Du Preez Et Al., 2008
Du Preez Et Al., 2008
Du Preez Et Al., 2008
Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa; and 2School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Correspondence: Jacobus Albertyn, Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology, University of the Free State, PO box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa. Tel.: 127 51 401 2223; fax: 127 51 444 3219; e-mail: albertynj.sci@ufs.ac.za Received 1 December 2007; revised 5 March 2008; accepted 28 March 2008. First published online 8 May 2008. DOI:10.1111/j.1567-1364.2008.00387.x Editor: Patrizia Romano Keywords Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; alcohol dehydrogenase; kinetics; localization; molecular regulation; function.
Abstract Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) constitute a large family of enzymes responsible for the reversible oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes with the concomitant reduction of NAD1 or NADP1. These enzymes have been identied not only in yeasts, but also in several other eukaryotes and even prokaryotes. The ADHs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been studied intensively for over half a century. With the ever-evolving techniques available for scientic analysis and since the completion of the Yeast Genome Project, a vast amount of new information has been generated during the past 10 years. This review attempts to provide a brief summary of the wealth of knowledge gained from earlier studies as well as more recent work. Relevant aspects regarding the primary and secondary structure, kinetic characteristics, function and molecular regulation of the ADHs in S. cerevisiae are discussed in detail. A brief outlook also contemplates possible future research opportunities.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is, without a doubt, the most important microorganism commercially exploited by humans. No other microorganism has been more intimately associated with the progress and wellbeing of the human race than S. cerevisiae and its closely related species. Its contribution to human progress has been due largely to its capacity for the ethanolic fermentation of carbohydrate feedstocks. Two major pathways are involved in the energy metabolism of S. cerevisiae, namely glycolysis and aerobic respiration. Ethanol is a key metabolite in energy metabolism, being an end product of glycolysis and ethanolic fermentation while also serving as a carbon substrate during aerobic respiration, with the alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) catalysing the interconversion of acetaldehyde and ethanol. The ADH systems of various organisms have been investigated thoroughly in respect to their molecular structure, mode of catalysis and, especially in S. cerevisiae, physiological signicance. During the last century, biochemical analysis of yeast ADH has largely been promoted by the
easy availability of yeast cells. Physiologically, the ADH reaction in S. cerevisiae and in related species plays a dual and quite critical role in sugar metabolism. Almost all of the carbohydrate is used fermentatively, regardless of the availability of oxygen, and a specic ADH isozyme serves to regenerate the glycolytic NAD1, thereby restoring the redox balance, through the reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol. Under aerobic conditions, respiration of the accumulated ethanol occurs after depletion of the fermentable sugar, again by the action of specic ADH isozymes. Thus, in S. cerevisiae, the ADH reaction links fermentative and respiratory (oxidative) carbon metabolism, allowing the optimal use of the sugar carbon. Before the sequencing of the S. cerevisiae genome, completed in April 1996, only ve ADHs were known. The genome sequence, however, revealed the existence of c. 6000 ORFs, including a number of ADHs or sequences possibly related to these enzymes. Since then, ADH6 and ADH7 have also been identied and their enzyme products have been characterized. Considering all the new data available on the ADHs and the wealth of knowledge gathered over the past century, a need exists for a comprehensive and extensive
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overview regarding the primary and secondary structure, mechanisms of function and regulation of these enzymes. This review constitutes a compilation of the information gathered since the 1960s pertaining to the molecular biology and physiological role of the S. cerevisiae ADHs identied to date.
