Science-9 Las 4th-Quarter
Science-9 Las 4th-Quarter
Science-9 Las 4th-Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Learning Activity Sheet in SCIENCE
(Grade 9)
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Regional Director : BENJAMIN D. PARAGAS PhD, CESO V, DepEd R02
Assistant Regional Director : JESSIE L. AMIN EdD, CESO V, DepEd R02
Schools Division Superintendent : FLORDELIZA C. GECOBE PhD, CESO V SDO Quirino
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: CHERYL R. RAMIRO PhD, SDO Quirino
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG PhD, DepEd R02
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : JORGE G. SADDUL, SR., SDO Quirino
Development Team
Writers: SUNRISE L. BUSTAMANTE, Saguday National High School, SDO Quirino
CRISTINA N. DACUMOS, Saguday National High School, SDO Quirino
SHARON ANANAYO, San Antonio, Integrated School, SDO Quirino
WILFREDA BASCO, Quirino General High School, SDO Quirino
GRACE B. RAMOS, Sangbay Integrated School, SDO Quirino
JUDY ANN G. BINLAYAN, Aglipay High School, SDO Quirino
MARITES RAMENTO, Victoria High School, SDO Quirino
MARCELINA K. CADIPUHAN, Alicia Integrated School, SDO Quirino
RICHELLE ANN L. DELA CRUZ, Maddela Comprehensive High School, SDO Quirino
of the projectile
Alvarez et al, Science 9 Learner’s Module, DepEd MICS, FEP Printing Corporation, Pasig City,
Philippines 2014, pp. 230-236
The change in an airplane’s position for each time interval is increasing as shown in
Figure 1, thus, it is moving faster and faster. This means that the plane is accelerating. Try the
next activity to further understand acceleration.
Now you will use basic equations to derive formula use in Uniform Accelerated
Motion (UAM). Using the following equations on velocity, average velocity, and acceleration,
you can derive other equations.
where: v = velocity
Equation A 𝑑
v= vf = final velocity
vi = initial velocity
Equation B Vave = average velocity
vave = d = displacement
t = time
Equation C 𝑣𝑓−𝑣𝑖
a= a = acceleration
To find out how displacement changes with time when an object is uniformly
accelerated, rearrange equation A to arrive at d = vt. Since the velocity of the object changes
when it is uniformly accelerating, we use the average velocity to determine displacement, so
substituting v by Vave in equation B. you will get:
d =vt
Equation D
d =(vf-vi/2)t
Rearrange equation C to arrive at vf =vi +at and substituting the vf in equation D you will get
d = (vf+vi/2) t
d= (vi+at) vi/2 t
Combining vi, you will arrive at
d= (2vi + at/2) t
Distributing t will give you
d = 2vit + at2/2
Simplifying further will give you
d = vit +at2/2
Learning Competency:
Direction: Read carefully and study the problem below and apply your knowledge in
computing uniform accelerated motion horizontal dimension.
Guide Questions:
Q1. What is the position of the car at the end of the 10 seconds?
Q2. What is the velocity of the car at the end of the 10 seconds?
Guide Questions:
Q1. What is the acceleration of the bicycle?
Q2. What distance was covered by the bicycle during the 10 seconds?
Guide Questions:
Q1. What is the acceleration of the train?
Q2. How long does it take the train to stop?
K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Department of Education, DepEd Complex, Meralco
Avenue, Pasig City. August, 2016.
Alvarez et al, Science 9 Learner’s Module, DepEd MICS, FEP Printing Corporation,
Pasig City, Philippines 2014, pp. 230-236
Figure 2. Motion of the stone dropped from the hill and motion of
the stone thrown vertically upward
Another example of free-fall is a body thrown upward. Consider figure on the right
where a ball is thrown upward. As the ball goes up it decelerates with a magnitude of 9.8 m/s 2
until it stops momentarily and changes direction. That means it reaches its maximum height
before it starts to fall. Using equation F, you will also find that when the ball falls back to the
point where it was thrown, its speed will be equal to the speed at which it was thrown.
Key Concepts:
Note that the magnitude of the two velocities are equal, but they have opposite
directions- velocity is upward when it was thrown, but downward when it returns.
Learning Competency
Describe the vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile (Quarter 4, Week 1) S9FE-
“Drop Me!”
Directions: Read carefully and study the problem below and apply your knowledge in
computing uniform accelerated motion vertical dimension.
Guide Questions:
Q1.How high is the building?
Q2. How long was the object in the air?
Direction: Study the problem below carefully and apply your knowledge in computing
uniform accelerated motion vertical dimension.
To approximate the height of water well, Martha and John drop a heavy rock
into the well. 8 seconds after the rock is dropped, they hear a splash caused by the
impact of the rock on the water. (Speed of sound in air is 340 m/s).
Direction: Study the problem below carefully and apply your knowledge in computing
uniform accelerated motion vertical dimension.
Guide Questions:
Q1. How long was the rock in the air?
Q2. What is the initial velocity of the rock?
A projectile is
I would like to describe vertical motion of a projectile using the following key points:
a. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
I learned that
I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on
Investigate the relationship between the angle of release and the height and range of the
viy vi H
The height and the range of a projectile depend on its initial velocity and angle of
viy H
Vi =15m/s
vix = vi cos ϴ
= (15 m/s) (0.766)
= 11.49 m/s Horizontal component of the initial velocity
viy = vi sin ϴ
= (15 m/s) (0.643)
Vertical component of the initial velocity
= 9.65 m/s
Solve for the maximum height (H) the ball can reach.
