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Safety Distances For Hydrogen Refuelling Station

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Safety Distances for Hydrogen Refuelling Station

Article · May 2010

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12 authors, including:

Angunn Engebø Frederic Barth

Det Norske Veritas H2Nova


Frank Markert Prankul Middha

Technical University of Denmark Independent


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HySafe View project

2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting, 41st Annual Loss Prevention Symposium, Houston, TX, USA, 22-27 April 2007 (Conference code: 74096), 205-221 View project

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Safety Distances for Hydrogen Refuelling Station
A. Engebø, F. Barth, F. Markert, P. Middha, M. Wardman, J. Chaineaux, D. Sebarnescu,
D. Baraldi, S. Nilsen, A.V. Tchouvelev, N. Versloot, A. Marangon

This document appeared in

Detlef Stolten, Thomas Grube (Eds.):
18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 - WHEC 2010
Parallel Sessions Book 5: Strategic Analyses / Safety Issues / Existing and Emerging
Proceedings of the WHEC, May 16.-21. 2010, Essen
Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich / Energy & Environment, Vol. 78-5
Institute of Energy Research - Fuel Cells (IEF-3)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Zentralbibliothek, Verlag, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-89336-655-2
Proceedings WHEC2010 237

Safety Distances for Hydrogen Refuelling Station

Angunn Engebø, DNV, Norway

F. Barth, AL, France
F. Markert, DTU, Denmark
P. Middha, GexCon
M. Wardman, HSL
J. Chaineaux, INERIS
D. Sebarnescu, EC/DG-ENER
D. Baraldi, EC/DG-JRC
S. Nilsen, Statoil
A.V. Tchouvelev, A.V. Tchouvelev & Associates Inc.
N. Versloot, TNO
A. Marangon, UNIPI

Safety distances are widely used for preventing incidents caused by unintended interference
between two activities or for preventing harmful consequences from an incident to objects or
people in the vicinity. EIGA [1] has expressed this as: “Safety distances need to be
considered as a generic means for mitigating the effect of a foreseeable incident and
preventing a minor incident escalating into a larger incident.” Some countries have specific
regulations, expressing required distances based on standard equipment, while others also
allow a performance based approach using guidelines or codes on how to determine safety
distances. For hydrogen equipment, specific requirements for safety or separation distances
are being established for Gaseous Hydrogen refuelling stations e.g. in NFPA 55: 2010 [2], in
2003 International Fire Code [3] as well as in the ISO TS 20100: 2008 [4]. There is also
ongoing work on safety distances within ISO/TC197/WG11.
The challenge is to provide an approach allowing to standardize installation requirements in
order to facilitate the deployment of a fuelling station infrastructure, while allowing for non
standard designs and adaptation to technological progress. This paper discusses the
approaches implemented in the different standards and also compares the approaches to
that of the European Gas Industry Group (EIGA) guideline [1]. The EIGA safety distance
procedure has been applied to a hydrogen refuelling station (Figure 1) designed by HySafe
participants, to avoiding confidentiality issues. The results and recommendations are
obtained from comparison and discussion of the results. The work was done by the Risk
Assessment work package in the EU 6th FP HySafe NoE (HySafe).
Safety distances are determined using different methodologies. An example is the concept of
consequence lengths that determines the impacts of releases and fires up to a certain harm
criteria, which represents a deterministic approach. Another approach is being used in QRA
where the safety distance is determined using the Individual risk (IR) and/or societal risk
criteria (SRC). For determination the frequency of each failure is multiplied with the
probability of a certain consequence depending on the distance to the incident location. All
238 Proceedings WHEC2010

products are summed to give the overall individual risk as a function of distance, that is the
risk to an unprotected person placed permanently a certain distance from the accident
source. The SRC is basically the same approach, but is also regarding the population density
around the object of concern.
The EIGA methodology is comparable to the described for QRA. The main difference is the
initial exclusion of incidents of very low frequency. The EIGA guideline uses a per incident
acceptance threshold criterion of Ft < 3.5 x 10-5 per annum; for each potential hazardous
event the frequency shall not exceed 3.5 x 10-5 per annum. For events with a higher
frequency, safety distances must be established. This means that for each event the
tolerance criterion applied in the EIGA guideline is
ƒ 3.5 x 10-8 fatalities per annum
ƒ 3.5 x 10-7 cases of considerable material damage per annum
The European guideline for risk based safety distances for land use planning [5] suggests an
acceptance criterion for individual risk of 10-5, with an ALARA (As Low As Reasonably
Achievable) region between 10-6 and 10-5. The IEA HIA Task 19 Hydrogen Safety has
suggested similar criteria for hydrogen infrastructure [6]: Individual risk < 10-5, with an ALARA
region between 10-7 and 10-5.
In comparison, the EIGA guideline criterion appears to be more strict, but as the contribution
from major accidents with a frequency less than 3.5 x 10-5 is not included, the criterion can
be said to be line with generally accepted levels for tolerable risk.
”Harm" and "no harm" criteria for fire and explosions proposed for calculations of safety
distances in the guideline are given in the table below.