while studying the mechanisms of mitochondrial oxidation of cytosolic NADH, Overkamp et al. (2000) and Bakker et al. (2000) obtained evidence that ADH3 was not the sole mitochondrial ADH. At that time, Adh4p and Ydl114W were the only probable candidates with no assigned function or localization. Huh et al. (2003) described the construction and analysis of a collection of yeast strains expressing fulllength, chromosomally tagged green uorescent fusion proteins (GFP). The use of the GFP tag and co-localization with red uorescent protein (RFP)-tagged reference proteins allowed them to resolve many related subcellular compartments with condence, especially in the case of proteins for which little functional data existed. They established that Adh5p was located in the cytoplasm and that not only Adh3p but Adh4p was also a mitochondrial enzyme. If this were the case, an explanation is yet to be provided for the absence of the amino terminal leader peptide sequence in Adh4p. Currently, the data as to the localization of Adh6p and Adh7p are not conclusive, as most information available on the characterization of these two enzymes was derived from overexpression studies (Larroy et al., 2002a, b; Valencia et al., 2003, 2004) or resulted from monitoring expression at the mRNA level (Petersson et al., 2006).
Eukaryotic cells are organized into a complex network of membranes and compartments, which are specialized for various biological functions. A comprehensive knowledge of the location of proteins within these cellular microenvironments is critical for understanding their functions and interactions. In the late 1960s, the presence of at least three NAD-dependent ADHs in bakers yeast was known (Heick et al., 1969). Two of these enzymes were located in the cytosol (Adh1p and Adh2p) and fractionation experiments placed Adh3p in the mitochondrial matrix (van Loon & Young, 1986). Drewke & Ciriacy (1988) suggested that it was unlikely that Adh4p is proteolytically processed as has been demonstrated for Adh3p (Pilgrim & Young, 1987) and that Adh4p was, therefore, a cytoplasmic enzyme. To date, no other reports to support this have been published. Furthermore,
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enzyme. It is also possible that Adh1p binds Mg21 in vivo (de Bolle et al., 1997).
functionally important amino acid residues that were conserved between yeast Adh1p and horse liver ADH. The hypothetical ADH4 gene product did, however, show a strong homology to the iron-activated ADH from the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. This homology suggested that ADH4 did encode an ADH, but one distinct from any other that has been described in eukaryotes (Williamson & Paquin, 1987). The presence of a TATAA sequence upstream of the transcription start and the moderate codon bias suggested that it may be a functional yeast gene. Its location near the end of chromosome VII is interesting in view of the fact that many of the genes located at the ends of chromosomes in S. cerevisiae encode enzymes involved in fermentation and glycolysis (Mortimer & Schild, 1985). Unlike Adh1p, Adh2p and Adh3p, which are thought to function as tetramers (Leskovac et al., 2002), Adh4p is a dimeric protein that normally occurs in low concentrations in laboratory strains (Drewke & Ciriacy, 1988). Contrary to the suggestion of Williamson & Paquin (1987), Adh4p is activated by zinc ions, like the other yeast ADH isozymes, and not by ferrous ions as is the case with the structurally similar ADH from Z. mobilis (Drewke & Ciriacy, 1988).
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a wide temperature range, both at the level of binary and ternary complexes, and thermodynamic parameters showed no close similarity between heat and entropy changes associated with NAD and NADH binding. Zinc atoms are essential for maintaining the quaternary structure of the enzyme and both zinc and the coenzyme are bound at, or near to, each of the four reactive cysteines (Harris, 1964). Zinc is one of the principal trace elements in biology, with structural or enzymatic roles in hundreds of proteins (Vallee & Falchuk, 1993). Saccharomyces cerevisiae Adh1p, Adh2p and Adh3p contain one catalytic zinc atom and a second zinc atom, which plays a prominent conformational role, probably through stabilization of the tertiary structure. The second zinc is located at the periphery of the molecule and the external localization of this structural zinc affects local conformations of the enzyme (Magonet et al., 1992). The different coenzyme-binding domains have extensive similarities, are composed of two mononucleotide-binding units and resemble the tertiary structures of kinases and some other proteins (Rossman et al., 1975) The important role of the zinc atom in alcohol oxidation is to stabilize the alcoholate ion for the hydride transfer step in the reverse direction. Zinc functions as an electron attractor, which gives rise to an increased electrophilic character of the aldehyde, consequently facilitating the transfer of a hydride ion to the aldehyde. Thus, the proposed mechanism is essentially electrophilic catalysis mediated by the active site zinc atom (Leskovac et al., 2002).
