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Self-Appraisal - Our Code Our Standards

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Self Appraisal - Our Code Our Standards.

Education Council New Zealand / Matatū Aotearoa. (2017). Our code our standards: Code of professional responsibility and standards for the teaching
profession: Ngā tikanga matatika ngā paerewa: Ngā tikanga matatika mō te haepapa ngaiotanga me ngā paerewa mō te umanga whakaakoranga.

Standard 1 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
18/02/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership (PPE, course assessments,
Demonstrate commitment to tangata 20/04/2022 course content, practical
whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi experiences, AT/VT reports,
partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand. other practical experience)

Elaborations: Competent Accomplished PPE3b AT Intro to Ed Assessment Gain a greater

Understand and recognise the unique This is something I This was the main purpose “Lauren has a strong Marae Visit - Pepeha Art understanding of significant
status of tangata whenua in Aotearoa understand and recognise of my stewardship and knowledge of Tikanga and PPE1 - Reading Lessons Māori places and people in
New Zealand. but needs to be integrated sustainability unit plan Te Reo, she is passionate PPE1 - Art Lessons my own community.
confidently in my around equitable futures for about the inclusion of Reo Te reo Lab
placements this year. Māori. I was very passionate and promoting the Histories Enriching the Curriculum I have done a fair bit of
about this unit and was so curriculum through her TCDC Notes research into the battle of
Competent proud of the way the ākonga inquiries. She has a strong TCDC Assessment 2 Pukehinahina (Gate Pā), the
I was more culturally engaged within this inquiry. understanding of Te Tiriti Rumaki Unit GLFL story of Mauao, Taurikura
responsive and integrated The outworking of this unit and its impacts on teaching Rongoā Unit and touched on the
teachings that respected was one of many ways I have and education and reflects PPE3b VT / AT Report Mataatua Waka along with
and acknowledged Māori as shown commitment to well on how she can best S&S A1 / S&S A2 increasing my knowledge
Māori. tangata whenuatanga and support Maori learners in and understanding of
(See TCDC Task on PPE3a) Te Tiriti o Waitangi. our space.” Rongoa but would like to
(Forlong, 2022) add to this kete.

Understand and acknowledge the Competent Accomplished My work within TCDC Intro to Ed Assessment Finding ways to show
histories, heritages, languages and I have grown to understand Same as above with within the immersion Marae Visit - Pepeha Art partnership to Te Tiriti o
cultures of partners to Te Tiriti o a lot about Maori history development through the experience, my assessment Enriching the Curriculum Waitangi. Taumata was
Waitangi. while at BTI and although I sustainability unit plan, for TCDC, and my recent TCDC Notes engaging with a local
acknowledge this at a through Te Wiki o Te Reo placement showed that I Explorations Assessment 2 curriculum (Tūtapakoko,
competent level I am excited Māori activities, and have developed a lot in this Te reo Lab Ngāti Ranginui), which was a
to acknowledge this by through use of te reo. area with greater TCDC Assessment 2 fantastic example of
being more culturally Te Tiriti o Waitangi is also knowledge around teaching Rumaki Unit GLFL partnership. They also
responsive this year. greatly encouraged Māori as Māori and Rongoā Unit consistently engage in
throughout Taumata which implementing te ao and te PPE3b VT / AT Report opportunities like pōwhiri,
Competent made it easier to be reo Māori. I have grown a S&S A1 / S&S A2 matariki, hui’s, and
This was developed through acknowledged through real passion in this area and celebrations that show
integration of topics around planning, teaching, and strive to deepen my respect and inclusion of
NZ Natives and teachings interaction around the kura. knowledge and their local iwi and
around tikanga understanding of te ao community. I would like to
(see science unit and lab Māori. explore ways in which I
plan). could acknowledge that
same sort of partnership
within my teaching.

Practise and develop the use of te reo Competent Competent PPE3a VT Mihimihi/Pepeha slides I have been looking at
and tikanga Māori. Integrated use. Room to I would not feel Pepeha Reflection different te reo courses
expand on vocabulary and accomplished until I am near “Lauren uses te reo Maori Te reo Lab although they all have come
to use it confidently within fluent in te reo. This would for class commands and is Marae Visit - Pepeha Art at times where I have had no
the classroom. be my ultimate goal as I have increasingly using te reo Enriching the Curriculum time to spare. I know finding
a passion for learning the Maori during lessons when PPE2 VT Report / AT Report time will always be a
Competent language. I have definitely giving basic instructions. PPE1 VT Report / AT Report challenge and so enrolling in
Use of te reo let me down on grown in this area practising She has enjoyed getting to PPE3a VT / AT Report the likes of Te Wānanga o
this placement. Use of a phrase a week and know the students and PPE3b VT / AT Report Raukawa next July may be
tikanga was prominent replacing small words with finding out about their PPE1 Role / Greetings something I just make time
within lessons that explicitly the te reo translation. cultures and their PPE2 Portfolio 3 for. I would like to explore
taught tikanga but could be backgrounds, both through TCDC Assessment 2 sentence structure more so
more integrated into all writing and through Rumaki Unit GLFL I would aim at a level 2
areas. developing relationships S&S A1 / S&S A2 course. Until then it is
(see PPE3a portfolio task with them. “ constant and intentional
use of te reo) (Reed, 2022) integration of new kupu.

