Opthermo e
Opthermo e
Opthermo e
Raman Scattering
A light pulse injected at one end of an Injection Light Fiber-Optic Sensor
optical fiber is subjected to scattering Source Back-Scattered Light
due to temperature gradients as it travels Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature
along the fiber. CPU
Smart Grid Application Sensing System
Raman scattering describes the light scattering
Scattered Light Spectrum Ecology & Environment
phenomenon, and consists of Stokes and Anti-stokes light components.
The Raman scattered light is reflected to the photo detector as illustrated above.
Rayleigh Light
Fire Detection
Scattering Intensity
Since the speed of pulse propagation in the fiber is constant, the location where Anti-Stokes
Light Stokes Light
the scattering occurs can be determined by measuring the time between the
pulse injection and the detection of Raman scattering.
This provides precise detection of temperature variations. λαs λο
λο‐Δλ λο+Δλ’
Fiber-Optic Sensor Specifications (JPS's standard) J-Power Systems Corp. is a joint venture between Sumitomo Electric and
Type Non-metallic Built-in stainless steel tube Built-in stainless steel tube w / PE Sheath Protection steel tube w / PVC Sheath Hitachi Cable. This combined expertise has lead to the ongoing manufacture
Spairal Steel Tube
Optical Fiber
of OPTHERMO fiber-optic sensing technologies since 1989.
Optical Fiber Optical Fiber
Strength Tension
Member Kevlar
Structure 2
Optical Fibers
Stainless Steel Tube Stainless braid
FR : PE Stainless Steel Tube FR-PVC
FR : Flame Retardant PE FR : Flame Retardant
PE : Polyethylene PE : Polyethylene PVC : Polyvinyl chloride
-20~75°C (standard) /
Temperature -20~70°C (continuous)
Range -200~60°C (for low-temp.) / -20~75°C (standard) -20~75°C (standard)
150°C or less (for short time)
-20~300°C (for high-temp.)
●Power cable temperature monitoring ●LNG plant LNG leakage ●Power cable temperature monitoring
●Tunnel fire monitoring ●Sulfur piping temperature monitoring (buried cable) ●Cable rack temperature monitoring
●Factory equipment temperature ●Dam structural concrete temperature ●Cable rack temperature monitoring ●Coal conveyer fire detection etc.
monitoring etc. monitoring etc. ●Tunnel fire monitoring etc.
Toyoura Works
4-10-1 Kawajiri-cho, Hitachi-City, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1411 Japan
Tel: +81-294-42-5918 Fax: +81-294-42-8456 Printed on paper made with wood from
forest thinning. “Morino Chonai-Kai”
URL.http://www.jpowers.co.jp/english/ (Forest Neighborhood Association)
-Supporting sound forest management.
E-mail:opthermo@ml.jpowers.co.jp (2011.4)
Features Application
Conventional Temperature Sensor Power Cable / Power Facilities Fire Detection / Disaster Measures
► Power cable temperature monitoring ► Common Utility Tunnel management
Temperature Sensor ► Tunnel/conduit for power cable monitoring ► Coal Belt-conveyor temperature management and fire detection
Fiber-Optic Sensor ► Dynamic Cable Rating System (DRS) ► Cable tray or pit temperature
to estimate conductor temperature mangement
for management of transmission
capacity Estimated Conductor
Data Logger
Cable Surface
By laying one optical fiber provides, a 30km Every temperature sensor must be wired to data logger.
Simple temperature profile can be measured at 1m intervals. Therefore, system configuration is complicated
System configuration is simpler than conventional styles. in case of multi-monitoring. Load
Low Cost Initial cost and maintenance costs are lower Initial cost and maintenance costs are high
(in case of multi-monitoring). (in case of multi-monitoring).
Long Lifetime Sensor Lifetime > 30 years (*) Sensor Lifetime : 10 to 15 years
Fiber-Optic Sensor
(*) under normal temperature conditions.
Withstands Harsh
Applicable in explosive environments and
within strong electromagnetic fields.
Not applicable under strong electromagnetic fields.