Kinetic characteristics
The rst biochemical data on Adh1p and Adh2p showed that the kinetic properties of both enzymes favoured alcohol production. Under the conditions of a high ethanol concentration and the efcient removal of acetaldehyde, both enzymes could function in the oxidation of ethanol (Heick et al., 1969). Wills (1976) later stated that Adh1p was normally constitutive under laboratory conditions, had a high Km value for ethanol (17 00020 000 mmol L1) (Thomson et al., 2005) and, therefore, seemed chiey responsible for the production of ethanol during anaerobic growth. If levels of intracellular ethanol were low, Adh2p would produce acetaldehyde and NADH at a faster rate than Adh1p (Wills et al., 1982). Kinetic investigation of commercially available ADH showed it to be capable of oxidizing all primary alcohols with chain lengths of between two and 10 carbon atoms (Schopp & Aurich, 1976), and the activity of Adh1p decreased with increasing chain length of the primary alcohols (Ganzhorn et al., 1987). The substrate specicity of Adh1p is restricted to primary unbranched aliphatic alcohols and any branching decreased the activity and efciency of the enzyme (Leskovac et al., 2002). Cyclic alcohols (benzyl alcohol, cyclohexanol) were not oxidized
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in detectable amounts (Drewke & Ciriacy, 1988) and thiol compounds exerted no effect on this isozyme (Cheng & Lek, 1992). It was also reported that overexpressed Adh1p reduced formaldehyde (FA) to methanol in vivo (Grey et al., 1996) and was able to provide a considerable degree of protection against cadmium (Yu et al., 1991). Adh2p has a low Km for ethanol (600800 mmol L1) and is found only in aerobically grown yeast cells (Wills, 1976; Thomson et al., 2005). These ndings concur with its role as a major ethanol oxidizer. For all alcohols, normalized reaction rates with Adh2p were about threefold faster than with Adh1p (Leskovac et al., 2002). Some contradiction is found in the literature regarding the kinetic characteristics of Adh1p and Adh2p. Some reports state remarkably similar normalized reaction activities for both Adh1p and Adh2p under conditions of low substrate concentration, even though the kinetic characteristics of the enzymes are very different (Dickinson & Dack, 2001). The mitochondrial enzyme Adh3p (Bakker et al., 2000) showed great afnity for alcohols with double bonds conjugated to the alcohol function (Wiesenfeld et al., 1975). The methionine (Adh1p) or leucine (Adh2p and Adh3p) at position 294 by itself had no interaction with ethanol or propanol (Ganzhorn et al., 1987). Adh4p has different substrate specicity and pH proles compared with other ADH isozymes (Drewke & Ciriacy, 1988). Although Adh2p and Adh4p differ remarkably in almost all the kinetic parameters (Lutstorf & Megnet, 1968), the latter resembles Adh1p in its kinetic constants. Adh4p is seemingly more specic, however, because only ethanol and n-propanol are oxidized, whereas isomers of aliphatic alcohols, secondary alcohols and glycerol are not used (Drewke & Ciriacy, 1988). No data on the kinetic characteristics of Adh5p are presently available. Adh6p accepts a wide range of compounds as substrates, including linear and branched-chain primary alcohols and aldehydes, substituted cinnamyl alcohols and aldehydes as well as substituted benzaldehydes and their corresponding alcohols. It is able to produce 2,3-butanediol from acetoin during fermentation (Gonzalez et al., 2000; Larroy et al., 2002a, b). In general, the substrate specicity of Adh7p is quite similar to that of Adh6p (Larroy et al., 2002a). It showed the same activity towards linear and branched-chain alcohols, but much higher catalytic efciencies towards the oxidation of cinnamyl alcohols and aliphatic alcohols (Larroy et al., 2002b).
