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FMP Handbook

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Change of address
or phone number?
Stay on our mailing list by promptly
reporting any change of address to:
VA Health Administration Center
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver CO 80246-9061
Local Phone: (303) 331-7590
Toll Free Phone: (877) 345-8179
Fax: (303) 331-7803
E-mail: sign on to our Web site at
scroll down and select
Foreign Medical Program
In addition, as we do much of our business
over the phone, please keep us informed
of any and all changes to your telephone

Table of Contents
Foreign Medical Program (FMP).............................................................................................4
Health Care Services in the Philippines.................................................................................4
Change of Address.................................................................................................................4
FMP Health Benefits.................................................................................................................5
What Is and Is Not Covered...................................................................................................5
Covered Benefits....................................................................................................................5
Dental Services......................................................................................................................5
General Exclusions.................................................................................................................6
Medical Services....................................................................................................................7
Hearing Aids...........................................................................................................................7
Hearing Aid Batteries..............................................................................................................7
Prescription Medication..........................................................................................................7
Selecting a Health Care Provider...........................................................................................8
VA Vocational Rehabilitation/Chapter 31................................................................................8
Fraud and Abuse....................................................................................................................8
Filing Deadline........................................................................................................................9
Claim Filing Instructions.........................................................................................................9
Required Medical Information by Type of Claim...................................................................10
Documentation Requirements.............................................................................................. 11
Actions on Claims................................................................................................................. 11
Sample Explanation of Benefits (EOB).................................................................................12
Claim Payment.....................................................................................................................13
Conversion Rates.................................................................................................................13
The Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Program (HISA)...................................13
FMP Assistance....................................................................................................................14
Toll Free Phone Service.......................................................................................................14
FMP Online Help..................................................................................................................14
Other VA Assistance.............................................................................................................14

Foreign Medical Program (FMP)
FMP is a US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care benefits program for US
Veterans with VA rated service-connected conditions that are residing or traveling abroad.
Under FMP, VA assumes payment responsibility for certain necessary health care services
associated with the treatment of those service-connected conditions.
Administration of FMP is centralized to VA’s Health Administration Center (HAC) in Denver,
Colorado. The HAC is responsible for all aspects of the program including the Veteran’s
registration process, verification of eligibility, authorization of benefits, and the processing and
payment of claims. All FMP inquiries should be made directly to the HAC.
The eligibility requirements for medical services are different for Veterans outside the
United States than for Veterans within the United States. VA may authorize foreign medical
services for Veterans only for a VA rated service-connected condition or for a condition that is
associated with and aggravated by a VA rated service-connected condition. This means that
disability percentages have no bearing on determining eligibility for FMP medical services.
Additionally, VA may authorize necessary foreign medical services for any condition for a
Veteran participating in the VA Vocational Rehabilitation Program (38 U.S.C. 31).
Health Care Services in the Philippines
The Foreign Medical Program at the VA Health Administration Center has no jurisdiction over
health care services received in the Philippines. To obtain information on services in that
country, including procedures for filing claims, contact the respective office below:
VA Outpatient Clinic (358/00)
2201 Roxas Blvd.
Pasay City 1300
Republic of the Philippines
Fax: 011-632-838-4566
E-mail: manlopc.inqry@vba.va.gov
Change of Address
Report address changes immediately to the following address:
VA Health Administration Center
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver CO 80246-9061

Phone: (303) 331-7590

Fax: (303) 331-7803
E-mail: sign on to our Web site at www.va.gov/hac/contact,
scroll down and select Foreign Medical Program

