Shrinkage Properties of HPC Using Granite Powder As Fine Aggregate
Shrinkage Properties of HPC Using Granite Powder As Fine Aggregate
Shrinkage Properties of HPC Using Granite Powder As Fine Aggregate
Shrinkage Properties of HPC using Granite Powder as Fine Aggregate
construction. One of the major drawbacks of admixtures in specimens and drying shrinkage characteristics were
HPC, particularly under change of climate conditions is the performed at 32oC and 38oC curing temperatures with 0.35
development of plastic and drying shrinkage cracks, water-to-binder (w/b) ratio for 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days.
particularly if the concrete is not inadequately cured. The Plastic and drying shrinkage of conventional concrete were
effects of expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent on also evaluated for comparison purposes.
the reduction of shrinkage show that Ultra HPC is
experiencing very small drying shrinkage while extremely II. MATERIALS USED
high autogenous shrinkage. In addition, the composition with
5% of expansive additive and 1% of shrinkage reducing agent A. Cement
is seen to reduce significantly the autogenous shrinkage (8). The cement used in this study was ordinary Portland cement
(OPC) of 43-grade, purchased from one of the cement
Table 1 companies in Chennai. This cement is the most commonly
Properties of M60 Concrete (at 90 days of curing, 32oC used one in the construction in Chennai. It was dry, powdery
water ponding and 0.35 w/c) and free of lumps. Stored the cement away from exterior
walls, off damp floors, and stacked close together to reduce
Conc Compres Split Modulus Flexural air circulation.
rete sive Tensile of strength
Mix Strength Strength Elasticity (MPa) B. Silica fume
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa) The silica fume used in this study was in powder form,
CC 63 4.23 41 5.12 purchased from ELCOM Pvt. Ltd. at Hyderabad, which
GP25 70 4.68 43 5.87 contain 95% SiO2, 0.39% CaO, 0.21% MgO, 0.11% K2O,
0.15% Na2O, 0.13% Al2O3), 40% Fe2O3. Condensed silica
Plastic shrinkage cracks often appear within the first 3 hr to 36 fume is considered (7.5% as a replacement of cement) as the
hr after casting of large surface area concrete members (8). most efficient microfiller for high performance concrete. Its
Moreover, plastic shrinkage is an inherent property of all two fold effects are reduction of w/c ratio and increase of
concrete and is potentially one of the most severe problems strength of hardened concrete. .
facing the concrete industry. Plastic shrinkage cracks can C. Fly ash
severely compromise structural integrity and durability and
Fly ash (Type F) from the Ennoor thermal power plant
the consequences are often not known until late in structures
life (Kulkarni and Prakash, 2008). For this reason, concrete Chennai, India was used. 10% fly ash was considered in the
mixes should be proportioned such that minimal plastic present study as a replacement of cement. It is a fine, glass
shrinkage occurs. Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete powder recovered from the gases of burning coal during the
occurs within the first 3 hr to 36 hr after casting of large production of electricity. The major elemental constituents of
surface area concrete members (9) and before it attains any fly ash are Si, Al, Fe, Ca, C, Mg, K, Na, S, Ti, P, and Mn.
significant strength, it results in an unsightly and non uniform D. Slag
appearance on the concrete surface (1). Controlling the plastic
shrinkage cracking may lead to increase mechanical Ground granulated blast furnace slag supplied by the
properties and imaginative qualities of concrete structures. Andhra Cements, Visakhapatnam India was used. In the
Plastic shrinkage cracks are caused by a rapid loss of water present study, 10% slag was considered along with other
from the surface of concrete before it has set. The critical admixtures as a replacement of cement. Components of slag
condition exists when the rate of evaporation of surface include the oxides of silicon, aluminum, and magnesium as
moisture exceeds the rate at which rising bleed water can well as sulfur, which is always present. Slag also contains
replace it. If the concrete surface has started to set and has phosphorous, calcium ash, remnants of flux materials such as
developed sufficient tensile strength to resists the tensile limestone, and remainders of chemical reactions between the
forces, cracks do not form, because cracking occurs if the metal and the furnace lining.