ing proof of a controlling site involved in carbon catabolite repression in a eukaryote (Ciriacy, 1975b, 1976). The rst gene associated with this function was ADR1, a positive regulatory gene specically activating the expression of the structural gene ADH2 under derepressed conditions (Ciriacy, 1979). ADR1 encodes the trans acting protein (Adr1p) containing two zinc ngers and an adjacent region on the amino-terminus side, which together are essential for DNA binding (Blumberg et al., 1987). Initiation of transcription from most known eukaryotic promoters is positively regulated by the binding of specic transcriptional activator proteins to the enhancer region of the upstream activation sequence (UAS) of a promoter (Hope & Struhl, 1985). Two unusual features upstream of the ADH2 promoter, a 22-bp perfect dyad sequence and a (dA)20 tract, were identied (Russell et al., 1983a). The ADH2 promoter may normally be in an inactive conformation in the yeast chromosome and derepression requires positive activation by Adr1p that is mediated through the 22-bp perfect dyad (UAS1) (Beier et al., 1985). The Adr1p monomers are able to form one of two complexes: complex I corresponds to the binding of one molecule to the cis acting element UAS1 and complex II corresponds to the binding of two molecules to UAS1 (Thukral et al., 1991). A GC rich, 20 bp sequence (UAS2) upstream of UAS1 was identied and proposed to act synergistically as a binding site for a protein that interacts with Adr1p to activate the expression of ADH2 (Yu et al., 1989). In vitro binding data to this cis-acting element suggest that Adr1p binds with a low afnity to UAS2, most likely at the AGGAGA sequence. Other interpretations, such as an indirect effect or a direct protein protein interaction, are also possible but seem less likely (Donoviel et al., 1995). Synthesis of Adr1p is 1016-fold greater during growth on ethanol than during growth on glucose. This derepression of ADR1 protein translation was found to occur within 4060 min of glucose depletion. Glucose, therefore, represses ADH2 expression by considerably decreasing the rate of Adr1p synthesis. Cook & Denis (1993) established that a 510 bp untranslated leader sequence of the ADR1 mRNA played a role in the increased rate of ADR1 mRNA degradation under conditions of growth on glucose as compared with growth on ethanol. Other positive factors inuencing ADH2 expression were also proposed, because excess Adr1p could not overcome a three- to fourfold inhibition in ADH2 transcription caused by multiple promoters on a multicopy vector (Irani et al., 1987).
Regulation of ADH2 mediated by Adr1p
The earliest study of regulation of the ADH genes was documented in the mid-1970s and provided the rst den-
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24 other unlinked genetic elements or proteins, most of which inuence ADH2 expression mainly in a direct fashion (Table 1). Several of the genes appear likely to do so through control of Adr1p, whether by mRNA translation, phosphorylation or protein interaction. In contrast to the situation with most genes that are subject to catabolite repression, there is no evidence for an MIG1-binding site in the ADH2 promoter (Denis & Audino, 1991).