FMP Health Benefits
What Is and Is Not Covered
Unlike typical health benefit/insurance plans where the range of benefits is
standard among all enrolled beneficiaries/subscribers, FMP benefits are limited
to services that are medically necessary to treat a VA rated service-connected
condition. With the exception of the following general exclusions, decisions as to
whether or not a particular service is covered are dependent upon the Veteran’s
service-connected condition.
FMP requires supporting medical documentation to determine if a particular
treatment or service is covered under service-connected disability.
Covered Benefits
Covered services must meet the standard of care through these organizations
• VA
• US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
Covered benefits include:
• Durable medical equipment (DME) and prosthetic item(s)
• Emergency ambulance service when the specialized transportation, to include life
sustaining equipment not available in other means of transportation, is medically required
for the treatment of a covered condition(s)
• Emergency services
• Hospitalization
• Skilled nursing care
• Outpatient care
• Physical therapy when under the direct supervision of a licensed
• Prescription drugs (including insulin) that are FDA approved.
Dental Services
VA dental benefits available to Veterans who reside or travel
outside the United States may only be authorized for necessary
medical services required in the treatment of a VA adjudicated
service-connected dental condition, associated conditions held
to be aggravating a VA adjudicated service-connected condition,
or for necessary medical services in conjunction with the VA Vocational
Rehabilitation Program. VA may also authorize payment for dental services for
military service-members within 90 days of discharge or the dental examination
and treatment is annotated as not completed on the Veteran’s
discharge certificate, DD-214.
General Exclusions–(this list is not all inclusive)
FMP does not cover:
• Services, treatment, prescriptions • Procedures,
unrelated to the service-connected treatments,
disability drugs, and
• Late charges on unpaid bills devices provided
or prescribed
• Check cashing fees by naturopaths,
• Postage, and other costs associated massage therapists,
with services unrelated to treatment and hypnotists
• Abortions, except when the life of the • Procedures, treatments,
mother would be endangered if the fetus drugs, or devices that
were carried to term are experimental or
• Acupuncture/acupressure
• Services as part of a grant, study,
• Adult day care or research program
• Assisted living • Services furnished or billed by a
• Aversion therapy provider or facility barred from FMP
• Custodial care participation (HAC to notify Veteran
prior to barring provider)
• Companion services
• Services that are not accepted by the
• Day care and day hospitalization VA and or US medical community
• Dental care (unless service-connected) • Services, treatment procedures, or
• DME with deluxe/luxury features supplies for which the beneficiary has
no legal obligation to pay
• Domiciliary facilities generally referred to
as halfway houses • Travel, meals, and lodging*
• Exercise programs and health club • Treatment, services, & supplies, which
memberships are, determined not medically necessary
or submitted from prohibited countries
• Family planning services and
sterilization * FMP may only authorize travel services
for a VA ordered Compensation and
• Nursing homes Pension examination and ambulance
• Non-acute institutional care such as services in a life or limb-threatening
long-term inpatient psychiatric and emergency to the nearest medical facility.
nursing home care
• Non-medical home care (aid &
• Physical therapy not under the
supervision of a licensed physician
• Plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes
• Procedures, services, and supplies
related to gender transformations
Medical Services
The FMP office does not issue pre-certification for foreign medical services. If you are in need
of medically necessary treatment for the care of your VA rated service-connected condition,
then you may submit the bills with a copy of the medical documentation to the FMP office for
payment consideration. Please adhere to the claim and data requirements.
Hearing Aids
FMP may authorize payment for medically necessary hearing aids for any US
Veteran who is rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs as having a service-
connected hearing disability and who resides overseas.
You must submit a certificate of medical necessity (diagnosis, examination results,
audiology testing), type of device needed, and the cost estimate for the device.
Hearing Aid Batteries
FMP may authorize services for service-connected Veterans
to order hearing aid batteries, accessories and repairs.
If you have a service-connected hearing impairment, you may obtain replacement
batteries through the VA at no cost from the VA Denver Acquisition & Logistics
Center as long as you have an overseas address.
Veterans must register with the FMP office first. The VA Denver Acquisition &
Logistics Center will not provide services if the Veteran is not registered.
Hearing aid registration requires serial number(s), type/name, description of hearing aid(s)
and battery type. The registration by the FMP of your hearing aid(s) in the VA Denver
Acquisition & Logistics Center database establishes authorization for the VA Denver
Acquisition & Logistics Center to provide the batteries and repair(s) directly to you. Hearing
aid repairs will be completed for Veterans living overseas as long as the hearing aids are
authorized and have been registered with the VA Denver Acquisition & Logistics Center.
Prescription Medication
All prescribed medications must be FDA approved for the treatment of a Veteran’s service-
connected condition(s). Physicians should only prescribe medications that are legally
available within the Veteran’s country of residence.
If you are unsure if the FDA approves the drug or medicine that is prescribed by your
physician, you may contact the FMP for clarification. The following information is
required to determine if the drug or medicine will be covered:
• the name of the drug/medicine
• the condition for which it is being prescribed
• dosage and usage

Prescription medications cannot be

mailed outside of the United States.