H = viy2
= (9.65 m/s)2 Substitute the values of viy and g.
2 (9.8m/s2)
= 93.12 m2/s2 Get the square of the substituted values. Then divide. Cancel out the same
19.6 m/s2 units.
H = 4.75 m answer to letter a question
Find the time it takes for the ball to return to the ground (t).
t = 2viy
= 19.3 m/s
Multiply then divide the values. Cancel out the same units.
9.8 m/s2
t = 1.97 s answer to letter b question
R = vixt
= (11.49 m/s) (1.97 s) Substitute then multiply the values. Cancel out the same units.
Directions: From the description in the Background of information (BIL), label the parts
of a projectile motion. Choose your answer from the box below.
peak trajectory angle of launch range
maximum height
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
“Give More!”
1. _____________________________ 6._______________________________
2. _____________________________ 7._______________________________
3. _____________________________ 8._______________________________
4. _____________________________ 9._______________________________
5. _____________________________ 10.______________________________
Directions: Observe and analyze the pictures below, then answer the questions that follow.
Choose the correct answer from the choices enclosed in parenthesis.
/ arabolicWaterTrajectory.jpg
Guide questions:
1.What do you notice about the ranges formed by the projectiles above?
4. Aside from initial velocity, what do you think is the other reason why projectiles have
different heights and ranges? (angle of launch, trajectory)
5.What force is acting on the projectiles that causes the formation of curved or parabolic
trajectories? (friction, gravity)
Directions: Solve the following problems using the formulas given in the background of
information (BIL). Show complete solution. Number 1 is given as an example.
1. A grasshopper jumps at an angle 50o from the ground with an initial velocity of 5m/s. If air
resistance is absent, find the following:
a. Maximum height reached (H)
b. Time of flight (t)
c. The horizontal distance (R)
Vi =15m/s H
(The following are the computed sin ϴ and cos ϴ, just in case you do not have a scientific
sin ϴ = 0.766 cos ϴ = 0.643
vix = vi cos ϴ
= (5m/s) (0.643)
= 3.22 m/s
viy = vi sin ϴ
= (5m/s) (0.766)
= 3.83 m/s
a. H = viy2
= (3.83 m/s)2
2 ( 9.8 m/s2)
= 14.67 m2/s2
19.6 m/s2
= 0.75 m
c. R = vix t
= (3.22 m/s) (.78s)
= 2.51 m
2. A grasshopper jumps at an angle 45o with respect to the horizontal with an initial velocity of
4 m/s. Ignoring air resistance, find the following:
sin ϴ = 0.707 cos ϴ = 0.707
a. Maximum height reached (H)
b. Time of flight (t)
c. The horizontal distance (R)
3. A long jumper leaves the ground at an angle 50 o to the horizontal and at a speed of 6 m/s.
Neglecting air resistance, answer the following questions.
sin ϴ = 0.766 cos ϴ = 0.643
a. What is the maximum height reached by the jumper (H)?
b. How long does it take for him to reach the ground (t)?
c. How far does he jump (R)?
A golf ball is hit at different angles with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Assume that air
resistance is absent.
60o 45o
“Fill Out The Table”
Directions: Fill out the table below by writing the missing maximum height, range and time
of flight of the golf ball. Get your answers from Activity 5.a. One answer is given as an
3. 20m/s 60o
Guide Questions:
1.What is the farthest distance produced?
2. What is the highest distance reached?
3. What launch angle produced the farthest distance?
4.What launch angle produced the highest distance?
5. What launch angle has the longest time of stay in the air?
Directions: From the table in Activity 5.b, graph the maximum height and range reached by
the golf ball at different angles of launch. Connect the angle of launch, maximum height and
the range to form a curved trajectory just like in the figure below.
Max. height (H) in m
Range (R) in m
Draw your graph below. You may use different colored pens. (Use a protractor to measure
Max. height (H) in m
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Range (R) in m 0
Guide Questions:
5. If the golf ball is launched at the same initial velocity but 2 different angles, the golf ball
will land on the same range if the sum of the 2 angles is _______ (45 o, 90o).
Directions: Study the graph below then complete the paragraph that follows. The paragraph
explains the relationship between the angle of launch, and the height and range of a projectile
based on the graph. Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the correct answer
from the choices enclosed in parentheses.
Height (H)
Range (R)
Guide Question:
What can you say about the graph? At the same initial velocity, how does the angle of launch
affect the maximum height and range of a projectile?________________________________
All projectiles follow a ___(1)___ (straight, curved) trajectory or path due to the pull
of gravity. The height and range of a projectile depend on the initial velocity and the ____(2)__
(height, angle) at which the projectile is released or launched above the horizontal. When air
resistance is absent, the farthest distance (range) is reached when the angle of launch is equal
to __(3)__ (45o, 80o). If a projectile is launched at the same initial velocity but 2 different
angles, the projectile will land on the same range if the sum of the 2 angles is __(4)__ (80o,
90o). These 2 angles are said to be complementary angles. On the other hand, when the
projectile is launched at the same initial velocity, the higher maximum height is reached when
the angle of launch is ___(5)___ (greater, lesser). When the angle of launch is low, the
projectile will reach___(6)___ (low, high) maximum height.
