Science Form 2 Annual Exam - 2021 8
Science Form 2 Annual Exam - 2021 8
Science Form 2 Annual Exam - 2021 8
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Question 1
a) What is the main nutrient found in the following foods? (3 marks)
c) Jason is a basketball player. He trains everyday and he is deciding what to eat for lunch.
Looking at the options above, suggest a plate that Jason could eat for lunch and state
why you chose this particular plate. (2 marks)
d) Jason had a regular medical visit, and he was told that he had scurvy. Explain what
‘scurvy’ is and suggest what Jason can do to improve his condition. (2 marks)
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e) i. Label the parts of the digestive system shown below: (5 marks)
ii. Malabsorption syndrome is a disease that causes problems with food absorption.
Using the diagram above, give the number of the organ that you think is affected by
this disease. ………….. (1 mark)
f) What is the digestive juice found in organ 3 and what is its function? (2 marks)
g) Mention two ways in which the food is digested in the structure labelled 1. (2 marks)
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Question 2
Michael, John and Paul measured their heartbeats. The results they got are shown in
the table below:
Michael John Paul
62 beats per minute 65 beats per minute 120 beats per minute
a) Which of the boys is most like to have been running? Give a reason. (2 marks)
d) Michael has an appointment at the Health Centre to have his blood tested. His
doctor told him that they need to check the components of his blood.
List the four components that make up blood: (4 marks)
1. ............................. 2. ...............................
3. ............................ 4. ...............................
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Question 3
a) These diagrams show the arrangement of atoms in different substances.
i. Which diagrams show that the substance is an element? ……… and ………… (1 mark)
b) In the table below, write the letter you think matches the description. (3 marks)
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Question 4
c) Anne has just moved into her new house. She is deciding on which element to use to
build her new garage door. She considers the periodic table and chooses two elements
that she thinks might be useful to build a garage door.
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i. The elements chosen by Anne are indicated below. What elements did she choose?
- Element 1 - Period 3, Group 3: ............................ (½ mark)
- Element 2 - Period 5, Group 7: ............................ (½ mark)
ii. Anne performs some tests on these elements to investigate their properties. Her
results are shown below. Predict which properties belong to Element 1 and which
belong to Element 2. (2 marks)
Property Element
Breaks when hit with a hammer (brittle)
Good conductor of heat
Bad conductor of electricity
iii. Which of the two elements do you think should be used by Anne to build a strong
garage door? Why? (2 marks)
Question 5
Jane is an analyst. She wants to analise the salt content in sea water. To do so, she
must first isolate the salt from a sea water sample, which contains:
sea water, a couple of large stones, sand and iron nails
a) What separation technique must she use to remove the following? (1 mark)
i. Iron nails: …………………………………… ii. Sand: ……………………………………
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b) After removing all the solid components, Jane is left with a sample of pure seawater.
Seawater in a special type of mixture called a solution. Name the solute and the solvent
found in the seawater solution. (1 mark)
Solute …………………………… Solvent…………………………
d) The diagrams below show techniques that Jane could use to separate water from salt.
a) Disinfectants are used to fight off harmful microbes called ………………....... (1 mark)
b) Which chemical should the nurse use on Jess’ wound, an antiseptic or a disinfectant?
Why? (2 marks)
d) After two weeks, Jess body started to heal and the wound developed a brown crust.
i. What is the name given to this crust? ..................... (1 mark)
ii. Name two other barriers of the body against disease. (2 marks)
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Question 7
Look at the following headline from a local newspaper, published on the 10th April 2021
about the Covid-19 vaccinations in Malta.
a) The sentences below explain how vaccines work, but they are all muddled up. Write
the letter number in the space below to make them in order. (5 marks)
A. If the pathogen enters the body in the future, the white blood cells work much more
quickly to produce the specific antibodies to destroy the pathogens.
B. This is injected into a person - vaccination.
D. A sample of the pathogen is weakened and killed.
D. The person’s white blood cells make antibodies against the pathogens.
E. A small amount of the dead or inactive pathogen is put into a sterile liquid.
Steps in order:
1. ........... 2. ........... 3. ........... 4. ........... 5. ...........
b) Why doesn’t a vaccination against polio protect you against rubella? (1 mark)
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c) Look at the following table:
i. Mention a prevention that one could take against food poisoning. (1 mark)
iii. Name another disease transmitted by direct human contact, not listed in this
question. ................................. (1 mark)
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Question 8
On the 18th February 2021, NASA’s Mars Rover named ‘Perseverance’ successfully landed
on the surface of Mars at 8.55pm GMT in the UK (12.55pm PT/3.55pm ET). The whole of
the landing was streamed live via NASA's YouTube channel, and the rover was later able
to send back high definition footage from the final moments of its descent.
a) Complete this sentence:
Mars is the ................... planet from the Sun. (1 mark)
b) The rover landed at 8:55pm, UK time. At that same time, it was morning in other
parts of the world. Explain. (2 marks)
Fill in the crossword about the solar system in the next page: (7 marks)
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Across Down
3. A rocky body orbiting the Earth (4) 1. Dust particles frozen in ice that orbit
4. Any large body that orbits a start in a the Sun (5)
solar system (6) 2. The galaxy containing our solar system
7. The star, planets and other bodies (5,3)
around it (5,6) 5. The path taken by one body in space
8. The start at the centre of our solar around another (5)
system (3) 6. A number of stars and the solar
10. A rocky inner planet, third from the systems around them grouped together
Sun (5) (6)
12. A stony or metallic object that has 7. Something that orbits a planet (9)
fallen to earth from outer space (9) 9. Everything that exists (8)
13. Piece of rock or dust that makes a 11. A body in space that gives out its own
streak of light in the night sky (6) light (4)
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Question 9
Martha is looking out of her balcony when she hears the phone ring. She goes in to
answer the phone. The following picture shows her eye in the two locations:
Diagram A Diagram B
1. ............................
2. ............................
3. ............................
4. ............................
5. ............................
6. ............................
d) Martha has a hearing aid. Explain how this helps Martha to hear better. (1 mark)
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Question 10
a) An eye witness later told the police that one of the men dropped a paper with some
writing on it.
What information can the police get from the paper? Name the separating technique
used to get clues from the paper. (2marks)
b) Police later found an abandoned car in a nearby field. It was recognised as the one
that the thieves used to flee from the crime scene.
Mention two ways that the car can be helpful to the police. (2 marks)
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Question 11
This chart shows the Carbon Dioxide levels between 1960 and 2010.
There is thought to be a link between the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and
global warming.
a) What is Global warming? (1 mark)
b) Mention two sources releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (2 marks)
c) State one thing that we as humans can do to decrease the amount of CO2 in the
atmosphere. (1 mark)