Selecting a Health Care Provider
While Veterans may select providers of their choice, it is
recommended but not required that selected providers have
the ability to produce their medical documentation and billing
statements in English. Documents submitted in a language other
than English will require contracted translation services that will
delay claims processing and payment. For claim integrity reasons,
translations by anyone other than the provider or the FMP translation contractor
will NOT be accepted. Regardless of language, all documentation and billing
statements must be legible. In selecting providers, FMP Veterans are also
asked to shop around to ensure that the provider’s charges are consistent with the
charges of other providers in the local area.
Under FMP you may elect any health care provider who is licensed to provide the medical
services you require. You may pay the provider and then file FMP payment by submitting the
bill and medical documentation to the FMP office. Or your provider, if willing, may submit the
bill and medical documentation for direct FMP payment. Regardless if you or the provider
submits the request for FMP payment, please adhere to the claim and data requirements for
submitting bills to the FMP.
VA Vocational Rehabilitation/Chapter 31
Vocational Rehabilitation Chapter 31 guidelines state that Veterans may have potential
entitlement to medical and dental benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs. These
benefits must be applied for on an “as needed basis” to determine their eligibility. Medical and
dental treatment may be provided to facilitate their return to active participation in training.
Because this is nonservice-connected, you must see your case manager for a referral
authorizing service(s). The referral is signed and dated by the case manager and includes a
specific treatment plan. Without the referral, payment(s) will not be authorized.
FMP will need the beginning and ending date of your Chapter 31 enrollment to determine
Fraud and Abuse
Combating fraud and abuse takes a cooperative effort from each of us. One way for you to
help is by reviewing your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to be sure that the services billed to
us were reported properly. If you should see a service and/or supply billed to us that you did
not receive, please report that immediately in writing. Indicate in your letter that you are filing
a fraud complaint and document the following facts:
• The name and address of the provider
• The name of the Veteran who was listed as receiving the service or item
• The claim number
• The date of the service in question
• The service or item that you do not believe was provided
• The reason why you believe the claim should not have been paid
• Any additional information or facts showing that the claim should not have been paid
Individuals who have reason to believe that the Department of Veterans Affairs is being billed
for services that were not rendered, or a Veteran is receiving unnecessary or inappropriate
health care services, are encouraged to immediately report their suspicions to VA’s Health
Administration Center.
VA Health Administration Center
ATTN: Program Integrity Fraud Complaint
Policy Management Division
PO Box 469060
Denver CO 80246-9060
Detection Tips
You should be suspicious of practices that involve:
• Billing by your provider for services that you did not receive
• Providers billing for services or supplies that are different from what you received
• Billed charges that are excessive and are not conducive to the localities customary
• Charging Veterans rates for services and supplies that are in excess of what is being billed
to the general public
• Disguising non service-connected treatment as service-connected
Federal laws 18 U.S.C 287 and 1001 provide for criminal penalties for knowingly
submitting and false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims.
Filing Deadline
Claims should be submitted no later than two years from the date of service or, in the case of
inpatient care, two years of the discharge date. Since claims received after the filing deadline
could be denied on the basis that they were not timely filed, it is strongly suggested that
claims be submitted on a weekly or monthly basis.
Claim Filing Instructions
Claims for payment of FMP benefits may be submitted either by the Veteran, fiduciary, or the
provider of services. Regardless, all claims must be submitted directly to the VA Health Admin-
istration Center, Foreign Medical Program. Remember to keep a copy of all claims you submit.
VA Health Administration Center
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver CO 80246-9061
All claims must include the following information:
Patient (Veteran’s) Information
• Name • Social Security number
• Mailing address • VA claim number
Provider Information
• Full name and medical title • Billing address if different from office
• Office address address (please specify)
• Office telephone number • Provider/physician’s signature
Claim Information
All claims must be accompanied by the provider’s itemized billing statement, which must
include the following basic information:
• Diagnosis treated (provided by physician) for physician) for each separate date of
each separate date of service service
• Narrative description of each service • Each service’s billed charge
(procedure/treatment provided by the • Date(s) of service
If you submit claims for reimbursement and want the payment made to you in a timely
manner, proof of payment must be included. Proof of payment can be cash register receipts,
sales receipts, or credit card receipts.
In addition to the above information, specific documentation is required based upon the
type of claim. To avoid payment delay, claim suspension, or possible denial, ensure that the
appropriate provider documentation is included as specified in the following:
FMP and Use of Other Health Insurance (OHI).
VA assumes primary payer responsibility for all foreign-provided, medically necessary
services associated with the treatment of adjudicated service-connected conditions or any
disability associated with and held to be aggravating a service-connected condition. As
such, to ensure appropriate payment, Veterans should submit their service-connected
claims to FMP first. Any services that are not service-connected will be identified by the
FMP. The Veteran can then forward the non-service connected claims on to his/her OHI
(to include TRICARE, if eligible), for adjudication. If the Veteran elects to use his/her OHI
to cover treatment of service-connected disabilities, the OHI EOB must be submitted along
with the entire claim to the FMP for consideration of payment of the Veteran’s remaining
co-pays or patient responsibilities. Reimbursement of the Veteran’s remaining PR (Patient
Responsibility) will not exceed the allowed amount. FMP will not reimburse copay’s for
services rendered that are not for VA adjudicated service-connected condition.