Standard 2 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
18/02/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Professional Learning (PPE, course assessments,
Use inquiry, collaborative problem 20/04/2022 course content, practical
solving and professional learning to experiences, AT/VT reports,
improve professional capability to other practical experience)
impact on the learning and
achievement of all learners.

Elaborations: Accomplished Accomplished PPE3a VT Teaching as Inquiry Reference to literature. This

Inquire into and reflect on the Inquiring into my practice is I would say my teachable “Lauren has a good PPE2 Portfolio 3 can often be missed out
effectiveness of practice in an ongoing something I find is disposition is likely my most understanding of how to use PPE2 Portfolio 4 when in the busy-ness of
way, using evidence from a range of important and a strength prominent strength as I the teacher inquiry model to PPE2 VT Report / AT Report planning and teaching but is
sources. that I bring to teaching. I strive to be my best not just enhance her practice. She PPE1 VT Report / AT Report something I need to
utilise a range of sources for myself but for those thoughtfully reflects on her PPE3a VT / AT Report implement more when
such as peers, literature, around me. I seek feedback teaching and will adapt PPE3b VT / AT Report examining myself, my
education documents and and new learning with an future lessons accordingly” PPE1 Planning students, and my practice.
websites. open and accepting heart (Reed, 2022) TasSL Assessment 2
and mind. PPE3b AT TasP Assessment / Report
Accomplished I enjoy utilising practices like Lauren is a highly reflective CRT Portfolios
My AT recognised my TAI or other reflective person, she thinks deeply PPE3b Planning
teachable disposition as I cycles as I find writing things about what needs to be PPE3b Feedback/Obs
sought feedback and down is very beneficial to taught and how best to
evaluated and reflected on how I then approach further achieve those goals as well
all lessons and interactions teaching and learning in line as reflecting on how each
through such models as TAI. with literature, NZ lesson went and what she
From this I was able to be a documents, and other feels she could adapt for
more responsive and learning coaches ideas and next time. She has listened
effective teacher. opinions. to all feedback given by a
range of learning coaches in
our space and acted on it
(Forlong, 2022)
Critically examine how my own Competent Accomplished During this PPE3a I was able Worldview assignment I find I reflect and act on
assumptions and beliefs, including This is where looking at My self awareness and to be more responsive to Diversity Assessment 1 things better if I write them
cultural beliefs, impact on practice and dispositions within inquiry openness to learning about students as I was more Diversity Assessment 2 down so in my evaluations it
the achievement of learners with will help. I need to be more and understanding others self-aware and aware of Human Lifespan 1 may help adding in that
different abilities and needs, culturally responsive. means that I am constantly those around me and their TCDC Assessment 1 child's needs, abilities,
backgrounds, genders, identities, reflecting on how I best can differences. Compassionate Teacher 1 culture etc., so I can then
languages and cultures Accomplished respond to my learners. As (See TCDC Task or Explorations Assessment 2 plan with those notes in
Through my teacher's talk I an example I had a child with responsive and reflective TasSL Assessment 2 mind.
was able to do this and feel I dyslexia in my class on planning on PPE3a) TCDC Assessment 2
came to a good conclusion. PPE3b and because I have TasP Assessment / Report
Although I feel done research into dyslexia I PPE3b AT Citizenship Assessment 1
accomplished in this area I had a better understanding “Lauren engages with the Citizenship Assessment 2
know that it is ongoing and of how I could help her. A children at their level,
there will always be student with ASD I did not seeking their feedback on
dispositions that I need to have as much knowledge how they think things could
critically examine and about but was open to work and adapting her ideas
reflect on. learning and understanding to suit them.”
how I could best support (Forlong, 2022)
him with his learning.

