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Grade 8 Bow

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Most Essential No. of

Quarter Learning Competencies
Learning Days
Competencies Taught
Quarter MUSIC
1 listens perceptively to music of Southeast Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
2 instrumental pieces heard and performed 1
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
3 that would simulate instruments being studied; 1
improvises simple accompaniment to selected Southeast Asian
4 music; 1
performs music from Southeast Asia with own
5 accompaniment: 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
6 2
applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of arts
1 and crafts inspired by the cultures of Southeast Asia. 1
Identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in Southeast Asia:
● Indonesia (batik, Wayang puppetry);
● Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made
2 from pewter); 1
● Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi Kratong Lantern
● Cambodia (AngkorWat and ancient temples);
● Singapore (Merlion), etc.

reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from

3 selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
4 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of Southeast Asian
5 artifacts and objects in one’s creation 1
traces the external(foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences
6 that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making 1
of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials,
7 guided by local traditional techniques(e.g.,batik, 1
silk weaving, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/ history of a community for
8 one’s artwork 1
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific
countries in Southeast Asia, according to functionality,
traditional specialized expertise and availability of resources
(e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry and basketry)
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of the
10 Southeast Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture
1 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
2 sets goals based on assessment results 1
conducts physical activity and physical fitness assessments
3 of family/school peers 1
4 prepares a physical activity program 1
5 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
6 executes the skills involved in the sport 4
discusses basic terms in sexuality as an important
1 component of one’s personality 1
2 explains the dimensions of human sexuality
analyzes the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices
3 related to sexuality and sexual behaviors 1
assesses personal health attitudes that may influence sexual
4 behaviour 1
Most Essential No. of
Quarter Learning Competencies
Learning Days
Competencies Taught
5 relates the importance of sexuality to family health 1
identifies the different issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e.,
6 identity crisis) and the need for support and understanding 3
of the family
applies decision-making skills in managing sexuality-related
7 issues 1
Quarter MUSIC
7 listens perceptively to music of East Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
8 instrumental pieces heard and performed; 1
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that
9 would simulate instruments being studied; 1
improvises simple accompaniment to selected East Asian
10 music; 1
11 performs music from East Asia with own accompaniment; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
12 applying knowledge of musical elements and style. 2
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of arts
11 and crafts inspired by the cultures of East Asia 1
identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries
in East Asia:
China (Chinese painting and calligraphy);
12 Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater masks, 1
face painting, and anime and manga); and
Korea (theater masks, drums, and K-pop)
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
13 selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
14 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles

incorporates the design, form, and spirit of East Asian

15 artifacts and objects to one’s creation 1
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences
16 that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making 1
of a craft
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
17 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., 1
Gong-bi, Ikat, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s
18 artwork 1
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific
countries in East Asia according to functionality, traditional
19 specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g.,
pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry) 1
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of
20 the East Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture
conducts physical activity and physical fitness assessments
7 of family/school peers 1
8 prepares a physical activity program 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
9 executes the skills involved in the sport 5
explains the definition and importance of courtship and
8 dating in choosing a lifelong partner
analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in
9 marriage and family life
describes the factors that contribute to a successful
10 marriage 1
discusses pregnancy-related concerns 1
discusses various maternal health concerns (pre-during-post
11 pregnancy) 1
Most Essential No. of
Quarter Learning Competencies
Learning Days
Competencies Taught
explains the importance of maternal nutrition during
1 pregnancy
2 1
discusses the importance of newborn screening, and the
1 APGAR scoring system for newborns
explains the importance of prenatal care and post-natal
1 care
discusses the essential newborn protocol (Unang Yakap) and
advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and child 1
recognizes the importance of immunization in protecting
1 children’s health
1 analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood
explains the effects of rapid population growth on the health of
1 the nation
examines the important roles and responsibilities of parents in
1 child rearing and care
9 1
enumerates modern family planning methods (natural and
2 artificial)
Quarter MUSIC
listens perceptively to music of South Asia and the Middle East;
1 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
1 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
1 that would simulate instruments being studied; 1
improvises simple accompaniment to selected South Asia and
1 the Middle East music; 1
performs music from South Asia and Middle East with own
1 accompaniment; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
1 applying knowledge of musical elements and style. 2
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
2 arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of South Asia, West
Asia, and Central Asia 1
Identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in South, West, and Central Asia: India (rangoli,
2 1
katak, mendhi, diwali); Saudi Arabia (carpet design);
2 Pakistan (truck art); and Tibet (mandala), etc
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
2 selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
2 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of South, West, and
2 Central Asian artifacts and objects to one’s creation 1
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences
2 that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making 1
6 of a craft
creates arts and crafts that can be locally assembled with
2 local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g.,
7 Ghonghdis, Marbling Technique, etc.) 1
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s
2 artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific
countries in South Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia,
according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise,
9 and availability of resources 1
shows the commonalities and differences of the cultures of
3 the South Asian, West Asian, and Central Asian countries in
0 relation to Philippine culture
participates in an exhibit using completed South-West- Central
3 Asian-inspired crafts in an organized Manner 1
Most Essential No. of
Quarter Learning Competencies
Learning Days
Competencies Taught
1 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
1 executes the skills involved in the sport 6
2 discusses the stages of infection
analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the
2 Philippines
discusses the most common communicable diseases
● Signs and symptoms of common communicable
● effects of common communicable diseases
2 ● misconceptions, myths, and beliefs about common 2
3 communicable diseases
● prevention and control of common communicable
2 analyzes the nature of emerging and re-emerging diseases 2
demonstrates self- monitoring skills to
2 prevent communicable diseases 1
promotes programs and policies to prevent and control
2 communicable diseases 1
identifies agencies responsible for communicable disease
2 1
prevention and control
Quarter MUSIC
identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical
1 theater through video films or live performances 1
describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang
2 Kulit, Peking Opera; 1
describes how a specific idea or story is communicated
2 through music in a particular Asian musical theater; 1
improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements,
2 props and costume for performance of a chosen Asian 1
2 traditional musical and theatrical form;
2 performs selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
2 applying knowledge of musical elements and style. 2
identifies selected festivals and theatrical forms celebrated all
3 over the Asian region 1
researches on the history of the festival and theatrical forms
3 and its evolution, and describe how the community 1
3 participates and contributes to the event
identifies the elements and principles of arts as manifested in
3 Asian festivals and theatrical forms 1
through a visual presentation, explains what make each of
3 the Asian Festivals and Theatrical forms unique 1
designs the visual elements and components of the selected
3 festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, 1
6 etc.
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of
3 their selected festival or theatrical form
shows the relationship of the selected Asian festival and the 1
3 festival in the Philippines in terms of form and reason for
8 holding the celebration
choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting the
3 mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of Asia 1
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the
4 selected festival/ theatrical form of Asia
0 1
performs in a group showcase of the selected festival/
4 theatrical form
1 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
1 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
Most Essential No. of
Quarte Learning Competencies
Learning Days
Competencies Taught
1 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
2 discusses gateway drugs 1
analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking
a. describes the harmful short-and long-term effects of
cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body
2 b. discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand 2
9 and third hand smoke.
c. explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the
family, environment, and community
analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol
● describes the harmful short- and long-term effects
of drinking alcohol
3 ● interprets blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in 2
0 terms of physiological changes in the body
● explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the
family and community
discusses strategies in the prevention and control of
cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages
● apply resistance skills in situations related to
3 cigarette and alcohol use 2
1 ● follows policies and laws in the family, school and
community related to cigarette and alcohol use
suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to
3 promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community) 1

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