Required Medical Information by Type of Claim

Inpatient/Hospitalization Documentation
• Admitting history and hospital discharge summary (condition upon admission, treatment
provided, all diagnoses treated and condition upon discharge)
• Operation report (if surgery was performed)
• Itemized billing invoice
Outpatient Documentation
• Outpatient treatment/procedure
during visit

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
• Physician’s treatment plan to include:
-- diagnosis and brief description of the related function
impairments for which physical therapy is prescribed
-- procedure rendered
-- description of therapy program
-- frequency and duration of treatment
-- expected medical benefit
• Therapist’s treatment plan includes:
-- diagnosis
-- description of therapy program
-- frequency and duration of treatment
-- itemized billing invoice
-- therapist signature
Pharmacy Services
• Physician’s prescription to include:
-- name of medication
-- diagnosis for each medication
-- dosage and strength
-- quantity prescribed
-- only submit medical documentation that describes your use of maintenance drugs once
-- physician signature
Periodically, you will be required to provide an updated prescription for the medications you
are currently taking.
• Pharmacy receipts must include:
-- name, address and phone number of the pharmacy
-- name, strength, quantity for each drug
-- charge for each drug
-- date prescription was filled
-- provider signature
If you submit the billing information include the sales or cash register receipt. The receipt must
have the date and amount (foreign currency) that corresponds to the date and charge amount on
the pharmacy invoice. The provider must also sign the invoice noting the amount and date paid.
Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies
• Physician’s prescription to include:
-- name and detailed description of device/equipment/supply item
-- diagnosis of condition for which the item is prescribed
-- expected medical benefit
-- duration of need
Documentation Requirements
Legible photocopies of the original medical documentation are acceptable.
Actions on Claims
Following the completion of claims processing, the HAC will forward an Explanation of
Benefits (EOB) to the claimant. In the event that the claimant is the provider of services,
a copy of the EOB will also be sent to the Veteran/fiduciary. The EOB is simply a
summarization of the action taken on the claim (see the sample on the next page).
Sample Explanation of Benefits (EOB)


PO BOX 469061 THIS IS NOT A BILL. This is a statement of the action taken on
DENVER CO 80246-9061 your claim. Payment if indicated, will be mailed separately.
USA Appeals must be submitted in writing to HAC,
(303) 331-7590 WWW.VA.GOV/HAC ATTN: Appeals, PO Box 460948, Denver CO 80246-0948
Control A code in this column
Number(s): DR JOSE DOE represents a narra-
FMP claim PTY 0000, POB 000000 Veteran Paid: Amount Allowed: tive description (see
specific Amount Veteran FMP allowable below) of the action
identifier. paid to the provider amount taken on the claim.
FMP0000000 08/10/07 08/10/07 00000 PIHKU, UHN, 45-50 M $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 0.00
08/10/07 08/10/07 300.23 SOCIAL PHOBIA

OHI PAID: $0.00 VETERAN PAID: $0.00 CLAIM TOTAL: $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 0.00



OHI Paid: Remarks/ To Provider: To Provider: To Patient:

Amount Codes: Amount of FMP Total amount of Total amount of
paid by If a code is payment to the FMP payment to FMP payment to
other health used (see provider for this the provider the patient
insurance– above), the claim.
including narrative Note: If payment
adjustments description on this claim
applied as of the claim was made to the
a result of action is patient instead of
agreements recorded the provider, this
between the immediately entry would read
provider and below this TO PATIENT.
the OHI. heading.