Table 1: Criteria for fire and explosions.

Hazard target “no harm” criterion “harm” criterion

events likely during lifetime events not likely during lifetime
Fire people 1.6 kW/m2 9.5 kW/m2 (sustained fire)
Fire equipment 37.5 kW/m2
flash fire ½ LFL LFL
explosion people 2 kPa 7 kPa
explosion equipment 20 kPa

The “no harm” criteria are rather strict: The radiation criterion (1.6 kW/m2) which is
comparable to solar radiation on a bright day and is the level defined as acceptable
maximum for continuous exposure (from a flare) in API 521 [7]. The explosion criterion is far
below what is reported as harmful for humans, except for secondary effects from broken
glass. In this study the criteria are applied as recommend though.
Proceedings WHEC2010 239

Figure 1: Hydrogen refuelling station evaluated.

In total more than 50 hazards were identified. For most of these risk reducing measures are
already recommended practice: E.g. for ventilation failure for the hydrogen compressor
building: The control system will shut down the container (compressor and all electrical
equipment inside the container) in case of ventilation failure (or failure of air flow confirmation
signal). In addition, the safety system will give an alarm if hydrogen is detected at 10 % of
flammable level shut down the container at 25 %. The frequency of a ventilation failure
causing a potentially harmful effect was thus evaluated as well below 3.5 x 10-5.
Safety distances were done for the scenarios listed:
Scenario 1A: Small leak in outside storage bank valves. Leak, and if ignited, exposure of
storage bottles. A total content of 50 kg (5 tanks 10 kg each) of hydrogen means this could
lead to a fire of very long duration. The leak is modelled in PHAST [8] as a 0.5 mm hole size,
which will give a leak of 4.4 g/s and a jet fire length of 1.3 meters. The modelled range of
radiation above 1.6 kW/m2 (no harm) is similar to the range of the jet. Within the jet flame
envelope the temperature will be sufficient to cause damage to exposed equipment as well
as harm to people.
Scenario 1B: Escalation of 1A by tension cracks and possibly rupture of exposed bottle(s).
Release of content of one storage bank and immediate ignition of release. Atex (zone 2)
classification of equipment will reduce (but not eliminate) ignition probability. This event
(rupture of exposed bottle) is evaluated as not likely to occur during the lifetime of the project,
240 Proceedings WHEC2010

and the safety distance is thus calculated for “harm” criteria: radiation of 9.5 kW/m3 for
people and 37.5 kW/m3 for equipment.
Each storage bank consisting of 5 10 kg bottles connected with 8 mm pipes. Modelling the
release in PHAST [8] gives a leak rate of 1 kg/s and a maximum jet fire length of 15 meters,
which also is the range of radiation levels above 37.5 kW/m3. Radiation above 9.5 kW/m3 has
a range of 20 meters.
Preventing scenario 1A from escalating into scenario 1B cannot be achieved by increasing
the distance. One will thus either have to implement measures to reduce the frequency of
scenario 1B below the Ft or base the safety distancing on scenario 1B.
Scenario 2: GH2 leakage, most likely caused by vehicle drive away. Safeguards: Flow
restriction in filling line, limiting the flow to 6 grams per second and EXV valve (flow actuated
normally open shut off valve) close to dispenser. Modelling the release in PHAST gives a jet
fire length of 1.5 meters for an ignited leak and the estimated maximum extent of a flash fire
(distance to ½ LEL) of 5 meters. The EXV will limit the duration of the leak and the probability
of a delayed ignition and a flash fire. For a jet fire the “no harm” safety distance should thus
be set to 1.5 meters. For the less likely event of a flash fire the “harm” criterion may be
applied – which gives a distance of 3 meters.
Scenario 3: Refuelling started with (undetected) minor leak. Pressure drop too small for EXV
valve to close (assumed leak rate of 10 % of maximum filling rate). Flow restriction will work.
Modelling the release in PHAST gives a jet fire length of 0.5 meters for an ignited leak and
an estimated maximum extent of a flash fire of 2 meters.
Scenario 4: GH2 leak inside compressor enclosure. Small quantity of hydrogen within
process equipment. Release rate will decay immediately after detection and shutdown.
Safeguards: Gas detection, alarm, automatic shut down if 0.25 LEL or ventilation failure.
Relief panels opening at 0.1 bar overpressure. Frequency for an overpressure exceeding 0.1
bar is less than 3.5 x 10-5. Utilising the Multi Energy Method [9] this gives a resulting
overpressure below 7 kPa (harm criterion) at 6 meters distance.
The distances are compared to recommended distances from the HyApproval [10] project in
the table below.