Engage in professional learning and Competent Accomplished (See planning on PPE3a) Teaching as Inquiry I look forward to any PD in
adaptively apply this learning in I have a teachable I love PD! Any opportunity TasP Assessment / Report the future.
practice. disposition where I am to learn something new I am PPE3b AT TCDC Assessment 1
eager to engage in learning. I there. “Lauren has attended all Enriching the Curriculum
am more than happy to take e-asTTle writing was meetings (both staff and Compassionate Teacher 2
on ideas and advice for my something that I have learnt team), has asked for PPE2 VT Report / AT Report
practice. before but it was beneficial professional readings to PPE1 VT Report / AT Report
to see and hear others ideas support her learning - PPE3a VT / AT Report
Accomplished and opinions on it which I especially around TasP Assessment / Report
I was responsive with my then took and applied to my structured literacy and PPE3b VT / AT Report
planning and relationships own e-asTTle writing DMIC.
within the classroom samples. (Forlong, 2022)
through evaluation and
reflection of models such as

Be informed by research and Competent Accomplished See planning and critical Compassionate Teacher 1
innovations related to: content I inform my inquiries and I enjoyed learning about and incidents on PPE3a. Compassionate Teacher 2
disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for practice from research and informing my practice with Diversity Assessment 1
diverse learners, including learners with evidence based practices. the iDeaL structure literacy See planning (reading and Diversity Assessment 2
disabilities and learning support needs; My practice and planning platform as well as DMIC. maths) for PPE3b. Citizenship Assessment 1
and wider education matters. could likely show this better. iDeaL structured literacy in Citizenship Assessment 2
particular is a platform that PPE3b AT Human Lifespan 2
Accomplished is informed by research and “Lauren has attended all Teaching as Inquiry
I was responsive with my is a practice I enjoyed meetings (both staff and TCDC Assessment 1
planning and relationships engaging with. It is an team), has asked for TasP Assessment 1
within the classroom approach that supports all professional readings to PPE2 VT Report / AT Report
through evaluation and learners . support her learning - PPE1 VT Report / AT Report
reflection of models such as DMIC proved challenging to especially around PPE3a VT / AT Report
TAI. my slow processing mind as structured literacy and PPE3b VT / AT Report
This was also something I had to think and question DMIC.
noted by my VT in her ‘in the moment’ ideas rather (Forlong, 2022)
observations around a child than pre planning. I did love
who had ADHD and from the opportunity for both my
this I was able to be more students and I to learn how
responsive to his needs as to articulate and
well. communicate our thoughts.

Seek and respond to feedback from Accomplished Accomplished AT Report: PPE2 VT Report / AT Report I know I will continue to
learners, colleagues and other I appreciate feedback and This placement (PPE3b) has “Lauren has continually PPE1 VT Report / AT Report seek and respond to
education professionals, and engage in believe I do seek and been so beneficial to seeking reflected on her teaching PPE3a VT / AT Report feedback frequently
collaborative problem solving and respond to feedback very and responding to feedback practice. She has reflected PPE3b VT / AT Report throughout my teaching.
learning focused collegial discussions. well. as I have had the on each of her lessons and Critical Friend Feedback
opportunity to observe, made adjustments where Academic Support
Accomplished learn, gather ideas and necessary. Lauren has been Assessment Feedback Y1
I regularly sought feedback opinions from such a range forthcoming in asking for Assessment Feedback Y2
from my AT, VT, and of kaiako due to being in a feedback and has taken this AT Feedback
students and sought out collaborative and innovative on. In order to receive some CBL Feedback
ways forward with my environment. I also got the formal feedback from the
practice. opportunity to spend time in students Lauren created a
other learning hubs and talk form asking for their
to their kaiako and ākonga. comments on her teaching.”
(Swanepoel, 2022)

Standard 3 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
15/07/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Professional Relationships (PPE, course assessments,
Establish and maintain professional 20/04/2022 course content, practical
relationships and behaviours focused experiences, AT/VT reports,
on the learning and wellbeing of each other practical experience)

Elaborations: Competent - Accomplished Accomplished AT Report: PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Further

Engage in reciprocal, collaborative Relationships with students I am generally quite “Lauren has been active in PPE2 VT Report / AT Report
learning-focused relationships with: and staff has been a big area reserved and shy but with building effective PPE3a VT / AT Report
– learners, families and whānau of focus over the past two confidence I am able to step relationships with not only PPE3b VT / AT Report
– teaching colleagues, support staff and years and one that seems to out of my comfort zone and the teachers within the Yr Compassionate Teacher 1
other professionals shine on PPE. I have not had engage professionally with 7/8 department but also in Compassionate Teacher 2
– agencies, groups and individuals in the the opportunity to others. This is generally other areas. She has been
community communicate with whānau reciprocal, collaborative, proactive in working with
so this will be a focus. and learning focussed due to the Science staff to develop
my open and gracious her unit on Rongoa Maori.”
disposition. (Swanepoel, 2022)

