Engineering Manual: 38VMR072-336 Outdoor Unit For Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System
Engineering Manual: 38VMR072-336 Outdoor Unit For Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System
Engineering Manual: 38VMR072-336 Outdoor Unit For Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System
Engineering Manual
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 17-38VMR001-03 Printed in U.S.A. Form 38VMR-1ED Pg 1 08-17 Replaces: NEW
I. Heat Recovery Basic Information
1. Specifications
a. 38VMA***RDS(L)5-1
*1 Rated per AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute) 1230 Standard.
Cooling: Indoor 80°F db/67°F wb; Outdoor 95°F db
Heating: Indoor 70°F db; Outdoor 47°F db/43°F wb
Details on foundation work, duct work, insulation work, electrical wiring, power source switch, and other items shall be
referred to the Installation Manual.
*2 ESP can vary by menu settings from 0in.WG (Default), 0.08 in. WG, 0.16 in. WG to 0.24 in. WG
*3 These values, measured in anechoic chamber, are normally somewhat higher as a result of actual ambient conditions.
*4 Refer to section I.3, Combination Ratio Restrictions.
Table 2 - Table Data
Model Name 38VMA120RDS5-1 38VMA144RDL5-1
Power Source V-Ph-Hz 208/230-3-60
Capacity Cooling*1 Btu/h 120,000 144,000
Capacity Heating*1 Btu/h 126,000 160,000
*1 Rated per AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute) 1230 Standard.
Cooling: Indoor 80°F db/67°F wb; Outdoor 95°F db
Heating: Indoor 70°F db; Outdoor 47°F db/43°F wb
Details on foundation work, duct work, insulation work, electrical wiring, power source switch, and other items shall be
referred to the Installation Manual.
*2 ESP can vary by menu settings from 0in.WG (Default), 0.08 in. WG, 0.16 in. WG to 0.24 in. WG
*3 These values, measured in anechoic chamber, are normally somewhat higher as a result of actual ambient conditions.
*4 Refer to section I.3, Combination Ratio Restrictions.