MTPDF4 Exact and Non-Exact Differential Equations
MTPDF4 Exact and Non-Exact Differential Equations
MTPDF4 Exact and Non-Exact Differential Equations
Solution to 1
Order and
st 1 st
Degree Differential
MPS Department | FEU Institute of Technology
Differential Equations
Exact Differential
MPS Department | FEU Institute of Technology
dx dx
has the solutions
d ( x 2 + xy 2 ) = C
x 2 + xy 2 = C
The DE
M ( x , y ) + N ( x , y ) y ' = 0 M ( x , y ) + N ( x , y ) dy = 0
Hence ,
h ( y ) = h ' ( y ) dy
M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0
2. (3x2-2xy+2)dx + (6y2-x2+3)dy = 0
is exact since My=-2x=Nx
Non-Exact Differential
MPS Department | FEU Institute of Technology
μ(x,y)M(x,y)dx + μ(x,y)N(x,y)dy=0
is exact.
For each item, determine whether or not the given
functions μ(x,y) are intgrating factors to the given DEs
1. x3y3+x(1+y2)y'=0; μ(x,y)=1/xy3
2. y + (2x-yey)y'=0; μ(x,y)=xy2
3. (x+2)sin y + (x cos y) y' = 0 ; μ(x,y)=xex
4. ( sin y − 2e sin x) + ( cos y + 2e cos x ) y ' = 0; ( x, y ) = ye
y y
Let μ(x,y) be an integrating factor to (1). Now
μ(x,y)M(x,y)dx + μ(x,y)N(x,y)dy = 0 is exact if and only if
is a function of x only, say Q(x), then
= Q ( x) ( x) = e
Q ( x ) dx
M −N
One can also confirm that y x
strictly a function of y, say
Q(y), then
( y) = e Q ( y ) dy
is a function in terms of
( x) = e
x ( −2only.
/ x ) dx Hence.
= 1/ x2
is an integrating
Solve the differential equation
(x2-y2-4y-5)dx + 2x(x+y+2)dy=0