tensile stresses are greater than tensile strength of the E. Superplasticiser
concrete. If the surface dries very rapidly, the concrete may In order to improve the workability of high strength
still be plastic, and cracks do not develop at that time, but at concrete a sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde
the time plastic cracks will surely form as soon as the concrete condensates based superplasticiser was used in this
stiffens a little more. Conditions that high evaporation rates investigation. Superplasticiser was added 1% replacement of
from the concrete surface, and thereby increase the possibility cement according to producer’s prescription. With higher
of plastic shrinkage cracking, include, wind velocity in excess dosage some delay in hydration and hardening may occur
of 5 mph, low relative humidity and high ambient together with apparent early setting of the fresh mix.
temperatures. Shrinkage and creep have a significant impact
on the performance of concrete structures. They cause F. Fine aggregates
deflections and affect the stress distribution in reinforced In the present study, the concrete mixes were prepared
concrete structure and within concrete elements. Plastic using river sand and granite powder. Granite powder is
shrinkage cracks can lead to the development of larger cracks obtained from the nearby crusher units in Chennai. Fineness
as drying shrinkage occurs. Controlling plastic shrinkage and modulus and specific gravity of the granite powder are 2.43
drying shrinkage cracking in concrete is essential in the and 2.58 respectively. Locally available river sand was also
development of more durable and longer lasting structure (1). adopted to prepare reference mix for comparison purpose. Its
Consequently, development of crack, plastic shrinkage range is size from less than 0.25 mm to 6.3 mm. Fineness
measurements were carried out for 24hrs after casting the modulus and specific gravity of the sand are 2.33 and 2.63
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-3, February 2013
respectively. Sieve analysis was carried out for the sand and Table IV Details of Concrete Mix
granite powder at different sieve sizes and the results are
presented in
Table II. It is shown that the amount of fine particles present
in granite powder is considerably higher when compared to
the river sand.
Table II
Sieve Analysis Results of Fine Aggregates
Sl.No Sieve Size Percentage
Passing B. Specimen preparation
1 4.75mm 98 100
The granite powder was collected from different crusher
2 2.36mm 96 98
units and its properties were tested. The aggregates were
3 1.18mm 78 93
soaked in part of the mixing water for about 5 minutes, prior
4 600µm 51 62 to the start of the mixing operations. Coarse aggregate was
5 300µm 26 47 placed in the drum first and batch water was increased to
6 150µm 7 26 account for the adsorption of the aggregates during rotation.
G. Coarse aggregates After mixing for 10 to 15 seconds, the fine aggregates with
correct proportions was introduced and mixed in for the
Ordinary blue metal was used as a coarse aggregate in period of 15 to 20 seconds.
concrete. Sieve analysis of the course aggregates was done This was followed by the final 20% of the water and all the
and percentages passing at different sieves are furnished in cement were added with fly ash, silica fume and slag, which
Table III. were mixed in until a total mixing time of 60 seconds was
Table III achieved. The superplasticiser was added 30s after all the
Sieve Analysis Results of Coarse Aggregates other materials during the mixing. The specimens were
finished smooth after giving sufficient compaction both
Sl.No Sieve Size (mm) Percentage Passing
through table vibrator and hand compaction.
1 25 100
After 1 day the demoulded specimens were cured by water
2 20 98 ponding at water temperature of 32oC (±2oC) and 38oC (±2oC)
(different climates). Specimens were prepared with water to
3 16 87 cementitious materials ratio of 0.35. Different batches were
4 12.5 64 adopted for 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days 56 days and 90
days of ages to find drying shrinkage strains. The dimensions
5 10 26 and the number of specimens used for the present study are
6 6.3 03 listed in Table V.