Table 2: Comparison of safety distance with HyApproval distance.

Case Frequency Effect Criterion Safety distance HyApproval distance

1A Likely jet fire no harm 1.3 m
1B < proj. life jet fire harm 20 m (people) “L2 large jet”
15 m (material) 21 m
2 likely jet fire no harm 1.5 m -
2 unlikely flash fire harm 3m 6m
3 likely jet fire no harm 0.5 m -
3 likely flash fire no harm 2m -
4 unlikely Explosion harm 6m 6m
Proceedings WHEC2010 241

The seen variations in calculated distances are related to different hole size and to different
operational pressures.
Comparing the distances to separation distances or “setback” distances in different fire
codes is done in the table below.

Table 3: Comparison of the distances to separation distances.

Case Safety distance ISO/TS 20100 [4] International Fire NFPA 55 [2]
V>10 000 l Code[3](V<120m )

1A 1.3 m 4 m to sidewalk 1.5 m 0 m (workers)

1B 20 m (people) 8 m to public area 1.5 m 4.6 m (public/cust.)
15 m (material) 6 m (combustible) 3 m (equipment)

P<=45 MPa
2 3m 3m (sidewalk) 0 0
4m (public area)
3 2m 3m (sidewalk) 0 0
4m (public area)
4 6m 3m (sidewalk) 0 0
4m (public area)

All the codes reviewed recommends distances for storage of hydrogen. ISO TS 20100 [4]
also give recommendations for filling, but the options for taking safeguards into account is
limited; this is demonstrated clearly by Case 1A/1B.
The determination of frequencies and the modelling of the resulting consequences involve a
degree of uncertainty that will influence the resulting safety distances. This has been
addressed in the ASSURANCE project [11]. E. g. for an ammonia plant the predicted radius
at IR = 10-6 per year ranged from 820 to 1325 m. It was found that the determination of
frequencies was considerable more uncertain than the results of the modelled
consequences. In practice and especially for the new hydrogen economy it is difficult to find
specific reliability data. For the determination of reasonable safety distances (in standard
development as well as in installation specific calculations) it is very important to
continuously collect and file appropriate safety data and to make commonly agreed data
available for the stakeholders.
One conclusion from this study and the comparison is that safety distance calculations
specific to the solutions chosen for an installation is worth the effort as general
recommendations can not reflect all possible variations in technical solutions. The EIGA
method also has a potential for standardised recommendations for a specific station design:
Comparing the “HyApproval station” to this station, the variation in safety distances is related
to differences in pipe diameters, operational pressure and assumed safety equipment. It
would however be recommendable to do a thorough review of the harm criteria and bring
them more in line with recent research and accident experience.
242 Proceedings WHEC2010

[1] European Industrial Gases Association: Determination of Safety Distances. IGC Doc
75/07/E, 2007
[2] NFPA 55. Standard for the storage, use, and handling of compressed gases, and
cryogenic fluids in portable and stationary containers, cylinders, and tanks. National
Fire Protection Association, 2010
[3] 2003 International Fire Code. International Code Council
[4] ISO TS 20100, Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations, 2008
[5] Christou&Porter, Guidance on land use planning as required by council directive
96/82/EC1999, Institute for systems informatics and safety 1999
[6] Tchouvelev et al, IEA HIA Task 19 Hydrogen Safety Effort In Developing Uniform Risk
Acceptance Criteria For The Hydrogen Infrastructure, NHA 2008
[7] API Standard 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, 5th Ed., American
Petroleum Institute, 2007
[8] PHAST 6.54, Material reference data: DIPPR 2000, © 1999-2007 Det Norske Veritas
[9] TNO Yellow book Methods for the Calculation of Physical Effects, Netherlands
Committee for the Prevention of Disasters – CPR 14E, 3rd Ed 1997/online 2005
[10] HyApproval, AirLiquide, Handbook for Hydrogen Refuelling Station Approval Version:
2.1,June 4, 2008
[11] Lauridsen, Kozine, Markert, Amendola, Christou, Fiori; The ASSURANCE project, Final
summary report, page 37 Risø-R-1344(EN), ISBN 87-550-3063-7

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