CE-5 UK Protocols - Read Me First
CE-5 UK Protocols - Read Me First
CE-5 UK Protocols - Read Me First
Event Notes
We are a proactive group set up to make meaningful contact with extra-terrestrial
beings, to help us secure a promising and peaceful future for the whole of humanity.
We are part of the global ETLetstalk, our group is based in the United Kingdom.
To be able to achieve the above, we are aware that a logistical and systematic
approach needs to be pursued, where every effort is made to ensure the best
success possible, using as much knowledge, practical and spiritual abilities to
facilitate this.
Having said that, all our events are planned to be fun, informative and enjoyable.
There is a strong emphasis on positive and respectful inclusion, knowing we all have
something to bring to the group.
When planning our events, we are aware of the restraints of others so we try and
keep costs to a minimum, we do not charge but any donations of time, effort or
money are greatly received and we will put them to good use. We also will try and
move locations of our events to help others attend, however, we try and have our
events in suitable sites i.e. on ley line convergence points.
Our events mainly, take part in the open and last about five hours so preparation is
important. In addition, thorough ground work will ensure the best possible results.
Below are some thoughts on how to get yourself ready for the event:
2. Build Confidence
If your intention is to attend to prove that it will not work or find fault etc. we
respectfully request that you do not waste your time and please do not bring anyone
who has these types of intentions. The whole event can be wasted by even the
slightest negative motive. For yourself try and clear your mind of fear, doubt, hate,
jealousy, anger, mistrust, or any other negative emotion.
See these invites as personal invitations to our terrestrial friends, as per normal
invites, they should include: the purpose, location, date and time. We will be sent
out, about two weeks before an event, a suggested mantra/simple recital so you can
recite these during your meditation or relaxation sessions prior to the event. Once
you start sending out your telepathic invites it is a good idea to keep notes or a diary
of unusual happenings, these can manifest themselves as vivid dreams, visions or
just thoughts that cause you to ask “how did I know that?” Bring these to the event
and you may want to email them to a good friend or yourself, if any of your
happenings are predictions of happenings at the event you will have proof that you
had these prior to the event.
Be very clear, you and the group will not tolerate negativity, in any way! As part of
the invite state without hesitation or reservation, any form of negativity will not only
be ignored but actively rejected. Our ethos includes the thought that no contact is
better than contact that has any negative intent. You will be amazed how much this
will protect us from any type of invalid desire.
7. Regular Invites
We suggest for the best results, the week prior to the event, each night, before you
go to sleep, go into a relaxed state (notes are available, how to achieve this or
guidance is always given at the events) and send out the invitation, be sure to wrap
up your invite in love, respect and the intention for the event to be fun for us and
them, we think of it as inviting them to a party……
ETLetsTalk is our parent group, each month they issue a paragraph for suggested
emphasis for that event taking part around world on the same evening, we will
include this as part of our suggested invite. Here is a link to ETLetsTalk you will find
their protocols on their site and in this pack, they are very similar to ours.
Messages will come in from all types of directions, you will be amazed. Listen to
music to find tracks that use lyrics etc and look at art that may convey a message
from our friends. The more you open your mind and soul the more you will realise
the many messages being sent. If you go to your music device and there is a
different play list than you left it, then play the new play list, be sure there will be a
message in there. If you can bring the music or photographs of these to the event, a
smartphone would be great for this.
Don’t forget to keep a diary of any things that happen during the time you are
sending out invites and make sure you bring them to the event. Your message might
be the key part of the jigsaw that completes the picture for the group.
It may sound a bit pretentious but unconditional love is the basis of our friends’
existence and ethos, something most of us humans have yet to learn. It really is the
magic password, not to just say it but to make it the fundamental element to our lives
and defiantly, terrestrial contact.
Each event will be in a relaxed atmosphere and all sessions will be flexible, although
we do keep to the time for the welcome event (where we invite the ET's to appear) to
ensure the time we have put out in our telepathic invites is adhered to.
None of the sessions need any special skills or talents, in addition, no one will judge
or put down others. You will be surprised on how easy they are and success is very
common but not guaranteed. The important part is to enter the spirit of the event and
come with love and respect.
There will also be plenty of opportunities for breaks and social interaction.
1. Introductions 10 mins
To start things of we take a few minutes to learn a little bit about each other
What is meant by having an ethos of love and respect to each other and our
terrestrial friends, not forgetting the local community?
A relatively short discussion on the goals and objectives of the group and the
session, based on CE-5 protocol
A chance for group members to identify any strengths, talents or ideas they may
be able to bring to the group
This is a practical session exploring the best way for us to reach a state of
heightened relaxation, a must for initial telepathic focus and development.