Communicate effectively with others. Competent Competent - Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Backing my thoughts and
My communication is I saw growth in this area on “Lauren always behaved in a PPE2 VT Report / AT Report ideas.
something I have focussed my recent placement as I professional and positive PPE3a VT / AT Report Working on how I articulate
on and am striving to was more confident, clear, manner with students and PPE3b VT / AT Report and express my thoughts
develop. Especially clear and and expressive with my colleagues. Unfortunately, TasP Assessment / Report (word games?).
reciprocal communication. voice. My AT and VT noticed there were not many Compassionate Teacher 1
PPE3a VT that I do need to back myself opportunities for her to Compassionate Teacher 2
“She has developed her though as I have good ideas communicate with parents
teacher voice, and works to but am not always confident and whānau; however, the
ensure the well-being and in these ideas. I think it also times that she did
security of students in the comes back to not knowing communicate with them she
class. “ how to articulate or express did so in a clear and
(Reed, 2022) my thoughts well and so I confident manner.”
hesitate. (Forlong, 2022)
Actively contribute, and work Accomplished Accomplished PPE3a VT Compassionate Teacher 1 Showing leadership. This
collegially, in the pursuit of improving I feel I take a lot of I had a lot more “Lauren contributes to the Compassionate Teacher 2 would depend on the kaiako
my own and organisational practice, responsibility in my teaching responsibility in the classroom through Diversity Assessment 1 around me to find where I fit
showing leadership, particularly in and strive to improve my classroom on PPE3b which I developing ideas for Diversity Assessment 2 in or what strength is
areas of responsibility practice constantly. I show really enjoyed. teaching, and has taken the Citizenship Assessment 1 needed in that space but I
leadership in this area. It was also great being in initiative to work alongside Citizenship Assessment 2 would love to step up in
such a collaborative other staff to enhance her Human Lifespan 2 either hauora/wellbeing and
environment where it was lessons” Teaching as Inquiry practices that align with this,
so easy to bounce ideas off (Reed, 2022) TCDC Assessment 1 culturally responsive
one another or if you were TasP Assessment 1 practices including Te Tiriti o
unsure of something you PPE2 VT Report / AT Report Waitangi, or sustainability
would mention it in passing PPE1 VT Report / AT Report practices.
and they would have a PPE3a VT / AT Report
constructive idea or word of PPE3b VT / AT Report

Communicate clear and accurate Competent Accomplished See student profiles which PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Communicating assessment
assessment for learning and Engaging in assessments has This was outworked during show observations on two PPE2 VT Report / AT Report for learning with whānau.
achievement information. been something I have preparation for learner led students and the gathering PPE3a VT / AT Report
slowly developed in but feel hui’s. I really enjoyed going of information for their PPE3b VT / AT Report
I need to continue to engage through books with learning hui’s. TasP Assessment / Report
in this area. Communicating students and exploring PA&E Assessment 1
assessment for learning together what they are PA&E Assessment 2
with whānau will be proud of, what they have
something that needs focus. learnt, or what they have
improved on.

Standard 4 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
18/02/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Learning Focused Culture (PPE, course assessments,
Develop a culture that is focused on 20/04/2022 course content, practical
learning, and is characterised by experiences, AT/VT reports,
respect, inclusion, empathy, other practical experience)
collaboration and safety.

Elaborations: Competent Accomplished PPE3a VT PPE2 VT Report / AT Report Looking at my conversations

Develop learning-focused I am able to create learning I was working on a sense of “Lauren responds wisely to PPE1 VT Report / AT Report with learners, what are they
relationships with learners, enabling -focussed relationships with shared ownership in students’ nuances during PPE3a VT / AT Report encouraging or inspiring?
them to be active participants in the the disposition and passion I learning, creating learning lessons, to ensure she PPE3b VT / AT Report
process of learning, sharing ownership have around relationships that was more reciprocal maintains a Teaching as Inquiry
and responsibility for learning. and learning although this where learners are active learning-focused culture.” PPE2 Portfolio 4
still has space to develop. participants in the process. I (Reed, 2022) TasP Assessment 1
feel this was accomplished TCDC Assessment 1
Accomplished through planning that took Integration of learner led
I found with year eights this on their ideas and hui’s school wide also
was easier to do as they did understandings. The brought in a strong sense of
have more ownership and interactive slideshows were ownership and
responsibility for their great at developing this as it responsibility of learning.
learning and the made them a part of
relationships I had were discussion and showed them
learning-focused. their voice mattered.