Table V
7 4.75 00 Details of Test Specimens
Shrinkage Properties of HPC using Granite Powder as Fine Aggregate
32oC (±2oC) and 38oC (±2oC) along with the mould. The
moment all the specimens were transferred to the open
atmosphere the time was reckoned. During this time, plastic 120
of crack as compared to admixture concrete, GP0 and 0.16
conventional concrete, CC both for 32oC (±2oC) and 38oC 0.14
(±2oC) open atmospheres. The percentage decrease in 0.12
maximum length of crack for the combination of admixtures 0.1
with granite powder concrete is 14.44% and 16.67% 0.08
respectively for 32oC and 38oC as compared to conventional 0.06
concrete. The significant decrement in the length of crack is 0.04
due to the characteristic of admixtures and granite powder 0.02
combination. From the figures, it is also shown that the 0
maximum length of cracks increased with the increase of open CC GP0 GP25
atmosphere temperatures for all the mixes. In case of GP25, Concrete Mix
the maximum length of crack is 6mm higher when atmosphere
temperature is increased from 32oC to 38oC. This is due to the Fig. 3 Maximum Width of Crack at 24 hrs (32 oC)
higher evaporation rate from the concrete surfaces.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-3, February 2013
0.2 100
Maximum Width of Crack (mm) 0.18 90
Fig. 4 Maximum Width of Crack at 24 hrs (38 oC) Fig. 6 Total Number of Cracks at 24 hrs (38 oC)
Similar to maximum length of crack the width of crack also The data presented in the figures indicate that the plastic
increases with increase in open atmospheres temperatures. In shrinkage increased with the increase of period of exposure to
case of GP25, the maximum width of crack is 18.2% higher the curing temperatures at 32oC and 38oC. It can be seen from
when atmosphere temperature is increased from 32oC to 38oC. the figures that the plastic shrinkage strain in the admixtures
This is due to rapid loss of water from the concrete surfaces concrete (GP0 and GP25) specimens was more than that in the
before it has set. conventional concrete (CC). The increase in plastic shrinkage
strain of GP25 up to about 900 min of casting is about 638 µm
C. Total number of cracks and 630 µm respectively for 32oC and 38oC curing
Total number of cracks is presented in the figures 5 and 6. It temperatures. After about 900 min of casting, the plastic
can seen from the Fig.5 and Fig.6 that the concrete produced shrinkage strain in the conventional concrete (CC) specimens
from the combination of admixtures with granite powder are 282 µm and 275 µm respectively for 32oC and 38oC
concrete, GP25 show lesser number of cracks as compared to curing temperatures.
admixture concrete, GP0 and conventional concrete, CC both
for 32oC (±2oC) and 38oC (±2oC) open atmospheres. The
percentage decrease in maximum length of crack for the 700
Shrinkage Strain (µm)
Total Number of Cracks
Shrinkage Strain (µm)
600 GP0
500 GP25
400 CC
Concrete Mix 100
Fig. 5 Total Number of Cracks at 24 hrs (32 oC) 0
0 200 400 600 800
2. Plastic shrinkage strain
Time After Casting (Minutes)
Fig.7 and Fig.8 are a typical presentation of the plastic
shrinkage strain of different concrete mixtures GP0, GP25 Fig. 8 Variation of Plastic Shrinkage in 1x1m with Days of
and CC in the large (1 x 1 m) specimen. Curing at 38oC Water Ponding
Shrinkage Properties of HPC using Granite Powder as Fine Aggregate
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-3, February 2013
Dr. T. Felixkala, Professor and HoD,
Department of Civil Engg,
Dr.M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute
University, Chennai-95, was graduated in BE
in Civil Engineering from Bharathiyar
University Coimbatore in the year 1994 and
subsequently completed her post graduate
studies in Structural Engineering in the
Department of Civil Engineering, from SRM
Engg college, Madras University, Chennai in the year 2001. In the year
2011, she has completed her Doctoral Degree from Sathyabama
University, Chennai. Her research and field of interest is concrete
technology and she has published 4 research papers in International
Journal and 1 research paper in National Journal and presented 8
National and International Conferences. She has 16 years of experience
in teaching field. She has been organized various Symposium,
Seminar, Workshop and Conferences both International and National
level. She has received best teacher award for various subjects and at
present about 8 research scholars are doing their Ph.D program under
her valuable guidance. She is a life member of MIET and ICI. She has
applied for funded projects to various funded agencies and research
organizations like TNST, DST, IGCAR.