teaching, he is continuously doing research on
English and Education, as well as making some books and several
articles related to English Education and Information Technology in
Education and training since 2015. At the same time, Wahyu also
becomes the speaker in some seminars and workshops related to these fields.

Dian Novita was born in Sidoarjo on November 1, 1981. She graduated

with a bachelor's degree in English Education Study Program,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang in 2003. In 2011, she completed a
master's degree in Language and Literature Education Study Program,
Universitas Negeri Surabaya. She is an English Language Education
Program teaching staff of Faculty of Psychology and Education at
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Also, she is a student
of Doctoral Study Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. She is
available in diannovita1@umsida.ac.id.

Chapter 11 Short presentations 59


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