Table 1. Elements other than Adr1 involved in the regulation of the ADH2 structural gene Element ADR3 CCR1 ADR4 Postulated mode of action Cis-acting regulatory locus required for glucose regulation of the ADH2 gene Encodes a constitutive protein that acts, probably posttranscriptional, in concert with or through Adr1p Regarded as a negative regulatory factor because of its complete recessiveness. It is not yet established whether ADR4 acts specically on the ADR1 or ADH2 gene or whether its gene product constitutes a regulatory element with a pleiotropic action spectrum Contains an ORF encoding a protein that has a potential metal-binding nger domain. It appears to require an ADH2 sequence located downstream to or including the TATAA box and may act subsequent to Adr1p, but before translation of ADH2 mRNA Affect transcription independently of the upstream regulatory sequences. They are not specic to the regulation of carbon metabolism and function as general effectors of transcriptional processes Also affects transcription independently of the upstream regulatory sequences. Ccr4p contains two distinct glutamine and leucine rich regions that presumably play an important role in protein interactions that mediate the regulatory role of Adh2p Encode a group of factors involved in repressing the transcription of HIS3 from a noncanonical TATA. MS and two hybrid analyses identied Not1-Not5 as proteins associated with the Ccr4p complex, implying that it should also be positively involved in gene transcription Encode proteins that coimmunoprecipitate the Ccr4p and Not proteins. Defects in these Srb proteins affect expression at the ADH2 locus in a manner similar to that observed for defects in Ccr4p complex components Although cAPK inactivates ADH2 expression by inhibiting Adr1p function through phosphorylation, either directly or of another protein required for Adr1p activity, it does not appear responsible for the glucose to ethanol transition in controlling ADH2 expression Appears to activate ADH2 expression by turning off Adr1p function independently of cAPK. SCH9 derepression does not operate exclusively through Adr1p. Because Sch9p does not act through UAS1, it may control factors that act through other activation sequences or through factors controlling the general transcriptional machinery Are trans-acting elements unlinked to Adr1p that affect ADH2 expression under both repressing and derepressing growth conditions. The gene products allow ADH2 expression to efciently derepress in the absence of Adr1p as do cre1 and cre2 Required for maintaining high levels of ADR1 RNA when growing on glucose, but have little effect during growth on ethanol. Whereas the physiological role of the SAF genes is unclear, they appear to be expressed with both ethanol and glucose as carbon sources and no direct evidence exists that they inuence genes other than ADR1 and ADH2 Encodes a nuclearly localized protein whose expression is not regulated by glucose availability. REG1 is the rst negative genetic element identied that affects ADH2 expression through an ADR1 dependent pathway via an additional step in transcriptional activation that does not involve the phosphorylationdephosphorylation of Adr1p Encodes the regulatory subunit of cAPK and inuences ADH2 expression in an Adr1p-dependent manner Has an essential role during the adaptation of yeast on ethanol by controlling the induction of many genes in response to glucose depletion. It contributes to transcriptional derepression of ADH2 synergistically with the Adr1p dependent UAS1 element Strains defective in this gene allow SNF1 dependent constitutive activation of ADH2 expression by Adr1 References Beier & Young (1982) Denis & Gallo (1986) Ciriacy (1979), Denis et al. (1981) Taguchi & Young (1987), OHara et al. (1988) Denis (1984), Denis & Malvar (1990) Malvar et al. (1992)
BCY1 Cat8
Donoviel et al. (1995) Haurie et al. (2001), Walther & Schuller (2001), Tachibana et al. (2005) Voronkova et al. (2006)
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which can reect changes in transcriptional activity. The possibility exists that a decrease in transcriptional activity changes the structure of chromatin in the whole ADH2 region, for instance, by a change of nucleosome spacing (Sledziewski & Young, 1982). Under repressing conditions, UAS1 and UAS2 are a nucleosome-free region, the TATA box and RNA initiation sequence (RIS) is protected by nucleosomes 1 and 11 and a 20 bp poly (dA dT) tract is included in the DNA wrapped around nucleosome 1. Nucleosome mapping data show that glucose exerts its inhibitory effect by keeping the relevant promoter sequences (TATA box and RIS) in a nucleosomal conguration, thus precluding their engagement with the transcription machinery (Verdone et al., 1997). Chromatin remodelling that occurs at the S. cerevisiae ADH2 promoter upon derepression is characterized by two distinct structural alterations. The existence of two steps in the process of chromatin remodelling suggests that at least two functions can be attributed to Adr1p. First, the protein recongures nucleosomes in the immediate vicinity of its binding site, allowing the basal promoter elements to assume the most appropriate structure for the subsequent