Meditation and hypnosis are some of the technics that are available to be used
We have already made clear that love is an essential component to contact with
our universal friends. In this session we spend a short time on how to manifest
and recognise it
The following session (Part 3) relies on being able to recognise messages coming
in on a telepathic level. In this section we give an introduction in how we visualise
and perceive information
All the sections in this part of the event are practical exercises designed to
introduce all levels to telepathic tools. The first of these, is a session where we
guide participants through remote viewing and influencing. These are a great
stepping stone to ET contact
Thought projection is what we use to invite our friends to join us, we will explore
the use of music, song/mantra, visualisation and other tools/technics to help us
achieve the best possible results
All our sites are located where at least three ley lines converge, it is important,
therefore, that we have an idea how to locate these so that we can fully tap into
the energy that they hold and we believe that it also makes our site easier to
locate for our visitors
Music is a fantastic medium to project and connect one’s emotions so what better
way to send out our invites and intensions. In this session we can play music that
the group have brought along that they feel relates to ET contact on their devices
or send ideas before the event so a play list can be set up. In addition, some
instruments will be available to create our own music, even if it’s a simple strum to
an out of tune group hum or mantra. Feel free to bring your own acoustic
Don’t worry if you are not musical we are not looking to be amazing musicians,
real campfire level is our aim. Our friends will not be interested in the quality, it’s
the message that is important.
This session is about having some creative fun, we try and create a song out of
some of the protocol from ETLetsTalk. We believe having songs for the five points
of the protocol is a great way to remember and make them part of our contact
This hour is the key part of the event, where, having done the physical and
spiritual preparation we position ourselves in the best possible location and
direction, then we project a giant orb of love in front of us, this will act as our
beacon to our visitors to hon in on.
In the earlier part 1 we would have discussed what type of contact to expect and
know within us what we are going to be happy with. For those not happy with what
the next stage could manifest, anyone is free to go and sit in the car or go to a
local 24 petrol station.
Our visitors have no intention of scaring us so if they feel there are some present
that would not feel comfortable to take it to the next level they will not make that
Just so you know, between three and five in the morning has been proven to be
the most telepathic time and there is more of a chance of less external activity at
that time so we apologise to those who are not night owls in advance.
Closing the contact down we go through a ritual, whether there has been physical
contact or not, of sending out our love, thanks appreciation and peaceful intention
to the universe, particularly those that took part, at any level. It is quite common
for some visitors to be there without manifesting, it is their way of testing the water
to see if we are ready for future contact and have the right intentions.
At this point we discuss what our hopes and aspirations are for future events, we
do it at this stage so that the extra-terrestrials can have an input, also those
attending by this time are switched on telepathically so what better time to search
for ideas.
This session may be done prior to the “Thank You” session, if we feel the situation
will benefit.
Although at this stage most will want to head home, we do ask that you stay just a
little longer to review the event, look at what happened, the evidence, who and how
we report the events. In addition, this is a chance for those to raise any points they
were not happy with or feel could be done better, we remind everyone this is a group
project so its success is down to all of us.
Folding chair
Camp Light
Drinking Water
Warm food
A smartphone, along with any other electronic devices, may help with some of the
events but at some stage they may be required to distance one’s self from them to
aid telepathy etc. Can also be used as a recording device
Etletstalk Protocol
They will only communicate when it is safe for them and you.
1. Do this ET Contact anytime, anywhere that is convenient, comfortable and safe for you.
2. Choose the place and the people you believe are compatible, respectful, and enthusiastic
about this coordinated effort. As “vibrational beings”, fear or other strong emotions can affect
your results*
If you have an attitude of fear, deep scepticism, hostility, close-mindedness … chances are
good you will fail at making contact.
4. Imagine a sphere of love at the centre of your circle with each of your hearts connected to
Project this column of love energy high up into the sky as a brilliant vibrant beacon to our
Star Friends.
5. When you go into meditation, in your imagination link up heart-to-heart with all of the
other Global ET Contact groups who are joining in all over the planet.
Then with love also include our Star Friends as you invite them and guide them to your
You can guide them to your location by projecting your consciousness out to them and
visualizing how to travel from the location of our sun in our solar system to our Earth.
As you approach it in your imagination, zoom in closer and closer to your specific location
on the surface.
6. Mentally and with your heart, ASK our ET friends what you and we can do in cooperation
with them to bring about a healing for our planet Earth.
Invite them to take more of a part in our Human affairs, recognizing that it is nonetheless
Humanity’s responsibility to solve its problems.
It may be a sighting of a Star Craft, a lucid dream, a telepathic message, a touch on the
shoulder or knee, weird electrical phenomenon with communication devices or lights, and so
much more.
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