1. Suppose you are a long jumper, and you want to cross the stream (small river) which is 2m
wide by jumping over the stream at an initial velocity of 5m/s. Which angle will allow you to
reach the other side of the stream successfully? Is it at angle 40 o or at angle 75o? Explain.
Show your solution to support your explanation. (Hint: Find Range)
2.Explain the relationship between the angle of launch and the maximum height and range of
a projectile.
Allas, AM. F. (2014). Discover Science 9. Diwa Learning Systems Inc. Makati City.
Cutnell, J.D., & Johnson, K.W. (1995). Physics 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Canada.
Serway, R.A., & Vuille, C. (2016). Physics Fundamentals 1. Cencage Learning. Taguig City,
Zitzewitz, Haaase, & Harper. (2013). Physics Principles and Problems. McGrawHill
Education (Asia).
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) - Complete Files. (2020, June 2). Retrieved
from GuroAko:
Momentum is usually abbreviated using the letter "p" making the equation look like:
Based from the equation, both the velocity of the object and the mass have an equal
impact on the amount of momentum. You have more momentum when you are running than
when you are walking. While, if a car and bicycle are traveling down the street at the same
velocity, the car will have more momentum.
Momentum is typically measured in kilograms times meters per second (kg m/s) or
newton-second (N s).
Because velocity is a vector, momentum is also a vector. This means that in addition to
the magnitude of momentum (which is given by p = m * v), momentum also has a direction.
The direction of momentum is shown by an arrow or vector.
1. A 50 kilogram boy runs as fast as 4m/s to the north. What is his momentum?
given: m= 50 kg
v= 4 m/s, north
unknown: p
formula: p=m*v
solution: p=(50kg)* (4m/s, north)
answer: p= 200 kg m/s, north
3. The velocity of a fast moving car is 1000 m/s, east. If its momentum is 1 500 000
kg m/s, east, how heavy is the car?
given: v= 1000 m/s, east
p= 1 500 000 𝑘𝑔 𝑚/𝑠, east
unknown: v
formula: 𝑚 =𝑣
1 500 000 𝑘𝑔 𝑠 ,𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡
solution: 𝑚 = 𝑚
1000 𝑠 ,𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡
answer: m= 1 500 kg
When two objects bump into each other, this is called a collision. In physics, a collision
doesn't have to involve an accident (like two cars crashing into each other), but can be any
event where two or more moving objects exert forces on each other for a short period of time.
In a collision, an object experiences a force for a specific amount of time that results in
a change in momentum. The result of the force acting for the given amount of time is that the
object's mass either speeds up or slows down (or changes direction). The impulse experienced
by the object equals the change in momentum of the object. In equation form, F • t = m • Δ v.
Impulse concepts are merely results of Newton's second law- law of acceleration.
Newton's second law (Fnet = m • a) stated that the acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force acting upon the object and inversely proportional to the mass of
the object. When combined with the definition of acceleration (a = change in velocity / time),
the following equalities result.
In a collision, objects experience an impulse; the impulse causes and is equal to the
change in momentum.
Types of Collision:
There are numerous real-world applications of these phenomena. One example is the
use of air bags in automobiles. Air bags are used in automobiles because they are able to lessen
the effect of the force on an object involved in a collision. Air bags prolong the time required
to stop the momentum of the driver and passenger. When there is a car collision, the driver and
passenger tend to keep moving in according with Newton's first law or Law of Inertia. Their
motion brings them towards a windshield that results in a large force applied over a short time
in order to stop their momentum. If instead of hitting the windshield, the driver and passenger
hit an air bag, then the time duration of the impact is increased. When hitting an object with
something such as an air bag, time duration will be increased. Increasing the time will result in
a decrease in force.
Another example is in boxing. Fans of boxing frequently notice this same principle of
minimizing the effect of a force by extending the time of collision. When a boxer recognizes
that he will be hit in the head by his opponent, the boxer often relaxes his neck and allows his
head to move backwards upon impact. In the boxing world, this is known as riding the punch. A
boxer rides the punch in order to extend the time of impact of the glove with their head.
Extending the time results in decreasing the force and thus minimizing the effect of the force
in the collision. Merely increasing the collision time by a factor of ten would result in a tenfold
decrease in the force.
Learning Competency:
Activity 1
Solve Me if You Can!
Directions: Read and analyze each problem carefully. Identify the given, unknown, formula,
solutions then answer.
1. Which has more momentum, a 1000 kg car moving 1 m/s or a 70 kg person sprinting
at 8 m/s?
2. A football player kicks a ball with a force of 50N. Find the impulse on the ball if his
foot stays in contact with the football for 0.01s.
5. What is the velocity of a 5.5 kg object that has a momentum of 550 kg m/s?
Activity 2
The Bus and The Bug
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer.
The output
The output The output
was made by
displays an displays
Creativity the student but The output
exceptional student’s
and was copied was not made
degree of student ingenuity in
Originality from the by the student.
ingenuity in his/her
design or ideas
his/her creation. creation.
of others.
Everything in the Most things in Some things in The output
output is the output are the output are shows poor
Relevance of
accurate. accurate. accurate. accuracy.
the Content
Infer that the total momentum before and after collision is equal
Figure 1. A truck has more momentum than a car.