activation. Second, the protein recruits the transcription machinery through its activation domain, allowing mRNA accumulation (Di Mauro et al., 2000). Three possible states of the ADH2 promoter have been proposed: structurally and functionally inactive, structurally derepressed but functionally inactive and fully derepressed and functionally active. The three possible states of the promoter, due to the absence or the presence of different Adr1p portions, can be considered to be an ordered sequence of events occurring at the ADH2 locus during derepression (Di Mauro et al., 2000). Verdone et al. (2002) analysed the in vivo chromatin structure and the kinetics of transcriptional activation of the S. cerevisiae ADH2 promoter as a function of genetically modied histone acetylation levels. By genetically altering the steady-state pattern of histone acetylation at the repressed ADH2 promoter, the structure of the nucleosome containing the TATA box is destabilized, the promoter becomes accessible to Adr1p and, when the cells are shifted to derepressing conditions, the kinetics of mRNA accumulation is faster. Histone deacetylation/acetylation is, therefore, directly involved in altering the chromatin structure at the ADH2 promoter, inuencing the binding of the major transcriptional activator, with a concomitant effect on the kinetics of mRNA accumulation. Xella et al. (2006) later established the potential requirement for the chromatin remodelling factors Isw1p, Isw2p and Chd1p in the regulation of the ADH2 gene. They concluded that these factors contributed to the kinetics of activation of ADH2 in response to glucose depletion and were crucial in establishing the correct chromatin
structure across the ADH2-coding region, but seemed largely dispensable for nucleosome organization at the promoter.
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ADH4 expression is upregulated by lithium, a compound that is toxic to yeast cells grown on galactose, but is downregulated by dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) (Bro et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2003). Under conditions where Adh1p is nonfunctional, spontaneous chromosomal amplication of ADH4 was able to rescue the mutant phenotype (Dorsey et al., 1993). ADH4 was also stringently regulated by zinc without an observable phenotype (Yuan, 2000). ADH5 expression was unaffected by DMSO (Zhang et al., 2003) and its transcription was signicantly increased in an S. cerevisiae mutant strain able to grow anaerobically on Dxylose, a carbon source not normally utilized by yeasts in the absence of oxygen (Sonderegger et al., 2004).
major cytosolic ADH in the two brewing yeast strains 2DGR19 and NCYC1245 in which elevated ADH4 mRNA levels could be detected under conditions, of high ethanol production (Mizuno et al., 2006). Yuan (2000) hypothesized that the induction of ADH4 expression under low-zinc conditions suggested that under these conditions the protein functioned as a back-up for Adh1p. Bird et al. (2006) later also demonstrated the same regulation pattern during zinc starvation and suggested two possible models for induction: as Adh4p binds less zinc per subunit than Adh1p, the Adh4p enzyme could be a more efcient ADH during zinc limitation or Adh4p might bind iron when zinc levels are limiting. Drewke et al. (1990) found that a deletion mutant strain lacking adh1 to adh4 was still able to produce ethanol when grown on glucose as a carbon source. It is, therefore, reasonable to believe that in this case Adh5p might have been the enzyme capable of producing ethanol from acetaldehyde. A search was undertaken to discover the genes and enzymes used by S. cerevisiae in the catabolism of leucine to isoamyl alcohol (Dickinson et al., 1997), valine to isobutanol (Dickinson et al., 1998) and isoleucine to active amyl alcohol (Dickinson et al., 2000). As long as the yeast had one functional enzyme out of Adh1pAdh5p or Sfa1p, it was viable and any one of these six enzymes was sufcient for the nal stage of amino acid catabolism, namely the conversion of an aldehyde to a long chain or a complex alcohol (Dickinson et al., 2003). The specicity of the substrate and cofactor strongly supports the physiological involvement of Adh6p in aldehyde reduction rather than in alcohol oxidation and under oxidative conditions allows the yeast to use 2,3-butanediol as a carbon and energy source (Larroy et al., 2002a). The potential role of Adh6p in S. cerevisiae is not easy to ascertain when simply considering its structural similarity to plant cinnamyl ADHs. It may afford the yeast the capacity to live in ligninolytic environments where products derived from lignin biodegradation may be available. Another potential function may include the biosynthesis of fusel alcohols (Larroy et al., 2002a) and most certainly NADP(H) homeostasis (Larroy et al., 2003). Recently, genome-wide transcription analysis also identied the ADH6 gene as encoding NADPH-dependent 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) reduction activity (Petersson et al., 2006). It is also plausible that manipulation of the levels of Adh6p and Adh7p could be used by the fermentation industry to alter the organoleptic properties of fermented beverages (Larroy et al., 2002b).
