VAT Procedure in Maharashtra
VAT Procedure in Maharashtra
VAT Procedure in Maharashtra
A) Documents :
1 Certified true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company.( in case of a com
( also the Certifcate of the Registration is required. In case of a PUBLIC Company- CERTIFICATE OF
3 self attested copies each of PAN card copy - self attested - of all the Properietor/Partners/Directors a
attested by the Properietor/Partners/Directors
4 Self-attested copies each of Proof of address and ID - of the authorized signatory - License is NOT ALL
in case of the Ration Card in the name of the Parents - NOC shall submitted. also a NOC from the La
5 self-attested copies each of two Proofs of place of business (for an owner, the case of Doing Business)
Proof of ownership of premises viz. copy of property card or ownership deed or agreement with the b
Copy of the Leave and License Agreement - plus the Society maintenance Receipt and the Light bill O
be in the name of the Builder,.
6 Cancelled Cheque and also the photocopy of the latest bank statement
7 TWO recent passport size photograph of the applicant. ( All the Properietor/Partners/Directors and t
8 Chalan in Form No. 210 (original) showing payment of registration fee at INR 5025/in case of volunta
9 One DD of Rs. 5025 /- and One Of Rs. 25000/- drawn on NATIONALIZED BANKS ONLY -
Drawn in favor of '' STATE BANK OF INDIA A/C MVAT '' , payable at NASHIK
10 Profession Tax number of all the Properietor/Partners/Directors and the Company.( in case of the co
11 If the profession tax number is not yet taken then apply for the PT number and attach the photocopy o
12 Letter of Authority in Form no. 105 for appointing the Authorized signatory ( see the attachemen
13 Letter of Authority in favor of the consultant in Form no. 708 and From no. 709
14 On the letter head of the Company - resolution of appointing Authorized signatory to act in this regar
16 All the above documents shall be presented in ORIGINAL at the time of the verification in fr
B) Procedure
2 On filling all the information and uploading the form online take the print out of the form and
have that copy signed by the person named in that form.
3 Along with that form an acknowledgment for MVAT and CST registration shall be taken on the appoi
4 All the documents in Original and self attested photocopy shall also be taken.
5 On verification of the documents and photosign in front of the concerned STO, STO allots the TIN num
6 After the 24hours , log in to the and register the TIN number to activate the account.
7 The copy of the " E-Service Acknowledgment " generated on the activation of the account shall be take
for Physical copy of the Certificate of Registration - MVAT and CST.
8 Copy of Power of Attorney in Form 708 and 709 shall also be taken alongwith the " E-Service Acknow
9 After the generation of the TIN by the concerned STO , the Profession Tax Officer will allot the PT cert
( in that certificate - the amount payable by the assessee is indicated which should be paid within the d
in the PT certificate itself.)
/ PT Registration
mpany.( in case of the company its PTRC- form-2A and PTEC-Form 2B)
d attach the photocopy of the PT application counter with the Form 101.
[See rule 16(1) and (2)]
I/We the undersigned engaged in the business and liable to pay the tax under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax
Act, 2002, do hereby declare / declare in super cession of the previous declaration of the said concern that the person /
persons mentioned herein below shall be deemed to be the Manager of the said businesses at
for the purpose of the said Act, and he / they shall at all times comply with the provisions of the said Act and the rules
made there under. The necessary details are as under.
For items at serial numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 if more than one person has been declared to be the
Manager of said business, the above particulars should be entered in a separate sheet which
should be attached to this form duly signed and dated by the applicant.
Date___________________________________Status ________________________
(c) a firm, by the partners having a total share of not less than 50 per cent.
(d) a private limited company, by all its directors or where there are no directors by the authorised
(e) a public limited company or co-operative society, by the managing agent or where there are no
managing agents, by the managing director or the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Secretary.
(h) a business run by a guardian or trustee or otherwise on behalf of another person, by the guardian, trustee,
or the person managing the business.
e of Maharashtra
FORM 709
(See rule 75)
holding a Registration Certificate No. _____________ dated _______ hereby appoint Shri
before _________ (state the Sales Tax Authority) in the proceedings _________ (describe the
proceedings) before the said ___________________ ( state the Sales Tax Authority) and to
proceedings and to take all necessary steps in the said proceedings. The said Shri.
I agree/the said _______________ agrees upon to ratify all acts done by said Shri
**State here the name of the dealer as entered in the Certificate of Registration.
***Strike out whichever is not applicable.
(a) *I am a Legal Practitioner duly enrolled with the Bar Council of Maharashtra Holding
Membership No. __________ .
Accountants of India.
(c) *A cost Accountant duly enrolled with Institute of Cost Accountants of India holding Roll
No. _________
(d) *A Sales Tax Practitioner duly enrolled with the Commissioner of Sales Tax holding Roll
No. __________
BACK Address of the Dealer
FORM 708
(See rule 75)
Authority for person who is a relative or a person regularly employed under Section 82 of the
Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002.
husband, father, brother or sister) /a person, who is on my/our regular employment and
whose monthly salary is being debited in the Books of Accounts (strike out whichever is not
said ______________________ [State the Sales Tax Authority) and to produce accounts and
document issued in connection with the said proceedings and to take all necessary steps in
hereby authorised to act on my behalf/behalf of the said __________ in the said proceedings. I
agree/the said _______________ agrees to rectify all acts done by said Shri
*State here status such as Proprietor, Partner, Director, Manager, Secretary or Officer-in-
**State here the name of the dealer as entered in the Certificate of Registration.
Name ( or letterhead) of the Landlord
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,