Momentum is usually abbreviated using the letter "p" making the equation look like:
p = (m) (v)
where p is the momentum, m is the mass, and v is the velocity.
Figure 2. A car moving faster has more momentum than another car of the same mass.
Momentum is a Vector
Because velocity is a vector, momentum is also a vector. This means that in addition to the
magnitude of momentum (which is given by p = mv), momentum also has a direction. The
direction of momentum is shown by an arrow or vector.
When two objects bump into each other, this is called a collision. In physics, a collision
doesn't have to involve an accident (like two cars crashing into each other), but can be any
event where two or more moving objects exert forces on each other for a short period of time.
One ball striking another on a pool table
A baseball bat hitting a ball
Your fingers striking the key on the keyboard
An important theory in physics is the law of momentum conservation. This law describes
what happens to momentum when two objects collide.
The law states that when two objects collide in a closed system, the total momentum of the
two objects before the collision is the same as the total momentum of the two objects after the
collision. The momentum of each object may change, but the total momentum must remain
the same.
If a red ball with a mass of 10 kg is traveling east at a speed of 5 m/s and collides with a
blue ball with a mass of 20 kg traveling west at a speed of 10 m/s, what is the result?
First we figure out the momentum of each ball before the collision:
Conserving Momentum
Recall an experience when you bump into somebody. What happened? You collided
with another person’s body. In other words, you interacted with another body. Collisions
happen because objects interact with other objects. Cars collide in road accidents and soccer
players bump into each other during an intense soccer game. But what happens when bodies
collide? Does their individual momentum change? If so, what happens to them after they
Figure 4. Illustration of conservation of momentum.
Newton’s law of interaction tells us that interacting bodies exert forces on each other.
Such forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
Take for example a collision between Car 1 and Car 2. Applying Newton’s third law,
you can say that Car 1 exerted a force on Car 2, the same way that Car 2 exerted a force on Car
1. These forces that acted on both cars are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. So F1
Figure 5. Momentum is conserved in a car collision.
If the system is composed of the two cars only, the total change in momentum of the
system is zero.
∆P1+∆𝑃2 =0
Since there is no change in momentum of the system, the momentum is conserved. In
physics, quantity is said to be conserved when it remains constant.
When you say that the total momentum of the two cars is conserved, you assumed that
there are no external forces acting on the cars are as consistent with Newton’s second law of
motion. What about the forces the cars exert on one another? We have defined the system as
one composed of the two cars. Therefore, the forces they exert on one another are internal
forces. Thus, if no external force is present, no change in the total momentum of the system is
possible. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum. The law states that:
In the absence of an external net force, the total momentum of a system remains
When bodies interact, their total momentum before the collision is equal to the total
momentum after the collision. In symbol,
P1 + P2 = P1´ + P2´
where P´ is the momentum of the body after collision.
Substituting p=mv, you have
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1´ + m2v2´
where mA is the mass of the first body; mB is the mass of the second body; vA is the velocity of
the first body before the collision; vB is the velocity of the second body before the collision; v´A
is the velocity of the first object after collision; and v´B is the velocity of the second object after
If in a collision, Car 1 lost 100 units of momentum, Car 2 should have gained 100 units
of the momentum Car 1 lost. Adding the momenta of both cars after the collision still yields
the same total momentum since momentum was only transferred to the other colliding body.
Therefore, momentum is not lost but conserved. In the collision of objects, the total momentum
of the system is always conserved- that is, the total momentum of colliding objects does not
change before, during and after the collision.
Sample problem:
A marble of mass m1=0.04 kg moving with the speed v1=2.0m/s strikes a second marble,
initially at rest, of mass m2 =0.04 kg. As a result of the collision, the first ball comes to rest and
the second ball moves in the opposite direction. What is the velocity of marble 2?
Given: m1 = 0.04 kg
m2 = 0.04 kg
v1 = 2.0 m/s (v for the speed and velocity)
v2 = 0
Find: v2´
Total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision
P1 + P2 = P1´ + P2´
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1´ + m2v2´
(0.04 kg) (2.0 m/s) + (0.04 kg) (0) = (0.04 kg) (0) + (0.04 kg) v2´
0.08 kg.m/s + 0 = 0 + 0.04 kg (v2´)
v2´ = 2 m/s
Learning Competency:
Infer that the total momentum before and after collision is equal (Quarter 4, Week 3)
Directions: Identify the word being described in each statement and write your answer in the
given boxes. Then use the numbered boxes to answer the given riddle.
5. According to this Newton’s law of motion, interacting bodies exert equal forces on
each other.
6. In the absence of an external net force, the total momentum of a system remains
6 7
9. Put all the letters in the box with number to complete the riddle.
RIDDLE: A property of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a moving object equal to
its mass times velocity.
MOMENT of Understanding and Mastery
Directions: Read and analyze the questions below and encircle the letter of your choice.
MOMENT of Truth
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below and write True if the statement is true
about MOMENTUM and write False if not. Write your answer on the space provided before
the number.
Table B.
bike motorcycle car
Mass 5 kg 150 kg 400 kg
Velocity 16.7 m/s 16.7 m/s 16.7 m/s
Momentum(p) = m* v
Table C.
Car 1 Car 2 Car 3
Mass 400 kg 400 kg 400 kg
Velocity 16.7 m/s 20 m/s 25 m/s
Momentum(p) = m* v
1. How do you compare momentum in the different activities in table A?
2. How do you compare momentum in the different object moving at the same velocity
in table B?