Foster trust, respect and cooperation Competent Accomplished AT Report: Compassionate Teacher 2
with and among learners so that they I would almost say My last goal was to create a Explorations Assessment 2
experience an environment in which it accomplished as the more cooperative and “She has developed a PPE2 VT Report / AT Report
is safe to take risks. relationships I build are collaborative environment positive relationship with PPE1 VT Report / AT Report
inline with this although which was naturally the students both PPE3a VT / AT Report
with PBM development this developed in an ILE but I felt individually and as a class.” PPE3b VT / AT Report
will grow. I also encouraged this as a (Swanepoel, 2022) PPE2 Portfolio 3
kaiako through feedback I PPE2 Portfolio 4
Accomplished gave and the values I
My relationships with encouraged amongst
students have always been learners.
positive and gracious.

Demonstrate high expectations for the Developing Accomplished My TasP Assessment / TasP Assessment 1 With my own class it will be
learning outcomes of all learners, My expectations are not This was a prominent goal Report also showed my lack Diversity Assessment 1 great to create something
including for those learners with confident as I am not clear for me and I felt I did a lot of high expectations. I have Diversity Assessment 2 like a class treaty or an
disabilities or learning support needs. with what I expect. This better at this. I set and stuck improved but still have room Lessons with Differentiation agreement that sets
needs work. to expectations that were to develop. TasP Assessment / Report expectations of one another
already in place within the PPE3b AT PPE2 VT Report / AT Report at the beginning of the year
Competent hub and kura but also stuck Lauren has high PPE1 VT Report / AT Report so this can be referred to
I am becoming more fair but to my own expectations of expectations of the learners PPE3a VT / AT Report and reflected on.
firm with my approach but learners. in her whānau and groups. PPE3b VT / AT Report
still need to demonstrate She sets clear boundaries
high expectations and stick and makes sure that
to what I expect. everyone knows the tasks
they need to complete.
(Forlong, 2022)

Manage the learning setting to ensure Developing Competent - Accomplished AT Report: Compassionate Teacher 1 Implementing my own
access to learning for all and to My PBM is something that I PPE3b AT “She is able to use a range of Compassionate Teacher 2 management structures
maximise learners’ physical, social, need to continually work on “She is working on ensuring effective behaviour Diversity Assessment 1 such as noise levels and an
cultural and emotional safety this year. that she ‘roams the room’ management strategies and Diversity Assessment 2 expectation agreement. I
between groups to ensure is beginning to develop her Explorations Assessment 2 would be interested to hear
Competent that all learners are staying own.” PPE2 Portfolio 3 what other kaiako already
I was able to manage the on task even when she is (Swanepoel, 2022) PPE2 Portfolio 4 have in place as well so I can
learning setting well actively teaching small PPE3a VT PPE2 VT Report / AT Report align with similar structures
although for the well being groups. At times it was “Lauren continues to PPE1 VT Report / AT Report and routines.
of my students I know that difficult to ensure that all develop a firmness in her PPE3a VT / AT Report
this still has room for children remained on task manner, and implements PPE3b VT / AT Report
growth. but Lauren was always open behaviour management TasP Assessment / Report
to feedback and actively strategies from her
reflected on her lessons and ever-growing kete.”
what she could change.” (Reed, 2022)
(Forlong, 2022)

Create an environment where learners Developing Accomplished During PPE3b I was able to Lessons with Differentiation Taking into account
can be confident in their identities, Being culturally responsive What was really neat was be more responsive to TCDC Assessment 1 students' cultures,
languages, cultures and abilities. and giving opportunities to that although I outworked a students as I was more Classroom Environment - identities, and abilities when
all to express themselves is unit on Māori, students felt self-aware and aware of PPE2 Portfolio 3 planning. Even utilising
something I need to work on safe and accepted in an those around me and their PPE2 VT Report / AT Report students strengths in day to
this year. Weird since my environment where they differences. PPE1 VT Report / AT Report day tasks and finding
passionate creed is exactly could be themselves and (See TCDC Task or PPE3a VT / AT Report opportunities where
that - Something I want but began to feel encouraged to responsive and reflective PPE3b VT / AT Report students can use those
something I am still speak about their own planning on PPE3a) Citizenship Assessment 2 strengths.
developing in creating. cultures. I loved giving Compassionate Teacher 2
opportunities through the See my stewardship and Explorations Assessment 2
Competent questions I asked that would sustainability unit plan and Human Lifespan 2
This was a big development give them space to make the reflections.
in this placement as I was connections to their own
able to be responsive to the culture and to others.
needs of my students
(culturally, learning, abilities,
additional learning needs).