VA FORM 10-7959B JUL 2006 DHCP

Claim Payment
FMP payments are made by US Treasury checks and are issued in US currency. Payment is
based on the exchange rate applicable to the date of service, or in the case of hospitalization,
the discharge date.
Conversion Rates
FMP uses the OANDA exchange rates as referenced under www.oanda.com for the date of
service or in the case of hospitalization, the discharge date.
FMP does not reimburse for check cashing or bank fees.
The Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Program (HISA)
HISA provides funding for disabled Veterans to make home improvements necessary for the
continuation of treatment or for disability access to the home, essential lavatory and sanitary
facilities. HISA requests are forwarded through FMP to the Denver VA Medical Center for
review and determination.
Eligibility for the HISA Program
Disabled Veterans may be eligible for HISA when it is determined medically necessary or
appropriate for the effective and economical treatment of your service-connected disability.
Alterations In My Home
Preauthorization must be obtained before beginning any alterations to your home; otherwise,
HISA benefits will be denied.

Contact information
Write: Department of Veterans Affairs Phone: (303) 331-7590
Health Administration Center E-mail: sign on to our Web site at
Foreign Medical Program www.va.gov/hac/contact and
PO Box 469061 select Foreign Medical Program
Denver CO 80246-9061
USA Fax: (303) 331-7803

If a health care provider, Veteran, legal guardian or Veteran’s representative (designated as
such in writing by the beneficiary/legal guardian) disagrees with the initial determination con-
cerning covered services or calculation of benefits, he or she may request reconsideration.
Requests for reconsideration must be submitting in writing to:
• Health Administration Center • State why it is believed the decision is
Reconsiderations/Appeals in error
PO Box 460948 • Include any new and relevant
Denver CO 80246-0948 information not previously
USA considered
• Submitted within one year of the
date of the initial determination [an
initial determination may be a letter or
explanation of benefits (EOB)]

FMP Assistance
With the exception of health care services obtained in the
Philippines, assistance can be obtained by contacting the HAC.
Mail: VA Health Administration Center
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver CO 80246-9061
Phone: (303) 331-7590
By Fax: (303) 331-7803
Toll Free Phone Service United States & Canada (877) 345-8179
Germany 0800 -1800-011
If you are traveling or reside in one of Australia 1800-354-965
the following countries you may use the
Italy 800 782-655
following toll free telephone numbers
United Kingdom 0800-032-7425
to contact the FMP Office in Denver,
Mexico 001-877-345-8179
Japan 00531-13-0871
Costa Rica 0800-013-0759
FMP Online Help Spain 900-981-776
Web site: www.va.gov/hac
E-mail: sign on to our Web site at www.va.gov/hac/contact,
scroll down and select Foreign Medical Program
Other VA Assistance
While the HAC is responsible for health care services obtained for the treatment of VA rated
service-connected conditions, VA regional offices are responsible for establishing service-
connected conditions. In addition to compensation and pension ratings, Regional Offices are
also responsible for administering educational benefits, vocational rehabilitation, and other
benefit programs. Inquiries related to any of these matters should be directed to the Veteran’s
servicing regional office.
Veterans in Mexico, Central & South Veterans in all Other Countries
America, and the Caribbean Address: VA Regional Office
Address: Department of Veterans Affairs Foreign Claims
Regional Office (362/21) 1000 Liberty Ave.
6900 Almeda Rd. Pittsburgh PA 15222
Houston TX 77030-4200 USA
USA Phone: (412) 395-6272
Phone: (713) 383-2330 Fax: (412) 395-6057
Fax: (713) 794-3818
E-mail: houstonfsi@vba.va.gov
For general information related to these and other benefits, visit VA’s Foreign Benefits
Web site at: www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/foreign/index.htm
actions on claims 11 other health insurance (OHI) 10
C other VA assistance 14
Canada 14 P
claim filing instructions 9 Philippines 4
claim payment 13 prescription medication 7
dental services 5, 6 reconsiderations/appeals 13
durable medical equipment required medical information
and supplies 11 by type of claim 10
eligibility 4 sample explanation of benefits (EOB) 12
F selecting a health care provider 8
filing deadline 9 T
FMP assistance 14 toll free phone service 14
FMP health benefits 5 V
FMP online help 14 VA Vocational Rehabilitation/Chapter 31 8
fraud and abuse 8 Veterans in all other countries 14
G Veterans in Mexico, Central & South
America, and the Caribbean 14
general exclusions 6
health care services in
the Philippines 4
hearing aid batteries 7
hearing aids 7
HISA program 13

Department of Veterans Affairs
Health Administration Center
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver Colorado 80246-9061


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