3. How do you compare momentum in three identical cars moving at different
It’s Your Moment! (Part II)
Directions: Solve the following problem.
1. A 5-g bullet is fired horizontally and hits an 8-kg block of wood (initially at rest)
which can move freely. The wood and the bullet move with a velocity of 0.50 m/s
after impact. What is the initial velocity of the bullet?
2. In a baseball game, a 0.2-kg ball moving at 12m/s is hit by a bat. After the impact, the
ball moves in the opposite direction with a velocity of 18 m/s. If the force F exerted
on the ball by the batter is 670 N, how long is the time of contact?
*(F=ma; F= m (v2-v1)/t)
Allain, R. (2018, November 20). Let's Play Around With Two Big Ideas in Physics. It'll Be
Fun. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from
Dizon, M. A., Malabanan, K. C., & Bautista, D. B. (2004). Science and Technology for
the Future IV. Makati, Philippines: DIWA Learning Systems.
Valdez, B. J., & Navaza, D. C. (1996). Physics. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix
Publishing House.
Energy is needed to perform work. An object that possesses mechanical energy is able to
do work. Mechanical energy is often defined as the ability to do work. Work is done when a
force acts on an object will cause it to move, change its shape, displace or do something
physical. This force is caused by mechanical energy. There are two forms of Mechanical
energy, the kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is an energy associated with
motion. All objects that are moving possess kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of an object is
dependent on its mass and the square of its speed. The faster the object, the greater its kinetic
energy therefore, an object with more energy can do greater amount of work. Some forms of
kinetic energy are sound, radiant, electrical, heat, and thermal energy. Sound energy is an
energy produced by vibration as they travel through a medium. Energy that travels in space in
a form of waves are called radiant energy. Electrical energy is caused by flow of electric
charges. Heat energy is an energy that flows from objects with higher temperature to object
with lower temperature. Heat transfer is due to the difference in temperature between objects,
and the movement of particles in a matter is called thermal energy. Heat is a form of thermal
energy. The second form of mechanical energy is the potential energy which is stored in an
object due to its position, location or condition. There are three forms of potential energy, the
gravitational, elastic and chemical. The Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) is associated to
earth’s gravitational pull from the ground. Some objects like springs and rubber bands are
capable to stretch and return to original form due to its Elastic Potential Energy (EPE).
Chemical Potential Energy (CPE) is an energy stored in an objects like the food you eat, or the
fuel you use to cook food or run vehicles.
The mechanical energy of an object can be the result of its motion and stored energy in its
position. The total amount of mechanical energy is merely the sum of kinetic energy and
potential energy. This sum is simply referred to as the Total Mechanical Energy (TME). In
equation form, TME = PE + KE. Potential and Kinetic Energy can be calculated using the
equations below. In Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy, the PE and KE is inversely
proportional, meaning that as PE increases, KE decreases and as KE increases, the PE
decreases. This can be applied in a free fall object. For example, when the stone falls, its loses
gravitational potential energy while gaining kinetic energy since its speed increases. Neglecting
friction, the loss in stone’s gravitational potential energy is equal to the gain in kinetic energy.
Thus, the total mechanical energy of the stone at any point in its path while falling is constant.
How much potential energy is gained by a 2-kg book when it is raised 1.5 m
above the table?
Take note that we are looking for the increase in gravitational potential energy with
reference to the table top.
PE = mgh
= (2 kg) (9.8m/s2) (1.5m)
= 29.4 joules
The unit of gravitational potential energy is the same as the unit of work which is joule
Example #2
A 2kg baseball moves at speed of 5m/s2. Find the amount of its kinetic energy.
KE = ½ mv2
= ½ (2kg) (5m/s)2
= 25 joules
The unit of KE is
KE = ½ mv2
Joule = kg(m/s)2
= kg m2/s2 may also written as (kgm/s2) (m), or N.m
= N. m or joule (J)
Learning Competency
Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of mechanical energy. (Quarter 4,
week 4) S9FE-IVd-4
Rubric for Scoring
30 Answered correctly all the given activities
20 answered most of the given activities
10 Few were answered in the given activities
Problem Solving
Directions: Read and understand the problems very well. Write your solution inside
the box.
2. What is the kinetic energy of 0.2 kg bullet travelling at velocity of 200 m/s?
Direction:Continue fill in the table below to complete the data using the given problem.
A 5 kg rock falls from the mountain at the height of 50m. Find for the PE, KE, and TME
where the stone is:
a. on the top of a mountain;
b. falls at 1second;
c. falls at 2 seconds; and
d. falls at 3 seconds
Solution for problem b:
PE= mgh KE = ½ mv 2
= 5kg (9.8m/s2) (45.1m)
= ½ (5 kg) (9.8 m/s)2
= 2,209.9 J
= 240.1 J
The velocity can be calculated using this formula v=gt as you learned in uniformly
accelerated motion due to vertical dimension.
v= gt
= 9.8 m/s2 ( 1 s)
= 9.8 m/s
“A “ME” nutes To Solve It!”
Directions: Applying the Law of Conservation of Energy, solve what are asked by showing
your solution.
2. How does Gravitational Potential Energy change with Kinetic Energy in the
conservation of mechanical energy?
3. Give other examples of condition or situation in which the law of conservation of
mechanical energy is being applied.