Develop an environment where the Competent Accomplished PPE3a VT Compassionate Teacher 1 Showing value to and
diversity and uniqueness of all learners This would follow on from Same as above. “Lauren has a calm, positive Compassionate Teacher 2 celebrating differences!
are accepted and valued. the above although I feel all manner with ākonga which Teaching as Inquiry
do feel valued and accepted is evident during her Citizenship Assessment 1
by the relational lessons. She is respected by Citizenship Assessment 2
environment that I foster. the students and is inclusive Diversity Assessment 1
of those requiring additional Diversity Assessment 2
Accomplished learning support.” Explorations Assessment 2
This was a big development (Reed, 2022) Human Lifespan 2
in this placement as I was PPE2 Portfolio 4
able to be responsive to the TCDC Assessment 1
needs of my students
(culturally, learning, abilities,
additional learning needs).

Meet relevant regulatory, statutory I meet current professional I meet current professional N/A First Aid Certificate
and professional requirements. requirements. requirements. Water Safety Certificate
RAMS form for CBL
Police Vetting Forms
Letter of Ethics TasP
PPE2 VT Report / AT Report
PPE1 VT Report / AT Report
PPE3a VT / AT Report
PPE3b VT / AT Report

Standard 5 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
15/07/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Design for Learning (PPE, course assessments,
Design learning based on curriculum course content, practical
and pedagogical knowledge, experiences, AT/VT reports,
assessment information and an other practical experience)
understanding of each learner’s
strengths, interests, needs, identities,
languages and cultures.

Elaborations: Competent Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Expand on content

Select teaching approaches, resources, My content knowledge will Due to my organised and “Laurens planning was PPE2 VT Report / AT Report knowledge -
and learning and assessment activities develop more with time and structured personality I like incredibly detailed and PPE3a VT / AT Report Explore and implement
based on a thorough knowledge of exploration but I have been to follow next steps or a thorough. She had a wide PPE3b VT / AT Report different teaching
curriculum content, pedagogy, able to implement various guideline such as our NZ variety of lessons and PPE 3a Planning Portfolio approaches, resources, and
progressions in learning and the teaching approaches, documents. I select learning activities planned as well as PPE2 Portfolio 2 learning and assessment
learners. resources, and learning and based on what students using the ideas already put Diversity Assessment 1 activities.
assessment activities know, who they are, what in place by myself and my Diversity Assessment 2
throughout my PPE’s. they are learning and what teaching partners. She was Explorations Assessment 1
they need to learn. I believe I able to actively adapt many Explorations Assessment 2
am very responsive to this resources and change PA&E Assessment 1
and select approaches, direction in conversations PA&E Assessment 2
resources, and assessment when she saw that things PPE3b Planning
based on my knowledge and were going a different way
understanding. to what she had planned.”
(Forlong, 2022)

Gather, analyse and use appropriate Competent Competent - Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Teaching from the beginning
assessment information, identifying My previous placement was I enjoyed engaging in “Lauren kept detailed notes PPE2 VT Report / AT Report to the end (hopefully) will
progress and needs of learners to great for exploring literacy and maths on all of her lessons with PPE3a VT / AT Report give me a lot more
design clear next steps in learning and assessment further inline assessments. From the reflections on which PPE3b VT / AT Report opportunity to get involved
to identify additional supports or with students' needs and literacy assessments I did children excelled and who PPE 3a Planning Portfolio with assessment and how
adaptations that may be required. their next steps. not get to explore next steps she thought needed more PPE2 Portfolio 2 this impacts my design for
AT Report: but it was great to observe support. She marked work Diversity Assessment 1 learning.
“Because of this she needed the e-asTTle maths consistently and gave good Diversity Assessment 2
to be responsive to the assessment and see what I feedback to both the PA&E Assessment 1
needs of the students - may need to focus on within children and myself. She PA&E Assessment 2
something that often geometry (shape) which took the opportunity to PPE3b Planning
happens on the spot. She tended to link back to mark some Easttle writing
used access to Google parallel lines and symmetry. samples and moderated
classroom well to identify I found it very helpful these with mine. Lauren also
the needs of students, knowing what areas to focus completed some Stage 1
particularly within her more on in terms of Ideal Platform phonics
reading groups.” students' understanding and assessments.”
(Swanepoel, 2022) their learning goals. (Forlong, 2022)