Even though the ADHs of S. cerevisiae have been intensively investigated, many aspects remain that warrant further
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research. The possibility of functional substitution among the different enzymes remains an interesting concept. Further data on this would contribute to assessing the in vivo roles of the enzymes. These investigations should be conducted not only under standard growth conditions or conditions of carbon repression, but also under conditions of other nutrient limitations such as a zinc limitation. Biochemical analysis of Adh5p has not yet received much attention. Information on Adh5p could provide an insight regarding the function of this enzyme in, for instance, amino acid metabolism. It is also appealing to consider the prospect of chimeric enzymes with improved or dual functions.
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Ciriacy M (1979) Isolation and characterization of further cisand trans-acting regulatory elements involved in the synthesis of glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHII) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Gen Genet 176: 427431. Ciriacy M (1997) Alcohol dehydrogenases. Yeast Sugar Metabolism (Zimmermann FK & Entian KD, eds), pp. 213223. Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Lancaster. Collart MA & Struhl K (1994) NOT1(CDC39), NOT2(CDC36), NOT3, and NOT4 encode a global-negative regulator of transcription that differentially affects TATA-element utilization. Genes Dev 8: 525537. Cook WJ & Denis CL (1993) Identication of three genes required for the glucose-dependent transcription of the yeast transcriptional activator ADR1. Curr Genet 23: 192200. de Bolle X, Vinals C, Fastrez J & Feytmans E (1997) Bivalent cations stabilize yeast alcohol dehydrogenase I. Biochem J 323: 409413. Denis CL (1984) Identication of new genes involved in the regulation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase II. Genetics 108: 833844. Denis CL & Audino DC (1991) The CCR1 (SNF1) and SCH9 protein kinases act independently of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and the transcriptional activator ADR1 in controlling yeast ADH2 expression. Mol Gen Genet 229: 395399. Denis CL & Gallo C (1986) Constitutive RNA synthesis for the yeast activator ADR1 and identication of the ADR1-5c mutation: implications in posttranslational control of ADR1. Mol Cell Biol 6: 40264030. Denis CL & Malvar T (1990) The CCR4 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for both nonfermentative and sptmediated gene expression. Genetics 124: 283291. Denis CL, Ciriacy M & Young ET (1981) A positive regulatory gene is required for accumulation of the functional messenger RNA for the glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Mol Biol 148: 355368. Denis CL, Ferguson J & Young ET (1983) mRNA levels for the fermentative alcohol dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae decrease upon growth on a nonfermentable carbon source. J Biol Chem 258: 11651171. Denis CL, Fontaine SC, Chase D, Kemp BE & Bemis LT (1992) ADR1c mutations enhance the ability of ADR1 to activate transcription by a mechanism that is independent of effects on cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation of Ser230. Mol Cell Biol 12: 15071514. Dickinson FM & Dack S (2001) The activity of yeast ADH I and ADH II with long-chain alcohols and diols. Chem Biol Interact 130132: 417423. Dickinson JR, Lanterman MM, Danner DJ, Pearson BM, Sanz P, Harrison SJ & Hewlins MJ (1997) A 13C nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the metabolism of leucine to isoamyl alcohol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 272: 2687126878. Dickinson JR, Harrison SJ & Hewlins MJ (1998) An investigation of the metabolism of valine to isobutyl alcohol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 273: 2575125756.
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