Expensive box required in explosive areas. Data Center / Server Room Plant Facilities Management
Easy ► Server room temperature monitoring to prevent excess cooling ► LNG Tank leak detection/heat control system
Install just one light weight sensor cable. Wiring work is necessary for each sensor installed.
Installation ► Air conditioning system monitoring using ► Steel plant facilities (smelting furnace, steam pipeline) monitoring
temperature feedback control ► Bus duct temperature monitoring
to detect contact errors
LNG Tank Monitoring Software
System Components
Alarm Output Tank
Data Logger
Cable Surface
By laying one optical fiber provides, a 30km Every temperature sensor must be wired to data logger.
Simple temperature profile can be measured at 1m intervals. Therefore, system configuration is complicated
System configuration is simpler than conventional styles. in case of multi-monitoring. Load
Low Cost Initial cost and maintenance costs are lower Initial cost and maintenance costs are high
(in case of multi-monitoring). (in case of multi-monitoring).
Long Lifetime Sensor Lifetime > 30 years (*) Sensor Lifetime : 10 to 15 years
Fiber-Optic Sensor
(*) under normal temperature conditions.
Withstands Harsh
Applicable in explosive environments and
within strong electromagnetic fields.
Not applicable under strong electromagnetic fields.
Expensive box required in explosive areas. Data Center / Server Room Plant Facilities Management
Easy ► Server room temperature monitoring to prevent excess cooling ► LNG Tank leak detection/heat control system
Install just one light weight sensor cable. Wiring work is necessary for each sensor installed.
Installation ► Air conditioning system monitoring using ► Steel plant facilities (smelting furnace, steam pipeline) monitoring
temperature feedback control ► Bus duct temperature monitoring
to detect contact errors
LNG Tank Monitoring Software
System Components
Alarm Output Tank
Scattering Intensity
Since the speed of pulse propagation in the fiber is constant, the location where Anti-Stokes
Light Stokes Light
the scattering occurs can be determined by measuring the time between the
pulse injection and the detection of Raman scattering.
This provides precise detection of temperature variations. λαs λο
λο‐Δλ λο+Δλ’
Fiber-Optic Sensor Specifications (JPS's standard) J-Power Systems Corp. is a joint venture between Sumitomo Electric and
Type Non-metallic Built-in stainless steel tube Built-in stainless steel tube w / PE Sheath Protection steel tube w / PVC Sheath Hitachi Cable. This combined expertise has lead to the ongoing manufacture
Spairal Steel Tube
Optical Fiber
of OPTHERMO fiber-optic sensing technologies since 1989.
Optical Fiber Optical Fiber
Strength Tension
Member Kevlar
Structure 2
Optical Fibers
Stainless Steel Tube Stainless braid
FR : PE Stainless Steel Tube FR-PVC
FR : Flame Retardant PE FR : Flame Retardant
PE : Polyethylene PE : Polyethylene PVC : Polyvinyl chloride
-20~75°C (standard) /
Temperature -20~70°C (continuous)
Range -200~60°C (for low-temp.) / -20~75°C (standard) -20~75°C (standard)
150°C or less (for short time)
-20~300°C (for high-temp.)
●Power cable temperature monitoring ●LNG plant LNG leakage ●Power cable temperature monitoring
●Tunnel fire monitoring ●Sulfur piping temperature monitoring (buried cable) ●Cable rack temperature monitoring
●Factory equipment temperature ●Dam structural concrete temperature ●Cable rack temperature monitoring ●Coal conveyer fire detection etc.
monitoring etc. monitoring etc. ●Tunnel fire monitoring etc.
Toyoura Works
4-10-1 Kawajiri-cho, Hitachi-City, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1411 Japan
Tel: +81-294-42-5918 Fax: +81-294-42-8456 Printed on paper made with wood from
forest thinning. “Morino Chonai-Kai”
URL.http://www.jpowers.co.jp/english/ (Forest Neighborhood Association)
-Supporting sound forest management.
E-mail:opthermo@ml.jpowers.co.jp (2011.4)