Design and plan culturally responsive, Competent Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Further integration of te ao
evidence-based approaches that I really enjoyed growing in I was so excited to outwork “Lauren has a strong PPE2 VT Report / AT Report and te reo Māori into all
reflect the local community and Te becoming more culturally my sustainability unit plan knowledge of Tikanga and PPE3a VT / AT Report areas.
Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in New responsive this last PPE and to do with equitable Māori Te Reo, she is passionate PPE3b VT / AT Report
Zealand. implementing learning such futures. I was nervous it was about the inclusion of Reo Science unit and Lab plan
as the rongoā unit. going to go above my and promoting the Histories TCDC Notes
AT Report: students' heads but they curriculum through her TCDC Assessment 2
“Her ronoga unit was a made me so proud with how inquiries. She has a strong Rumaki Unit GLFL
highlight for the class. I was they connected it to their understanding of Te Tiriti Intro to Ed Assessment
really impressed with the own lives, their and its impacts on teaching Citizenship Assessment 1
way she worked with the understanding of the Treaty and education and reflects Citizenship Assessment 2
Science department in the and the unfair acts that have well on how she can best Explorations Assessment 2
development of these happened, and the way they support Maori learners in Te reo Lab
lessons.” engaged with what they our space.” S&S A1 / S&S A2
(Swanepoel, 2022) could do about it. (Forlong, 2022)

Harness the rich capital that learners Competent Competent When I first introduced my PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Integration of all cultures
bring by providing culturally Same as above Lessons that have been sustainability unit students PPE2 VT Report / AT Report within my classroom.
responsive and engaging contexts for culturally responsive have showed enthusiasm and PPE3a VT / AT Report
learners. been largely focussed on passion for exploring and PPE3b VT / AT Report
Māori and Te Tiriti o sharing their own cultures. I Science unit and Lab plan
Waitangi and so I would love wanted to give them that TCDC Notes
to explore cultures of those opportunity too. If I were to TCDC Assessment 2
who are in my class and stay on next term this would Rumaki Unit GLFL
create an environment that have been something I Intro to Ed Assessment
celebrates who they are and would have liked to do an Citizenship Assessment 1
what they bring to the inquiry on or let them Citizenship Assessment 2
classroom. outwork through something Explorations Assessment 2
like ko wai ahau artwork.
Design learning that is informed by Accomplished Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Continue to refer to
national policies and priorities. Documents such as the In addition to the NZ “Lauren has attended all PPE2 VT Report / AT Report national policies when
NZC, TKI, and MoE documents I have informed meetings (both staff and PPE3a VT / AT Report planning, evaluating, and
resources such as effective my planning and teaching team), has asked for PPE3b VT / AT Report reflecting.
literacy practices inform all with iDeal and DMIC professional readings to PPE2 Portfolio 2
of my planning and design. research through reading support her learning - Intro to Ed Assessment
literature around this and especially around CT 2 (PB4L/Positive
implementing their structured literacy and Behaviour)
structure and practices. DMIC. Diversity Assessment 1
(Forlong, 2022) Diversity Assessment 2

Standard 6 Initial self-appraisal Final self-appraisal How do I know? What evidence can I Plan of action to enable
15/07/2022 03/10/2022 provide? growth.
Teaching (PPE, course assessments,
Teach and respond to learners in a course content, practical
knowledgeable and adaptive way to experiences, AT/VT reports,
progress their learning at an other practical experience)
appropriate depth and pace.

Elaborations: Competent Accomplished PPE3b AT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report A focus on excellence for all
Teach in ways that ensure all learners I am able to monitor PPE3b AT “Lauren was very responsive PPE2 VT Report / AT Report - Showing that I believe they
are making sufficient progress, and students' learning, assess “Lauren kept detailed notes to all learners that she PPE3a VT / AT Report can do better and not be
monitor the extent and pace of their needs and respond to on all of her lessons with encountered. She worked PPE3b VT / AT Report ‘too nice’, e.g. giving
learning, focusing on equity and them. reflections on which hard to ensure she touched PPE 3a Planning Portfolio feedback that will support
excellence for all. PPE3a VT children excelled and who base with all children during PPE2 Portfolio 2 them in excellence, not just
“Lauren plans thoroughly she thought needed more every session to ensure they Compassionate Teacher 1 accept what they have done.
and is gaining greater support. She marked work fully understood the tasks Compassionate Teacher 2
confidence to differentiate consistently and gave good set for them and to support Diversity Assessment 1
learning to cater for varying feedback to both the them when they needed it.” Diversity Assessment 2
student needs” children and myself” (Forlong, 2022) S&S A2
(Reed, 2022) (Forlong, 2022)

Specifically support the educational Competent Accomplished AT Report: PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Integration of te ao and te
aspirations for Māori learners, taking I really enjoyed growing in Within my whānau group I “Her ronoga unit was a PPE2 VT Report / AT Report reo Māori into all areas.
shared responsibility for these learners becoming more culturally did not have any Māori highlight for the class. I was PPE3a VT / AT Report
to achieve educational success as responsive this last PPE and ākonga although I know I really impressed with the PPE3b VT / AT Report Support for Māori as Māori
Māori. implementing learning such have the heart and way she worked with the Science unit and Lab plan - High expectations,
as the rongoā unit. understanding to support Science department in the TCDC Notes advocation, placing
my future Māori ākonga. I development of these TCDC Assessment 2 importance on who they are,
feel I had practices and lessons.” Rumaki Unit GLFL where they are from.
plans in place to support (Swanepoel, 2022) Explorations Assessment 2
Māori ākonga. Te reo Lab

