Batt Charger
Batt Charger
Batt Charger
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• Reliability – provided by the thyristors-
based 6-pulse rectifier, designed to
operate at 50°C
• Maintainability – The embedded DC
output isolator switch and the front-
access to internal components allow
most frequent maintenance in safe
• Serviceability – By choosing the front Application
panel LED indicators option which • Power transmission and distribution
provides a detailed view of the charger • Continuous process industries
status and alarms, the user can quickly • Petrochemical and chemical
and efficiently identify the fault status industries
and take appropriate actions to fix it. • Water and wastewater industries
• Flexibility – A wide choice of output
voltages and three pack of options make
Range Overview
the T&Dys compliant with most utilities’
technical specifications The Chloride® T&Dys range of
rectifiers-chargers is available from
• Parallel-ability–T&Dys is parallel- ready 25A to 100A in three-phase input
and can operate in dual configurations
with common or separated batteries.
The T&Dys rectifier-charger features a
• Input transformer to ensure isolation
between the Mains and the connected
microprocessor control which offers
load. exceptional stability and allows
adaptability for different utilities
• IP41 Ingress protection as standard requirements
• Multilingual digital graphic display with In order to improve load availability
embedded event log and process reliability, the T&Dys
• Remote monitoring capabilities via rectifier- charger is able to operate in
Modbus protocol and volt-free dual configuration.
• Full compatibility with lead-acid and
nickel-cadmium batteries, sealed or
Rectifier / Battery charger
25A to 150A (3-ph Input)
IEC 60146 – IEC 60439 - IEC 60726 –IEC 61000-6-2 IEC +/- 1% in float mode, input within tolerance
Compliance Voltage stability
61000-6-4 – IEC 62040 (-1, -2, -3) +/-1.5% for parallel rectifiers
Low voltage directive: 2006/95/EC Voltage ripple 1% RMS, in float, battery connected
Conformity EMC directive: 2004/108/EC
CE Mark Current Limitation I nominal
Characteristic UI according to DIN 41773
1x analogue ammeter – Output Current Lead Acid or Nickel Cadmium vented or
Pack 1 Type
1x analogue voltmeter – Output Voltage recombination
Front panel indicator (12 LEDs) Battery current limitation* (typical, 0.1 C (Lead Acid battery)
Pack 2
Serial Modbus connection float & charge modes) 0.2 C (Nickel Cadmium battery)
Pack 3 Anti-condensation heater Battery current limitation* (typical, 0.2C (Nickel Cadmium battery)
Other Options DC earth fault monitoring boost mode) 0.05C (Lead acid battery)
MONITORING Rectifier input Circuit breaker
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