Science 9 Learner’s Module pp. 292-301
Science and Technology by Julieta D. dela Peńa, Arsenia V. Ferrer, and Gloria G.
Salandanan pp.96-99
Physics by Pabellon and Tubal pp.132-133
Project EASE Module 11 Work, Energy, Power and Machine
Discover Science 9 pp.306-311
Heat Pump
An object with a high temperature is said to be hot, and the word “hot” brings to mind
the word “heat.” Heat flows from a hotter object to a cooler object when the two objects are
placed in contact. It is for this reason that a pot of chocolate drink feels hot to the touch, while
the scoop of an ice cream feels cold. The temperature of hot chocolate is higher than the normal
body temperature of 37°C, while the temperature of an ice cream is lower than 37°C. When
you touch a cup of hot chocolate drink, heat flows the hotter cup into a cooler hand. When you
touch a cone of ice cream, heat again flows from hot to cold, in this case from the warmer hand
into a colder cone. The response of the nerves in the hand to the arrival or departure of heat
prompts the brain to identify the cup of chocolate drink as being hot and the cone of an ice
cream as being cold. How can we do the reverse? A heat pump is used to reverse the process.
It is a device that allows heat to transfer from a cold reservoir to a warmer one, which cannot
happen spontaneously, or on its own. Work is required for the heat to flow from a lower to a
higher temperature. This work is provided by the motor of a heat pump. Let us find out how
this process takes place. You have learned from activity 1 that nonspontaneous process needs
a heat pump in order to reverse the process. Mechanical work should be applied so that heat
could be transformed. .
Heat flows normally from higher temperature to lower temperature. It is a natural or
spontaneous process. It does not require any external energy to occur. When heat flows from
lower temperature to higher temperature, it needs mechanical energy to happen. It is called
non-spontaneous process. In so doing, work should be done. Mechanical energy is required for
this to happen. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is applied here. It states that Heat will
never of itself flow from a cold temperature to a hot temperature object. The work is provided
by the motor of the heat pump. Let us perform the following activity to find out how.
Learning Competency:
Activity 1
1. A 120J of energy is added to a system that does 40J of external work, by how much
thermal energy of the system is raised?
2. How much thermal energy of the system raised when 160J of energy is added to a
system that does 60J of external work?
3. What is the SI unit for energy?______________
4. What do you call the process without gain or loss of heat? _________________
5. _______________ is the sum of all kinetic and potential energies of the atoms/
molecules in the system.
Activity 2
Where do I belong?
1. Study the situations given.
2. From the situations, fill in the table by identifying whether the situation shows a
spontaneous process, non-spontaneous process, or needs work to reverse the
Guide Questions:
1. Which of them are spontaneous processes?
d. Heating of water
What have I learned?
Reflection/ Closure:
I learned that
I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on
Science 9 Learner’s Material
Science 9 Teacher’s Guide
Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engines work
When you rub your hands vigorously for few seconds what do they feel? Your hands
become warmer, right? When you hammer a nail, both tools become warmer. These are just
some of the evidence that heat and work are related.
Temperature change in an object indicates that there is a transfer of heat. When the
object’s temperature rises, the object gains heat. A decrease in temperature indicates that heat
is given off. The amount of heat transferred may be measured from the change in temperature
of the object. When temperature changes, this indicates an increase in the kinetic energy of
We use heat in various activities. We use heat in cooking, burning, lighting, sterilizing
and many other task. In this activities heat is transformed.
Can mechanical energy be converted to thermal energy and vice versa? Yes, it can be
done by using heat engines. 80% of the world’s electricity if derived from heat sources and
almost all of the energy conversion processes used convert thermal energy into electrical
energy involve an intermediate step of converting the heat energy to mechanical energy in some
form of heat engines. To satisfy this need, a wide range of energy conversion systems has been
developed to optimize the conversion process to the available source.
Heat engine is a device that transforms thermal energy into mechanical energy. It
employs a range of methods to apply heat and to convert the pressure and volume changes into
mechanical motion. Gasoline and diesel engines often referred to as internal combustion
engines burn fuel inside the engine chamber. In steam engines, burning occurs outside the
engine. Whether combustion takes place inside or outside the engine, both types of heat engines
operate on the same principle. Hot gases are made to expand. Then the hot expanding gases
push against a moving part.
In the intake stroke, the piston goes down and the inlet valve opens. Fuel vaporizes and
mixes with air in the carburetor. Then the mixture enters the engines cylinders through the inlet
valve. Afterwards, the inlet valve closes.
In the second stroke the piston moves up, compressing the mixture of air and fuel in the
cylinder to a small fraction of its original volume. An electric spark plug ignites the compressed
mixture. This step is called compression stroke. When the mixture ignites, it releases heat. This
greatly increases the gas temperature, Gas molecules the move more rapidly. The gas expands,
pushing the piston down. This is the third step called the power stroke. The exhaust valve then
The last step is the exhaust stroke. Burned gas rushes through the valve, moving the
piston up. The exhaust valve then closes. The piston moves down, ready for another cycle.
Steam Engines
Piston type engines operate on the same principle as the internal combustion engine.
The piston moves to and fro due to the compression and expansion of gases. Instead of fuel gas
or vapor, however, this engine uses superheated steam (high-temperature steam). Burning of
fuels occurs outside the engine chamber where the steam is produced. Steam engines have only
two strokes instead of four. (Figure 2)
In modern power plants, steam turbines are used. They use superheated stem to make
the turbines of generators rotate.