Use an increasing repertoire of Competent Competent - Accomplished AT Report: PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Expand on content
teaching strategies, approaches, This will develop over time I It can sometimes be hard in “Because of this she needed PPE2 VT Report / AT Report knowledge -
learning activities, technologies and believe. But I am exploring a new environment when to be responsive to the PPE3a VT / AT Report Explore and implement
assessment for learning strategies and and implementing a greater you are learning their needs of the students - PPE3b VT / AT Report different teaching
modify these in response to the needs range of teaching strategies, practices and strategies but something that often PPE 3a Planning Portfolio approaches, resources, and
of individuals and groups of learners. approaches, learning I feel what I did learn within happens on the spot. She PPE2 Portfolio 2 learning and assessment
activities, technologies and this space was hugely used access to Google Compassionate Teacher 1 activities.
assessment over my beneficial and I will be classroom well to identify Compassionate Teacher 2
different PPE’s. adding these approaches to the needs of students, Diversity Assessment 1
My responses to my my teaching kete. I look particularly within her Diversity Assessment 2
students have grown forward to exploring reading groups.” Explorations Assessment 1
immensely within the last responsive and appropriate (Swanepoel, 2022) Explorations Assessment 2
placement. teaching practices in my PA&E Assessment 1
future teaching. PA&E Assessment 2

Provide opportunities and support for Accomplished Accomplished See PPE3b Feedback/Obs as PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Building on what students
learners to engage with, practise and I value making connections Making connections is my AT mentioned PPE2 VT Report / AT Report already know within
apply learning to different contexts within learning and strive to important to my own connection to prior learning. PPE3a VT / AT Report different contexts.
and make connections with prior connect and integrate learning so I always try and PPE3b VT / AT Report
learning. learning. I also value provide moments to reflect PPE 3a Planning Portfolio
differentiation and teaching on prior and present PPE2 Portfolio 2
lessons that respond to learning and building upon Explorations Assessment 1
different learning needs. that. Explorations Assessment 2

Teach in ways that enable learners to Competent Accomplished PPE3a VT PPE1 VT Report / AT Report Taking what I know about
learn from one another, to collaborate, Within my last PPE I put a Fantastic learning “As detailed in her planning, PPE2 VT Report / AT Report student ownership and
to self-regulate and to develop agency focus on collaborative work environment for this as she uses a range of teaching PPE3a VT / AT Report responsibility from the
over their learning. as students did not receive ākonga needed those social strategies including visual PPE3b VT / AT Report learning hui’s and
much opportunity to do so. and emotional skills to and digital tools. Lauren PPE 3a Planning Portfolio outworking this within the
I need to work on collaborate and work scaffolds student learning PPE2 Portfolio 2 classroom. This could be
implementing tasks and together as a team. The through modelling, Human Lifespan 2 through writing goals prior
encouraging student agency. learning hui’s were, like discussions, and Compassionate Teacher 1 to learning and self/peer
mentioned before, great at conferencing. She works Compassionate Teacher 2 assessing this at the end.
giving students ownership hard to promote student Diversity Assessment 1
and responsibility over their agency, and will seek Diversity Assessment 2
learning. students’ prior knowledge Explorations Assessment 1
to motivate and engage Explorations Assessment 2
them in their learning.”
(Reed, 2022)
“She continued to use our
structures within the
learning space to promote
agency and was using
similar language to that
which we use as a school
which helped maintain
consistency for our akonga.”
(Forlong, 2022)

Ensure learners receive ongoing Competent Competent AT Report: PPE1 VT Report / AT Report If I took the goal and
feedback and assessment information Feedback has been I would love to look more “She is supportive of PPE2 VT Report / AT Report assessment idea above this
and support them to use this something I have worked on into this as well. Making students' learning, PPE3a VT / AT Report would create an opportunity
information to guide further learning. and was able to practice this time to sit down with the encouraging them in their PPE3b VT / AT Report to add in feedback that
within my recent reading students and helping them progress. She is becoming PPE 3a Planning Portfolio supports their learning
groups. I was able to utilise to understand what they more aware of the many PPE2 Portfolio 2 along with sitting down and
assessment data in my need to work on, how they needs within a class PA&E Assessment 1 giving feedback on
maths groups to ensure they could get there and what situation and how to PA&E Assessment 2 summative assessment.
were learning what they that could look like within manage this all at once.”
needed to learn. their own learning. (Swanepoel, 2022)

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