A series of energy transformations occurs in the heat engine. When fuel burns, chemical
energy is transformed into thermal energy of the gas. This energy is then converted to the
piston’s mechanical energy.
The efficiency of heat engine depends on the temperature of its fuel (gas or steam) and
the temperature of its cooling system.
The second law of thermodynamics has an important implication on the efficiency of
heat engines. Recall that the efficiency of a machine is expressed as
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝐸= 𝑥 100%
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
Heat input is the thermal energy converted to mechanical energy of the engine. Work
output is the amount of work done by the engine. For example, if heat is about 100 J and the
amount of work done by the engine is 20 J, then the efficiency is
𝐸= 𝑥 100%
= 20%
Sadi Carnot (1776-1832), a French army engineer who contributed to the development
of the heat engines, devised a method for calculating the efficiency of an ideal heat engine. His
equation, which is the limit for real engines, is expressed as
T1 is the absolute temperature of the gas or steam
T2 is the absolute temperature of the engine’s cooling system
Recall that the absolute temperatures are expressed in Kelvin (K) where K = OC +273.
Carnot’s equation indicates that high efficiency needs big difference in temperature.
Learning Competency
Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engines work. (Quarter
4, Week 6) S9FE-IVg45
Activity 1
Direction: Identify the terms being described. Choose from the word pool inside the box
_________________1. The process in which heat is transferred form one body to another
_________________2. Engines where the fuel combustion takes place outside the engine
_________________7. The sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the molecules of a
Direction: Trace the energy conversion that takes place in heat engines by filling in the
correct Terms in the boxes. Choose from the words below
Heat Engine
Activity 3
Direction: Below is a list of the efficiencies of typical heat engines. Study the information
then answer the questions that follow.
Source: Blackwood, Kelly, and Bell, 1963 as cited in Physics. Science and Technology Textbook for Fourth
Year (2012)
Q2. Find out why steam turbines are generally more efficient than piston-type steam engines
Q3. Some cars add supercoolant liquids to the water of the cooling system. How does the
presence of this liquid affect the car engine’s efficiency?
Physics: Science and Technology Textbook for Fourth Year. Reprinted Edition. 2012
Energy is one of the most important concepts in science. Energy is everywhere in nature
sunlight, wind, water, plants, and animals. We use energy every day. Energy is the ability to
do work. We say that an object has energy if it can produce a change in itself or in its
surroundings. In other words, an object with energy can do work or can use up the energy. The
amount of energy you expend in moving something is equal to the work done on it. This is why
both work and energy have the same unit of measurement– Joules in the SI system.
Electricity powers all our gadgets and appliances at home. Have you ever wondered
how electricity reaches us from the electric power plant? What processes does electricity have
to go through in order to reach us at home?
Various sources of energy are utilized to provide electricity to power our households.
For example, the tremendous energy produced by falling water is used by water turbines to
rotate large generators at a hydroelectric power plant.
As the water falls from the reservoir, its kinetic energy increases and it flows very fast.
The falling stream of water turns a fan-like device called a turbine, which is
connected to the generator’s shaft.
The rotation of the shaft turns powerful electromagnets that are surrounded by the coil
of copper wires. The coil is connected to a step-up transformer that sends high-voltage current
to power lines.
From the power plants, electricity is then made to travel along cables and wires called
transmission lines. Transmission lines are commonly put up between transmission substations
which are regulated by the National Power Corporation. Transmission lines may either be
constructed overhead on towers or they may be underground. They are operated at high
voltages, send out large amounts of electrical power and extend over considerable distances.
From the generating station, the transmission substations step up the voltage to a range
of 138,000- 765,000 volts. Within the operating area, transmission substation reduce (step
down) the transmitted voltage to 34,500 – 138, 000 volts.
This power is then carried through lines to the distribution systems located n the local service
The distribution system connects the transmission system to the customer’s household.
MERALCO is in charge of the electrical energy distribution in Metro Manila. The distribution
substations further step down the voltage to 2,400 – 19,920 volts. A step-down transformer
further reduces the voltage to 220 V – the standard AC voltage in the Philippines. This voltage
powers most of the electrical appliances we have at home.
Do you know that you can calculate your electric bill? But before that, let us know the
basis for calculating your electric bill. One of the factors to be considered is the power rating
of your appliance. By the way, what is power?
For example, an electric fan draws 5-A current from a 220-V outlet, its power input is
1,100 W. For one appliance, the power rating is large in number, so the unit used for combined
power rating in a household is in kilowatt (kW) which is equal to 1000 watts. All of the
appliances in a household may have a combined power rating, that is why, energy is usually
computed based on the time of usage of the appliances.
To get the total energy used by an appliance in an hour, multiply the power consumption
by the one hour as in the formula below:
E = Pt
where: E = Energy used (kWh)
P = Power, (W)
T = Time (s)
The unit of measurement for energy usage is kilowatt-hour (kWh) which is one kilowatt
of power for a period of one hour. For example, the reading in the analog meter in Figure 1
shows that the customer has used almost 8000kWh, 7796 kWh to be exact, while the reading
in the digital meter of another customer is exactly 40.608 kWh. To find how much energy you
used in one month, your last month’s reading is
Sample Problem:
1. All of the computers in the ICT room are in use for 5 hours every day and together use 8.3
kW. How much energy is used in a day?
Given: P = 8.3 kW
Find: Energy used
E = Pt
E = (8.3 kW) (5h)
E = 41.5 kWh
2. How much does it cost to operate a 400 W television for 8 hours if electrical energy costs
6.88 pesos per kWh (includes both generation and distribution charges - Meralco rate as of
January, 2014) ?
Find: cost to operate
Cost= 22.04 pesos
We use energy to do work every day. Most of the time, it is easier to make use of
those that come from non-renewable sources because of their availability in the market, for
example, the gasoline that serves as fuel for our cars, motors and equipment and the LPG gas
that we use to cook our food. Our growing energy consumption and depleting energy sources
pose a great problem because we are using more energy than we produce.
To solve this problem, we can only do two things: tap more renewable sources, which surely
will cost us more, or use the available energy wisely. We cannot do anything with the non-
renewable energy sources because they involve natural processes. For instance, say it take
millions of years before fossil fuels are formed. But we can always save and economize on
our available energy.
Learning Competency:
Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and distributed.
(Quarter 4, Week 6-7) S9FE-IVh-j-4
Activity 1
Directions: The passage below contains keywords on energy that have been jumbled up and
italicized. Rearrange these words
Energy cannot be (1) dactree nor (2) reyossetdd, but it can be changed from one form
to another. The amount of energy during the change may be the same. The type or quality of
energy is useful for living organisms but it is not so useful in mechanical processes. Too
much heat produced by industrial production and operating equipment contributes to global
(3) mwgrain. At the same time, this means energy is lost and usable energy is reduced.
We get most of our energy from the sun. This is because billions of nuclear reactions
occur at the core. The sun can be thought as a giant nuclear (4) rotacre. The energy it emits
will be gone one day, though that will not be for many millions of years at least. It has been
estimated that the mass of the sun is being converted to energy at the rate of 4 million tons
per second.
(5) tilercreal energy is the movement of electrons from one atom to another. An
example of electricity is lightning. When the sky collects many electrons, they travel through
the air molecules to meet the more positive earth to get rid of the sky’s extra electrons. The
electrons will continue to travel from the negative point to the positive until the charges
Directions: Supply the type of power plant and the Region where the Power Plant is located.
Type of
Name Source Location Operational? Region
Power plant
Maria Cristina
Water Falls, Iligan Yes
Agus 1
Thermal Coal Yes
Tiwi Plant Tiwi, Albay Yes
Bohol Diesel
Fossil fuel Tagbiliran Yes
Directions: Analyse the pictures below and take into consideration the different components
of power generation, transmission and distribution. Make a perfect match among the pictures
by putting number on the box provided from 1 to 6.
Activity 4
My Electric Bill
Directions: Get a copy of your own bill or any sample electrical billing statement and try to
examine the total energy consumed for a month.
If the company charges 7.43 pesos/kWh, how much is the cost?
a. Washing machine
c. Clothes Iron
d. Electric Fans
e. Television
Directions: In one or two sentences, interpret the pictures shown below to identify
the basic precautionary measures we should take when dealing with electricity.
Directions: choose the letter of the best answer and write on the space before the number.
___1. Last month, Ms. Alcantara’s electric meter reads 8765 kWh. How much will she pay
for power generation if the charge of electric company per kWh is 6.88 pesos and her electric
meter reads 9975 this month?
A. ₱ 8765.00 B. ₱ 8324.80 C. ₱ 1210.00 D. ₱ 3457.42
___2. Jaypeth paid ₱1250.00 for electric bill. How much energy (in kWh) is consumed if the
electric company charges ₱6.88/kWh?
A. 186.81 B. 181.69 C. 188.61 D. 181.86
___3. In buying an appliance, which of the following efficiency guide would you consider?
Why ?
___4. How is the energy efficiency ratio (EEF) related to the operating cost?
a. the higher the EEF, the higher the operating cost
b. the higher the EEF, the lower the operating cost
c. the lower the EEF, the higher the operating cost
d. the lower the EEF, the lower the operating cost
___5. Gemma wanted to improve the lighting condition of her room by buying a lamp. What
suggestions can you give her and why?
a. Buy an incandescent bulb because it gives off more light.
b. Buy a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) or LED lamp because it is more energy
c. Buy a fluorescent lamp because it is brighter than an incandescent bulb.
d. Buy an incandescent bulb because it is cheaper.
___6. A 60 watt bulb is connected to 120V plug. What is the current in the lighted bulb?
a. 0.25 A b. 0.5 A c. 2 A d. 4 A
___7. To reduce your electric bill
a. make use of limited appliances c. . put off main switch during the day
b. put off appliances when not in use d. connect appliances in series
___8. What is produced if the magnet and the conductor move relative to each other?
a. voltage b. magnetic field c. resistance d. current
___9. When there is a change in the magnetic field in a closed loop of wire,
a. a voltage is induced in the wire.
b. current is made to flow in the loop of wire.
c. electromagnetic induction occurs.
d. all of these
___10. All of the following power plants use steam to drive the turbines to produce electricity
a. hydropower b. geothermal c. coal-fired d. nuclear
● K to 12 Curriculum Guide
● Most Essential Learning Competency
● Alvarez, Liza A. ,, Science 9 Learner’s Manual
● Project EASE